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The Sentinel, 1884-02-15, Page 8
-• • east com4 They of conrefr,= a terminus!. fv - '.r s. ••• r. • a • !' TIME. GOING SOTTTH ' = 5:19 6:55 1.0:50 • b:Uo A.B.I. E. Was It Witchc t or`NG NORTH.- The people: .e region.. -lying . be - 1125 tween Sheppa, .tc and the ' N`�le are- :0415: re 1115 still puzzled, :4s .the Goderich Signal, 3:42 over-- an alle ; i .case •'of:: witchcraft Saswhich occurre :fifteen years ago. An of woman at11,4-at .time c e to the F - tills .e: and Vicinity: ff two. ;:Reform Ooninention: 1Ihe` annual meeting of the Reform ',era- of South Bruce will lie-. held at lliversdale on Friday next,- 22nd of February • For Sale. Mr. DCampbell offers his:thorough- bred cow " Minnie ' Warren" for €ale, and -.parties wishing a :cow of :this kind - should see lies.. • Gharity Coricert•a _ At. the Iast-meeting` : of the ,Odd - fellow's. Lodge A ,committeewas ap- pointed to arrange -for a -grand charity. _ concert -in aid . of the .,poor of the •village. - • Nevi Livery. Mi. James Campbell ofKincardine-- i f. Y has started a new -livery-stable in this- . • village on'`Villoughby street,,, in the building formerly • occupied . by John Adams.. foresters' Supper.:'_ Several members of --'the -Canadian . -Order of Foreste-rs, of this village,'. were eiitrtlrtained-to . an oyster supper by -their Dungannon :brethern o In% 7ifriday•iiig1it last e - . C3aliiff Sale; There will be sold by:pulilic auction Invfn's .Hotel; Ripley, •ion Wednes _Feb. 2Oth, at one p. ' to , 1 -bay. real -me ,and a pair - of bob -sleighs ;.—Also. the,- furniShins re aired - f or start; c lass.. hotel. A e Gorvi e=ia - • ..iz•_ • will be seen by advertisement an -.smother column,_ 1\lessrs. Watt . and. :N Able, of Tara, have purchased the T -stack of drygoods , etc., from Mr: John; y 1. Melardy, and intend : carrying on --theq general starer business in this village. _. Re :d their announcement. Reform Delegate,:: Ata meeting of Reformers in Sow -, Office -on Monday.:evening lot .� she f llo w ing : were-aappoiz te4 delegates to:fttend the .Convention. at-.Brivers-_: .ale :.cin. Friday -ext,. 22nd iiist:, - Messrs.- M. Campbell, D.. X. Cameron,,_ 1}r. -Hutchison, John yd, .S :Robert=;• son,. Alex.:Campbell; and D. McDonald.' :Ch-attel Mortgage Sale: Messrs. Cameron & . Campbell, the-. -iiiortgagies, have taken- possession _oi- 1 he stock of dry goods, groceries, jetc.,.. belonging to Mrs. K J. McLeod ::and intend -selling crit -the entire stock during .the' next thirty days at prices - far ricesfar- below the _®sinal _ (cost. I ow: is 11e tzme to get cheap .goods.-- Read their advertisement:- - • Presentation. -aeh to oxpress siy:hearty thanks .to.thooe- kind fri n. s iii the .,differen,. .places where I preacli•he Sabath, forthe valuable- )pioseut- received, , Mou: iting to considerably. over.=one hundred .dollars, erne' also for the letter ;received from -some .kind :friend- who did not givehis tiame :...T : --e =' g` . card and - money it: contained reminded. mein a =very striking: me liner of great kindness and generosity:- May ,we a1;1 live far and at last Meet in :heaven." M Ir.ZF. T• ea.Meetng,. The ladies -aid ix :.connegtion.with M theetfiodst clurcl in.teiid having a grand tea, meeting in. the Tenperanee' i all here::. on. Wednesday evening, next, 20th inst. . Besides the usual • attractions on such occasions the.choir o f the Goderia. M -othodist Church. 14 present, while the speakers__ will in.-- clave the Rev- Messr-r. J. S.—Fisher; :of Blyth; Alfred Andrews, . of Kincar- dilie ; and others: On the -following eveninn the anniversaryentertainment of the Sabbath Sohool children :will be- held in the same place. are' cor- dially n'v iced. - A ,Bac k -Down : The curling match for the:district" n eda1 to have been . played `.yesterday •I-larriston: between Fergus and •Iucbnow clubs fell through on account- then us club. refusing o eoinply - with the re's arrangements. The last game playon - the 'Forma -r . k g. between the" e ' bs for the -Medal Wasso .b t n. y tli t olu o , ► s . tb .y .F r' Jifairly deaaud p -*Aug e � i is tie il'e u du n. t::u:itpu� �sll� 4d*It t+3 #fie ,L ow J . fa ; m Of:Samue -Morris;, : o get some i.apPles..".She sires a bagful from a fa+orate tree ,t her, request was de-:' nied, and she :told that w oiild have. to .t• ake m _some other tree. The woman s eel• much disappoint- ed; and looki at ::the tree muttered . something in I n, From .that time' fold twelve yeati he�tree4 bare -no fruit It Iliad been. t . best bearer iii, the orclhard : but - t` , , purse t _ upon Three-years.a he. old. woman diedi: and to the ast hment Of the owner of the tree, at: = e -the following year. one -apple--the st:. fruit for -a dozen_ years Last mer it.yielded two, = an,,� naw that t� cuarse is lifted off it, the looking, .dor. an old'. tine -yield. :T is::lk of the ti . , r x affair- .the-ta_. . us! Temperance M ing- at Kinlougl , .A. most succule tem rance meet-'' ing was .held a . inlough :oil: �Wedries= da evening las g ; The hall wascrowd ed to the .doors d -all - r.'esent seemed .delighted With ti -. excellent entertain need' provided. The • chair :was, oc cupied by Mr. ell n- Nicholls-- an. his- usual •agreeable:i' anner, lwhose, Open.' - ing 'speech- on t progi ess of temper ance:in:Kinlou wand � remark ''. -' n, �.. sin in - tro;lucing the d' ` ren '� ••s ( - r, . - t • ,peckers added nota :li tle to e . en o anent of J y the evening. _ , An e ellent choir . under. the leadership o ' IYIr.:: Jacob Nicholls furnished appro ate music eat inter-:. vols, during the : ,b nip A reading �• g � a was given by M T. `C Sutheiland and a r citation b...1., . ' 1.0 M�issHo � H kis" y on. Ad :r ; •g ash .; es:w ere. wen - n b •� .Re:� _ . Mes r s s. y t Ga lagher, 6f-131). S .; horse,a.�id ScarroAy, ! of B ardane _ d '1),. F : (a n.ero i.The Rev. senile n. -.spoke elieff on the temperance . estton `w ile .jr Cameron in a . s- ' ` - ii of: three- �. - hour p��'_, - three-quarters,. of an " gave i is`- impressions ,of Ire and : and, : of he.5 Irish uestion ater ed from=hi ::bre; q b cent- ;visit �� _ t to the erald Isle..;. , he speakers ; were listl?ned. throw h* t with' - g �m&rked st ten ion and -the' = F . .� tst:: of :'good order prevailed.-: Mucl, good must. result - from such - meetirp a `:rte Rose ung: Cam l h' "swops" IT. ICTORY;I- . • ;tuCKINow AO.{. UP .TO On-:•: Tuesday Ali cuiil�ers went :tg ano Cher victory td; low `:g.is the score, LUCKNOW. NO. 2 RINK. ` D.. ampbell, Dr utchison -. opeland, J.. B, Hunter, Skip— Nodi kip 1(0 1 M: Corrigan, Geo. Berry; Ge© ADouglas; ;: Dr. Tennant, Skip--- st . the Lucknow. gharii . And, (Added. ieii list. The fol- WING}I r: ' NO. 2 RINK. J. -McAlpine, Jno. Neelan ds.. Geo. McKenzie,: 'S. Kent, Skip -722.: NO.' 1 RINK.' Meyers, s t----McCliinont,. john Dinsley, Beit `Vilson, `Ski --17. p. L t„ ck .- u u~ n ow� av' u2 ' h ai>1 g .: 39 Majority for uckn .f et.-- the . mathe t` Lucknow curls were invite �' y -'the 1Wingham menet o Dinslev's Hotel where ..:� ,; they were hos itabl.e t...a p y • tallied to supper;: RIP! Froom Our Own! lirrespondent •T11 posh of4eo iS :low very , l °comfort-. less. No snore -.mere � • ringing - laugh -Of Mr.. T. J. � ' Yr ::lis is heard early and l to through .'ween. the pigeon ;holes Joe was . a ` lly good fellow and - ll the : Ripl boys wish .him long 1' a and. - ros t w .P . p ..y., goes. A more -inert �ive-situatiion was desire - as Joe is .a - tions • to see- -:fhe. world.° The friends of : John Cargil , late of he percrild�e,•Lucknow _will be 'gla to -hear of his complete covery from his late�lllness.- a.He' -left Ripley 'for Wingha with Itis f niiiy . last`w ek, :- The contract of '. i ilding the new Metho ist Church as. awarded : to, Messrs .'McDonald' lMowbra , of. Riple for.$1430. 1-A larger _number ' ziew `-buildin gs are, gong. uP t is : c:in _ . Stamm �'.. f,��' er in Ripley than ever ' More" -Whether the school section: is vided or'not a ewe so house :inr hey built soon.' r;.=9f, Xoresters: cry: 6urliing condtioxi ' e nett'" � a ;. r4euibers isitiari lois'' eettiil fotrs app444:114.**yet- - Um: Or.� SMALL DASHES. =. Clover and timothy _seed 'at intyre's. Rivers ome On in b:. . spent: onto -If ,you gc to MacIntyre- . will. give you good bargains: for cash. :Try m. hi ,Reform Convention at Rive on Friday next. —Miss Rombough left for her h in Durham .on- Tuesday last: Revival meetings are still b conducted :in the Methodist Churc —Mr.. D. R. Cameron, bankers .a couple Of days this week,in` Tor :Wait for the , charity; concern -under the auspices of the .Oddfello concerti. :dodge:: ---Miss Susie Payne, of Goderich, is spending a couple. of .wee_ ks among friends in Lucknow.: a • nI —Whose tea and coffee had�you at the concert Why of cour_ se, tyre's. —Don't forget the. .tea -meeting in; ,the Temperance Hall • on Wednesday a. evening next About: forty Lucknowtesattend- ed-the ttend-ed the carnival at Dungannon on Friday night.last • Mr T- Fletcher and family, of Brussels, :spent- a few ;-days in: the village._this :week; • • -All members,. of the Literary Society are requested .to ; attend ' on Tuesday evening .next: Another ve successful temper- ance- ' rY -per ance meeting was..held in the Temper ;ance Hall on Monday evening last 1VIacInty.re has a .large .lot°_of ends 'in dress goods and prints that you :tarn buy, at less than .cost. Call -and see them " .. ,.Mr: Hugh: McKay, of Kinloss. t. as week 'purchased a'. fine:.youn�5 short -horn -:bull from "Mr::: Thos. Todd, of West Wawanosh, for 100. -NOTICE.—MacIntyre wants those. -indebted by note or,' book account to call and: settle at once: —$5.00 and costs were paid into-- the ntothe village treasury last week by a .young man .who itn ibed `two.' freely of tangle -leg...• ' —Miss:Stevensoj wishes to inform her; customers that' she has : removed from her former shop. to • one- 'up -stairs opposite °Mrs: Smith's. Great 'cleaning. sale at Kis. l‘Co'Ideid's old. stand. When returning -- from church on 1 Sunday evening-last'a ;,yonng girl wat chase '�`�� dy, couple of 'boys who should know, better. A few hours in the lock, up would have a beneficial : effect. —For tweeds, sheetin gs, pillow cotton,.tahle napkins, creton, table linnen,table oil clothi,bleached cotton, ckin -•dere = muslin, -ti g, y, denem,cotton tweed, go+ to Machntyre's —Messrs. W. Matthie and:W -Jones, Of this j illa,e, carried ; off the prizes -for fancy skating and comic dress, re- spectively, at the carnival in Dungan- non on Friday night last.•. ---You can get -at Maelntyre's, =20. yds. factory -for $1 ; 20 yds.Print for r wool_ tweed suit,' $7.50 -a good' tweed vest,' $1.25; i felt boots, men's and boy's• boots, =very cheap. The •',cost"- store! is -over and everybody knows that the next :cheap- est place. to cost, is at :R. & J D.. Murray's, because they only count on one profit and. than:a small one Goods all new and fresh.- See advertisement.- -Get carpenter u. or Your to make -out a list, of the -hardware -.:required: for • your building. Call -at Jones and you -will: save from -ten --toa - fifteenby buying, your, hardware, paint and _ oils at the cheap hardware store- :opposite W`'hitely's Hotel. at stag-. Cali and sailor your- self,. _ Jones ias, just received ' another large'stoek of Maple Leaf cross -cut saws t (acknowledged to : be- ; the, best ,saws- in the market) consisting: of the lance, lance tooth, .lancet, -diamond, perforated improved •_champion, Y.: and tuttle emery saw warranted. We. con- sider it apleasure to show ,goods and give prices: ;d,s: $o s of ar-bclo�r'Qost Mrs:. R. J- - MQLecd'3 old, .NOTICE .'Fid. •FARMERS. GRISTINO ... DONE ON SHORT::1MioTt0I1 > . RMoOARROLL, • - RA�INCf • plaeedin ihis dte yaw-mill,iu-7,ucl�- flaw tar e:eiue1i. BdY.t� drr '_ -` 4 •macaiD�; �y neiip pr.epat• food.; cashing for .ca$tie, food; • 4FiVki iews • o tholir - • bi tiliii can hairy k KLikeARit i. kaioir, orb.; 5$b, 111814 3. • • • - am ire,.,•srr�.ctr...:kr -..- • E�Jt • •.of the Sto Hav : ed�. e e �1t jp rices ce s hither er. greatest sale that country, and y, aifa and - tosu� ARG 6 ; (1t � IJA ` TTN ENSEi. • . n e to d. f,y - offer the same to the Public a unh earl • • . of in Sticl�no�v:, This � is the . ever takenc this p1a�:e -in • axe of . the a rare op. iortunit--_. foxy -he - � p y a,ds of fft�nl€. thensalv.,e s from the .. - At prides. from regular way of bu; ASSORTED STOGIE 4 : per cent. 'below the -se -charged in the • ess. 1 einember ••this is au' ETICLE MUST.BE SOJL• D. . ;A n order to --4 plish• .his speedily the . Stock cb • k`J - . '1 Fri"- - offered at 4. .. 'Stock nom' mellee early -next In - order t0 a LIBERA •. ((11 y ' '`: .ken � ... and: the great ,,.a�le:���ll erd; 6 eryb'odT a : y. a cx PP GREAT of WILL B •-0FFr:. -ba =-41.•s. upvtards rcredit on a� or e sats -9