HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-16, Page 5.04 • J' b .�.�.:s•JE Rti-3�...�-...L`�_4 2 sYF're';._:Te �`�yA.c .,�-mac.. i ;_,114 Vetai { 3 • _ .410 • Ks Ti4ats.E . DR E. Co` W;'sr s _YFI V`L AND at vF, gu: rrc*.; e,ed ' -1c f.;r Hgateria, Dizzanexsg tlq vuNioto, Fits; N r•i. trs 'ir- alga&, if eadache, Nervous: * • rosttratiaa;esu d by.; use Fhr.1.,r r:►6acen, Wakeful/m.13 Yeiweasicm, Softening of the. rain, Agin rnsaiaity and leading to misery', trd. Leah, Premature nldage,-Barren, s of Power in eithersex`Involuntary and Spel materrhaea, caaaed .by over. z. lla of theytraie,self:abus_e:-or .ever -in= 41trisrcricet • tie hax will cure recent cases. Each h�;ic c ntt ale. 'one month's treatment. Ona ollara %qx. arsit bases for five dollars. :sent by mail prepaid' on.receipt of"price. We - _ usr-antee-easboxes toenre env., case. With eeaeh order received by:s, a for sit boxeac- sc�sa pAnied Wath five ollars, we will send the I;nrcha.serAsur Written guarantee to refund the -model if the treatment does net e$edt a cure. ruisantees leaned only by JOHN (1- WEST: Sole proprietors, 81 and. 83 Ding St. Eagt;Terc nto,. nt. _ 4.. W. Berry,:dc st �Cy. ucknowe• • was the testpreparationperfectly sdaptec to cure iseaaes sof the scalp, and the trim successful re= sstorer of .laded orgray hair to its_aatura1 color, -growth, and Youthful beaaty.: :i had many n tatora,; but node. have so frally � i. all the re-: ireunents needful for the pro ; treatanent of -the hxara idscaip HatL°s flame RENEWEs has . steadlly grown in favor, aid spreaff its.; fame and. -inefuineasro every quarter of the globe Its lit-, tau' be: in -tribute' to but oiis- e�ause t ieszdare t`u ifr ent of *it sproinases, .,n The proprietorsbave often been aurprisedat the receipt of orders:.frar- remote countries, where theybadnever m clegor�tforltsi 4roductio33.. The use for. a short Tate ofrj ;R - Iirtghu wonderfully .improces pe sonal .4pearauce. It cleanses the scalp_ from all h n- • puriti • cum all. humors, fever, and dryness; , Baso •- `'pre enti baldness. It stimulates , the. . 'weakened glands, andeuabies theni.to gush for- -ward a newaaid vigoronz growth. The effects of . ,this s.ttisle are not transient,: like those. of Alec -- Ilene preparations but remain a long time, which snakes its case a. matter of economy. ;e - ' BUQICI GgA 'S DYE- . goat reit : R1SKE S change- the bieard,_a_.natnra1llto Or �f13CiC, as desired.. it. ',manses p!"aar s. • that will Not wash away. Consisi3n5: of s single repasat%n, itis applied sviihout:tronuke• - .- P PARE B' ..P. L `& CO.,aNas N. _ Sold an Dears in. 311, . cines. i - aving p ./ , .- added- Iar eI ' � to�C : his_'already-.Extensive Otc_ k oiy prepared to urnish everything -'re q uued by Buil ware, is now VARNISHES, AND ALL. KINDS OF HARDWAR Also guttering in Tin, Zinc, or Galvanized Iron - Cistern P'.. m „5' u G + P l 2'ollg�lln�',,, in Til or -Galvanized Iron, 'Water Limo for Cisterns, a Id 1 1 f s, avet everyarticle required in the Building Line _I firms} at my store at `Bottom . rices f; 1' Barnes' intendina to but d this season. will find ' t to heir. a, antage to 4ca,11 auud see. my Stock before purchasing their supplies:;, l • IN TINWARE) q . c t (I Lliar-e as nsuale a large and well assorted stock which I. twill" s }= the Cheapest. ` Eavetroug ln; a Specialty !Repairing doper_ and despatch 1 = In Stoves I have &large a4sortu ent of A Goo ParTc.r.-a Cheap- as 'neatness Whieh Will be sold- at Low Pricei. Iiaoing hada long expert of business, I think 1 can suilbl w ai ::,, 4 „.- • - J. Ile returning my sincere thanks to the public for their I,i in the p'as1,°-I hope .fora continuance of. the. same in future."' e line tar Patronage von AMs THE PONES 3crofulons, ltere rl_ l,' and. - , Blood' iieordere, - the best remedy, because the moat - - eesrebing ' and -1,hormigh. blood- • puhfier, iss , • A: er Sarstili:« • :- .. -:� Bold byall DU;: Sloix bottled,. Hairing the utmost confidence in its *mini- , oiltp over allotheranand after thousands of tests. of the Meat complicated ant- severekt cases ire could. find wa feel justified in bffering . to forfeit OnW Thousand.Dolleire tor spy care of coughs, cOlds„ sore throst,infinenza.hoo inees,boachitis,coneumption in its early stage sseneereing cough andel,' Aliessesof the threat 'Cough Syrup, when taken- according, fo. 4gons. Sample bottles -Wand 50 cen.tig.:Jais fettles one dollar.- Genuine wranters' on • • ,ten blue: Sold bV- ail druggists Or sent.by - press on -receipt if pOfee.-- JOHN C.• -WES=T-- & and 83.- King St: Bait, Ton:site,' • Ont.. W. Berry, drupelet; lanoknow: 1•11D :VMSBM TOV t. as pleasure in informing the oitiZens of Luckn.ow and stirroun g I countr5 "opposite the Whitely House and is prepared to Coal Oil and Lanai/ G-oods. -BM ON LIT -a everything:..in his line; at btotioni prices.- kavetroughing promptlT sttended to. An ea:rly gall solicited, LAICKNOW • iring . surrounding country,' that?' hair6 .1.101IT AND HEAVY HARNESS - ever shown in Lncknow.• Special induce inents in etc.,isknow complete; and inelbd.Rs all the. 'AS `all the above articles yore purchased from the best makers, --and at tbn lowest :cash - Don't failto call and see my - Stork before purchasing ' :Spetial itteittion. paid. to order= 11 Workparanteed on hand at all tune,4 1 Meat Delivered., : 7 ,of the Village, or ehortest ublic to his - • • ND compligg 3TOCK 44 • been troubled- ,,vith Catarrh for the pasf two- years.' - Your Fountain of - Health was recominended to me by, Mr. Lindsay Of this place. After using one and a half bottIes-all Catarrh have- disappeared, and •1# health is so. touch improved that I ha-ve_gained several -pounds in flesh. sin yours truly ° tut the.Pioneer don't ;his bUsiness goes by ste Because the Go s,are cheap -Goods an EN BY tX MIN IN6 0 449# lOOki • Black. 1)Oes, CALL AN wisp " Stick pf Furs of Liver Complibit: DYsnepsii. Sick -Head-. with. They are purely Vegetable and:infrier •Boze-a:40ataisiStsp pins,24 mats- For sale tut, Toronto. G. W., Berry. druggist. Call at Berry's' Drug Sto* ft line,. Carbolic Acid and C6rate, never failed to -reteovelirordest. Skin. It citrOs• when_ otheri fait" • • ID • it OPEP 7 b7;7uri- 4.4 *1; - age -wit -lit .1i LANCE - ,sithTooOK oF !..40 eents-.Pelard'-atnliu LAR.OESt-.S.T 'pep fo. CMOs -1 Tsai -1.346x citokna ?o_mtly Am. ::(4-6043 com**pri,es: before. iiityipg; ogered, .n4 ivhether:thei'are assorted. igrEggs taken to; Otrexis. . addles, Having ourchasid thentoCk.of bailees; eta.: belonging to hirji Graseick, better. prepared tiro erkrienuttply;ths.wants.of mY herllis !Aux; was/dales olkstatid, watt -laiiSclinc)**, or • ALi • WESTERN int ray, e quetpon any zothe.r, • and litiet to mceicitte All work in' hit line in BUt • or s manner And -With gritt iatitifaction: 44 um sten • 11, It • • fria • • iS • TIEWA • • a. •