The Sentinel, 1883-10-19, Page 3f:• .• • T1I E uou • Liao Brod ASSOOIATION 'the Seventh Annual Sale,. under the anis- tit es:A tl t littuox falvI ST:stk SSOCI.lTIO r ill nc held at tris. - _ 44. _t TOWN SOF CLINTON`, tx),I.rYl'1C 4 ` IiE.rit€3'4; - N_ EDN-ESDAY,. t)CTO O.: 24th, 1883, hit which r1�)_cr.agion large T unt1aber of very tai ,r `ll a -Iter tbred Ainmwill $I be tier- trr-I for Said,,h5r Public; Auction. 6 `t Le list tati risenover 'Twenty Young t• rtug a s"e.l I3urin,tni Btills4 liesides several , i.:: ;lie't t of nail± trout: tkre;c to five yearn old -- several eke•rel v r i4�ic;e -`I' :orou,.hbred Heifers. sstF.i f 4137s- r 4 - :` u' p ,rted and. eattad .tri Meet Heavy gs`r.vrtinght Stallions and Breeding Mares. 1, 4ect«,r and Clotetwolh' Sheep.. and Berk.. ;lire «fid' ' tiif€olk Pigs of both sexes.. AI. of-Varions breeds. 4 • �} the srJ tttahhtit be offered are froth; the h -r.1 of the •Int breeder* in the _County of Ftnd.adloin4igy ..-vibes. <. • • t `.at:tillgires of.sale tasr � othe.z information 'can Ir.It zit u zaIrj,.icatirtn he l;'reaident- or S_-eretary M. Y. MOLEA , • Seafor%h,. Secrecy,, Gt tton2, President. E WESTEft] AOVERTISr FORIBSC. • `V:it'r the svivent. of 1.8$4 The.- Westerndd- .•e,F tt.r -IYeeFtyLi&rad will. am/ear in: newani at,,`�:►. forst, with new type print's- T ft :?Lx err te:'t jiC 1)ttERS,-fill S.-jt1NFV` «'E'Il-+'�C.tt�lit�.: ,a...:...I the i�atY+t• %<lesign. hilee its several #k L;=star "-de artutent.s" will he ettii hued. k a ' r«- •t r 'will be observable throne -h. -lit. Y2 t :ry it per .ets.asa . SJ Butance of . free tc Zp " ii'riTiC)o. ' - t rvinmadded lar el �io lix� a tead � xteas i�e Stock o :H.arc 1 prepares -to furzll;ff �li :eYerythina required _ b y B ilds e r,: • V R i l 8 R .t' I; l � dl" IlfittnW Also 'uttering in Tin,. Zinc, o?' z alva:nizecl Iron, Cistern Pilings, La x Gal ani Ld Iron,y\ rLiter 'Lithe for • Ci erns, and in :lac e . f . • -- .1 `. g . e , t Botvoni Pri reclui�red_ iii-tlie ,tliiiiciiti�, �iitc, fun5lz -ate Invtore at HITE OF THREE PREMIUMS,. Parties intendiner to :season evil fi • V.Yir'hi. i•1t l~:t ."= our pt em- I &rid see my Stock before purchasing their sup ..*;..F ft.t7 a ha id taaetV'printe.l i,►t. i .«f r rpt tit , :itla t'iii#is)tnatE` 1cover, cLN.itainii: ;•x s -etc, fo .owiti- _` c.hrt'imu lith'«arapha,. 1u t t I _ �•-'. 1'o r• .. a l F= +i i` , tt., iz � to . rt.a ,, _r< �tf t e t «t - ht, fxererBcr fYeiie r .I 'isr-usuallarge -aril 'w '1 assorted stoc: t . - -�M�"lime -as a � • tf'I.:vl ltl:iaateel Rt-J{ou. W: t e'zei este: Eav-etrou Bill -,pecia1ty ! and_ despatch In Stoves: I have•-a--la°r e':,assoftment 30 , Par1or -a- ',•-t -t .att ; !fort. Edw.aidBlake' : Sir Jotin A. ctel �a.s tl: Hon. Oliver -.Mowat; Hon: Alex l:ac :t- Z1C ; and: € :'tester A ArtItu ,Preside t II -S, _-. Ar, elegant'and attractive ornament. ar the Marl rt:tibi� : ,`(Size of each �pt)ttrait,y •• ;� _ II inches•;.} A •hiographieai• sketch of each . r r -Dart, e , - vercttt-tr tbv aa eminent• .: -.au.ti1i i. a -is a I:en:given. Price, only 1:Oc•-ea t'.ra.. c=r $1.lain PIIS }'Ii preferred. • snbs•cribPrs :itnay h&ve 'a due ti " f oME AND IIE.ILTIF" or ' i_kiASE'a t-i:criz4"--twv well-kriou u former premintns - --int ismr.- c•wver,en`pst cent of -1,5c addition- "'al, tit $1.15 in all. Only tate Premium, allowed, The Dei Lig Advertiser,; containing- the corn= I.te tiaidlitight• despat'ehes is :mailed for9 $i er amount, or 51.25 tor three months.''' .1\tttal -circulation each week of. Daily and Ad rerf -ser, over 60,000 copies; . `4eettts'anted everywhere.; 1?iftyi val :1111;,.e prizes to' the most- .sue vessful cltth-get- . Stud put c•acrd for'partk.ulars . Regis- fere<l fetters 011ie It our risk. Address - ADVERTISER ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.. L&Nnor,: ONT. • S PI. a- - A largo paoportion: of tile -diseases which' elves- . 4inman 'Suffering result from -derangement of this atornaeii,bdweis, and livery AirEfitia CATHARTIC PILL& act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed tO cure- the diseases cawed - by their derangement, including Constipsition,- Indigest on, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen eery,, and a host of other aihnents, for all of which the are a safe, -sin=e, prompt, and .plrt . � '- remedy:ne'remedy:The extensive use of -these PILLS by • eminent physicians in regular practice shows ::inn takablg the_ estimation in whish hey are - • -helti by the medical` profession. These PILLS arecotnpotuu%d of vegetable sub- stances only, and are absolutely free from calomel yr any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headaachewrites : s'AYE t"3• PILLS are invaluable 'to the, and are .• any constant companion. I have been ' a severe ' ufferer- froniHeadache, and your VILLA are the - T onl thing.' 1 could look to for relief. One dos waI a;tuckkiy move my bowels:. and freeing head frompain.. They are the: 'nest effective and the easiest_ physic I _have eyerfomtd: Itis a pleasure- - me to speak in their praise, and I always: do so 'hen. ossa Sion Offers. rs W. . - W.1,. of W. L. Page & Bro. --'`` Franklin St. Richmond lye, dune 3,1882. -s - "I have used AYErt's, i as in -numberless in - 'Stances as recommend fay you and have never mown theta to fail to a mplisit the desired re- • - ----1021t. We constantly keep them on hand at our - thorns, andprize them as a pleasant saf I'SI d 'reliable family medicine. FOR they are invaluable. J. T. H.kYES'' Mexia, Texas,_ June 17, 1882. - The Ruts. Fiwwcrs: B. HAn oWE, writing -from t1a: ta,. Ga., say's: "'For some years past I have been aubjeet to. constipation, frog which, in e of the;nseof medicines of various kinds; uttered increasing ineonvenience, til 'some --months algal began taking AYER'a FILIAL. They -wave entirely corrected the costive habit,and' have vastly iraproved`my general health." 'AYEn'$ CATHARTIC PILLS correct irreguaar*-' tiles,- of the bowels, stimulate the appetite and stion, and; ,by fi eir prompt' and thorot* ' - action give tome and vigor to the wade physiori eeononay. • Q ::rsaraszn iii. • Vic -J. J.. G. Ayer & Lowe1U, Ms =-6` - Soldbyall - OUNk J•- --D'r, AND IDLE - szperience the Rondeslut - - sial efectiof Aypes aArsit /. AGED: l" chi3dr th Sere les Sore 2sa*,. , r } or may: ler/Anima or syphilitic faint, made, hesithy Tend strong -by its use: • '`may � , FS br !l Iko StsR.f iii 1or.S, • . Purples a ` - - � Blarst•hcg. Call at Berry's -1171.Sidi' and get 'a package of McGregor& Parker'ss: Car phone Oerate. ' It is ;compsed of _ Vase- • ie,. Carbolic •Acid :and C.ratie, and = has never failed``.remove PiMpiesir • - 106tcheig, Ulcerated" Sores, Roe - •Skin - It- cures' .*Itio ut .rs-fail;` •A. ' . • e` iu• tow- troughipg i r -y, article, .d it to :their :advaii .: ge to c Ties. . . which. I: will ;sell. a l Repairing dwi ime Whack will be sold at Low. Prices. Having -had a. long experienc., n o-wants b awl . oil - I f the u he .of bsiness, I think I :can supply the�� wa its o p - th Small. profits and : trick returns "is mymotto:! position.. • T While returningmysincer-` thanks. to `theepublic for their- Liber t ° .east,1'ho hope -for a continuance of' the same 1 l future:- -;. Past, R.t :o: .1' (f - Pioneei doi%'t -blow( his business oes' Brit the.... � she -5ToV- S fill � , --- i'•, tis 4 - - - -�— �� y ; t - y�,I 7. r P !''��P''f Jr hew ,3 T' . RF• `rR•it i it4 :rlIliNjtl.- �Y 7�' STS Ill S.ZT T TI R El _ • 3 Tf: Has pleasure in informing the citizens of: Lucknow and _ surrounddi ; that he has- opened out in the shop formerly -occupied by JOHN E opposite the • Whitely House, and, is prepared to sell. $ O1 F s FOR ROTI" _ CO41 - AIM' ' -y =Coal Oil and Lamp Goods. Also LT . Aaid;-everything : in his- line,-` at_bottom prices. Eavetroughing and f• promptlyttended to. • Anearly call solicited 11 IL:K.._ PA S ANTI) .DAIRY PAT'. A. PECL dill."- - -r . , - - as Chea P „ 'llE atI t. this cline • ear of op; Patronage eau eche- Goods . e cheap Goodi al a. Seas ,n e cadre >r-e.is the 6pit direct imparter :in Lt n o ., 2 «an- :bought': er gent. less hs,n>� 1 ou Quods. Ym �-orted .ale �U _ . � . . ; :, l cie r --�}o1T fit l.Zl - tkll�iC�, W�1lC .t# C�iY �G .- � �:... - •- EEN BY EXAMINING Plack does, "- ` 'Silk Velvets 144 11 Cloths, -' VVelveteens- ITist .n t I g ' PaIItl a� e ve Silks and SatinsWinasjs,': -; 'Silk. Seals, Scarlet Ftannel• Br sd lacks, CALL AND -SEE THE REVERSIBLE VELVET t AWLJ My Stock "of Furs both Ladies and Gents is large and:.well Ortel. • ] :E. I GEST- STOC1 Wool • Patterns at 40 cents per yah lid; up rt DIST RE�� CE D.A LANCE :STOCK:OF FACT { `iv e ' -market tto cher to lowest bought h. n the - .P, In 6$ers- :hit Kee Q 11ce; 8es "" Els FR©bi 10 © wr8 PER Poulin Z > TQ 75 c8 • Ottgar3 (moat . j ask 40 aru t►o b t° i$ are. toe Goods- as -cheap I� i goo decide � cost Or not.— tittered, riot hetl}er: tie a«�'etS .e d wt • • A acute 1e I Erm sins ass a .1 -ilia Agents ■■■■■■■s■ ■s■■■! $ trig r allalinsitasranwr ass • Wanted.: ne■■■■■ir.■t1■■ . GREAT-:: DOL R. PAPER, 0 FRSM NOW TO "END -OF•.t88 1 .YONE_5i,00-DOLI.AR! 1L• & &4 n.•k&p.A.A.�Ldi ��1♦•�.a.c'rL&&. �..&.. A A.��-i&�l1 L�t.1•.',•�1>1•Er1• • TMS - DA1-L 11 THE GREAT .CANADIN PAPER. lids the most e ensw 'and influential circulationin British AmeNca, is noted for its extensive Cable and Telegraphic News, and is ,the great authority .upon Commercial and Financial Matters through6at the Dominion. � - SUBSCRIPTION'. - 0 One• Year, r . $7.00 + I;al1'.Year, '. ED • Quarter Year, ..., . $1.75 • s - F • or ■ ✓ s • • :t': • ■ • • • f In order-�to increase our already barge list of yearly. subscribers :to O 1 ; THE WEEKLY Gt oBE, we make the following -liberal and naagnifi- �._ p.; cent offer to every reader of -this advertisement who wishes to`take •{� I 'advantage of it at'once. ' ;', For•• 60 :we will send to any address in- Canada or: the U. ▪ XI ▪ • • ■ a ■ • - - THE - WEEKLY GLOBE ' from now to end of December, x;884, and- in addition, A, Ii Al NI=ti OPEN-FPCED-STEX-WINDINGW TC8. • . The -W4tch is of convenient size; rt :ri neat an appearance stem-winder, consequently `requires no ky; it ' is dust -proof good_ time -keeper..; e u iiYatdi to anya teas in The shays, priceincludee postage per.; Canada or -the "United-' States._ . %This_ only=holds•,g until, • . We will start- Chipping watches ctober- - January . s�. . P� -5th,. ,Remittances should be sent at once, so as to a le us to procure :necessar supply and f11 orders with as littl delay as ' possible. rets, e - ' 1; Fra 'gala P31172111110 CO, (L TO$O1ITQ'' is ■■R■ ■■t♦■■ .■ *it visa niia 5 t, -. • ^ s■ Tine :Creat ' 411ar. Paper. ■lrR010r ■ ■ a- s 77 F a a ▪ - ■ • s al ■ ■ • . ss now n etockt a rgeste►fid beet abylay er shown in ucknow. " : Spt,mal•induce ntentilit 8 ObT- O3 cs M y1litse►.k of Tionles, •. V' e,,'Asia-dg hell,,. etc., now iO4uplote a gpl iaelud est all the a e.$.tyle said n ea.- <•i ....+ice ; a' t Ai alt the above ilrficlle were petirehasrd fro'i i the -belt maketis, anil;at the i.e1iesti each ='• toe; - sstit ppepated to 410 >iM'eh� •: - as. any nib y hbese-i* * ie Dot1'g'fahtcieiiU•aad'srr Y ''; steekbeffre`pa acing s. _ sem;. : •: °$peedattentfo* egitd-to order• Al1:woirk gnarenteed ersitclaetr. e ' : -=RT;IOCTQ. DU yo 'To ,Tlti,— ' ICHLOIJCH - MILLS. - • vtiu Want- 0. ilii. TO 'Ttilr; ti KINLOUCtj 614.11:- : If'yott -want er : Ikey and welt •manufacturl, go I 'LS: : ot.• t• d _th a►tanre aS' iQ . • ,s �'tiu volt:fin i' -. O t OBTAIN i E'at =ilbiti OW.: N CORRI 1a e a S. •- i* • . • 3