HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-09-21, Page 6t .,'.=�� to . EG: TO INTIMATE TO . - THE. t ,-. CITIZENS N�.. of L . av .. U �- ..1 e resolved to Gup.B = �I��n�= AND �•I.RROU `I usllirgss Ix THIS PLAcB, and 'onthe lith ins Rift bei a =_t *TRY, THAT er Y . entire; stock-uf it OVEft THE is s: e lhn seAGLEOD.g fire Stock � of Goods Brea l reduced prices. : -. ? ffi . $ �. � � ces. ; • 'The • lU�Iilhnery at and under cost to selloff theum.er • Stock. - ERIE$, CROCKERY, BOOTS. AND SET • ': will pa the ' .TS,F - � _ • �. � � . , AT � ..: . ; HERS ATND FLO ER VERY ,GHE. P. IIv.TS FROM OTS.- UPWARDS,aR > VE . �C EA P Al r And will continue. the Sale till the -whole is disposed' of o •S .: a ally : easo P1esP understand I am not s"sl hn.,. off sur' las Ilio • p rstocK onl: but I aln Selling-- oda and res ec _ .3'�_.. se�lln� Out altoge p ted Customers who have bean dealin `- with_:me f_ r. g ... g o . years will. be fui n 1 co UNTIL THE FIRS' 3 Class /Ord. her �. id riirin � � .fror�i Business, ne I it 'moods �s usual v 1_ think-tless< who �l�,v� -dealt.with. �itl .me so Iona are entitlei to -some. . ship with:-tFi"�srl� Responsible. parties buying '11ttlP,as ant�,ge �n- : osis in bygiving uy from to5ll vrort at one urc, i theirse notes -for thesame - In..all other:. cases terms -C : p will.• allo Cash or suitable ptoduc. _ l av iyy II -tile "� _ ai ....-. - n this decisive st g I ani r T e�oly sustained. v tllrou h ��'-�2 - � tvltli it �IIUt 1 :. . ' a; o& v :Losses -to h a , w thstandln t e s _ _ e a :busin•ess relatiron •one- time fur_`paynent es to •be made, } _ � orclinary-husness•Custnmea•s have io.. a:: retail price, cost,_ and. if you want r �-- - pay R ��e, �r�-�I, sethey aught,' -beat in this cash o proofjust lo�� at the goods.alid• at the prices � See: for n and these goods were bought sr : ,Canada yo rsel�es :ou reg ..� ou ht in.the Cheapest. you a-est.��.kcrs in��:•� Pthe �oniin ` z��n .of Cd� • Everybody says the stock i!s; nice, new clean and:Seasonable an:d w X11 be::foun Slat and Oobred Gashrrteres, lack and I Cocda rn these arts Win CalQred Lu�tres, and_ nth _ _fine p cies, Cottons, -Prints Shirtsn in.' Tickings, Towel rings, Hofilands-. Window gs best :. r�ety; ._- Window Curtaan Hosiery - - - Lai �,, �I ;yes .�n- e.and Cloth, -arasots, UmrbreIt.as, i Corsets,..Cu{s, t=r�laing, Fit - squares, . Woo -I Shawls, Single:and .Double! -Shawls L-saagaifoeat assortment of Ladies' lEaatles gad itas tle_Cloths 'a 1 -s R A 1wool-.and thioa, 'aacy:aid; Grey-'Piaaaals; Shirts tad ' - a. eu's weti assor etl deo .off Bis &:Shoes • ara�ers, - mea s Clathia�, 'lubber-oa iC r ,ping will be_sold pit 'e Lint judges of va1uels , i• st fii. >t sortment :of Dress Cre ones,b`Ta Ii n` s Ki.'k, Cotton, e t Wool' GROCFI ,IES',. CROCI ERY, GJ ASSWASE, &.c. ACM ON Eeds Clot tis toteas - Overalls Eats & Cres, • --' ;kw11 gra.,-ry£` r tE� na" � i �.�. Ot I i�ijin f� !� r 1` ,n fell' 4'• IRE •'� 2. r rte.." %` :i.111'111fl! j 'Ili: 1 / '.� ilB�l� " ' - , ;7, , .� ;.�. fi iia, I sruu r 1 -_. TFjr -'^r '�. V)71. a"' &wit-lk)1fi ON . AN ALL_, WOOL .CANADIAN lT - A.:lof • 6 921,1, SELL tall - 15 Cent Prints for 10 Cents,; 20 YARDS FACTORY EOE, $L �o 'Yds...Print for $ DRESS GOODS' WORTH 30 CENTS FOR 20 . AN EXTRA ALL WOOL SUIT FOR$[O&$12 14 LBS RAISInS . TIOTi:Y S:ED at LciNTYRE'. MAO HI TS B 1LTING Tatgin too Gffer the entire stock wfthout.reserve at COST. PRICE. I May be pF rdoned f day t•hat: a- stock like this 's,thrawn upon- the market, -either in size, endo t fl ankru `took—nat a dollar's s new, - Assortment,. qu. lit r- or worth. All are clean, crisp; fa.shona bla goO1 ds. D CKI TQ�'i , SEPTEMBER 1ST 1�M g that it is not every Therea t4 e no old tail aster CS' ' LEA T�3 m S, COAL, OIL, ages, . READY USE, at am4airtiblprabr 11 V E JUSTI LD A L A GE LINE :OF THE T OST- FAS 11 IO.YA'MB . a IA (JIVE �. And w ill -sell thenat-remark-ably low prices ,' . E ce11ent-value in— • ME ZOO, . Pickings, - SHEEP and CALF SKINS Wit M GENTIEEMEN;—,If want KINLOUCH MILLS. If ;mu want if you -want • • . tirilibe.r of thg Qualitr KIN1.41Jeff -taus. • le' AT WEST'S, tUCITNOW. Health i8 Wealth. by the use of aJc d)• ol or tobaccotlitalcefulness,. Mental Depression,S4teninglof the Brain,. ne: s, Loss of Power in either sei,Tri voluntary Loi see and Spermatorrbcen, cam,ed by -aver- ,...,!enc e. One box will• ... cure /recent Cage". Each hox contains one rannth's treatment: Ont.. hy 7) .ail prepaid .on receipt "of price. We guar- aritee six boxes to cure any case. 'With tech ' ..•rdcr received 1)y us for *IN 'boxes, accornpan= icd' Ni ith five dollars,we li ill send the pun hay= e ,"r our 'Written guarantee t., refund tbe nioner if the treatment -does noekifect.a cpre. C. A. SHEPARD, Sole Agent for lac know. •ATorilk; e„ • .: - room can be. carpeted a from 6 1th :as rich a ID F • UTTE AND G .1z 0KNow HARNESS* bEr r a s ming added -largely to his 'already : Extetis ve` prepared -to. furnisht everything requiredib -$ s lderdware' as; no a pattern as ever shown in I uckncw? �C3TTO bras four:. $1 f STOVES- lies TO S STOVES. �i YARN •ISNES,, guttering in Tin, .Zine, n or Galvanized Iron,: red. in the Bualding,bine AND-ALL:KINDS OF HA; or Ivanized Iron, aster \Vaterj 'Lime for Ciste s .an I furnish at-.any:store a ties intending to build this s asox: will f nd- it :e my Stook before purchasing their suPP li IN TIN WA` E.. as usual a large: and -well assortedstock • ach l eapest • Eaveing aPtroughSpecialty!. �.: patch t ..y . : I es I have: a.large assortment of a t I , S.. T ilia pleasure in informing the citizens of Lucknow ands surrounding 'country, that he has opened, out in the shop formerly occupied by JQHN PEART 'opposite the: Whitely House, and is prepared to sell.. T Q V S raizROTH 0:0A:z —Goan Oil and Lamp Co. ' s. Also • 0H) K=tr ISS An4 everything .in - lis line, at bottom pric , . avetroughing and Repairinj prom P tlY attended to.. An 0 _ I solicited, ' DAIRY Wit, A SPIALT:SPAS t . ¢' 0 or. gar 1O WARE n um pa vetroughing e in fa<t E every article. t'troin 'l• e ' aQ a titage to call - , ill sli as' Cheap- a •steat with neatness,: 'ill be sold at Low Prices. Having . had Is; 1 thiiak I•can supply .the wants of th Small profits and quick returns, is my �eturning,my sincere?tanks to the publi; I hope for a.:continu nce- of .the -same oto . for fZt 1 • peril ce•iai this !line wit fear of op-` al'Patronage .:o Receivin new Goods every wee and is selling them at FRUIT{ MOONEY J y.ceived a large Stock ;.of rBUiT , :.i «pberry Vinegar SVBTFPs• t c- f Bread, Oakes, Ca dies-. xI ectionerykept constant.. �• peva only 25cts peria t. - . L 1101711$ ring anything in the do well to give me A Reg, MOONEY, -oaitE'• Whitely's Hotel • n. On.Real rates, on suit lion Esti ter, owr Y QFFICE- GA, B LE - M, INSURANCE AG f , (�1 ENERA AG culturaloff' Canada, and. her co OFFIOR-4d'oft i Etitablishment j :Noon. , reasonable. �aYment' o .� bort Proctor flak now in stock the largestand beit,disdlak of LICHT AND HEAVY HMOS ever shown in Luckn d astonish. the closes uyers far value. QTTON YARWS V_ERY CITE 78 FOR .E] :LTIONEERS, R THE AGRI• Citizens, companies . nies ins, Dry (I•ood-g ,:Rincardila ow. Special itii.lu-ce t717,41,0 aid GO1T ROBXS i•il.Vock of Trunks, Valises, HandSatehelii, latest styles and makes. AS the above articles were purchased from the best makers, and at the lo weft cash :. riee, I am prepared to sell ab cheap • its any other bouse in the trade. '° -Don't failto call and see ' stock before purchasing - elsewhere. Special attention paid to order. WESTE RN LANZITG MILL The atThiFriber hereby notifiet3 the blic in general that he is prepared execute:all work in his line in SIX- erior style. VIILDING Or ALL 4ntracted for and finished in the Iateit lanner and -with great satisfaction, 1 ep on hand a large stock of <SeaSOn.- lumber. All kinds of • ORS, SA.S11 AND BLINDS hand or made to order at short ice guarantee-gobd work as 1 ,none. but the best of workmen March. 2 -2nd, 1882. Rev. FatherWildS! The Rev. Z. "(slide, well-known city late eminent judge Wilds, of the lifastaachn. setts Supreme Court, writes as follows.: Last Winter I was troubled With a most =cot.- fortable itch h!g humor affecting more eve ly my limbs, which itched SO intolerably at ,m1 41111 burncil so hitensely, that I could scarcely r any clothing over them. vras also a Sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal Aotigh ; appetite was poor, hod mysystem &good deal rub ; down. Rnowing the value of ATI/it'S Salt8Aka- by observation of many Other cases, and I from personal use informer years,I began taking I. it for -the above-named disorders. .1Iy appetite improved almost from the. first dose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and • all signs of irritation of the•skin disappeared. itiy catarrh and cough were also cured by. the satue means, and -my general health. greatly mnproved, use cr the SnaSAPARIL4A, which I recommend ever devised. tobk it in entail doses three times a day, and used, ha all,less than tWo bottles.. I ,place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. iirtt.D8.1.1 • The above. instance is -but one of the many the cm..e of:all diseases arising front iMpuroorim. poverished blood. and weakened vitality. cleanses, enriches and strengthens the blood, and thereby enables the systenit.o reeistand over- come the attacks of all Scrofulousilisdoses, Erup- tions of the Skin, .theurnatistn, Catarrk,-Generint • Pehility, and all diSOrders resultingtrom poor or corrupted blood ands, low state of the'systern, -Sold by all Druggists; price Si. sii betties for ita. Ayertga CATHARTIC — Beat Purgative medicine— &MITRING ai.b...°:::7"-tofan108:nfenLtucknow 'a'ud s I gudistq: couo.ttY that__he •nseuwehliasal,_„on ha. I PHAETpOIAN:09 Bort,/ Consiameteil of the bei - to lis «tom t g.frettilter !Ili ; ii eta gil§ 11 01 jirt al°411 El ff' stock. G.RBAT see my stockbef Ife would al very liberal 13 inereased !Kir All HOR bl • • ti