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The Sentinel, 1884-02-22, Page 4
• • • • o t� • • TI I seir901UTTSBANDT(iA t T Led ilD[Xti'to ra OIRat iieliproLitfg i PAISs ASTE 'ALab QTH.>£B. LI TIRO. Idad o , rob,, 22a y• 7-1E P.Q.B. . In his res utions now House: Sir ' John Macd' Parliament lend the Car Railway Syn icate $30,000, people's icon v, and the o ment is that ' he: road will in two years Instead of . s security. 'certainly cannot the Company would be abk. Money from p ivate capitali o: coming to tithe Governme No Member o€ the, Governs explained & ilt' what sc Company can possibly o Money to reply the loan, .a: :afeirepractically a gift, just .s I oan to the GrandTrinkilaili in, process of time. Does t approve of spending ho mu ;get the cad eoinpleted. in When the bargain with the was ratified—a—bargain {the pec le of they Dominion- million ominion+-million acres of the best 1; North-west and $2-5,000; besides 710 miles of complei valued 'at -$35, 000,000,Parl distinctly told through the More the d asks. • a Pacific O of the : induce finished; n. This good or getthe instead for it. t bias yet cls.. the in `the is there - a :former �ybecame country oney to years ndicate y: cost the enty five. ds in the in cash, railway F dent Was 1inister of Railways, that though the y' ..crifice to the -country was great, :it - as some source of satisfaction to k the ea- -tent of .the: outlay, as •.the ° °d Wonld= x. bat completed without the st 'of an • additional cent. But nova t ,.his .game r Minister : corns before 1= lrlia est -•making the humble acknowi dgement that his ,cailculations were as y -than r e inone.. has.been. all s .. b the . y . r . , Pei;., y Syndicate :. in colstrua,•tinzx nl,y the reh€apest:section of the road 2 d unless she w " hole:. _ ..concern i5 to=colla sae, a loan,: is it is bf� c Ie' aldw=w ant.. t millions and a -half more with wi nth threecai P�' nt on „the.. about $30,000,000, is art recesait :. Is. the farmers look at in this way.. 7, There 2OOmembors i thnfQuseo'f. .. 60,000,090 means . $10, -sof these '200 we bens.: •', Bruce sends three repress E Parr naris At . Suppose the � n. wed too: v9t* It4u010bOt, :ei tis a loan , .in aider Canada--Paci e: - ailwa 18$6. instead of 1891, wou laWs s -forthat purpose be the; people: g Would the Huron_eonsent .to a sinular- I, said that •as secit "loan," the Company VI. 41. Ames' of in all absblute 'Bruce re about pmm_ ons: or each tunty of ires - to t w--. er `aa �- :a the in. e by rod 3' and part ;of their lane .:- Qovern=ment ; but as the len • belong. to the Ftompa>ay up dition isfulfilled. . for which it fled by cern of igationi or this ivy, the to the Rtes not, he eon, given namely, the completion of th line -from the Atlantic to - the ` Paaei$e t reality ne'security- at: all,. pey at the task of c4m tan wifret F of on th s uldere otthe Go iinept. • Io t .4 'f tiiblic UBf:IC ` NOTICE. LL:.PARTIE$ .A tg HEREBY CAI/. tfoned agsurrstgiving credit' to my.wlfe without my{wi$ieu•-order, .as I'. will. not.Int- responsible for.; the same.. The public are alien nc ified against taking a.deec► . and will . made by -me as ;theywere otolen frit my premises by some unknown party.. . MU RDOCH MCQUEEN, LucknoW P. 0. 3iti; 826 SPE AL =1iEBT114.G. SPECIAL , MEETING OF. THE - - Marabou' of the West .: = Wawanosh -Muting Fire Insurance: Company- will beheld In the Court Room, Dungannon, on TUBS- DAY, the: 4th day_ of .MAROR, :2884,; at 2 o'clock, .to_et,,isiderr the advisability of moving the head offi__cce;of, the :Company 'frog the Township of Webt . Wawanosh, and to _deter - •mine where itshall be moved to. - A full at-: teudance . is requested,: By order . of the Direc tura ROGER! MURRAY, 3in=528 • Secretary, NOTICE TA, FARMERS. GRISTINGF" O i� ON SHORT NOTICS.. •1►iFR. R. McCARROLL, HAVING placed in his steam sawmillin : Luck - now a large c , ushing machine, is now prepar- ed to do all kinds of grain crushing. for cattle feed. 'Panties bringing their.,grists = to his mill can have it home with them the same day. f . • ` R.'11dcOARROL. Luckno* Feb 5th, 1884. • STORE AND DWELLINGTO LET HE SZ ORE AND iWELLING- Hotise,.now' occupied by Mr.- Charles Thom, `oa Cas:npbellStreet,oppositeMcHardy's Block, tolett ut 3a• moderate rental,.and " will be fitted tin to snit ' occupants. Per further particuiars aaply to ' MRS..A. MURRAY, Lucknow P. O. NMIM. QCREDITORS. In the. 1gh Court of Justice C atucer-y Division. RE PERCY_ . Ait�' /S PERGY. U ttS ' TO AN ORDER 0.0:111E .1 Chani ery Division of the - High Court of Juastice`niade lin the 'natter -of the estate of Thomas Percy' and in a cause -. Stewart: vs. Pero the: creditors of•Thornas 'Percy lite, of the Vil li ge of Lucknow. in the county Of - Bruce,. who! died in ' or abouts, the . month 01 'February-, 1882, are on• or, before the 17T11DAY OF MARCH, 1 . tosend by lost prepaid•to Elliot :Traver°, of the villages f"htucknow the.Solicitor for the laintiff, their Christi a n pp , - inn and surnames, ad-: dreises and eacriptions the .full particulars of their claims s statement of their aeeanntsand. the nature f the securities- if` anyheld by . theca, or in default thereof the wiil'- - r- ,y ,� ne emptorily excluded from the benefit_•of the said order. ' IE very creditor holding any . se Curity is to roduce,the same before inc at y chambers atiWaJlteitun::in the nineteenth day; of Merck -1884; � 78,8 I, at twelve o'clock iu ,the fine,- -noon, .being: the time appointed for "adjudica �tion'in he fine.- e- a t Dated at 1 try, 1884. •:. W Walkerton this -18th day of -Febru L! - 6 AM A. ��. 4�EliM }: s Master at Walkerton+ : McGregor'g Speedy Curet :From ;the manly remarkable cures,wyrougbt• by using McUregor's Speedy - Cure'f•.r`Dve= pepsia, Indigestion,; Constipation and Afiec- tion of the hirer+, and:, from the incnienai asks • of -it without • y advertising; we• have.con- •ry vltid ed to .p1 e it -extensively on• for market, -..so: those who uffer -;may have a perfect t cure ,:00o tBerry's are . and got a: trial bot- tie free,: or. th¢ •regulas�r`-aize frim emu' tand one dollar, , _. - :I _ .Warning • 11 .troubled witlh: constipated `•bowels, never neglect it, or "the, system becomes clogged, the secretions dried up and the system poisoned with foul :,gasses,._ Burdock Blood Bitters cure constipation by unlocking the secretions and regulating the glandular system: . Y;s • Y Y�+ • P GOT1!ORI AND • a old goods • r't�n off. Everything new, crisp fashionable�.: Lucknow _ January ' -16th 1883. • • • • } ICE 1$. iiER Ou t n4 — trays oEk nt.,. WATT, '� .ds_ o .A� Y Habil! si able to me,. ands all 1iabil ! en t b. in. e al us nes.--,�>!•11�. g s be Lucknow Feb;- 8th, 1884. iJai i - 0 SOLD HAVE� �A �IvEi!� THAT. I o, e and - -.neral business tc Messrs. ook• ac w.i•nts - notes;fi eta., are paw:. •• .�.`- '.111 S, any eonnec 4ed the said s'Undersigned. i fi.�ed bythe -•bode sed. ; '41NO momFtpy. cEesoa TO INFOi1M TRI rounding country 8 t until it has reached its .former: hi quality, and by fair dealing to tate tion _ en o ed by. Mr. t j MA HIGHEST A .,�QPLE � O.F -.LIT Obi` AN�- �l' r, . they intend. refrlen the stock:: ht once • s both as s-. quantity : ;and r' t a share`:of #she ublic onfiden a an I a - ,.l . � P .. . p p 'We are offering fa res • 4 � 'palm©r FAR! _ mom w at gmeady rixhic'ad.prices. iici F-SlH+OEI 11O, Geoeral________:gj Am TI ON:be le$s? thank. ' the inhsliittsnts-a Lug a in'o country fotti tsgees�;a ie reit twobyetory10d.` isi a: continuance oi; 'old eustomer'a- a fair share . of the new, es he is in better' position_than'ever,to supRly She wants _of the ,public. • �ehoo�_tesehe pec ?E; vzitfaidedIgi Is. eAtiti* vita* and .30 i e pre_ same were ucstion. 'were rtifi-. claas� r -28 2:to • .1"ata.s. b.- # 1d;.'of,a so • FlItc t ON.—O,n-� 'riday, infant son of =Ja lar tFerguson,l:Oth Con., t 1t Sent • • • OTICE POR TENDER,[?- !. IN VHS :114111 ;o" ' 14111 COIIkS' `" -CIIANC1RY%tit the the di—atter •o[ Nell Alei:ler -- McMillan. John �:icMi1Iilp tlll4, Mt111 c1RAC2Ii1Ia1, thfltllts w i t e of twenty -cite,` feu: rs, • ®T B T? (Y a .. E 1i''d- -Jet Bl be et li -- the u ,l t., d r6 e e S. signed ani his C hsi hers at Qegcaeele Mall ttty of f'berunto.glinoon of t :San arch 1s � D a i } .. p.tr the leasing of 'all: a ingular lot a i ber n: d : e dura f the f Spathe Dia GSi�a� '3R �O�V� 1 'tom he' _ -of mos*n ihs °:CountyoftB rias , 41414,4g lOS sorek-peoret sores—morlon #or the Merin itt 'gl,t- yents !rim) the litr of"April rex - ' Sixty &Fres of the.said laud Oze tit -treat And free frometumpe, about fifeeenapret'a a s3 . i e d and the balsuuce is tiimhered.. Tit trii1diagas contiist of a log hs�ru�aboti 14 u(' �feet:: feet a logstable stticlieai'-•tea � e bat -warn and comforts ole, a ff err- .. . dwell, house of;which a-' rtiors will i - re served� � to- gether v• � ffor Ole lxi ee nauist.dgisfsan � the t t, timber with, oae'htd1af the the fencs caneia't of'rail i ud boardant i q 'ordtuary repair.. , ' ` - About le acres of iheltiad4re seedodz 4th. tiinotsr and glover seed and all the malt. . ed )aid is moody -free from weeds aid thistle ...The is *ituate about'3taee dentes f -Slee • the village of laucknow where lheie is: a g ott , market, railw.al, post and teleph offices, ± c. . Parties tapdeimg` Will stash; Whether ;t_°ey trill pay the ventyearly or half yearly and! 4cli tender .innet be accompanied bythe Mope twoNsgonsil7le part?nis -who wall enter lilt bondwath th*Iesaee‘iheamountoftweiyi. — se$ as seen fior't},ii of dthe.ue,evpveraaymenta tai of t reiitfid h '.'fie -The lease iota hoed will be settled :aad 1 - .proved by :the .unotorsign ed ' and tho ezl,ai_,asi mustbe horse agtoially icy the parties to 4 gtl i�4dQiT•. lhlbt esddaut,r u 3e-�mdav trh James.* "Re e Cilsa%rtkma1, ,ofitf" Divion care4d , Vib t tg ,'e, oI rL`Mt'Qt3;'s� tae-fSaaa ]flliot Triers =af : t v1- of-Lueka w ;$olicitcr. -• hillit:'ey, 188 r IST, Begistr>ir Qi E. t;`le iii -176.. - Limiter °� jlolmiterforthe P.eti ion as L>rr�s 7041140110 a itTi'o corick a s ,tie ar? palainetriaady,the *hear .fit anal ii wti i• �' ky seal sr is with 1le►a►dahe llh t _ 'ma+t1 re Throat, rsr p say'kiad`a►beu yt:a, t; itis.`} 3l►sesiyb l>e re snot g i► , perfect, endr . t o far tweAt .flys ce to.: is t'Eh , • tti data itilsore‘indthernofthefatlani ties Wanting -any thiii-Ort do 'Well to give him a call and.see.pratea before purchasing elsewhere. Pairtielt-- lar" attention • ALL ''KUIIINC .13y 'strict sitention to tiusiiiefts, good workmanship l'and en_iploying .nothing .but.sced wOthmen, •I trust to retain' extended io Me. • that he has Opelled- ant and t,tfae, and is prepared se& AL ,f,JUlt eitaminatisit'and report silo pafragbilit0 `3k before, Patont Office r',,t- refereaces L. ration. 7,, /16 1INI3ESS T IS '3- Dit".tiY4°Papesiiirrte u.EiS.11;;Widen*St"a5ut:ft hie ANS `A • LS A -SPECIALTY • • • •