HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-23, Page 5' • lifrealt • TF EAfikf t {1tT --a- OMR - 'Jrt FzU WWi is AND -BRAIN' 1'R I.';cl`, guaranteed specific for I:£stera:: a3 ar<itiess, Ocinvu}sioniz. Fits, Nervous Nei r - a,i r ifeadache, Nervous L rostration,caused h: toe.use of alcohol or tobacco, Walefulnss efit='al Depression, Softening of the •i rain, restating in Insanity and Leading to misery,. <4; :v and death, Prcnature old age, Barren- . e -a, boss of Powar ineither sex, Inv«1untary 1ri..ses and:Spermatorrrhom, caused by over exe,rtion, of the Brain, self-abuse or ever iz . rl11t{rence.. One box will cure recent :cases. :cc a bac contains one nionth'S .treatment.. }ne dollar a be x orSix:bones for five dollars; sent h3 -i- prepaid on receiptof,price.. We tarantee six boxesto eure any case... With' e--teh order receives by us for six boles, ac- e Imo-Lule:l w th five dollars, we willsend the p irc hvj r Our written guarantee to refund the Ismcieg if , the treatment dues not effect cn ;e. . Gil ran tees issued' only by JOHN C. WEST ei• (io., Sole proprietors, 81 and 83 Hi'i3g- .St. J ast, I'n'ri nto, ilrtit.:. G-. W. Berry; d,uggist, Lucknowv. Vegetable P Sicilian Having added :lar ei to ' his already Eaten ive: S g y Y re dared to furnish- everything re ui,redk was the first preparation perfectlyadapted.tocare diseases of the --scalp, and the fust successful Storer of faded or gray hair.. to -its natural color, growth, and youthful be auty It hps had man r imitatorS, but none have so fully met all the're- . ii emeits needful for the proper treatment of the hairand scalp., HALL's HAIR RENEWvx hats _• steadily grown in favor, and tpread its fame u ti .: I:sefuluets to: every quarter Of the globe. - .Its: un- paralleled .suceess § -paralleled.suceess can be attributed to but one• eanse. tlaeentire fulfilment of its pronzises. Theprreprietorsleave o2tenbe6n surprised '-t tie :receipt of orders from remote countries, whet they had never Inade an effort for its introductpa' The ase for short time of Hat L's 11 iia; T P.N - it wonderfully improves the .lie*sol tI. appearance.. It cleansed: the scalp from all pexriiies cures: all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents- baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and, enables: tiiern -tirp sh far- ward a.newroic vigorous growth« the erects of this artih1e are not transient, like those of also Belie preparations,1tut remain along'time;whilh makes its use a ii aatter of economy:: BUCKINGHAM'S Dir: FOR TIM WHIKERS • 'l1 change a the beard to: a natural brown'{,; Ion;. black, -aS desired. It produces a perntaneft color pat will not wash away " Consisting of .a single reparation,: itis aplied without troy bli. • i. PtR, PARF.:-.13 BALL• & CO., Nashua.N. .- Sold by all Dealers_ in Medicines, .POR ALL .OF Ser_of tons, ercuria�,. 'an . Blood Disorders,, .--the•best-remedy,' because the most searching aur{ tliorough. blogcH- purifier, 2s - . er's .,Sarsa.par t sola by a1I Druggist; $1, six bottleu, 15.':.::. • • lea° FORFEIT. -Having the utmost confidence in its super{ c city -over al others, wnd after thousands of tents cif the most.. cot ipl ted and . severest eases ive could find we feet justified in offer ng tip forfeit One Thousand Dollars fon`any case of coughs, colds, sere throat,influensaho neas;br oaichitis,consutnption inits early stag yin -mooing cough= and di diseases of the throat and lungs-exoept-Asthma, for which We only hint relief that w e can't cure with. West's `tongh.Syrup when taken according to duffer tions.- Sannple _bottles 35 and. fl cents; .large. potties owe dollar _Ge uine wrappers only xca; bFlue. • "Sold by -ail druggists or sent by ex.= s ' pre,on receipt. of price.. JOIN -C. N -C. WE'rST '- sr.. too.,. $i. and 83,: King. S. East= Toronto.,. - Gat,- R. 1V.f#erry druggist,:-Lucknow. tears, Sept 1st, 18834 'Wm. Churchill +G6_ have -'- leen -troubled with. Catarrh. .for -fast two years. Your Founin3:of IIe was recommended to me:by. ?SIF ..in€isay of the place.- .After. rasing one and: a -half bottles all symp tons of-Ga.tarrh have 4isTs.ppea d, and any health is o micb improved Chat I kava gained several_pounds in flesh. 1 .am yours truly, - IVa . liATINEA. r - = *500 Wali). Wrewill pay the above reward.for m csse oaf Liv crCostpplain_t.. Dyspepsia. ick Head- ache,.Indigestion, Co st'pation oro tiiveness ewe caanect=tire with West's Vegetable Liver . Pills wken the d rections are stricttgrcomplied - h. They are rel Vc Metall anti. never fail' ' ve satisfaction-. Sugareriat . Large Butes 30- • lls,2t; oesatts. - For sate. .l A. ;g;giats. •Iewaae of'coontel"feltt and itii ions. • Thelcuine niaunicettaiedi only by. JOHN C.WEST & en.S1. ansa 83, ding . -Ut. East, Toronto, G_ W . Berry,: druggist, Luckuow•' , € - _ k of Hardware, is now Builders, ; 1_ 1 ITFNS NES9 A 4D.ALS: K2PDS OF 11 : B ARZ. Aso.:utter ng in tin,-Zincor Galvanized Iron Cisbel ` Pump,s Eat:etrou 'hing in Tin or Galvanized Iron,- Water Lime -for Ciser,ns 4iicl.in . fact' every, article equired.'il . the Building Line I. furnish at. my tore{a ottoin Prices, Parties intending to build this. season.will flit.: and. see.=my. Stock before :purchasing: theirsupp les, is IN :� :TI NWA 'have as usual l a g lar ge and -.well- assorted stock a the Cheapest. Eavetraughin a Specialty ?: and despatch a In Stoves I .have. a , lar..ge. assortment of Cook, Parior their advantage to .call will sell as. Cheap as donewith neat.esS oyes;_ �' a 1 `� experience erience. in this line'Which will.be sold�.at Low_Prces. Having had;.. �, 1? :.. wants--�o the i p!�. _ I c: wthout fear.of op- position. businss;: I think I can supplythe £ _ . p. position. Small.pro fits and quick returns is my motit While returningmsucere-ihan�s to the }Gfa heir Liberal Patronage in_ the. past I hope .!for a-continuance;:of the sane in .t re.: GREAT SME , AW.R E c E B t the Pioieer don't blow, his basins goes Because- the Ooods - are cheap Goo s., .an cazlse he id the -only- direct ; importer •` oods i up --goods 20 per -cent. -less - g • _ _ in: anada -- which can` bought. _ SEEN-:B Black Dales ; . Paritings,;, Silk Seals, steam. -Why.? .. Seasonable. Lucknow:, an like goods.:1 :. clearly Silk Velvets, Vely Scarlet Flamm CAL),;. - AU. AND -'SEE THE . REVERSI M71 Fraimith Ladles -and, - Ge °LA.1► ,a;tterns tReenif0 per ST RECEIVE A.LANN'E: STOC .OF • bodg'ht when. the market. tOiicited its 1 • s,:...--t�.:+..-"._ i _ t min `Is: Blocic��$• Gallt try's Drug Storeandg et .rpackage of liMc,Gregor dv Parker's:Car- bolic. Cerate: V .It is composed of, Yase - Lae, Carbolic- Acid and Cerate, and. has -never failed.; to remove :imfl: Blotches, Ulcerated TSores ` Rough:. =Skin. It cures -when all Ohmfail y !a Grotetjes1l MiajsKeep the B • r ' '$A$ PROD[ 0 diENT8 PER : POU P V! ; . Sugars eq ally_ .ow. -I nok 1 . Goods -and _compare rk f4 b (faro to 0160.de is, ars Op _ -oods as c is ; n9t whet ter they are ti; _ 9. }• few Cgs of 80va • 1 D n • Mantle Cloths;_:, rseaver weir SHAWLS... saideii .-xtd.. upvtar s. CTORY _COTTON est point. can e frt)cured. U as pleasure : u "informing- the citizens *of Lucknow - -and surrounding country, that he has opened out in=the. shop formerly occupied JOHN PART • opposite the Whitely House, and is prepa�rec to .s:ell. VES HOER .C Q . _Coal Oil and Lamp Goods. Also-- ' .1 ISI. OH ...A_ Lill. r ` 213' D S And.: eve thin : in his . line, at bottom -prices; _ Eavetrva' jhing and live ailing = *promptli 3.ttencled to. . An early call so ft L. ted. •1 IILK PANS AND DAISY PAILS , `- SPECIALTY, av, LUCKNOW NOW iito I w h inform tl.e citizens of.Lucknow and- ' surroundin g - r that .fit, fuy, st I have ones. ea up a Has now in stock thelargestand best'disdlay of LIMIT AND HEAVY HARNESS ever shown in Lucknow. Special induce meats in ; BUFFALO tea. AA.T ZQza o tc.:M:zTozso B1ankots, etc. - My stock yshuck of Trunks "Valises HandSatche1s, etc ,is nom. complete, and includes all the: - - latest styles and makes. As all the above-arti...les were purchased from the best- makers, and at the lowest cash rice, I am. prepared to eel) as cheap -- .as as any otherhonre in the-trg4e: • -D on't-failto:call and see my . stockbefore purchasing; elsewhere Special-attenti-o i paid to ,,order- :est �tirnefis.: Alf work guaranteed first-class., -ROBERT POCTOR. • �• olid moth • SHOP In. G. Greenwil'� ld.Stand. I will keep on t alltimea FRESH MEATS Meat Delivered Ftp all Parts of the "o `" ortest Notice. Give me a call. : J S LINDSAY* Lncknow, Sept, th . WILL )BLIGE BY Mantifa,cturer of all'kindsoi ar>et� _ addies, ,Having. pit a *sed the:stock of habeas belongingto Mr. Wm. Grassick, I am better prepared►An everto supply the. wants of illy cuctoniere and. the public generally :