HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-09-07, Page 6st; - B]EG TO INTIMATE T() .THE 'CITIZENS have resolved -� s 5 OF I�I1�G� I�(3�� �1 I�D - - � j . e -S.. d R � �,o T R GIVE UP BLSIMESS' I r Tuts PLA -k- - �E, and on the 15th:; list. I will _Ih GR E RIB; 117-7-7 ITATVING :COUNTRY, _ THAT gin o offer pry enurestock of µ CROCKERY, G And will continue: the Sale till the whole is`.disposed. Gooas -_ F{. i aNew, ea;o able aid: �, � rstl dates •Orc er P1eas6 uncIerstsnd_I am not selling off surpl.is stock only; - All -my old Mid I•eFllectecl Customers who have- _ . •- , but � am -selling Out alL gel-�Il_ r and retiring: from - beenbdealing with me: for :yeas will be •f irnisl d with- goods u lislness: • t a ._3 €�. sual .,.: CO T think thoseawho Imre dealt with ine so longi are entitle] to some litt sIii withh . 'm Respons l�le pai t es buying franc 2 Ie ahvaiit g R � b to ��U earth. at on ` purchase' wil � y giving thea riots-,. for the-sanie. - _ In all other cases termssuitable , Cash or, table prgciuce Having -taken this deeibive stop I am resolved to through with the heavy losses to be sustained;; gob h It, nett' thstandi t n clef Ing up:.iny business relation- 1( bo.- owed some time for paymene `a hx I11 ordinary business Customers leave to pAy retail - Price ` cost. and Ifyt�il_�vglit proof 'trst look. : ° , and so they' 'might, hat tn. t .) kat the goods and at the prices ; See fortybnrselves, -annd these goods were bought in the Cheapest Markets. in.the Dominion of'. Canada Everybody says the stock is nice, new clean and seasonable R and will be fibula', A t{h&lsacrificps to . -12q. made anc I.• is ea., everything ' will. •be sold a.t u r :excellent judgeq. of -values :y cousist-of Black and �aiorer� Cash meres, Black a_t�d Coa � _• C three arts 1e ored !.Lu�stres;_, a id the finest m ssortment in Dress;. i r Hetes, _Cottbfr ; :Prints, Sh i rttn:gs in best vagi At l . Tice a gs, oweI lings, Hoiland , Window Curtains, Hosier=�i � r ,Silk;s, otton n e and Cloth,. Parasols, Umbrettas, - _y Gloves ire€r����.�Sr1k �of;�on;. Corsets, Cu# s, Frilling Prrlg rung: ob,,. I. s u! res,- Akio! Shawia, Single and Double_ Sha - is, ' #: t ` ma ince $ �- = ,. - � _ . ... assortment of Ladies Mantles and ]Came Cloths, a .limo and Well A.lhoo and 'Anon,.'aaoy and Gray 'la eels, Slxirts and-: ar a�ssarted Boots & Show. - . - mars, fez's Clath�arr, Rub `OO`.. {xROCE1tT.ESCROCUKi' GI. 1 • pock s tee ,sa Clothe, .''or s --- r c Cvors1ls, . Has & Caps, ID. MAGLEOD is s$13n� pit greatly reduced pric under cost to sell off the HATS, FEATHERS AND IIvTSF CTS:: T.HE entire . Stock of G .e Ilini.ney at and C ' Stack. I wsn pay the - ERS VERY-CEEA.P.:HIGHEST CASH .Foy RDS, Y CHEAP, 'A • We are showing } • tifulline of BRAEMAR BONNETS, - •• -Velveteen Glengarry Bonnets • •, NEW VELVETEENS . for boys and .children. Grenett, 'Navy Call and see -Our assortinent Of —LAP AND -- OTHER nINCY 1 GOODS CHINE BELTI will begin to Off tho entire stock Without rese seat 'COSY PRICE T.n1 day that a stock like this is thrown: upon the market eit may. be, porthole fir_ Eid3: o ti�l;Flkl'U L.tOC—IIOti r . }1Pr in S1Ze, ��3 soriirerlt' °e U lit o.��'� p a dollars .worth-.' s iI are new, --clean; crisp fashionable ood 1?x �x E:UCkxO ; S VTEMBF :. .;Ill�rthat Iti g s notevery a'hpi e.are no oldl tail - • OTT - WE RAVE P.,7,C213TED A: LARGE LINE- An.ti will bor.. ;$7,,L11AT • THE remarIcatly ALSO -A _LARGE .188-o.tammt !PAS;EiVIENTER If. TRIMMING, SPANISH. GEN.TS' BLUE LACED BIOYCLE SHIRTS; AND EX, efielit AND T NI EIGHT RIMBER4COATS. _Arg -ca.1a-b0 - 0-arpet-e- obt froin, $4 to sp. • pattern as ever shown in_ Luc • it IlaYing added..largely ie.- .4is.. already E teils.v • Sthelc of Harilware; is now d by Builders; torn- 20- yd:for... $4. u. ct innro Ras pleasure* informing the citizens of Luck -now and surrounding country, that, he haanpenecl out in the shop formerly occupied by Joim PEART opposite the Whitely House, and iaprepared to sell.. - • Lamp Goods. And. everything in- his line, at lipttoin. prices. Eavetroughing and Repairing promitfy attendek to. early call solicited. - la Also guttering in Tin, Zinc, ,dr, Galvanized Tori; tr in Tin or Galvanized Iron, Water Lime for piSter ''' - • - ti : : : ii . Partie mtendmg to build this season will Arid i and see my Stock-„beefore purchasing their s pplies. TINV I have AS usual a large and wen assorted s the _Cheapest. EaVetroug a..5pecialty Cob eit ern P;uraps„ to tkeir advantage ib . HIGH king done with. neatness toves who, will be sasl at Low prices. --, Itariug, hald, a 'bilge ex.periexice in. thii/line of business, I think I can sviply thewants o • the ti-blie- without fear'of op - While returning my sincer thanks.to the-piitlic r their Liberal Patronage CALVES ESTRAY. k--3 of Jacob Fisher, East fralf Zot 7 in the- llth Cores:Asion, Eastern Division of -the Township of Ashfield, on or about the.middle of .Tune last, 6- yearling c-aIves, three red and three "..spotted red and white. Any person giving such information- as will rep.a to tit*. recovery will be suitablyrewarded. 500:t ktAlgES, Pi ISHER, E.0 FOLK 13OAR KEPT which miist se/ strictly paid at time of servic [JOHN ycKgNZIE. le. • LUCKNOW 'ES is 6.* -;06.040.7.e.ver -1.-s.:01thag:ttxem'at- 11.110. PRI would astonish.- the cl s ers fpr MACHINEA with 12 Horse Power, ,Bate;„ IA & 2,4'; frdin.tett to elerVeli.." tons --Only •beeni nip.pg 040 season. Good- made • an yoxf-v. 8 . . t as now in steak the largestand bept dis,)lay AYER S . ments in . • zarsapariiia E-Gc+83! Wooi Pickings :Ra. 1.10411/400 -GENTLEMEN-,---if you want NOt SHINGLES, KINLOUGH Kip4ouati MULL If you -want hulk( of Mei Bas ancl well manufactured, go -to the - KifILOUGH 1111-1N. You will 4nd the above as represelited • rift Crat MILL TOMLINSON BnpS. • heg to an- ers and the pu n'enerally that they have had their milll'thoroughly repair-, .ed and remodelh.d on the most improv, syst?-m for the manufadthring of a. .arist.ing pr.oinptly attended to and farmers inay rely on trotting it 'home with them. All wc,r1c guaratiteed. Every houS•eke( per shonld fry it. crsOP PEED AND . PRAIA: constantly on • KrTerms Strictly Cash and all goods delivered -to all parts pf the town. • Health. is Wealth Treatment,a go aran tped specific for Hysteric, lralvie, lleatische,Nervoui3 Prsostration caused 1 resulting in insanity and leading to Arnilery, flecay mid death. Prenieture old age, Barren - mess. Loss of Power in either sex,Invnluntary Losses and SpqrreaforrInee -caused, by over- exertion of the hrein,ettlf-shitme or over indul- gence. Orie bca win cure zedent cases: Each 91 by mail prepaid ori reeeipt of price. We gnar- 1 -antee. six bwres to cure any 'ease. With each order recaved by us for sin boxes, •aceohapan- er our Written guarantee -tt; refun the money if the treatment does not effect a. , „0: A, WEST gr:.' -Op.. Sole l!roprietore, Ti. Tote te,.' A/ stock of Trunks, 'War &Satchels, te.,is now Complete, and inclodas all the - latest styles and ;nukes. • • t e best inakers, and at the lowest cash r rice, 1 am prepared to sell as cheap as any other house in the trq•de stock before purchasing else where. Sp cuil attOtion paid to Wei- - . Coil. 12, Township of -Rinloss.„ Con- taini g -fifty acres more or less, aboutioity acres cleated and,fit for 9ultiiation, balance 'an -de fall wheat, alio house, good barn; and a 4 11 first- lass ,orehard -.on -the. premiyes, -The show. property will be either rented or sold. 1:or farthm particulars apply to or; addreis, ey to Loan cures Itheninatisni, Neuralgia, ititeumati 1 1 Gent, General Debility., Catarrh, and all disorders caused by a thin and impoverished, sr corruited, condition of the blood; expelling I the blood -poisons from ,the sTstem, enriching . and renewing the blood, pad restoring its vital- - r !During a long period of unparalleled useful-. mess, A:YER's Ss.4,setralukreA has proven its perfect adaptation to the cure of all diseases It IS kiiighly concentrated extract of Sallie. arilla other blood -Purling woett30 - combined with Iodide.of Poia8Sinni and iron; and is the safest, la e, and most . Intia.miliatOry itheRinatiStn Cured* _ "AtEn's SARSAPARILLA bas cured me of the Annammaory Rheumatism, with width. I have suffered for many years, Waif. ileong.:' - Durham Ia. March:2 1£0, "Right years ago / had an attack of Rheims,. I tism so severe thatIeguld net mote fremthe bed, or dress, ;without help. I tried -several remedies without much if any relief, until 1 tea ArZleS SARSAPARILLA, by the to3e of . 'two bottles -of whieb. I was completely cured. I have not been - troubled with the Rheumatism since. Have sold , qiiantities of your SAnsA.alata.a, and It sti retaina *wonderful popularity. The many Motablercures it, has -effected, in this vicinity eon- vince me that it is the hest blood medicine ever River St, Buekloud,Maaa„„May 13,1ES2. . " Lb.s t March I was so weak frora general de - Nifty that 1 eould.tact walk without help Vol. AvEn's SARBAPARILtA„, and before I had used' I have been at work aow fbr two months, and, think 'your RauSell'AZILLet. the greatest blaod medicine In -the world.. JAstrs .ATAVNARD.'" 11.1711".8 Siprieftilai And Tumors " .11 74 °OntTrOteZre111.1:541fr1411.9:4 ;1.11 -;21:::*-1:7 12 12. fa. 10 • - 410 0