HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-04, Page 5w *?- EE B fRpt., - : Front ourown correspondent. Iouss Drrn; A- horse beloin. ' tt=b -pro near byterian Olzu eh. • Osrsa Surrsn.. The oyster supper ii c onnot4ion with the Leeburn temple eras. a grad €access . Mr. John Lim- ., 1 cted as chairman in a -very efic ien omen Short" addresses were ,,,riven 'by Messrs. • Liinlater,. "Williams, ogarth- l{or-ton, Clutton, Cummings and Brown. Songs: „ and recitations were given by the members . of tie 1odga. The sisters deserve _ grer.t :praise for the pains they took in get- tiny up the supper: MAS TREE. —The Xmas • Tree and taireot in connection with the tern Sabbath School came- off on Xmas Eva' The Churpit was nicely fled with people: RevJ. Tomball gave an interesting address on the duty of parents towards the Sabbath 'School- The choir ,rendered.. some hea {aful selections of music There w also . readings and. recitations given. The collfctio n amounted . to- _ whicli willbe expinended Sabbath School. recquisites. ARAMOU•NT. _From, oar own Correspo2aent.: ,As is a usual custom -during the Xmas' season, =we find that fun is in • bide -F -here, and entertainments in the, tea -meet- of socials neerts and tea �o } .Algo'4 - :The follow- front:- T e 0 �� ings_come to th fr - - - - -- - - in: Tib: or . ing- is a narrowed deseri tion of a free:: � _ P re u;fed entcrtainanent of ordeded us by lir. q F •' - J. D. Murr&: ; and his pupils on the 3' '.10)arties `l hof Dee last . The day being fire �f. ro Ism • o: his alreadyEaftenaive Stock 9f -H lar :el t gid g y ..__ pto furnish everything required b Builde prepared q 7 { jl j '� ,and the inducements mai-1y a majority and see la of the section repaired to the -school- house chool-house which etas beautifully -ornament- by the stip ' surviving . element of I ham as •atu= e ; in. ••oa der to receive them: The. n.being exa nned�li half . the Cheap. children x y a dozen of- the district pedagoaYires, ac- -quitted themselves ina manner highly comic ei cW Ie: , After_ the visitors had expressed their sentiments whzeh only. eorraboret ` the - actual testimony y • �h ssed theyall retired to ,-,they had wits � � again assemble themselves in -the even- ing. ven-in g. At about 8 o'clock ., a pure- ' - literary deo a'menced � rime` ha �. �.i�era ro Ea t ry g.; end although the house was filled to its nt-most capacity, yet by previous, preparation all were_ comfortably seat- -ed and prepared to listen: The: child en then entertained us in a manner - whch bespokethe: thorough prepare- - tion on their part and reflected great credit on -their teacher, by a lengthy list of i ecitations, dialogues, : speeches anct singing;: At 4intery als we were - eharjned by the l armonions mingling of maxi is from- different instruments until e thought we had - sarcent. but' .did • not stop there,, for a numb - of prominent men. present= ad tressed us -in Orations that rolled like' a -mighty whirlwind." At the close -of the este tainment the pupils.: feeling that they.we_ re .to be severed ch from: their feather, presented him with a handsome gold ring in token of their -attachment to him. A- reply being made anct the meeting: closed in: the. usual, forma, the people wended home- . ward; everybody feeling that possi they " got a little _ too much of t good thing this time.". ware, is now VARNISHES : AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE ing in • Tin, Zinc, or. alan azed ron C is ern Pu P s , alvanized Iron,. Water ,Li pe for Cisterns, and,infact e -I furnish at m Y store at Bottom thew B.uildang Lin _ ;.� - in build :his season will find it to- tineir a tending to � Stock before purchasing their supplies. IN _TINWARE Sill � "which I zl well -,assorted stoc eand �re11. as k seal. a large •Re airin done l st. E a�etroughng a -,Specialty!' p g and .4espatch. _ In 'Stoves I have a large -assortment 00 Which of busine position. While in the pas - Sal horn bul all regis Herd Bo Por` furt MAR it 4 NDZBsot=DGuR.---At the resi- denceof the -brides father, on. Wednesday, Dec.. 26th,1883 bhe 1ev. R Leash, St. Helens, Richard Henry Anderson, West Wa ranosh, to lfary,'chug hter of Robert Bar- -- bour, Esc.,; -East Wuwanosh. ' : . Dov v1sn--- B tBou At the residence- of the bride's father, on Wednesday, pec 23th, 1883, by the Rev.. -R.: Leask, Wiliam Edwin Novsh, '• - 1kerton, ` to Annie, ' youngest (daughter of Robert Barbour, Esq., East Wawanosit. Manse; St. W=Xnn--B.�gN:.-At: the &f e, 4 Helens, on Wednesday, Dec.. 26th,, 1883; by the Rev. R. Leask, Joseph. George Ward to :- Margaret Jane Ryan. All of Wesb-Wawanosh.- HUNT—HARPER. - At the residenceof the bride's father, onthe Tuesday, January lst, 1884, by • the Rev: C. - Hamilton, of Lucknow, _?Yrr George of Dakota, formerl of Kan - F Hunt, Miss Jane Harper, loss,. to Mary u of John Harper, of Kiri; daughter� loss. _ 1 Parior 1 be sold at Low. Prices.' - Having had a long :experi' .I think I can supply the wants of the 'pub c: wit d . quick returns.is to Yotto-! m Small"profits an q . r their L sincere thanks to the 'public for TIlI21 my• eta g -t . -I hope -%r a continuance of the same in future. LJGNERED CALVES. ` R SALE. NDERSIGNED HAS FOR three thoroughbred Short - calves, yearlings, 'They are ered in the: new Canadian k, and are first-class animal . er particulars apply to T D. TODD, St, Helen's P 0: �ON Y TO LEND on easy ,terms _ of pa4 Bra, Apply toE JOH C 00KI, Ag. i gent,- Dungannon. AS FIELD TOWNSHIP.. FIRS Plaid L gi tnuis Is the• •lily - instantaneous relief for neurals heaadache,- -toothache, etc. Rnbbiig a fe�e drops-briskly'is ail that is -receded. No 'taking:- nauseous Medi- __ . eines for weeks, "but one inute.e .ap- plication removes • all pain and will £prove. the great value of ` Fluid Light - Ening.. Twenty -fly:, giants per bottle at.C 6 `Berry's DEPUTY - • To Eke tctorsof theTOtgnshiPafA8hfislr2 EMEN,—Asa large number of the elec frau tis stand ..a and as Portend gentler ceive ti wad .a least a. very "large majority of the votes. recorded = in my favor for the.ill be ,, 1st tfe P put. YReeveship.• AS.:I em in _ :t e fi Id I -ask', the support of . every elector ors of our -municipality- have ne to time- requested.: me to a. candidate for your'° suffrages, hear a E . rumbling sound :which s a change, I hope and believe, en; that if •I, should -not to entire support of the electors oll should be demanded, -that at: Jo Yours truly, JOHN F.. ANDREW. CALVES EST RAY. }��'tt: < R ES. SCR • YED '.FROM .THF. PRE:1fI�3 . • of Jacob !Fisher, Ashfield; :on or about the mi e of June Inst, six yearling calves, - three d and., three" red and white.,Three `s teens a, d' three' heifers. ,Anyone g vig•srchh inform • tion se will leach to their ;recovery will. be sill bly reworded.AMEB Tr;lH I ; Luckrow :'. 0, t�in.518 - • - . - •� . or5a-lard cold, with pain in the. head, a ones,sir.thrrou h the •chest,take. DOWN ' ELIXIR, at once and in liberal, } doses, "diver up -well `in bed, - and otr word, or fit, you. �willy soon.be.�ivelL -WILL OBLI LL in avetrauh g eiiery article noes. • a•cto call a as�.as Cheap vith neatness vest cel in this line u fear of _ oro Tit Patronage U. onn.F ET -CONSISTING OF; ooilen Goods; - - 111�i1; '&vets,. Cas1nnereSi, Dress Silks is al - i E I AC _ � � l��"�.E 0� _ �TAiVIENT , L• - = ' _-- BR . _ .IDS, 1 -A �PL1jMESf WOOLS, ANS ALk S KINDS OF FANCY_- COQ- . t. . i. MILLINER'' FI1'Oi1 *d'N TO NEW YE 3 AT 1 DUCEIi PRICES. Ready- fade Mail/les: Lalig hsers, :.4 7 strich feathers hi all the leading' shades; wery blieap.. ......... . . . lag is masked awa Oat a 4. 0) iot sa prico to suit o 1 C rBcivei as eve 8Sd • Lu CIL Nov. ; 28th/ 1883.: teution . ;o wishes tv. call : the ��, kt ,, .. . Public DOTS Embracing! anum_ hi'ch-' will : be s sn Custome quest buye 'k the finer give °m before pure • tb TE STO SES. Sw: RAD LIFTS''- Next boor to Poste r of° - New Lin.s, 1 rices to r - e ooh for a •• stakeu.iu4 elsewhere..- . CiAL VESSELS .8=0 10: . . t the Pioneer" don't blow, his `business goes by steam: Bu ►: ods e chem.. Goods- and Seasofl ble'. ecau�e the C� . o .. t direp , im porter i 1c1{no ', - Hca -ase: lie is the only d , - � .. . $ f; like .� .:: croad:s�:- imported -ire orted -ire ;2U- per 'cent. less than like gooc o • . bough iii.Cana,da, which can be clearly u.:bY EX AMI N 'i OUR OASHM. Black Does, - - Pantings, Silks and .Satins,. Silk'_Seals,; Silk Vel'ets, • Velvetepss, ' W'unceys, Scarlet :Flannel Mantle V1stering Beavers, Brod BI � _�, • � !„�-�►1ifE'rt'� Stew ND SEETHE �fRI� . GAO- f .J.• '•t4 Fursboth Ladies: aDd Oen'ta. is;l: of :ill assort; .Stock of. : ' Ti 4Alic4WT. QC 1 T „r.kf': :h - � Wool Patterns � at 4"� tis pe �r rand skiu RECE _D4:A LARGE OCK-CF F Oat bought when the tostka touched its low point." acedes I ilways Nce 1 D b mru. :POM 10 CENT$:PE .POTND.IP TO 7 L'EN'Ps.�' Ts yw, i _ ask old patrons to exatp3 sq.1Xiy tt 000dt Mid con re rices before; buying, s .o ter. h. 'tdede° rs : ;e ���e �Govds chop andg. as _ they, are at -cost or:het' er�d-�� whether : � - - r.. tal } •t P. i.