The Sentinel, 1884-01-25, Page 6Im
removed to 4h6-:. 71
11L aftei I C'
--0 -* he,
of Xf
nu er. of -y -jj, .;.Abo
-1'�90 vat led in-Ashti
1210. t
ore erness li,
httle* *t1d
-farm ere,:h -has iihice 1 7,
-h e
)q* Interviewed "to -
-in fpsimmit,
ion slid Uk as to -like
,,-Am. line.
they exV issed theii-'- Waii
79. - . . 6� or
Iwo, ff _2 W.14 4,3150Y..
bloh eirw'sints.bad been - i
-S 1198TERN -80TEX 11D M -V]�Lft -
to: at�tbdNationai'SaDoW.]Eld.m's,,,.
110TER r 01fa, to "Tic
w", - FM
1>18TRESSING .4 A London cableigiam. sicya: QVIO
OD-Sati�xdsy,. morning, December ad 4111 ipabd a can a. l;iArt-of .65 ing to Worl&
Ts e Disabled Vessellis Voyajge
seventeen bergons, -,twq passenger ' arrative- 61 -th -boutineut."- -S goes - -at fire to .,-Utlng
Vand in the
ispor wO
Bidsn-B�adep,' and ards to DOM. �,,l one Cal t f -the World had -at .16tervittv
e -the Atlantic.
-6f.the atiew ad a or
-fifteen of. the ill -fat
roaa e r. Hickson - A the Queen's last.
-eta is to attend he 111 a its Thal.4. A London! cablegram alkys:, -The Argosy
Ban wadding of her grand
'Augustinj which was bdrued WI *nee: -Louis B&I 0 he said in.
u th Pn Human, daughter'ut, Way 0
Bay of Biso a Celtic on'- thw Oth bt6bqri 1 . I were run on The Ppince and Princelip Of Wales are
was u r
over a steamer an- 11 a, izstd. The -'rest" �of instant, 11250 syst . undbr which- the Get.
my on the 166b, —It.' re 16ftr the am
landed -at D '- from ill 611is Jis the�authorsss of Mrs. iu%.-. -
$he ate& to b a was the. 6sult of y a- 'of
dtaBownei en a - thpre laf which was pu
ully, bona 39 Celtic's passengers werb"-w.01L ho'Celtio, expe ior making a �oug blished-last-yar.
rion a. --had -been gr. y
3)6ier, National'Sailors' Home -in stay in, its wolirsi, *hither they -go shartlY.- bais 0- and -it
a ve is now announce. d authoritatilbil that
J J innings is - th authorof -1kThe
-prior.. to, Spa Ing -the Ste er Argosy
am I -Woodville, I% A 4,
tiesied condition. They were, Mr.� . sing -young itiO 6f 44- improved 'and alterod s experience Bug.
'Of experi-enodd, . -Yariables- but oil .%-a '. hola' . -., . , Ii. toiicaj . I -.. , , !18 . is 1 0 . - 1. . I
ninsi: is. designiqg. a Is n Onaire ad. Men ere fallible, and in dealm'g
proceeslo the last story in .908t
the crew rescued from. -he -.but in ips, fairly ADO '..Sath , She �was perfectl�, sia' '90
er. - I & -
IL w0 - ith accidents of this- kind
-an dy stipplied-with provJilons.
ail -of -the.. chief l6er - worthyabdamp in which. artietsill disguise -themselves as Magazine, th al' or. w
and theetatem ; is
regard must "be had -to hum fallibility.
'an ines, a P" gen- Hit captain .*a -in -being picked THEA6TRICA1 IMWS.
Xr.Armstroug d-cii Mr. V
We learnhy, experience where hingia -can
9 ahopbs of has been discover, "01
- A man ad in Birmib
gor;and the'chief. . clerk in. � the - I a to6i 'b
ore f the' Celtid!B aid w I be no 8111guilloant noveltioW, , a improved. But it is only after -mature
-im. -to *1210 .. a passengers would have gone on board th 124121 WbGr kept -this body of his sister for
office. of' the ft h -th el
a to au
I tomimes are got- rid of. li n
di d twenty years because he. ..bad to money' experien a that our ules
b6longed, contain. many - istressing
lils Argosy if the latter could:'have datimmo-,
Sylft, the iiedonym. of he are -changed, aunder the cirounistauloes it
0 tot'& decent funerill.
-Which ad n6tii1er o he dated them' The f6urlssob r I ded in of Ro'um'ania, h alterationmay
� .. -1 * I WS some our -
:'The -Diiik Ne bag creat
Ga. has -written SUL .9pera somotimeg appeas th
Ban Augiistin wi%e a large steamer. ot� as &C. Falmouth - stote 1thst at, Ono time- Man
ban .1
'thousand tons, �gnd wall bound from ii -ppse byrea a artiugt ties which has been set to music by the end iu:064fusion rather t
-the g&18 -*' - -- ll ding Lori oil a lecture mproVemeat.
ug & L, . . . -'$ " or cithing-co d be clearer, -it seems to me'
as so eavy that the eltioss S, I'W.
Oat on. the back W'slrdness of his Liberalism, but ,.1-41sh-comipos gallstrom, N ul, to Liverpool witli, a cargo- -of 8, 9nd sill the ro as. this a -thi':� Aenkationalism of the in an
a wer6l - blown davendish has resumed the jirt I than the -working time -table dthexule
following is t a--- aggests 8-
-tobacco. The 11 . . z. , _ p 11
al. nowopapff-'trather agd Wilkie Collins, under which thoGr stWestern.leoperat
8 igae a 11 i's a S 101 nisterlaYranks. created ton years ago, -and fe. 'iVhe World the other'day, I noticed, said
el The Bothnia wa she
No linjiueer's n�arrative. --of th isas M alen
as Da0ember 99th ofily.- numbera-'were exa. t well.-'
aigaed by. sighted divis I in the -Xi
h fief Ali- the canvas oil -: board the."steam
er individu *M any
Fkancis wri er -on. heredityll. -the Great Western had been - fuslad into
19e. sip: fit T Galton, ths.'
WO eamers.-', ll� as Grand Trunk and that -t
of fare oung Amer! an lady, Miss� Wheelock,
The Un-40gaatin loft-..Corunn!1 1, on-, gad by a t celti, -.2500 invrize'a for-.. the best 'extracts. ,
VABS n passengers )nsia6red L the
ilafciry. in signs
Tecords,' an 6 a
-4 er -Ciltid some,W, ;it I I d So, slrat _ line t
of the from family d "commentators, made VMS ucces3 as. Elviia 1 fact have %Lappen' d h d''the WRstern roo
% r; Dec.- -&V pt, lle4ei, J - J) Lin, sappeated Mal
fdret6li th" advent of,- thi'day whin FAng. athough she
an a ion
-at. time beinj moderately fine WVA 'Week Eb- a -was 10. 1 a
ayali 61 ou the Gr at Western
at nalled,'m eanwhile- her. fr6h` prov;gi 11 result.'. neither tage of but' t
a ai! ther vessel ligh m6criage will -be ihe of d ingnieci car dft
went well until Sunday,
re ove nor -money the operati
'2.30 P. M."the fourth engineer par gave out,- ut- 24e had salt: stores. eneuill
Ono but of a scientific exam- -that has to do with g of -the
'99 at thi: line who h ved from his -post, and
to b"i
hincess -Ida is a great uddi as been -mo,
me _Was SM for. a year. - 0 J .4th Italign tet a- single change in t
that- there oke comiEg. in
ly, out I a anuary -the or continues o ascribe -the recent n excel.
no. It ohangoo
ugi room. IL iM . idiatfi w d- '-steamer Ir usic especially bei here has noteen.
m idependencia wows whou at -And creat ng gre a of Sir Arthur
an W been made
saw smoke - i6suing - a the' -Ce 0 a a a - a- reported "All JA -which is no in -that vhsp. n ght have 'been levell'
f rom 1tween ik d -b- ai " poident to. the War jp Nihilism, d the &test story ii that- t grand opera, ad withq
0 com 0 The
rough, the:"side '.partition. ipy who led Col.*1 er
My kSt -at New York,bntde ad. assistance.
T poser himself is better Isoln 3 force a r the oompanyi,
a an Bn .-somu. to th
d was hen it opera ewe of the o a ci
coa A offer6d t6 tovi he th a su 0 -run for the con
Th gainer
i�i Ilia I u% re' steamer i)4to. the: palace -at T iti't astrs th cases of -
he Sudrkin nto. thei. death*a
Impression Wag that the 6
h �AhaCelti� p had previously
haa take.n. fir introduced.&. woman- Gilbert suburban trains are
theL 11 ragi cont, suoGo to roon 'for t the Company. Theri a is,
a- d" that the' Argosy as -
a und.. was Gatschina, -who fired a ho- 6 the -Czar 121111MU'S new nues unclie6ked Veal
irb ng a arn 64&41le iame appli
-d four pasileniSrs thoro Was Was driving in the P.:
clean Hnan store"zooln". on the Starb gfounle. karyAnde he profit*
Information as bae'i received" that soul f ociiaitilues,and t is.
InAerneantimb the:fir" '16116, till h �anks 2500 Weekly, and is to be one thinj lost eight
Wass men- on Caltio Who a
British agents in 11adagasear are collecting G-leicheit for ihe Princess of this, that 'the 'suburban trains bbth her'
ng t b y C a u n t
passed down and we, commenced I a
p 819.1valuable. Lots welavn.i for
-ion of the damage daused. by the ighborhopld of Montrealware.
abd in re.. ones. emo I - than Od the coveted bel on- -th
an theA -The d' ]is
By - Two
Fre -to English pr r and commerce. tarted WIsupply Want the pf%rb,
the. ikarroW'. �th"e of*
nch Van orbiel, manager, of the'P
assagel and r6aderg fortan a,. went,on .-board that'. Df the �peo lil t
np -lonjer. Dir af, four eaefit". oipldrations'of Gr.5 " a he a Opera House, -has.,decid
ossible' 6 rau� there y Stamm -nd -the -.other tivo'soldtheiryla ' The r' he French navy ad thatin a Cos
promise to produce More a rouble than. the fab%� the members of hiscompi It the officers of -the Grand con
afterward- the'- fire'liegot to spread t&l e. to the highei %by shall
t bidders.-
W aps
mad acts h%N "Flio Jitulary right to ny. par, ulted their own -convenience and per
'to of the company
Wa tighV coxnoartn� (Hoadiy) night'i Quo town crazy. Ertatistician-Iso calculated: that no role'shall. be held to. belon -in
a on he port side., then o�,, h
48 the
the. ter ents In MLY that they W
4 t, -of theWhite
T& 119L -dramatic- ares livan thCOtist-whowesded it. are not
disoo tinue these trainss, which
OlMry effort to -confine theAlmits-lof a d, ffig:his a Barry Sul
Stai.linell'.which sail6d. from.� New York on 'Jisis conimitted -.1.7,000 murdarls and be' money. -making and &to sout000f Inuoh.
fire, fh6 water beiniodatinually play, an a has
-the 166h. ulti� arrived here yeit rday. She killea 9 0 -times RVingL has RAigaret 1 DeVan an. Amerio
8 lie time we th-OU41it d of trouble, and require .1 great deal Of pains
le#04 Sadlerg' Wells , ThUtrs far the I personally felt that
baid only a ew Yark� some twenty-fout 15,000'alurders, imnd--4 death by'viole"Ace inworking tbani; but
th Uu rour control br6k
6 Are but it,- br6k t -sealsorivIn which she win
appear in
an her sci brl a
r 0 d ndthe efforts -7,000 if as, while Chaileg, Wyndham.hasiiu. , pearean characters. Miss'.DeVaiie ii - i the'neighborhood of Montreal, and
to' og_�h_ im
an a spit. ffQ t - it Bpr
ore A.e. under. canvas.. were England -sklohe basn'' from 2,800 d
and af About 5 divorced oubt the late manager of the - eat
p-.*.jn. we-bign Gr
cQpg rom., Al a.- Her gkan atheri
re B- ad. Winds- durin a. (6n -the 6t W Governor .,of tha Westerneimilirly thought the
e . greatly delayed by he f abam
brigs`.-whiab came close up-tii'us. Th 9 the. wive
entire voyagg Who�a the Celtic wag oofn6 -A Soith of 4;�, 1 ormerl and
, 1 4 - . I . regard to Toronto 'that such a se
n and, corone'r has I "Ice ast State
rom 0 aA -df the Supreme Court. She -is --bf - 953 inquest hepeciple in.o near a Wgh sea at US time, -and otir calpjaini!t 6
n t " -1 * . milso.: f a' a towns liadell ii %wred by
Juan, summoned s on Jo the bridge �6 nuotince that out S in 0120
saafei. distance. tow year -in -A - manufacturing _thwa' -were
hold a con-oultatidn He an or ere& . -a. 62 and so ave it. People also apt.
hov"e, er. to, keeping f Wnl. Ring.
werecon- on.ohildreft shore knowiing that'. vessels andek
engines. to bo -stopped a year. vho died*through o lose -eight -of, the fact that if you call for-
ud'three boStOL 'tt tin"lly-passing-' and that 'odiub of th an that
We am the absence of their mothe , tit work or at STRUCK 04L.11 ill is . d additional. convenience in
Ao*iiired -and-to We had -. eighi:0,4 -would safely od.6ey his Ill ra rod it
souls on a p to shore. He Ahe drinking. Saloon. --The loyrest death connection with. these t 'ass. 46 become&
boark including two: PfisienjddL had''i iste. was' oil Fridays u. the wa . gesare sible to give ach service -on the
lot B —Fearful
-Rome of- the cre*-then b into. ths'l:id long tO'-W&it, 85,1116 t who Aer 19-allway Rolocaust
-90 anotherof tho.Whit"
a Star line, on i The. highest ou.Su day, in. ebus
so pn!fF = under 'Whio]i it Was Arot AS
Ono of Ahe boate in charge. of erings and Deathist the Vietlips.
-n a-
130 th
-up-and towed- tho long4o ked4or,Ce1tia liday it ish' trains are &.great a venience to
quence of Satj t ( 0 - - f
officer, was damaj�,,edj being towed" nd a, r ford, Pa., on
n sys The engineer of tiain -No. pecuniary benefit o
being awa -ho return64 h. the public, and of no
British journalism is driven' by keen ass d6 i into the o drunksun Tuesday) night's Brad
V an Ufa id a half 0 a
'of: calipatition to L at an
.;.'The Br in eight of the Celtic r, enter train between W 'the imimpay.- - Government or
able 'to 'make the the %h4 Ing un r go allaville 'N
* -body Inquiring into th accn qny
Saturdiy M 6 - osclo in. -the morning. 'd -The ruling- Oraze- -9 td the -the
0 prises 2, it ciagh a.
!fig* to the heavy sea. Th ay- a Bradford, n the Erie narrow gauge
.0 man Her appearance -Was oheared-.-by every of' -the 'Poor 'result in* Miles, pany- has O objebt n what vdr. -to
completely exhadated'in -getting � t all dwellings aone, By undlig the curve, two east
he ro
tht passengers oil -the Celt- - f - -wfiickh reporter getting onja Settlem
uh.- am
board. agaid.. Oni,.- poor fellow w 11pox- and i4 another of at 9.45 S.M., disoovered oil on -the
t.6ff jo�ifib B ant with the representatives of th.oge
as crus vers but too L Wnedr injured, What we would likot
essel a boat was - gen rlj� an re'-.. ad the an
sbipl �imd the boat in get Dic bding garroted, while a third has just been gineg a do.
a chief ' steward to trolk 11
befbre� &.Police Magistrate for- per. 1� a see somebod looking them with
bim j)DL b�iird, pko0ure A, supply brovght is t
He lived till 4 -p.m. the- atik. d the ibrakes. -could not' hold he
y in' gr0a . agon saw 'no mor of*hisk6y mud biandyl Which had run ihort. anibulati, 1 It'doshe# intothe whi6h*. was: as an amateur beggarman t
Y. hom we can deal, -and deal' with them
This boat took back, to theCeltio- al� light The -le Oil, an
Hom4olitics 2,13 rft) an d proper spirif. The Giabd
a 6thdr two boats. �'Ve- had ;:three -:b EJ lig foatil 61- f d -gushy, and a Spark from the fird air.
ited the-vil. he I*agt war - ug at do a
-lines. with. which-. a hawser. -was dr�awn, on 'the-fo t a,, of &'Liberal group to' Trunk -has esia
:reM5Iu13lg,�one-of'Wb1oh wi destroyed . r OPPOB bokfi-� an-, ubl
or . -and thib !a at - 0- d!olO 0
boi as. niinu
At 11 same night 6k.began the 00 FfanohiOeYBJU,� -anlbss.'. it ohan enveloped the train 'whidli, trackifig its line for th sat three or four
aOug-mlogigg. 6tdaajer to �Ort. SraL looking forwaxd to
-towffig the I and we.
a accompaniedby a. obome of redistriba. down the teep grade at rate
two steamers.. -Th ' ' t I - - I . ��
age 'a theL The Celtic landed tw" 0 Saloon and two t
L ghted
0 Cap SID. tl L
n Y- lon,of Parlia -Lora Grey, f� o. a -a way bet
re ther boat& to! In seats. ubl' line all ill
n oronto aud - ontre Nrhap the
0 Ste sit Qqeenitowu. :M AAM&"%W"t for Northumber. al
belower SeV. o miles an hoar. Some. of the
siag� assengers.- ember of Par pa§pg ate became panic' stricken T
8 company may
aud 611 fliec mar ' d 'Otis of the . steerai passange loamed lal
ri ' a men to get into -
car, Who -was n -charge,- too ro' id.; Wm. :'.M. Marric, member fr ask for legislation this POM-'
The chief oM tit -the 66rs and windoww into
ju.�a rom
Mal=6 go A-11 went well. until �'San- Brighton and other Whigs. lead them ing' session in that direction.
'boats until 016 An
Ump, and *a could, see the Ol thq which was three fast de -op. d while�
day -the day�sfter leaving Now Most.
W one . of1he iteameraq- On Non a
viatIMS :speaking Of do le tri ks that reminds ML'
N 469to the, do'- ad ub &a
d-1 am
geuohre 5, _
witbiomefriand Iu'E:dglsn . -hore'lias 6cime sl� sudden lull the 0-,
Morning, the. 17th ust.,4fifl Cap& Ja ofq�F d and b1o6kads good deal has eeh* said about
4 the passage At:
hen Sudifel - Wei felt w slight hook,' but in politiosli.6
'ji Rj v half mile from -called -.circular t
-the. bridgdth il, pntroveray, Sir Richard rip—.up the Grand. Trunk
*as going from aft -to he his th�
it' -was not enough to 6ilue's us to-deasip playa is, the 'on Consertotive-' and flstg� -end -down by the Great Western. sJna.sffell-,'crushing.� him betwedhthi) d V seized the train, -the engine -and
hgive the
With ChaM]p
main vas
as d Ate of
ight-foot itsoon tianspirea,th "th '�stdamerlw very circulai trips dL o in& measure
-and the masts'and.cuttiug hii'r f 9: at a nobody minds him'L ttle-1:iredne he h ,orLQ , erailed. Three wom
sh little above- the:,adkl abaft bi0kin hel the engineR. being generally fuddled �beae _a do a track.. We send
a Goo ague Mot"' M Lewis Fairand Mrs.tonn,614 ubl.
room.. Tbeeteamerwall van Many Of his or -burned- to. death.- L Fif teen
following the asiptaids and a about blity �Xr. Gladstone: his.:dn
officer. was much as -possible of urIbrough-bound -were
Now Yin -niad -holding- ia� -ton oyvere "ounded.
ich gas About. mevVj,-- -the Grand Tran
hours ':'fro& !k.' No. Panic oriii West n trafflo. -over,
ling the accident4b. -had h. eby b burned ana w d have the a bound
A A, aourr6a, although some a pas-- R�ypt Chinar. Still, big "ad re '�Akgine6r -and Ar
-raturndd. to the- bi ' id shot ki of and mi rs. Th jump6a. northern 11
s' 42 W mewere: ex to
n & th, -burned-on -Western.
greatly cited. e- 1bink h; roatil d wonderful, for4 clown by the Great
thrDdgh -the- i is olvar. -im more( ve a an extitin was badly buckets'.of 4�ver &Jong and'b* going i -ever begause. lie has discoursed earn. about tot slyo, �f Several d Tbi6 avidids n imme
passed V an - - 11 :.--
jend,hands ind -will prol?abl� DEG nmber of tra
south a,erly.di;eotion, although-.0cirts wore edly by StaUL
ans managed71o, reach mad on jam as a gubstitute'for butter, a;nd di ado himself a hero ding okoo i g oue.%nother, prevents many delays
6 In Bin I a thneof the jour-
ike400m, war4s. Now: proved.-thit -the consumption Of foreign eggs by therefore less h
parried a to turil'the ship's he& to and
itid blowin Y. fp-eugine in the."face of ear dea1h. ons
-a fair- gn matt.or of t rtance) And Ip
-by tfis York Finally,, N it is,el thnes g' f* Day gr
hia wOundsk were: Oiessad 'doofo reaternow than it'was- 27 Thw ded are bein tak _as Impol
years: ag Ug -OU care v by
Was decid d Or
a fotii go ocinsqueP. easier Oh. -thoo ho
In I much �
alwistant. bdut the same i 9 to pursue our course toward a. t -carter'sud, Superintendent W. I. -a W
Ill firs a af
I -,England. t nine liohr tei*ard- -The ispoit ast, we6k. ri operate th lines, n thi-train men' -the
men were'trying to pass from 'aft' too of 68POOd'191116 11& -have. a. fall corps of ph Joishns
h h _ I I
wto the ship mwdo 88 it The, itchmen, eta Th
*heir-ody. fell in' Tranavalal - ffi tl ore too wi -the
t6't a old and were to r. mel w confident. hey are being brought to a northern -grade is
to - the ass
Their-- ' 'as ',w6re- besl on It are watend the
ribl fine. until'- Day. - true that Lord Derby. -adhe as idstto-climb,'-sad theref
y an Chrisimas r
uo as exclusion V 'the great trade Toutes -from the Tho wonger coach is -totally- burned
Ga - " that day -the - atierag -p seugers race ad. lodged" in the � hotels
rf ding; In the a
toriorwWoh. this prod wast"boufid freighl, which is the heaviest
unuisually.g6od onduoted, Tranivalal; on the oih Of
tabbed. himself Thq 4age master -that road
fare. The doctar.a '
thtou .. r on. and express asenger course ere is a car-
gh t 9 h dthedeligateir over tll
two friends % . daut of local
man u _k In
%gger an Me_. a countri Sir -and -the
with &A d other divine ser as 01-th, din
ice for the: d thil whol
Proteat�nts: ad a do passenger
th tfi� and oscape4 with a few injuries*
ugh the heart of tramc,- on each
raw o' olated-forthe'Catholi6s. �Adoii
Meal ;-,vbr dy ofti -an Moo , ttd,'thro
ves verboar& At d4ybiei wart Mawow d a Of these lines which has to
and limbs -of the victims Were
ai - � -go in -both ir t
Ed night*-, -Every
given"On linot a4 a iQ Jfs:baA this $YGt
next morning the' stealmdr, Governiii cam, which. the trade routes ran. TOL o0nood
.130lao Many Of the wounded a In sal of
bore do- t �us.: ;Two rips is praotioall
in.-s,ikbt and wn 6 P, ight web d sements '10thing this -would be -a vital.injuty to ba a Colony. a eirdular t
bos p condition, y and
tow-orthy k -five die efficiently
ooddired we* a a th 11 -
were �seut, but keo.V- too -,far -off to We 11 . . p -that befomm"I -,�Thigl t. The burning - train' '" it tion of double Until L a e, Public opinion consequently demands'. :8 great Step in 1he direa
&M,L'. h
-L MOO Ban Was an &PP a
By.: A-- greit ela or snd
r g else . h 9
Big as
Ird n am wn"that f6ur.passongois. s its Bciershave g
m sea 0 Po m aicise when it- Lord
uoh. Service. fie, a espeois, d
13 the'Mount a kdo
-reach one Of -t a uld ally, 19. t unnervingthoop
swimmer,- managed,6 at everythib
Who witnessed
boats, but another -!poor taken aboard Argosyj'ana. the lucky for vvh 16hey h tr�Five'women escaped i-th
-f allow was -lostit I alve asked.
re envied lowi We A6 -mu ths... atteinp,C About'2*,p.,M'.'.o�u Z*SONAL NOTES- A.-NewiYorkdespitoli says 0'
P a Met their.. d
ore ptivilego of a berth, but
d for-tha'
steamer hove1n eight and sent a. boat whic hie,
beiait�ltbtned to al'orieptand 'thrde men- ur Tuesday night and
'Oliver -Wendell 'is exoeoted -to
9-wj - yesterday r 7
-'two 'diei, .',One report says tli 0
-ill . Holmes
or *OA refused,., During . a.. last. .. ; � - Draing
Came much Aoeir,,And -by throwin golikeP life-Hus; at, la8t.buccooded in -saving -five o darin being - torpedoed
ask$ We -pit- h Winter and at th .011 caused #500,000 to 41-00000'damage at
no provisolonolll. but
as the train Coney Isl hd. The inh&bitantf4 feard the
of the, crew. -Capt., g 6. tour t01194 -a-
Liq *a u nable for England and* fire.boi - -
tlan� iwdn hi4 make a
our a
days -be we Mot thq Britannic.. pasoO I'Th was ponandhe gas island be submerged by thegrest
1&rGoL Railroad'
f 0ii -Sootlin. : . . " - I.; I
self bierb6ard, with a Mbuoy, 'and., trie 4,ettina the wall on fir t4, I
Ed Ign Ida aves.
to swim to the boat..-- -'Finding the life-buo on p- aid Whympir, ilia Al aT a
-f w who
am tons si salo aoseng%r, 06id: ping celebrity
almost derjtroyed� or was
'W" -ki -left England.for the avowed purpose of
-in the: lemo ing400m- has Culver's iron pi
Juld a�- jaloliet- he "A" on to6m :w1fen" - th
uoh for'biml
trying the ascent,'of Mount Nili a Nislro wrecked at theouter end; th t
hah brokei Thi as
tratty.severe.- -M a old iron pier
W them- -off 'and. struck Bu t t"OW 81MOVEMLERS
also suffered. All shade and houses near
be. weather -was fine, At time -:but in.Equatiorial Africa.'
the eavy,ses and the, wbikness'he *9A the beach Or partly
rdi Y, -Ju j' -son list Y.
'the *indblaw hamma a n Of theiOve
:ituring the. 'Tustin Mac stru�f a T-ridn—Seve Crushed to war i entirely
suffering. from - th of blood-.prove4 night- arth shed -were O=i
for himi and of tor about Afteen d historian the'- favoii bathing -houses
city of. to the Aes. B igh
broke over the o' deak.- Tht demoli
much 01�L I - tal- and the
candidate for ismant r ton Beach Ho
as a hundred. -slid sixtj A Ing -ProPery were 49maged to,
Cork. d6oppl y 'men such n
-our ailds-Oni day
- - I i A 14 Toduesday)- nigbtle Brinton,'Pa. - ourroand"
Inillutbol hard- strggiligilhe poor 'fen 1 baltio Made ss -much for the.
-1hrew, up his arms and: sank., One of under ll=vm
re: Fifteew -or twent a , xtent) it 1
posed R -i B.'Kichoffet anoth saloon pa - u arranged. between Snow 0 sugges
agers, Mr. Roderigtiez or mariiaio has'bee
from the their possible deMcilition, houl
sucSIX of -jumped 6verl-. War.-Vor..
at about 7 o'clock this even,- visitation be - repeated. The prom
about the Same r '11 a were COS I )yedin clearing
time; the orew, J i ' who. 4iffered Howard Russell, the well known- wk
u The gentlamalli 46-fdr-'tie -p'n - age of, respondent, and the. C berth on sunteso X%lvezza. Of- jug, 1, en4de
ore a the ut- just -"eas of a dt and ill
board. With life-bubys, - but they7 w � �:all er',. when 'awl succubibe
a Magi an rue
lost. Mr. - Goganas our third oMber. theng Y was pa!ft",10 ation train 0 id d
renlim I - -&coo rounded the bandi store fen to-, the W&V Th-&
_ia Ro so.
IA-pregoing. 'hx connec- The Budd -ey
this men could get uthey -were piazza and lower put of the building *erS
am d overboar an in a -vahi attempt -of the on So which befel both ffir andboPM,
2 ecL 'ion VVith axe n. we -up; an 'Engemann's. p
It.. Th bb St.
to- the boafo"-san a sts -then of Ur and Frederick ClAy is. attit. run 4. by the train. It backed d dama
reach ith
avil 10A was do-
-left us lid-n'ot rdturn.. bated to their ' having doBed themselves. Woo the. ldying �were
tQ.1. . " ' ' . seeq scattered al rpy
freilyvith the. waters
-Governor steamed away aliciut. p� M., -arlebad of G track tot fifty yarcle. The bodies L I
The ag ad, life- -It is eaqfly
much an wei
other renisining tillileiirly, day -break, still Of tlwd'
porting world is d badly In lkhtLrersl A very, proven Ahat
.she.Wentaway. Wepaisedaterrible ght urned':to'D-' tr -disturbed by the'retitainent.fjorn -the turf alres -Five othi malarial levers constipa
ni eath In he rB Were befily. tion. toripidity -of �ffie
-the: hot. 8 b one his sinooied idn& gener rvausness,-
of the 7-f
on -iron. d boots being nea ",/Veda. L After'
early , L "' * My to this
ents yield, reac
w the -neuralgio ailin
mea who never. betted And -who 0n- his Men otawledout th, a
daspatoll"s our- feet, -and somo'6f a burnt ciff sys Oil Of snow great disease conqueror, Ho Bitters. Itre
horses squaroly. _gd!3 of diseas� by converting the
blind *1th 'the best.- We �'also red aturday night cifi�theplazitatiou--Of- W G. It h foored'the- ' bodies therava -food
gr into
the' want . -'of food and pylbro Lenoir accident tw a aged and infirm jaways
.,Roia Bbubears th gr ricYblood and it gives new life and. vi
bthq,- 'paly be discovered. The
Sail sin eutirii fa of . ok, gor,
ww a- Au. 4e
and -and write's her friends
William CrooMi-wile ' coydred-her health,
were: no, wily vrater.: There W: saliente, by.,th6 failure of the men, to
us n�'
an �4$ aspois
of remainiaij Jul d. night in London that she is
ran$ w warn hein of t
4boutto- resume her t Rev. Dr. Rings who was minister - of
of triftizi it Was Amlit and t
Vin6sand In Self. -�.We' now- begoa- to gi�i as -the �00 dest for twenty ye "And' it ii motli at her home-iq Ch Mpag�es Her,,Ilslir. aRr'046 V fie Grey hdrah Glasgow, 'from
y are friars' U.P.
0 83toj8
all -hopes of resoue.�, 1 ur ves pose a lool as near -by with SteslaiL agoapiai 5
UP WRIV a large; Are was- made before has In at
a a a's b000. e4now-whitd. y big.
- 5 - 5, diedon Thursda
re Tob
pomplotewreck., --Th :.for' t and funnel tirin su the-, house- caugh r ad mpagsibli to bear the - coming on, d t from ithe iildonoe 1nSts'-,' n!s -Woo '"if
gobs `t� Bachan Load
had'fallen an& -the de0k ha4L-fAH9JiLin bri on the floor.' No at, the poel dramate
azi Wds rollin, his 77t)i yoxv. -Dr.- King was, Married to 4%. at
. 11 of, straticin" and Is
nervous pr
About the naxt m i'wb siglited another reached if
nilghblci - - siote
the.: event is ro r of Sir me
delirious. Hii itl ascribed to William Tho on,aud is sur -
y then noon se'attendance l6b� viVe4 bfbiswidow, two daughters andal,
steam eri which prriwd to bi the Grantully, on . Sands' ie -1131
epooh neighbor his.old ai the -Theatre 'Fran-- a of- Wight a spider was
bound. for Wegf Hard -The. chief IOUA nothing.-- but the -oaisei He has suffered.froln. a. save T 4pwing two or -three 16 -to -iliej so
siting- the family- D.- He Was aF
j'�--".Teacher the
illis of the houie Is, - came "of 4o'the -the remain of neural Iri ! k attack fastened .-religious
t -a 4vo.
man I launched the raft
hal fs -7 We
offloet, Mr. 'By author of so
too bud s. of �eight ,but rebdviri them togetlier.with a d
Ifeboat, at great' risk to hi 61f tud ore Singe. V ther b )tke -and
-we found infaut awhy�i q 4.
&a ather at- the time being -very r together the �.APORTIRqk NOT]* tvalt�n th *th
near, darted off after b'Not
The -Lady St 0 upon
Sir Waltbi 7
is Sea,, Mot ve, hours, eK I tween th m,..wh are the. bed Stab& m&%Ous" rat ned. to Jhe raft to divour
tots, doeS.
X Divir
F;ederiak Q+
Aeleton of ofte child wpis Johnson' also akin tant
M gimpor entries.
on thiir-jarb they got us' safely 0 Ar'd eis h
III, for it
&to the'- door; a Oro w,e:rf) in-
betviis" -myself pok -not, ha,
�Xlm the I th the usual lunger "Viltoii.fiss made entries fort Aeo-o -to the rGoestlypublished '11 ai, beauti.
*",Mr. Vinso we'.being -only two *ho�, JlhoeJj.Of*Lreat. Ivis suppo ig'-nearly- an' the y and SuburbanZandlicapi oultur-AU"Isturne, here are in fal A kaditionw
leave t ociation.-- The opWoA of
rgkbo be Ubd of suff
Xr� Vin, I t. epordng olu& is ^favor. -115, 1 or all -kinds, of
on 'g_t' -We
a121 3
able - ar. and it Is* believed4hat f a /j,' 14 -
were- to Walton, V nearly.., otall ,a decrease
y blind Vgtjjti� ,.Mlln re.
�in I d Micral ti The
dL ex . . . . . :IS never lost.. If 31ofT s no intention of ofaul ag upon
sThe'- Dowager
Duichass, of
ba ik' 06fte :do* atitudswe owe. t* icapt. purify the a' we
tatt and Be