HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-16, Page 4.o e - .. a • • t c s t g$TA DT ii T'i'iBB a2,rpa`0� ABOVE;lt1 LT A: s)Ba NG To Tit 9,DLU'TATE00,oFCONOCi 02 RB eRtsJLBOVKALL.CTH ,1BssTI$4• tt" LsokaoW, ih1ovemb`er 14, 1 LRJF : IEPURT.. The "November' . Report - of he 1 ree,u of Industries contains Trevi ed :statistics of the grain crbps•ofOnta, 10, based on returns of -actualyield mode: threshers and corresgonpei�ts. 1 x , Thee produce of fall 'wheat is consi ,erdbly under the estimate made; 'Oa the: lst'of August, - the full extent' -of: the injury. donee by rust - not be •r slued at than time.: The worst ret -pests relate .to the western, half of , he tov nce, where the bulk of the call wbeat,is grown • There the crop. vas seriously damaged by winter weather, . and although a . partial :recover Made as. the;gioWing season,advan e 'the grain was blighted: in the ripenin tage' wth 1st: As a result, the aver..age yield ishw and : the quality p®or. :' - In tl e,eastern half .the plant Swint red -well and the •yield -per . acre is. cl higher, than in_ the west, but the ust -• eitects; are only less severe.,- 1 Spring wheat' = is., generally reporte+ as at excellent crop, the • drain lei in :plump and the yield; per ,acre 0944 Must and the midge - affected it injuria . .o isly in some localities,'as in theC` un; ties of . Ontario, Durham- and • ' or- thumberland, and in all the nor# etn- .aounties late -fields were .hurt by tbe: _:September frosts.: • But for these :draw- backs, the crop would have been o eof the best.that tht:country-- has pro luc. The total breadth. of fall_ and,sf • W,igeat thisyear is 1,6'6,545 acres :the 6 reclUoe-•21,3±1 32`9 bushels 1' - " , a rear the'breadth. was ,1,7`.75;3.37 -and. produce:.40,921,20.1-ushels: '•; average yield. of fall wheat :per last,year, was 26.3: bushels, .' an spring .wheat 16.5• This year average of sp 'ring wheab els, end of falr:wheat :only:10.54. The season; Was ttiilL a - -s"°s annougn zn}e berry is plump it is: -; erally:'discolored. •-A large porti it will in consequence be fed o_ farm. The -area, under -crop was :' ;622; !acres, the • produce 18 .,.. �_.. 69 , bushels, aid th average - yield per acre 24.67. ; : Last • year - the area was .848,617 area, the procitice:24,284,447 bushels, and the average ,yield . • 28.6' bushels The oat crop has been; a- large and fine -one. The grain -iso exe*nt. quality, especially in. •thewstern half of the: Province, and many .eorreepond eats} remark, that in weight it exceeds. the tandard bushel by. flour :to- six :-.pounds. • In the northern -eoun ies :sorn3•-injury was done ".by .early fro s, but its `extent in:the aggregate' is' of appreciable•; The. total produce 6f he 1,42',1,529acrea in crop int :•55,48 ; 117• '; bushels, or :3; 8.9 bushels per' gcre �' year' .the ::area was 1,375,415 �e nhe groduce 50,097,997 bushels,. the average per acre 3114 Peas sovta on OW land ,was inj r ed. -.by the rainy. weather: of _July, but on;: ►igh lor.:well=drsined. lanes it waal an - excellent Crap. -The. bug �wasleas: de= " etruc#tire. than in former. . yam; .in'. some; districts it seems to brave- .di pared. The -area in crop.Was54-1; acres;- the'`yield : 14,728337:- bus and the yield. per., acre 19.81 bus .140 year the area was 557;'1 57 etc; the yield- 10;943,35,5. bushels, and,th4.- yield' per acre;' 19.6 bust els. Cors, buckwheat and beans vel �- `' generally destroyed,.by the iron �f. September that it ie,iin 'possible to'_ ate their produce Beans We partial' crop: in, the localities•; vii • they are'chiefly grown, but:thoues of acres of corn 'and buckwheat w . Witterli ►' ruiner f n . - t te.=_ districts ` fsvoa�ra<blo. tb$beir msterity. .. - ax'elloiring- a�►tement of - • uce of the- .principal crops of . Ort de for, the.:.y, 1$0and.883 ..:� •• is € �Acatu 1f883.'i3veHs.-ACass. i8$2. Erma. p n▪ g b,►lt3, ,155,? -10:992. 91f fisrief t1; .a ,712;.,191) 7-874,(110 � o • `' 1;09'L ,,EJ&l stoli15-1:3'l,'119Or. :113T4,42;4104413,:-.4..060:- Perm 341fte --s41 --s 24-411,320 ... I earecets. 1 wheatL 45c#to1O5c: per, bushel: • '. to 100c.. r -bus. FI ley -45 to 45c., per bushel is 30c. •per bushel.. '88C, to 76' per bushel. 35C:: -to -40c. =per bushel �75c per bag.. *- 7 per -ton. 114 2.75 per csvf of _18c.` to 180. per lb. ps kina--50c.to 75e. Ides -5e.. to-. 6c. per lb. _ 3 llo --6C oto 7e. per lb. • rk-45.09 to $5.25 per cwt. ood--$1.50 to $1.75 per '.cord. ?ggs•-40c. perdozen _ Bitter :16c. per 1b. 4.77 0ORN• On Friday, ` the 9th inst., at ucknoW, -the wife of • John: Craig, trriage maker, -Of a son.) t LE.= -Oh `Friday , the _9th inst.,. ; at cknow, the wife of` _ Sobeski ttle, merchant of a -son L iHART,--On'Siinday,the l ltd lust:; i Langside, the wife of James ckhart, blacksmith,of 'a daughter. DIED. v.:_1st 1883, - ills No , S ER: 'On` Batu y, ,. the_residence of her grandfather,. r. Vim, Orr, West Wawanosh, ura,:. daughter of . Mr. • John ssar, of Grant Marais,' Michigan,-. ed.2 . years and =4 months. ` TEAMHLtt WANTED. ANTED, A MA LE, TEACHER FOR: -13 ;hoot Section No, 14, Huron, second birdclass- certificate. Duties to com- b •e.nn.the first of -January next. Apply ug salary expected to - JOHN' REID', Trustee st2 Lurknow STE Eng' ESTRAY.. AMID TO THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber; West -Half .Lot.11, Con': 7, ..Ashfield, on or about the.20th Octo• `. &st,two rine years-ojdred steers;= The owner nested -to prove iptroperty, pay • expenses ta'keAthem-away. - D ``NATO. MoN:EVIN, qt.• Dungannon P.10. , gess Goodg, allies'" and 0 nd ' annel# rtami . 0 LARCE $8SORT OpechilSale • eteens, fn, ttedool ooda, Ainderclatfiin !Tweeds on el*e ,Buttons antle.�rii.arnents, ILLINERYAND FAkCI • «i • •7 TS, ilOOTS aisd Sit to R€duee Stoek. BE SOLD at the • Lucknow, October 24th; 1883. tcA`TTLE ['RAY. AME TO THE. PREMISES OF. THE Snbicriber at KKinlough,_ one red, year- heifer.wiith wi me -lace and one yearling, e r.Rotted, red and -white: Tha owner is gnested to -prove property, pay:expenses and" tie apiinals away. - R. F. H0DGKCINSON, 511 .•Kinlough P. O•. � ---1;PLE1�tDI wax'flv i Wine,Na ' Blue : Grenette, yr i Green, Peacock Green, Brown an?,{, almost all the new shades of colors., A Ladies' Underclothing„ Clouds, Gaol s hosiery;Mitts,EveningWoolSha `li Mantles and. Ulster Cloths,. HEIFER EST RA!!:: AME T° THE PR,. . - v. Asli- e-10th �f ..Oc't-be►r,= `a ossa year-old heifer, with a white spot nn face white belly. The owner is :requested -to `:property, .pay, expenses -and .take:..her JAMES WEBSTER, 511 Bog 128LucicnowP.0. -. CATTLE- EST BAY, pcs RA.YED FROM TIE • PREMISES g of the. Subscriber, Lobi, gon. 8, Huron, ut the middle of laett" btay,' yearling ttle, 4 heifersand4 Steers.1 heifer and a r white, 1.heifet-and a steer spotted red white, 1 greybeifer with white` "face, 1 dle steer and s heifer and steer chiefly. Any person giving aucb information aP' lead to their recovery will be suitably res dad, HENRY CULB1RT, Ripley P. 0. NOTES:$TOLET. E PUBLIC ARE,LIEREBYI CAU tinned against -negotiant* the-foliowingr la t One made by -.David Carruthers in fs' -r` of Lambert fortbe eoni of. one. h =_ lred-, and ten; tMlara, beaeing.date the .11th, d l► of Octobesr:;a D.,::188,1 ; anthi. uote Made bert Bailey in favbr ofWilamLarhert he sum. of ty-fivr Acilars, bearing__date 10th slay of +her 4.141.6,the :eawe ,having stolen. VirAtii414 LAMBERT, ,y, Oot. 22nd, 188. '• Sin 511- GO :-t y0' • • , Y, .TRADE- iS RAPIDLY IlicREAS .1 S: f '.xF�•; GOODS . �:'Q 6 VALi Y O '� OTR e..offer V. keep only pure • 7 Bargaiis in N]►R' es, Teas, and Sugars and selling them eery' • • � 'in; s everem t •, d isi sell1 s QNEYTOLOAN at<7 ocnt•,from. 2 te 20 -yew*. lies..42.Toisus foriale ntario as well as .hanit�rl►a, Parties de- , s to Gell f stuns, will'.consnit their ant rests ispecting the :advertising farillailinf enb- scii 1er4 i.4reat Bot.miAnd se'&iui sad con- ti44i i of Isnrds fwi_L�r+.1e., t i tOr17S=S L -WA :•'!". z' baud `a#estor. Luoknew-It Ont ik 4f GAUNT ICENSED -AUCTIONEERS. AEA OF FARM. STc)CK -PROMPT- att.nded to ' on Siasnnable tirtne. lift at the .:Sa PELUflioe will receive ruippt attention. . 3.4 1. vx , Bt. Eden P, t3 • The Faith ours, Re wiiotried ::.t1 e:::faiti cure yea she . `. end !4 cured int her Blood Bitters cures ;orks', not by faith alone. It.is- grand- specific tor all =diseases of r, Kidneys and. Blood,';purifying, Ihtiug and strengthening the •vital ▪ ..1 • •L'.. Vii, .. 9 '• asto closest U eriEf Ate • 0 •. • • • 6: •T . ! • ss •