HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-16, Page 8fl • • • 17 • • .11 • Wittage Ad- eats: Jbanksliving Day Thursday hist was dulhobseryed by. -our cibizens as ,f4 day a thanksgiving,. and religious services wert held in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches.- karness for Sala. . A_ first-class set 'cd sin e•` change fiSr Wciod.' _For further B PARAGRAPHS. .• wedding party, from' the !country par.: fourteen, couples „all . radiant -With etc.; and appeared perfeetlYlappy:. Liter4ry-aociefy.-' s. A Meeting Will be:held in the. Cale7; ail the Young ladies and gentlemen: "of village: Will -bake it a point to. be iAUdrOttlkiite 11 . MA. John -Purvis, ,auctioneer,, on Sattirday,;the 24th Nei:, at' J., 0 mach cows ;and .p. two :year :steers, the'property -of Dir.Tho*Rowe:. -noon -next, _ 17thl. November, there :1111. 'tt wilt Pay yew.; _Everybody. shOuld _pay -special at- ..tention td. our advertising colunina at -"leas men who make theinSelves known _through judicions- ad*ertising are., the. - ones who are determined te,-• do biiSi- liess and- who will please their clistoM- raper More valuable.4;:read: than it4e. id_Verasinef Coluinne,) 21.. careful- per- uSaI of, these will ten: put Money into pecTio , eta, Thg.toLtosy.ing.whiCh was not. retei-V- : ra*-t of.:_th.34itenditriCe of .pupils- at - public 'school for ttie Heavy. Weitht pptition for $50 side took .place in . the _rkivieigtitral„.„ !here between -tight stone -41 feet -2- inches,. to his believe: - g- Reno preparing for_ b.is match,-NSitlk Perry.. 'Missionary; A.146.firkat, tWo able -and: appropriate stens in -the MethodistiChurcli here suitio.kaa); last in connection With the had -4y evening *he - aitning *gating Mit .1 AfeHardy,.* while stirring _ ivOsse.*- elivered-bY the paitOr tX3 Close the woofing, •-.Special- - 3tes 'of thank -4 1 --ere tendered_ to. the inissioiwry- col it Of. last year., the The 'Teheipeat place raver 116W. to surpriied at the —Try the lantern awl:you wand will not•,. Pat the Ikhis•aout SitiX f)r convenience -it -his -1w Ionia heathen" for prices, 46 say do*en of will only •offerec; • • of men's capu and ahak toot at .411104110 adi • ooting ow ink Sunday* night - *SS- largely indulged rand f,ainily left 'elms '`peoliie'li.ineet- an'1141 on Monday 1.ANOTHER 04044 EP Py the death ,of -the. la Aily, 17.98 Otk 7w _ riling hi# 'trade in.A4-01d.co-jusiiirgi-unr.ktiletts:' iefir):88:7, -When he came -.to -Canada, ;accOmPunied, by his wife_ And; three few settlersti,- Shanties.,.. -busing tke until ,the- fall of, 1 $39; :when' he remov-..- &Wed for. Berne yearti, 'after which lie • 1.0 its ceased WAS bora in. -the a,ry;fraland, on the:74h. of callsequentl '` of hislige. 'I He business wliertia foul theni. -Suits at , great ail in this i4ue: :pair of,beots1,6r socks, ' ihirta and Call at little oftener; —Mr. s a `large- stock of suite; call and:see* stilt :1.goes. adyertiseinent good. wmter cap, a nit of 'elothes,mitti, otii44-tintry corr. been -111, eating, , us" of late. MacIn4re s. • - -halters,,We purehases, 4000 Week.* 'gee his Sunday , night- noes and sheds in riot's damage was goods at and.ibelevt °41,- 'italsTonwd. t at the with the farniers, our readers Would of .interest, th' t mk —$4000 All crockery: an. d. • -disPosed of sixty than bankru old stand: If not this islit goo wino is repOrted Only: iine terfeit) cceitaiiis a • the genuine ,here eaeh of the loter co ii 'during the pr sent i undertaker in th —If you fe I cold —A wild in i hei frisca es barn &rd. citizens kasi be n or his' capturs,.. 11 at Jona immense dollars-- -Worth .of Montreal 6,nd TO- -at McKenzie's season is over Would be glad if d us any items cur in their re- r your paper yett qine to do it, slid iey that is honestly —Don't trim, le first-class oii-ercoat These goods re, st days, at M. M enziei small oil, belonging r. en was demolis e Sunday night last. cheapp&t. as it sniokea you are in total itrit oil that chimney purl once in. two' ee Solid &eta': 2171 t there are min- nature., while in a signature in apers have died r, and -four *ere w it until th4: person of,-/ the it if you ha-ve the arin overcoat, is 25 cent tea Is and cooks in •earth and'. A company of *zed to effect n, you can get at- less thin' d see them. old in a fe,w 44 stand. alter Treleav- Wind on ly and promptly, strengthen the the system. should give it a --Any article goods,. groceries,' hats and caps, old stand. Th bought it a the benefit of the is not the chimney to short time 4 Jones sells ',blowing but °As dirge swd. enrich, e appetite, d, brace up tzue# sense very invilid; WS Iave- been can baSe —eyootis of all and far below' hen' u the stare rods net sold Olke /et gems 0111.24 than • cousy Townships ,.in the. COunty . of farming, .40 dotennaied to con* We't, and piocure - land ;for- his- :which- now numbc rid five sons.and five daughtera, and settled in theTownship Ashfield in the fall.. of 1854, which was their a dense forest, where he toOk up400 acres Of land, *Smite Years later -lie added another' hundred acreli te Possessions- and thus* seuTed for his are still livingyiithin-,*- :few.. miles of.. the old.*:homest.ead, -comfertable"- and :doing well, : TWo Ilona and two dangh- 17°Mestead.: 'His second sen, Itobert,_ _has 'ocoupied. the position Of Reeve Tien: Years; 'and is., still the' Chief*ag- were.:-itinong- the foremod to out ibeire future - home in the-. of the:farm lots where . A portion of-Lueknow now !Amide, d has seen its•progresZ and growth: first -to its -.Prekent. di - ins. After' corning in the -fall of - 1.", -,.he had to -iinder4iish airoad ere.18/1fast now stands and waaone. Northern gravel read erostes t strewn.-- Being *One- of the. first .land and Who ware -always py, aven tO-the time of- his, demise,' when. the very best . that Could root -incl. -would be provided during e• Church 'of England but -about years ago he and ilia family join- Until:the: heur.- of hid death, his:- es areat Redeemer's, A� 'se fa he prr on of an fx ona s: 181 of bti the tha sett kio .seek wel+ hose erat hap, to h; him, be their ness. of th forty ed th a` str faith last � ton?u praisi by a and .x in the ntelken nclusivo -eigpiOg at .11 • bi eigiv • that the Goods awl Prices are 0041111,5 FULLY SATI,SFIEU • th*ING IT:f,t; BUSINESS I JUTE :$-ACRAFICED Of Circinnitincet every -way favorable to, tho pur of prices, s t Navi, only on -21/14nri VALUES hence ,to ciuote lusion.' I ani 'aux tug the, purchaser It would, be piicets) fiat: 141., and confused. I give for 106 00:A9,- 14n -cc: getwa wholesale- and, vet T. Of -1WattiES&.. necessaq.,f-besiileA the -Cash) in d. that ciorect -:knowlet.10.' of ▪ *About sholvig Ihe. goods is . de- - to shOw. go2ilwlit, sArite, awe 'lea*. sy and very deceiving' to puhlisri at ,,,.., Qs, the puorehaser isliable,to be misled 1 1 tdEthow.on my -.counter, What V, eau *some men try to SDOW it ort PA.PAR., le 1 do not pUbliskprices. --- if 8 ,n9t business.; the -best puses both t. iviterr--;;Finincial,4?-*rassment, , ,, 7,' am !atikioua:t.,,., Ow, lof.gOacli. awl. 4490 .the _ t,tiom . . at. -the-Shine tin:Li 4.. „';7.?...,pg..00L.pprokaiiie.P, 4) the ,exercise,tif ht.*- ..faroy-:pltztt -in :Zion oeinetery, his,funeral cortege - being the largest ever seeti in 'this section of country. He was highly respected ' by all -both young and old who formed his eq. cuain- tailed. Ripe in years, an affectionate hysband and wise father, whole child- ren now mourn, their sad lbss,but hoPe to again meet , in the bright realms ur dear old friend no.more we greet,' No, more his „smile we see ; His footstep new imitrint the street, Of bright -eterniti.' His staiely fora*. and, cheer Ilia happy goal now_ fiknits.a.,. of Heaven's brkght iFrays,, is pleasing smile at every 111:Eis absence from 9ur.zoidst mo Angels got father came. at *hat I ey cost an. many -caws iess than-coit, any tomer iTrould prefer pay the full retail prjce eiseythere, • has a Rerfeet ligkt 80, • fuss as possiblei • ;lanais quietly' wit.h • as .ito accept my judgenient. OURSELVES' IP Dear old friend,- to thi:bright • With iiraints, thy soul has ; 'Christ, our King Faiffh and 1-414. No Mose- ori earth. his -face. we see,. , 43-1i -rimy Ire ill 'be, fiver. *AIDA • True, AllAithhil 40 the, endl want to sel,l Y 00013S, BlIER- .71 ItAT6 A/T.LJ need:nor eon • • • • • • • • • • • at a •