HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-12-21, Page 6•-; •
arkaalt1 anti
•-TE -.1:4BEET7 TO 117TEE Alm 70 ARG!! 'I1EELY
PETZEA BOVE AU. 0 THE4 rstpgit ,S • • •
'lit di' .ICLOk11071 DOPeta„bOTi!
•'17;23 l'elple
rEltFECT. F:Eqr 3.
- captain. Maokiver is st.
bf. the fact of Darragh's nag'
. to hr cousin -having 'come o a
'aucUieabstaing from -m-e,ki
?marks about. it; - and so:hea,
One day, however,: he has
_ .
caill at Ai rs. O'Leary's lieu
fd.utter -a :warning Which:
eommissioriecl to give by
magistrate, whoha teen•a
::some: ineinbers ;of the
*League On the ..Subjeet-'-of
.cheCk on Mrs, O'Leary.
She is at home, alone; an 11,
• . .
,- -eci,_ and Without delay .Qaptairc
. tiver .is admitted to. :her prsend.
.. ".SO.you- have• found. in �u
inine- enemy,' she says, pia ing.1
- " raillquestign-itbly I ha -v foini
, -
; --
ement -
, .
. re':
. .- .
.. -.
n to
1 Cm
cont.. utTo.bject to. ti Sec nd.' ‘t of
• your sentance I amnot our my;
have. come here' because 1 hail, been
requested'to.'suggest--.,to you t tc, as
value yourliberty, you, -Whirdo v11,
• abstain frOti the peoi, e as
,you did yesterday, for- inst nee• .
You are'not- going to • war .
-women,- are you' -7 That •be ar-
y, ". --she. says.
- "Upon stfalit" woinen as
for you are _plueky _and as
as any- inan,:.
---"Ttaise from Captain- acki
aia lattered ; well, What is ittl
Waht Me to pioniiset'
4 -f -irately) ..for , your. - ow
keep Clear of the insurrectitinerv4
neat, you're not an IrishwOinar
advisedby ine.; back out o the
• ment,•-with your usual grac
-ereftion."- •
Which She has -.stated'
.facts of the case. *arriiiit.
She is. expecting Lord
as she hears his footsteps
she feelka, Creeping sexism:AI/I
If lie- has niet'that. man -
. Th4.NK .E.s_s„.oFFioE.
Jeaves a fine or net ladyship.
t4., -her where. Iva-- has gone, and
and heal -4101A_ he is to mai
. _
him, the cause is up 2' sbeey r
fow- moments that elapsed 1..k,. -4o1 e Loiu
Killeen comes buoyantly ifitathe-:r9oni•
I must 6(TO tack atonce sayp- •
animatedly. "Im ann.ounc6O o #at-.
*c!tess a meetmg in Hyde P-611.; in thi e€
tao,eyrse.,.";ennow. J..7ish• you could be
h .
4. :•••
. . -
'5 Whv can I not r -she says, deliber-
ately. "Your interests are mine,
Your cause isdear to,me as itis to you, 1
why, if -I can be Of use there, should
Stay here in -.idleness 1"
' But your h brick. ofa.„w6Man,..to
say that," he replies; admiringly, 431
• • • . . •
she gainers from his ttone that the
has come..
a .
- "Why should tilot go with you. to
to encourage arid Stimulate you, if I
can do these' things ? Who am that
I- Sshould lieSitate sa,critiee -myself 1
-,tesides, - .-.MuSt .. to being.
talked. -about ; the. cruel world will not
'credit Us With being friends."
. . . , .
"The ,cruel world will .ifinciltielf
‘very-inueh mistaken if it links_ oil..
naul.es together in any way that -is
ttessino; to you," he tays. hotly, and-
. she subdues -het elf and laughs Sadly,
• and t She "does not mind,
say. . In: spite of .all -the . unhappiness
that has. fallen. 'upon you . here,. you
have been theione gleam Of 'brightness
- -
in. our • life' bf .the . last fefewweeks?"
Dolly says, after .pleac_ling.in_ vain that
Darragh: Will 'prolong her -visit._•
t‘ An you d at more tn goo
r,elrag, that almost
. _
;1; -to 'diknaV +he Annesley's
e-.mornina When .Darrag.h.
p„nonn_ges.thatiismes calls -her .back
-ce) London LeremptorilY:
he is - Property . now,
'and -they to dispute the
fact Sti1, Dolly tuspects that some
other than' niOnetary -.Consideration
is at the bottom Of the hasty Move
"1 Shall Miss You more than I. can
6- d t
say it," Darragh. replies but even if.
I could do the great good- of- • making.
- things eventeinporatily pleasanter -for
• . . - -
you by stopiug here a little longer I
ought to cr0 now • s a more -nnpera,
ti'Ve need calls -the •away ----believe inc
•- -.. • •. . • •
but that only t , afternoon Captain
Machiver spoke •with her of her en,
• • • • •
. . - • .
aaaethent to :Lota:Killeen."
"Let us turn the idle *gossip int&
sober truth.: -Shall-we r he says, ;and
that ib- is 1"
•$0 Darragh goes away one Morning
suddenly wit out giving Dolly an . op-
porttwity- Of arpraising, Captain Mac-
-k-iver of her -departure; 'and when:ishe
is gone - Ron4d collies- to • the place
More frequently than ever to talk
'abotit her ti) Daily, :which is only fair,
as. will be seeniwhen it becomes known
how she Darragh is- is- ecCupied in talk-
ing about.thein j1.1St .110W:
.Ther6ic.as 1Dd11y suspects-, another
. • .
Mrs. O'Leary rises and holds '(:sut- her motive than a' -monetarY one at, the
hand to - ,• bottom: Of thiSr -hasty. MciVf - Miss
. 46- IS it. your heart speaking . or . only.
your honor ?" She asks, and -he assures,
--her that lks heart: has led . hint .and
that h is 11 ead. justifies his heart's choice.
; 1 "For My Own_ happinesS's sake I
roils I believe you," she s4ssoftly; for it
'will make me very happy to be with
I you and to share your -work • but I am
not vain.enough-to believe that I can
• •
• -"I am not an Irishivoni
going .ijo be the wife of ' an Iri
and bear an Irish title, yot
• kno‘Vieclge ;that giVes • me a. st
Ireland's' hon9r: and, prosperity.
Which you and your coll
tnale And-fetn41e, are -doing you
can to destroy: hoWever, Is. ' s
. . . . .
10re.-• _I've...given nly . w:a mug
-cOngTaItu a
.. •
--for in
- • Who is the happy man
"..Can't you -guess V"
-"./--tonestly, no I have een
. the World a,goOd deal 'since -in
'dent, and have heard-:riothing o
oblitera,te memor3, of your first;
beautiful love" -
`.` -Stop. niearil)arrah-?" .
: - 6 - r
Yes.' - - baria.;,h- Avill• a.1,ways, St -and '
. I3etween -nie and the --thbrough -colivic
-e:. -
Thynne's. - has occurred to her that
• . •
that she can negotiate with the. Mab-,
kiver family.; aim Make fair and happy
terinsfor'D.olly - through the ,instru-
mentality: Of her ten thou.sarkl pounds-.
Feeling of a. kind reception,She
. •• -
drives straigi,h,ttO the Thorne's on her
arrival . te4; and. is puzzled to /find
herself greete4 with torrent .9f -good
wishes and teproachei--simultaneouS-
-r- .
/)y uttered. 1.t
Meanwhile here has beet_i one of
•L • ,
social convulsons in the Killeen- circle
-which resemble an. -eruption'. frcim- 4
. ,
volcano: -in their devastatings power.*
tion Apt yo_ut heart is entirely. mine.
fait to tell you that I am very club on -his -visit to: 1VIrs. St. John he
is going on." _
64 Will it suririse:yQ11 to
the man I am going to mar
impossible he cries o
ulous; relieved and annoyed: a
1.-" Q11 the eontaary,.ilot. only potii
tut Certain," She_ Saii'vaun—tingly1
• - • • s . • in ;
"Yoii have astOnish.eilme oret
Can:express,,"- he. td
-4' Let. `Urge. you now for
Killeen's sake, _aS our
not to. do ; •anything raill." The
., holds eand out and her
and he goes away with his
and -head In a w•tiirl about t' is al
rupture. betWeen Darragh, and
"Now that we are both 'free
will not put an obstacle - that does
- - • • - - .
exist .betWeen-us_.antloitgar, he
himself, and and he almost blesses
O'Leary " fi;i,having *On Lord, kJ."
.away 'from. all possibility ;of ever•'
••- arraili as his -wife .•again.
• of
eci- -
hear that
is. 0"Learv
cat • o
Let me warn you, Killeen ; it is only As Lord Kii'lleen sets* dff from his
w.- °man' :thinks rather pleasantl of' the • sensa-
- jealous. » .
• • • -
• • • - ' - r • •
You have the power to keep a inali2S
thoughts even away from .every -othar
woman. when once he seen you,'' he
- _
says.; gallantly.
"1 Shailfbe.Very :0XaCtillg)9A-14 Sji911
insist upon . sharing. all your. risks - and
:dangef.s, oh accompanying .you: eVery-
Where.' 1.1-t .1. -am not your -wife - yeti.
and you -are:goina away from .and:
.what. yen, on will See and
help raising Rhost-#fin seeing. slia-dOivs;
feel proph4-tic. •. If you go to 'London
. -
without me, you will-, never-. see tnie
. .
come with nae, -an be. -happy." t. *-•
Th*i -if:Will not go without :- you
• • _
" DO.you Mean. that you wilLina,rry
ed Me at Once before you start
, .7 •
the • - IInean that; SO-y.ou must Init.-up:
-With a. quiet, : hurried: wedding, and
prepare to to start -.1rn inediately 'after it."
. • -
There are no obstacles in the way..
They.ltre' made man .aiicl wife without
further let.or.hindrance,:and are well
on their way to -England- before the
whisper that are.maried is heard
e' ifl GalVfaY.• : •.; _ •
- There is a large assemblage to. hear
ad.- • andieneoUrage.Lord Killeen. in • Hyde •
Park,Oil. as he -:advocates order and
.thscration; and:- speaks With aood -
tepiper: ati-1..goOd -sense; OP;
passes off4cacpahly.- 4.fterit he goes.
to his club, - wherehis-Wife; is to _pick
him 'up at a later hour. Awaiting -him
he firidi/a note froth: John,
writ_teh- apparently under the inflUence
of ..gi*OEIL:t agitation and -.excitement:,
-Let_ .previn
eint ,your coing;
to Me inortedio_teikoncretieipt of -this
-1 ofanoe s
-your.yelf tto
hat sliorticIiee • i •-`
lion his lidantiful • -wife c will create
presently when she drives Up to fetch
him, and of the- sensation she will
cause in society when he: has esta'oli. sh-
ed her in a, house that hies good enter-
taining po4sibilities about it.:
Altogether his thoughts have stray
ea from far awayfrom the present cir
-• 1 • ; . -
cuinstances and, his new wife by the
. .
time he .redchei Mrs. St. John's door.
he (roe; ii—rthrt,snL-•he draw,ing'rooln when
6 2 wt.,. .
- .
appearance- long enough for him to
take note of the aspect of the FOom3
and to •tind 'in it; indications/ of her
-current interests and employnient.
, . .
. The . sound --of-'• the .4ening. door
- arouses him from reverie into Which
• he has nearly -fallen. over -a. phOto,graph.
- _
of; his wife and Mrs. St. Joh*: taken
together;land h lookS, up to se Mrs.
-gt...John standing ni the doorway
She is _not looking 111, but she gives
him the 2inaioteSsion.Of beinewea14. and
Swayed by cle.0 emotion as She stand's
one hand on -her hip; the other clasp-
ing the half -opened: . door'undukting
from iide side.:Uncertainty,
nervo.us: excitenient,' and :4- sensitive
shrinking: from some, task- that : has
- • -" -
been forced upon her . are all clearly -
expressed -in her beating and *her face,
"What the, deice .does it all mean
Lord Killeen asks harnself- Then she
cones forward with a gait and air 'in .
Which heaitation.and determinalion are
strange. ly blended, alic.1.=. speaks -1i.. .
- _
;am more' to be pitied than _any
t -
jot:1Sn. iii-LOndon. at this •MOment, for
f have to -tell; y00 -cruel thins, and to
ne )rou fpain Will: be -agony- to: Me,
he falters-; brokenly,i. _
J.914 w t out; is aAhankleiS"-Offize."--
"Don't fill it, then," Lord 'Killeen
iiipul•Sively, strivingjo ward ,Off.
a blow which he intutiyely fees is de-
igned to hurt his wife. . .But with a
inklodramatibally melancholy 'wave of
•libr hand, Mrs. §p. John. persists in
- .
what she terniS:her. painful -effice.
"Is it 'WO late? *. First before I s'ay
words that can,.never.-..be.. recalled or
fdigotten; is it too late I" she asks,with
a theatrical. manner that is either
sumed.because she thinks it effective,
or that has been natural to her at -slime
earlieil period of her career.
" -:S7this assumed. Aielyou rehears-
ing a Icene for pri.Vate theatricals, or
have ion anything to Say to itie
realitf,Nfrs: St. John?" he says,
Sheiturns her head away and covers
her ey's. With her hand.- A* suppreise.d
storm; pf sobs gently fliitterslierboSem,
but h4i,-,ick to sea that a smile
whicV-he has forgotten to 'suppress is
greep " rOund the corners her
of her
A. is: °vino* to - stab t kndI-
thougt her an ,amiable, /soft, butter '
milk• rt of a creature," he tells 'Min
self, a d She draws a -deep . sigh, :and,
conap4mg her Lee to anexpression of
gravitt, which hardly sits naturally on,
tioaits/ pi - p suila,ee, says in ' a low, dis
tinct lionotone—, • .
; ' •
a mheml3T
i iknridowillg.17n0ittitinn;,,
first place; atcl hew IxIce I beei
I was
recillid not been been re-
IY by Lady K,eno" •;i4 e says,
ma is g stanch declaration of iis per.%
fec aitla an the social inteqaty and.
up tht dealing of the .wonia:Ii. who
• :
jl. '
She is an adept in deceit
t,; f indeed,
. ii
if e has made you believe -: she
ha dealt fairly by me," Mrs. jkl•iii. John
sa _tremulous with indignadhn. • It
w I e—who verified the state]ivIenip of
03ary's -cleAil, 'Ulna she I.?onbted'
. , 0
-.V 11 it rea' ehed her.; it 71:: who-
gabler ,con.firniatiOn. strong 1 of the
1 : ,
fa 'i that she might dare • to 'r4.4 her-
, , , ,
fxdom, -believing (ber.a.,use $.1i!ce told.
inso) thatshewas gZ4.-g-to ::i lake 4
v7 different use of it/flcl
aI, T.,,Imovvn
, . - • • ' - t 1 i ,
to you were to be her victim, Ti, »
"You have said -enough. ::i quite
wee with you that it is iny? sSible.
, .
at further friendly relationsOn ex-
t between my wife and you. ,Good
" bue is a siren, if y9 listerl ito her .
1 ,
ice you.will be deaf to the ti
es a
ilw and justice soon," she sa2,irid pas:. .
nately, an& with an* air of 1•4;tense
nviction. that She well knows ,h0w to
press, but Lord Killeen : is; t f not
yond hearing the words, at aili• rate
yond the -necessity of repiyi/ug to. ,
"-.1-4.-t4has been reportec-'4'' and the re-
port „..s been repeated to,ine, that' you
Of co
He goes home with a. lie
yalty to his wife, and'a IC3oire.
ut to ma,rry RTS; `O'Le.ary,
orgealtogether everything- that
; f t
'ridiculous pth•son, always r. s_t 0 a as said pn ied
S h h d
propogate gossip, came and
aainsi -her
that you were already married. - • . _ .
, =
Shes such a brigh, high-sp4,fitec
..aturec creature, = e . strpts to.
- imself ; it's out of 'the' bounds ,4Pos-
. ' it ...s 'fatal rti.mor,' ,-s you politely , .
011ity.thatshe could.. -fie ti.eaelireux_
lied?" says, w.i.lib.-that.alT f hein Oman—that's whv-. Women inifti.tate '
foss - -(1 which subdiies even stron
r and dislike her.: Such w'• oznaii, at'
ast, as this one I've just left. .
d• there's genuine - ring abotiii my
gh wouldn't. • - Darragh woul re-
. .
ond. to the genuine ring of the rItAals.
• •,i1
'se I nipped this fatal rumor,
= ir
_ en -n I " h L
theioud "
call it„, perfcctlt„ttue. ,1
• her ilealinas -with 'either niAn
men they are Sensagye and opei
ssions. . •
not to Mrs. O'Leary -7 -Tell me,
to h s O'Leary ?" slie says,
her hands and COming-clo•ser
in her fervor.- •
s. ;O'Leary is now 'Lady 'KR -
d I am not inclined- to hear
mented. _upon. in any. way by
to imp
• .--‘4
. ;
to him
1' TO is easy enough to take' that
but have -you the 'strength .to
my poor • friend 7"- she asks,.
her co
with (pitying,. pathetic, quiver in her
voice- nat inexpressibly irritating to
Lord leen.
". I ave not only the strength to
keep it I have the common' Manliness
to dere it and maintain it at'Once:.;
but tefi011. .111TS. St. John, this :cannot
be ne4Sary----You and6Lady
are. Olds." • - -
" relye- friends but , I:: have been
Pruell g-tdis-a,ppointecl,". Mrs.: St. John
says, s%owing signs of hysteria, .
.___•‘ noct_ _isappointine. have
neSS t'!";rytning:- She"L"•E'ttis . waiting FL
•me nck. How.shali I excuse myself?
Shall say thab I camel° see .a. friend
�f her- or shall I_ tell her the tad
truth, hat you doubt and chose to.
disa,yo her ?".
N for worlds !!' Mrs. St., John
Says in eal ifismay, "for you would
listen t. what she would say dreadful
things-4-whereas.ydu will not listen to
what. nierely in defence, 1 might Say
about ker." -
" self defence! Nonsense 1_ I.
have away s heard my Wife speak of
you in4riendly terms.: it . is. from you
that th...'ffeclaration of 'war has Come."
"Yotiihave -tied my tOngue " ;she
says, you have men -me to
, - _ 3
*it/mit , onsideri.34.yourseif insulted,
- .
understa: at ,you not listen,.
to anyth'rzg the yoice of frienclship inay't
say ab�t your wife.' -An1-1.
know virl‘at provocation I have had;
you Mel know how, I have been tra-
duped ad
• "SiorF..do I vli•to learn;' he inter-
upts Lady Killeen
sure,. of having done either
the other." :
ited her to my house; I .in -
her to my friends when she
cent; I
the one
"I it
t -
A troduce
T111 sure." '
• (To be continued.)
if4.1000 PVEIT. i ,..
ivng the utmost cofndeuce 'in its $21pori,-•
o ver all others, and after thousar C73 of
tif the most coinpl-cated and sol reht
Came eeilld find ,4;<.feel justified in ofil'itzing
:!toltVe Thojisand Dollars flor IAP7 Oake
(If , colds, 13(4rv throat,influenea.10 :rse-
nes hitis,ConsMnption .'!n its early14,alager "
4:101ad:gt1 . pp(ii,ival:n.teraelziielialitacecowrIcdia:DpgptrOpt4;%reiS;
t0311$. bottles '31i and 5i1 cents; liarg,
. T--clIpittallde for which e-:713°Icthhwtislirlalt
cialm:that we es,n't cure %Nith "V-iist's
Pli:11:ellptsislue(e' -pt c- f prine. JOI-iN C. 114'/ ST'
d bv all druggists or 13enz hV ex-
& uo, , 4-83, Xing St.t, Torl)tritow .
Ch.±.......4.3C,r erry drugstibt, Luc.knowf, Pr
_A S f'ILL,
.huraA 1: Ir g:4t ir e so III fromthe4aileraastiegseiLheincth.e1.-146,
steirach,l) rkd liver. .A.YER'S CATI1,91.3qIC
PILLSes; eial. 2174 to cure the diseases eau0Id -
'upon these organs, mull •i•&
irlmam4c1Y. =Li'. sive use -of these PPILI4 tiy
ittel 3ei i 1 nYnr S 'dt !fel?' ee-ani their
4dt:el rh yilf e Po ts1 La; Ilraibile4e4llatgliefoten:Atli
which the,,,Y,... e,eure, loolupst, and pleatilat-
ent, including Constipati ,.
• uninistalcabl
held by the
These .pira.
stanegs only, a -
or any other in
will .., -
,tome whenlre."7I.:lnen k jett On1P0 pain.eChi8a:P1 - "ekrt21.01 I:ell at t: ti :erra 0, ,Wf 0-31Fvfsellellw84 ,n1 3 - :t and:;k: jeidi rwII ctlp fen ,i 1 4rt:slill'e, V eelaPaia181 :Bail: di 1 ,+.7,:stl : 1 ';i,Le4 el. : : .
. . -,
jectitai'ago:ni7chew:tirhael;Broe A]PILLS in nurnberles8 A.
tr:limaelkealifdamPril 1114.: sPbYtIti°1111us oallii tuhde d'ilaesvirleir:14:Lr- A • i
they 1,311heeXa BICeli i I. vl :Vey i 141 al t • e ei:84. 1°71-1:: all)111:14-1-111Ssarafrnests..:111r
4.1tkintap -Oa., sa -Rio ,, avr !till 1.1t7f,'11
been subject t ire °InnAles°7:fesva;r13,,Leusliste.kuil::::
tabAylree 7aensttifyelymoporro
gpite of tlie use .tlovr, r0 :whicILPI lin
months ago I beg ,
I suffered Iner
a nvelliell"'llinhabtilit,12:::':d°
ties of the bow gleeztiliviteatio , I, .i.
digestion, and, Ls anevoii;re.ittett.iirrtheogiar04:::
te the appetite claa
_ i. j. Op Ast.er
_ Lowell, M
g hi, e.w. ;011.1: p h i::: a 1
s, '
-----. .-----, ......
wenderful * • In---
ts 0
In regular practice, slatt>17-
( -
thnationln which .the 'tithe- '
profession. _ i
pouncledo tab1e -SO-
bsointely free On' et
Heactswiie writes':
%valuable to me, and'-er
17 have been a 1391.:T:;te,
,and your PILLS are t,
tofor relief. One LiNeo^
YOUNG, - Ali exPe
Anrn. OhIldr
suLIJi or -allrr
limy be raade health
, 4 ,