HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-11-01, Page 4Q.. p'. • • 6I86RTT'1•e'1 QTT&RAFi3.TO ARM FR +Y 3.3011,011 3G TO TKR OWTAtE140IPOOSSOINNOE WE p$IZE ABOVE ALLi`stHER LIBLR'rIEE• ttc4a-opt, IsTorOpaer fir, 1883 �ltest Brice T nchersA ssoclntioii °• Pioceedings on.Thursday d Friday; -October.lath;and lOt x... --_ o The aneetitig was: opened with devotional n xercises., `rhe.. president: in Atte chair. After • , tie usual business, . a circulars was read:item. ` )tr. t;tendenniug.: inspector, East : Eruct, in eference to the choice of .- a. neW ' series. of eaders. , It was moved by btr.. Powell, seconded by : H. H, McKagye, that: a copy -of the minutes ..t she Provincial As,enerationbe mailed to = ;.ash member free of charge,. Carried. the.tluestion of the library ; was 7 taken- up .r.and Neil 1). McKinnon moved, seconded. by G. B. Kelso, that Township'l'eachers' Asspc - 2ation have' the -privilege of Obtaining at one tirue,,from the -County Association a number -•4,f bnoks.from the .ttbrarv, equal to twice the number of teachers in°the township;. these +'►,,e,oks to be retained by the Township- Associt •': ,tion for *period of six. months At each meeting of theCQunty.Assoc tion these books o.� 'shall be-returnreturned.and ' another'selection • hooks made. ' • That the President and Secre- tary of each 'township - Association shall; responsible forthe care and return of the books at the. proper ' time. Alio,: that the _ • teachers in townshiprr where Assooiationa are 'not snoli► in existence, be entitled to the same • pr-ivile�ge,.provided they -organise theniselves : �. lnto'aa body and appoint two responsible per nos M eeaarity for the proper care ands return • of bo.,ks - Moved in amendment by 11. aC.Sutherland, recohdeit by James McKinnon,, that:- the mat- -.-teed be laid over until next meeting. Amend- :.lent carried. - . A furtherdiscussion- ensued, in which it wa,s proposed to -sell the library and furnish. i he Members with educational periodicals tree • > of 'charge. - • It was then moved by D. F._ Ritchie, see- tofded by Mr. freer, that the repiresentativie of the two series of. readers—the Royal and tue Canadian, be allowed to address the Meet- ing.. Carried. It was also decided that- th vat 'Of the Association. upon this 111ilitter.be - to T E• J :she ling h" steer reque twice-t�� 3in-5 - TO THE PPete)41"61;:.F3 OF _ 1'1i bscriber at Ki roti .;{. red :y<'r er xith white: race , .t s �,e, 2 rtted red and wi:rta. :Th.._ .ow.ntr 1' 3 ® 3`r e imse'' to prove llrupet rv; Y (? avimaerle away. field, two -y and w peeve awe." 3in51 FIFEJ E. TA.i Alt. E To THE` YIi, M:1S1 S (O1? l'IIE t bseriber Lot'11,-00n. 14,-E. 1): Ash - or abont-tholOth. of Occber} - red ar=�le3 heifer, with a white ispob-nn face rte belly. The owner is requested to property, pay ;expennw,-and take her' JAMES.. WEBSTRR Bor. I2 ilcknOWP.O:: k 4i airing CAtt1 steer Y And ' brinered. will ward, • 3in-5l ta:i.en by -ballet. : . Mr.i oran, agent fc.r the C snadiau.ser es then n,ddresed the meeting. He was folks ed by Air.. McGregor, agent -for the ilii al series.. Mr. D. F. Ritchie spoke at consuls r.= ablelenrrtb,_strongly urging a decision in fav i.r .,f the Canadian Serie A prol siiged dis ' cubsi„n.•vas, howerver; cut short byMr. r. re vii.' --s1.thata-c mmittee : be' appointed til: _ .examine, the .books and. repot. A committee was then .appointed, ennsist ng (of °M essrs.. Campbell,. Freer, Pe.well, Rite iet, .IcLean,-McKagnee, and Misses nbust in; (lairds and Anderson, Who .met +�t 8 o'cluc a. • CATTf E ESTRAY:. YED . FROM THE ` p Rind SES the Subscriber.—Lot-3i Con. $, -Huron; he middle - of last May 8 ye rling 4-heifers-.and,a 4 Steers, 1 Ieifer .and a- ite, 1 fer.aud; ;steer spotted red-: hi$ ite, .1 grey heifer With white face, 1 'steer arida-heifer-:'aiid steer chiefly ny.peratm hiving.snch information se= ad: to their recoverywill be euitably re-. •.• HENRY CtULBERT. •NOTES STOLN•-- s „=B PZJBLIC ,ARE HEREBY tAU shined. against neglAiating the followitsg notes it One. Made. by David. Carruthers in lava f William Lanibert for the atria. of one hnuee '&hd.ten. dollars, bearing datethe 11th. ap a '.October e . v.,-1883 ; and a note Made 1$y Rt ilk. $wile=i� ilk. favor ofW illiamLamber fee t" the `been sum of fifty:4w dellaradate ,.bearing date . itth day of October;e. .,the, same having, 1'stolen. ,- 3in 511 SVILLIA.M LAMBERT, •o Oct, 22nd, '1883: •.3.. {s r i ): hNiY•�`hT ..,,,,0i': et reSS Ladies' an tE and iannels, Trjmmlflg eens, � .�rf'i . Kir tie. . lotln� ,Weed. otif- rets .ttO1S, anile .Ornameilts, . Speck: YER SR a of O COV .- - - - ILLIMERY, GE .A.$sOflT-MEc: BOOTS and l��OES� educe Stock.. • . to & BESOLO ai the LOWEST EY Lucknow, October 24th, 18-83. �NEYTO LOAN .at:7 per•cenf.,frrom 2 to 20 years, lists of"'Farms for sale in U ario as well as Manitoba Parties tie.; itirap d sell,farms, will consulttheirinterests by i Opeeting theadvertising; fe••ilities of, sub - aerie iu Great Britain and Ire' a. ad and con - tine .1 of lands for sale. -This rather mnnotclnnl]smatter wast en.? relievedby the introductinfl -.to the audie ce , y of Xi. •Bengough, who suddenly. bransfo ed •.. i intosphete int, one sof merriment. re rieil in •• On RFridaptnqrning the nee lec.ted I ramme. received_atteiltion. A: B. Mc en: h act of ..-" �VTiispennR by tit -B. Kelso, who, in opening; s vncated the necessity of having young teaeh= ere take part in the work of the Association' - -and the desirability of working in inisrtnin the various sections.- .1-r, Kehl) then diet/tow, rdof his subject in a style, of. considerable feloghence, -after which a friendly diss;uspiGn ollo►ed. the audience *as•.nex entertained by iia- •'-owell ivho,. in "an essay of; thrilling, into est: set forth her sentiments on "Duty ”' Th efi; fusidn was a rare specimen : of beautiful and striking thoughts,' .expressed m choice, ani guage, anddeservedly elicited - warm ad irai -tion.. A hearty vote ofhanks. was tend red' - Miss.Powe11, cpnpled with a request that the: 4- eiigsay .be: published in : the local. papersand also ,p1. an educational pieriodical, to wrkiich Mi. Powell:repliedIon behalf of his .danghter';_ Miss Chapman -alto road an essay of contld- stable merit, entitled " lW-hat to 'Read." Shy' also deceived a vote of thanks,'coupled-witli a similar request. :hit 1H..H.McKague then took up ," Ma -t the iatical Geography, . illustrating by die,c,, grave; his method of teaching the subject, tud'. .pri,e:e`,eding-from., junior tce senor chitties'. - Mitis. Jessie McLean read, in ' bar =usual en jovable manner •`-lily .Own Place.".; k.." The: Leper; "-by Willie, w,as also rend - ba r. C eo, Brown in as manner of considerable ilia . " - _ Tennyson's '"Despair" was ably rende4red: Thy Mr. Powell, and Mise Thompson read in;. sa lighter.Strain,a selection from "Hiawais a." - The Committee'on-readers then re rtedas = fcillowe —. h Your Cvmmf ttes, having �fuf=': - -lv considered all 'the ' circuinstanceaat at shehld ince flaentearicheras in inletting read Ts ; -beg;tareconmend'the :Canadian: Reade -mi. 'they phase/tithe essential features of reading =--4rooks; to. a much greater extent than Eho. Royal -Readers." In -the' -discussion _that fat ls,wed, Messrs. Powell. Sssith,: Friss; Camp bill and Denholm took a prominent part.- . On Motion of ¥eessrs. Powell and Bitchie a vote w.aa taken ior ballot and the report of the 'Counnitter. woe 4d. pteed--the :Rote s. . ng as foieiowe.—ijanadiaa, 43, :Royal. 12, b k, w 6.- It ads men stiff by.: Mr. Irrerer :. the Vote be anode .unanimous,. wh ch e +trop was• carred out. - -:.. . Dut ing the afternoon Peet Ma rshs4ll•act •al imbtltute f'r M. .Beago gh in relieving - 'the tediim of busfnesi - r etutiuea , aid : sin in -- his o p happy and effeettO a 471. three eo gs . niit , `' Darb nd Jean " '. "Jack'sY " sand " h elteon'e Watieiitalot?d," • the latter, a strange ceinoldsnee, bisrioonising with the ke v nate: struokisi Mfrs Towell'e yess&y,•d followed; :by is N cLea'a'e r'+�i.4 `:: - C. .f• C'ameroii iiluetrk : b/ordedi of Map. Drawing, whio * s.w►4l zec ve ; ' i .a The. Trout of School" was hestb- jeet.4 -ati dress . by Ur. -: Powell. who give _,c'enbjeet to yours teachers -loon' their -_ • las it>tthen of d y-Wa1na .e"- advice gained _by bit ownee prrience. :. _ - s The reexport of delegates $o the Prolix -44 incial • Conveattiou then folljwed,.�and after a hearty . ..roteloti thanks to Prot` &tarehai],. the met- --Ant was _ cioseet by- _singing the.-Nstmnal: 1A. l `ti' sets*, decret&lg r:pre '!e c u o AN =IIS STlwAET LandVahIntor Lucknow P _ '1.; (?nt. rEAC ER,WANTE63. ..S. S.: NO. 10, - ASHFIELD,- Male, 2nd or 3rd .class certificate, ,s to -conifieuce at New Years. particulars apply to .JOHN . -FAIRIES,'. Lanes P. 509.' O FARM TO RENT. m THE EAST HALF. LOT 7, :in the 7th Concession of : the nship of Ashfield,. Eastern Divi .� 100 acres, ; about 75 i gannon auk tic-uri„d Fpr. further articulars`'apply. p :Win. :McQuoid, Lot 8,. Con: 7,E. D., to WALTER ,TI ELEAVEN 509. LucknovQ P. 0. ...d. &�a: GAUNT, LICENSED TIONEERS.- ; ALES` OF FAIIDz- STnGK.•: PROMPT ly ,atteucieiito -ion reasonable ter`ins ars leftat the E.rTI,NLLUffice will receive Tromp_ t attention.. •8.. :St: Helena�P; O Orr ' .e o• 50 - { HORSE SHOEING, Gner1 BlacLsmithing1 .M: !HOMPSON: begs 1&av a to thank theinhabitants of _ Ltick- and surrounding country for the al 'patronage ' bestowed on him ng the last two years, and wishes itinuance of his.old customers and r share of the new, as he is in a r positionl than. everto supply the is of the public. He 'always hu and a stock of lkikeries ofa Stoma. illalsoremiind e n of thefarfanied' m A .C% DIAMOND : NARROWS, :. h he -always has on .hand and, are" e of the very •best material.- Par- ovanting any thing in this line will ell to give him a call and see -prices' 'e ptarchas` elsewhere. Particu ttention i `to KINDS O NORSE SN011tai eet contractions and interfering y strict attention to bulsinelis, good wo kmanship and employing nothing u 'rood - h� worltmen,. I trust to retain t - � :tion dl ' extended ao me I ALSO DijF •tTO3IPETITIoN.. _ADAM THOM PEON, heli Street opposite the -Bank: now:Mar 15th, 1.883:: �tcrsl�t` CHILDREN WING 'OW. PIIO1a TRADE ' IS RAPIDLY IN'CREAST14 I BLACK, a ;• p„ BROWN AND GREY. s 2t3andLS1NCBES 1LiDTHi IIID -AND CASHMERE, GLOVES • TYIt g. ;cLOTIIIN AND GOOD Q TALITY •We.offer - -We keep only pure �— PE, ' BARGAINS rf EYS n— �: T71�T I'yT IR ides, 'Teas; and Sugars and sellint them very • • a. i o GO -DS O 4 EGGS receivin e s every 'geek ani .:631: at s `ff11ing. wouasto e closest bu1 era for v • toflt ior •.'i• - 17 9 •