The Sentinel, 1883-11-30, Page 7a 7 §1 . t4eo�� , !.rel J W N tj _�'Vreed.:b� ris h I "'Was e YOU Ow. U. U-. W Did I ever ell xtAiby of tl� wo d .G M Rr- JAW.'. 4, 4 L lad -14 W amoff -by th X TM t miners in thoidamp, one �Uhk of- h6 oldest b es. - .;a ffu vee were, uni nim d, Wire, _fenqe-1S,­ *th -n in-h:i "h t6�;`&i�pp`under`a,baf Whil -and-- btrnac2e4f.tji arnae The' e resp [ouslly, in flid .-ond IM106t J;q%_ Pa.,l was, i f 4 t W, �hdltt _And, N ow it, A X11 all ';Y,*y, Hd yyw.. i� �6f Leat c Well 20 id You - .1 .11 1 1 . � I I A .." .. I r ho",acel id Bill. IIi Y,, b. u, e, 1had een *as killed Cher JuMpe I h" a -�YZket& what V3 IS 109 dq-­­ othet-cie.6k V so eFsUyp,,!qst i ile hunti- id Ubw De-ni deri­ h th. our -.c eyeningwas- ixo �5yargex JOU-N nsville, for dek bir& Y, on my -ire ug 75 9- up" e- :friend, 3 - fire ii4 hit X, R9 S -8 -14 kL -ST H.ughes 4 -OVESw STOVES hoting. P of ere aw th� t dA h- o hs low w en s stanwn, f 6fal1kihds ctiirer ]a th u me o e a ge,grey wlf t�t cowar aferV Ka riied. ifii�jing, h tin, d one -of the snial A b -U, -�hm 861fin, the*�i�f-ibejf ora :3.00 -ty-ards 6 ote, kij4d� _iit, w p e(T n b�ute as a 7ar otiwiJ �'-He was found &4d.. dg I dia�4 ut, I X-ge as Newfou�a b r Tku ks hi are -tb in& at a! George, *hibh.At: Ja �pleaaurejjtjnjormi -that -mo e cittzens of Dieki�ow -,and 's6verb I Ag ioundiiig�,. cofifitry. Sur Ar er.. a Ha -v in iibhasiIdtbest()c Lruess"eta - i�' The w.ejjpQU,­w. 9 0 tkat he has opene4-' -shop formerly opeup. X. 9ART'� Hsi I -e " out',in the 6d by JoH P b beld Dging F�azu e t;i There hO,.. stood g4unt, an w ii Nvin: ON -he d U pverto. over, Ao. s Whitely House =4 is. pyepat�d ell'.. P prey are no 1PY S. f h Y im&king is -lie a pmew- oba D -ftA r ewit)m',er i d,tjrl�i. 00, R 9TH. bei i he, p sic 07 azid, "neifi- v his antiei*ed meal that w s a irug store-.' ea la0l �rried his ov er his �shou r but ple aiat.Wthe possible siibjoct of al- Oa. an(I Lanip� G Id; ood ANo as ere. accid h I * rre,i, .; . ot .)a s ontly-Aischarg- killing Dr d, I r, age 7 knew fE asso Who to d6 I 0- u4i enow d-vance the brute - ho om. pTice av§ -an .Chincr in, his li _E* ,Itroughing d.Re1jairing.:L -OttS. ad�p, in. a. I.years, �r itteiide -.n -6ed -P f1 to. A eaTly can sb1i6i t r" #0 ee in. -al. -18 years ld entered C We -Y, -that the" warned me orch manner.". Ali. - . Point W --axid. showed his t th Charles 00� led E I Al ANS AXD DAIRY PA - LS- A, -.-.SP TYj brought his fg u was ffect baxiod to 11do.e. hiintiAg all d a.LA e ----------- Ing t awn on otile go -thes tireleil-flendsi I 16t r treat.,. as e e v4s, diff �killing Cella. Agerts Wdnted* tun or ait Lu�knlpw and kileiv, could-outr' of­t;.E-ureka--- Nev. h ra ewil at As I the fleetest horse.; a otten J34 -.1 haa-for- S7 carlTing ili'sh6t gun with t ntry theit 11 -h&Ve 0 ay, 0 -1 -x -the bar- -my. gun. or rppairs �Ws d 'wn 41n conne'ting t 's 4 left 6� n%2. cou 2 It .ope-ned up d -ha w dn d:�!t- s m-tich a�s a revol*er -with rdjs ith ek fen put, and the .17f es, gun w, ns, mee ilemip. ing mio, db6l L.4�ed blow* E yev GREAT DOLLAR PAPER& at�upl 'a 'd s a -wt a -so tar -P'me y �trees TR cast-- ni l6g ofE r n this d R HOP Iii I �d G Geae (sep Mil ve hours.*_ft being- aceld hot "on ion Iran to. Men -V - hand by hii�, � f h hunting. The Without further c' 'siderat _W on Pkt all tz 'it -an'&:.@iDibed Ia. an bverhan&ing -e V11 _. U eliti 0.1d 9 ta, 41. 1 will k hip. -t 'Io the:ri*uht I ' I i i -ei inn�apolis.. .:Th -e ki '"-b le fe* rods. frcii& t lod'ye under th 04 1 . e fk;tII 'OF PrItESH MEAT. ALL I 1 .1, _,6e;_V u FROAH NOW TO -END 0 �-86sely' 'artqj�Y d he branch, d purs e. by.. h. wolf all F . . .......... b. 'o arrive. dii.ectli -b6heitth the leil to h DO at.�,C) - -P rts 6f the me t .I., tre the same momen �was.secure -St.LoI 00 e at', wen., Vill �r - I 1. .-. - 0 as e 'Wwag-supposedto1ave ner A 8 h6k VNcitbc i �-ranehes. -the sin L A-Ri a its !�safe, for bee' near abeing- but -t e situ G Ve me 14 call... e.. a ion was a A -A .1 tim. overo lias itec 4 After' iliaving restore to 0 0 made pi6duced a.simil e-from,th6 41 from, and .1 fro ar� "On arm M rht L .9th.- n jiL OYe.- 'E biut ho ­m t, EVer�y �fr in pleasan iA vemiant AM19 Pouch taked fiom, z face, 'THE DAI&I B S"Uj 0 QL0 e w ean.while a;dded to the asantn, u .. - �ly. ho_wIS �rt 01an OLSt in ati�n 6'f - the -m une n ess-.6f 'Alogt, a. . &� accident -he: 3e `-'THE'GREAT CANADIAN PAPER.'" *bn A P!0 t asi by a con- alue a�d infl.tten-t/41 afriul' t6 rdd, ue%r, he. Burr., '0%.k.- ffas. th� most exten �Ae o tow Charle&13 -ahg 11 nc ah* News, h4ted meri0a; is for' its extenskd Cable _tlegrap, to pason 'b )I pon"Commercla d F! anoloft in wooing ikiA aiid-Nath`��ii- Cu'shinbury h -a -great.'cuttim _Y frd his wolfish throat, dhad-L the 1�tate' t _Inp to come. down aud b' 4d `bAgged '.much ere, iA imhAraft rougliout the L!ominton.. fur�i good day' �ppr a r -0 a tern Ymep jof r their ggy Fee down. th" u hi I h bb 'SUBSCRIPTIQN P 9! 9. th6low-7 0 jug "I)ro MO.. -Half Ye -,�u6e the S. Otte VMtrower gam meal., 0 year� ior brancheg, there i -the cool harnes ke Y t �they were gq;,ig d the 'ji r, ett RAVER.' -eo dsee-my e bmY_91 10 6 Y r3. i. - .-- t --. fL Quart St a E lot- arIng wn hill jight 1 ul n ail rowine I., 110 -was h r 10 t 0i. -C18 me FFICS- t io, th4�,'_ lIggy Wo-!; OVetfUl in %nd a a ea y re i In. order to increase our Ir arg-' ist of yearly'L subse. ribers,to - d 'I bleKeques magnifi- .1.8. - many times dujrin,� the' ib&al and-- -'shot7gmnacross, his ldp� Tnx�N Y.GwAig, -maki the "Itng I k..: Reasc#%A' to every read r cwho to.: take ima;.0ine �6416wis The ths ha ea. s, crimching I er ex g.f �his io cent off jgeofit.a once. gdvant. or; an 6d 00 wp this-, �Vttqr get.,' 91 and In fee as 'guspense 1 ll�ng 07�L viiii sen1 to any addre'SA4 Canada -or -the U.S. =U)U ry -is'. e oursee luteir 'was simp o v --horrible. inTHE WEE it, L f. GLOBE Th' -'h In in adL th�iy ic. em6rY­ e IS butte cov-, of th�s t d *eekjs� afi e at t e DSOXE r Mid t6end of Decembei2 i8U and ditioii A 1UN. sil ti und4rth Ohaif;i eyes 'and that.. STX1­YMM1XG,- WANE': h. breiakfa tbld !Y Yo,%Y1 itil I iff a afte, at -i it is'a r ags. seeip afane h aculat6d-Ur, vcove�.--, aun, me. 'Fin Ye Match is ef iv,�.,venient Aize;. m is ne. V n;ed: ke' - �d d atti�� requires no wid, a Pf Vic -Ad ames ralates. inder, k, 1 Gora e to hdve passed, Ahe -moonygh.t s go -tit. .1 .,-- ­ I .. . - ed e-kaNr' follmying as., throw ng atne inciudes'posttike, upon Watch tot any address in. TjW o� epneel dually s"Voiceed-bd bv -;d a v ik �off pod until. �a 401eik thi atdry gra on th Uni or,only hI&.14i e stores- s�a 'Iinuar' 20th, r8' the— ted tates; ser eats S p Capada or wijj.*.st.hjt�shipping jt&6� -on October i bII .'than Any other.'- a.-fe- h ting:- h6 iV: ingerino'" Par 1� ottaehi�� t6 her,�.*.3filgsty.1 A ijr 84. W 41P s ne ideari replie' 5th.. _Rexni:tt=ces be sent at once, so as.. ihe. olf a art r I to,engible Us to d Mr:i Vdneoivrj ep ed:and� 'I.! §tratgljtt� 'd aTY as: little -delay as SU ly-'Ond.L.-fial order's V p cure neeess � 12, � - f imb and sl d 'to -the Ito .-Pp ilt Y n it -do-�Y inv stiTene bl 0 calm imse ou: kno, Out s possi e. W Chirle '-Nvlc- rj aa, 1-1yjagat sphhea *19' gr9.. When I hed-the. mung, ea�in _i: -reac T11ru GLOIZ 2R==NG -0 ckj. ne eT ;about ix I& TM. *as- -tho .*. L .it 1 1. 1 t "RON . I q 'I rou 1xio uA _e& AS �rh '01 _ere illy exhausW and' *Yl i L � '%.y Just as the.W11 Mang -- ---- P e ay. down.aii-d-.sl�ept-ii,e-�rly'-tlie ivhol di The. make 1 t4)tftswr�raj to d 7eat-'0*11ar Apera Ve 4; my I' in In he- e Ve or -T xperien e -shall iem6mber as watch r -a.! was 'low -aroem -aid Aw A -he as. Ve ere place �dead long PASSM911 swum Pry IS" iorieA -th;&t�t s *d b6t )di v 1he. sh'� and -the ole �e WPESTE 8 p L9J KNOW A,Lake 0.glptain' s ereavem ent, A t6tce- where -bodi e es are. dlises, an'& thea'shes cirried 'ja' W 7 18 30% AND zw ."OHii It$ 'PW DEPOT - 1, aciou W S after *he -XIL - - Of W% rancel'o rn b -away ull e RN V The,' otiflea- nore -kw prepa"d iubscr�'Lb- r, ere. y n hoin AY AND PRONYNED BE ORR HIs EYEs. ba- M S. zeneW -that:h i" e il�: archive Y` ire think" -of a . . . . . . . to �e'xe a cute rk I his, lhwin pic S, y- d Y. inglI I but &A. -And shirggy-;= tStyle J. ifig, f a T, preame i e J§ngiL an to tow -sa e ev r g- perior - arrive dontif r a"ns k ef -:014rk- ��iglk Effi.e. a' in! the tireseAce of.a M N' A. U 'T `Wia going. t 2ML .1 xbje6t, �6f' --_De aA Bay iZe, orts ba p k se.en the- barge wa, &r !and fini it for S6d. in 0,- or� contri�" �ny_§a And -b!reitt -eno. whdr� S14 -W 1144 -manner Grf, ilA hai�o, A thie 3 toat4 4nd tft on a grati s lairige. $to colup ve V. gobd". �'ha gi us- ea�p, on a - k h -ar Pit n- ee c�p ain- an t d men.�,are- at' Bi kindsif. edlumber. AU. -them jew* P iyoness 'ea ielk H' hach%' .4nd ere� bad be;at e it at ThIl W m 'ot olose ow H -AND -f AOSS-� t* elt.' mrs W� ya, *heii- O.ORS1. 'P so inV was F On h=d or m4l(fle to -'The catitoW- and to brderj� at­sr0%* ar en, ln md, -fishermen., gqQ 'rajfttee goo -_Wf), as: bot 1419t, AS ta Im mod" al aftenda %aiii hav6- . . _ I as b d ' . p - -all �di�ik are. tpged and V' red d Ve d e fe. and, the t6rb, 0' w ku chidien _sW6pt,. oL erboard hown in L4� i'Muce, lo ep; none' butthp best of, AIDT12*03t- A kLied7sJr6osV1 Lth6 advertbL-d rem6d-. evera the -storiu, _d sea, ''AL nugib 6f h juents. in rown'ed and inkteiJia. er duriA, w6nt t ru-6k, �&and, your Bed ART. ve saw. 16,viniIot st the Aeja 0hbori-_-.'-whd- lad- u ina, gi, was seenv to it away. -Nothihc� MM G JOHN .. I ­ , , ­ - #. . I Lu6knowi el Xitch 22�n4, I i - : of three bottles rj� a Blvink OW Mi. -it ik tii which �m4ae; at the 'ie lie Wom pej 1. --a, ell. e new, Rsi My st1twk fT 1,tr, V�iypw chib6* un twep. rk� - hou Is.. Oat zty�eL and 0*7wit.. f :A t�xl h !M!9'Fluid Aitlitimb*197 -we Ag live. thio jiyh,�rause-in N IDD% V911 t(k -i a pes ic k TOR 4imef916441 abiq D h Y I- ills andt thq .:F st ihat ela TI: pal D&C F r in: He"I f tt or er.: 'Ore 06�" , - . jjtv U7 40 jAU d "7 JIM --- WI# Lo