HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-22, Page 1t 7 V % 'Z �T-_ J V. Tf. nT AT A- T_ J) RDW CHO -HY;jS vvzio -S, 1� P J� .1 a T� le V. ""BRUARY -22 90KIIN( i- 80 RIn L NTA No-,, -527 ---------------- uMPBELL 4L� RIPLEY. .0 ELL1 T OT Our OOM CarraimadeW. our Wedn*iy last.. _rqVqn*0 to Office: &-16r vunn .0 roe e Lucknow�ffi ont. erY sucomful'S d 8464 I in - Y W t —How 7 . ftef-the late- tra hi A 31 e you v4lentiV6 adz w&s hold M giou, Kincaidi qn..W_pdfieaay.-e*e , � e6tin 7 9 -#A Siveto Loaat R ducee, 49t",�o� �11 Monday e in at ven g next. last ow & PAOVI r 17. of ARR livo -exqi� Oh pradrit si, h:o . ur4h Ahfield Oijr6u4i 'S * -Suitthe Ti 5-6 �eirvent., i - I . : I __ L -- illage by theb Tuesd Lasasew Mort veniag, The au sa Viiigh 12th di once m moved to It -was folind -that the. office -very g WAKe 940VUt .11r ocie n, s javing- weather. was -on an entertainm6 hor re, After -holtan A a te d Jas;,Xa6Leo dVg t inol6mency 9 itelrW a t Innis AND -NORTGAGE8, -OPT of 01 t d D lt�o Ed so h called to or ISO. e fift WAS astor *Qrk th -uder. Mg was d P. me he meet' U. nts cashk rray; in WivEtAkez W .: 9 Rev..*O. Hamilton nd' DrU I a d Chevtlei_e� �Xil J_ I by the U qas� no and Prduipt aid to. the X6, va loan'o y Terms q& zittate.. friends - -in. Kincard y ine. pre the entire ceilinr q0ta.00, - �! . . _. V . tho audience had- Vait&ken P after�',' Ciltactio-nof No"S aft?-Kents 40-, ­Atarf�rTrusizndL -of burlit and hole, made thiew 'W -the gc;od,th* Mir.' -of g inA Stot n -mquest was held on e X �AT PAR: m thb villago, kasuid spent that WAS, tb-e 0-cicipal cities andtownsof Vanii- and- a. verdict. -,iThe ffioe-.of;4uv FTSPAYARL roof. A th' SUperintendant the 'Schoo� _o i. 4 Great sid.at in H. 0. J., called: o h Id v. .4nd on the Uaft�d Stsits AD �Lne. weekly. meetings. o 1 erary e elixir. The U ously speakers of the e in sodiety,�ard largely -attend' r were r Cent, strai-ght i i th XacLeod.waa malich 'setSreVL.:S ven Mr vast.. MID ion - satin some - pers0n, or. eNons unkno M-owbray, Parties Socle the. j of: Whitechu 11temittlux... -saner- of Charity concert in rob, and th4p. emper-. was rendered. Some immediiat 6 poster. s he Mr. Mowbfty made Ver tj%d-,thi' t cheavest. West-, &-ad tuost LO ance Hall a vening, nex Co ve although somewhOt lengt6y, hould be takent6,for nt.Tietho(l. m afire 6trficti spe by the Rev, Xted"9 bid 9�and. in very telling anit hooks and IWO& for ' i - ute in sue a the to ech aiid was f6ilowed It Safi 66 at Mrs. Xaot�, here, 11 only to proide tNTE.RNEST -p6r dlov�ed n sits' in the M EYER .0$ ress. of Mr A -am- ov humorous add Savings'-b&akRepartmPnt&-' - , - -, - . — - T� John 13 London, an e RISTERS 1'i T!yg the ab e., T1U , , . 1". * - ryau the Reve-R JB razues'..- paidj� ion Xt. A -choir �Wvw a. W ;ire piep&��d to b"ffer -to 4�uolo*revery o Bank of., Itatf, Me dtkd us a Visit li! week.. io th and Chicite m r ed by eired oany expression of facility -t Bank hat wor taking: All �d AMBERLE an: toU.. - audienc#x Aftert th ---;,T-he. date -for the oppning o -'-the le"UTe from the Vi, bdu ht ze '0 VoteLs of th oder usual. C *'nv_�eya'ue4isv1n,&U its Brintheke and' Id., ...9: prilqg Assi' s at G �i�hi is set- for- Pma lip. -QVn,'Cor�qjvn* ank the m in eet- g was.. u h Tuesday,.Apiil Ist Iffawkins, 'of -Port- -Alber bro ght to. a vlose, -all being e 0 apparentV 17 ell, 'satisfied, rf iro- wied Life 4t nety. t f'" coin itill get iting in thia vicinity: ,Miss J 0 - The proceeds, $23 are veo ed .6r- privisttpe Upola- that n6ted* 2.5 teb t: X o r �ttgpawgg e ec rity. cen in -of- Iquckngw is h H -We a- Wi rse arrigam On Thursday eve, ing, ves— hiamn saA;; ..gridel ave ad"nm�d 25 eand, theb aid o� the 8 jid -Schoo, ough t gug UpiST- . . 6m, t tih at Madityre's. asof :X0 Royal: Hotel.L� n 1.4th e Insk filing. A -are XONAR. 9 A&'X4 "'40P -was delivere ilf -st ie M- 'itt'has -go -Lu. now:Offiaej-.-a4j lect Nkop�- cen M erri ure _jie On a VjW;a d eor ran Mr f 0 d 1. Ape in tou -the 'vicinity 0 ()hurQb at - Kinlough by the -.Rev. CAMERON CAMPBELL Walkerwn�burlers defeite-dElora I 11 ''-The,, Qlpr6rm4n of itche. Michigan.�Xf. Nesbitt Hum, for a- an six shot M balQo�i ; , . I , S. medal, ,--i - lecture waa fully. equal to' wha w#,$ ex.,, at 0 Yeros t :They 0o - e teacher- of S. S; .15 h -by t6n for an exianded ur in pected fiom Oat able -HUTOKIH -WIA K' to -the. TY nd e an as a 7, Mis., HoLeav op6lis; jnOian for a sh rA. a about S20jare for 'Statese - p real tre&t,., .14YS AN RGE jou gentlem' an ..He rpos sp d w :AMER0 k cou indi4li oe Ve foft -occupi on of U�k (OT CAMBROS &GA30MML) 0& cum Are V are -the ti' of't h ebt. e d4b, nov, We ire* inform .he chu" of Mrs; th4t. Xr W; A �R Y -P U SIL I 0� c4im, Le' s, arputk Mr. olir Roi-val meotiv& ar� being h. mg merc hdi k b ougb 'y t and Mmi - Joh- Sll;64�: maple, We erei re. the A. he p enterp -At. ��_72 . - V arn oa his v 710h -b 1W-__ minister in chuge. xrmwow at Mr. Va-,idd Ker euvecheap ontra stamd, Ybu *ant -to so cted ill -be -very- Ane, for the 'nisin - Of 1 _g -8 me Ur8- The4t t t 0 myevanel�g iu,*U its Brzinc&s.' e6d Id nuit-be's9ld.1h Mr. Corn 9az4 treasu Deeds Mortiges,_.- Bonds Agreeme�* larly the Han8ard borty- fjay& U `64 ptoi�taljr sad eardull Hdu AWU from thi Rous�'� f oHe 11", a chance to bee a a Tooriveluess giiranteed. '00MM6 -A 0010 �ere'­. fll,be an sue P NAMOU�iT._ priDperly. pacial and promvt att�nflbn.*- paid ..Wo�. di tiou stock, finpiements ei Lot f4t. VP315W in 'the rag- jrork_.,6f hing of Titles,. and to O'niaders eonect. 9 te..0 at on Thursd Xaich' 0011. 1i 4#.1j_Wj_th the trafisfer of. Real Bet** ay -2 gm� ter -Times .'.Are so &;whit PIpt y -at -A. X-41911an. -ASONA-StR �thj !:the PoPertY. of. More brhk over new 1"t jnaz4 thaiijitiiiture"s m th *V -office is a ord ley F'ONZY TO LEND -eat msesawyer here und Mr. Ackerk; is. hoad. The i6cial: hold erth�3 tersii the" U --w hismumber P4, i. of Green 'nath The- mail P14M of -the -N. COOKE, Ag� 0611 op T011 ont, DiAnonnon. Of y. hree eon, In: gran a.T. 0. iupplied -from. Pa4ley:witj *ness,'- bito he oreshim routa Y-. pf.eparod. d! ilayi�z T; he A Timidar w4i"y Oil —M dwic* agon maker., .-is. -Mr.. Folconer. &Irass ithat he WW i-odly feeling goo* 'NEY'--- TO te"4117 shoo P646 for sown I �.W I . cho7y the lite ld Ir 441ing t&ndL of -th voraper% � teq* oo*, po" con P w 84Y t a d -01q VI 8 '*�QRTAGE -uu4e= t e ;Yper cifilt ry _04 through. coin The. M" os very modorste..'-_ Appl. to �0106 itook aael�tyro & pp"r,n. F 4 tbf�zWest 40 - - the form,of a -concert a por bu h "4 WI -,W. 0. -wig w o aftebded M_ Wb Vire lusuj�4te 6, 30. Doq to d-4 wa rW7 i6ting of v" 3102ti MCNIMILU'. and N, ft, Per SO Aw, athe ki We its issue. "bus. b tal;a (if ring Wilest—I.Wtol"g,jer U hrley-44 io 48e. -eve Oxtx 3W, to :bUjj AAW47--AUS We* go. dtkg _neW Ong ng.- M lie. Per *11 of Rg. Or 'I P aj, Ey this.0446 Will ke'Wvt a- fift ot' j..& 1011, N ad UP Of Ap IF-Tvit- 0&r4 to� me wift ------ no r an Mg 'it int`� -vim The era of - th heap y. pin _tk T Wies _SiDtt, th- bill tom t h - T NFA On IM plift. IvA 15 ofter!h8fatj 'ifts 01111ft Of taking 40 r -yd f f wool ry ht. 20' f rig -0 Sw V�ry." prin ndt ONNYTOLOA5 at deftyi,,, and. ri vests- lay. - OUI. t or $1 Alth I - T Rid t 20~11, IVII.&WAY, to_.$Lj." Ited fj�OM n Per eeM,ii to4iii fwzw, Win T. a- Wr the k WIj awiribtte a J704 r"i V At 60 b - -Wo-, W- erlfi"g single" W doxen. e�tOt won 1);W ladyligoli_� rt-Lr;iid 4PL for t U 410 bibie 41 0 -'Of ft&ied "jw Lft quet i6nor a* -vd -!19 WAS a ler"t cc U 614JP GW$ 4VOP I Sfi UW H to Ifill 1W V L The fer &.JOWL* JRWJ A. (f Wants, liie'Aike _U w -a left we W* n PI PoL P it. 9MI Pr, b _W on AF LOA _-01 St ZY TO X 000 far Y014 y a -e Ifte* P'Orty St.SL at LVI P11 Qomft 4agould ;Th Xr. T� Wq 61rard it tq -the ny W ra ?. 'Win and 0.9 blood and le ble Rrin 'ra fiL r ofm viUbo ite. eXP63M. lrrdi�'fu d dAr ao ta"_ YI"4 A00" fil�* -"Sk ar-ge t o oth, Wz f r� t W "Ony; b* d U11 Re1w, tom ee -er;!- ei!!y yew. In rxiw 4� , ohm i*,o 0., pt I T t d It otab,jhr' till t Son id 'i *g* praw, ar Sao t d ia _"W .of .9 40y h4m ft Us -Wo* rolw. neeft. Olt. L -lea or# t . I , I :g e0 'A r -v.* 'S "Wpm POU fog. JVML W NNW, k _P AU zo ;L MTN