HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-04, Page 4• • 4 • • 4? • t : Tk :4 RTY CO UTTEI.iStir; ;r9 ABO AO In .`)iNt'PO :PRE 9itTATEkiorcps's Y1UUZBABOVE ALL OTHER GIAEBT. BLEFJT 0 VPE $7r.210W af, 4 FVaO ME nominations for South.. dii the Dominion Parliament = in the towii hall, Seaford'', on day last before James DickE: turning officer.:¢ As was g anticipated these was.'no oppos the . return of 'Sir Riche rd, Cart and after waiting the equirea was cleclazed elected b acclam TEE following which we to the -Toronto Globewill .be of to seliool trustees an .. others section " We uncle- stand :t 1tl roister. of : Educatio is. tie. having the question f new .further ' .considered, with a ilaving.only one set for the sell .tire Province, if this s Sidi appe}} i •i in the interest of the _ oolsc practicrble without • a in � J the proprietors of any if the s r 'ready .published. : s n&r. th eumstances it:would; therefor`. minable that Trustees should dor a few weeks ..they introdvu ,new Readers into the school.' their.control. fl• uron held Ines- rally ton to ght• e he ion: from erest this the us of .. .,eaders } ewof ods. of -bo be to. be ice to es .al- zci ,, be adt tpone ion► of under 00111LUlii ATIO . v the Ed;tor . of , tl r. a'Sentinel. :DEAR SIRS s: some -"Df the •County Co • of kC uron 'appear - to 14e t_i oul l -remorse onaccountof . their coziciact at -the .last; Council m . -uncourteously -dismislrng -the Treasurer, Mr. •-Ross, and ha. v uurcd before the.. el ctot s tri ; - that action,1 think,- Mr: Ed;tor, an examination of the reasons signed -prove that they. -had no cause what- ever. for` perpetrating such a do ;cable_ The first reason: assinned -els that satisfiett to judge, • e eave:that°►ith'the iu LC, Sutherland still takes the lead. Hekeeps thebest and cheapest in the-zmar can and Canadian oil: A call is :res- pectfully es-pectfully solicited.. r a1 • To the..Ldi or oY the Sentinel - Six;--On,riouination day Mr. John McHardy sated that although the rate per dollar was less than the rate- per dollar in 1882. yet his . tax. : was more for this year.,_ Then Mr:Mallard said. "How.is itthat IT don't understand it ?''.; Now •will• try Co :Make Mr. McHardy uidersttnd this, and I : think the electors will understand whether Mr. Mclardy was - actually telling what was true when he said "h don't :under- stand it" In 1882 Mr Mellar-dy was: assessed as follows : personal property, $2700 ; -dwelling on Hamiltori ' St., $600: In : 1883 : personal property,_ $4000.;, dwelling on-- Hamilton St., $900. A difference of $1700. Is it. posssible that Mr. McHardydid- not understand this I Now I am- creditably informed that Mr. McHardy is asking. :$1800' for the property he had assessed;. 2' and . . 90 Oin 1883. in 188 � 60 � fgr � 0 And as to his. stock; _ let any ratepayer go and compare his assessment of 1882 with other Wen -doing a like business and it'wilil be seen tbat hehad the in- side track by about= $2000.: In the very time Mr. McHardy had this: advantage over his neighbors,` lis: ad- vertisements • Were : out - placing his stock -above all others. i - . ELECTOR. NOTICE TO *:.CREQITQRS .TOTICE'IS HEREBY .0-1.VEN THAT Donald aid Murdock McLean: Carri- -.age Makers and Blacksmiths, of th© 'Village If Luoknow.in the: County of. Bruce, Manu - f acturers and Dealers in , Buggies, , Carriages, \Vagons, . etc.., etc., have , _ made an assignment of "all their estate and effects•to B. cili ors _ M. Racey, :of .tbe: Town- of Clinton, County of . with ;Huron, Hardware Merchant; in trust for 'the benefit of all their creditors, and that: alt per: -- anl y .sans aha firms haviilg claims :against them Are trod; in 'required to send in their . names, residences, outity post offices,-addresses.and particulars of their claimss, duly verified, and the nature of seouri ended- if any; held by them,: by letterprepaid and= ustify` addresped to the said, R. M. Racey at.Clintrni on or before the 25th day of January :next, A.. D. 1884. ' And notice is ..hereby giveu- that., after the said date the said trustee: will pro- •coed to distribute. the assets of the saidDonald _ & Mur,inch . McLean among the parties entitl- ed thereto, haviiig:.regard`only- to the- claiu:s of which. notice shall be given_and thathe will not be liable for any part thereof : oto distributed to any person or. persons of whose. debt or claim he shall not then have notice. Mr. Ross : had stated his Xi:nte resigning,. but the. qualihcatio li intention has in eve y instant left out "'That: uch, re, would be at the end of .the F' 'atter ° his books. had Which would enable auditors' certificate "his resignation." Surelyl was reasonable and �.ig.ht. g . bit of f such been station l year., en audi ed and: him to I1 the n the tat=s with sur desire 'The second -excuse was th 'parties ;:had :applied for theMice,- bu that sufficient ground on which- t 'swiss_ the =official without notice obi cause ; :onewho, had held the, office fog early a quarter of a century withaca Coin.... plaint t - - ' 1 . Th -e third- was tht Mr,: Rc i acted discourteously _to the-Council:.end -:its: Cominittee in ;tot ' E aking hf • inten- tentions:kiiowu-to then'- at a earlier .; .date: - � He had done so as thi� ow n -statements; garbled -they ay,r hewed and as Mr Rosa ha . no kiiWiedge that the Couttcii ;desired or - petted . him. to resign at the Decem meet ,:au .until:;he was - waited oi q... the - . %- _CoMmittee who were appoiu rl tt noon. on : Frida= :, . and *called .- on Ij ' after .- fouro'clock to 'desire a; state ' and which he plkcced in the qhs of. toes Council at the "opening_ .o x first session after. Neither dela or - : dis- -courtes ca.* to justly attrit ted to -him. In fact. their' is= no ' t1fable grolinds' for ti it action and eourse' talon can.anl� -be picked,u ` : spite 'son.,the part of the inoyers to r• Lwrlt, a uccessful p�ooi cal: o,ppoae 7 attd I', 116p -el -bit -thilliecteii at the ° ifs 'on Monday next :will - slew their . ppreci - -ation Vii' .o of udu4t: by. lea ' .Wanv of theahome vh- indulg-,,in such 8 %IR. -To the Ponce ofthe entinel' D:E*.R Sia,,, I noticed in � Tissue: ©f two weeks ago, ;so` e ° ins til re parks east. against -myself an •business which 'I consider : a nmeri ` ` - pitiful whine comes of wird grace from the - writer.; :a that certain other pe�rssoas ai + pled and u tin -s. €¶ beg tbat, I am t nieehannic and a' hiving eve l[ -im . t. , . ng.s>e d £u t�� e.a ,tt and having a-'thorcrughtibrio' department I sm :e gag oi` sin ` unprincrpted . I if 1 e The s; ;good asserts unprin t0' state _oilman, usiness age; of SOR 4 , • rrM..yn.m iudrcL, t S gibbon ea _.., 1 antle : n t Lai t Special Sale of ABOVE Lucknow, October 24th, 1g83. MILLi1 v R' O COATS, BOOTS and sti +rS, to Reduce : � �i: LL BE SOLD a heLLV • And; notice is .hereby given that a meeting of the iireditois of the said, Donald & Mur- dock McLean will he held. in the office of the Assignee at the Town of Clinton on, Monday, the 7th day of Jaauary next, 1884, at eleven o'clock a. n..,. to consider the affairs of the said Donald:. It Murdock =McLean, and any offer then to be made.:. Dated this 24th day ofDecember,A.D.1883. R. lt. RACEY, Assignee in Trust, 3in-519. - orll R .SA E. ThreeShorf-Horniulls dor Sale Itegstered in B. A.. Herd ook. JAMES I.-GARDNER, 4in-5. '9 to*'102 Lucknow P.O. AI, I HE SILVER. LAKE CHEESE. AND J Butter Company -will hold theit_annual meeting,in the Cheese J?actery,:. Black -Horse at one' o'clock on - • Tho lst - Dayof 'an ,1B33 for General Bueiteis. ::J. H. KAA•KE:.. • • Sec. (6-Treas. 3in FiI:g::' NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 SATE or fi#xr yntsgL' or Lucacr 1W 1 TUE,COU*TY OF BRUCE% DECEASED:• pURSUANT TO E PROVISIO �tSof Glia ii;To7,Sectio 34,of'theRevised -Statutes Of- Ontario the (creditors of John;, Jewitt, tate of the village of Lucknoiv. in the County of Bruce,. who died On 'or shout the 25th .day -of -De•oCimber,A. D. 18th, are hereby notified tasend hi, post ,or, Ideliver. to Elliot :Traver,. of the said -Village 4_10161W:14, Soli- citor for -the adininiStrator of the .said •John .Tewitt, ou or befn a M,ud*, the 2lst day os -Ja uary,1844, their christian and enriraines, addresses and descriptive, ,the full particulaxa =of'the r claitns,. a atatemen ot their accounts, ..and -+be nature of the'seco es,... if any, .held -by-them; and of .er,ihe °sat I ' 1st day of Jaam Nary next the said-adininiiitritor will proceed to distribute the *sets o the - said estate amongst the parties entitl f 1. thereto; j he j regard ojil y to the clainit o creditor -of which 3ba s hall then have received notice. '° Dated at Luck- ow this 2lith day. ur. Dectm ber, A. D.1883 } d . ,3;441)1".-ITit AVE R, Solicitor for A 1niifti. r; 4in 512 !.•- +i.e. . 1 HAVE DECIDED -- Cardlnal, Garnet, ays, at P'u MacIntyre's -25 cent tea is. cc : 25 25 25 25. 25 -25 . '25 25 2. 25. 25 '.25 25- 25. 25 - Vs It ;f 6 Cheap`; -Strong Gooc Nragrant freshing P:urf arveloui ?dint 1` xcellent,r i siluable' -reeabh 3elicie* Fainou4 comrnoal ecluallec 44 an ad get a a . plc - /Awaits -bay it. 1 O D4JYS ?. Bit UR at once X11 on LtJCXNOW, NO V..` Ot ,X1883. • �p Q� CASHMERES I` A�1 ALL OUR STO�� C .� other o ular Shades.for the ext av , Brown andi EDUCED..:.ERIQES a siring a Bargain .ia this Lio MT"RR1 ou. an noun fa Q Public �, t X3.8 ].s _i1gQ axing bough' tit 10 eek `hat a' lu ht m> onsequent1 can n' ter mint. fear ier In a On, an • 9 r also ually as,.:ow asAoine.Stoc*s eon!% a sol{ re -%,g11 ust i s are Welty satiSfitid-to tha't effect, t ee trale e a7 a doing ti f�.0 ii'G rsie Shop Prices. Y £ 4- ^~ D � l fid= xy s� . f;J r T adoring De artmen Uest•w-±r one secoi