HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-12-07, Page 6Tips-ufsittr.1.- Ti.)-iTir ER ND - )1: Aliii-"CIE FREELY
• A.J7JOR-)ENfi E(E I) trr.V.T.E.- '00N8C11'NOE WE
• earze ABOVE A ' fitITHE •iliERTIES.. •
7th, 188a.
St." fk*S9S4I '
. -THE DAY A.Ifiltv A W.11 HONOR #"
V.Titat th nigh we Sacitina,n 7 -agree- .
S,isit,411.1:t now al then,
-.E in 1- oi.)iriton fretj
- • ,
rnilinchln ampia en,-
•;Slo Cireedsidivide.Tu Itere p. •
.4.14ke ;Conservative t
onefrejOice_to"-tO.ch4 der
"".The Day.an' w a h-nizy
CF. 1
l'aq Day an' a,' wan, .1.n.mor
• What tn•igic in that SitnOlep'arase
fireg*.l•ny-"tiloo!J f ver he _
naiads" ine fkr 11366ro.y.f aes :
Scotia'a -1-eorths:a!nd and Seeps
•Seem gliding:at nty: yerrf
patriot4ing, extiltat t.has
The .D.iy. and- a' liont,
• It .wafts me to days 1 tig eget*
. Wit graved the'
deeds eclipsinci- tafa.t1-1• .
Ade* him . fain e; a -1 d 'free -dear. .
- Tisce th-O.fiah of bros.. s.worcl -are; ,•
And Sdotian-its. foes full treat, --
11 them for oiir idogatt- r
• The Day vva;Iiono
arrick spear,
. .
- S.t: Patrick -:-- error:of- the
-1 Old Brin.s sons May- i,vell ho 4 earl
They wit huh frOm the' and
. Oakes,
tliis we .irlo his .ante r -ire.: --.:
S. Oeorgeloved 'less the ce04.1 han Spear,-
. . .
Why -sainted" prizzles.R.t9Le wit
. 4
.., liere'S to St, Andrew's- Ini,entor are,
. . .- . - .
- :•-•• The PaY 'i' a,' -virlikt . Win) i
Letmiggarri: 1:-indieq m,is out j
Too .. in`earilf.c.fittitili! - on th cost, -
Th e pattiot 'flame to fa ,.say I
• 1
Ts never love' or labor Jolt, .
.The4 of our Day le.I's t ake th a ,,----
. ,
_Time never travels h If So fl
, •
- ...-:.1s„when togetiiiirs Scots ' en to
- '' The 'bay' an'. a' wha, .honor „
. . - . - •
0 ,
. .
et. reople LoNeed,-
-Wonder :how Man :._-• men . and
- ,
. . • _
: Women are - really -.114p in: 1 theii-
• . : :- : , .,.i, ,• : . , -
:marriages ?" he s ysei ,
. . itatively,
= " Killeen • eiratn't, I ..linOw; r : fellow,
the: egli:he, vi.4s.. patient as ale iigel with
lier .l.siclysTaip, OA- alway tried: '-tO -
. • •
peer gain; ancl..
.elieuicln t say that tl e An ,,eley'se doe
s'.• - ' ,
- anestic life is one of meuxe I bliss, -
- "Neither of the vonaen-lhyon- • have.
. . . .•
. onentioned has et in her to li- friend es•-
.. . .
. well as. Wife,?' she sa ;i.f an she is - a'•
: „!trifile disappeinted- hen- he reps the.
. , . _ ,
eliandlee has been .ho ding al his time,
• • .,rii1,•....„. siertirig'up,. :ex lailsis•
' 4 N76-1r-."‘Yr--6--ff--..i •---e•',ii ther •
. .
• _just evha.t. -Darragh. oifld...
-• ..ehing that.:4,-,Ivonian thca'ild
thoUgh--=4riend,_ .gu de,:' lo-,
. .- . - : e., , .
,,,..ee...ff..igore...' guide' than anyt - .. elte -
.. , . -,
Fili,thinkieg," kra..91Liarvt eau; -me
ecieevler-e..7_ "Your _bee, 'Oil- ,....nrrait . it
• Lorirtie rule ;.you -ar not bki n to ,. be
.,• . .
5; •
-• But -though she: says this i
eteneost .convin ing
een is. not Won back to 1
ren's side nor does resunie
terrupteel*ciasp oz ner
this -day.
'least iee-'n-live- And uninjutede - but •hee
heart- s'x'eleent,as she rea.ds-: I
; the shot
was Uleailet for '1.11Q):1 ani sure:. You
unisy break the awfueneNve to his poor
„Wtdow." :
Vor. a "few moments 2 she _sits'. down -
crushed and- alMost .paralyzed by the.
.,Werga-Of the burden that _been
laid- .:upOiillreie. and-Wonelers if it be
pe's,q-ble toe.vade.the pittilas task. But
-quiekly- the; reel wqma,nliness- that is
beneath .her vanity and.'earlessness
serts itselfe_and she rine, praying that:
she :may:be .given :grape to tell. the
.oruel tru.th tenderly -641d --:
. • . -
If she can only catch Lady _Killeen
• before' the latter, ;leaves home for the
ball 'There is still a chance of doing
-this, for -Lady :Killeen isapt tobelate
.on these occasions. -.. Mrs.. Annesley
•:suspends her own dressing operations,
and, hurrying on -a large. wrap, .rims
clown --to her carriage and set S off agairf
for the hoesej which she has but lately
• • •
-left, to tell the happy Succgssful hostess
that sh is the widow of a murdered
man !
"IoW. shall 1 tenth. ?” she asks her-
self over and over aeeainets her carriage
-rapidly traverses the .short distance
between the two houses, "it's -slow
-torture-to 'break thins'
and. the *shock: may kill her if -1 blurt
ip abruiltly • .how Shall begin"
•She is at the door now, hearing, as
tone bears things in a dream, that "her
. ladyship left ten minutes ago.". e As .
.. . .
theservant tells her this her dazed face
pelljd in the All -lamp' light, strikis I h
-him with a -ti.tddeie conviction of e:vil 1 a
f ft)':tlie,hoilse which he serVes, and he. -.t
-- "-You' bring bad news for my lady,
:adds, hutriedly; I - .: : ••• - .. . I h
_ . .. - d
meant ; isit about:----;--;_ •
.... . , . • -
.. "The Worst, the verk. worst;". -0i-e
says; „witlea,gasp that prepare him foe .1
• - n
:the words that follow; "Lord . Killeen' °
has been -killed, - shot:in mistake •for 111-
. 47.7.1.*PaPlaik.,,a04„
-Inewledge Comes whrel:plitysiesi-f-ers,e- : in ignoranc.e. ; she let ra- e go Out ..i.l. he
le how can I. aiis7ere,",e-,.e. , , gay and enjoy myself. : I might have
' Mr. raid by .the litornirgil'iciit flickers been ancii.ig: at the :very time they.
in. 'and pal - th -1 - '11- P ill d
.. - es , e amps, aleypte_._ these.carrying Harry's dead body to
. two are o gether, :bitter -4...y .,, 'sorrowing Paeragli '; :_ii was wicked of her to keep
sti , u. gropi ig qtdr AVP '. t5Ut ,fl'Ora : such knowledge -from 7iie,- hie wi
th, deadliest tternets "Mhans _ of • e Darragh' had ne certaia IFii•o•Yv-
pr ers fram by the eeds ' and-- ledge," he pretests. - "She got a hint
.we iled by .the ir heerts. , •
-... , : from Kathleen -L -the , pretty Oaddagh-
. Mrs. ,A nesiey; drik -e, horae in girl, you know -and and , acted on it
the pallid- ligh iof dawn:ie resolves , to the -best other ability.".
tha this: trouble _that .s ergl 42,,ing-1,,acljr 1 "She Might `have Influence
Killeen shall:hot fall upon'''..'ierself.: If . friends to spare her Cousin," the. e
_Rolert'slines are. cast -•io. -,,eland,.un- weeps ; bet they and their 'fa
ple eent plaee-4S it ii, sel I hers be 1 wrongs and their wicked, idle,
also" e Witliceit'clelay-she wind up thirsty waVs. are. dearer to hei
affairs in GreelliStreet, fa he woret,• family ancirespeetebility..Qh-,A, r
askloutright and boklly f 11 Cheek to forgiv.e me for .being aegry witi
may hear ,froin some one teat Lord
Killeen and Darragh are -a 4. married
shortly. For, naturally Ki
seaure his prize, new that fo!-tune has
made it -possible for him to citwith-
fe) t out delay. Naturally he wiLl Fevear his
_Jewel openly, now that he ca!..4 zet it so
--Dolly hears of it with 1 -ifeigned
satisfaction, fore -money is en 'nev and
, rimy it not make Ronaiys path
d her smoother'? .
vidow " Not even poverty can '*ii,-*Gte be-
ecied, tween them -now, ; and . I eel glad,
blood.- -Dolly tells herself bravely'. -
* than thilii3luittigDataerdrargliinjoieraersii3nfteiitis:,141L inore.
ithjan any of the others. Her plan is
plani befere her now, even s Dolly
hae done; she settles in her oi h mind*
that by means of this mon -- Ronald
-shall be hapspy at last. 1.
(Te be continued.)
e -
defray the- bills she ourrhe never- to foram me for saynee hard things of •
hav incurred, 44d. go -over -1 Darragh -your love; but I have loge /..ily Ins- .
ina•fit of contrite econone,, • to share band, and she &new. what was coming,.
.her husband's fate and ---forie 'nes. - '• and -would notshow' me how :to save
e ,
y dawn..
sees . in
ehis a her "-DarragWe anger ; and resentment,
intimate-fFencts, :Bina' eliese eon- her detestation.. of the way' they are
. ,
her thati eis her- drite,7 -to stay carrying on the work is' as deep as
-of the country; or, .at lea,stee she leas I
your own ; . she has ceased to ehare my
lopes and prayers for the.better future
aged to share my sympathy with the
vaithey are Struggling fer freedom."
, .
• -
-This is her r'eSolve as ,
horde in the Palrd light of ke,
13et.leterin tile 'clay. ell
strictest se -a few d
him. She is in accord with them, and
yeti are in. accord with her, and and
my gle'ef are nothing to yon-."
izehe is, .t :keep 'her: husband's
before th world in tii-iici ration
of tl at day whe he shall 4, ieibly re-:
thrn to:his peac ful. aied paying..pract:_i e
_ice itLend:one orct Killde 's murder
iS an awfally tt thing i1,4,.' -teed but
sinceet hes mer aveM id a simi-
• - -
lair We from Mil, A.nneSleee '‘Ocencieen •
Sense 'and- wifelyl - affection. eobine to -
mak her regar it with re iiehatibn.
al:Ida:1'6r her going te IrefeeicI to Join
, ..
im 1 why, U)fliuIlOh. sense 1-11' - evirely
ffecfieon: ought to Cernbine , r forces
0 le`e p. herin London in::: ,e -ler that
e in y be. lured there. Witlt as: little
ela ae possible. et :
Thi papers teem With :-.1,4 petsrthat
•'e mere or lets inaccurate f'.,,I. fee man -
er - And; -niotieir- Of . Lord::1Killeen'e
ath , but, Widely es.-theyN,eey differ,
other respects, theyhre 041 -:greed in
is.;,that -Lorcl-lilleen di'! in in place
• ..
an tiler • men j - that; ' - in; eaet, the
'Bet Which has i-ereed hisletkin. Was
- • • th
_some -elle...else Mr. Aneeeley teleerapliS
. .
hied I .must •go and tell her. •
'• of
"No " theierVarxt says,:wiiing. his
eyes - undisguisedly her ladyship.
44' well Meant" -for Mr. AnnetV And
must be fetched. home -and heAr it d-nd .e•
still obert and Dollyeareai,: iJarrag,h,
' •
- • . •
1-3.S ' Opt 0)1.
.from you hereeina'ane• yew-, face would . I
Her ladyship irdiet be • :fetched. h.onie.-
Three da -vs after the
-,tell her the -truth. - efore -you eould ; - - _re. ..,- , ., ,
h.ne-07 11e...rd _Killeen is in Len
s- peak -and to hear • in a bath -ow -nee:
i „ a interview with the
' ',the la 'one. - It is only her. le that
- All that j.s best and ;womanly ii he shonlcl do this, and ine oni-i:' t him-.
-Marian Annesloyesprings into ttroneer. If ke ows: how '6 shrink-_:roin the
life as .she -sits waiting for Lady- task. . •
ler . the
,eidow of
Killeen in the etill lighted sa/on, .
--.vhich they have all been so merry bat •. His has been a oul tadcleir:ig joure
an _hoer ,ago. .Bet. for ...he " merest -116Y, f r he has )5-1 u- ght • wit4 /1'11 e
chaieOe-e-an.unsteady.-aini, perhaps, -' corpse Of the cone n who Iia:s fallen. a
_ . or - • • , .
the failaresto.- (.118er:finnan:ate' between' -ric-tire ;to the more malignant-e-eiritsdf
the-_twe mere ---her own husband would that cause -which ihe (the -lie..., .,,Lorcl
have m. et .with:L..O.rd_ Killeen's Ia t ', a' d -Killee. ,) has so fordly foster .And
dahe would have been theberefteVonanthewi(ris net.
the: w•einall th for -
to whom the grine tidings still have to: get 116
lat she -has alwayg
.ee brokehe: •• Ass thit.'refiection i ed of ispolitics ,•iid his
borne. ..,. . - - .1-- hner
- --. - • of
m upon her miad, a sharp- twinc:re of pursuing them.
conscience for having let hini go into.
peril without her seize e- her, and with
unfeigned feeling she says :
"1 Will be a better wife -if it pleases
God to spare him !"
- •
The minutes _that she: has to. wait
- -
seem *like hoUrslandyet shedreads their
passing,dreads the ineinent that must
bring her face to fece with 'the poor.
• wife.who is to learnfromher (Marian)
that she it .a widow. - .:When.the hears
the carriage -stop and a moment after
hears Lady Killeen's rich robes rustl-
ing as she hastily sweeps through tne
anteroom, and then across to 'ti spot
.where Marian stands, the Jetter•feels
'berel.exzeLete..........eeeeee Lime, _ ai
that , the :words, 1--Yo-i-irTirt-paerci is
murclerecl„" are printed on_her brow. .
There it a- presentiment of eorne
rrow.ahead in LadyeKilleen'e
t she .is -far,, pier thing, from.gtiesSel
g -or suspecting the 'extent .of •the•
of -thin
never coul
s,, and the
take. a bier4 view
e's*nothilig J'1,11 the
as sharp uncle-
servin Suffrin e-oeght °it alle 13Y;
the hand of • man,", he tell: hieriself,
is at I room
st he. is seniimoned to
li poet.- La:c1);• Killeen
her .woe.
els constrained arid awk ;.Vard to
snrprisers t�
tell ittthat t. is not af, eeether
le •
euiltle+ -of having 11A -ought. --0.14.17t this.
•bitter end, and the same sofnethieg
s that he may be acc(4.,.::;ory to
in *hi
ing wi
his ow
Ier Miest
Lord bu
-seat by .i -n
and - 1.3y; ,A*.ity :f mit thE
,of her subtly shaped rooni,
• ,
ersonal chars, -- he reads
iins of -a.. frAntic. little .fitee -
,Igeefinitilai the -speech-the
, - •
iisorning, and he reads- i
.#*tigatea disgust
Liter in the day twome
ested ea the ch0arae of -hay
. ,
Ibient to Mu:Me -
of having-.slitt and!'
he e
:.,,• .
with un: fel
isc sti if he goes on fielding
the futli3,'ohf.1.3._is oadLearati,nl
otolie flameWi
. ana f er-Tr
are lighting in Ireland.
He il far more subdued 1.1, aspect
now that -he is the rich and pr4eerous
had eve, seen him when he
lthe house, than Lady head of fleille-en
calamity which, has overtaken her nearly - dependent cadet of it
until:Mariam looks -Up and bolds her Lady Killeen's heart is toile 1,
- - .
ands out.. Then, 111:41;4ashilt all re-
veals itself,. , and with ea piteous:, help-
less sob the
Tell me how -tell -41' e-s-e'vo'r37‘ .f.f.'" is repentant of ever ihavingmrk ee_ai. nue-
•Then the two women Who -I -hay. been self UP i‘rith a•ea*usel -that is 11,-tirtAie
united -in the fellowship • of • fr volit
• - • -
by blood And that lin his blind acle
her* co
TEE -T-aux-br TILE T9LD.
• When Lord Killeen'is will coulee tO
be read it causes-411110st as much.- Con-
sternation among the mei*bers of :his
family -and the. more immediate circle,
of his friends as his death has :done.,
For he has left ten -thdpsand pounds
but Of his personal` estate. to his cousin
. •
• ,
„. Left it to her "-in discharge of:a
. • .
just debt to her -late father." Such is
the way in which the legacy is worded„
and no one, knows that the debt, id
merely one of- gratitede to his late
ancle.,-. or that he las taken- this
means of -discharging it out of Ins deer
regard -Co Darragh, and his ,doubt as to
the treatment Darragh might TpreeiVe
from his in case of the girl being
depeadent on that. lady.
"Teri thousand pounds tebarraglir
The announcement of, the fact acts
like a tonic upon Lady Killeen,-. rous-
ing her from the enervating depths of
grief, andstringing leer up te the strong
old spite againsteDarragn.
"I believe inthe spirit of the • old
-song; 'If she undervalue me; What care
rleoW fair she be ?" Lady Killeen* says,.
u.sing the spur to make him leap aside
from hisloyalty to his- cousin: „
- That's just :what Darragh eh
never donee' he says, carele,sely. If
anything, she has overvalued me, and
as I think more of hef and Of her good
opinion . than blything else in the
:iron't talk About her 'any more
to you now, for you're not in the mood
to _say nice things of her."
- TR tAttiliE
- - •
• Di t .t1 t) %VEST tt.SPIOTE AN1) .13.1tAJ; El
MENT: 4 guaranteed speci6c for hip -merle,
DiZziness,'Iltmvulsions,.Fits, Nervoi .1i Nt111C
algia, Headache, Nervous .- ivstratit iii.eansed
by the use of LIC'1111)1or tobacco:- WA, , if ultresli '
Mental DePression, Softening r f ill ;
resulting in Insanity and leading tt roisei•N ,
• • deca,y and death. Premature old tip ;;;Iiitaile/i:
ess, /Joss of Power in either. sex, 11).‘... .ilunttirY
Losses and Spermatorrhcea, Caused i .- y liter-
-excrtion of the Brain, self-abuse or ; •.1)Y-ei• in
du Igen ce. One box will cure reeel :•.i en scs.
E:tcli box cialtains one inontlfs tr 'atinent.
-One dollar a b ix or six boxeS for fyi dollars;
Fzent 1)y mail ivePairl on receipt of, vet:, .e. we,
guarantee six boxes to- eilre any cag.,, With.
each order reeeived bir 11S f01' 1.4X 1/1. "}.0:1, TIC- -- -
companied wsth fiVe dollars, we:trill i; tile
pnrchaser our written guarantee to rt Ind the
to odey. if the tteatinent driak not t!ffe(,,. a cure.
Gu. ran tees issued' roily bfri(.).1-11 NT i!,.- Ala7,3•FI''' 6
2tr! (o., -Sole 1)ropriefors, 81 and 83 I ing "St,
'East "Torontd Ont . -G 1.1? Ber,r-t i- 'rro'frit
: _ 1 • G. .- ...+: i •r,cs 7
LilekneW . i
,N-0 other complaints are so insidiens in ,eir at-
tack Rsthose aifectinl,i the throat and lung, : 310118
• -sd trifled with by the 1iaj9r4ty of SUfferet The
.erdittary cough or cold, resulting perhaps ';I:orki 4
tizxItn or unconscious exposure, is often;'.itt the
beginning of st fatal sidliness. Armies ,1-tElt1r4*
1-).EVFORAL has well proven sits eilivaey in; forty
years' fight. with rthroat lux)/ discai anal
should be taken,in all eases without delay
A, Terrible ;cough 'Cured...
n is, I took a, severe cold, which affeil- 1117
lungs. I had 4. terrible cough., and passet:,itilit
. after night without sleep.- The doctors git 'e fro
np. I tried. Ay-r.n."s C1114:1LRI'1"44-f0.11A14 Arich
. as • relieved my lang,s, induced sleep and -dr .. "11 nie
the rest necessary fee theirecoverybf my sti •.igtit„,
,. I3y the continued. use of the PEel'on.,11., A
e. 7 't P '...'
nent care waS efrocted. 1.2111 710117 -62 Sea e ee
hale: and hearty and ant batistied your Cf:/41ml
PEero n..1.1., saved sue. -1101tAt;EF.111:11R011_-%"
Itoekinn.hana l'I July lii 1t-.5". '
".You can hardly wonder aemy be-
ing ft little sore about Harry's infatu-
ation," she sa.ys,depreciatinpely, and lit
does wonder at the -coarseness which
cale_allow her:to imply that. her dead
husband had more- than the regard of a
kinsman fel- the-orphan2 cousin whoni
they (the Thynnes)• regarded •• a Stile
glory of their house.
- Other peoplebesides Lady *Killeen
• ,
Are greatly exerciSeit when they hear
of this handsome •leererv
eurhp0;ituhsaelurd.eaprOsuanudds'aiwdli,i j‘cellitteaheikaliSqvtefirlaesi.lre;trhicaticto,
they "see the finger -of -Providence in
just this sum-havineffallen to the lot
of the girl for whom their son RonalcPs
oor, heart is siek..-
" It's a clispensation,"Mrs:Mabkiver
'says, solemnly. "That _which like
been taken from Dolly has been given
tolYarraeleand it's notforus to repine."-
' .
, and
'donee won 1! by the_c_lia,nge in
is sole -owing for his co- , he
ana Iastuon, or some time past, -are. motreel
;drawn cloier: toffethei in •the hnlir cousin -
So s tells herse
head anid.breken wof-ds,. he cotiees-and
p_ffers her hie:heartfelt
. -
Ipwsliip Of serrow. and :syMpethy.
It is Worthy of .reMark that no-
eak against, no fierce detinamations
those . unknown - ones _ who. have
rdered her hutbaiM _ ihroak--:.from
dy Killeehit..lips-;as the story;' so -far
it is known to. Ateriate. -Annesley,
folds itself. .
'Ire Met his death trying .0. -be, of
toAeliert;7,-Alys. • AnneeleY . cries,
hir head d6Vvn ag she kneele
- •
s fury has sacrifie'e
, <.• ,
. • . -
are eare. 7.or
shOt 011. P:f'
tin- esley, 11111
d-:Lerd .--ae
-arragh"t indi
ief and
-1111/2 011
01a dagh geilos lover. tho
' Ull
or, .one .these.viten•
the, would AitAk4
tea2y Kill'aen's side. •"Will that
light stand between us
ko,yon feel more pain than comfort
anything 1- can 'do for you or say tci
don't know yet," poor poor Tiady
s hopelessly.- "How can
elf I I , never knew
new.e.as yeti
"Neither is it for us to scheme to.
make-thransfer pleasant and profit-
able -Co Ronald, mothet,"„ Mary. ears,
stoutly, and _Mrs., Mackiver
his AVOWS that euch'epwas far from her
• thoughts, her daughter shakes' an- in head about the Matter.
" Won't .Darragh I come to- ne4.?1.she
sobs. • '?Is she harder, than yetit, are -ri-
. Then She learhs.-from him he* Dar-
. ragh we t over striving to warn: end
save, .aild how she ,arrived too. latzi ,pact
how hers was the first halide that'
- . p •
e murdered nia.n -
, .
whole hear_has-.-alway een
Peopleewho have kitle,‘ my
husbancr "Lady: =- Killeen . says. -1fillef.
her eye , and -_speaking very,_ e -rly.._
"She is With them, and of them i, ehe
.knew, i eveii seernk ,that his: r vas
" He
in ,„ar- roue;
t toieit'''
,,or* why •
sho t
gone ov r t •
o strive to
y. rarn
Ronald hears of it -. ..with unmixed
pleasure..: That . the girl he loved
should be placed above allehearttick-
ening; Mind-weakening'aniriety and
want it a source Of' pure and perfect
joy to him. Pertolialleve knows Iie
• has no. • interest- in lhe matter.
Whether' bareagh be rich or peer it is
borne in upOn him pretty strongly by
this, tithe that she is -110 for him.
• Nevertheless As 'loon as he can get
out of bed and walk about,jielongito
join -his regiment, for he hears that he
is jiano,diserii,11:0ezifhoer.eisrteilliai:efd..the rupture
of .tho;POPPAil9n.,t ',between Darragh
ve auck'her cousin. .It is the dread that
: .1iiraily:risfut to face, ,this one, • •
ereinthe coaiie of the current day, -110
' Croup.: ---A Mother's Trabute.
“While 10 the country it whiter my
bo, three years old, was taken with cr( '.:p; it
secmpd pis if Ile Vmuld the front strangu. 4tion,
One of- file fainily suggested the use of A
P11E11111' i)841'6ICAL, a bottle 4)f Whith .? al-
' ways -kept, in the house. This was tried in
and, frequent doses. and to liar delight in les `khan
half „an hour the little patient was hreath9. ea4
Hy. Ile doctor said that the CHERIOr 2.ECI MtAla
had:saved Inv darling's lift. Can you woni Cr at
otir„gratitUde? Sweereir ;veer*,
3,7A1 West -128th NevraVIII-Tots'A:3,I.1131rAsyerl
1 have melt ..3.vin's CI.111.%ItY Pr.erolt.A.T. =luny
ftonily for several ye:ors:1131d do not Itesit te
pronounce itilte most effectual reancdy for c nitz
and colds we have -errs tritd. A. J. Cla "
Cfpilti, 3Parch 13,
"1 St'tireTed for eight years front Bronchia , and -
offer trying. tunny remedies with no suereai,/ - was
cured by the use of ..41.y.En's en Fit n -v 34.24.
' AF01110t say enough in praise of AtMets:----
€I1E111tY PF.CTORA.1.., belleyiritr, 08 do tha ,but,
for its use should long' moue heye died 1rezji
lung trintbles• • E. BRAGDo.:-
Pstltine, Text -mil 22, 2882.
Nei ease ee an affee' Lion -of the throat or rags
exits eannot be ereetiereheredeeth-
oe.eyelee Cunitny PzoronAL,and it will - aye
titre when the 411sease is 1.1a0t alreatlY heyou.,:t the
..ecintrol of atediehle. -
• /2331EPAREp
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.Lo
Soldby Dn.
• . 1$1909 1701{10EIT-'
Hav4.1ne. the upensi, con tidenie in its sDerl-
inity over all others, and after after 4116u -sant
'tests ofthe must teenelica,ted and soy trest
eases we eoilld find we feel justified in 410 :r5
to forfeit One Thousand Pollan for'sny
of coughs, 'colds, sore throat,itifinenza,1146 1.1rse-
ne4s,bronchit-is,6mmiznptionin i16 4%1.1,1 eeee
vinoociinsz °thigh clad al/ tikieeses 'of the. at
and luugs 'except Asthma, for wificiCYse,:)rdy
cliiin relief.ithat elm' ti*Are 'Ott!. 1.'tst's •
Colieh,Syrup.•wben takehreceordieeee
Sample bottles 35 =di(), cents; 4rge
•pottles one dollar. ClItine .wrappere _malty
in blue. SoM by All dru 'ets or sent
preison receipt of Price. X k).. W 4SU.'
Cio„Irt and 83, St, ‘,„fit• 'Tori .to,
Ont. W. Berry, drugcrie Lticknow. .
iNYTNTORE 8c-tid model or sketth ofay
invention, when. I will -make frreful ,ary
eximination„ and -report fig opateAtabiiitk,c4th
lavice eircgtars, etc., FREE, aF'cizzArt,4.E.
All busintm before T.T. S. ,Patent OfficO 'at -
ended ea, for m()DERATE :?EES.
atien end reference, ent o eppliestion.
• -
Directly4017,pobililiteTTUIELS11. .1;%Vhi