HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-11, Page 2- A6.HiNG+ON. . - . "rod& our Re.adar ,CorretPon Washington, Jan, -.1st, 1. Social N‘lighuigton glitters -to-darn, • .The siniliulit is -shut Out:from' h parlors. -iter daughters -from all par: i_f;the.-1,i-ation are .46 receiNing"- irp..mo4 • faseip=2.ting __cbiors. under the soft • flection of , blazhig ehandeliers,- sons ..art bedecked -. with direaswallow • :Cabs wii.dly a11.- rtion, -and- inimacti,lat;- tie, and .order rdud .a 4: : hastening t� be-reeeived.. BUt-it is tiie - Same bid routitife of 'first 4 Jan ary----a custom. Wroughtby some ---,cc e, catenation of circumstances, .ancl on - Sadly carted to excess at this social Oapitat: rtaisi-excesS is. weartlig .th good. 7elistoin. threadbare, 1,44 yeak the nunibek:Of T`eceiVing and ,rei eeiveci grows smaller. • . _ -At-the White gause; the usual pro gromihe is being .,played.. First •the OE- the- ca,11?inet".ahd, Dip'Orna: - tiePerP1 4.17;i:received, follOwed in.. se- quence by the Justices of4theSupreM' __Court, Senators -and !Representatives ..-Congresai.. the QOurt- • DiStrisct judiciary 'and .0on-piiavtioue.rs,, • of.the Cabinet Miiisterl' • / of the United States, the of6Cersofth - - Army and Navy) Government head et aid .then the great zereivd o• American :citizens who pass; cloWil receptionline itt.,the red .inI •_single file,clerosittheir cfal.(1,and.'sk,sk . hands with the Executive, Without gard-toiadk, _eget,. Or color._ This is _pleasure:of the ; the firs . day of the NewYear. He iS-assisted bythe ladies of the Cabinet,' .- and - the. present pecasioh;-Mr: ha ' been .very liberal itt his in--i'itations to • the wives of preteineht public meti. t _assist at • the •• : Mansion, Aitiong "them I-. _noticed: -Mrs Gen:- Phil Sheridan, Mir* -R61/e-,i. sonz a.nd Airs. Chief el-Astie Waite. .: - Christmas passed - •quietly at the , White Hensel.' `To each - employee of the ji.o-,4sehelc.1 the President gave • $1.5 , and a .1-0.lirist.raas. turke His own Christmas present.s were rupperous,buti it i. to1 be hoped that Christmas is not to .I.)e'-Marked: eyery year by .the - un. _loading of whole bundles .pf canes at the Wnite 1-Iouse. Ptesid:ent. Arthur: opposed to canes,-'aud has no use for them, golcltjaeadeel or otherwise. - He I Teased about as manysil4 unikelks, tether vith wwes, cigaxs, etc. 4y$topos of gifts -to th Exrcutive; th remiaded of a -111.411,e I St4ry that --j,a Pr -eminent- in..soCial-: and . Army circles told:. She was -speculatitug On tie thottiandand ohe*:pairs of slippers • Whichthe lady . friends of :the: pre8e4 -liandsoihe President send him, 'not :to -mention-other souvenirs: by the cart • -load. 1" But4hether :larried or not,. Teeple wili always -mid-presents to a , said t.IEis lady. One tithe a: prOMiiient arii very 'wealthy lady:said .p(1 mo. while Mrs, Great- _ was. ia the White House have just received- the sweet* new bonnet from -*Paris that -you -ever saw. -But .teeezifingisn't -*joked' shah* an d I'm going to. send it to Mrs. Grant .Aad- she --did.”. T. hope :Mrs.i -Grant ',didn't weak it Ont.. of . compliment t4-.): the.geuerous.friend. Who g4N-0.the wife •:cf :the 'President - wkia_t2'She Couldn't • ;wear herself. •7 The new Qonaressional -Directory- kaA just- mate its 'rtp-peararice. It is * a ways ICGtkod br in Washington with pect4iar _inter*, beetsAiLits biograpli- i1 sketcliei ser4x.e Asa sort .of intro- duction Of 7 -the' new 'members, :whose olpial station at Once xenderatheni an elemeat-: of Washington, society. :. It 7tells.Nrhat the Sena,. ters.and Represent -' -7 atives say of themseltres; -where they ;Were born, and What they liave done, and clevelOps.,: pg.),ny °Midas facts, Senator Batier„ .of South - Carolina, is proaouneed the handsoMtst man in the Senate,- though M. kifllehOrger. can - dispute- p.Jn in this resped. Senator -Aron -a ia-Cangidered the best debater. -. SehotOr,„. Morgan is;i the - best - logician. Iezrs Bdpiund and Gar, , land .a.:e the Jawyers' while I Senator Vane is, -Oict net rhetorit- iian best stoyy.-teller. '1" -But te.re- turn to direc6tory,:,'-*.i.,:.Mprrill. re, • mains t4e- .:PatexclA Of the: .?enate;. though hi Colleacitle flinundra variably., - takeki •tog. -.Vit..): :046S mber. of - the', J.vtly., Tke2,10ufge.a , tor„- ial biQgraphy. 41, ttke....74i,TectOr.Y. t of Mr.- of._ GeOrgia,. rjeiest; of Florida, iy149„90wpieg, tv.e 1in Gen,e up; tht heOpa* Ochiltree-;:pivaimps (ixcitA,P*Oraptie, States." 7 -7---numunew. : _ "........geotoslitAoseeaosoOraoimamoonionerigafriwPwywa - • • • • • - . • - • - • ongress 267 are lawyers, t ough.sexeral, of tilis`:ninti4er• -hav,0 ractically'...-abandoned--the'1.4-Fi ;for - other pursuits., We _hard th.e.,.,‘ ergO; .eseare.siuSli times in Wasbillaigteri. • :Fatal Railw YASSEN _G -ER T-A-Anz coimith NfAE TORONTO. ecident. _ . Toronto, J accident ,oe- 'tnrecl this mern5ng infthe _ IRailway at the Iiiinilier,abent7seVen ,r ; A h an esf 4 01* this'' "'efqr ban train, containing:the sziMpleyees-ef the Bolt Works, Omits -Way' frOmithel. city - to „the works, :was run into by, a-freo;ht train. Coining :•ast... ;Tiki persons': were: killed: and between thirty , and fort .1$.FOuncled, SECOND DESPATCH - 1 . f - •:ToreAte;, Jan. 7...sul),Orbott: trainwasCoMpOsed..of b -A6 - at- taelied t:otheir.Thiiiiiiir,engiiie,- and wb- the. city at 7. o'clock - this Morning with- .. thirtySeveri. oniplOYees of the Toronto". ..R4t Weljc-s of,k-l4eard:.:When- near- the umber .a froin the west -.Was ObSerietr-approaching_ . hent -' The driVers.on eaoh- reversed heir.eligine,. and thesurburban train . •vas almost r -brought . toa: stapdStili.* it so; hoveer, witli te: freight. • It -1 have been avoided. The auxiliary wo-inadelup at Ham- iltOn'and;st gang 'of iiten.f.dispatchedlo the scene of the disaster. , Mr., Stiff, Mr. Doinville and' other officials of the line were soon at thestop. The G T Xi -official id ei'erythiig in -their ti-Oitet.fe s eringeOf the injured had medical aid early at the'.'se-eife. . The applications of anxious wiveS! toviewthe, reinaink, aremanjri,,tut they invariably return sick and un- certain. Even the clothing is burned off the men% of .the bodies, which, renders the task Of "recognizing alt,thet niore wo �f the unfortunates Wifdlav .under the en -Fine boiler alive for !lours have -.since dieil The pOor fellows during that -.tide. appealed :piteously fel; ,help-, but they could not be reliev- ed owing to,the;:distaftee-between the scene of the accident awl the necessary appliances' for liftinc, the li-eivy T:itt, INQUEST. The inquest on - the -*bodies of the victims of -of the 'rail -Way -accident was adjo-urned till'Tueselay • next. There was not 'Much evidence 'taken but Conductor Barber who is under arrest gave evidence to the effect that he had orders to give regular trains the right of way, aud forget that the suburban train was a regular train. \ , THE DEAD, as on a ;steep oracle and the brakes-: The total number Of deaths is now, ,Oad :little effect, arid the result.. was:J 23, .The exact :number killed, Instant -- that in a few mOinents it Collided wthl ly-was 1.5,- and 8 others have: since. th passenger train, forcing the 'engine 1 died in. the, hospital. -The .nanies brough:the coach,,killiiig 0110 -the dead are .-;-L---Geb. -Aggett, married.; _pgerSiiistantly: and wounding .alt in Joseph. Keefer married.; 7 0. Spohn, he car, The boiler of the:: dainmy. Lynch- -arrie .;: rtginEx burst,- and the men were -married;. J. ly' :scalded., -andbhined.-- driver„Caxiiithersi. •pd •firemen, Oa'the.. engines '.escaped married ;. Joseph - " •J. Rowlett,'..marrie • Sam Bailey man, Married ; Hugh Ounningina -Robinson a boy ; - 7 single; ejakti Mc Stanley, a boy; gir416.;.'TIMmas-13.iirri • Special trams . are running '.put:• to ine scene of the accident :and the dead nd.wounded:are being. *due* 141.4., :he..city.• As Lar as 'known twenty- seven Merl were killed: - The conductor, ' eorge Barber;14:the freight- train ..i.s aid; to be hlamea'for running without. rders. T-.--4 is Under arrest, awaiting. ho-resillt of ail:inquest this afternoon. jury has been empanelled -and view- ed the bodies. :. Several others : are :se arfully mainied--that their recovery .1ik not expected. The a,flair has cast gloom over. the -pit", as many Of. ±hf! en resided In, the :city with tii.eir. . -,. railies.-- The un The are lying in • - In .. • el lei:vital- and se-eral =doctors giving 1 . • . - : 0 .... . Pent eery attelatien.: - - - An eye4ithesi-deseribes 0-0w 1 bcene - the eek ,is iart,r6hdiiit iii the • -tremel... The: Miitilited7. bodies, 'Oita' s- -. the dh,ino, ;and the • Shrieks • of tiie - .r 6 oAnded- are enough:. to appal the- . : , . . . . . rongest. -: 1 - 7 - _ - - '.111iii-D-DESPATCH.- . - .. 1,4 • orefito, Jan. 2, 3 p..- a -evioup,.despatch it -*as . stated ...that e picture was heart-rondino,: -- In. - - - - - - • any r..spects,it.was: beyond the most elle pen to d*r.j.be..- One little boy th.hii linner-pail itt 'his hand ,was .t only crushed under the boiler, but vas:scaledfrorn 'the hips down: Near .imUya pOok,:fellow- whose - intestines re- literally squeezed Out., Others,-a.S. -4ebri,,. of thrimoilated car and en,- inewere retrioved,', by 'stow degrees, - _ - - ye exericated itt .a -dead 'or dying , The train:. hands jumped, t the fireminiofthe passenger train d 'shortly afterwards The .Wounded Etre -b-rought-to, the cit. and. -conveyed p. Wally to the 1i�sita. Two cif= lai'dibd on the -johrney. Prs.;:.RolVe, ddalt and Lyrid, of Parkdale,. Were the scene Of the disaster 'shortlyafter d; lappened• 'anwere asSidaoni111 - ir a.ttentidus to the; suffers:. ne "of the G. T. Railway. o .ia s • interviewed at . the'. wreck,' dad tlie- freight, train -left -II.O.tailten at hi the uiorping.: - It consisted of ! connotive and •two cabooses, Iviiieh VIAe, Greategt IlealingiVolzOo.und . ., , _. . . Z15., ipe fr, ona. -POilit:E,C1W21;ra arid werefatt . ics-,-a preparaii64-0t.cartoilei-ci.d ..age,...: r tY. g'ellaueter Barber, '.ii 'cl'arge: Parke's, CarbolicPgrate. .'.0.Viii.**ii*o ernagh a,kriecl icDon arried : u, married; - ;=J. White, single; rriff, sing- . Ker - ed Bothroyd, • married; :-Eddie. George Pre-scott-,, nzie,..a boy; °ha's. les -A. J. Searle; a•boy; Charles Thomas, 'driver of freight train ; Jas. _ • b •'STILL SURVIVING. . 'W.:- :Fitzgerald; - slightly scalded ; Richard Cal -Tethers, slightly _scalded.; Michael - Kelly; slightly. scalded; W. Rogers, severely injuecl ;. Charles Mc- Donald, ; Alex. Banks, -severe• .J.ehniAggett, Slightly; Pot Nor- ton;Serevely:i jolmCorrigan, slightly; Pat Kavanagh, - seriously, : and. Mat, Walker, Ther: are -all --in, -hospital. Victor - GirlatiX,,L111cli,on- .ald and 3.1oirtgoinery.(tWo) iN7-4e taken to their homes.: - . Was to be, married tb-iiig,-ht; .and -Kernitin'S wife .had her -firs baby twd or -three days -acre. • • A public subscript -.:on ha3 alre dy been started for the, benefit • of. t Widows .ancl. orPhans, • ...-.• 'The .loss to the railwaycompany is estimated at $15,000. . Considerable indianatton is felt ai Coroner Johnston insisting upon- the bodies rthiaininait the Morgue till to -morrow night tili,, he holds in in-: quest, when Coroner 'Lynd has been already holding an inquest rt.'osi or Highly Agi.eiable. -Oue very 'valuable feature- of D. .16.1v's Pleasant Worm 'Syrup_ that it highly agreeable to take, and all varieties of -VV-ornis, tape worm ihchid- pc1,- can be safely eipelled .:by it, with- out iecoirse to harsh. and sickenfrng drugs.- _ • • 1111",-1, 7 tatrispaibirt Oa-eds. . • I Nek:han,ility. %far 10 -cents, - 61 for.. .2.5 cents : -AdkesS JiAnny Wific7To L P 0 on. n. If Ste f° T6rmit°' ' The ea" - ivelie fi-ileiinitgekate. called ' Medi:ego; 's arid - - - , . . .. , 'ol.,*.ived orders' from the -17.1am;i4oit 211 , . - w , , . ! y sore; cut, :urn, or hruise:Whei ail _ raph operator to runto'. Toronto, __ 1 other preparations f‘ii. gdo:'1113-'4y.ii. , - sgidir.lg. all 'regular train• It 1 ' i . ruo•Seoret and get a' ackao; IIifetit' a clu te D , , , . rr ,ifdent that he forgot all alio rai.i.) .fi , -, i - ,-• • = '''' .,- f.-.;.-A--,;!ts• , ., _,, which..a ,- due . ., A-te eel) S IS all,4. ,posts. 15 I. tegutax todeave- - • --. -.-'2-: , :. Onto at 6:40,7a; 4 711E'; :t ' This ii -1 kiibwn . a a ils*icr at .1-.1ome. old $ Bound to Marry. ,. roMan.. harriage occared'iast everiiitiat as 'buable-bearding school eflkiiss r7istian ti this. city. Thc. .6itliact- I artieswre. - Miss Gertie bblan, 11 6' f.:001r§:Mary.1:Yolani11 wkallk regiding in -Omaha and DAM 1,1-itflPSON begs leave to! 11,40 1-61.• 11;1- 0 ..-Reynoids;-of- Jefferson coup- - 7 • ennsylvania. The gr6ein :vide at ,the house of the latterin IIthizi ,t4e inhabitants of L now- rind 1.4arrolinding country f . • liberal .,ationage bestowed on a, 4 year ago.' - Mr. 01- clueing ule last two yeaxs, and wirlica gto Reynolds' visit owing te. tik illness. of Miss Derain, she being a CCAIt13111alle9 f lus old customers and ` 6 years old. : s time wore -en Reynolds af..1` better position than. everto supply the . §* or- walt4ia wants thsetockofi puble, alwa.yi has lin Wag.024 Er; Zurgties of all Style ngements tod her s.- HewillalsOremindtheraof thefarfamed ahade arra:* - .a fair hum, ot the new, as he is in a en:the _house. The two met cian-' 43r- -a-4- 'iare ihterval...- • -Mrs - a heard'Of Such meetings, anti re,- .S.O.`r. 04 to put an-effec4ual stop to them. rater to zhis city toschsXp oel 'd J's SCOTCH DiAllieND ilARROWS, 4. -e ions were of <no _avail, and she which he always has 011 hand and are od at Miss Christian's a few- made of the -very- best material. • Par - ago.. -Special instructions, were -ties wanting any thing in thisline will not to allow Gertie to loave the do welt to give him a call and see prices *alone .. or receive visits from before purchasina elaewhere. • yogi g.. men. In fact, a genatal lar attention imi5 to espionage was arranged. - Ger- naged.-to communicate ..withRey-: r,and he came to Bann -here last 1.'.,i'and succeeded, in arranging an lew with *Grertie. A meeting •, ALL HINDS OF -'• HORSE SHOEING, fiat feet contractions and interfering. 4 By Strict attention to business; good • -workmanship and -employing nothing- rided upon at a leading hotel but good workmen, trust to retain - tie' • ,w day la4-. -Gertie was on -time, nolds was delayed. . Prier to • . - . • • ival Miss Christian appeared•at 'tel and conducted Gertie back . Campbell 'Street opposite the Bank tlus 1.c to ol. - When Revuolds heard of boldly visited' the school and Litoknow'May, 15th, .188;3. the' patronage kindly extended to me.. but, . ALSO DEPT' COMPETITION. thel ADAM THOFI!, PSON3 ha ..Telegrains between -M elan, Miss Christian, Reynolds, `an Irtie.followed, and at last Ger- :iiother telegraphed her -consent] marriage, and as a - result tlie , ce ny took plaed last eve ning. rAdi et,„. • ,courtship which began.in Oma- •Ek WtrliaL; ei4 - • ha; fth..?,ed happily in Baltimore.' ":7-----drnPlsb-dge--a-+wf-*Pw-. -4-- On His Child's Grave . it .70Rr., Dee. 28.-A little, son :.of.vip,iip- ThoMa, a German • tailoeof 332lktIr street, died last summer allot: S. hiiiiiid 'in • OreenwoOd deme, - te 'T'his' alfeetlecl the father so deep. - 1. . , t he Tell, sick. „ After recovering it ha pened that 'he was sunstruck. Ino: jen lie has constantly Mourned -he.4.Vth of his little bby,- and has.. r.12, eah3 ly visited the grave in Green-, --,, woo'. A- 'fewweeks ap$, he had a =Inv:Pent erected. over the grave:- • i Ohristnias eve he left his home, tel1ij tiis wife he was going to take 4 wall. ii -e did hot return.. •.. was found lying a dead on a ckildis . . ,graV i Meadow Hill, in Greenwood, at- Oqclock yesterdaymornina.' . A fiV 4 '''.'inberea revolver,. one eaMber of w. Ch was empty., was by his side. inn' ation. showed that he had ts''. o'lnself in . the left -breast ah. ove the:. t. *--- ' ,.L,The s,tc.n..ecutter who'.h1a. '.d ma, emOnumentover the chiicl' graa ertifielIlu, Peter Knolls4 tair,Sti__,Qrciaidstieet(Tht;;s;rotit-in-1awI,:saysthatThon'- Per threatened tocommit suicide- ' aft4. e death of his child: . - be b - eside the child. * He: will ••• Come:an's ••• BOOT er. SHOE. STORE3 And eiawine'onr stoa of ]OOTS Si, SHOES which we wiu dispose of at as low ,pripes awls. consistent with fun. 'dealing so as to -enable us to Pay WO cents" on the dollax. • .-, . _ • Ytre invite.you to try our store or rather try our goods and price; and you 11,- 11 be .con- vinecd that there it wisdom in so doit.g. • It is very well to please the eye but we sti ive to please the pocket also, A personal eiamination• :OutflogintStut Hogit&Stioes' will cert co:11-71 ince all, eve.11 the tiese.P; and -most careful buyers, that we are oferirg: .0004 .09003 AT LOW PRIOttg;..: 1U-AilTs _MADE Td eart &Corrigan 0014EY. Veivipg•: fresh Oysters • :which' ..she . .sellclisiK uart Cyr 00 3Le Vegetable Sicilian ENEW was the first preparationperfectly adapted to cure ' diteases of. the Realprand the first successful re- storer or faded or gray hair to its -natural telor, groytli, and yontbful beauty. It )1218 =by: 34, ,11....,3, but none have so fully -met qUirem'ents needful for.the proper treatOwat 'of tho.hairan- cl scalp.- itiLt.'s RAIUTENEIVulla4 steadily grown in favor? lull spread its, fame and .. Miefulness to ,every,quarter of the globe. Its un - 'paralleled success' can be attributed to but one cause: ,The eatirefutilithent at ifay»t)iiisci. The proprietorshaVe often been Surprised:at the receipt -of orders from remote eountriei, where,. -.they had never inade an effort foritaintrocluetion., The ;use for Iv short One of HAWS KAM it*i•Ew4U. wonderfully improves the personal appearance. It cleanses_ the scalp from all int-. puatid, eurevali hutnors, lover, aid artuesh, and tpus i)rnyents baldness,. lt,sthpulates,the Weakened glands, and enablek theM to Pvgli jar"' ward a new and vigorous growth; 'The effects Of this article a**, IratiSienti like:1.1o* of ateo.4. holic preparations, but remain a long, e, Whielk tAitices its uie tt 'natter of eC011010 tie .Siirburlion sod - - 'free zoav 19- •' .14$ . Ate- . stY 1.4 .etY- sure- gpt ar as Mimimj.: - (pd not „Riqchr,if' - vglaich -Tiers?! . nipgfalways. 4Rings gte::, employes, 4:4 &d, ,au ThalWtiteat`piytaroth-e` he Bolt andotherfactOriesisittuitece -Pn-L44- 1h°' Nv6149 with- .4e,r-u14iirfss 'Ors Toronto to twr. par:tiritenlak.s to it Tri.ti.srrA „ s- of .employmeit., tab..,eollistork-3 -Po147): gs-' • _ rka....11)0;111ing * - ;t _ - . • wiTxsztlts- '. ipbWiler lee„rralk,-eelleta:i10:eseilir:teiiri:tordt:olueetrativcre:301111;bern,6tivngoll°71er, 1144 uot -svzsh away. Consisting of a single •• l:fEl4e04i:1.44 So11bya tean9/40n.el tat Eva 11 8 ' TAM F THE -HEART* ffY- OF • rifkRIVALVilst NE8S• 11 4P0 -vIr vrti00:14,;audi .11 :11 Lk:4