HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-18, Page 5• • F i t T 'Ashfield Council. .- ' The Colkil met at 1inlay's school house, -on the 26th of December.. - The members all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. efinmanications were received. and ;read �f. om the Canada Land Lav` {&n1en ea Association, and from the Yresicl,eb ' of the Women's "Su±1"rage Association, - . 'It -was movedand seconded that the' followuig accounts be laid: J.W.. Graham, ravelling► ditcht'ig and bor:- t g ditches, ,..on. the - Dungannon hill, 4114 renloving extra "-dirt- on said hill-, $8 ; Wm.. = Harris, lumber,' $I.88. ' Hugh McGinty, repairing culvert, D. L. -tion. 4, -;- Abigalia Reid, 76 - rods - of ditchon 11{arris hill, north of river, $.1.5.20 ;'do.' 28 rods box: drain, $8121 • do., 30 reds each on_. S. L 6 and. 7, _Con.. 2, as. ; Thomas . Cuthbert, ditching and boxing on S. L 3 and 4,_ Con. 6.3$5; Samuel Stalher, 20 :- rods. . wire 4ce,.'$6 ; Ben. Graham, 41. rods do., $12.35 ; Thos. Graham, 87 rods -4, $26.10 ; George Burrows, sen., 52 rod -do,,- $15.60 ;; • Jas.. .Bryan "200 orders on treasurer and nomination hills, .$2.50 ; Thos. Lawrence,, road- seraper, $6.25 ; Richard Hargreaves, es, - -plank and apikes for__ culvert on. Con. 3, $2;€4 ; Patrick .Hoban,: ,133. rods wire fence,,' $39.90 ;Sanatil Pentland, gravel, . $1:60 ;; P Scott, underdrain on .YTi n ravel - a l I : X10 � Reuben � , , g _- tl -_ $5 Sohn Murdoch, gravel, $13 ,• Jas. Hoey, ravelling on boundary Ashfield • r, " and inlossro ; Daniel welster , • inspectors= $1,50-; Daniel Quinn,_ cul- o S. 3an:' 4 .-Con..$7 , John F. ,rest 0: . d 10, � _ Andrews,. 77 rods of wire -fence, $23:. 10.; -Edward Andrew,27 rods do, on Con. 12, $8.16.'; John Lasenby, dog tar, I.1 W: G. Hall, do., $1 ; Wm. __ H,arper, do., $1 ; John . Robinson, do;, $:1; 0. Q'Gonnor, do., $1 ; . Patrick Long, -do., $1 John Jamiesou,,s atute labor, $5 `; John Graves,: do:,. ,- $3.75 an.es Lane, do.,. $9.15'; • D M. -Di,: - - ..char an, $3 ;• :Donald; Matheson,- do., -.$1.50; Robert McKay, do.,_.. $L50 i. '4eorge Snell, repairing- scraper, $2 -Harrow .& Poudfoot, $7 , Wm: ' Mc- Bride, wire .fence,:' $444,° .James -Ma- ha±lr, lumber, $1.24:; James Dalton, balance for gravelling, $3 ; . Wm. ;.Me- Millan, underdrain: on Forth St.,$11 • -John Reeknor, new culvert onCowan's Creek, S. L.:g and 10,$35 ; 3amesSin, 4 ° Ii t; new culvert and - covering 'cul- - veru, S. L. 6 and. 9-;.W D.,$19 ; Dun- Can- McKenzie, -new culvert Stewart's -. .-dreek, L. R., $6; also repairing cul- vert on -12, G.. R.,: $3 also -new cul- vert, • con. 12; $20 ;.:Donald Mayor, ditching on. L. R., 60 rods, - $15 , lour - I > docl�. McDonald, repairing culvert, LI - ' R,., 12 and -13, $7.50 ; Daniel Knee etlel, •repairing culvert, - L.: R., $1 Alegi • Long, underdrain, con.' 12$4 50; .also -repairing hill at Grant's mill,$105 David'Parrish, 13 _ rods ...wire fence,, $4:50 : James Bennet, - job on'boundd ary hill, $15.43,, James Hawkins,<re- pair4n g culvert„ . Port Albert,. $7-f • Jacob Crozier,. clearing: driftwood, $2 ;: • RobertFrieegare,planking two bridges .co> .' 6 and 7,$47.96',•_ -James McKen`. • but the Pioneer it -n't b,o--, itis husiu-e#s g ies by st ca be the Goods. are -cheap Good; ;and S ; a la F s the only dire: ,t importer in . L r� ods : .por ted are. 20 pe 'r ce 11 less tha : i C9-na via 'whirl' can be .Cly Becau SEE Black -Doer, Panting -8, Silks and auins,[ (.Y Silk Seals,- 1 • ilk v e tits, TVe1'Y tken4, Winceys - SCarlet k lanli::l CALL A SEE THE: REV_ ESLLE VES: � � is e� - lES and . erg w� S g My Stock of Furs both, La --THE A •- I (GEST- C�Tt • 11,1.1.. irt 423 • WoolPatterns �ern s at 40 cents per eryard ,n t -: _ J' QED . LARGE -SlOCK:OFFA bo, ;lit When the market touched its oive tWay$. Kcep the _Best_ that „ 'TEAS FROM _ 0 CENTS PEfi. POUND YP TO St gars Nattily low. . I : ask- old -patron Goods .an oin:par-e prices --before l uyirig-, a to _deeid.e is, -are_ t ae -Goods :as cheap' and g. Offered, iiot whether they are at cost_ or ;no 5 • yi on ,b1e--- kno*, `.' an tfke:goods arly ERE` 1tilaiatle Cloths, ... t lsterings, Beavers, Broad Bleck. • ET SHOVLS.,. well , sorted: -'NOW. QOMPLETE o�lle�n � Grao� Ladies' � Cloth elvets, �-Cashmeres, Dress Si1kan CONSISTING OF - ors, .�1-a�. { TO -BONS,i E� .#�B RRAhI� S:SIA-�TLE� �Oi�NAViNTS , LACE, - . PLCTMES F,OWERS FEATHERS, Offi . WOOLS, AND. ND& OF FANCY:_ GOODS IN e Procurgi. EN the qustioji as any ofhet 03 Walt 0 • ton„ rebuilding:bridge at eighteen mile river, -$50'; John Cooke,- postage ac - :bona, $8.04 ; Richard Jewell, . plank, Moved by Mr:•McMiirchy,:seconded hy- Clare., that Mr.. MeRde .be - :gra ed $10 as charity ; Wm. Martin, Also that -the taxes.% of the following -ftersong he remitted, namely : -James Moved by Mr..Whitley,seconded_by Mr: Griffin,ithSt the reeiTe. And clerk :sign a petition to the i.Dominion Gov- erttwent for the :improvement of Port Albert hafbor.- Th Council then adjoirnei Ram Coox. Dear Sir,—I -have been _ a sufferer .from Costiveness,. Sick Ilead4che,*aiad- Loss of Appetite for piany years, felt :burden anp all seemed dark to me. I have had medical attaulance,and -have 4ried almost -all the advertised -reined ies, but without effect. A number of -any neighbors- w_ho. had. used .your .574, King street; Town sie billow. or 'have ilk • Price Iiiter, -congested kidneys, ulceration and fa,llmg of the womb, weat. tion of:the heext, dyspepsia and catarrh.- --She -.complained -of :pain. - Small of back and between :sbouidertt nervonsness ` ------'---0 and biliousness; pain overkidueys, headache' and cold . .1878: -feet; inability •_to sleeP °tithe left si e; back very, weak, feeling "as if -there was a lo * against it ". in- oftefr felt as if her heart would stop -ahd ad if ' She -, would smother; Had also eve,q' Symptom -a female- weaknets. After her case- had been abandoned as _hopeless by several physiciaq she took treatment - of the Drs. X. 4 K.; who speed.ilY CUBED:her. She sisters -`-by pub/idling Nfr , i4. C4 gumption in its Worst fare; -. tk4 43 I had severe pains in the left ;ts - night aweats, daily -fevers , IS '10 . from the Mugs. I -also disease and_ general debility ' am new- in- geock health, life 1 -as . al It 210 Au the left side, RegarY- MILLINERY FR,Olit NOW TO NEW TE.A.R's AT REDUCED -PE! • garOstrieh feathers in all the leading shades, very Ca1.1 awl sop for yoursoivos as eve Lucknow, Nov: 2:8th, 1883.2 RA Next D it to Post Office wig Hattie Cameron, it school teacher of 10.amtville, 0 • three yeata from. a Jnozt annoying and painful ernOtton on he, .able to obtain relief at b.ome- she toot treatnent of theDrs. E.4 " 1883 I commenced 15., She now SaYS: In p tmerkt and was meat for Drs. X.& X. TOW I COttAerliCed to -improve for everyone thought my lace va$;';opoilt"for No.'. ifeen terribly afflicted with 'fill -',?of -a100 Indigestion, Detroit it, Surgi_calA$so 740, 0171/4 PI q 40 ________,_ :1;4. ;Ili. . : !;-..m tpif. .1.4' i _ . ors i*LiDnifi, ... • - - -:.'5:11,!:cf,::zsli:osoi4ti, _ large Ott neck, tiotclietand pimpieg on her face, 4,04.' swollen glands. chills :g).4 fever, heartburn,. weak ,It!ack,, sleeplessness, - coaUve4i;....^4s, catarrhal- dis- charge from the nose and threak.*adache *and other Tiearqa04- /topeless she I.& gardi4,.."1.-ietself as Incurable, .wrato tu,' October last: "I i"-.V.Ilost:Orell. and strong, -remodiS have• equalled my AT BARD, SOLID .WOBIE... His rocoiery was complete end- rapid. • In November, for -which you treated Me. .arulhaveloeuzat bard,- -gelid .t Ag IntISK_AS Mrs. J.'Finnics!Oshaiva..Ontliktr.o. eousIdetod kw disc -ww**--=elarna-•• -Ito are sthliviand'etinWpacas:ininT::: am.tas .brisk asIaabee 40,11;, havain ten years.", pi Cor. Mie.higan la the li(t_Iggriui. *Gott have recetft .1 11 Lin liONG.ON EARTH TO DO GOOD. • don an lots -nide - :very *41itless at: 1*g pa Win Man „ and tha eruption sift blown is hives. tic vecoftittot- -usVrediaricio. On; these ms.ArletiailermiNtcG4hilt tifaet oca.;tr.t, ...14A0414Illatreeowatii2fr iSf61:dera112..aand°bIntletAlli pre ,trunOn;7111,:fri-6°W.1111111t71:111.'..iiReiLT;thir.c)usenAsscdoemb- 4.4 cObidij‘llelli,410 Ult. it gor',111 Dora tot tehoillg otaiideetia 4varlanTontor Removed., •