HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-11, Page 6tot_
.he, -4ntititot Mint&
Ens iarssaTt.re orrEaexp„.0 Ara4ug iir
;1cebs.afxG TO ike DA:TATE-60. cONSOlgisvoK:w.,.:,
Paile tnoFE ALL 0THEI, IngaTiEt.
• '
lailaCknOltry :AA
he l'eQ1)3Ae
•••• `r!."'
_ . •
••••••••-• r3 k.•••
• . .
An Oostinetti•Vlfe.
e ,
ItersCif, it
e other night policeroau **: o
.; •
laxicusly to meet in. ,
T blood rushesroue' , ,veins
_ -
With:the loree of a mounta4. Aorrent
when she sees .thatit. is th V.9.ceroy.
. - • •
AlQue .-ttch who ha,ksoughtfier -.these*ti s.•
••• • -
•yOu -Iiefo-re. he 'retiiilisihe'*`544 Mig4ge:-(1
..,•ci 1;„.•tii,..q-- i man --pledged " to latry,-- 0 .'..,' ":of .. tkl
,--•-...i. 1paT.... tittk.n.-: ii.21,i';,.'. Eta...3 . : bee11,-; sweetest,. k)i.avest, best and .-;relio
. - . •
' .1_,t,d1...,t: iti_ a :1}1e _ofjrishwonien.
- 1
Itc, re: 'cu. iat • -z
J., 8-6.(...11 news is not kept !ie
All the werld'wonders at it
.-dafys.'-: ..-::reofile, wholikeher
t 6 11.41:1 i jcdiayt.A. lik;;,0;.,f_..01.'P we fie.
!Jen 1-21.0 tho plAn -toz„ liOr
,hushar4d, he is InOs prOst.tically reOen;
able ab -Out it,. and he gets reaVe to
night, at , Dai,ragh,: 'night " with
- BES FOR -H• leaden cla,rknessi in -the'. ,sky*, :and over
the Witcl sea, that hurls. itseittuniultii-
There is a good deal a= ow and deep
_heartfelt ...rejoicing in th• 4114echborhe'od 91'4Y PP°11- the eoast.oi•-..0--- alway.. _The
.'when known that the kir is raw- -ae; I. cold, darn -ping
rieto-rqs :not COMing...b twain. and fiv.Pri.388ing, but in. the -}?ig hall at
There is to, -be 'a* gret4 tauetioil .at i*(D4errrniatgilh.• all is -light, and
, •
and is astonis g to. see, the;
. -eacie&ea- disPlavecl'Iby it ie. who are : A „Ilia wood: -ere blaees •ruddily on
t obtain sonio Ihe:hea.rth,- aeound. SBVeral- set,
indigennoUs to the. Sell -
mein' etr(o. of of the they have ire drawn and -"en-.thesP " settles
-ariven.*from Bid; eagerness, are 4.ted. FeiToll's' wife -and aildten,
q - -
does not take a form th ' Mere 4aklileen. and her. toyer, aikd several -
th..*fiseuer.. F0/1they . overhaul -others Who belong to the: Darragh.dee
the thint;•s....inir.'1-iew dirt Ad 'arrange: 4neSne.. Ferrell hirueelf has•:. been Cant
With: 0116 another What: 3. y shall ieted of manela,ughter,I. and relegated
-for, and When the bicldi is .to**. Stop. to other- etirnes, btit.Mies 4.fliynne ties-
• They . do,- this with S skill and • :taken -his wife the.hand, and foreed,
• . • • • .
-Caution that. the, fargit - cost he to take the positien. of hamlet
sorne thotiSar_irids goes to, mere song. Sol/oOlraiStresS. For Mrs. Ferroll has
-Sunnier day seem. t be 'dawning 'beeir ac'pet. of the priest;- and has
•-fer.the .• ek, has.comq .ed to:read and write, and 1st.u.re ac-
from- L4rd*Vrie.eii- for wife's share •cotints and now. her li tle learning
thee..eXpenseS of. thl Ce,ope.rativei to be a real . boon LesSing
:housekeeping and as t cheek not •- the dangerous
'been clraivii in the -spiri f the widest t
1 .1i I *-41;
. .s s me unes aecreui. e-
ernbarassl •
menteare -virtually at a ktid. For by means of it she can keep•her-
Moreiiver, with the at4r which al -1 Chillreii decently- fed' _ and clothed,
. • •
• ways diStinguishes him, ..Annesley and- t) g'vethenr.no pause to regret
flines himself with all etas heart and that they-havvbeen broueht-into. the
. .
power into the work regainifig his world now her Chief -indeed -her
place iff.his_profession.- fliSng other only,--.* aim.
things, ha cempetes for rofessorslup For, • as she eays,.. ppor things ;
• at one of the hospitals; ins it, and, *ir They've have worse than _ no falk4
Al7.1.!. _ . .
throu it- gains a rillin r of Piivate -the'.1.4oril preserveliim, 1."
pupils b• -whom he is la- y reinliner-, •Darragh ib giving them a- .httle en,
eta' and aliii6St--,.Conapl al iSorbed. '
IlisI9tilieroluS avocet
httle tirno7te-think';
to berniian, Darragh,
property which • •tempt
turned to ashes on the 1
-does giVe. a thi,night..t0
satisfaction that
peop.le‘are happy und.r he :gentle
sway _ one for :Whora/1-. therl. have a,
-loyalloce tradi , 64004-
- :t.hei_ie.• and that,. therefoill • itis_.-4ely•
rte.laet lak'anythino-is yersa-.
I • '" .F
• tile larOasks.:,
leave hi•mi
fair Irish'
he e,:yeland
ertainreent to -night, httle thinking
hat eitertainrnent.there is in store-
muo"3. less, •for,Ilerself later on. She has invited
thein. to 'a Supper of - good - and,
bread and -beer, and she has. giVeri the
Men (and many of the. women toe) to.
When he I
.-least the
It.is 4:quiet evedding.,_
Dolly% icexpresi desire.
and his wife go. to - -
• Ronaldi aecOmpanie
•`and mother and kite;
• • . .
furtheilet Or hindranc
. •
er .brother
- - •
his father
and Without
kilrer and Deretby.Ainksi ey are made
one. •
The end. Of the Old
• ginning -of the new
0-01:f4/ AT14‘;* ee.411
strange now that they
• then). liave-e-voii
- •
erent. The,old la
tliV•. Weybridge
days been catried
- entirety, ,the
• SeillDS Wee, `•:a dr
whieh,14both Boon
satisfied --
wake to, t
As soon as they. corn
...,..„„tortnight's trip to S60t
re for diet
kinsfolk than
„sire 6f:iteeling beau
.; :order con1es for Oapt in
:scoinpany-to start. £OV I4i,
• •
31•0•PareAto °
t ora
oti,r4prothise.;Ito e
- . •
life, the _be -
1150 one, has
uld either Of
ct. anything;
I -
it in all. its
ragh eptsocl•fi
bacc to take to their hornei•fot their
comfort presently. 1, Meantime she is
reading to them, gratifying their
dramatic initin.cts-. with all own
dramatic pOwer.
. ss, • -.- .11ER xV•en... _ -*"
. •
Perthank played- his cards
deserveS" thesuccesshe has
. • ,
And the telegraph wires •;
news; to India; Where. BO -it
Dolly are:, doing their best to‘' „lenduce
to the honer and glory 'of Ouk, empire
in- the Eta. '-
Alia Lady Killeen hears I.
-winging her Way back -from
fleet.- _Lord Killeen is not
net that they have quariell
but they haVe agreed that
ir ore, one Another :will be IL _
6,1);k.41.artg_ for each _et -them -7 p
. . , •
. ,
petu al tcompanionship.
It pleases her wellthat_fli,ragh-.is
to - he -practical queen of - Sc
. e • • ' • gr:".
'in common with her quendate'r-ifriend,
'Mrs. St. John, Lady disporte
herself in the "Castle set".
• and. ea be seen by: the 4.et
as the intimate -friend of of
ieness. of .Portbank. .
- 'Breakfast is nearly ovei-i, Mae',
she is.
Conti -
h her
n per -
, .
• _ -
kiver's house in IttiSsell-
the old -lady is reading.alou
-nary discri.pfion of the •ni
-lege la
high life which is to shake 14ch of
the world as knows Darra0 to is
.centre. . • •
- " We hear that the brides. .ids will
be fOurteen in. number, and
are to be seme of the. most
members of an arietocrae,
. •
world-renotenetr for its
beauty," the old lady read
her head quivering with 171.
,probation tlx.i'ehormity oi
_ .
traVagance;--- ---
" It will be. a beautiful
that- iS
.re -
h ex-
Mary says, "a beautiful ler and a
geed. one tee I Shan -go -to trii4-aurch
and stand eoniewliere to get smile
- 3
freni her.sWeet fistee after thee ;Made
wife" Just then there coine.:: a; sound;
ing.kneek it the door 64,a hynne
. ,
"We thought you were to great.
1adyesertQ think .of .0 ag,
Mke4-lyter_ :says; tellinwe.outi4.the fear
that her .sonsitive ha4ire ." had
out of her -own conekeepsthIsS
13. ••
in her agitation; And•Darr.Nrli Sayi
-"I are not a greater - la gri 1
. .
4.0y,9.0,77.40,,i?,:Fpli, ,j hope;
scAng,to JAW§ wife et a .rnaii --cr4io = has
A. h4q4nOnths pa:Si-away In Compar;. made. himself great in my eyO through
.... . -
I ative.:quiet -ilk, the . most --distresstUl 'his goodness; - and I want -
country that,e-v.0\74et, was eqenii :and .my first;tridesiptidt
thea. there' oOines a "Otsaitli4 aie:iiie.iii- you .linicW,-'indiieit. -to - D0L: . - care
. , - . • . ,
ithe political horiion, .The ere of most for you, Mary I"-
' POrt.tkank is "spoken'i,ir:tor.Ire : - It is .a_grand Wedding, iu .
His best friend's.; add.. 'Warmest: ad, as beats the high p_lao.f. -
'rnir_erS.:are'.surpriSed.I.,..at .the mar in' bridegr ut homely, :qu'itlki, ItT
Which this YOun.g CrceSuS• has puitkair° ._,gatIglerd9Os IA
-,c • .
,ect himself up Ap.the Mark:of 1131) i - plaifi. ite 'iki - 144
I . 't'''-* 9'..TiltA)'
4/4,9iiplit;,:11pmt since his reject
ion by better than any. one else,-,
lial:r411. Ifliyiniekliehg -thrown. himi. knowsjaer better than evpr :1•,,Osen;,:.,
Jeff .---witlx enthusiasm into the ranks of Dolly -di41 and feels that 'ti. '
those.w• a do real wor ein tire House, . 1#1)-eellv cr 11, "Ii# t'll *.4Y
'i - •4•'' .tk aTraek would
e'siery.,bq ti everybody ' is have gone in6re.giaci to. tilArwi.
amazed when e Otterea Speech on the Ronakiaaeleiver than sli is e..1.01e.gointe
ri itlicultrwhich pros - that -lie. with the Via.r. - 0i.i .0fl*Porti.*A14. 0
_. _
xi mastered his go4:11 arta #tle' as the atter i
. .
-Butherheart is fu -ef,1;-/-
appinelerandchope, the
-iii it': ii-fei `ithreli Iiii4eis; tleiti
rtiro;..., .i'Aulci hSf-'1440rYfe
ed in these page:it:better.*
.:the folklyeing wordst.
-4,114 the peaipterjoved'
Tlig„END7 - --
-...-i;...• ---0‘.06,,,,,,:::,._ ,,j
iaid IIAiginI4., - -
the_. 0, - instaa 03'4
a ea 0 t/0,0thg'f! 1.
0 .
whistle blown, followed lay-sTikuts for
¶" police I" and .after a run of half a
block he came Co" a,lialt in front of a
house where a second- story. window
.was raised •and a kali, had half his
length over' the sill.
"'What's the rew,_4emknded the
la,.rSvitsh'in mei
" n house In
"Hew do you know ?'V
"1 hears 'jn 'make a noise more 4,8
six times -
Where 'are they T!.. -
"Town in der kitchen 4" *.
"Have youbeen downtolookround..'s
f‘ No 1 no 1 I -dells my. vhife, to, go,
but She won't stir.! .She shumps. into
ibedt unit covers Op her head, und I
vash.lett to do all. der fighting mid _ be
kilt!. Dot's -der kind of a -tilde she was."
The officer iniestigated, tent firidihat
cats were responsible for th6 n4rOes.
- •: -
Be Oareful What You Eat.
Thebestmedical authorities declare
that worms in the human system are
often induced by eating . too freely of
uncooked fruit and to6 much Meat
cheese, etc..' .* Whatever May be the
cause, Freeman's Worm Powders are
speedy and safe to cure, they destroy
the worma, and ,conte,in • their .own
-eatharie to expel them
Dear Sir, --I have been sufferer
from Costiveness, Sick Headache; and
Loss of Appetite formany years, felt
always tired, so that my life . was a
burden anp all seemed dark to ple. 'I
have had medical attenclanee,and have
tried almost all the itivertied`repied
ies, but•without.effect. A number of
MST neighbors- Who had used your
Fountain of Health, urged me to give
it a trial, three bottles of which made
me feel like a new Women.
'574 Kin°. street Toz-onto
Yon aid; and- Murdock McLean., Carri-
age Makers and Blacksiniths, of 7the Vilhge
Of .filicknoW in the County of Bruce. Mum--
aeturers and Dealers in -Buggies, Va.rriag,es;
• Wagons, etc., etc., . • -haye Made an '
• assignroen:t of all their estate and effects to R.
M. Racey, of the Town Clinton, -County of
--Huron, Hardware 'Merchant-, In trust for the j
benefit of all their creditors, and that all per, 3
sons anti firths having claims against them Are
required to 'send in their -names, -residences,
post Aims, addresses and partmulars of their
tclaima•duly-verified, and the nature of seeuri
ty, if any, held by thein, by letterprepaid arLd
addressed to the said R. M. Ricey at Clinton
#11 or before the 25th dIty. of January next; A.
1-.).18a.: And notiCielie lam)* given that
1;ft-a the 801a -date' thg_said: trustee will prn-
�cI t, of the saidPenald
7-`-et-liturdoefi 3,1cUesh Arlon g partiesentitl-
eel thereto,- having regard billy to the elaims
4 which motto shall tke 8iteirlpid that he will
tfatlhe Halle for assets, et any part thereof so
:ddiletiiinitedtto ar'iY;pgigon Or 'persons of whose
debt or Claim he shall not then have notice. '
• And notice is hereby given that a meeting
,of1/4the -Oreditere of the said DOifald & Mur-
dobk *Lein will be held in the office of the
Aanignee at Town of Clinton on Monday,
the.7tkday of Jiiattary next, /884.. at, eleven
o'clockto iconsider the affairs of the said
monautt.u.‘riacteac -.1kiet„,ean • and any oiler -
Dated this 24th day on:lei:ember A..D.1883.
R. M. .!4ssitigAeliee
n Trust,
° •
,And he • • has done -. for,
-sager/ surer • love of Darragh! '
T• he 11417,` V itrijr153t reachesDu'bIiui and%
is install;d.at the castfe.152!gpif4;2,Pir-
' hoTP. 14' her
hed _
671:4:114•44,:., _13.er:Iit pray
,e:kW41:1 3SP. 0_ ho:f0are, e
* to clo his- - duty
is "set
. _•
to trusa:e°11;t:Ileolimic;a11;.;m-_itslosvti jaess:;:m.liage _It"°
ghi Pow s
- Then she telis
LATE ot _tilE ritifiito-i'Ivegifow is
.14°- ‘-‘).:174. 14eiii/'1. nit' 'tr'ci:E11)E°341s141)i'
trANT-.:TO THE vtotIsit)Ars
ter107,8ection 3,4,0fihe1tav1seti
..astowfttesj'ate. . ,,,,‘,_;i3pso ,the-.0r4ditori td John
.County of Bruce, whi.,1/.011` of Li141thw 1-21 the
25th day at Doetepber '."'''' " or OPz4t 44#,
notified to send by post . bl' 1141342 Atiliiat
<t'irtacsivslir )'rIP thltiltrdsaiiiiitivilirattafre of Ltheer-S441-!_ -riliti_17"
Jewitt, 011 or before Ateday,,:the;218t7d10,
Januar,t;1804 their!christian and surp4u4
addresses athil dOpripti've, tht-till..partiOulars
..,ioire41,n4.0i:,n:ab:14rto:ltiaitmeoniti:iany,ei14tntit1ittieith;r iV:ri
y iliem:;ailathe i4:1214!rJemulcit0
414ribiitethee'aseOta.„- ,,,,of tiltet.s444, -,t,„stlite
ohttlittbovirtioa enxi.tAt:4_11,00).' 41"Y a"
fregfaxl. only toil* glairilui Ofe 14111001:
he shidt then hate recinvediiotkli • ' -
Dated at Laciinovrode 46th 404 Doom,.
Father Wilds
'Tho • -4.0. Z. 1..., Wilds, will.,-)kno-, ' li -cant
2..i.ssiona' rilla ll'e'vrYork.9.an1 brothe . of the
,:i.tos enalnentJudgelVII4s, of the /Ale
tato Supreme 'Court, .tvrites as toile: 4.s :
"74 E. 501$t., Nilo York, .livi ri.,11882. -
A IEssits. J. CO Arra; & Co.. Gellthii;:41' : •
Lart winter T was troubled "with a a iiist: itneonet-
fortable iteitinp, humor -affecting Jo n el. leelitiiy
aty.limbs, which itched so intolera`l *VI
and burned so intensely, that I cILW tmarelly bear
any clothmg over them.. 1 wa it aoitiferer
from: a severe e4rtrril and call geal oietallin
o:' _Lr; ritiny:
appetite was poor, and my sys
.down. Knowing the value of .A. R s S ,itsAr2,--
ral.i.A., by obsPrvation of many other e es, ant.l•
from personal use iii former yeana. I begs taking.
it for the above-named disorder:. liy: ppetite•
-finprovod ahnost front the first &;e. ; , l'ter a
short thus the fever and itching win'c alit ...e.0.1, and
-all signs of Irritation of the skin disappea -M., NY ,
catarrh ,and tough Were also cured by T -}n!: same
nleans, and my general health greativ li ;proved,
until it is now exeellent. I feel a lint, ..1.-cci. per
cent strougerjand 1 tvaxibute these resti.; ,4:: to the .
Us' of the SmisATAnitia, which I ret :nintend
with all confidence as the best blood T. ledicino
ever devised. I took ft in small dos .3 three •
times a day, an used, in all, less than tu*aties.
dace these facts at your service, hold xg their .
*cation:may do 'cod.
tours, respectfully; . Z. P. I▪ V
The above instance is but one of the n ayton.;
:"st.shtly coming to:our-notice, which protshe per.; -
feat adaptability of A,rnotils SARSA.r.idri 34IA. top
the cure Mali diseases arising froinimpt or
poverished blood; and a .treateued vitali
Ayer's aviii la
cleanses, enriches, and s&engthens tb j blood„,
stimulates the aetion of the stAnnacli n bowels,
and thereby -enables the system to resist.; kl orer-
,eome the attaelts of all &rotations 1hea , _
lions of the Min, itheaataatisto,Catarrh,eaterat
1ebility;a0 all disorders resulting fror Ipobr or
corrupted blood and a low state of the sdtem.
: • .,
Dr, J.M. Ayr & 00., .1.0ivel1 Mass
§oldlay Drugg,ists; price *,1, six tottl.., for vr).
Best' Purgati4e 11flectiOne-
cure f.;e1,1sti?ation. Indigestion, lleadat ie., and.
. ,41113ilious,Disorders.
Sold everywhere. Always rem Ae.
• . _
1 .
. . $140.00 FtOiltirlEATi „
- Raving the utmost con4aence in i supni .
ority over all others, and after "thou 9,nds of .
tqgts of the most ooniplicated and, )evereq;
cases we could fiud we feel justified i; riferiyai.,0 _
to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for lay ca,te=
of coughs, colds, se.re. throat,influenZ Lilo rse=
ness,bronchitis,consuroption Via its t-..137 stske
wn000ing olio and a1 diSeaSeS of t p throat.
&id lungs except A s threw , for 1vhiel iwe oniy
claim relief. that we can't -cure witi 1Ve,seo
Cough Syrup, when taken according ro dir,tc-
tions. Sample bottles 35 and rid cei3 .,; largit
pqtiles vile dollar. Gemini- wrap? ,TCE only
in blue. Sold by all druggists or se2 ;t by ex -
press on receipt cf price. JOHN C WEST
0 -Go., 81 and 83, Xing St. East -ioroato,
&irk' 41.,. W. Berry, dragoir.15; Luclo Yw.
DSend 1:0 cents for pt), age a.net
for the working.' class..
we will railyouin- royal
valuable box otsainple goOds that
in theway of making mere ineuev 13 .1 a- few
slays than you .'ver thought -possible it
, business. Capital not require, Wel ,:111 staali
you. . Itou can work all the time or I spare
iirae only. The yen* ie universally • apted
• to both sexes„ young and old. You n.
earn from Me. to 5 every evening, 'hut all
who want- work may test the bur es. t`fe make -
unparalleled offer; to all who ,-erb pt
satisfied we will sene17$1 to pay.for th: trouble
of.writing us. Full.particulars,direci ims,etc,
sent free. Fortunes will .bo• made '4 those
who give their whole time to the wor*.) Great
success absolutely sure. Dont dela,/ 8tart
now:. AddressEmson&tle.„-Fortlate Maine_
44 'C+.E1 x
1873.-4-ElgtVENTII YEA.11- 71$84:,
,- •
Qiu*2'-:VeatietTes ZSpresentativ/ Coesie .
Jou*al bv0anethaus for ...lanadi-
ans4udVevoted solely to the int-ece8 4 of the
people, aitistinguished Trott the lute '28ts-• o
Pohtical Verties-,--ouglit to be in
hdor84mrstad. find tlieir 111134 farea
brightengd by a visit of the Jolly Lit ..le,Toltev
briCe a. week -Only $2.00 p Annum,
al sv,itte of
d Pk: „Urea- of
-tortra-M4dist find a
eonveriatio'n the P4
Gap after ali other sublet, shad bkl*
ed to'death-Only 42.01 per Annual. •
• . ft .
.Pofttteums--Oreitner liarty-wh‘r .n envy
A good-inumored and truthful hit at a %selves.
wffl api)teciate effserts" pointed ear onus. If
there are any-pa/04%ns worthy of til.) name
who have not subscribed, they ara &forme&
that "Giile-costit only S2.00 per
Parent44-A over, the 3)o1nninn iteetify
that 4- ame's"weekly visits to thew z nes are
hailed -with delight bv their chilareno,? who*
cartooni`rgokitracme education. ',net 'VI
.4zIrearikauliakrbdoiiitinurpfttre this e. 4ertion,.
42.00 per Annum itt adVEmes.
1OT: 3
`.1 TR AVE 11,
- ,
• .•
dtt Winpeisy...1411, hdtitheiraeuenel
.- iRthC1:Setet:y4 Alitele: Byer*
Vow/ belt an:. -
.1.,04-.:.:•rt..2 4.- •
' 44:
• * t`'' , 40'-‘t!•
You -Attie often. Mosight of fet- Sendal 1Qri.2,3„
-kyonr mune and $.00 n v, •
r rti TFORN t • one
1,34 fartginairs'fil,"
/le 2/qtr,,,,e7.
, trio*; witii-
thout T limper
4e„oct. .4884;
oore, Manages,
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wanted f
lives of all :le Pie
..ficierite-of a 1. '
Tiitisiwitt,baudsoniest, peAt book
for legs thaw twice our price. The fa; .est sel
in; book itt Avediuk, .10Amease t
agent*. Allintellieentipeviliewant itt
ene,oatvbenonie P. sueeessi4ageVI =sire
RUA*? 130ex rertland, ,11.%
11(1 s3 t• t 8 fit
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indi *Mph willhelp yen temorteie ieyiig
;mai than 31i thielverel 'z-io
eithst4oexorsocesifroi trim how. 1' 'lie bre
ripad ts ferwe °peso before thewe.loiel a
videly nage *tour addressV
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It •-i-0.42i
.• ,54,441.44