HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-01, Page 1••• KNOW, ONTAB1O FRIDY, FEB1344-1q 7...5•111111111. _ CAMPBELL9 - • -Cr 0,14K. 1\1— Aries to Loanat Redacer)„. Hates tb.. -Su it free- Time' • Loans off-.M.-ort4i•-aes as loWs.1.4.6 per cent., . . . . ' .1131-.23 AND' NORTCALES SOUONT -11r1.-ft . arid Cloque.,. on all points Cashed. t, pd P napt AtI-ehtioh paid• to the a n •Sotes &c.,. • L VLLIO.t. TRAVE 111.4 Attorney -at -b .t.f.r.v.Coiivtyncei, 4crr .• he Post Office. ) v _Solicitor in Chan - Office next door to (Int. - 318 PO O'r,/17k ors, &c., 9 oderich, rpnoimpoOry, . • _ fN ARROW 4t PR() -...Barz.isters, Sol - • . G•ilt•ROW" AAIEs SOMERV • Co Mt) ey to• loan on easy Va for Trust 9.n MA:tAFT S .A_1T . AT .['AT. Issued AXT()N, • )43, th.1)•rincip:,tlqitian0 es d w -1167 -if . ';t the United Stt.es -i-brid Great IiiVner. fit -11elnittitta • will in,t ethic the. (fneapest. -safeSt iS:invernont we • :oil T• E. T .:•• • „Ylve per e-ti_t. allowed: on. 1.)0 °sits' n tbe .-Satings Baak DiTaxtinent'. 1.1711./141.4 litvestea fatr. Private Portie4. 'I.! %VP: 41r eptred to Offer to -cus.toinerseyerY * alfardvd bY a:-..Iliartured Bauk- • mud all favor -atilt terms 411.Tay.,;_tutiltgiii all itS.,LtrallielleS-.- Firs., a-nd . . . . TAXIES. REPRESEN TED. 1iiik21t,A-1,-E19vit'n A M. 4 ..• . • • • - - . & CAMPBELL, 4 • and Most (ie:F c_.uft1i01( & CA-mnrizt....L.) . .. ' t741 0 'la A-. Et If PULC .. . cissioner in ...13.11:7-00uVeyancei , ••• • • • •. .etc, Etc 1.;VVIINOIT - ON't.A.ItIO. •. teirev.ancing in all Its Btanches. . 1) I,, M.irt4ages, B A4.-zeementa. 1_ ;es, &c.; pmui fitly aid-earefully.prepared, iereetli ess g ia;;;•in teed: ' ; prom ot -Ittentien paid to the. -F og of Title .. and to matteracenect- e. r Ivied ta rn- i ni -heal Fistate. - • 011.,:A_PLGES' -i,L'\SONABJjE - air 0-NEY TO .01), etisy• terms „15.11, pynTe t ppi, to • JC)LIN 'CO0K14.1, Ageni, Dangannon.. • • - I) EY-TOl. LEIAKI 0 P 1; OT :23,‘SS "M011,T.A.GER at -7. to N.. 74 -=Per cent, interest i) -Yearl3r,' k,t rA•es"vetT moderate. A pply to :ROBERTAfil-RitAx.:sist.g..4,...-ns.-- &ing-on:Real titate. 1 oat). Co; Itf • loan at 7 pet cent, strait' tori for The DoMinion ;vent SoCiety. Issuer veyancele-, J. ,• etc. Money to t interest. :Valua--, avings And 'Invest. mariiage tace-hses. ER --& f) r,"1.01.11071. for Ba INT" nitoba: aroi, Town and Vi an = Sold.. '• - Ioney loaned on oney InveSled foy- h hest Id_ortgage secur Offices—Wingha ncknow 0ffi;3e,': at Store. amsoi _of. }Tamil ton and ring -affidavits for properly bought gages. v ate persons, upon nA Inieknow., .Little'siShde • — . • BRED AL MACKI D. H 1-117.SICIAN conchiers. (4 -en GrOndy's Store. _Resit t1 e. fesideuce fe rto erly inmon ; Dr,. Hnthl fer lerly occupied hy • . St4 opposite -the publi Jahn S. Tgnfi "Special atte Women and Childr ' - Ur Calls prom. ITCHIPISOW- RGEONS &-.AOL 1 Office, above, ces--*--Pr: Ka:cit.:id- -a pied bk. 1-)r, 13on.' the. resinence 1-MaelCid, IIiiverock - hoof.- • . . . night be dtty. 11, .L.u.k0o26... on to diseases of :attended -to .by tived Nv to ingnann; , t edentristv busines. . - - - orna-hispatrons th �i the first Mondayan thethirtiMond-ay and Oce at Whitely's .4 • • • GEN . . ...... 9.:•.!cr,rtitry of the- West . WA Was.osh -Mutual ' 11 vi....re. fasarance Goripa.nyoriitOii).4- but &arm-, :koheri canne i a irtyi tisared; Rai ties 'wishing * to •insure - - 7- - - IASI' ra.. :ill t tis p,iaalaifarnierscompasQ in the town-, ti. v's. of GA 4orue; Ashlield „Bast and Lrest'. N-V1,-va,-).osh., kinloss. and -Iiiiroti hy Sending it P:).4t, 01,1`il-tt) the will 1-.)e ealledon and ever'- . a . -•i_li formation ki Vep.. - . . . • _ . • • . 7..-: 4 Bi-?. ft-f"MtIRRAT , St. Tleieu i P7'0.,:.- E, Licentiate of Siare-ery, hasire- tiezie lie will,- carry en . ..he would be,:g to e will visit I.,ucknow an d -ate) on eaday Of each month •-• • 15,_. (MEV TO LOA T 0 NE -Y TO LO XXat 7. per cent. ,froin • - 2 to 2Q•veaesrlists, of FaruiS for sale 1.n.0 _itario as e]1 as Manitoba. Parties de- sironO. to. sell fLar ins, will consnlftheir interestir • liiiaVecting the adVertising ilities of sub- s:)-rjhdr in Great Britain and Iteri. id and �fl i4ent of lauds foi Aide . -• . --ANatTS STVVAET 1.1,ud \raw ,Lneknow I' t. TO 07sTEe.'llill LOAN' ON -0.00D FARM -1 Property at 6 and GI eE;ni; azoortl; ii),Itathe.secarity offered. The above will be. xtnefi on ani terink to snit the beirroWei.. • firresoondenr.te Will be- e'heerf answered witlrint -expense: F.or furtlier . particulars applY L - .JOHN GORDON, St. Helens-P.O. Ay-pFEED WALTER TRELEAVEN . As in the past, still -keeps nn hand 41, large and - superior stook of •• -• ilE Ai, CHOC E -R I g LeoluAing everything f9und in thdlorderof . • . ho•asekeeper. He_would-abioinfozm the met!atie p tkulath, thef armingtionnimin7. ...it-jr,that.hellas.eugaged servioes oka TtiOROUGH- MILLER . - atiA wilf chrry on the Milling buainegiwjtb auA by turning ont goo.ti getate i$ ktaite gain in.oreasst.d Patri6oagetroul' RA:IN AND- sga eopowiti, on heuti. • , -404,„ 9.0iverod so anY 1'1114 - MA J. S.-TE.NNAN`i1; r ce Agent; Gine/ .1i , COIIIill IITINICattqA. 7o the Edito2' 61 the- ...0eti-iter., •• • - , ' give room fn thie ..cominhnieation ni yonr valuable paper, as • it is time . for - ine to. Correct silly ierrors that -have been set i1 at by.enviouS and interested. _ parties, who. Wish to ber v.p theirowireinia has been industriously reported thatl wia not _ -go -out at night to see any one: This is not so;.4,-0 aui-at the- comMand of thepublic the santeever 1 was,.and. will .attend premptty _ . . any urgent cases, .any Lime at night; the same . . as evei 1 did It is ....Lf:o.stated- by -Stich pi- ties that 1 wiIl netattend any one it 1 cai. help it, and they assign reasipis that on!y the most ignorant can be supposed to believe .But.tbey spread. their iepiit 1 .know th Inhabitants Oi this neighbarhoOd,. and know them Well; and find -many of thein 'have got: intu n y bdcks for •ounis-gl-eatluti small, vv no - veil]. neither- pay 4ier- be•owiug, 1 ha Ve: .giy•en: them Year after year -to p Ly, but -instead of settling-. f. their debts, - they are • ..atra-id to teilpy uie atid-telt Suchlies- to 7strauger4;, . that they frighten t him from_ ceruing, . I 'nave -knoWnvarious deterred.•as they were :ct.nniug 0:treets, Who' afterWardS Werecernpelled to place themselves :limier my ea,A.:and:ivho have told rue the /rallies of those Peoplet.. Most !Ilf-thein have been -in thy debt ,foryears.tuld. :Iron thein 1 ei n get neither uioney iii note, but uiy- amount of uudei *Wind; filthy spite And why, - Mr.; Editor ?, -Because I have 'been too merciful and too lenient: I ask YOU, .would :Voir not be carelikss. in attending snob' Peeple-?' This:class -filthifies- . Me -or any dvit people who have -been -so . Un .fOrtubate as to have:treated theui-weilintheir. ebt.st- nee& . shopkeepers here i. 111 d1 -ag). ee me in this matter .- AnOther Story ivaustziottly circulated is, thatl. chine ex- oi1jitantly for niyservices.- This isair Unmit- igated falsehOod... 'there are scores:4,f cliara,c- • ters that neither -1, . nor auyOne, covets, as patients,' or onsteniersNo niatter' how, rea,. sOnable the chaige, • they will s6,-/ it is 'tot , - much, and Will otter you three doli ars for lout- and to on., ad itiliniturp.. Sonic sneli -tnay honest intheir wdy, .but at best, are 'mean pay„ and not desirable as patients b any•boily, You.must.liave -Met. Such .1)6..1,1e -frequently; • 'theie isa .sy4ern • aulong .people, alt oyer- Oanada, of rheifing to -every- new '.*Doctor,!' save the mark, that .90141PS.in their -way; ;The new Doctor is• lauded to the skies •for a7- few . months,. and then as:suddenly left.. . 1 have frequently -seen this in my lifetime. in Ei444- - land, Ireland; and.Scotlaed; the rule ib, -- to be.. •slcA.v.:. i11. changing the.. family- doeti.h ••keopte therehaVe.c..xlidence in -niedi01 n.en .who, - as A rule, inc better educated thanin_Ameri- -Qui-Jaw-I-net-lay; the iAediaal .gentlenian- •; 0141.* :6:24 2-4 the Edito:r 6:t.' the Sot • : DE:44 SIR,-j.would like Ipermittecl) :to make a Short reply. to Mr. Andrew'S address and. conitinication pikpis4ed in two of - your recent issues, • Witis.,g r?0'4ard to Ifie '`-eruniblinir.noise" mentioned 5- addressOt must have been a portend ',44,-;Ofeat at the 149118:. You -surely have _ omiV#ed Se) : place, liefeated dandidate the. fifth. ple. for. Munici- pal honors in •Aslifield, -as .1re-Atst -(to state, truly) have headed it with. tIsh fitle. As re- gards the. view of- his over .40.1.1).s supporters About Stirrino.: around enough* Ong the elect - o prior to the1 etio g, 1 -1 ' d ask him if beingat Amberleyi; et; up and down nearly every line in tk OVA:Ishii), ac- companied by IiisTight hind* n john M. is not going the canvass prett# ltrong? Again As regards the tive cent glass 44r:whiskey, he eeetas to .insinuate that those 114:0 voted for his opponent, the success -N.1 IkOitlidate 4 • and them only, were bought -ovit Pi that Wa-v. rfhiScalinnuy is, as every . elector of the township knows, both and Mr. Wfiitley's. supporters,tao nieki )4tty and eon- - tempt.ble tarequire that it is false. .Quite a mimber of hi 4nclo • did not get to- the palls; -eh ? And ,Vvb ? Because they.dould thit conscientiouSlik4 'vote for him and did not like to cast theirkles against an L,111 neighbor - New Mr.. Ailt does not' kiww-perliapa; though proof legiven, that , . . some of his supporters (I aou,:. ,y over zea . .lciiivones) have stated -that WO .tty- .he calls hi; never intended he shouidT leeted; _but :that they have him for the ;Is' purpose as boys have a snow. mari—hrst •- , ,-ook at and then to pelt down. .They,.wo 'l iiitelhgeiit perSorni, want men. in. the yot Oil who can menage properly the .affairc, the saMe. have given thig reply iil you Thanking You, Mr. Editor, e space you • etc., -11,bl.e. paper, • A ItATEPAYE SEEPIELD... 44: , -Address and .Pres apop. . . On Monday evenina • 45' Rev C.. Hamilton, pn,stor field circuit, with a few:1;1‘ at the residence of Mr. -about twp West 4 After spending: some • • 21,st, 1 the 4 the Ash - ends, met 41.11LUrrcki.a.Yilo°w1''. in social conversation; gr. Taylk.i$as' present- ed with a good and sula'ssi.Siat silver watch, and ...Mrs. TaYI Y1 With an ;equally. good and usefuij et staiid., sacOoinpanied by the folio address.: To-11,..john„fl'aykr: .1 • . • - • .• Assereislms=iessommisos- . = A comparisodof notes in A quiet hour' locates grace here, .:beauty. there, ac- complishments: -at . this place,. refine- - inent,in every place. But. these .calls, are usually formal, short; and. sweet:. ind it iA generally teserved for one _ who devotes himself to an intimatear quaintance. with a, few to find out. and enjoy :those, paces where all these are gatLered.'within the four walls of . a• single dwelling.- At the mception. up- on "Cabinet day," and at oth.ertimes. one . will • meet matrons Who are pattei:ns of all that is charnaing among -Women, and he Will be fascinated by the younger cotorie. But upon these oecasidni the.i'e is a certain degree. of reserve and formality ; merely the per- sonal attractions and conversational attainments are displaYed. It is at an informal &Veiling call that the inner features of the social of a Tash- ington winter are seen. Then will meet -rare attaininents, . and will, find' that 'musical and; other aceomplish- . nieifig.of the highest order supplement • i_.)E•#k•U BROiltEn; --We the tr..; - lbers oj the-- Stit4tion, ak;.1 have frequently found . the very Methodist Church on 'the' cirCuit has an -opportunity to study• the familY'• con --4 embraCe this as a sui;a"e4e optipOn#y give- .greatt ". difference id. br°thex'''' families- • ex iresSion to -the esteem Mkt strd which We Peoplcasbould ttnn.k of this • as it is to , their ovi.7.11 pdvantage.. :Bilt; sir, they will. not. -1.-1 have :AelaS eu _yeir. after y'ear in forcing a settlement of Filly. ace:inn-its. with. rale but I now state:positively that I. =WI :have a oettlement, either. by: cash or note, forall- ac-- . counts due before the first of Januar;;;7; 1884, Or will-giVe them into -the handO Of. My - ;lectors, with strict- Orders to spare' ainif'bee.witya•e,a,h;si ifusts to settle at once,. and in will All such unsettled clainaS to Al liameren kCauipbell, so to Collilet;withtheie orders, and I shibilifee that I am obeyed, Mr... Editor, I .ha,ve lesiduriug thebiot thirty-two years f..v..er forty thousand dollars Ly not col -7. aeCtiag.proriiptiy, arid Mr . -Valence who lately.. 'Made up my books, knows that -I have had to. cast aaitte bundri-.4.of dalara that;are. mire- Clainiable'this,last se.ason, of 1883'; So.' much for being "Jno.te,iful'o..*iii 1411 .inVose on one. - -A.nothet tale that has. been rrentl,y, ,repoited is. "Oh 1-h U:so rough.'? traeed. this back- reqtiembr tor 11.1,Y anausement, and found -it ;V.) arise in- va;riaoly Isom -people who never employed and. siiir!e of' these liars Aid not 'knew even ,by..§it,14... No oiikt I ever attended could say so, and have nervons ad'- patients' who --weuld tremble at •the idea of • ha.vitig an- other medical attendant. Suppose I .ineet any acqtaintanCe in a 1.4rTrooin,rough jokeS ma3 Pass arouild,.iiiid it give And take,:aiitr so forth, an&so on. But, sir, a bar room is (Me ,lace, •and -the bed side „fa Patient is,another, aud no one, on 414Y.ocCasion, ever saw r nigh- ness from Inc there.. • Far:from it; for..I. know .1 have niOre real sVilipathy With iryy patients - than: any other.inedical gentleniana,rouno, -and I'exeePt-none whatever. As to .1ny .6harges. :for professional services ; they are the saine. so- others, and:there. has been for many years a .regular tariff for Huren-and:Bruce, and_I go. by this entirely, as do other medical Men. - tan really sorry that in self defence. have 'been•Compelled to Write this letter; but thase who have knoveirnie and have employe -d me, have nenei ally been • content, .and I aur happy in attending ihein, ail.- I lave slz,ne many° families tor over a quarter of a century and I ltn* I shall continue .to. attend -2. their( till I have -to reidgirmyself into the hands of thy - Maker. There aremany p.irsous no-one eau . satisfy, do the best that C*1 poisibly done.. We have all chine across suet wretches; Who are never happy , When they grunible .and growl and are snarling* at everybody and.. everything; SUcli.is the general Public tie %it signifies little to ‘ndeavor to please. but, /it d :hi. _ . 1 'Lig Indg8 . 0:184, G.R..q. : ,,.._ _ A .11, & A. 111.,-.. mliets-the V-hursday )11 or be to ref ritl in oon if -each' mouth at 8, 1 p.m. Visiting breth- ren co rcl iallY invited.. ' 4 JOUG-11, SecretarY. • 1 /M. . ------- - t - . .: ., . LIMKNOW ' LODGE, -' • No. ;112: t e'iliell. ga.mpbellt Af eets every Friday' 1 llx irlitect W. -II. MTI., LER, i. giv ening at 8 &clot& in All brethern cordi- .. NNETali Secretary.: e Grand A:: 0 :TA.73KNOW I, al? ent Orderof the t/ildfellows liall; Aonday evenings of kiting rethren ar 6nazr.".' 'SOS. LAWDFINT -,- Master Workman Luck now., Juiy-14th.„, • OF- THE ANCI. tied: Workmen, nieet iu the .second aArd last, b month; at 8. trelock, b irdiallyinvitedtO. W. IT. LITTLE', Recorder. is best to please oneself and let us go-thr „nigh life with,. a 'word- ot encouragement , and a smile and a joke rather than an erwiasting grunt, especially as -we" are _ pasgin7 through OKIP4OW,k grkt This zoort.me-ti on i and third 11.,Ii14r daiys in. every' month it- 7:aft, p. in., in ttb# - Temper:x.60f... ,40th.ein will' .Dleaigel#, AtEX. ALA° -NTYRN; S. -t -444y. Week homei fnie. P opolutely Ante, lie Capital •.11#44f4.- rin wsitt business 4. at pc:yoke-4 yibetait vr- old, nit LoLske • -shirt wcirk- *41.. rtleeling" the world 't dale and tor ever. I can Rai ss as a tnii,dical man as bei with Aisfactiou, rdintire Mistakes and eiitettain for you as a deiroteil'i qaristian and usthii lueal preacher. - Asa' itch, we feel that we have abrinclant.cayteo,;ii g:th4u.kiuitiess: that:your lot the Providdite,, ..,1„iod was .cast among us„,• rand that for so i4ty years W.e have enjoyedthe beoefas Chr.istian - example•and faithfnl- labor. And now .on the eve Of your -departure fi•81.0 ainotig .we • feel that very tender ties of n affeetiOu must be severed. and a plagn,, vaeaut in .. the clitireli that will not be rle4lty filled;-teit .bopi..g that our losimay be present and eternal gain, and that the gr,i-#. Head of the chuith -yen_ abria • ty useful in ;Tour new riem:::. We hope411, say amen to what We trust is the Will of SPA. wise Pravi- PeYsonal attractions., Some will en- trance yoa with the Strains of the harp, . and when to these ineledieS is added; that of a sweet cultivated voice antl; the charm of a pretty facethepicture is Complete. • Another _will- surprise you with the Variety of music that lies in the .strings of the banjo 'when. struck by beautiful fingers trained to that use -Again, at some,places, the. soft chords of the guitar evert fascinating ppOwer. Truly there are some pretty .sceneS, which - transpire -within the Mas..si.ve AVAlls. of • Washing- ten'?American palaces, .scenes Which embody a degtee of sothal 'refinement, grace and . accoMplishment rarely found outside of the Capital.- Menib.ers and .Senators and others in • official life complain that the hours, at e Fening recepitionS..a.rn:: growing later and .1f.the' hour Of 'nine o'Cleck: mi the''Card of invitatio'n. guests put in an appearande Q:30, and if that, hour is fixed they o'clbek. this res ect Washinoteir affects foreign custom ef very late - hours, , _ the 'matter Of • evening F' parties. - there are se few Men and wo...a.en of - leisure in society here that it ;,p1a) s.sad havoc. with business. 'The ibilly.wpy is to make the hours for weik late also: .As it is new, the Presiont suppos, alto be inhioffice 14 10 4.1. in. and the Cabinet' :Of - or:4 Olt are at their - desks .alinoSt:as Iyonaptly as the clerks • • - • /1.'• in -the departvientP.-. Senators and. •Representati 's go td their committees - (Imo. 'A.nd nOw dear likt!ipir 'and sister ,raylor pitias _accept •thg ..*A-111 and cruet /011.111 teJilaiscabi,ifil:ii,flotrieleu joi.qiwi,o.rakudiulit-rhfeacutioran1 a 11:. " stand As small token of on-01,ye 111.td eliteera i9.1: you, - and we .trust this :41).0411-• gift will • • It 4 1S -a _matter .ot--remarkhovt -, ;- fo i.eutly.leinimi you wheit far from ii of nig. loved ones you have left 1)eI4, ,yorrt and the some ...•-1 theui stand this continued' -alie"rtvniYceh.aITVYedaarYesssete:i'blievit4t14-:v'l ti ;;rid. by lug social ttutieS. Re It en1 111 Go•d'=i strd,n. The .President, esneciallv is ‘.../hicb we -present to on te-iiyi i8 :140itetter ills small gift 1- .,.,- . • • . , - - . 4 - ..L , • initdequate.to epresS the hi" .:iiteelli and rt- 'in° entirely disregard the rule Common -g4rd whieh we entertain fo . u ; liut we to sonie of his )redecessoi of 1 e • s know you will not consider 0 Aitrinsip va1U-ze' ac'eptin-g. inyitiations: for 's'll'e. goels.Itelo nearly all the affairs. he is invited:to attend. • . of thegift so unich as the.fee, ,ittgs of affeeto -and kindness whiCh Froinf0(11:i its besti• We further hope_and pray-01#your that of your -family may be Iik4.--varv.tf t� the church and to the world, ankthat 4bundant dyieoted.you 111 'night. shall s luiie. ina,y amily in the igned on be-,. - peace and prosperity may lt our new home, and when •ome, and Sroor work on ea yon -make up -an undi.eidof lil111:31.0118 of light and g1or4 half of the donors. - • L 4,511Rti • DREW, teLlISOig 5 - WBiliiiTRUTIIER§ - • .11: Taylor Made a ymy Suitable re- , ply and exp•Assed. his Isiiipere • thanks for the P.aamier in wJ they had shown. tikeir 4ppreciatio of his ser- ,yiCes.After some furepii interceurSe • . and .'partaking Smut! .,good. things -*AC)." had been.thoughi lily presided. 'clie friends separated to.' laeir, differ - "it homes. - • NGTON TTER , - ---:t.Fronf our Rega(ar'vek,,,,o2ndent. ) ')t. i 0, .. .cWILAknetivli 14.4. ..1st, 10.$4, . '• -,_ A . -6 Am O4'es-t,140, round 01 i 11 14 assuring d • . . ,oud. i;:;;;; you„ Aorainand, he old -tea -t- •fln • 2.!1-111"1' 14.06 Of3O4sP4S, . gasman:it teiliffeltee your name, sir?" sai thesdose'd the servioe. "1 dinna for ony curiosity ol my sin, but for esidon o' the-patipla", to,iove GOU'Ois.11.1 You vas -mode - at -We ever j)er ,The 5th -Royal Soots, :of Montt this season, going_to:sidoitt the head-drons that worn by the 42nd Royal High.‘44."--," viz., A 010th luslinet with a *plume r side. The feather bonnetle no lwer - be theheadArme of -kilted regiment; Ai the I l'orfner, British' army., f, perdu 44- • 1. • . • the revised bole . of rules,: in the :,.$3.1ateeMphasized the prohibition of . the sale of liquor at . the Capitol res- taurants lang•page that gave rise to a sharp dismission between 'Senators.., - Bayard Frye at taw . dekate • upon the ralPs• Mr. Bayard thought a dis- tinction .shetle.t. be •elrazwu•-between,, spirituous and_ in* liquors, while Frye contended.afainst theJsaledOf:all liquors. Mr. }Frye gave.. a lively - *titre of. the sCenes frequent At both restaurap.ts:;.:According to: 14s . obser- matiotia, it seems that hica-ope. and Mil.pa04 ellifla tea cups gortOgether at • the Capital. Pinally the debate was • compromised'hY the adoption a tii0 convenient vwd.1"intoxicating,,? to - cover the point at issue, and the rules' were adopted: . *r. 00.*, bag • Wr0C-Ca 7 sarcastic. Hp slliay:th,gentptaralvi:y4canhtastiii.p7r.Ai. hiM.from .a,11,ieares and placed him,. 'the real headimA the taxa). ,atrairs sewn mittee.. eipreaaeS himself' as very.: the retired lipt,...and that, Mr. gors61 it undes5 in OJ ralievlug hi* '-Set Sun*pi'"faitai,orit, senc**16 -to be Rev. MriPasutsford. of Winnipeg. 0! ewe