HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-12-14, Page 81/4 - _ • - A TIME. „ GO.tiG'80-1:TTIL Ex0r--5:19 a. -in.. K.41--6:50rn -1.015 a.. int: ikr-2:25 rk.-. iad-Le-:00 pan: - TABLE.. -AWING NORTH. r--11:25 a. m. Mad-- 1:20 p. m.. Ace- 3:32p. - Mail- 810 Epi--- 10:43v. . I Grip's OSiic Almin for 1. 0 . This popullar_ieatiOnfith year) . . . . i . . icomes to: US- all the glory of an - . p in il- luminatedall cover,' and is 1 -de, edly the best-yet.pUblished. i I 1 of spark- ling. fun, 'profusely • iill st ed, . With .humorous cuts...The, 4` .ssayS - by little Tommy," giveitin thatVreeocious youngster's haudwritIngi, tvg pietures I . . • by himself; are. unique' sp imenk of comic work; the weather - edictionS are racy as usual, and the eral mis- - -cellany i's1 excellent. : Th clyertise! mots are: irestricted to the ..1,st pages, "and, as a'cOnsequene , the ripearanbe, of the book typograplftlealliCA greatly. improved. .We advise 'ev one of our readers to secure .a co -of: this' -germine Canadianwork W iph costs only 15 cents. ,... • g:taltd dnIti MO, or Eight Days., or being drunk and- disorderly On e,g-kreets oa Wednesday dust Duncan Roland.4 was fined $5 andessts oreight day g in the county jail- . • . - -Jipg,Threshing, esrs A D. Cameron and DaysOn threshed last week 1670bush- .': ,els-e4 grain in eight, hours and thirty miautes. This is goocr work. -. .Holiday Excursions. The "Grand trunk Railway Will issue olie‘p excursion tiekets duriug, the, Clutgtmas and New Year holidaYa to allpi'rts oii their line, good for four daysi-at single' fare. . „ ••, : .Piabl)c Ex.amination. WecilleSa4 next .the pupils of all •tie ,departments of the Lucknow Pielle School Will be exaniined on...the wOr .7.'• of :the -terms.. Parents and guard- iaus's,re cordially-invited.to attend. til unte,ipai Nominations, A's,,fixed by_statute,..the nominationi cO.iididates throUghont-the Province for. tilie =various municipal: _offices will- , be 014 the last clay possible- this year-. Molidey, Dec: 31st, and polling day on TIT.a,nii1111,- 18,84.- • 7.4e0 by 114isidice. _ A -6 -'the presentationparty held at . re 'AV.3.n. Mellis'S residence last_ Thum- - clay aping, a Persian Lamb -fur ,cap 4ken. and a- cloth one left instead. The -4Arty, who made the 'Mistake Will. rectifying it at his. earliest 4....tes . -CO4V;e4,enee.. 444 Afflictiorti. REACiAPLE-.- PA -.--Parties -having siray car I advertise 'cthem. I - ' , -Reeve Campbell is 'att County Council. - .----Chea,p albums at photogra,ph gallery. Thos. Odl friends in the -village. -If you `-sant._ a cheap a album go to E. L. Johnson's. , e claya. I °nth' of gan old s 'ekr sciaiI . A •is Ed; Rooki• e from Chicagoon Mo - -•\I -The election in take -place on the 3rd . -It is likely all th the _preseptCouncil wil • member the Methodist parsonag eveitin," next. • -Ladies' skating bjoot)g' la -• - 1 -1 slippers, real beauties,' for 1 and $2, at MacIntyr -Don't Forget -T elegant Xrdas cai1s: ii this be had at Berry's dru store. candidates be successful should iisert t. W.4 reoretto learn..___that,..fhe_A„.ev. to electors in the SENTINEL. • et . IsapC .Ashley, of Tinesvi'lle, has siitre.4;lr'',---.--A,farm oi 50 - acres-- : neat' .....„.„:„._.4?2,..1.4.t 4fl i od C-cro• of tieir.- children from - Culbert- ,- of,K.:inlOsi, f $2,500- , , ii, ,4S1 .aietriK). this week ' - in: the; bridge:- :has 'Nenpu chased . (-* - -di? thr'a. It is said - - ' • - .. li - •--To clear.Q1.1t a of lids i -dreadecl.dis- - _1- - -.-,' -. . • .• veI - - - ing, the's' hn.-sOn's vttng di. stylish' hdrne ronavill bers :of ,tection.. in -the UrSd.iy, dress - most qw-n can wish to eir cards ease iw.Ntry prevalent in sevbred.parts- MacIntyre's where' yo vests for.$1$1.50. a ix., of -Wk.; township. ., , 9 Loss by Fire, Cosford - wife Th.ti many-friend,s' in this section .of •.Thos.Cosford, returnect.last Ames -brother-in-law' of her visit to friends in Roc,kw lar, Oreenaelie, -frill regret to learn: .--Hanover Pot -The that his boot and shoe store in Paris, SENTINEi is now all rinted . • . . Ont,,was destroyed by fire last weekand is a bright and dr ditablep? •A1:r..M.0,ae's Jos is 0v014100Q and*as -nominations °WY insured f""• 81-25°a- - The fi°• Place this year on the. lad dati origit.,404 ailjoining ipterOfional NewsPaper.Agency. Mr.,%4EAgent *ent here; ks °poled- ans,IiternatiouaLN1ews _Agony', and is prepared to- Teceive' Subscriptions for newspapers i4.0*Tiada . r *and 174.170d States. . He shouldbe • able a' -good business in this line, •.as hiS-4ites:a stibscriptionsare.at, the 1P-Welifferins. •• • ,..4kid Social. Th04.0rst social Oder- the -auspces of the'rAadies' Aid of the Methodist be held._ in the parsonage GeS-fordifs) on Thursdayeen- ing ne:Xtl 20tkinst.. Besides the usual attraiciOns on such occasions in- teresting prograranie of vocal and au- strumenfial music, etc..",'will Admission. 15 as, - ,Tai I Walking. Adley, on Thursday walked geven.miles and drove Cattle in. , - one lidur and 345 minutes. . any - .lime pre- -pared w gai y an, and driVe.-?battle _ the sa,..o.dista.„. and time on 'muddy: gravel. road. -Wing - ham rilrnes. Yes, this is pretty good .Nvalliimgi*.but it don't hold a candle to. the strides jiminronce Made while the LuplcuOwco-nstables Were .aft4r • .;-.5 t.:, - r • They 41;4 Coming.. The "original Beedle & Prindle • Pleasure Party are 'announced to give _an entertainment in. thcfsTemperande. Hall here on Tuesday e-vening .next. The troupe includes ',fourteen star art- . ists, among iyhorci are many "old fautil- . iar names, such. as -,the ,renowned Johimie'Prindle, and 'others. • They s are highly spoken of by the press everywhere and -we bespeak for then)._ a -crowded Norte ;$tar Lodgv. . The eitert.9;,innient given In this Lodge Tuesday Tueiday livening last was -a, _ most. 10.- ecOstui - and enjoyable a.fratir. dde.4 -Wiellgth..Y•PrcliraHun. misu,3*I4 - ebc.,Mr.D.:Eero,bank' 4. Very- lei 4akelont - •ch°Was.'yajplaude. , - I -• • • . - day 11.403: -1884:- -. • 7'L•Tea. ,-te,lk7aboul ea ..-'`and Ki4gs7-- y. Mr. -170 tO tweed- ev..- d. °know :home,. 11 ti take. - f this nary, tea,) but -if you want tJea thatrJ go to Alichltyre's and buir his tea. - Angus Mc naig is field for Municipal hoiiors,andi 'ously pushing his canvass.' make a goodtouneill r. I -.Tones sells coal oil ohea cheapest.- all and • you _ •purchase. - Qu equal to the best. .. -The Do -minion vernm liOld an investigation in Iref: the explosion of the boi1r Erie Belle at lqn.ca,:rili -MacIntyre h4-‘ a gent's and ladies' .rub and ladies'. overshoes, $1, -$1.50, "and$2,men's • -The rumor was _ c -hundred deaths from had OCcured in Walke 'past year. _There is`,.n statement. TrcO-1 Wi timake 'special loVr prices for any gco Is re - o1 Xmi,s trees, dging .value - - ii the vigor - would is the t befOi..e lity anted.- will nee to e tuk lar 4pli of -erg; .a1.1451gent's.- • B6y's teots at boOts a$1.75. • i - ti.24 ' one • tyi3hoi.#1 fever" on du -lig the -tint the • I .quired for Sabbath Sall Pcim&and see the good quoted at Berry's drug -The- changeable. weather past few weeks has ben • part trying to delicate -persans.. T of even the- ost robut Clinno carefully •prote ted seasons a the "year. --If you desire -0 . good constitution, keep Warm. Intyre' has the very things yo good - Warm-under,clothing,. shirt's, knitted'shirt5.... digab. if7.4 'mitts and stOeltings . • . and gd pirices store. I . - Of the laxly ealth be too such especial -thank Our hunreroussubscribe newing their subseriptio dor "the samin acl*ance‘, number; however, - are jndebt and would " oblige, ve ci • . • 44.4•11,- • • c -•-•141-1, 4. a Mac - .want, ;mad bkets, e . to, •r,(1 azgigf to, us trit. 4 rht ii , 4asammairimk,am,v, ::,aaliii;imiii;monimusemin...,. • • • • -Fine weather for December. umor.says eleven candidates are - in the 'field -for the municipalelections. • -A grand tea -meeting Will be held in the ITY.Lethodist.Church at Bervie on Christmas_bay. . -Seven lives • were lost by the foundering of the steamer ECLIPSE off • the BriiceReninsula. --Duncan Boland was taken to the "cooler" 'on Wednesday last.for being drunk and disorderly.. - •• --The temperance meeting • in the Temperance Hall on. Monday - evening last was largely attended. , • -Mr. Ktimeth McPherson, of• • Richmond Hill, spent . a few' clays_iu • the village this, week. 4.• Cfreat e h. ill oes on. An Intelligent and illicifning Public Declare Themselves r CaMerCni.1--OciMpbell are calling,for tenders for chopping 0 -teen -acres. Of hairdvi54 bush.- ' 4 #1.1A ,otir. friends . everywhere: Will make an effort to secure 'us one or. niore neWsubscribers.- for 1881; - , -To clear outcertain lines' Macln-;. -tyre .is selling thera.at ana below. coSt. -Call' and see them. -Ladies', Air caps at cot -Reeve Bobt Purves and 4-aCpb •Nieholls;;Of Kinloss, are- . attending the CourityCotincil at Walk- erton.. .• 7 -7 04e. • !.*: ke4C1.6rS will fine quite.a-nuM- .ber of invitAtionl in ourcolumns froth- • Merchants, who invite ,them to call and inspect their -stocks: Wm: Baireti, -of _ Walkerton,. has been -appointed judge of the. Countyt of Bruceduring the absence. of, Judge Kmgsmill- " • debate onthegranting of the frandlii.Se:to Wpinen will form part of the programme at the literary meeting, next Tnesday. evening, . '-A splendid prograinnie of .read- , nags, reitations,- vocal -and -instrument, ;al music was given at the,Literary So-; _clay on Tuesday evening... f - L. -A tea -meeting will be held -in the ' -Methodist Church at the Nile on Mon- day .evening next, 17th. Inst. . The Goderich choir will be present . ,..-The Merton Watchman- has been enlarged and otherwise improved. The business men of the village patronize - its advertising columns liberally. , -no-Efidtt Place: -If you Want a present for your minister, school leacher,- sweetheart, fatter, mother, brother, or sister, just step.intoBerry's dru-g'Ssuthchre.;o; as, "unless your taxes- . are paid before the-inst., gour goods:. and chattels will be sei4ed," are now in order and may be looked for by de- linquent. -L . --Macintyre • • . • ... _ istiiot selling • out, bid he -is 'Selling . goods -as cheap _ if not: cheaPer than those who are sellink out. See his factory -cotton:. at ; his tweed suits at $7.50 ; his . boys and monk caps at 25c. and 500.; his tweet]. caps'at 75c.. Other goodsequally low. . -Still COMingt---Another, lot cif elegant Xmas- and NeW.year cards. ust 'to hand per express.v This makes. --the4third shipment' this season, forget not to call at Berry's ,drug store before -Making yOurS,selection. • . An Arran farmer Sof& a oOvir in Tara last week and boasted that it broughtliim More money than ten. 'acres of his wheat Would ,this :year. Others have the SaD10 thing. This . argues strangly-in. favor. of stock - raising. • =--Kincerdine Reporter. :,:-.ThetitOk- 'noW SENTINEL has discardedtheready printed inside form- and is now all printed at home.. The SENTINEL is a iiist-class.neWipaper. Friend Bryan has an -earnecisuceess.aS Ik publisher: • - • _AtiontiOir-Your at- tention is kindly drawn tothe fact that the quadruple electroplated, goods at Berry's drug- store ' were bought from-. the most reliable- manufacturers- at very Moderate prices. - Any article in this lineyou may want can be had at Berry's drug store. . -The-property -qualifications- -nec- eSsary for thole WO -aspire- to munici- pal honors incorpor- ated viliages, freehold to $60Q,:. :leasehold te,) - $1,200 ;*- towns; freehold to .$800;Or -1e*eho1d -(3) in cities, . freehold'. tiii• 10,500, or.. Itaseheld: to,A000;;, (4) in townships-: freehold to $4-00, orleaseholct to $804, And so:in prOpOrciOtt when the quakli7.i 'A -Cation is beehCilct:.:mill part lealehokt. • --4ittroltated 101‘11 --The 4trg4g- ;and mOO-beautifuttiftes inXinaigooftit chtg 444i4c3. it *iifor. y011'1 Waged' purahase or not.=-.. .a er. T. • if 4 ^ Con:oluive Eviaence that the .Goods -and Prices -are „Right., E SALM-CUSTOMERS. FULLY 'SATISFIED . - 1/4 JN TYING- tiP BUSINESS'. SACIUPICE0 Everything :and' it. is.soMe satisfaction that the . . , generally have. appreciated - my efforts -_,.and taken . Advantage . of circumstance s in ,evpry.Way. fAvOrable to the purchase of •- , oaas a os rice, 1 . Cottisppoor goods • Can be - had anyWhere. at poor prices, 11?"1,t 1.,in'offering „Seastmable, riewfirst-class goods at. poor prices, that is to say at cost price • And w Just ,becanse - I A.M 1.3.0414.1)' 71-0‘.0 _OUT -0.f BUSINESS. ,. .w.,'- only one thindis necessary (beside the Cash). in, . • . • pur44ing-go.octs,'Andlhat is: a : ;.correct Imowledge of the . 4 . -1VIA0.-gt.-VALugg of die- direrent cornmoditieo -required, . and. . . _ hence to:quote. prices without showing . the goods' is a° de, 1uSion•..-.1:I am anxious to show My goods and iprip,es at the . same time, .leavingthe purchaser - to judge for himselk It : would W. very q4# 413..d very .c*efiring-to publish a -list - of 1*e* 1qi.4 unless the goods -and the price:, can be - shown -. • at the sim' -.6 time„ t4e purchaser i. liable to''tle:litisled ..• . .. and.ConfirSed.- ---1 -Want to shOw on niy. -Counter .irhaf-I •can give jfor10-0 cents,but some men -47 .to ,show it ox l'ApzIt. Hence as a: gen#al rule I. do" not publish prices. . lst-Because it is'Uot'birsinsa ; the best houses botlx .,wholesale and retail do not publishprices.. - n It is usually _taken as a sign of distress Deep- -water 4'inancial ernbarassment. . -- • . ,Published, .pfices are almost always - t - I -atn anxious to*show my goods and quote the -Kices.: .at.the-sa.metime,Ieavi,hg,the purchaser. to the exercise.4 his. _Own unbiassed judgement, -a.naif4fter Offering these goo4s..ai. 0 at whit they -cost and in many casesiess than cost, any pus-, tomer' Would prefer to pay the full retail price e1swhere, he: has a, perfect rig)it to do so . - -M7A want- to go out of buginesS quietly and lidth ask no man to acceptiroy judgement. SE . 6 . _ I -want t sell worthof.goods beforet Ne Ye, Sir,- Madame., do you *44t.lanythink,in. Dirk GOODS, ?..itOCEItiEk:Q.;OTIIIX . • )3BE GOODS:4, 13QOTS,:-IXAT.4.A. Ploaze Corno aa Look at My St ck ieed not concealthe fat that 1 am auious 0 get- out out,andwhen the goods:4.M$P11:1..slitarbe ,off g - •••• ; 01: g ••It;44" ta* „ a "*