HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-01-04, Page 1E1.40T TRAVER, . Attorney -at -Law, Solicitor u. Chan- ,,ery, Conveyancer, &c.- Office ne °Or to ..'he Post Office, Lbcknow,Ont.. 31.8 an at Reduceit-siates to uii the son -Mortgages as low as 6 per cent., ES AM MORTGAGES BOUGHT . _ Drat and _Cheques on- all points ,cashed. t4necia1 aid Prompt Attention paid to the Collection a Elates, Accounts Rents &c. DR.AFTS PA-YABLE AT rAR issued <A the P riTicipal cities and towns of Cana- da. and on the United States and Great - Brit -and - Parties -Remitting `--. will find this the cheapestsafest, andniost - convenient method, , UNTERIEST: .Five per centallOrwed on -Deposits in the - Savings Bank Department. Pitivaibivested for Private Tartlet -3i' We are prepark4 to offer to cpstoraers every facility afforded by a rThartered Bank and ot equally favotableterms Conveyarolng in all its Branches. , 4ife: Asui ance, BEST 'COMPANIES REPRESEinCED. ' TO 4r, git 0-APitEROS fc. 0A.DS:PB.ELL,.: Office-Afecticai flak .rucknotn. rr 3p eclat attention to diseases o 'Women and Children. - Calls:promptly attended to by night or day. - di J. GAUNT" LICENSED AUCTIONEERS. ,'ALES OF FARM STOCK -PROMPT- *, ly attended to on reasonable terms. :Orders left 0,t the SZNTIriE40ffiee will receive • - :our proinpt a*.ntion. • fe J. GAUNT, ,507-t fb St._ Helens P. 0 J. F A. MAoPHERSON, Asuroasi Queen -Street, Kjncajne.. 1- - ARROW & PItOUDPOOT, • litirristers, Solicitors, &c., deieh .T. T. GAMOW WILPR0XIDF0d A.MES SOMERVILLE, Cotwatastan.: galley -so loin.oneasy Terms on 1Rc4LEstate.. Valuator for Trust and Loan 0o 1 ltf AXTONi; Conveyancer omMis- e .sioner in H. C. J.,- etc. Moneyto loan at 7 per Cent,straight inteies tor for The Dominion Savings ai :Invest., ment Society. Issuer of marriage 1 i ipLies, • - -KINL0UG1 P 0 BARRISTERS. onLICITOR for Bank of H 0. Omission:or :for taking 461 • Farm, Town and Watsprojie and acid. . Money leaned. on Iffertgageso, Louey invested for private p4 the best Mertgage -security. lineknOW Office, . adjoinin;g. - Store.' • MEDICAL MACKID &ThillUT01111441 liVSICIANS, SURGEONS -conchlers. General 0 Sr • F. Grubdy's Store: Residences-Dr,\tacKid the residence formerly'occupiediby . aP- Crimmons Dr, Hutchinson,- the esinence formerly occupied by Dr. Mac10414 iv4c& St., opposIte the public school". 11 P ENTISTEV. JEROME,LiOn'tiate of Iftental &freer's: ha'a re- moved to. Wingliam; where be will. e3rry' on the dentristy business; but -he woqc beg to, inform kis patrons that he will visit 5,1101inow on the first Monday and TuesdayAnOlalop on 0.4e thirdMonday and Tuesday of ea -t month Office at Whiteys Hotel. - i!. 15,• GENERAL. (Or Coirmog& CA4PREL4 NOTARY 'PIJBLICl• • Commissioner in 13.4. Convg'oin,00r, Eto., Etc:, 1.1TOILN0153 - .011141tIO. Conveyancing ist.all itzt Branches. • . Deeds Xirtgves, • Bonds; . Agetents,.. po niptivAnd. caref ally prepared lid correctnees guyan ee d . . • sp.assitsitt niOnint tentior•r i. paid- -to itlie ,searching of 11..."-R1es, andtto U,tnattars collect, • -e5d with the tpikifer of a state. ``. CHA,R.GRS BEASONABLL O. ;REY, TO. .1:0 F/RST OtrASS MORTA.GES ai Tto 7* pee cent interest payable yearly, • nrges very ni,oderate. Apply to - •RGAERT MURRAY, St. Hnitn6. ecretary ofthe.West Wawahosh Mutual Fire Insnranoe Compaiy,nothi'ng but farm cpropertyinsured. Patties's-14h* to insure in this popuiDi farmerscompany in the town- , hip's of Colborne, ;Ashfield , East and West Nrawanosh,,xiidoss, and krurein bysending 5., •-Post Card t ine wii113ecea1ledos and every - information .vea. BOJIHRT MURRAY ,St*Heleii.SP. 0.1 ' R A.ITD FEEI WALTER TRELEAVEN stillkeeps on hand a large and superior stock of - •meotA, the kusday.1 of each moliIt a •8. in or batoielnloon- Visiti birth= rencoxdiallii vited. • 1- f GEO. A. 14TDD Lai JOHN MATHIESl)DiiW.M. S ethrvs Nlynicipa Nominations. The nominations for a Reeve - and lour. Councillors -was held. in _the ,Council Hall on Monday last, before Mr.- W.. H. Smith, returning officer.. The hall was Wellwiikthe lead- ing . e • _ ' ratepayer of the village and we are pleased to. sel) , a , revival of interest taken in' Matters -of this kind. Having - waited the required time the returning officer dechired•the nominations closed, with the following' 'result ,FOB EWE. D. -Campbel12--noininated by Messrs. Dr . -Tennant and Capt. -J. -McPherson. Geo. McHardy-nominated - by Geo.ICerr and John Grundy. FOR . COLT No.p.oits.- - - Angus McQuitig--riOnii4ted- . by Messrs. Alex.' MacIntyre and Capt. J. .MCPhers-in. johnStewart---noininated....byMessrs. D . McDonald nd 3 B 11nriter.-: jameS. Bryar-notaitiated'hyMessrs. Alex.. MacIntyre and 3. B;T'Hunter,','. ...-8.1tbertion-tnoininatect byMessrs. W. Lvons and D. McDonald.' ' • • • Dr,. Tennant-noininated. byMesus: D. AI °Donald and W; Lyoxis: W.S;HOlines-7Lnominated byMeSsis.: Gee. MCHartly and Alexl.licIntyre.*.'„, JohnGrundY---nominated byMessii.- Thoi. -Lavirrexice and Geo; Kerr. • -- • After ',diet nominations, were. OVer Mr.. MacIntyre was aiipointed. _ . • • • -thairrain • of :the . Meeting.. All; the. . • -Pai.4es nominated caMe _forward p,n4 "annOanced 'their willrngn s to serve at the Board' if elected. - A general. 440-uii1en. followed • in -which the = ;Piennbil was ;severely criticised some Of the ratepayer i fOr--: the way they:managed the affairs of -the village. ,during, the yearigne.speaker..aCqlsed• the Council.;Of all :being finder one roof-and-Th*3414 it was aboht time the cring,'.at-h.e said, was buirSt,- *bid • we think, from the °Pinions expressed by 'the Majority of the ratepayers present -they had littlefault to find with the presentlniingement of ',affairs. . If, *however, -the eleetors' think the. 'Council have not done_tiglit; they will , .haVe a *chance on Monday next .q 63iini their. .votes in favor -2 of new men forthe positions, :when we hope all _will be satisaed.' • • Meets every irriday ewenihg st 8 ' locik In Campbeil-st. All breth i card- Akilvitawited. ir •- „Tar,H. SMITH, 8 tahry. Err. It;C„ HENDERS, Noble CI - - pK1461#' LaD(Vg- OF tit- nt °Lidera United Workme m t - the OddfelloWeliall, on ilitimeon(lVand "laSt Monday evenings of eilohin9iiiii4,,at, otelOok:' VrisitingBiethren are celdiiilly in Villkt4 • at - '1.11442 jAite**;- , J.. Vr. AlibtSt•fiaNbr, • - - 1 - - • , .11.1 : , ' Master Workman. - % _ I . I ..f.4t corder.. Lucknow;Jiity litth,4883. . '- 1 '''' t . ' ''. . )4 , 44 i777.-17- .:---- AL caos. oncludininworythinfLoUndin the larderirtii od housektppe_ p ' also informtbe ounitionoroporticilarlythefarmingeomenitn- VY;titait liertao,gsged 'the serviees • TtiCiFOLIGH MILLE and wiU cy oft- theMilhing butliieffe wIth renewed.vigopiand.hr Wining ontio ).$11,44 - i's quicktine gifa iscresod..pa4ron from Ate public.. Iciadaot • itA 41?it - AND poulte*,417 04111914.• - 40Sfee441° to any -Sart f th. Town.,,:, • 7 linICHAEL.-. API OP /RE. POWN8iii Ot. WJWANOS .0( ltit; couitri_or• DECEASED. trANT TO THE PRO STOWS of. • ptore1.97_, Seitlop:_ki:;- to _ tett:Stahl of ',Ontario -the C.'eeitors of Michael Gies se, bite: of -the Toi.Vnehip4 of-. Witwanoski t ,Petititr Who died, on or about t 23rd day ef ,kitit A. IX• - 1883, are hereby no ad tOsenghr WfilitAme, paid to Iniclincw1"... or de1ivr c *40, Den- nis. Carroll, of theTon bip of -Wj'sh-itt tb Ciiiin.ty of Hi(ribile ecii vigOte girth& :04,14tielieitf_hG tho. lst-40:r. of --.14 ChriAtian'and **name -stateroent-ofAheie the scfotl she said tdi$nbutsthe-*sohed1 -, -44SOO :titthet V.01,.C10,1r4r. cillors-NeilLa‘nt, Jolla. Nesbitt; Robt.. H. Rowan, itiainuelAvery,.&tex. McLeod, Jas. McKinney, Thos, Stew- art, Duncan Matheson. wAtakritt-o's.. Mayor, A. B. Klein:'Reeve, C, W.. Stovel,, J. ToIton ; Deputy Reeve, A. Wilson, Geo. Bradley; Councillors -Blair, Richardson; - Hughes, Heffer- nan, Nickle; 'SAVA'r1:Z3 Sires, McNeil,. ' Anderson Bacon, Guggisbesig; Holder- •ness, and Archd Riad. WINGILLM. Mayor; McKibben, 11. 0. Meyer, Dr. McDonald, J. Morton, 0, T. -Scott; Reeve, W.-, Elliott.; Deputy, John Han* D. M. Gordon. .0oun- cillors-Ward No. -1, " Et F. Black, john Nolands, A. Dawson,O.Andrews; R. Tennant, W. Ridd, *Jos, Reading, No. 2, Thos: MoOlymont,*, IL Guest. Geli • McKay, Brockenshare, F, Buchanan, 'W.. J. McCutcheon, J•as. Johnston, 0. Lloyd; W. Smyth, Alex. Bell, E. Edwards,* john Ansley, S. Youhill, Peter Deans, G. -McKenzie ; NO. 4, J: 3. Anderson, -W. 'Holmes, John McGinnis. TO norizret PURVES) KIELOSS., the last meeting of the Town- before the Closing of the publie schoc in this village for theeiristmas ho the pupils' of Miss.°. Mary H El department'presented that ladIr handsome ladies' •compan- ion pLii a-beauliful albuiniaccompanied by tjt,Wfollowing address, to whichMies,. Hu -r made a suitable and °feeling, rep • To Ps Hunter - TEacina-At :this,. the- „ • seasRil of i4.,Peace and good wheil 'Ttisir greetings and regarkare ex .-ed to each, we, your *thot.-0 but young children), wish to. cont to you our warmest regents. and( r t.ril5utt of good wisheslor your, hap ess.' We also present yOu this: • as' Companion'and an "Album" s ens of our sincere affection ' for you, iynd ask, you to estimate their vaJy the love withwhichthey are• • giwr Weall -join in wishing you a Christmas and a Happy New. Yer Your pupils, ALias Lywatr,r4l cARRIEscvz: 3 ship Council of Kinloss, lb. Robert f Purves, Reeve, -who is about to retire from the Council, was presented by the - other members of the.413oard with the -follbwing address. -Mr.. Purves, has occupied the position. of Reeve in. this ,township for the 'past eighteen _years andsluting that time has not only won the respect of the ratepayers of his own township but of the whole County Council, - Who elected -hire to thelonor- able position of Warden, .4lie ,highest position. in their. gift, '•• which • (Ade- he filled fOr three- "years with the same., marked -ability that has always, 'char- acterized. his •career ;as Reeve. . below. is a -copy eg the address*: To Robert .Purveei Esq., your retirement from the headship, we,, your fellow members, of the 'Council of Kinloss, beg to etpress our regret that you have , determined 11p011, vacating the position you have* so long-anc,1 sohonorably held,. with .Credit to yourself and to the satisfac- tion oi the whole . ratepayers - of the: municipality. - Your career as Reeve has been long and arduous, 'having had to grapple with many questions -of vital -importance, some of them:, being of auch-a nature as to try the integrity Of those immediately 04,404 in them, tut: We are, proud to say that whatever -difficult positions you may have: been *placed, .your integrity; of--'clieraeter: backedlay.yoir sound:judgement, and native actnnene:lva invariably enabled you (although sdnietiMes, at,'-sa -great ,sactitice=of your persand feelings) ,..to inaiutain - - the emulationof every man,' and- especial- ly :of those who may- be elected by their constituents to offices- of .,trust and honor. We know- that serving the znunicipaiity 'you have in A - gr -!at . . _ -degree.:saerified your own' private interests, .that you luiie_responded' :to the, call -of duty at all -times• and seasohs, ever in your place; and spar ing-no,p-ains in fully mastering ' the ;various duties of Your office, -Afk you - are now Vacating the :Chaif so long and so -.honorably Bled:by you, we- trust d'e:- that in youi. retirement into private life, whether you niaST" OtidW111* in pilie4 or again7enter into the • arena ofpublie affair* yo4 life may be long, inti*T and prOnleti*3). and AO the great rider, of.all:things may ibiindantly`bless400, is IieartfeLt 'wish of i*it old raw,,xteridruisevf= B N1000L14 For Reeve,Jacob Nicholls °and' James Gaunt; For Deputy Reeve, T. T. j. Stewart and lieter AlcKenzie ; :For 'Counoillors Wm. Henderson,„ G: Me h - Intos, Ales.' Smith, Kenneth Mc- Lean and Dugald MoKinnon. • WEST WAWANOSII. - Mr. Charles Girvin has again been returned by acclamation tet the tion of Reeve. -Far Deputy. -•-lteeve,,- Charles Durniand Edwin Gana ;. - For Councillors, James Gibson, Wiz -, Kinahan, -Robert Lockart • and Thos.- For- Reeve, Joiepli Griffin- and _ • _ • Robert Webster • For '-ist 'Deputy, Reeve: John FiAndrew and John Whitley; .for, 2.nd.-Deputy Reeve, Patrick Clare elected by aceiamation For Councillors, Hugh Chambers, -Thos. nussey,-. Joseph .Mallough and 'Donald McMurchy. ' KINCARDINE TOWN. Mayor; R. Baird; -:.'Iteeie- Leslie Reeve, . Malcolm!;_-.Deputy,`Vinstifie).}r, cot. lips., 'Councillors -St., Oeer sWird, Bark. er;, E. Milier; St.. Patrick's 1.Wilsoii; St Andrew's n vans, Sturgeon; own re sorry to have to record the- - 'dei -9f Mrs. William Tiffin; of the - 3rd acession of Kinloss, on the even-- , ing .,i December 21st. She was still; in _ thl bloom of youth being aged only , 31 yfl ra. Mrs. Tiffin was a -member of t1 ,.1_ Methodist Church, at - Langaide - •awl,- is universally respected by all who I -ere acquainted with her. She' • lea'7cs a sorrowing -husband and -ifour i chii:n, the young,estbeing only nine ,. mop /,)3 old to mourn her loss. They . ' ha -4 *ie sympathy of the entire neigh,...„ • bor.k d in their sad bereavement. . 1, art gone and left us weeping,„:„ • or our loss was very sore, 6'4" the thought's exceeditig bitter,... fe hall meet on -earth no more. _ 73. shall meet on earth no, never, If ut we hope againt to meet •'') 3re the angel robes of glory , -veep along the lieKvenly streets: - . le the, strains of heavenly tuusic , Temble on the golden air, ,4 . s ,•''.. shall meet a.ga.iii,. dear sister, .nd they know no parting'there. - , . . , terT;! n,i:toiirtress/:::::..house:. ci.e. social and.Cliristmas. Tree - !At: .heMon. Xinas-ave wia,.a 4eeided-.suo-.- ceSs-4 - The building was Crowded40 its. full -4apacity. . Ur.: R. IX fJainerolw.:. Be?f,*: occupied the chair and prksiti,. : eV,Orrer- the'meeting La :4:very: agrees, ble: liana, a‘r,cegtalge: manner, The".',.; Xiits tree whiCh.rts brought all the waYmni *flie lake abet", fairly ,greanefl . beg4th its lead,. of presents Whiorli.,**;, . clif(atf: a.... large , variety andovagi4141. oeni'C ofattraction ter itisall' 1,441.Dis ,,,,...., . • „ ... _ i , .. 1 iitItt lairs of eyes iwthik-tosoe,,, -11:ly) s.bin°0 ning'te' rreativati4"4431,141."%eie'r V4='. **-N4s.,- - v:, prctrwitn‘,-.ch .0iisistati- . . ..tot -d Ri&u . , - .• ., .rdS, Of Reilitraskunk,-4-0":':**-..i.40-.. .freqtlentki 114)". -. anikitcur actor, aiutlii.tbeitetis; 0140.14 . ittEtei . ..,..