HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-22, Page 5,*r • 1-. Kars, Sept.. 1st, 1883. - Wm. Churchill & Co,,Gentlt, lhavo l.,eery troubled with- Catarrh; for be Iiist two. yeah: Your Fountain- of .health was recollarieaded _ to mi by Mr 'Lindsay of this place, After -01.sit,tg.oue and half 'bottles all so'lp- ttlizv ut Qatiarrh have disappeared, aid yqny heal h is so much` improved_that I tnve.gain"ed several pounds in flesh. 1 am:Smits truly, • Wu: LATIMER. . Dear. Sir,- _4 have _:been a • suffer ° front 4-1 ostittertess Sitk Headache, anti Loss f Appetite for . many years, felt alw$.v.� ired, so' that; my life wry a. •ntril am all .seemed dark to me _ 1 fiat%ad .i edi sal attendance,and have 4 rre ', most ail � t�headhertised retina m kt ilii t w ithauret`fect. ' A nuinber of . iny: neighbors who had used 7 your. Poantai a of Health,; urged me is give i.t a trial, three it -potties of which made nae, feel like'a new women. • MRss. PALL, 57t, King stet,. Toronto. ckleN's'Ariileat Salves the best save in.: the worldfor Matta bruises, sores, fetter,- chapped hands ni � ii1']3 ?ersi .cos d all skin eruptions` - end poem vely urea Tiles, or no ply. Tecimiati. It : is guaranteed to give O tt s?. sfaction, or money, refund-- Price efund--ice cents per boa:: For sale ity C W. Bey, druggist, Luckriww. Ittiwirsoaunirici out ofsortss' '" n` " ted d Are yott�Ilious, a11s�. � xn de SSI£ .by thethought -of ocid-?' - Is there a dull, drag... ng P in Your right ai Ide OW booms sddenlyy get Vire IwithOui tiny parent se - Are the whttes o _ .your eyes tinged with y�el"lois. ' s. r skin wan, clammy and cr-colored? DoesYour 'mouth ; taste badly in the. morning ?' Are you costive? no you.. have itching Fpiles:? Are; your bowels irregular? Are boa dizz dnd- d r -sight- ed at times ? Areyoii'gloomy end - despon-dent? s your. _ = urine : highly' • coloredAre you nervous and • ful_l, of bad - feelings :parts. of yegai ve+ . so, die acbiisea 'bei • -.our" cast gots more serious before you are seized bysome foc}u of low: fever. or 'become *otherwise hopelessly sick. .Take SpLPHVR, AND Ino 'UTTERS. The ' trouble with youis that your liver is out of order and . ' _ iaraediately. SULPHUR *D-. 'REIN Rtrr :, wilt help_ youA its nothing' else, in the shape. . of medicatui can. • Regulates,•nmilatcd-, and: ade_to.do its•properWork min a proper rnsnner by SULPHUR .AIS! IRON' BITTERS the Liver will resume.itst`v natural= unc-: �.: tions, ane nli _t o move symp' • tcan w .disappear rind .. . forgotten: But not neglect. theist Use the . seamy * once -$4d rn►erjrrherc, prim ,So COIW .�: Togs AL . BFy G. W. AE Y,LUCKNQ • - P . waswitRf11• �8lY � _ bscriper hero notifielt the pu c m general that he is prepared to ezt;cutnall wort in4tis: line in' li su-perior ale., z • y $urea or ALL contractedlor and fine hes in the latest manner and with great satisfaction.. I keeps o #rand •e, €large" stock of f: season ed lumber. All kinds of DOORS, SASH AND. 1 Nle `On hand or trade to • order - : short 'notice: I. guarantee good waor k as 1. keep none• but the best. of workmen and materials JOI4 V. STEIA ART Lucknow, March 22nd, 1882. Vegetable Sicili was the Brat preparation perfectly adapted i cure • diseases of the scalp,and the Stet successful re- Storer otZdded,or gray hair to 3ts. uattiiiii color, krowvtlb ,and youthful beauty. It hashId.many imitetol s, bntnone have so fu11,4 met ail' the re- quirenients. needful for theproper treatment of the hair and smelt,. HALL'S Irma 13,0x . EB has eteadil&► grown in faliror, and sapr etad,its f me and: usefulness to eve* quarter of the glotte.1. Its uv- :. paralleled eucceass can be attributed to but One e_ j use: the entire fuOlment: of its prEm feels.. j - The priolirietors have often been surprised at the `t�+eceipt of orders from remote- countiries, where they.had never mads aneffort-for its introduction; The nae for O. short.time of HALL'S:_ H kik _ ItaxEvran wonderfully improves the 'iiersoh rltppearance. J t cleanses the scalp Ilion} :all stn - putties, cures all hokum*, fever ,and =g�dryness, and thus prevents` "b idneas.- It stimulates die. ' iaa 'weakened glands, sd. enablesthem.to gush fOr- void a new and vigorous growth.. Thelefectsr f tide trticle Me not transient, like those' of alco hobs preparations, but l'emain'a long Unit', which lnakces: is use i matter of economy. - . 33U G1SJ DYE f roc r " WitISKERS Will clings -fhb btaid to. a nntut aj rewn, Or black, ue desired. It produces apermanent: color that will not wash `away.- Consisting of a single preparation,; it is applied without-troubiee. • PREPABED BY R. P. L & CO.,Nashua, N.H. Nashua, Said by sliDealere in. Medicinal. FOR ALL I+'+- POMO/ Screthloui, -ramal.ada Blood Bleord+ 's, • eest.)pemned : beeau:m[0e start i hi and thorough - ;Wass ee0. Saisapari1la . Sold by ail *vests i..$1 sir bottles,. , ' All partiesdebted to .vile undersigned a requested to call and sett ::}their accounts. gat pace hose =parts; the promis= settle. their gccolwlts wi h wood W i please. bring riti •I wiih to inforia 1ih� srrounding �ca onei ROSS, Harn%ss Maker. a s, etc .�i RACES F Eri WILL enow.TOU WBAT £T. COST ' I respectfully reguest havit notes . or : accoti b�okstocalI and settlet� oath. f • item of Ludknow and r. that I hare Ia R (. Greenwi13' Id Stand. I will keep •• on ha kt all Mites l MEAT. . r MeatD � elivered a1.1 Parts . of the Village, an Irhortest Notice. Givte mes call _LINDSAY. Lusknow, Sept. • I *PAA EWL*D. o We will pay the nvereward foraw cacao sfLCoaavlatny s a ria. . Sick- Hoak ehe. Indigestion, ,pation itrCoativeneas We eannot•eire witests Vegetable laver 'Pilis,4 when the d ' one are Strictly oomplied iith:L` They are p ` y V eget ab le and n ever :fad to give aa fac 8p.,$uzvnCoa.. Large :1te.tes,containingSi tlla25 canto, For sale ya 1 draggiets. are of: enunterfeit s and I neitatione. 'I'he c;e- .ire':wan ifcetured nilly hi JOHN (..WE ;& Coo., its and 83=Ring St. Esaat, Torun o. ¢# .• W. Berry,.. druggist, iu e]naw.?' ..r .7 • Having added largely . to hat ailnacy kaki:4.6.0e stock • re to furs h everything required by 1 p z: 4A . O, ow` s�wal'�, YM-ISIIE$. AND ALL KINDS Of HARD Also guttering in Tui ;Zinc, or Galvanised Iron, Cistern Pa in Tuor�G}1vanis Iron, Water Lime.for Cisterns,' and requiredin the - uilding Line 1.furnish at my store at Bo y} yrs, Ea,Vettottgbiit f :,4ct every_ artieks Prices: fly• Pasties in to build this season will find ° it to therf e Ddvantage to call *ad seesee.m%r/littoek before purchasing...their supplies. 1N TINWARE = . . e and. w:ellasso ::,testock which' I w I+�e-�. ususcl•a large #ad . � .1” the Vheipest.. - Eaveti ug•hin a Specialty ! = Eepeiring and despatch -1 ;.. t In Stoves. 1 havi.4 large assortment of BOOT aiSii1010111-T - And our Itock o • vhich we willdispose of etas low prices as is consistent with:fair dealing en sato enablee as to -pay .S efante 01the,dollar We invite yott--to try our. More mistakes try "Mir geode: and lam' and .Teu `lsll be. =los el►isaccil tiles: there it ariadeia in. tao� ssra� kt is y ereB . to please ' the a brat. we �Iva to pocket aloo. .personal ersaar' OarElKgaao a. ]Vi} E, ic; ,'s :ave AitD tiBefsR"'1'a$T itis<li.t >, ���{+brans specific _Ise Hya�s. 'Dir t ie tecIrs vnl : , Fits, Nervone . Near-- II " , 14 rvons tr roetratioo,camaed by the=use/of ail it ?or tobacco Wail efulness M " tal,Detweesio I fte of the r k rata. _re ting in-Insan d and Ing .to'm'es i;; +ester ave desitb, -Omits!". old age, Barren ass', Lou of Poiwerlti either sex, Inv'luntair Loaves and Spetent t haaa, t :hy over. e e3arstton •' il ` of the self-abuse or even lig - H �� i ]'ewe._ ; Oahe is eur`e recent cued dick box. caatatono siontb's ' triablesa.� bn eiollar's=bole 014* LOWS fir five dollsit_„, reel( by mail prep lark sulk receipts!' prices WI wee nttz s to sure wry case. With sash order fee e1e h use`for.. Ida bc►srs -arc- iissaded nett� do13arr, *e will ,tlte, move' e' tin On a to redMad=tee: Modell If the treat y br Jroot Sited a.tualA _u will oensinllt cen_iiia#* ail, sides and meatcareful , that Inkare AT Lt! rlor° and dell as Cheap e -witho neatness toves, Which will be d at % ov:*Prices: Having had a long e gience in this line of bete tesss I tic I •can' supply the wa h s. of • the public y thout fear of op= Small -profits and , io returas Willy -motto po>tttssaiqn�..6- While returnn'yigin sincere ,ha to- the public for their, Tiberal :Patronage. thipascI hope' kr 44 ,cortin iauce t f tho $ame in fu urs • S. L OLit KNOW 0I BY--= UKtil. CURR'OR. RELi . twrzZ,RE84 MOW, Alsotroy IAPB :: OF wE fi r O O s, OF 711E-8Kil4 rmishit foam .d OTOM��``�YY "C• f c' DYSPEP►' INDIBE -, 'JAUNDICE ERXSIPEL - sniff' RIIE /N 1IEARTBUP READACH4 • Ana every d • RI I SO, P° rite ,tel d L+istpbell Lis w • O e • i tea... t. Real Estate, at ',oaabJe son &nue of pa eat ho_. s ,were !LiaT T -AVER O ICE-- pxt t4` P st.rLce INDLATE-fr —14441,14: KZNP$ 43-- . WATCH'S, r£f' -01tUaltrA41)y • - i •eft 713EWE1 Y.. iispairindonPtIs • .L • 1 to • i sof ; .toe t0 him- Pr. it. •1 • SOW is stsak th! Is igestand ilest 41444bY of 1 NAVY- NUNS liver ibown'iin 3vtcknow. Spinal Inds ` 1,.� w: 1 4100 0.20 eta lis.tosiketfr, Y‘ atehels. _ stc.:,is sow comp- is uldifisladan ell tree f: As rill tho abore aeticlos were pnrehaled frosa: {helmet,ma+lteitsis limed st tbe owest eND f rs+ae, I satprouiranti+. aacbssp •s • as say o rats€e is the ria de. - Piet :tatito cIlI trench st►y; -.tocitftios .. �a week K:4 r a . i Mani S. d•six cents fa sg�•e, and receive s lir boa of snore moneyngbt *it w r A11,of boar. Vabroad iaaworks's, itv sae eiase>f seg laitA rant 1014 0111 ; inMi or c ; • --••==1�� t 02 Qty`lfritsrfor •0 • a' • •