HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-12-14, Page 5The M-arlots, 'Fall wheat -88e to 95c per bushel. Sprint= wheat -,85c to- 95eper bus Borley -43 to 47e. per buS el:'.- Oats-773Oe. per bushel. Peas, ---700. . to 772 per bushel. Potatoes -35c.' to 37c. per bushel. Apples: -100c. per bag. Hay L $ t $S per ton. Flour—. W2i_t 5 per cwt. Wool -18c. to 20c. perib. • Sheepskins -50e to 75c idea- "6c..- per Ib TaIIo t —fit. -ta 7c. per. Ib. Po ---$4.50 to $4.70 per cwt. _. Wood—$2.60 to '$2.25 per cord.- EggsL 21e per dozen. 'Bcittar [ i c. to 17c.per- lb. • FIB t..NDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the farmersand others in this. sectidn that he will keep for service this s- anon at l,.at 47,43un. f,-; Kinloss, a boar Dig JOHN GRAHAM. 2' : • ucknaw P. O. .�r ol& - l .s :. T STEEP ESTRAY. AMB TO THE; PREMISES OF THE r-- undersigned, Lot 15, Con. S, Township orKinloss, aboutthe middle of September last, a ewe and Iamb:. .'the owner is,requested. _to - prove ,property, pay f expenses . and take - them a ay. ' - • ROBERT HARPER Heving added largely t®-3 his already Extensive :StockyIf. Hardware ; is now •A prepared to furnish everything .requir ` d by udders, AllE TO 'T AF PREMISES OF THE S.Altiiciiber, Lot 1, Con.- 3, Kinloss, on or about the :OA of November, two steers and a heifer, rising two yeafs old, al} spatted:: 'Phe owner Is r'questedtop17ve property, pay; ex-' penses itna-take thein, away. DANIEL H()DGKLNSObI, iin 51% Ludiiovv P. O. cures heumatism,:Neuralgia, Rheumatic: bout,; .General- Debility, Catarrh; and' all:'_ dsord-ers -caused by, a thin and. impoverished,, -ar orris :ted, condition, of the blood; expelling- the blood: poison's; from the system, enriching paid renewing the blood, and restoring its vital_ • izing power. - During a long period of unparalleled useful= itess A BR'S - SAnSAT'ARILLA has proven its • perfect adaptation to the cure 'of all diseases in poor -blood anda weakened vitality. - It is a=Highly concentrated extract of Sarsa barilla and other bloodparifying r'oote, . -com I ned with Iodide of Fotassiuiu and. Iron„ tied is the safest, most reliable, and most econouucal b_lo od:-pu"rider and blood -food that. carbo uscd. - Ipiiainmatory Rheumatism Cured. " AV t-„ 's SAltsAPAninia. hasl cured me of the inflanui:atory Rheumatism, with which I have suitered for many ears. W ..H. lilooiE." , Durham, la., match; - . " "-Fight years ago 1 had an attack. of Rheum • fis''severethaticouldriotmQvefromthebed, . or dress,without help. I tried several remediesi without much if any relief, until I teak- AYER''s SAR$P PAitiLLA, Jray the use of two bottles of :dish. I was completely cured. I have not been troubled with the Rheumatism since. Have sold • large .quantities of your SAits i'LLA, and it. - - .still retains its wonderful -popularity. The many notable curest has effected- in this:vicinity con- vince onvince me . that it is the best blood medicine ever offered to the public. _ E. F. Hnrtnisf" Diver St., Dockland, Mass., May 13, us42. "pastMarchI eras so -weak f o'n general de- bility that e-bility.that I could not walk without help. Fo_I- tow•img the advice of a friend, I commenced takin Ari k's SA s +&pAR ILLA. and .before I had use d. three bottles I felt as well as -1 ever did in any life. ' I have been at work no* for two months, and.d think your SARBAPARIL;I;A the greatest. Wed medicine in the world. JAvs MATT 3.t' . ' 36 West 4.2d St., IsTew`Yorl:, uIy 19,-1852 Y i R's SA tSAPAFitiLA cures "Scrofula and • al Scrofulous.Compiaints`,- Er-ysipeias, Eta..: setae, Ringworm, Sores, . Tumors, and VrupUoiis of tie Shin. It curse .the Wood of all impurities, 'aid digestion, stimu.; • ` Tates theaction of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system.. PREPARED• FiT a Ayer-&: Co.,. Lowell Mass. Bald y all D4tiggists; price Sl, six. bottles, 5. VARNISHES, .AND ALId "KINDS OF Also nuterin in Tin line or Galvanized Iron, C in Tin or Galvanized Iron- Water.Lime for Cider • required in the Building Line:I furnish at my sto Parties intending to build, this season Will find and see my Stock before purchasing their supple: '.I have as -usual a large and well assorted `stock- tv: the*Cheapest.} Eavetrough nga Specialty I' -R( and despatch t Cf�nA�` fi have .a large assortment of HA�f sterno mps, Eavetroughing is,n :fact .every>,article e B oin: Prices. MILLINERY FROM NOW -TO 'NEW. YEAR AT. REDUCED. RICES.- Which will be sold at Low Prices. ' Having ha a` longe of business, I think: I can supply the wants of- the pubi uick returns is mmotto 1 position. Small profits and � ��..r �; iii- . sincere th nks'to -the - t'Y=- while -returning ay � public fo in the past, I hope fol.- a continuance of the -same Gari: age. see for ruse ves -asp etre i ae ,. it Liberal Patron � . - s price to Snit the times:. in . 9V.1 • ` S1IFFOLIi BOAR. FINE SUFFOLK1 BOAR KEPT FOR Service this seas 1n at . Lot 24, • Con. 1, Boundary Line Huron. • Terms::- $1 Cash at time of service, or $1.50 on time. - J HN :McKENZIE, Lucknow P. O. FARM FOR SALE. Ell�i G NORTH -WEST IIULF OF LOT 17, in the lith. Concession of the Town- ship, of Kinloss, containing 50 acres more, or less. About 38 acres' cleared, : balance well timbered. There is a good_.frame house and large frame barm, also; young orchard. The farm, is well watered by "a spring creek and is situated a Haile and a .half from Kinlough village, . For further :particulars apply to JAMES, 'YOUNG;' 4in:515 Kinlough P. 0. NOTES LOST. 8 OST SOME W_HERE:. IN .:LUCKNOW, . _ on Thursday,_ 2nd November, 1883, a `romissory note mad& by Ward: Vanderburg in favor of R. -F. Hodgkinson for sixty-four 'dollars and fifty cents, dated lstO;;tober,1882, and payable on the same date in. -1883The finder will be .suitably rewazrdez by; returning the same to • R. F. HODGK1N�ON, gin -515 4 -Kinlough P. v. BLIGS BY-T--- s,a.a Why'd don t.blovr his bus goes -13 y the 'Pioneer � - -_ -- are. �. -ooda anal ��sonable. Be- cause: the= Goods a�. e- e eap G eC direct? lm r er in know,.. fid_ ..can a he is the only I) importedgoods are 0 . er cel t.:less.th ke goods bought n -Can can-: UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO • 1 inform the -public generally. that he will: keep for service this season at .W. H. of Lot 11, Con. 12, E. D. Aslfield,' a first class Berkshire Bear.. " Terms -$l Cash. EDMUND ANDREWS, • C =3in-5141 Lucknow P. 0. "GRIP," --Canada's_ Representative Comic • Journal Published by Canadians for Canadi- ans, anadi- aus,and devoted solely to the nterests•of the people, e s i tinguished from the interests. bf 'olitictal Parties --ought to be in . EVERY =OA ADIAa - OME -Bachelors-Would find -their lonely dives brightened by a visit of the 4 -ally LittleJoker once a week—Only-$2.00 per Annum, - • corers -Might find a perennial source of. conversation .Hct: a Pages tend Pictures of `:GRIP' afte other subjects had been talk- ed to alked:to death -0 p $2.00 per Annum. • . Politick&ns-O€ eitherparty :who can enjoy a good,humored and truthful hit atthemselves titrill'appreciate "GRIr's." pointed cartoon& If :.there are any politicians wortl'y of the name Who have not-suhscr`ibed, tli y ara. informed- - that "G RIu" gbsts only 82,00 per Annum; ' P'arerits ,A1l; . fiver. the- Dominion testify -that ` Gnir's"weekly visits to their homes are bailed with delight by their children;to whom its cartoonsarea a unique edu.eation.•. :Just try a year's: subscription and prove this assertion. •$2..00 per. Annum in advance. ' HE SUBSCRIBER WISHES- TOm IN- - torn 'the farmers -and otbera . i - f service this fiecton that he'*ill. keep for se -season at Con. 8, Kinloss; (the Cain farm,); his -fine thoroughbred Suffolk. Boar, "Duke' -Terms-$1 Cash attime of -sera-ice , CALL. -,Aiit0. SEE THE EVERSIBLE VSg' ' SHAH usi,, x ' , Stock of Pure both Ladles andGeiiti is large:„id 'weTh assorted. ---THE 14ARG. BOAS FOR SERYIVE.• #- NBD. BEDS TO IN�, THE UNDE�IG form the-farters in this sectionthat he on at Lot : will kt'�. fol` Bert*ice this seas 75, -Con. on.1 Kinloss, hi` thoroughbred Berkshire.; c � Cash-: ash a -Terms -7-§1 erm $ Boar, " ectal, of ��ace -. T � time of across ; or $1.50: on time. - i WESLEir. HENDERSON din-�14 BOAR FU►R-.bE$YI_QJE. SF. UNDERSIG,TED WISHES - TO inform the farmers and others in . this section that he keep for service this: seasone w on. on D4. Ashfeldhis superior'BrkshireBoar,""MayorCarlialr," -bredby.John.Snel` �ora;' oftlIdmouttm: Carlisle" Ont., an& siretlbp. Terms $L Ca: 1_=$1. 0 O timet:.;• Wool Patterns at 40 .cents p4r)ard anST RECE1111011 LA GE OTOOKd 'Of bought` when the market touched ,its low rilviet. et MviaysLthe_ est t AS FROM 10. CENTS PER P - ND VP TO .I ask -did ptrc .. Sri 'r uaIy' Yew: 'pa e ore buyin , foo ani compar � rices -bef . � o gg � d.- decide are. the Goods' as . chap an t, -offered, not :whether -th . are at.. ost Or o You have often thought of taking Grip. Send inyour name and. $2.00 now.. II 'GRIP'S" PLATFORM : -: Humor without' 1u1 arity ; Patiiotiim; with- out l'a,rtiza nsl ip , Truth.- without Temper. 1884—One year for Only $2.00-4884. Address oore, Man aged', Toronto,'