HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-12-21, Page 45• • `k party- in the -Ontario LeeLda L�.L, •• sx .:°Ross,_.. the : new ducation, was- elected k-L;•Y dlesex by the handome : 151 -.over his-opponent,1r, Joh ls).3=.:, •wio.ocarried.•the:same "constituency in( February. last by. 87 majority. Cameron. secured the seat for the' Qom : ou s, formerly held by Mr. Pi,iss: with -,33• -of a . majority; while . 'V e • uncoe again returned -its old Member Mr. T'hihips, ;by 38 majority; In. Card- • well the Conservative : ca_ ndidate was e - r=elected with a majority _.of 51• It 'is -quite evident"Mowat will not go," as he will be able to -meet. • the Levis-- latiire with at :least. forty-eight' sup, porters out of 88.:' :304 1 -Iran t1IaaaTFTO T1TTMW PT.O !T{` r FBF.EI�Y• :#0:1.1.)14 -.).LN -G- riIE Dit,`T.�TE. i Ol'QU, IENCE SSE P IALI3OVEEALLG1THEBLI3'a IES a k a'i cbac f= ece}: be ' 2 1083. .11-1X1OH ASL unicip!a.l matters in: the lie inning to -lively and fr indications it .is Bard to te represe; it the ~village fi tire. Reev eship Ml IV, present Reeve, will be oppos Geo. McIlardy.. As :both. Men. -of considerable_. in inuniclpal'xii tters, -the el not go farastray in ane are resent o shall ,VOr ell, .the by Mr.: . gentle- erienee ors can - electing' a tlier of thein as: their chief councillors - all :the present .board.. ,-are present selve..s`for ize=election; and it • ;fir kttress Qods, V. Ldies'antiGent i Trimmings • eteen.6,-Knitted Wool underclothing, Tweeds '�"' 1. ( LJ[. �0�el�cr its, ntl Orname, uts, ND FAN .SpecialSalp orOVEI COA SOOTS and 1 9 S, to Reduce :stook. 1 THE :EXECUTION OF O'DONN :ELL. • THE 64 WORKING OFF, :CO$TDUCTED magi4ta-- e• For membe jlil'ITIIOYJT .A-IIITtilf. THE A OVE GOODS WI L IJES�LO at the L� 15. Lucknbw, October 24th,. 1883. report- ,ed: that Messrs. Angus-. Mc � dig -,and .147". S.- HZolme's are also iii 'e Feld. 1n the Township of. itinlesst. there is u'_•.o l� e;y to be a eontest r , sit is ,i -H m orect that-ri ir. 11,Obert 1P 'yes, the :present Reeve,—intends retiy ftg from .tile 'field, in which case.` .° 1r`icholl will undoubtedlybe •Bur-ce,.lu- �aS1.,I431t, If �ho,woZ er,, Z st consents to.accept the Reed hip for another term; .there- -iii pr 1}ly ":be Bio eleetioin, -as all file :old nee ers will lee returned by acclamation, : -West _ r � - - .•�,� e• i s � . y ` QIP• • •s ai anosh :ter.. ChaZle� , z.vin i gain in the field for Reay e l nd• r" Edwin Gaunt:- in :oppositio -to Mr: Charles juin n, the .---present . 1eputy. :Reeve: There _is also i1Le'`, o be' a; contest for. Co ncillors, as; a, tuber of Ashfield nterest= Unicipal' al lines or live- London, Dec. 17.-9'Donnell. was notified at F7 30 a..: In.:to inahe ready,. Ile was perfectly, resigned,, and ex -- pressed great sorrow for :hi", . outburst of temper in' -the dock.nt the ` coir clusiou.'•of:the trial.. 1-,Te-said..he had felt the (greatest animosity _for the. wit nesses who appeared againsthim,- but but that hacl'llow disappeared -After the communion. was .administered. to Jacob the condemned man, Binns, the • hang- 1cted to •.' mau, entered : the . cell. • O'Donnell. subnutted to the operation= of pinlon- T� _ u. a n znz, vcTth .. a smile and i .th t o - Murmur.:. The:processian then gored. toward the. scaffold... O'Donnell -walk- edwith great fern ness a and withaiet the -assistance,. of the - wai:dens, who stood -close around him. - 1e .deehe ecl _assistance in ascending the steps of the: scaffold•:.. ,Father; .Fleming; by his sick-;, repeated the service of the -.Church for the dying and held a _crucify .before O'Donne11's-daze:: :The, prisoner .then took his place. on the drop funder -the rope, -the slack• of which; was - held up over his Bead by. a piece of thread. ire else , an. ;h;. e e nos. �` :. • . •�— •._� - lam/ r- A --- a•. �_ �� Vie- 1.-• - VAfiVE 1N-7 Wine, Navy 'Blue," Ci-,!nette, 1‘.1 'Green, Peacock Creel:4 Brown �t t •a itit . itleiectious in. : uron on-'_Oli • is l)etter tO be born lit allyduff ;-thanirich. It will „be reme Porter; the hero of the $1 in the London lottery,hail tidings that 4, gentleman: di classic non. e -..of Murphy, -witiot the Same vicinity-, holds ticket in the Guelph.. 1Gttel, duff seems talbe-a good plate grate to. ed that • neck of the condemned man exactly Os -Norwood used to- ert it He. pulled the leVer AS the neighboring clocks ,3vere striking eight. O'Donnell -.fell eight feet, The -rope. hardly : quivered. Aceording to the surgeon' . death ,was instantaneous,therebeing scarcely any :miiscular moveMent- Of the hanging form. The streets.: in- the vicinity- of Newgate were paekedwith. people, but the Crowd WaS quiet -and- orderly. The Irish. :element was• not conspicUous... ..�, • ., •t --- f'!+I . ,,� �t II V4 or 1!' r la NJ •i;. 4.1 �^ !gip illi i!i 1• i;E n1u i' .,I tt .! i .•,�iqi-i,.'" ;,.9r4a (}I'k•"'.... Y�i,,:4!i. •• 1 . i ;:fsilt.it.L.tI Fr{!G�II (!1 n. Uit ''f 'c4:l�k}, NI!hl�!(''" ,1�'!1.d!fl'I d�'!(�1!li .: , 6N' !- ��•�y{��',,�• :!. ;,,�a,•,r�:: �ty���' . �t! _.J.,[ �:.(�ijllarEil II� �1 ;��1!.1'!�,'1.11 �Jlllri?il 8 :!I!ii:•:��`irril;uull�! 41!II IIH1H 0 sii..r17;1411 ' au m!1� rr• I' "(.. • �• F}Yf qu• ry I t T•'' ��.tt1�tUU' 1•'If ij�'� i ' ; 1 _ ! `II w1V - -- ' - +'�� .:,?r•; ' ,l r !�;•. 1'ilpillp�'i -»-. "-;• '-fir- r '-yam .----- 1 iJ Ladies' -Underclothing, 1.ouds, Ch Cloths, , • AND: . MILDREN -!----**-117z"*4--mar< 1:?; • E. HAATE DECIDED TO SELL Cardinal, Garnet, Myrtle, Nityy 'Bro*.itind other•popular Shades for next the ves ludky visited P.,,at: buSineSS.. places.. iTh.1114 :Pickard,' _for York in th BrOnsWi* -Senibly fro* October, 186.8,.. Unt ..was returned by: acelaniation., cow nions,c4pon.: the- reiig4tion sitting. me* ber, :and. has rePrese ktic,s-lie ',was a Liberal and IVA'S' at the prison wall. The!police, .however :moved rapidly.throudh: the. multitude .alid cleared the -roadway.: The clouds apProadied, and when the -:black. flag :was run up it yeas_seen distinef1y,- Wat no .demonstration when- the flag ateirtmt was marked -on :Many 'faces: O'Donnell'S brother occupied 4 'door,: way. ckppesite the prison in- vieW-of -the .flagstaff,. tiPOn his* :eyes :Were rivetted. He. wept bit!lerly was' an 0,00 Of:deep.intereS.t and curiosi,: .kis Protection:.. When: I:heti:40k 4p4,... was. hoisted:he reinovecl ',his hat .and. remaiife rather ! , Tie ha: his wits. redeived with cries of,". Yes.' -St4b4nriber Lot 1, Kiulossi on ur. about the 'VA Of &vein ber, turd steers And tUre years old, spotted; 'Ile ownir is.; requested to piOve prOperty,:pay *ex - ec kit: ON of (Theo') Fiedler Asilheld ',On., or ahdii‘' thelnid die of June List, :Fiji -Yearlive e 11 at once. U.:0 .,a....11:040izt.. t 8 LUC 110W NOV,' 20th. 1883. • Doivxs' ELIXIR,' at on at are doing a fine.trad