The Sentinel, 1884-02-15, Page 65 T. 7 4F. NUMNIMMOM t Peak- Ralway, asnow , pod aid: -w q0efibyV thb Ant riiitiolia�i W ing at t�p iti huis V-4 Peoi I* -a ar, w4:412e in& W., 1 The thd m'Asyt ot4qr - companies 0* ge ihe oompauy-1 tn6cesa iffic People- `kIT Shortest route to 1hefl am.' bth6r gi4ing the COM014y.haa r f ea h he asti _'Papp at G'WOXi ba&. d-'hai not lo at 'tha r T -New_-JLux-uid9m% Neire,411YE dei I lbk - 1� , in_ 7hey defied.the Wi4b, I . 1� ermillud:."'joit, weie upfiel&%`r1-_ -'sesX,.. 1*1 rai W11ri td-, Ways.' Suppoiiing thiff company made r' do ance. they 01 aw I, il " 4� -�i __ h HAN a FIFTH PAR It brkord default two years hdnc&9 W at: would b it ii credibly stated thiSt U6-tJOUg W-0 AKNT-r�S ON entsnd the Government. d ?,y -Would said �.: The Government would be asked, daughter of one of New Tork' re -:fao * it , ngbo�S'�r-_�'_.l sh 4#jj,,d* to their great)' Are you- g6hag to foreclose this -mortgage SeUtdd herself be re -ther. in ting with 'its, 'Ciihadidid they not "A_ trac ­ ArA membiers 10-i0on. thati-the Pacific - Compan � Ud Y, - h t erViikesnd to fo' her fe, and deprive.. iliese poor' -of lihr iy, where he was refidillg ti rs Paper, an e- th to a a luitarish -divArious. kinds? d bestowed upon him a a )art b, 91 r itoppedwhen -a pT d ps aces, and 'h prei -, * I Is$* -41b. i I "a UPF . , I 001i'adii ,us ti . ti- own isilwayi their I t ,X, purposes. '.This diperatt ar 0-.K-4.,ihroajfi thesep6ri theii Wa to dri* tr a n0 OTT4WJ, - Fe x 6,_jrs. the' to theirs straw ion. abareflipffle 14 d ` a J0 or air n 'of ?80- &Yi gretted tili AT u at the :bOmpshy had not gone to in That -was -the chund sed ctive glar ces for vhich W an: they had no.'- to g;iFbir, or -or and that'was ter& with rich paps -,Sabh an arrangement as that 1 0 h won e1ist siti I! -if onedta. What Up and recognizedthe sweet inqtdi ve 4.. �the Cloids xas.i thei ord -great, suwM`8-r porCof-JU. ada�� appeal.thatwould U mad fainoub. HelqC�iZ as of the a, a -are -Y6 in ajiat 401 0 ne . So. eAppeal that ld `Q: b "Vid -th 1111 DA664 int the*holk io -i 6jmold0r: tie di a kiefte ey wo b weeu the CansdarPaCifioL do so asary in--thiir-own into MFE iy -gnu 'd d J Railwai is I it. absolutil�-na` was now.wnpi -Northwoot :"Well, my Oar," he sal 9 how M, as �#e ths-Construction Company, Was em roisly sit a main does it vbme' to?' Charles upper on lnmdbi M15- not theii�id constiu6tion of tb reisilt est,to. seei Ift4u-that-point, H a bi fa en by the Consolidated Was the resolution no received, I `Sr� by the. conipsny'- v�ojld- re ri lsihv Act' iopi$iat. "My dearps,"she replied, Olying toi,, t r i ines but oxtenaed-railway oommun The -ear y oat. 0 In I 'lot at until not Only:. Thi kinisie' of'Rii k 6 a h _rOi to_ deb� t 1 Ir ' a in the-sorthwest haddon a round his nook it isn'tu bill thijstlw� Q on .L SeliCtion. M64 upon,!,,t a questi h of pany- in& ey -must aeoure,.,U oOM to depreciate Wolf, what 1 it, --then:? Db you his friends. that il Cluadion 1w*,ya had d got's scifio Rail tiamei it athing, ihe value �V. but - from -tihq.- i0prination, ubuifid of - the 8 Isis in- th t.' Proi III alifax,. St. Audrew,s, St.- Johni 'Nortbwestj.'but while 'thsi� - occurrence 104 giire ball- like the Vanderbi4o i,' A;13 P� t W appeared-, thst.midiroad 'Pot C.i v orever gratted,,'.. it, was Aitoi -to be* I Was �,dr# r il&: be­� b was 'ev reason, to. -h a line matel* LQuiabari He an o' in the 13t, AV overty -d -b"' woul bia:,, �in t in... be Aeolozed - that the' no a "Oh dear no.1" om� oce a. men W 0 -went got -.a ate a Id latid The to ad'. "to Make their furnish, homes, and whin w- by:the� i f rY Was that ofih' �erythirg that wealth' - r . . . ­- - -_ , I Pr 611 911, Pass. &rlia' 14 of .1886, f had also a i4a 10 "a S there 0 OrMAU011 asid What the c6m�kw.,�! khe p -resent- r .0 V 0 aa -of lien gathbring-1 iythillg. I -am a a y T, I -the ger of seor, thfi,40tal h prOtesting e 1110. not evb :- - '- tb CP%at Jut a h ie-WoUld thei ron-d-we cayre 'Mi. rom',the a these v 8 "NO Ps ved _fO nd all Ustock. Itieemedthatreall h- _COUA * a ati 'girl, _b�3 it do Ta suiloop §533 _. .. , burdeup t by' th against A ea on�, -con-stfacted by War, treAl and 081116idei bsblk- smidid -im�oped POinted:&V mei & UPOII,thiain �.b uvernme eirnMeL 61 the' total land giatilli Abotita. . The fifty� Millioia -the etbing -And. uty rot Well, p) Into tears. ell Such. axoWmed I called - ' - Jove "Ov A Mil- 04246,660. lad been ' d had be 9- NO 'i'lligible rea�o nthere 8 oomo&ny - I t, 6ord beia i "). � . ally wron bu coutiract sum ni _t -, -wea rsdi� diwas k 40 as had a butidre Ulio4 I � A aim bee ready expands' Ad Was subject -to - _d' An ad for a Was. lien kindo be a' is ilie R of, 85,600,000 Jor the -operstion of he 'when, th stock fell to 55 haute' n o6n"t M tixigth, nOr,.getting intereatedan ure some'-arg, 0 .0 adilway f 11 d JoOldngoi IS ougla P C 119 e U�y r or to remoie an - 0 Alt! Work-: won- d- t th-8 Tvidvaxid, Pdblio�api!lioi said that the the bi 0 compi In sees 9�t, of amy. -veto to be d ste by Prroueoua.. curiosity. ea ith mber ra h- - J prei 9 Might a hirty fa d Mont% cbmia to th mill ons'With th -is a anyl wbi6h to momplatie.-ti road. youaven3s got, bing Idnot eic, pr6j�sition'to*.-felease- this securi company -mas* clearly. gfid� the G iA; t ei 'that qve ts, and, wou sy erpWao if udes. h ate apparent. aby Vis* end, of i8g5 -i iron! a d 0 C.P.R. Co Gy roi or.the Poor people 'I) r -0 sod to to't -dude to carry your due. 1 operation �,of the-- Id -for ton 04 bind the company to :00 - pra Wider coi was 0:11ad, obtained sto '84 *h ye"i yeJ -build the libi rpbo( Hethen '- -t Wdii drg Mplete their. I tie tion it. aland' to well -0 The or PiDit 11 to 0how the value a -thi, the. dividedda of 5, perce 41 could not nd'�grant.gs, a secur I hav W from an a -of - th ah a, aboua -ity th Selkirk. wi Oo at.,1950 �14 � induced beliei that th eat. a ceilk upon If 0 0 r-eakin —I lisvelet goi a pri He Would their origi of -1900 mil total GOViiiiiiii nal Obt&M&te that the, ;xive8tMeUt$­fI: advaboing thirty millions vate detective,,, int thi- Jo 0 com. ',The:ex mil6g" d -country was to'go tfie act --Daken do -were now cost the th Tally Was toenabi them toconiPlete their -of the old gen 00 Plated d'. country 0103,000-000; to WA on thes of walp - oy I miles on.. gent a r a the lifinister ba and i6arth girl 239 Of thii to Calculation hO* th In two- eshis opinion, alulling. asid'was the. fi%vori this railwsy'� company we, should., ad. with-, _POj,_ big ohes d mvd.out n d' t, Conducted the! b' n P y! an 9,600-1 built dpoobite"': 'Je then MIniblift of 00688. Itthe for -me to supply Your inotibI by, the COMP d' ft di 0OMP`aUY Wanted 'inch gre Ire every ti _.Weat .1 -a. co h6wixig ihi P on an were which at favors they, a detect* th stating that ilib Pll Should be prepared to p -in tb 6 would stand ..In oga6 -the, y. -of -the. priyb a ad 10 o09- 497 UAVel-gotofurnie vern A t"xu--gIv8 �UP their _bthe f i, 0 preoe ant Odioi ML fAmily 2)p insy .8 issu, k I The coll aguari defa Wan, a of f onopoly,, the whole at h Rnilwa`T COIklii4 ahould- Make L me It formed VIX dl the and the i -throwndn' ult d s%llQ loo - a- would he bittat a Milli of -ato ailw 6 the -country's al railway charte;.! 4' forth - company c hands,- H`0 68tiL w4snow, stated that, as is fall details regarding their position the ection- of. priv Pau. -1ad to p n a0 t msted hat th' Oon as- -det3otives ern v_ J�VQL a country Would psxy b66o; hould theAstor ball last night be Made ku wit. Parth, _9114 also -at -.0 0 ant Th Mpstrong -enough.. so soon *r Tuiry, Was Vanderbilt ball necessary ives warrant to t .08 out,of �t,he had the enfire.contral Of-tb osi�oely- 'trans( -the extbut-of be co; -20 -Hou.- landa,tQ a whoi=. fore even those his, ovei a 42,493 buly:097,100,a20 antiyviithin -their g is moll ould. be' f 0 to. vein, and.the Of Ohio G loVein' gidtlemen. a monapo y i� the proposal sh ul borrowing., 0 a rip, the I friendly f a to be prett SO- At -as I� 2 BeoIausi.thb a such vat- �det a dbd asked o well established:now that thers n'at- 6 road could- not. be d.. -Whi sw f PPOMW li d be rgis ha tran'scand built y vast ums -of, In oney. tive is:O ne of he necessary P eles Callatidere -to enanou -thiernm ort -Mood fo, felt would- b Therefore, hai a bw Ydars-th6yL not give his 4,sgeilt t of exce o Go.- an un 'd - 6i26*6 , i M -very, 'the Passage of the resolutions. sive wealth ere, ready- to d Y loss than v to he could _Q n went " an uld appeal wi con . I 1000i Pbwerfukthatiit�wodld er *18 to be fo d lie: a to. P, then into further 01 well-farniAh of 08 caloulatio n. t ad esit0lishments 0 0 the S moved- the adjournment u a h faShi ler. &to ago-we',V 30 9 Swould'o6ij 0 _V . . - - Of bb t b d' tb" Three yo isrikft -of whi�h'he claimed the N�rthwet 000tMan and theb the House. suoport What powers werei th eJ Was -that'-the -deb 0004try' Mte, and the Hb 88 adjourned at 12 left in' of a Gbver' ap th to Ing OnAble' nW p y that' ofis sunissua an 'the COUILM deei the plag.,dog, -and - grant -b alot' the kailiya told wh 689-443,848., -There Were, to-voe died imprOvernefit o ourse J� r of -'Syndicate I TV' 'it*wi l6ad to an'" fu Ober comm. in f 0 - = Inc a- than the 7 '4'', he WO net be -OV ant ment. the was forled uld coat'. that it M' P6R01R11§1W. JIN 11120apubt' postal subsidies, -satf and'they had t" VIENNA10 lkapr . h -foi vearast a road is. of ourse The cittz s, Unha $3,000-000, and tie -a ve to a de' I 't at the 06,mPhn ..would ha Wit the breed of priVatedotect The ao�t- 'of -foigo But be y en n, an, tboaenaen i*'h hact had- t ould eon," , 1 ... a Oetween to have the lad ek transport, which a 0 Then, they Gov ppy onnection'W h us and PrIse to! Imperil their 6 ante' !?aid in i;dvauce for the iin ent.precangle lamollds- looked after and tis, it, is thi profitable. 61i a and Mi6dted -P Thr�ats �ry. to put OJ ndertaki ig of- the ids -:n0wit w&Ei .,said, i , nen an of noyalty' states' esi nix —The Live habit of certain AmOri an ladies would ye ng, and he cou. not but feel that the ew d., and d Editors -in Jeopardy. their diamond necklaces when th bl Y'. &Mount. F1 . . R., I . a"ds Owed iheiii no 13till. t prove profit& iglit fo an an of tiati �_7 n gram sayf3.* Sin -as th-- osbdbv-the C 0 a certain irork. subvention, no 0 ai�,m Upon- Canada. ' double pay !is-,'Vienns. cable, it is -not -questioned- ey 90 bund At secur"t hey had- was to ble r a ride in takei i, We -d'- A last (Iffondiy) n the comp�ny hid recei a bobtifled oar, the ub- d a pas had received i -the fdrm - of No change was pr gui.cailtsubgidytod- excessie a clal Q revolution 0 jA I . 4 in aposa secondly,,. a'I. to has -never p stomi whi'dh to regard' Ptittini i 91314tes all things, ha' .-to their can WOf. t1iia.,pr Pv Insane Of exorbitant ratma Vie seed through I, , . L suchs decreed that - 0.+ - at, upon the 4toad orthwasti R 'who OnlY cary fro moderate estimate the Val Ouse� must re anxiety a 6 support by -the- ri the- _N origin Of nd alarm, adie a rjost: (if the 11 on Op The G a -b showed,ths ten to al living upsuch twenty t ..01 Srs, worth 01 asis: of-Ifie good oiCan tinb ment i 11, possession Ouagnd tid I Ads one,, roads as eures an and. St justache, bra d it diamonds On pe Pi -the odn The Sb k -elieveS to. 9f th"_ -roonesballnot tract without the a. A a& ei Is the clisi -recess. F air Ila 0 .71 1"' - r for 6nahea most trustworthy in in I . -1 on r; j�� ore one detective; B aw 00111banY h4d ek Dos to than 'letter -but peak pended its' substs assassinate carry. IeWs,worthI Aft the-' bVidence of --the or ooi chai plot at thosoWh6 r 'the I cartridg n now when mperor. The d over a h that was: submitted. to: Z 0 yusm i4ndred. thousand 'to ar I dollars kra; ntitled to i. -Was Whether- thet Sir Ohs _� .6 lea:Tup' was asked found in the op6r&,h pisr,-resumil1g, �iaid;tbis nabout thl ouse are ni two. By this ivge� lar to tho At it will bereaft t, to dnihle'L t millio OUS arrangeMs o61 Gove'rnment1as followed tilicy these. R6 found near the fiody- of Detea.. -at er be zable" 0 ransact; f Go teiiiing to & UVO B -a 0 to asti comipsay t npi t of its- sklould be i6e e a lady's wealth in h ci flow lines to oi he a o pri a oij explained. h aud in t Murdered adornm in Wht 13 a ti an respecting ting her retjnue.of�. Mete with - the di -the rd.1'p, -ants :by, bout i ti I dvn* antity of: shadows. The to anticipate co, hould -ij chager's 161r,06. A but, y S ,a & inn I u - Money- Im cific Rs I. "M wary..% -. This'GOvorn Ons of the- racific Railway Y.44 4mite was -recently v -plan Mob -is simple -a Iit. - nt.; but if fi Unes ontil�ue, to 212-i -theoeoi s'give all $i felt it neces6a lid coni UnOkr. roumst Compain ry to consantad to. the, pr6teotion -to. -this, btirg.dynami Whi at the preen Grey Bruce, and nel. 'The dynamite waseh�t by 'th irate �andl. gte I Was. to hen the Governmena r&iLJWb other 0:04 t rapid in the P*eidit, Val' ATIberg t Venda ey, . -Ontario Y for the' rt guarantee aOmPaAY Tok6nig, te factor T ch wa-ol eid -un. cre45e� Dy Ban :gr Would - a a Wstt-� diamondm to multiply,. th -hat arrangem t. signally failed. If bahn R but oontin, applevvith he 6 On it arrival at a coming -,war a t the: rains Butal ntetpri itselL ths, ys. a proceeded': H6� 0 the' Paci& the (fain do wager will look. R. stol and 'the effbits ever I �Co.mpazly ere an 'eaNA -d­nin Vie' ethe.jea.djit _.Of .P May isythat d _U Unuone large cas6 eigh battalio in asing animos Ing -to provide a winter termi One hundred lag W11611sver she takes her, waike ad on with and -fif t kiiogriimmaB to edr C.�.P fse it. 'a the concluaiiin �rrived si nus on -ca Wa Pacific ]�q y this dian joili vilien they Y. world. Abroad.— N. ly I If buying 'up t_' a Poli6e do A, --^tliar4ugh ising. Th oCompiny, tse inese, seaich f6r"it, but in vaij. On failure' In'regar -to thaLability- of their wn.-line-to Under th d rn Rsilwayli-pr as th operty-fai dq� Oil at.porol a airou stshOe the. at take.oare" Of On Siturdi J) Who and ? 'When the'. gust&-ji. itight battaliong 'of Infa4try -at wihthe maCent subinitted the fresolubtons Pow Ad. b * -its herent od in aWY Sh at to as agreement *&a 0 disclosed 1, th- - a a a'a. repared for an -its p6sitioqyl. notwith Arr Oka underarm6i, ' ' L I . ., p an a standing ailyompatiti d - upon the table' Ha .1 rt aina16unt-Lebanon N Y a&teme�* be. sake itb -ndmiie'- th d -was 5 years 0 do, ha ill o0 Oa would4a;ke t on -to which it' e sh MMO '&to M- vement. During th Years. 6� lived ith -102 May inance r no officer was allowed tad that !ilthough- sve, . no who.- hAd induced. wQ ifie save the -be derelict . in -its dai nSi]W&y y adian, Pic be subject if it roi ven for a moment. Power �.und h to B, kli he !Be wa t a eb4fter to control Qan Qu# oi, thW fit, We are In s posi. t on AUY -b -624- opo' to. T Hd an AtN portion Of their _00 bein d Port these resolu he Nor a lity 1 troops. tion -now' to -- revie F a9d Of- the- Canadian Pacific W, and aeonsider the ble. Was Said to be. -9a regiment Osvalr r y was lso Age but 00hy of. the late as manwL. and- now, �oadin�eas during the t ''When, tlie4abli- night,and theirlioria a ene. t f all &a Of- -the Present were completely country Might have t b' i9s tiong not for., the ry's debts I theodubi'J, 14- istributed to. the held n* Pletion of, rnment -Prosedi g. for any long turned,whe Gave as to n.the.com *ere saddled. The vernment conside aint 22,500;000, th pea -the cold _U411 - Pacino ail I way. Most �Oritical. W2 a first placii )OB period the, �C&uac were to be given 0, ZY. Wf u constant dkead Of 'two terr` F -the pay -,glid: Ao city of &6 F1 All a ible went 04 - 07 380 .2 In -are in we a a Asinat #gain "ked to admite the wisdm And eef I citi BWUre' d,� the -be able- to state- od d tested extri 29.1 the Ho nande-Kinieter. The d emes—the gparantee, and left a b -On the _COMPO t OA4 at ance.tolth tL-was proposed to ady -to Then 1 acifia Railway- y -was Of0i to give up tb6 'the- list a . d -into in- w -hand -and 611012 -is the coAfidefii aarrangement wao enters police n -the Mont Apple poquilty, -;Or as Of the 'Can deflan Of low. P e t f Persons se4tenced 0 protect, itself- Z'ha Who to oscate the the - road of -rity dspositedby the company- b Pi 622,500,QW, to bel :'Paid -ito y the 'snar"to 01i the Eire h Sir- 001 the HAS coustrudid, north of 11 fulfilment of th reverg.6�,'� Mperor. ri the - 11tri and*to 1110 to'sa -Of I ' . crown A4yp *&B prop6sed- a Sapariarp the ordiipf - thingo R Pic�idink th4t th,21' udo1phL the' Crown, 111413lier in -which the.-. Goveifiment'feil b 1? th6subaidyshouldbM it.1h 0 , gulbrimtes, interest um a aron, Inouin ent� u --ad ` - , 1116m.to-reoo d' --the th . b qovernfheni regard to. the: Pon" nei or �Itiai Vance of '029,506 � �,i� Idt all,- the fo Position. they.have hitherto felt'it incum. -a new Neue priie prosse and the - WOA tobeborn.0-in Mind ihni.;i, 0 COMPSUY's stock.. T h of. the 24 e win ut to take of rofusih Of -the AUDvernment 'gave - the cost of ti"Priener Tagb ati Prefect of police Roitickgo . Paid -mile -for i3iiii. is -t 9 to" donient to - the he: - h fivi In at Sig ty To soon- 06nstruI Of liuSsiii "the Province of fluous Poli to re.pfiymeng 0 . ce Frankel, Xfimis ttorso X.Sultoba to eon AT many m ])a. v"OffoAhe: Government rvnbh the railway' millions i ri astwWn1Deit4 1: 1.16ig to- and Deputies, nedt 88`611116te.'Of Ap I I of-wlin Was a disorqsnai r tem -:,of theothit. aide. Wbii the Liberal '"to Tli an'll.'she 36un 0 contracted upon t pr6 �q! Iden squired k- lit gftordo& b*, thecharg Rrty� and - e can gi#e1id beti he r P -with -the proviso that. in &fafdt of d?, svI 00 to try, of .4olice on the other linewasq_aaL a4k great only sixly InADYames of Liberils XWO eftivioal to al__� -by- Sir Ch so their bl s..Of hitereat orp] telethe i4vabood po'fitti& *e. a t -oos t onot the enterprise -to have attainedp He pa4j milh 80111PAnyero -F an no WAY connected With 1e* the whole iddied are. 116umatisi ULra �Ja Claim public fifty.sight-mil, 2 -eveil many who R Property" th., � 00 pany 61, the- a uld, lie to,4806ift from and :E'S VS ament, andl 06160 on the S be.16iffited to the. imQual 0sibdrOds- 0.1ta.Aht' nagoh o9.11111UPp Backtieft, Heilidic 6, Toot had- the pn1rpoViiai6An. t at means, of sddizik In addition to orl d list of the -anarchists- D t -further' 61 ix '0y his c 0 a it twenti. i I a � n-"reo of ladd, PM last, few -days -240,00qAon n ab sprion-amr 'would be orested-upon groo at Qd I d ..work. Ile'.1i WUNIVA MI) 9W.0 U0JLJArX L4O oubt B� have -been Aurl", A041 'the.6onolu. 0 or tb B1 8. Proper,174 compan sav- 'r th 84 Mre. n -face of those feats whatee am the fos too i � .. _ *as tre 1 y f 0 t , t-oomice Of -posth he in- vienzia.. private tters raherf. Fifty the diffib 01 AO iie of i BUMS th rui - ' ` - 00 florin A" ALL OTIER BODILY VAIS8,AJ110 Am'sk fit a of h by Druggists and Dealer 0120# 'an thaiiWe would t1te oomo Vsatsabo� in&.this- advance - aj3 am fiva Millions of haid. 81 -.-- !, OW I JtWk a 9-1 -tot dus- to- jxbanditure� 00 Ai post. CNARLIES Ap VOGEL-En-Vo �t lookbaak. having-Ioilce7pi.our anymore I I i Dpened- b - d the pdli HE upon.the it 06 and a can taut. search for 9 When the, people. min- Ike -Gave t d. witN hand could- "not y V0GXL%x* Co.) Another th dynamite W ot -18 Made. The Empe roi th ou PAYIE Be alterd ga"P11 release of the 1*111ion 7d I t 10 a- single 'AoUii the -gas seoul -4118y mates.- �By theI lie -the �Ompaiiy f PC Z� dh to& the oomplotibn 006, and all tAe posited'by V a .00 Of the line I w atrMgei the' put. Publia, buildings -&to, on' ve7yqar 'theyL !sve ptavidia gly*hb mo Xnd the n-thd work; whi IL 'I - -would -,imaid Asy t* t swap.& vi ei ld.h operig UQJAP @to re oh had obvi the :road -first t- "I, wed -to, vublish y - thing *he came now L be 86 give- Ift Msdnt . -these The;� Aftut "tht N A N :PR oonsidered-wo heir unless it h ovir tShould hai 'S T 0640tUdOO DY li4ving 6he a b�en previously D UPM than Ptboeilide'A to -dealmi 1913T CURE for, a. nAsce, there could be-- a Goverkinalit. had Pressed - 4 -4'r 'Pdblio. -They -should hh#8 Provided 'for Iti Ihe'.t UUMP ed B . to tho , j I ribing-to Splk, '40-ft'itted t the polibe. 0 '011arseter Of the expSi3ditiiie - 1 th 13W Of Ih� e reso. $heir Main -18,949 pei:iditil Wf ore. the contract before te Of 823, 0 ineWberb., -launching a n .-Of the- IffbUse, ut 1 3)0811 &lame baoicr.disordered ur$Ae Into - other'. on dri aliftfactOrInift in t IW6 IvOni Callander t pro in Pbio6ssioi of - Ju id di Ul .0rdst of 'had 11 information"a ke -provisio They . Rocki7 Miulitaing. A's 4 Drore -they timdz- to gonai4; � On _UO4 T 40Y �w X01140511is a model ent into e expend rQ00 istenients!' a h uIOURGO aucL restore pe is is ilot a y a quarter Gootiod: b6me n It 8ndit vrMsp9-ed-UJy Of Over t ree. millibug Pik outside* W ft Abeir 0 iOn the -brauchej liras - -yeara- a ;OW14own. obligations sd �go. Abe-%, .70! rieQ. P thought hecould appeal to a House IT It been urged'". and they 7come- -'.for help. to St as capti Geo. Murphy, chief in IJ2e interest. of Cauad� Mavu Why. fij - It lasty r a A andweakn0jim VdnV7 Raoi ilv�sy contract Of rqad� are 00' 'a fist mates of cost XJB ot -Gompi Ore MOiley-would be. n Pon well be. adopted-thol T-bP#ter of Noutflial JO r Q Waited u %ny,.no*�Monsi 6OU14: .: � - th all Jimit.Of 60i wout wo 11;eteution -of Would nSUAcient td-COMPI following qua 100-09-16Auddull, aa short tim Ako.and o.0i's thS r0quired., The xieily This expenditure. r- supplied di, be - lifio .proposed lo -for rolling- pe a woUl Ste - the' ry. in anyiqld to Its vio 8 eop d b*�ithe freeli. That. line 94 xpeedil� . P.. . - ement onff - alft I -for lake n I Y. Would The amb ni longer =:E1T-,AZL tOOk'wAi ob I' wesi -104liplit's prooeedingsgaveg-�r _)qhief ,do you'flAd th at ateain ire Would ri DO be 6" - d ITS indi0ktiOn as to where; that money was to; volked now i at the -'60 �, - . - 81 ge o you - IlIng inseouri' 1 4 an k US in r was 'bundied arph 0!!. a, through Ca irhiok.� come -from- 0 even ae lied Xr.,X Y. is Bol.� i d, - t o be so strong, i the strange - I im I . 11 thousan - in r p the' laudg d' ftfAnd-the m-;'bttt summer, The intbre t OA at- tb6 'bdndgtthe as ­ �. .. oney pri t, 21by Are attsn4ad %Pit -over in* w Of I d her t* ask fo, OM vernm9n Pi6ifid Compa;A with whii to build th rue PUP up- With -the GoveinmSat e.inone! Sir is ery T_ a 21, danger -ing te�th twe. d -ad anow coin "diVidend'611 Mal and MIS undei en o %in UD6 h" b to_ eats t Umg_ in� fi.. * .12 -a n Bu'stai faced, of c0uri fro* wind�-*S% nan sm. to sfulfil -thoi oontr h 604, xpquded -,i life Of the'dori2pany'. Then Igo - .__srs'_7-exP6dsnc1111 Ahe Govern U0mP&Uy. least t 0 was a ateri the of raper application of and --bad d founcl h inoid I' a 1, After I a atook- of- the KOithwisiflixid 'andthe of - to the amalit !Vh1s 11 * that , it was,. ini the i I Ighly'iba 494Pil" A- those of ..expoi a coun y 'not -in th6� interests of a resources. Thi Ponay had -on Uy er: The' spent in geouilng the line No th heavyf,�Moist at.p2ospliare the d cave no- tw�thit soof debe tion 0 ter been need' for theLpUrpoa All would a#ee Mat jn�,�Oi 7oh at the wa P in- is Ve InLp;opor#0n;t0 the on '60 in, and many, 0 y PIP I nown- Wa m that coma - me -top owp L.R. Peformed instsaa or- upon: - the . the. ..stock of the Land Co 144 f? . tic fir ar or �DJSCL t -that the, 6e sh 'It. a ear- -that gi -the company-staxidibibkore theWjD1 -to m6ke' V i, . � i 1, � ould draw their p i the i Wail necesary umatis arAn k P6IiA Ake -Cifland 'I. Uff un A N -M OVIERY10 his siolz value. I believe that our danger fr a Worth ni6re, t but -at wpl g8j. T its real OM eXpo Weil -for whei t) was arrived: at van Hoi 'time MFor app like No 2 �ears Vre haVe quat rnished theI . Mont of Mr cu Years , late,- T e'OPPOSitioli, -had a T too He ad the stte eral 3 01 Q, forward is pi Sia.St. en of Amerila vith )hp oil a In time A an. excellent P Was reached it mighi af airly-� ks r1gei for this. Provision when t the effe Pacific Rall. if appli d Adal colorforbuti5eir; hatit nWith great -success every th W ta"'Bea. he WAY Camp y -did what- the Ors as ft line Comple ad fro stism, has a hera rfteivino the the COM-" ROO know wouderfqway of kUOck_- highest "d Only Prizes at both Intgrnational of ny Uve gotJto he& -irchaiing the Be .-.Iii Pit of -in -Atl &lady out of people. Itcertainj D&ii7 Fbim antio Mburitsfil sdotiou was-goinifd cost at hwsat Rai ey want g _y Pade�t . Is company -had no V44HO d Me of anA* rand d� Nort prk th omp 'PrOL� t ay go; want i and i - they- *ant the severe -In seleatMe. the Canadlek Pacific iuthority. me to houl.... sea make-, e9tima MY B we havolimproved in is t r cre�ai points, ea. -w'offe ti�isneWL ()lraSfheWf W mong th Principle. �applied- arabig d 0 0 _W, Rail �job on fa the ', - - Would no - . bi Oka , i way.comp W the one now b6ing,-complet Money 'Pieident, -the Society 6f -Pabi -will.Not T.Url, VIA` d e�.ri and oJoriffie hal. .1eavi they. were going to out t h. Jf of mountain at 31 ireal-to work.- It th I 'con: ieot with t 41Y A lhek6us they had., England 41Z is the Oil a not, monsitigh t a recently bouithv soo -the d1j.. Go ere nk. The Rai C J -'Grand - Tra 0 to wat6h wh Id go patch More.") was Owa - 0 adon, StOon #ft. ghtelit an 0,1014atO absidies Paild on the -a of milklnL arpose 80111 easternwali a ct f ying In Rally y9ould talk'*ho fe ChisapeSt-CoLl for the. p Kilt W�Jlug TJ ud.found.203 tioix-beid gone. edor .-5-HOWd1dfi-happeaI It 6119t Was that skimm. -110 ObJ600 ;L that the 40VO witred. be company -in PoSition,tadra 4affio-ti ug'h -had already. rhmint Made! d, whuerepped in oit'le 8OLCOMPOP nded up.an' of Canada d -to becom nd. tor work wei Atlantic is' boatid -it 90 ix. B0i The 6i * und to see them throng 84 the 06 �_ht� to -obfid Youk Hap Possible for it Vei Bifterihave ben -of MOB MARIE f all Imitations a -!a W of L e rancid olinj 8 fidid ­ the duoL.: Udr is said Was 98%, UM1H`Z3i,­ ,04 .6 or an F a p no, to m nd 1 �ey;,-, ' a.' ILWas laid n otner oil colors, for they Lare i r xith L P with t7phola IL per but nO 0i b ter and fullet-In 4tion before . over rancid _u spou the �kjdtter. Ib 't The people in ihoMiAtim6ep,cyv.lnods�-I&I.P�. ie to be(co n'� an ahbW that that. fdrin Awo Mo si a4d could i-elt to' "lookbig h. oburs a had'be Submitted tb il I tkibid- your Hop Bitters. ,To aeatimateopf the 669 0. extra. have thi -ion a ould Much.' - Th, this 'those .of a alt gations of mag 4.7 with g 6'Rai *8 - you cannot get the "iniproved" write . tring into obli wall- y reeommend thenL lermint . ta I ofths rev, y nitaft.", The Gotoijimenti had a r any -one 16eble to know-wheeanhoWt to the... Prand I W�E brXi* ftanced j#e'%J_1 .-W .,, expense. cordiall a .,, TZHL, 0 & CO UnAlin-clan Pulton treet, Chicago, U, 4 r 41