The Sentinel, 1883-12-14, Page 1yo1. L -•f XN( e B SAN S 'Money to Loan at- Red-ucec+ hates ;�o ime •r - T . . - Suitt e Loans on Mortgages as low as 6 per cent.; O TCAGES BOUGHT .����� -oxo M�, Draft add. Cheques' oh aIt-points cashed: _ Special and•Prompt Attentron-paid to the ollectionof _Notes, Aovounts,Reats,: &c:.. issued T S. P AYABLL.- 'Al' PAR, -y townsof •Gana- on�the principal cities and_ P. p sla. -and on.the United�i ta• .States and Creat 13 iu - �i . rles Remitting.. . . ind this cheapest; safest, andniost convenientmethod - i N T E RIE ST Five ,per -;cont: allowed on: D_enosits in the Savings Bink Department: Parties. `. • exl Funds Investfes: Private Pd. :We are reared to -OOffer to customers every _ prepared n _Bank-. ered . by ash facility afforded y , a� . and on equallyfavorable terms • C'oveyaning in atl. its Branekes.: Fire and Life e Insa:anee-. -` :ANTES R,,'EPRESE:1NtTED, R�s� Com ' i'frri E UQ1Ji S r`$su; 9 h . M. TO P8 M E- CAAIIEE3Q1![_& GA , LUCKNOW. :Jahr S. Tennant; Q i TARO 'RIDGY :. DECEMBBB114,L8 LEGAL:. L IoT:TRAVER, ::ai - t -Law. S A.tt 0 rn ey. a ffi u ,cry, Conveyancer, . - he Post Ot&ce,.Lucknow . -,.Ont • • citor i. Chan Ilex oor to. Im 318 Yom=— Salic - Ile•.. 1 . A. MAoPHERSON,. A.T• f RNE' - Ri c a- tor, Vie.-, Queen 'Street, nca, ARROW & PROUDPOOT,'' Barristers, Solicitors,+&c., J. T.GMR=ROW J,WM• Pili JDFOO1;. E-: - ERYILL A11IEs.S4M -- - Cd: I-• Money toloanon-easy'•erms Valuator for: Trust and Loan �iXTO'N- =Conveyance.*,-� S1�IIer in II. i1H: loanper at 7 cent, straight i iterestt tor for Dominion Sav an . ; Thei 'hent Society. Issuer of marrigS age ll :hut. erich, `lCINLOITG L:.. =D _ L ICE - - BARRISTE . S1 . (ILIO1TOR for Bank of Comissioner for: --talo- Manitoba. = F. a in, Town --and Village and sold. ' Money loaned on Mortgaes. koney invested,for _ priv te;pers the bestMfrtgage,security. '-Oilicei=Wingham and'Luckx Lucknow Office,'.adjoini ' : Li Store.` . r ommas- oney,tO Valua Invest. uses, .O: ADDRESS : AND PRESENTAT/ON- - TO 11. S. M'.LEAN,: ESQ. - n e On Thursday vein 13th inst.; a .. g� number of theP eople of •St. Andrew's Church met :in the'par-lar of Mr. Wm. Melhs;-for. the purpose of - presenting ::with a- •_token : of H S. McLean their esteem as : a member of : their Church and their appreciation ation of him: short � r te. a `� as leader of the choir. After Mi social `conversation time spent in� D1.0p Campbell bell read the following address: g�amr tin, andg affs . its Jorprop_ e. bought • • a, upon Lucknow.° Office—Medical Hall, ecial attention to diseases of Women. and Children.. °Calls promptly attended to by night or day. .d. :a:GAUNT, LICENSED 4UCTIONEERS :0 -TALES OP. FARM STOCK PROs ly attended to on 'reasonable -• :term . ° •Ordereleft.at the SENTI ELfilface�will receive our prowpt att=ention. .. & J. GAUNT, St. Helens P,_ Q. g7 -t fho • CA (or CAMERON f. CAMYRELT ) 0T•A RP, Commissioner in B R., Conveyancer, etc., Etc:, .:- r ° ONTARIO.. = Cfrvevancing; in all i Branches --Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds; • Agreejnents,. Leases, &c.., promptly aad'carefullyprepared, r and -c• rrectness guaranteed. _ _ - Special and prompt. attention- .paid_ to the searching of Titles, and tQ:all matters eonect -.ed with the transfer of Real Estate. - '-.CHARGES'R:EASON-ABLE-. MONEY T:Q LOAN. MACKID & M'UT HIN IYSICIANS SUR FON Offs 1 ce General a ler s. e h c ouc rand 's. Store. _ Residences yr the residence formerly -occupied b £ainunon; Dr; Hutchinson,'.they/ f orrnerly occupied;by-Dr. M1acKidi• St. {opposite the public school.: ENTI TRY JER ME yl. ''.-"Dent 1" Surer moved to •Winghazn, where lie w • the deutristy business ; but he w inform his patrons that -he will vis on the first Monday and Tnes lay, the thirdMonday andTue day of Office at 'Vhitely's Hotel.. SSha N & AC, hove .F clacSid r Mac e'sinence avelock J.S. ntiate of re, -1y, has re,- 1I carry. on l beg to uwknow Irld also on 4 _ h month r. _ 8. :McLean . _ • DxR ., do most, sincerely ... � obligations 1aIlS t desire to acknowledge our ol�li�a to • you for the active : and efficient manner in which h you :have served , the conire at ion�.o f StAnd rew's Church -durau a:.your residence in. this place. village _ Bef othe re your departure:from g and. separation aration from the congregation weexpress would: e P ress our high appreciation. ofthe services .you have - rendered• to Psalmody. Leader of the:Psa y us• as active : : 'They disinterested, ,, and cheer= ful manner in which'you have sought advance the efficiency of the service 'to s a hart . reco' - 'tion. 'ofpraise deserti e e Y. , .J N FIRST CLASSaMORTAGES at 7 to 7i Per cent interest payable yearly,. hares perp moderate. A pply to ROBERT 3.IURRAY,.St Helens. Secretary of. the West °Waivanosh Mutual Fire :Insurance Oonnpany,nathing but farm propertyinsured,=' Parties wishing to insure' in this popular farmerscompany in tlie. town^ 'sof Colborne, Ashfield, East and : West V wanosh, R inions, and .Huron by sending a -Post Card t • e willbe calledon and ` every • infer:nati yen. • t ` -ROB it ML"RRAV , St. HelensP.. •O, AND • GENER; J- R-= 76LEND on'��a ON�T .s . r.a. Aayiaent: Apply to .11. _- JOUN C 9.OKI , Agent, but Robert C snninghan } Insurance f• WALTER 'TRELEAVEN As in the past, still keeps on=hand a lsrge and .superior stock of ; ,IGEN ER AL CROC E R I ES Inolnding everything found in the Iarderof a good housekeeper. He would also inform the put�'dc`c,more particularly thefarming'oommun- it-y,th-at he has, engagedthe services, of a . OUGH.Il MILLER and will carp on the Milling- business with • renewed vigor, and by turning out goodmists . Ya quicktime, gain increased patroaagefronr -the public: All kinds of GRAIN- AND.SLEESS eonstantly on hand.' Goods Delivered to any Part:ef the: _ -Tampa• •• terurs.- of annon. ,- We would not overlook-. the service yourin common with estimable lady- .. . the other members of the choir- has --done us. Please.. convey to "-Mrs. Mc - "Lean our -ateful L':acknowledgemennt for the ' part she has taken nteest'shown in'th ;welfare • choir.' and r of they congregation - We shall -follow you and -your .part ner in -life with best.. wishes_ for your temporal and spiritual interests And as a remembrance to. you in future years of our appreciation of your • ser. vices'as. leader- of :.the choir in the public: service of praise, accept: these volumes (Chamber's Encyclopaedia) whiek we now.present to= '.:you- in the- name of the congregation; • : c • WHOLE::1To.° I LANES. Lucknow Public School. .Cora: ent ' -SECOND DEPARTMENT. ro»a;'Ou -Own C ,e�� , - r .. E w' i' -a "report of the per .. Our es' a ed store -keeper, 1... The�fotlo uig p r P= Denoon': s removed toy Dungan. centage made by, the pupils _of the hh I non wherea has rented the sto formers mimed by. Mr,:il.R.:Clend ning.. - We ishthim every: success 1 . a' _ Bert .-un } is h Mr Win: Lane, who liiasbeen teal_ , i,,.s re in Kintail for -the , the :past fo school � ears,.has rented from his -brother IL* Y led ; 1Yr. = C. - rf 1 store .recently comp y u o i� Q enin t and . irate • = ng �1 4 o full. line- of oods„ ;immediately aft nd hill New �eari.s. -Mar_success a�tte .��. in -his. new sphere here is =our hearty wise P: e arture .f Mr.: Deni Since the P - Mi.... art O from :Lanes - ills the been removed ' e'' : to_ Mr. Win. 'Lans- r r. donee for the 'remainder of thepres 1 month. -= • • -J., . . thisloon 't . - -.has . returned fr '� Of' o. Y .s 4 the line and now lies sick w L. across ., � S, ,� , sir e. rid t hold; fever at his father's re 4 , ' fir. ` Haul 'ion is hold's':g The •R ,v. 11� � -- E, GR.C• 3`eets t : Thursday - on obe hursdayonohef . efullmoc8 �f e cht oath . m J: VIting breth:. encord ailyinVited. -1- _ GEO.A; SI ALL, JOHN MATHIESOI i ••1 .M. Secretary•• • ti Mr Thomas ' towar young - w u .ck o n v "t a second departmen of the I. - { public school at their last exand nations: They were *examined in -four-. subj ects, . namely, arithmetic . ammar, ° eo- graphy and • .dictation. L :Haws Lindsay, . - SEN.. 3RD. C ASS. , ..� '87 .per cent; Bella Bell. 86 ; Maggie McDonald,:85 ; Thos. Matthie,- 84 Lizzie:McMillan,84-; Maggie Stewart, ..- 84 Ade, .Jermyn, 83 -Jas. Ibexr, 82 , , Hardy McHardY,8, Mary West,80 Ida.MeG ory, 77 • Emily Peart, 73 • :. ' ;John, Frazer„, 72 ;Bernie McCorvie ,71, T 'Geo., Douglas, 68.; ,Robert McNabb, - i. Findlater 66 •• Louis Me- • f�7:�enne � �. Gro: 64 Andrew 1VIorrison, 52,' r�i .TUN, TW RD. -envie - Burgess, 86- = = - . 83 per cent ,,• Armstr o , ng, , Lizzie .Lawson: 82 ; . Herbert 'Grundy, • 81 Jessie Lees, 78 ; Harry Whitley,: 7 ., MrGraham,_7 6 'M Bow er,74> SarahMeDou8al 73Florence Graham 72 ; . Willie= Douglas, 7l; Dm can.Boyd 71 • Elene Hamiy, 71 ;Alex.. Maclntyre, • 69 , Willie Stewart, 69 ,• Willie Martyn, 68 ;. JohnDenoofl, 166 , Jennie Irwin, 65 .; :Willie=Law-, o low, 60 -James, �rence, 65; Willie C = , , :Grund 46 Lizzie Tennison, 44; : n, 38 �.JohnTd son,. JennLe�orthuigt0 „ g 29. •- The 'Crop Report. special services at Chu``4 P +.' } ax d reiva and is ego ding a �-�;� vl,4;^� thatplace. lace. U Meth LIlsts = ited Statistic taken from the Journ!• e 'the :Methoe Methodist United: General Co e LUCENOW - IOD•GE, No._ 112.• - Meets every}Fridav a ening i o'clock in. their Hall � Campbell-st. 'All br t ern cordi-:- ally invited. . E W. H: EMIT ecretary.• RE V. R. 0, HENDRRS, Nobk Grand. 1 A. O. LUC-SNOW=Lc1D(:C+ OF . ent -Order of fruit d .Werk the Oddfellows Hall, o the sec: A+o oaday°evennings 6f a montieh Visiting Brethren are.cordially o blister Worknian.: 1 MRs. ROBINSON. MRS. MELLIS. Lucknow, Dec. :6th, 1883. Mr. McLean ; =responded in : a . few words, which showed •how: deeply he felt the '.approaching departure and separation fromthe kind friends of St Andrew's. Church. en, meet in id and last it 8 o'okioit. vitedto at Mr. D. E. ":Cameron spoke. for him- self andl the members of the choir ':and ence 'REPORT 0 Your Co COMMITTER. ON SIO imittee b to submit`: following statement of +the present dition, numerical and :hinancial,, e a ii Missionery Societies :connected rt the Metho ist Churches entering ,44.i o the Union said the people of Lucknow would cer taiuly .'miss Mr. McLean,: but- the members of the -choir of; St. Andrew's Church; would miss him most. The remainder of the,. evening was spent in singing,music and recitations, and lsefere dispersing all. joined heanti- ly_ in :singing •` Auld Lang Syne' BELFAST. From Our own Correspondent. The road between Lanes andBelf ast is almost impassable. We are going to :lose 'our old store- keeper' Mr. tore=keeper-Mr. H.. D. Rutherford. 1VIr IR: - D. Cameron intends gg into- business in -Rutherford's_old stand the first of the year..- We -wish: him .E days-liiinrery: -month, at : • thixd in the 11 iileise at= - Our new teacher Mr G. M. Kilty . seems to be a general favorite with both -parents and children. We sal3 sorry to learn. that • our as- sistant -teacher, Miss Rutherford, is to leave at -the. end Of the year. Her 'place will be filled by a former pupil of PeifEt# school, who, we fear, will not give the satisfaction Miss Bather - Rol did., 'writes : "I never hesitate to--recomy Mend. your -Electric Bitters ..totniy cuk tamers, they give entire, aatisfaction and are rapid sellers," Electric Bitters -are the purest .and bes„t medicine known and positivelyieUre kidney kinks, Tway:Vie:blood, Tikknikfimkile - Ontario so well as AkoWebai.• 901,04.44; by ini_iveetinettillavefflisin of air tit expottle., PAILag velvi)l be eikogiffitelv atti4efflik Nti '43O 11.7t -Ort-"' 10 ze* Cl.‘'-'-; ure o :_::.:5.01.::.4.0;4::07..t•.,..x.;.. :iii...,.., ,:r„..;;;:::, 710:7:1434; '4. _. !_liz: .' : A siimmary of the November report.: of the Bureau of inthistriesihas just • 4been TheAtotal Crop of hay - rand clover exceeds last season's by • '2,036;793 tons, less:thanlast year. ". POtatoes, 18 bushels per acre less. The failure of the fruit -crop is eneral throughout the *Prov.intie. thaii la,st year, and through,. various, causes,. except Oa theplant looks.thin. and weak. ° been the rule.4 the season. Ihe de- ficiency in the .wheit crop left; little - beyond. yrhat was, -required. tion' home The -standing pupil above school is as fonows Beatri e SEN. Ida and regulat *HI hundredsof 4101 in bills every year. S e Ne family„ 42,4 Stcoxp -1st Med Michid Lannan. spelling m Beitrioe • The mciveireett els barley has beew.: pqually slow, - The' maple Sugar pro- • .„ duet is, les§ than half that of last year's.- A.tpledicl yield of honey is, reRort.ed, from every 'beekeeping district. , The report refers to live stogk,there - being a noticeable -increase the re- settlement' of the INTOrthwest„; • inerea;Se of nearly per 9ent. in... cattle exported, but a diminution., of:- -about .43,000 in sheep.... ; A large surr- plus of hogs is -reported: . The returns:: n"thP show increase' of about I per-, cent- . over -last , year. Returns. of poultry . e A. show a decrease this year in. geese, au& • ; 3rd, an increase in turkeys and &her fowls.. Geo. iddle 3rd, aie 31. OUT • • hOries the township 4 London and 'neighboring municipali- ties are suffering from scarlet fever—a a, disease 'that is -known,: to have been confined tO horses exclusively many .: huti-an beings from the horse. The - disease proting fatal manTstsses. muckcannot 13.1:& small Coin between making Change: It is gutl-Pi.but. .4110'04i 1)e AO -tiling- offensiv0.1uit of the &Sin, Ana at the, woe time it may _carry „the .-13044. ot The iiaia-k