HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-08, Page 551 k ON 11 es -Atarg, A*A, let, 1883. Sir ---L-1 ha" �b e su fie"r ye-� e n A -from Costiveness,- Sick Heada e, Win.0hurchill & N6 Ge- 9,-41 and I:- - - .- ;� .., - , 4� 161t Logs -4, ith -lot the I t 4s he��R. iroubled w CatCrrh e foe any ye,) two year& m as a Vt u in -tired, io' that y.life, w Y6 r2- IN nW of aliyays: ----------- I Xva's,. recommended to..- me Oy seem Hpald oh -iip ed,diA -to' :Moi -�l urdpn all ttles -AlL sym tried'alalogt all the ad reitisedrenied ng, me. as., 0 leair Lind 4 fter- - - - ' ., . . . . Ahig pl A h4v6 -had r�edical attendanceand -hs4*e aiid a half bo P W1 W Gen-eral 1 711:ry.,;�:,, twa of Cwtarrh have disappe4red,. anct' iesJut 'th'o ' 'effeet..:-. 'A� number of -yourJ U, A u a of Heilth, urged me togivi§ ai - Fo ntai' t 8 0 inu llia�lt�, i ;0Y ig4bois- who ha 4 ch improved that I use hare gained" -veral ppurids iii'flesli. pe x - C. ri - am­v�ou it a. t A. f r At 1 6 ee*bo . les'of ,�vhich. mad. Xs tru, ly, -140AT E EATLY RENCED,-,' Pin POR'A 4* M Me feelllike.- new AvoineiL. ES Wx LATIME I.& - - ­ - AT Go Rs. B V T COST A SHOW -W AT G, OS AT -A vttrr. nir Ciat 574 U lor st- Ki iir stieet Toi(nito. J[WX WILL IrOtt 0 er Sidt lethenni Cured T F Car t col The fittest healill rupound un'd reg1w ark -es r 1 C r em" .7. ore -but eum,, :, - esDeczau.. -art A. . . U 6,lic Cera6e�- There' is- no' s Aire -you troui�lea witli.s Alt n canker s livtll suedutill) to its-,�wonderful he�ding ro�irh *i.., pimples'..or ores. P V' T:IiA ir Ing rice �tw' ent are re IWA m arboliX ra n-�,i- o as never . --40 0 tall -A -lid Set'e' ry,'s, Drmi,. a pa'4"k-age of- McGregor.= 'b0'6ks--to:-b`al1 tittle All U 6 av ot .1 ip 1). e. n ft f go aton& ta Betry.s-- ar h 'in es, in, esi. It is att tnv*lu',�ble -dr(Iss- I -:so co, amViS.." par.k.0 t ed �t-6 tu for- ..sealdg, festeM.. t-,tc. p nd d rice -gef e te P AvelitY fi.ve cefits at .-Ber Parke'sQ ind ibrgi gp& 81 fi, e c its. are. el V kiio their aftouncs: fail M AM Re-, �1 LL FMd-1Ji91ktfti4g. O -Se. 13411 ki.9 who. P J h Th W -.Whata theniatternow .0 11 t. eas bottle W, York, and b er drthe now. E . I -E U .1 -n RIE. �C XPE eir ecounts, - t -1 * t ic ra gia fliat -z u _aiid R.ev*, Fc tther. 0. 8641 totythaohe ue- ar kills - ni d 11 0.. ViYX—Why dont-yon gotoBerr.�-.' The -r 44, -w -k oww city oo ev. Z P. W11. a, drug store a- d get. a. -of FJU. d oza tu ew e sea 6.! you Rllo* it cures'all -sueii iat, e miftent judge W116s of U& AII setts. Stilpreme Court,. weltes . fopo 8: othuche,, heada6he,"lumba7 Ax AGS89 er. st unc e, throt., etc. t 4t Co., Geutfemen - M U 16., 1 sor B. St.; New 16, My Itni.%which tched to inti4eritbly at night ,WA6rftmu fuR ILeTTER.. llid bnrneilso biteiisely,. that I coulifsearcely bea� othing.over the it. I �was also a si6rWr my i. a- severe aa4 .,c-Atarrhal Cough ; my (Front our Regular correx ent.) pelite w as poor Und lny-sptein w. good deal. run Lq pond a SA A Iilue� JP� d Knowing the v. of AYtn's SARSA A - 28th, 1-8-$4-.-- -observation other cases, and- Washingtonjall. ICILLA, bN of ina I f I - Xsi I began tA ii!lg, froin persona use in oriner iea lit Yme. few years igo- the squalpe just *est of it for the ab(1ov'(q'-;ia;11ed di rders.- 'ily: appaito so ifiri Aouse c6utsined, maky, uii&fas4i,in- iniprovett allhost froin t1le -firs ter a, th* wl I wish.to'inforili clil�ens, of t��Rmow and - I wt tinii� the fe ling were allayed d ed zind wsu io�' bilildiii Prow, iuent a-luolig 5 ILI vermid itel ,all of iTtitation of the skin disa TOVESS.�. 9 ha lieared. iie ea �Igll SOL cured by the same- undintr PYV" v that ve akk� ilh owvtt vne ;Ad War and S 10PY octlarr: . . y i - , t 4 S tarili%and-tough were al surro buhunig lth reatl y: hfiproq I t: U V S. -khose partmental in -4aterest tu t4e.. V U11, til now it., I feel A hdndredpiw. 0 r- ed u werd k- Xf -the' e(iiii str6ogerand I attribute tlieso results.to d meft blood ati-aamntwe, oi uearl3r u century ago, afid pre- RSAPARI LLAI -which J recommen rmt to, tue uia's�-Iv evef-devised. -I-too t of toJJ4�y. k it � in small doses tl f tlai�(;( T.0 J§L as the Des !ne B U. R SHOP sery e, A. -ey werecurtwis wid ifttuiptured,, of aimmil; I place t1tese. facts at your le hopin htir w r. i R. G. G' eenwi Olds' - 9 t4e , all 'publication -may do good.. - - , 1 - I r I A taiid. 7�ik ep s� respectfully, - - . . I .- B 6ri.;kL,.Ud1it,,(i a dingy -s. -7V:.-T - ]D*: 8 Z,!P.:-WliD ure in rMilft un mg try, on olat all ti tuid S4 --coun 111teilur they wero dark and cii-Asty, WUle "e bov�Austance is: b0t olrie of the-rilany con- h meg- the U LU c"ow 'bij�&floor*-aacied-to the 9e11:erAl* it'-stiditY- stantlt comin'g' to our noti4�%`w1Aehrove the per- aptability:of k1tRAPARILLA t 0 tWt -the s �Oftlgrly Oe -OHN F _he h&SLO 1jenea. 0 t'fi V FRIE MEAT op cupie ART Ahesie old' builuhigs- 4ave givSn AL 'a u n. 01;e 6Y ont t ad, KI h E ity t., the etewly niarch t'd We, new, bta-te f e OPPOSI e the. d * -e ses arising. rqni impure or !in-. Thitely House '.an is 1) . rep a re tUe curip of all'dise. t building, t I pover slied.bldod, nd�, akened vitallt�. art]jent was ivere o a all w.,li-hed abou- four ydazz agb only, the old Aii IV4,r Depi M6at f the; rs ut Ag-Westruct. a - e, apa a . 4VY, bUi1di11giJLUW, hbf-test Npice,, -Villap 0 i -06A OR and lia G(Y6d -Cleanses enriches,, s th� -blood and. strengthen begin on the --righietnth: 'of t Mai. the -irtant audhAer,, o i lith. In =any re Cts this is the ibust stininlates the action of thea.stoniach'ad 130TrPl8i HIM G iv,6 igtafidover. IT-, atin I -A buildingof them d reby enableg thesystem. to res Mittly aS,6.,8laionA of the #.laY8,U, d d� Ift 1 n -epairin hearly was come be attacks- of all ScrofUlous Disea�es, Erithw; JA SURMA It- ;, i .-tious qf.'the -A, aeve Skht,.. lh�unaafisiii, Catan twq tirst Dopartuintal buildinig dousrit�d Is re'suliing from. poor Atenided --to, -Auwirly call solic De6lll�y ind 'all diiordei L by the GQverniiiit4it. It.4- two lower stories -blood and a� 164 stztwdf-�be system corruptiOd I L time there was !A -TY f NIT LK - - 'PAX IS AND :DX1 PATUS, EC -elyloseid within the wlls. finir d4partmel[AS Y­iung g%,xVeruuwuJt-­State Tjeltbliry.Nar, C.A 10 Dr. L- Yer �Ve iavv. It will be bt a few years before . ............ Sold by aU Druggists, prlee-$J� six Vottl s� lor:$L 'of the G e 0 he -a State.,'IMar, an(I Navy 1)ep,4rt� n C AYErv5- intAki gratifte &ud -HA it hav' passe! W q make. room fok-:tbe -S R o la*d wark Apital which i$ AT RTIC CC falpy entire sq.iiare; Will be the large't s and ha isomest detnirtmentO bdildij#K. I:t' J_ PILLS -f rupoibig flan e;�-Iy ornis an, r k to the.16ft; kide -.6-13egj ft tiVe -flfi -t r9a iLll gkea;ty eubj5iiee eure of 't Le White H (,f. th e -t - This ex- CopstiA�tiou, -Iijdigestwn, H adache e eity� aqti V section. Gu�apriies- three. %quar which where.� AlWa zeHable, Y &r K V; '41it-an- aul'to around the re -it of (116vernWi-nb d six cents orr ti ted ful wuiti-, muirrdhnded�. byi �beiutff park wi ' th, flo finintains,. and railings. At uge; and ri! thr.- ri6t of tbh� park ia thst 'Trea§Ury *bile �A d th an -the 9quare ait t4e left is, being reare e 'jht goods which. will bell) to more'niaheyo 'eJjJ*W in .6 akp'stand bert dig ilay itiew striteture. Xt the' 0i es�;cially- this 4*1(t - All of gh *wa)r thaii anything te1w, intbit�W f .'From - attractive scene either sex. awmeed froth first, hour. Tm-bro -of c tho Tit-witiry depends a belt ilectric lights, road to fortulle- (ipens before the vuvrkorsi. a W JtA and M il;vhl 11611se is radi -sn ii str­-;� At q eraddrtas Tauk' ;o., VINTAND an' With the .1, tely -re Silly gaslamps uptin its porticof; US _8p and, about grounds.' The north, ocoutli, e e ei' owl. ow. eVial indueb: -f the a buildings have -al- Ut Wings n ew d.. --the debris of tke old. -b- I 117 pdv been ili NVTj Dr-partmeat will- be- cleired-. in _pe to perinit the. commOncement of sitirk -np we" wiu2� by the hratL of Apr The -9a its Sof dad ,dolumni cou V111tit;Uil masiitie �illars nkdtS' thi presaut department will, �Jjer M-18-sed.f zNOM oarch ec- tr ack. U �Vjdisef, ittchek th eir Vuildlrig� It is Qf now. com , -an diicl4d.wall the twel, anti illustriteFs: the. dppAftare which Rigs tc3,u made by luent o,f late yelirs- latst-g e 8 A n d a. in'Im-structures. The uew Fensdon buillagw b the. Is T -:,0 ing afrA Printin. and t1ker - Agm a0 U re OU They are -1) ski cheitp pars -eat are all brick tructirea. I am.'PT red to se U10. examples, (if this arch �1 departnre, �t e -t atinal Alitseuln-, the Bureau- of Efigrav-. &H Cheib6�� si rehaned fr sthe tr%,l e A affoTd a, 'ple Con, !"ing change from:th my: and a` ventional 1�ar&� d the. Inteirior De . h.- 'Sto4k 1'ffardwE e, is no t -his. lzrea&y. 9 e p re a added' large�y to- v16 kr partment, and the C�kpit4jl.- ith,,a -13'"t Ofibe De g er IT. - -showering of report& frpm committees, retias�clto famishr e p t k at Ong a %VOV praves that 0 Pre CA y jig tb e, rot tine proceedit ws: ofi f.7 t7 _tJYe Wo JLq*U*eSr sre' as 'Yet i�f no partic imir t -c di al leg -is] u;*,u iuteieg. 4 large ps% of the gene-ri tion wWieh will be couNdered at this Asion" t reported or in. a very foi ward eta e is %rrea 'But the' 1.11 committee. mobt important bi-11p .jet taoM6,- Tho- Sj)Pn4ii&U( W -tbv,- wayb and mems. c(Gamitt"a- -am, bee&af AN 4 and the I e 6 -AU- XIM 00111�f si&' TwAv repey coinn"twe .9 W istern. -.zavetroug unq to tairriff biril. arc- ubmit&& Ike 9 met or - 0.2 Z* -oil isied lz&,, 0 Ojalos, One hy -ita FjU# comelittee, n. wayi an4 meaftir. e --A e 13093W. ever IV e cla W -d Jroii - Uiae f6jVisjoi�i' and C%fa . , I . 1, - -, . lit -WO arti I -?. - . .. , lit chairmaix prhyid4m., _Intal redu Of tw t- eutum 04 -axietkag- rAtU& the gi,!,e AO& dini. lAnp -1 furnisit -?i 4a gtoft y -B") t, at Mr. H Thdr Ac- c. o athe aiisting rates and Ilk,% vamiis- tablen to build this seasoxf to' c t t L tlh%t hiv beow in- ti�e'or �z4pased for. Wi L4 W�1- to t by 74011 N. 8, St6* bd flMe ID th"O T6roate., i 1nthrtJfo th Ue4 -'the week wA& 'qW 'i.hun &-ed W iatizA Itisow abot the T who insi't on -dietAi*' that _W4 ass ai ell 'whi& I- iI.� 11 -tUt to the P toal *Jirge an ._w orfedrst4m6Jt. fie 5 b Die �re�* ant bib no e&r � � � i, - i*14 he T) n- hw T theme—the Fitz &.11n: IP orter bilt V 11J, be' 0- .0 T :L W1 'a Sl*ci V neatness, Gis tht emo w-, U Avefhrougl4kL Horely uied. With Senaor Logaii7at. ar�d Geueral i gu a Macbeate sind positively -.6, How happy- tould I be wittli efther ired. dtiiatet& Were othor dogr eb.Armer Are#y,�' 00 "gor it. of ;F ts pe �or &bopt-.% _The-.'R8UatjJJ&a 'the� t veri ov. . jjt& thi e mv#v f e L iklation pniViding that, e etairma tit t tte lie L dit:M Of $6L v pelvak- wratart st, r teQ Mf*ld Or tketch 6f Care Id lit L .1 "oil maki Whi& 4 0 Pficeo. hid'ik, Uig OX wun in tiq#2 -*.Jienc6 in 'this'lino, ven V 7 budiqn,. and i��— 'ai to Pae U" Y ar a 6fbusiiftess- 1 -thin] -th6 -,W- YK fe of Op� , krl � �- dvice- circulari, 10K VY All bilsinesW before U.- 8-.r 0 .�besf iv 1�i�fits -and. jott-Q it lt� iii --the li Wsitio RE 9. J *-11 .016 man ies affelrm While retu A -Good Cost"etico en6d, tii, for I&OM, . ATZ FF No V rnIn aiioli'aft&refetencem Pen pp &My- sincere thanks to thi'p 1X6 for thil Fatlrolift& f6 as 0.- and sufferii- -for y"re I rha e -qsmetics. arti good -soap sad. wzter4 IS - The, best;a 46d'ev;eri kio�n I rem e- in ast �reme y -the e lu urbw d :, hope.' 16r i wntinuanc'� CHAUGE WNLYM to fib 1jurity oft. -e skin i I �batifiate linmors and iwpurities of 1p!�qtf Y� S L Wa hington 0 JOHif TAi tou; ip-�rectiy-,op ..'Sr.'Paleik-Ohi� posit U 0 NOE the vvD, A U P G tth inj %�r h