HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-22, Page 3•
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•1 :*.t.t7; V: 4
•,• •
L an,I.E8',C9111;(3aN.
. . •
• :Chatty Jottings for - Family
perfect satisfaction whit% there is la htak-
Mg. a doll's trees --that- hes-been -out nd
basted by a_ "real dressmaker." For u-
LeiteketlW mighttutetViiigetthf Pe)
reedrite **Child ipfik;fleswndI
do not thrust teaching upon her.
nevusl et, she trityles t.4
: The iresetir fa8hic
tinta:"Vodit- w'a.?1-bcotild ir402;71:t-fin* 74; 01454' lirgk
-ceminott ,
les upon -the iron
skirts felling in. straigh
fitting bodiekr. :carried
-hips, the pouch, the gir
the evening..or in e cartilage. -` •
• Oelial and. other dark furs preferredere.Latest:, Fashion Notes and Newest for vialkinkandsleigbing-haods.---
Recioes. Evening shoes are agate -benozning quite
fanciful in Colorend design._ •
• . . • . :•• • -
(Aunt Kate's Budgety Fer hoodsAre wotitlor.walking. ite well
sleighingth the °oldest weather.- - •
untidy :saris. , 'Oapotes with decided- brims are ra re
' m4 girl's 'who are in the evening fashionable than the tiny Fano/ions e
.genttinit ornaments- to the parlor, tastefully past:
dressed and "neat as a new pin," are little
better than slatterns when performing
-dOznestie duties. Vire have no *patience
with. this untidiness. It has always seethed
_ .
to se if Cinderella herself might have
kept out of -the ashes, -even- if she was
- obliged to stay in the kitchen and work.. To
look while about house work is:worth
whjle.- A neat calico dress, short enough to
clear the floor, smoothly brushed hair, pr
clean collar andaplentiful supply of aprons, The bead embroidery on the coloted kid
areall within the reach of anygirl. evening shoe is generally of the same shade
- -.Resiedy ter cOid Peet. - as the kid.
All that necaSsary, Says Mi.() Prdinan'i :Borders • of fur are used -to.. excise
Journal, is to stand crectaladve,rt graduaibs- .-dresseeot alt-itinds, whether for-the-otteet
• I
Little girls wear the • Hongtois.
wade entirely of fur, Or. Hungarian eaPitt
with deep fur brims. ' . •-
For little &boys 'there • are soft berete
trimmed -with ribbons, or large fur hate of
the mountaineer_ shape. • •
Taffeta and -brocaded, is the
cowing /Mit for early spring and next stIta
mer's ftill-dr,es-s. wear. • :
• • 4
Muff i mak-match - the capote. and the
bostunietor they may be as great itionttetit
as the wearer may:fancy., *. • L
Ash grey, ruby and olive are the favorite
colors for dressy velvettebeption and 4304
;Aeolus and mantles. • .`
- A beautiful Parisian /miff exactly Sunny
fates's; bouquet of the.. crimson, Allow and
.greeilleaves of the shinaq* f
• .
-Reception dresses *ref. being made HOf
Cloth, witittabliers. of,l'arteitin velvet &Wird
and. . •
Tabliere ancl:panietkcif evening. dredges'
cannot be of:itoci orof too
- -
rich textures.,, --
of hiawife, and co_iithined in charge of the Reception:4r' .ditmer Wide of creed=
case,. but the child died, and, when the colored stfiffs and silver are peculiarly novel
. '
• -
Nearly 11- the wraps': for children are
modificH.ti ot the polietie --anci-pelermer
Combined- - ]: • ' • ' - I .
Young -Matrons wear little evening daps
ialle end:flowers Or lace, ribbon and
. • _ - •
, Fut. trims everything -: this Winter froin
the otowit of the hat to 'the Abe. top Of the
:widlOng7hoot . - t -
to lift oneself upon the tips 'of the toes, to or house wear.
_ as to put all -the tendons of the foot at: full
strain. This is not to hop or jump up and
- askin;blite simply to rise -the slower the
- better-' xi tiptoe, and to remain stand-
ing on b point of the toes as long as ring-
sible, and. then gradually coming to th'e
.. -
natural position. - Repeat: this Several
' times, and, by the emount orwork the tips
- of the toes are made to do in sustaining the
body's weight, a sufficient and hiely mon-
. Wien is pet up; .. " - --
, Killed by Abouess., . • ,. ,- .
A physician- Sate that in a very severe
...CSS° of Sickness of 'a ehild that he was
attending, he -found that the remedies- given
-did not have their usual effect,And he insti-
tuted a searching Inquiry and ascertained
that the atiXiOtla faCiViSr,' who was nursing
• the ithildi-ma.s in the habit Of giving her
everything that. callers: suggested', and he
. remtnstrated with her, and finally in-
formed the husband that he &add not -eon-
Arent to oontinn - in charge of the case unless
'the-f-biother iiiild adhere strictly to his
' instructions.: He was sure "that the bus -
band would endeavor to corredt the - faults
neighbors. called to. condone with the'and.beautifuL - -
afflicted mother, she assured them that it
was a'great comfort to her to know that she
had done all that she. cotild • for the dear,
departed child. She gave it everything that
was recommended or that she could think
of hut nothing seemed to do any good, 414
she supposed. her little.daughter's time had
eitrite 6 it .wasso•to•be•."
- seouie Teaching.
Train achild to knove-when he does not
, know a word._ He will then never spell
wrong. All spelling'oan. be tanght in °QM-
-position:. Childrezi. can be made to love to
talk with the peikii, A*OhiId knows a Unit
- of thought by -expressing -Do an act
and have the•children write it, or let them
. tall it. lira/1y. All - of grammar °ail be
taught In. a- beautifulway by action. - 'Vat:
110 fain syntax on the board, the wrong'
forin in as iikely to remain in the -child's
mind as the right. Be , right ftom the
start Pictures - can be utilized'. in the.
writing of compositions.- The little. ones
May write one, two or three sentences only
about a &tutor but by the second yearthe'
Rhine stones are now set in tortoise shell
hair pins, and -make lovely othaments for
the beckhair,- -
Fcir light Mourning th,koaphte of uncut
velvet sometimes has a brim ,eovered With
tharacnidtt Of jet. -
- The close fitting -jacket 'opening „over a
Ott- is a favorite out door garment for
young ladies in Par*.
A late invention for boyegind girls who,
will kneel down on the -play ground -and.
wear out the knees of their. stockings, 113 &
stocking knee protector. -
An artistic novelty his recently been pro-
dueed in. thewayof out door toilet of dark
blue grey cloth,- with a *tabtier and. waist.
cot of teal .
- On the streets of *Paris during the late
cold weather, plain skirts of - sealskin, with
ttrown- silk overdreeses and abort sealskin
mantles, the their aPPeareflOe-
:kit** iteiters.'-r- •
;If al:reale *idea the'better4OrlOur
griddle eattes -they will be' surprisi y -
ve mioh in
-eof the niediievil
and embroider -
dresses, the two
olds; the .'iolcis*
oothly over _the:
the ilinallimitu*S•
out out andifilled'in at the threat, are.: ell
tevitala cif•tweltth. to fc4i enth ancV....sitt-
kteentlx-century; tdeatk wttt h ,A00,4noludod
'ftheptifted;ind slarghedri solves:frills 'hip-
paniers and: the jewelle Oilers of the peat"
and preseitt seaPone. t diffictilt to
specialize Millinery, he nee the straightbiimmed (Henry II ih ;,hob -nob frets;
w4aitt:ith.,.!*Gba, iionlesi: A ,I,.a170vd.rthe,gtuopre.
with hoe:tie/le , :walking -
out entirely:'- t ciithe •,in,- but
are beconling .only o !runlet with
dO.nOt neer bangs or es, or anything
high forehsts and rath faces, who
to•sof ten the ,“ bold expel, e!! of their frontal-
evelopment„ . The' caprice, however,
the entail; skiilrbortnet embroidered- vel4
Vetand which -fits sely to: the crown
.of the hea,d,Lie depidedlx-an.,tigue. in
and thoitAt'q kg its te-tggetitiVenese and
b#conidea mere.headdr‘Ei when it appears
. •
as * oap of flowers or
the' original idea wasi.
musty sources. The eti
the gathersct,waist and
owe to the testhetio rent
their heiglii in England tares years ago,43-
fore the Prep* had tcm
-it was saidithey never
innable in granola or in
have gradually been a
oecause it has been fou ti that these styles -
that was very
lady becoming to.
graceful type of
lor " type. The
a little `" boom "i•
'Ali 'the signs .fail,
ted ,rthbee, yet
rawn from very
ght single skirt;
e eleeies We
.1. .They.were at
'-iedthem_and when
beciome lash:
'therica. .Yet 1114
tett wore or !vie
1•`' '
••;.%- tue
Firet--,Never :.ittstt tlitaekatettit-Atotolditec.
*mist-Ale:0 tetiliim It shear ends indor-,
rote - I • r•J
..fSeaMid-Eat few ..applik for'
nwPri 100 and snee to
Thirds4.43iti down ocOasionally„r. matter
thioirtio'ciiiiis oh the ' -
-Whotef, ;There is . no law to -present nO
beginnerfroM *int down Whenever he has
-aninedhiatiett to do•e0;„: .
'FotirthWhen you z Meeta Particularly
handsome -7 lady, 'try .ta- skate on both sides
of her at once, and thereby -create a -SOIlligh:
Fifth - Skate 'Oyer: all the. knit bOys, at
Ohne:- - • . -
Sxth-If; you -kate. into e hale in the ice
take it docilly.• .Thitik heir yoti. Would .feel
if the water Were boiling • •
• Seventh -It . your skates are too slippery
tititt ?a.; new .pai70` Keep -'1iiiying.new pairs
till you find a pair that is not sliptery. •
Eighth In sitting dawn do it gradually.'
Don't he too sudden. You might-bre* the
Joe. - • _ • - - • - -
.1sTuith,When yOu. fall -headlong examine
the -Strait of. your skate Very carefully before
Yett. got nP- ' -• .
--Tentb.:77Weir a. heavy aveteoat or oloalt
till you get thoroughly warmed up, and then
throw it off_ and let the Wind coolyou.
Plenty ot Strong RoPe.,iThe, ksi •
: • -
.nienlifacture :of rope from asbeatos
islikely to • tiec mike :.an.", industry :Of -con-
siderabteimportance.. in 'England, the
strength °Oho: being estimated .itt,
about one-fourth :that of ordinary - betoP
rape of the same diameter. Rape -of this
-thatetial Of one and a half niches* diame-
ter is stated to.have a,breaking strength of
'one ton, and twenty feet of it are calculated -
possessed -* •yeuthfulnt. •, .
to represent a weight of thirteen and :one,
charming, and ere partqL
) - • fourth pounds. Some of the -Ptirpoies,, as-
. the Modern , elender:
equmerated, to _which this kind of rope -is
Arnim/014nd Englith;
adaptedere • -theatres; (fire .bri.,
One _ the - " water
coming .season promm gades.and -mewl of. escape. from dwelling's'
in -- and pliblio buildings, iti. advantage' beink
this.Airection; unles
and that_in ans an era[a dotted muilins, tilat-isvOinot break and drop its burtlen.:
,ordinary irope, aud!is .0Ru-a ,fr9j34 • itaii•an
bearsepen It lame:de like
checked gin hams, Striped- lawns, summer)f the fl*me -
Surak and riblikid, for garnitiire.
Baffled fronta of 'see, Silk, are much asbestos thread. • - .
more commonly worn:1i; for evening and, -
dressy purposes by. istem women dien.r*e.W. 10Get,at ,Ifinveleoine
- Thdror.
fornieriy,,because theret- ot so many kinds • •••
of good, well -wearing, ap silk in eveiing - itheninatiam,” says ,Mr. McFaul,
tints and . colors, and -1.* tilinoptInfinite . proprietor of . the Oity ;Hotel, Kingatoii,
verietyi.! otipretty._ and i though ....used to hold its own 'pretty well,- but !the
•-inachine-rit lace. .0, a brilliant -we& days of that here are. o'er.' Si. Jacobs 'Oil,
ding Which:took piece- ,./41.ing the past week :the Greet GerinariReniedy, has-coinpletely
the bridesmaids wore Ittlievely ''-dresses - of; co'nqu.ered the - rheumatism. and wins!)
:Wary radditnet,With frOtt*Ohtitely covered. ilea' suffer froni it longer. I had it badly
with fri ages of -oheniptt and •gatitittire -until a:Short time ago, biitI ;feed; St: ',I emits
forthinCupper • and •-lertr -equate _at the Oil and was cured, and at can any one be
neck, short Sleeves and pluelt. at the Ode of, cured in e similar manner." - •
..real Valtinelennes 10.064 The bride:- pre':
suited -4ach . of her brt smaids and - her
maid4ti honer- with' 'a-- ti aigrette of •ham -
meted. silver -a - most 11-, elcome gift, one
1 , - - - •E
would suppese, to poor Is who.muststcind
, the gatintiet of --e vtedd and dongtatula,
tory Aception". without as one rentarked,
"being married herself 1,. all"
- ' •
: .
A *Ander!
'A week ago, say% a L
is that 'net a d
• . .
land, outside -of bis
ecquaintances, had hik
-Brown Tower. - His da
pratotype4 that of my
'clan letter,', the pra-
n people in 'Kw
(Adds 'circle Of
-Of Mr:: John -
life was but the
de of other young
men in this metropolis pr -Ile was a city
glerk„repplictably-eonne ed, earning About
40,0 a Week. "manly,. .living in
e suburbs ington.-- He was
yeark otlige,-anti- far: as caii' be.
" ;had nit., love
dtrietly temper,.
eve be attended'
quarter 111Whiek.
wing the Sacked• -
hie - friende,. be
apparently in
and pettedly
city -the •.bells
be - chill -night
Oh ii. yes& -
Fro* -the .
y of yOittlis-
oompanted to the
ofliis movements
gathered from the an
• child can write a story about i.t. _in' the improved and and brown :effsit On band; and was
third. third year it can 'write a.pageoloompoei- A little borax put in the water in which ate habits. !On New Ye
.4ion entirety. correct: Is that not a foitnda. scarlet napkins and red-botdered tewelsare' ittidniot service Emir
tion for grainroar ? Another way of temob- to be waahed.will-Fevent them fading, he.reeides; and, after.
ing composition is to tell - the child stories, Spice sauce for a plitinhasty, puddiag edifice and parting
and have it produce them its own words. made of One dap of sugardiesolved A. ouP ntexted f' r hie hom
In obleot teach• ing there is. as much nen-. of water and boiled for a few minutes, with the beet- -0f spirit
mace, cloves and gingeradded to snit Babes; 411 over .
taste. ' • - Were ringing ,' -out ...on
- A good-wey to extract -the- juice Of beef a,ir their tidings of the
torttn,invaliclts to -broil thwbeet,ont.itottid-44#01- war*, isisoirpe
for itrfevi.14 minute's i'sta then tttsilifiteler
-the juice from it with a lemonequeezer ; and matdeils Whom be 4 -
put a little salt with it.: This znitY,Pe given :sos,.tettv., servos .all
as the sick one prefers, -Odd orrhot, or are loet. The next dal ,fkis dead body is
may be -frozen and given.iasinall;inintiw•-• d edi,froina-rvol4;.-'11 stuloawaylrOei
- •
to „
siguslif faar-
,3th-greatdiffi. oultk4.
opened they fin
fragment otoit
sense as „in anything else. The f_unda-'
mentakinistake iS atilt teachers attempt
- the impossible. They fail to understand
- that -the child cannbt see what they 9_84
see, and consequentiy-talk above disc:bead&
oftheir &pits. • .
. .
. In litebmif ot Little, Girls.
"1 wish I coact -06W 1"- "Please give me
a thread and needier "Can't I have this
to make my doll something ?" If mothers
could realize how much unintentatinal. and
• ar
almost unconscious learning, aaVellpia r,9
pleasure, they shut out from theirchildten
when they turn awayfrom these pleadings,
surely they would oftener enter thirdoo •
so 'opportunely thrown, -open. It often.
Beams a_ troubte-to stop in the middle of _a
,sewing-maphinesearo, to lay down a -piece
of -dainty embroidery or plainer hand:sew-
. ,ing -w one is anxious to finish, in order
• to thr a "big needle", (tying a knot in
one d carefully !Rifting through the other
. end Of the thread ed that the: Mall Vag*
and bands may noibe needlessly both'
for an apparently useless effort at se:, nig
which will, of course, go; into theragbag;
but let us not forget that every time 'the
needle. is pushed through the cloth the
-little fingers grew more fattiliar with it,
and are gaining the powetto use it deftly.-
. Good hand- sewing,-,:-WhitiE'lliderly ladies
tell us is so rare now -a -days, does " not con-
• sist mereIY rcrtetterfectly even
• overhand stitehes, in two threads up and
font:dawn on a, gathered -rutile, nor ittl
neatest of hemming, but in the ability to
make irineedle-dcrexactly the thing news-
-eery to.ineet the intention of the holder,
- whatever it may be; and while we would
not. too Vzhdisparage nor put away the
oid-fashidrid notions. of /earning to 'over-
- band arirrhem properly. We wish to urge
- To. *lean detnask ' ourtanisittg& 0=8014 .4141-40fist431•01ilena, At
wash well with ordinary sofi.hild . water; - home. ' AI!. around are
thenffrinse iik.,4044_,-, etkett water, - wnl% ful.jstruggle, and when,
t4iiitigh iiiF,,wriiigingi-Matetlne :and hang • in theOleneld 129.12d8 'ar
the open air ..to dry. If. the ' curtains _tire* etutched i one of then
niings_must be removed,. as they cannot be IsitiLliim i
ole 'site4- 'Nir r:.7"i: ' 414'j4741!* : ilitinAth
If; t °U. 04.1/17th t hate, P c,. -13 mealy 4 ;i1shtilin6.
ta notletiet.:',ithinizigoii,--.11041an' for An ins _ ...1141n -t: taoig-E,3 ,
and when: they are-donerpitur_ the water .delicately-imased gol
off; and let themstetiM `ter ten or twelve.. artofan ear -ring sit:
minutd4ver the fire: In the sp -
figaii ' 1?-ettes,.., =
-. . , p tw6. , rer3 the .ctiii-sonf9the' '
uri I - ' 55 t i n es i't OM , r
.eip th I f I / , `ngith' ins -4
tetiticititia s n) wate ,,
.11 .., t
iiidaing a -little salt. ' `: • 'nor h n 4°PrRed.A
the foul .d:ed; and the --,) pers.. teem wft
. To remove Mild om - white theories; but still the at ris sktotided''
cloth, take ity. Virhathro him so.fat4tilLOV
lime, in b ay to this wild, de ate locality? Who
hilt an ho re his assailants; and it'd theyfan oth
A • .
. . e besides tobbe4,1? : Virbck
this en b was so elost4ii- boneerhedin the
.4* , rtor. ,
lee of tirvmurdelaili
s c e
and rinse,
Oil' was in., - • `
- diaZ hese are uestiok
or unbleacii: . .
-thesanie way. ... ash, but to.Whiolt p to n tefthetete
.. -
The 'Greatest' a etr-iitahtne. he Broken titans . OenspOir! --,'''-:1‘
It -would more than rrpaysk-day'S Bojo li reported that the -tfOrtunitteSebtob4
. . -
capitalisteiwbo. are int t sted iii-teattggii
that they be not the fist and religbutilyz 'a AOnkcTingt-I.M.Oe PAR.01°48'botinmiltik-ato a .irow . ' i. .--eiiii difficulty
insisted on stitibee. When *.a- child, Old' visit-rtthe,-sfestory :wliende.troceeds.,-4ot ..-
netend taking oi 11 and ,.
enough to be trustedwith a 'lied's; begs to -'..smaliTartfaf thetiOtot-' h*3' "rid? 'IT , Inge iigitintiti Proniiiiiiii itaf: proceed
Orontocr °Isri1004
the stitchelt iir-e- three inches. Icing. If .she tothith,
? sir*, let her (or- him) iio'i never mind -if 0190 3VITElit*. MAY .P4,1:-.17-ar-k, s-tc)-F-m-10.1°11:t. 4'iff izho „viatteefprOmoto
Incati-enatillousAingine,_Which &stir; * These -S ' iiihinen --hive!, eetitheuntefititturn4P14
wishes to fashion Ekiarminkfor her doll produtestv -1LOtlit-t19.00. tort,: ,TOL-31EfrelsaY4r:t in gdei,-toiin ,- canatticr-,n .-_ ventttrestth*.
or .ihe cat, 'don't. - diseotire,ge it. :-,7,'- 714-t, Ilk " a'tglitegt-,- 'T?:.'418 ',,',.. -1F-4°P.,4F:41' -n-...WkatP43-1 theylit ibed rvery4ore
• have net time to help- or direct, do. ilov, ' eceivellthir raw -sioneriatnamatitopfisft: . ivi,yir t;,4,, „ '
it off for days' hildlireeke h9ping -for leisure, - of wood at °tie !BP and. after a Vifillet givd.s ‘' v W4
s gone, am iekiiWatith al .i-
tollitivt, s a..hattui four
!te ti. t 1111 the grass
d of ii11,-4a,
. brie4Litifatted,
p), , nnientbasa
filo°, vettherslarof
. ;
- but iet her try alone. She roily spoil ahit up at the -citli-' -the inateliefiteatly.ar; ' iii:Naiiii cOrrefipende Mini( thtteltilttr
. -
Zrazind IA . their*r boxes • read reallAkt- he •--ilw -1,,Ths
" .0f Xelt181111 orcaliooibnt it cannot-- be isiitild li - ,- q• ) - .__ .F.1.,: says- ,,i'-''.4 vi
'wasted if she bas learned _even solitilell' ItiePstch' ed -to ,the. lift:twin e lifothe, -Votatitilf- csitiitie aa inT etuP,taPP4.9f
. that one thing cannot be done.- revepdople world. -7.0 Artgq,c1 lictipkinth,a,-0.9..tirSitgf (noir, mouth, whickhed, Est just , kLp
make the same . blunder, twke. The pur. last litucciarr was brought over to JonkoRtif the 914(Kat9F, and -fro'' t Whilth a 'irk i
chase 01 new cloth for doilet clothes is not to Maatil•Oftapittelesil d tWentyLitia -- itreitiotet Itive. ' ions -=1.6iving ido...n_.--5 h94
au unheard of extravagance, and the' lirfyih leristd eightfsaitig TeAse!e.. ,ti: 4 17 e 'northeastern Rik; Of , Quiltain, has
-legeofcutting over* partly worn 'or out: -311-' ri'''''--,'...- -.4;'.' thatty'lleaditi 10- -;be a' f . .Virexaminer
grown. gain:writ of her own for her don has A greet many drop a tear at the door -of von of the old oratet. a sure can ;be seen
gladdened rhany a_ little girl's heart. some poveriY, when they Should rather.drep a directed in a • straight ., ne to the- new
tittle when you have ant
edressaker by the sixpence. ...: - . ' -. , :' Mouth., NO signs Of - si ,s, Oar esitivityhave
, day let hernpend i little timd in helping " Astonislfingeure for conenniption,"" Si been experienced' since ,V75. and ti much
fit the doll's dresses. No iihild who has jthe old lady said when she sprinkled ..sn stronger - eruption is n looked for by.
_ .
not -tiled it oan underetairkdthe almoat j orztie victualsOher boarders
- - f . ' Professor almieti.7'
In discussing the 690nOlideause of mid
ftsprivate &mines Itreeeliiikorarer . -had
several new idea t� propose. .Thia that
every ilroplaceshouN wake ;Its. 0*m gas
Own ite =Creek* its A.t.stn tiOtte and .
burn it. Tbhi Could:. be done atAttIsi Wet.
We Must to away with the4ellessy that
fires; won't burn Unless air passes through
the bottom or front tif the lire.. The two
'eviithellfas anxious to enfeirce, peril those
-biatliicrotieii grating nadir' tlio fire is • .
wrong in principle, defective in heating
,Power• and wasteful Of fuel.; and that the
rigbt rinblple of btirningiolial id that no
current of air should . pass through the
betiOnrof the fire, and thatilie,Thottom of
the. fire should -be kepi hot. The; leotuter
went on th iley that he had dteNtItt, hp seven.
-rule@ for:the constmiction of:a fire -place :
'As triiiiikfire brick and 40 little iron as ,
posstble,.; Mabel*. and sides , o the fire-
place 'should be lire brick; the back of the -
1fireilace-shoiild- lean,Or arehz)Oyer;the' fire
so as to becotne heated by the risipg.fialne
-the'bottOni of.the fire or. 'gratingehould be-
de.eA*Orp before baekward3; probably not .
-leirtham 9 itiehes- for a 'duel" robin, nor
more than .12 inches in a large, -.room, the :
Blies in the grating- aliould'be narrow, per-
/14811inch in Width 1.1tir ". a ' eitting-remn
grate:* inchlor a kitchen grate, the bars
in front should he :narrow, .tbe chamber -
beneath the the.'fire shouldbe-olobed in front by
.0 -shield or econoroiser.. .In :the'" Leeds, .
-Eng.; Infirmary Odin Onelielf the fires had
:bdeniatted ,with eeonontieers, and several
grate p had been repel:Norm:09d on the
pFindipiellaid down. . 4.iaviog about 60
tOn.s Per loam had thusbeen BeOured. •
Pei- and 4boita NVOinek
-° • A Sinailian4:"-tiaman is Willing to Otis,.
6200 ind-a; pair- of horses- for the appre-
hension.of he. eloping 11111#93.4! ,
. 'It is stated that att a;oertain fashionable'
clintek lathes are 11eginning. to
bring their. pet dOgs to divine, serviee. -
014..fashtoned,vety long) India
shawts;stidWati -theichatits'. Wives wore fifty -
yeatitage, are coming in, faogqn again.
-Theyiare.bazd to find,. and one ,costing less .
that §1,0001s of' nectonsedtientiC ' • ; • .
Itis teleted. of a- Chicago -young woman -
and a: Chios se lady tbitt-ou being introduced f
they looked aft ech other's feet' and then
both fainted -dead away, .`,,,,the former from •
mortification and the latter from fright. •
Thit'death'of.'heebrcithei-'nkakes bliss
MeryiPaCker's incogrokaboiit §q,OCQ a day,:
but Miss Flciod. the Californian, if her papa .
-clbeit 'Ott got:leder' his'. wealth.; w1I inherit
a fortune of S36,000,000, or. about. 66,000 a
- •
day. • :
J- CorriPound.Elixir of Phosphates. and 'Cali -
says as food for the brain and- nervous system
is founded on well ostablished- chemical and
physiological laws, since it is.00mpilsed of ele.
ments -entering the formation of these.' organs -
and capable . of supplying tnem, with nourish-
ment. Great mental efforts, anxiety, excitement,
ivory, fatigue; blood Poisoning from disease Or
impure air, excessive indulgence in habits that
use.up the vital powers speedily interfere with
the nutrition of the brain andnerves.which pre-
side- overlall the -functions of thebody;- and -
sooner or later fatal consequences Most inevit-
ably result.- In the Elixir we -have- a reliable -
TertrxTy ;for nerve ftxliatilstion and loss of consti-
tutional vigor from tliVie causes. : -
Love, We all know, is always blind, yet
the " eonseguetice
itiatiitiotiye-.49 frequently an eYe•openert...
- " BII10110-PAIBAl."
• . w .
einniAete eure,--: all 'annoying , Ejdney,.
Bladder and Urinary Diseasea. $1 Druggists.
It is.bsBt to-loteliridelYito doubt; but to
lave fooliehlY is better than not 10 - be gibiei
oloVe *Altai - : • --
ROUGJE1 ON t011/1.711114:9 =
Icnooks a gotigh,or Cold endwise. For children
or adtilts.,Traihes,ilikii Liont4 50c. At druggists'
The iWeetest: of all pteasured, and :one
that Will ;never dcay, i to Oheriah the
:heart' that levee Yelp; -
.1) 4Ekt ilsaci.:471:lis' "zrit:atfil g,.h40 Con, e . " 15e: -Qui0),Fi
piste, -perniVien i our. orns, . warts',.
f I '- a . .,..
t t
-; ..• -
. ••%1 -
, A,. liAttle four year girl did ' iiiit.'obile
4thetiterligothiitaireligatlled. her.- ifs) her
mother _epolter. rathersharply. Pieli 13)iie
thic, 044 antodjot,ogid361-74421, taku h a td 13i ils .; ..,: vn el i*: wanti itihi
C•t. i
kliyou to speak so large to me.
c7- . . : .
, - - ..
-,t24-VertnEtelikigitathleithat a :rent)? pie411.
bik"Enniii plants ops Buchu,
ciaUdzakk-Rogcletion, alifft Int/
And suoli-Areat cures as, op Bitters 0; u
'WWI old igad'YoildCiiiihilind poor, papto4an
deetwtlawyer,,andgediAor alAstify_to. having
Voila atria by tEefidp'srott ninstiiigieveiNgtia
IhelsTaliffeellYdnitdoubt bloOPOITi , • •
. t '
rpt)tint.E AT A -WIBIE....-=-1! desze
CcitiVR;Ao..13epanseq faith on
kiss Skigioneriotr.P.-,-;.:0194„-mo,i4i. do," eat
the judge tWeonlyhefirpno. o
oase-it a - '
e- celeoratedi v egetlimeuipotin: 1or'1
ct 'WA 4-7 1. •U
the name Of sirs..T.gdi:a E. Pinkhamr kzf�wh 'fn
y 21•71rot1iek teetral
the vital forces- and thus -regulating the °will
irthietioVz1V 4s o1.by -uch a thethod• that
4,49,Wilttsiwg afri3FiteCiATtefifg:,9•49/9+, I WO.•
: d�es
One .does, nr:t-vhsir totta1:sigbald :head
„ „
ta...p-ii:e:.o.,,s7to„.e; :17 429,01
- ..;•• A;44
*** "whetutbred in the bmewtll never out
-rogepiente .,pf tha unctions of the' liver, kid-
herrand boivels A"Ont orthe'llegt." without
failafter thkthorongh,nekof Kidney-,Wortztl2acferalchdiass
•-44'te% ; • er,V1
• There is ono,goo'dothing about. leap lyear•
The girl who bangs her hair often makes
• , „
the wife who bangs her husband:
A ktilirDiSCOViRY:
rifFor several' Yeais we have the
.barryme.* of America with 0,4 ;excellent 'arti-z,
field color for butter; to nieritorione that it met
withgreat success evei7w1ere reepiving the
highest and only prizes at'hotli InternatIond
Dairy gnirl;.,„ -
11sP-But -by. patient' and scientific chemical re-
searchwe-haVe improvellin several points, and
nOir offer this new color as the est s'2114 world.'
ItWiU NOt!-COIOrtile_BUtteilriiik. It
Not .711111 Rancid. It'll- the
, - •••-:
St lElig hteSt
• Chetiiieitcora.iitiarfe,..
yrhile prefiarea44 oil, ocompound-
that it i ini-Ossibleforlt to become rancid.
lariltV/AttriithlWinitations: 464 or an
other oil colors, for they are liable to kteconie
vannidandisOiiirthe hutfer.:, ; • •
tErlf You cannot,get the uimprovedo *rite ns
tei.lantivricheregainthoit fklIget it without extra
etpense. • • • , : (46)
r " • •
••• 4m. S. • IMMO
toi_ !LEE
-TEA:1th, did fitepro4tfitieli .t.h9 best
a -001d1bWhP914111g0Vgh
I LiAkisRi ausesiw
0- or old.- E Eitryttsits.
tt c
• __A ____
theitteir' year chit'
OKea Gan
Ifiria1/4110011siiiiktiemt •
••*-•t) •
1" Every color of the Diatnoird - Iyes is per-
tikiViTareftlfifie gie colored cloth at the
ggi .
Z; "1;PL•4,•`.11."1..:5•*•"1• , ; •
.` -Mts..Quiney..bhatt, of Dos n,4, Spends
650,006 azninallycout of herpit ate -44001h
ia suppail of thirty kindergartens and
twenty nurseries, whioh she has established
in that part of the ()ilk where.the roughest
and•niostsqualid. features reign. In addi-
tion to this she spends $20,000 a _ year in-
:other charities.
stn,p POI CR
ii4QIF -(
.w}ib yt -of em loyinen v V city or
country,sit ncenp abjecon C8 have steady
gent by:mail -any osiisx:rth:n. ea!lt.;t31114:7=larY
no oanvssiog.- -vAddr:ess • triffOit ArANUFACIta C- CO., .76
Washington.strei3t, Boston Mas
�tt MEN
' :Plid1CTIE to seci Businei
Education or. Sp n Pen
me,nehip at th RENOB -
Oke.tatIVI frefi. -.
- ,