HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-01, Page 57 7 M 3� 4 'T Vak 0; 1MV A I YV_ A W. 1K A u I)i r,v WEsr s ottv z ax j I T_n D N mixteed specific f(;r.. mer H.Y,- U. - 9, Couyulsionr,,Fits, Ntrivon4, Neur- A -Neiv fleadar�he. ous - rustratio%,%- canged. J. i)v the u6e 6f x1cqho1�ar_tQbaCc0 WAJ u1neft ession. Softenin`g of th-, jl Depr ;�Qtjligi in. Insanity an d1eading tt# miset*­ 4 - I . eat4., Preinature old ap Barm;�. apt 111s:* Of Power in either s4x- A. IGES t'..ges-si-id Spermatorriwe6: efi ST -0, I used by over�- 11 1 r over ft& of th self-abuse� 0 in, anigence-, reuent, basw, One box enre mWa Arestwent. aa. h')AL 0, 011taing. -one M4 dollar a b,),x -or six- -box(,'* for'- five doUwto; on rec; y-viat prepal ei se Pt Of Prki Wi 7 .4 tflaaraijtP6, Ax -b, eii to eure any eme. I_th lioxes, so- oraer re Tu A L ,0P1nie,1 w4th fift dollars,*A wiR send tho� efund-the' JO etar qur written gnarante 3M A -UC W. J�ic if the treatment di)eg not effect a cure. oxtiz6l of L ony koo 99 -1 surroundf 1D eaSUM U ied bVJ10Ait, 'hatL he vpe iii the ihop t6ifE�e�ly. .0"COUP1, M, rietoii, 91 4nd,93 King St. has ned out L it* Holliko e- the. d to- sell, Pr" 31.nt�� �'.G- W_ Berry., dl,,Ugp,*st,, opposA sop W @AA A _Wn to -To rRAF T wid- Lam�p GoW': Also _a ON A. r Rat ..e - is tiow his -Rn6�, at bottaw price& ..L !VV% r *7 , ; �- IT% LV Havin Aergel� to 's a t3iten'sive "St Wollay M Fat S g ad&�' h 1 0( '01". E And etr�ukhing < oi t- ung in -h Y 'eqthing. . b) !B -v itteWed_to�,� ENCES, -Prepw6l to urmsh' r repire& ider-00 so cited. 6V promptily city LTY I.A. The -MILK ­PANS'A F i.; " . 'c XPE a J g Ali U A.. h )me P_,Wndw, RV Pi L A if dssionxary tn WewYork, "d brother-arthe, eininentau'(1go Will" - of -supreme 47 N r4t&,94 New York lay 161 ISM Gautlemen opurt, writes as ronow LUCK more especiall -,rar - . .. - - _. "D v troubf& With ij_mofst.� =Cora- hiiinor affeccing ii(ti, itched so intolerabli at n! 'lit,, NES V _g -NOS' A dsftre.e aldbrtmek ),intensely,thatildotil _bear VARV 19108i AND ALL11 111909r ISO' a sufferer over theni. Was'p form the citizens.4f Leknowand C1()t11j11g Twk t -tarrU. and. eatarthal con ron-' ta gh my, Al it tiering in"_Tmi Zi ametrdughing- inci anized I UStern petfte xvils MY, have urrou ali AIMAPA-L iding poorlau(i system, a good deal run thd Vft1Ue�OfAYZW8L__S Tin GalVanized Iron,, ticle s or W9ter-Urne f6i'Cistfeirns- and W everf ar and'. reouired in rms M icbs*_7 of many Other oases, h at''. storeat,136tto J,,v obsfiriatiOn 'rmer yearsi I began taking il use _inb6 open6a, up A froiapersou, My appetite itf,)r- the-above-liamed- di jo e my. pur of ir the?kiu disappeared. M HEn o ritatiol'Of nd S6 Wore f6hasig--iheir s4pplle�.: I RUTC "from the. ftst. dose. After a, -part ki(4 to build.this sew, ntagft to call-: improvet , a I ion ivill-Stid"it "t I !�� ie feveritnd itehfng*Qie Allayed, alld ies int� o a r'VU_ 'h ireilti 'Will keep . 0 and ny neral headt _yirnproved, Id Sitk ,!,It-il it is noir excellent. 1 f6eLa hundred per via" 'trouge -1 attributehese: results to tho IN -1 N WAR E. �re also'eured .U;rh - and cou by the saifie. ghL w rand mch I recommend_� Oim hand at a ILFAIULI�A* W of -the ni iciue -now In 0c kAhe Urgo�=_ ed' 1, hay -large and, well �as$ort6d. gi h*1 91w; 0 h -as ifidence as thei best blood e usual ;ook*hie eap je0z small, In dosi 'three KJWb11:'0F. FIR -ever devised.. 1 took it ALL MXA!r- One', fies t1f y,,aiid used in 1611, lea8thft7fi I *&bottle$., the- Cheap6stL E&veti�u4h�., k' a epairit g. 6 .1 netit at Your Utc 'U19 their Of M AND' AV VID11 may- do, good - _G these faPts Q, 11010 f 'Pultlic.1 A at YbUrg Te*eptfunn, z P. WAMS." 11GHT lit w N.k W 0G.RV40 d to gil I V Mont UL 9tove"s. 1. a larg6 a's C;f pa -ab initane6isbutOt:eoftbe.ilmnymn ever -shown -in -Luckb6W. illageVn4hoete .6 �Cee 1peial ind:0316 ournotice, whiclisrove the P06L V 0111ing.to feet OaVtabilitY of tQ ft"93 Ole& an -semes,arisiiigfrowimpureorl=-L Pa- r ld.-- t6 .the & Ok L of all t cure ()verlslred bloo and -ene 8& dvitAUtT 1%D avins a a on e*p f off, 01, 'tuc'knoW el)t.,qth hink I 'can sl�p 1' th-e- wan ot- e- h d JAMES -awe Wlieh *ill sold at Low:Priceis.-% Iff SAY thi 8-afsa aflUaL_ bU Of sllnLess, P Y he ear Aydr en posltjou�� pftall piofrt tt'ek. re- ra' y stock'01 Tru� Va1bes,:Erznd8SWb0l enriches, and strengTs the"- Woo, tUMS, IRL S ay�d thereky enables the flystem to Mill my siac6r itylesapd..makes 'ie dud- in'01 C, 0 the-actionf the stomach and bwels 7 p4�iqoage c 'is ni)-r ct)mpl� "While, rethrning th4x& 'to th6 1;ilhuc� or. st 811AOverl - REN 0 H -for 6041 MUMIcei of th& �in _u r e'. of 'all scroftabui DUPae4 E 0- i the paqj hol?6 -eo�ie tbe;attacks Uall _t4e 1i med Waffh-. abo*�'x.bclea weri3F the M tho biit.. ' skers afid at be lowest 2ash DeWR6 and e resulting from POOr W P' _Wish on - .1 disorders riot, I axn �red -in "If );;V' �to C e EUCE tho orrtip$ed b1ooA and a lovstate of th s)vteM no -any Hose, C or hoor,�-ia -the tr%de. . Magee Iny Donyt fji1tb.C1&11, J L .13JC� - - Ila to tr-, Ft1b] 0. purchfi*g e1nWheree r IeS fOrVL SDId by all Drug&ts price $f. six, bo# QL atten' STO eel., di 'we kef 00 LOW60i Mats W,ON. LA CK BL, ja&a I EW. GNP'. "EWS ass. IGAT All wbirk IT 1% �-ROIBERT- T HART. IC -V:M-S SIM IiB PILLS BO 0 0 ESP A 860 Puigt1w. Wdldlne' AND i&e�co�" 'Indiae ion * eadache, 'tipation. "dL st H 07W ih�0,4i IM er Pr e; z&4! 0 00# IVOIU�ZIT# d -B X LO, ers.- P fidence in ita the utinost 'coU 8, iitrbu�er� 10�& f oir -thousand d.after 0 t ut th Eoneer doWt ha silie b, -ority, avei all others, an MI e r goo tvqts of tae- I ,4r,,*.d and severest callid-,fita1*6 fe�l justifiedin offeriw- Thousand Dillbirs fer smy cam One -7 Mimi. its, early ter-, 'th- e - o 111 Y COU ee 'ea a -se 'h O.O%S h i of- the throat %U(,tbM,, Ali; A' AITYi 1JITON e1j& relief. that 'we dim g -to E -da- aw C it- oirted lessg we Oul A ble-h 7 re,20 Pe jgs_ext�pt, A hW 0110 irh b bi*9 AL �r.hpn takell lar er cents; L or 'd by, ex - T lay NG S.,3l(ITav all druggLiSts 0 AM 'ou WTSP96rs' On- bottleP RS ne d4lar. IN L 4f: ptie JOHN WIL receipi, 6nta If .4- LukuQw. (I g3 St. -zast Tor6uto*' lk- W,,Beiry-V druggint'- 01.0t ------ es, T _0ik1.1 _V W* tin 9s., MCOY -a &t"A *k%; Etc �Qo.,Gdv hixvP silks aii 'tit! ef I.C.ol - , .. W Chure ­ t vitf, batt�rrh od- troable jug-, Y Our orecommended -TL-Ufi _plam A, No ar-s- ir xo# Evalt -11r. Lind Ite, of th OA P L �s all sym R atie a half botth dSMg. wa Uth IAO��JP of ton&' r 1%tt _B RG' 1. have disaP11 Stock' of Pwm, iny he9th il 0* EST ILA - ej� _h9V po n M. i1n ajn iks VX. LA ver. Y 6T -St -40 Wi0i Px*=* T 0. LU bedri ad- PUbUo�­il en �Ujijj Wh -fla, 'Wor Weill pay the ibove TeW&zd f Or RAT claw Jot Abat Arkoo ]ZIRWALIZI). - U.- P the msikkbt t0U0 e vAth. W� Vegetybild !Wctlycomp Ulm Ahidirecdofisare Mvrhen pi�ely Vvgitskble and ueVer vf�il ta g4� Ratisfudou. 81 'or a'4S -only OMP, N -0. WEST &.Co -,,-.81f. sha M mig- e jj*e t!)y a.1-firtigiists. Be4at"t 9V_ equ :b, not 6i4 low� 41h. 11ey. ar igwCosad. 1arg !469 . aa 01 ing: 30 pfllsW Ceuta, al The izenuine w, Q00b 4qggi$f,,. - oodis Fast, Tronto.- G. W-; Berry,, G *b t.o. ded .0 they ore., 0 M, or 0 'e, 'o pfinples, alid fig $toe and get a ]Renfs 1"g: CAl af, k"P­ noto c kage, d. MeGrpgor Parker's Car- A d d- WrW Cirafe. It i86laposed of VjS� line, Q11" e -Abid and. Oerate,.�. an M P_ hag nevgk 40ed to remove Pi. io*' Elotches, IrIcer4ted Sores, 464 h It cares.,* when if. ailL oihe"_. L e 7nt 'J F