HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-08-17, Page 6____--- ' alit fockneir 4aitiifet - 1 Tilt ticiartrrirtr TITTERAMT; Ta AnurE FREELY Accokmut Tor trIc nt'utiTeiiMPutntritteinme'l WE. fiaTZE taolitE ILL CTHER GIBEartEir. ° Zatokreovi Autnitt.17, 1883, it'hOoneessiot,,laitern. llivisiert of tiler Township of Ashfield. on ar about -the middle !4 June last, re irisr. calves,. three -red and three .spottd red and white- Alkir Peraum eivingstreh intUrtnatfon as will: lead to their -recover* will be suitably rewarded. . ekt0,1 fb " Tiocknow P. 0. rep: 11477 447A -7'110E1114E. . . 710?i,Row G(rvernmerit; _and AS B • _ . vo-R,SAi • 0:1----,----. •.- • : - ,consequence,- the people of Ontario, WO HORSE R_4_ ,.- AVER, . . have, says- the ,Ilamilton Thu .ex-,-. se,( -)rad ONE • . : CAPACITY," - , ., . another vietory„in Rat 'Portage ; and • , ONt _TON - - PER . " IOU. thedespoilers of this Province, while , . . Bale, li 6,7. 28, from ten to eleven tons . much chagrined at the 'failure of their: in car. Apply to , ---, PETER, CORRIGAN., _ schema for rolkbing Us Of Our lawfut poseessions, hal* to acknowledge the 1 -t fb - Holyrood P. a fact. The meeting at Rat Portage! - i : - on Sionday night was for the purpose L1ST VOTERS - ; 1883 ...,,, Pt- ageertitirting.the feeling of the com- i i * . . . . Mu n icipality of theTownship o West ,. Munity in regard to the proposed ill- 4 W WArliag , faCtUrity of Huron. - .. . _ . , • . . . corporation of the town under an On- - tariatatute, ity a 'coy (lecisive vote the resident freeholders aild.household- _ , era- resolved, to incorporate uEder NT ()TICE IS HEliak GIVEN, THAT .111 1 have-transniitted :or delivered to the-, persons mentioned: in the third and fourth :eecti-ois of the " Voters' l4ist Act" the copies ittire by sard section .te-be so transmitted ()titan° law Fhu Inet,; accOrri- , delivered of the list, poruant- to the said, plitdied- in fac!, if the Baas& Itrenito - ppposition of Mr._ 1NOrquay's paid "wept& The po(114t saw „it to • be to their interests to, incorp(,rateat once, asc they know that th(•'(-41,verninent of this Province ca n alone give them Patents to their iproperty. Those issied. by Norquay are not worth tile- -- icaper they are- writteri on. 'Plod is atncecled by the Win nipeg '1.1ory -p4er, Itieh assert.% that the territory is m no t ti "t" f 4 • t thaTt.,. _an an( , e pition ranit-oba is wiry that of "caretaki.e fOr the I)oiniitiort."' On the shri-wilf;,, then, of _the leatli;14 Tory paper in 'g-51artgo. 1,Y a mart 1:10 has _ fOrgOtten more than thc--urtiority of ttle•e Norqua1. defeii(Iers, in thi-4 Prov:iiep '1fl ver leara the Alanitola aur.hor- Ales have no right to tri•airp tlOverit- ra Alt- powers in Keewatin Person8- appearrog by the, last. re- vised As,essment Roll tf the saidNiupicipal- , ity. tO he entitled td. vote in tliesaier Munici- pality ;et Elections for Men:hers ot the Legis?- lative Assembly. and at Municipal Election, and and. the said list was first rmsted up al my in 1,4unw On trio .13th. day of August 18s3_, anti remain, -zhere 'for:inspection. . Electors are" called tenon't xamiie the said 1it. and if any omissions or any ether errors are fountl therein, to take immediate-. proceediegs to have the said errors corrected acconlirig bk- I were . • Miter! ati.flekIlnW this 8th day of Ang.,1883. • • . ROBERT MURRAY; dierk of•the, saiti Municipality. frelen -1'. Q. :-in-4 - ICES 0 MAKE 'ROOMFOR 3fl ],AIkE FALJ IMPORT.ATIONS . .will close oni* my immense sto4k iof Snmer. br. -goods, dress triminings, prints, paraiols, etc. .t prices,: while.h to. .1 the least, are 4..stonisltingly low note a few : , , 12 -rards Vress Goods for $1.00,' tab yards Itibliois ,$1.00 .• -spe,nish, Lade Sliawle each' or 60goents, usually ,seld for IlAsheileres. 260 pairs corsets; the Special drives in black and newest a.nli best In kes, • . • 20: PER CEY-T.OFFL--11 —20 FER:.CENT ..0F17 . . . 29 .P.Elt(.3.N1101,7;b1- , IR . , ON 90 PE-li,- C.t;NTI.47 .1 Ciottot warps, eaqipt wanirsi table lin ns,11.14 aiid tc;Wenings, li all a 't riglht prices. GENTS' URNISIIINGS. .j I) ekk, civiros;: Overalls froni 0 c4-- .,IT; --,. • . . ..- - !', .. . -- • .- .'..1 II *I CataS, Collars, Ties and --Braces, - , all of exceptiOnaI Ivalize. ,Depa tthen lilete, _nothing wanting. But -What Is - Bit? . I llave o1 'E kid --11311-1- You Earle 111 A toys inirtmeccifit for '25 Cents. G: nt 'f/Ill '-lin .`sen cota4- for; 5(Y:cents. .- This . . ' k . • t• CP' ' ii our opportmuty. to sec e a b rga. I .DO not neglect it i; 'and' : .. : reinernhei it .iS to yOur int? es1 ;to )ipport' yeitir Owii:,towir - . ..- . , T 'W. M.- S % .z. - . .:. In -this,:one of oly principal deptmentj I put.,.. forth . ;My. best efforts to make it a coniPlete•OeceSs.- I have s Cnred7pe Services Of Mr. ,A.:McKinnoa,, who is well and favorably . known to:.almost e •ery.-: one of Yon!-ag as .a. .first4elasS . cutter ith.clineelianie; I therefore -UnheSitati 4.1y :•'say.- to you that eileti ordered garment ' . » : WILL *3.V MAD* I: t -sI .1 '.111'01.1E .07r4711.7 or VET: 4.111e, . •. . • ., _ . _ . - I .- Reatitobby and serviCeable;the priees• Of which bamiet fail to cominand attention.. . • __. - - - -: 1 -1- • ,, LuClinow- July Sisk 4.883. . ' 1 'r- 1./101-11kiR,137Z".. . .- , . -. .• „ AULE: D greatly. reduc�d.price Under c5st to -801 :ofttla0 S 'S FEA TIERS -AND 8.OT$. 'WEED. -entire Stock -of Goods . The Millinefsr er -Stock. _ - — .•••••• ALE: AT AllaNTYRE!..%: Men's Dte.ss Shirts at Sracintyre'a. ' - Men's Fancy',Shirt4-- MacIntyres. Ken's Navy Bin& Panda at MacIntyre's. . • • Men'a Ties and Lin- ea Collars, Men'i Slimmer Underclothing, Men's hats in _all the new styles, MacIii,yre's The Langtry gorse', , The Little Favo Corset, The newest -style of Parasol, CREDITORS • . .., _ RODERICK MoDONALD- ek, glared Ewa iw nakitt- la -era : ;felt : L.Ino..1.4 Tit E_TOWNSIII P OF ',CRON' IN tng , - . they make tiretri, they are WithOlA if Istftt ' " 1.;.u. ---'4--L NTY OF .n..atrec DECEASED. - poi,;oler to enforce them. : WhoevtI- 'r ------ . _ .ard of a . pain(' keeper, - or a _care- ' taker of a park,ridin2.rough •shod Over , a Roar:ft of ..k-Idernieti, making and *en- __ „ , . . 4 c • ilapter 107,. :-leeti•ne 34, of the Re to ging-laws - entirely iiltlepeitaattt of vis d St 4 ides of Ontario, t lee creditors : of 0E4 Municipat authorities I Thai is R e'eric.k Mellonald, late hf IheTtiwreship of Nelinit. NOrtine:17 the caretaker• or Almt.- or abolit th i• • 4 - --1 - . , . „r t ,. _ ... . . .._ If strou tzt the ( !minty of *nee, Nell& died on t - obs, on the:showing- of the wiriiiii?";-‘12-3RD DAY Of APRIL,. A. 14 18.83, -.97 organ, ivinch ought to_kni-tw what re be.re.or ;Ttified to- deli;•er -or send by post is tAlking abotrt, Mts. liet-n doing at Rat .1-Pranj to Elliot 'rearet.. t•f. the Village of Portage, But' Non play ' has 11071-i ,3 t . . . i,...) . ?:ekrt,.w in the C,eunty ef FIrnee. Solieito.r , . r the admini4ratrie of the -said Roderick to establish -his -nrinioris in.Ontafio,, :;ic-i),•iadef, deceased, On or before the - territory, even.if Sir:John MiteDonald :ST DAY oF:st PTEMBER -NEXTI; . has appointed itilnwa Eltretakt.f.' „The' oleif (! fit iAian and -Surnames, Addiesses aird peinifo.. of Rat PortA fe. by their notion ..,lairik:., a qatement of their ;teem/Its, and the r!)te--eriptions„. the full particulars of their 'Monday night, pbtittly told him so, oat4.1 e liftiltf Seeneities, (if any) hela hir them; and ihpy wip tell him .s,.1. every tun .. a: -,1 after the ;aid 1st day of -September nex they are appealed to. 'Nortitiay Itatl- Eiihnte the : StS of the said -listate amormst. . _ ._ „ . , :lee ;aid administratrix will" nrotte.ed to dis- t ettOr. call ofr hi' ollico-sec•kers. They t _lie p.:rtosie,tti , - -tit.ti thereto', hawing reLfd rd ou13; are not wanted at -Rai Portaire- i " • to the objuns Of Credit' ors of Which shei shall ...-. . _ . - ' then haVe roceived notice. , . . i - 1 ..................;_-.-,,.... , :Date4 at Lucknoli this ;Ist. -day of Jay, - . : Pimples miff Blotches. . . - . .A... 1).. 1883- - ealI at Berry's rirtig Store and get ELLIOT TRAVER,- - . . a . Solicitor for the kdrainlstratrix of. 'Roderick' package of SIcGregOr St Parker's. .Car- McDonald.. deceased. ' .__ . . TO- PROVISIO8tS C't.rrate. It is composed of yase- HOUSE TO . RENT- I Carbolic- Acid and-, eerate; and . ias. never failed to. remoye Pimples, ote esi. Ulcerated Sores,. R01101 Skin. r It cities when (di others fail. - t HOUSE WITH. ROOMS AND up -stairs,- and 2 aeres _Of gopd Garden Land, with good stables attach- ed. Possessiort given in October-. BLACKSITITIffNGfor further particulars apply on -- Lot.10, Con. 8, E. D.: A.shfield. J110.lifeWillianas4 VITOCLI) INFO-IH t:11 THE INABit_ v V tants cif Lucknow arad surrounding- eonufry that he now, has on hand a - greak • number of -excellent nojegies,'; Wagons; Ike., 01" Alt Kinds-,.. • , PHAVITOIN.S - erApin BorilLs% DEmodRATS,_ (10.„ Constructed of the best material and 4 first- eb6g 1v61*.'.1'ea. acid welch he will dispose of at sr. gteat retlucti.-e to make roma for winter seoCk. OftEA-T BARGAINS don't fail to - see Ply steek before purchasing ekewhere.. ife would alsothank the public =fer their very liberal patisinage in the past a.tul-tniicits enntinnallee `41 thei.samet assuring theur of increased satisfaction. *man Ian& of jegx vrhric speedily eiecuted. HORSE SHOEINCA SPECIALTY,' ,PArtimilar attention to intorferiestjlat fi.et,etc Ohre -McWilliams' a trial, the cheapest Meeks/pith n ton. SOUND •YOUNG HORSES Laker; In tzctangefor buggies. ' lfik-ghup On gtanffer titret4 townrds the . tannery. ..' — .,. PUBLIC Noric,E. i JI PARTIES FOUND PICK- ing-berries, destroying fence,, or otherwise trespassing on the premises of MesArs. 1)onald araham- or Beni-a- le:1in' Jewitt will he prosecuted accord- ing to, law. • • IL _GRArr.tm, il. JEWITT. i Einlots, .iiiiy-2ist, 1g83. ' CANNED FRUITS 7.„ MRS. IVIOONEY - • Hag just received a . large Stock o CANNED_ 1FRITITs, I • Tam •O'Sliaptei's.-G anti -Phil( tren. Velvet . : _ _ • The iewestStyl'e of Hosiery, -* 4 . At MacIntyrcs. capiust rozreived a t: A e tyre's. . • r g.pr e room from -car,peeed as rich u.ck pattern as ever sh� DY _ * SarOarParilia Ames ithennwattsorp Igenridea„ Raerimagee out, General -Debility, Catarrh, and cl Camden/ Canted by a thin and inaporeris11k4 corrarpted,--oondition of the bitted; expellkg dre Needloisens trout the Iyalena„ kifiticlekg -and renew:mg theldeod, and Itelto,ring feng power , . DII1177,g A long period ot =paralleled nsett4. amrs sAnsapannAa rilas proven ltp iperfeet adaiptation o the !info hf ziI elseaSq. inatinth in pOor Mood -2nd o weakened rilalityt It is alagfily coneentrated extmet of fibtesq• patflla and other hlood-purityIng roots* - eonsidnetVwItli Iodide of PotasSinni and Iron, and? the safest, most reliable and Tons -A' • egonomica bIoed-plarbler and bioad-iotxt thad onea:111Aeb're:11411e1::::SnAality:::::nrst..1.1.A. ha, tl;tro,urne.ixh,ontolizEorttIti Inflammatory Itheumatisnt, lath which havel, . Inulant, la., March - I ,._Inftainmatory.ithennigisra came- . "tight years ago ir had on attack -of ItIscuma - "ism so severe :that I tumid not move front the bed.? ierrittreeutss,jr-Vuterant anhipy.t.iilet4Tiritedtisjelvetrte/krejtenEednrets,4 SAlcsAeAnii.t.A„by the use of two Bottles ef„o which I was completely mired. I have not been'A tronbled with the Rheumatism since. Rave soltk stll retains its wonderful popularity. 'The many II notable ewes it has effected in this rleinity eon -it *ince me that it is the best blood medicine everlf -offered to the - E, -F. JIA.natt3." ff hirer Et., Buckland,ZIa4S., May13, Itnt. "Last March? Was so weak from getteral tviiitnygthtiXaltrocioenciodf oat ritriltrazolls, pecithennuntenteeeldptak. Fionig-11 Art n's.SAusfArAnii.x.A. need beiore I had nsed three bottles I felt as well as I .everdidin ray life- ' I 7 bare been at work now foe two Tao/Wm, and -13 think Jour SAIts,rtI4TiaLLA the .sre.attst blood ' LAT quantities of -your liA.101.1.PAAILLA,Alid medicine in the world, • JASa.s IAr.mAito." 520 West 424.1 St:, New York, July '.19,16b2. , ATERYA SAAS.i.p.inn_i..i feres Scrofula and f slrfierofulons Complaints, Erycipelas:Eo.. t/ aema, Ilingworm, Blotches, Sofes, 71,014.„' i 1 rumors,.and 4:rum-Ions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impurities, aids digesnen, stinan. If Tates the action -of the bowels, and thus restores i T'l Vitality and stx:engthens the whole systait 4, . pnweAtazo om _ , Dr. JC. Ayer & Co.. Lowe117 Mast, `1 Soldby Druggsb; price $.1, six bottles, E5, wEsTE RN PLAZTIZTO .1ill . Ike subscriber hereby -notifies the -punkti general that he is prepart exe. ute all work in his Iine,in a su- -BUILDING OP ALL EIND3 Ty ior: stYle. contracted kr r.nd titte latest_ inoner and with great satisfactionr keep- on 'habil ai latzfe stodk. of sebson,-. ed lannber. Ali DOOlti-±:, AND - BLINDS On bawl 'or urad,tt. order at atort notice: gl!araf.4.et• good work as I keep 'none Lilt LOst of ivorknun fl and material: c.ICAINI STE WATZT.; „ uquiGiv, .11,ttivIt .211e1, ‘1:•. 2.. • Inekno* tivrust &h. 1 S83 - • .. _ITARDWA BE ...1.1,14:11.•nIANT. • - 47. - - • 's• - 1.* 'flaspbrry Vinegar„ • 'Ayaups. tie Aft 'kinds, of Bread,Cakes, Candies. and other confeetionery kept _constant..- ly_ First-class Teas only 25cta per /h. -MEALS ALL1101:71M I - - Paities_ requiring anything in the above line ;yould do 'w -ell togive inc • call. MRS, MOOkt. 'E WtS�-i TO DIR.F.0717- 417, ON OF • ..Groceries,:Boots4..-.Sh-y)3 ieri.iCker • • • rjr-0-• diir Stock is . . 18 BUY ri_r t• em at pr. . • , le*, Well- a,ssOfied.,..will 'bought and c 1. 414.110 OUR Ditt-(10- . , 'BEST GOOD8 the- marisfit tnd CS that, cannot. fail. to give saisfaction. •. • : LucknoW Aliceast Igth 1883 . , • Cr and be convineed•-• _El _ Me HA RD -Yr L. 0 UK, . • S••• ,Opposifr Whitely's Hotel LQTS -for- SALE 817i.: HELENS , 11DIEr'Nct LOT -S. NO. 20,21, 22 tiud 2;; in tile 11 village of 'St. • Helens, containing one acre of land, There is on the ptetnises- a frame &veiling houtT,Avagon shop mid stable, dlso urchariT. For futtlier particularit. apply to ICI.NAHA,X, 3in-499 St, Helens 1;".0. Farms- Sale EvERAL FiRsT,a,Ass Faring in the townships of . KINLOSS for sale. • • For particularand terms aPply- to ELLICOW.TRAVER, solicitor,_Lucknow. Lucknow, Aug. 7', 1883- LUCKNOW Receiving new new !Goods ever. y w and is selling them a ..L\TM177- - PRIC - Haying added largely to hie .Alreatly -Eitensiye of Hardware is now -- prepared. to. furffis everything reqiiired hr,fluildors, t STOVES Nfr I 33 S IT -7a 3:) pleas„ro in worming the etizens of Llicknow and surrounding- country; that he has Opened out in the shop formerly occupied by Jorim PART opposite the. Whitely House,- and is prepared to sell.' • OrS.3----------- fflRol,r.FE • casz J.0 .irefaik Oil and Lamp Goods. Also- WAXCE CYN A LIT._ 'DS hiwr in Ins line, at bottom prices: Eavetroughmg and Repairing , ,promptIr Ateraled to: An early call solicited. /2D DAIRY PAILS A „--,•Iter.-A,1,1;17: • DAinp. Line!. F'PLAND • 1148.710W in stock the Jargestand beet clisAY of LICHT AND ' HEAVY HARNESS ever shown in Lucknow. SIneral induce merits in .- • . . ._;,.., i rurritazo arta GOi...2 BOBBS .1rOne 331433.40tis eta* - My stock of Trunks, Valises, H.andSatchels, 1 ete,,is now Complete, and includn all the - -, latest styleSand inztes. , . • . * A s all the above articles were puichaied frem .. the best ina;kers, and at .the lowest 'cash r nee, 1 am prepared to sell os cheap- . is any other hotike ie the trade. dp, Don't fent° earl and see iny s 9c before p,urChasing . elsewhere. • VARNISHES AND ALL KINDS 0! HA Also guttering in' Tin, -Zinc, or gairmizell Iron, Cisteri in Tin or Galvanized Iron Water Line for Cisterbs, inq required in the Building Iron, 1 urnish at my stere at Parties intending to build this eason wiThfind and see my Stock 'before purchas ng their -supplies. IN .1- have as.usua/ a large and well the Cheapest-a,yetroughini.r, a and despatchl • _ In Stoves I- have itiarge assortm Cook- Palvior. . ^ • . • . • hich will be sold at Low PriOs. o business, I- think can supPly.t 'position. Small profitsand quick While returning my sincere, tha in the paskrhope fOr g"Continuan • • ARE. timps,-EaVetrOughing fact every article toin. Prices: ir advantage to Call That. the Special attention paid to orgerd en IlarneRs. - • • • "I All work guaranteed tirst-c]855. ROBERT PROCTOR. ;FARM FOR SALE. NWARE. I- . - ssorted stock which I 1' I sell as Cheap as .Specialty1 .RePhienig one with. matness OTTON'YAltNS- nt .of an Having had a long .egt le, wants .of the "Puli,110; etirrns ismy motto I ' , 4 Irs tot -the _public for thei e Of the same in utur os. • orienge ia this line - without fear of op- . LiberalPati'ionage OL TWEED SUITS FOR 1 . OR TO RENT. -um EING NORTH QTTARTER LOT 11, _CIO' Con. -12, Township of .Kinloss, con- taining fifty acres more or Jess, about forty acres cleared and fit for eultiVation balance well timbered. There is about th'eee acres under fall vibeat-iso house, good barn, ,and.a first-class drchard on the premises. The Fabove property will be either rented 'or sold. or further partieulars apply to ea. address THOS. TODD, . 4Iarch 21st,11883%, Syleletes .1". 0. = . WC,4-ttag. Gl'ARA..tvr.7.7-,,.-t-Affer fa/r trial, with no relief or cure effected, your money wyt b3 r.efund4.11. • PR/it 41.60. ' 1 _ Sold by . IDEITIRGIS7'S *It rEOF.MS..i.:Zverzrwheze. Satisfaction Guaranteed -or Money Refunded. AMOUNT REQUIRED TO. CURE As 'Follows , CNE To F.7./X BOTTLES Ns; purify the . blood eradicating all humours, from ihe coMmon pimple blotch, or _toil, ) to the. most Malignant foini of scrofulous ulcer. OE TO SIX BOTTLES, .1?3- cleansing the Blood,, will' purify the Vomplexion from Sallowness, snieoth out the- ;wrinklez. resulting fron iiiiPerfect 14hurishrnent of the body, sweeten f�uI breath, and renovatt the entire system. ONE TO Two BOTTLES Will cure or in- • ary constipation oi- costiveness,there- • by- removing Headache, Piles, Biliousness .and *Ja-undice„ and all diseases resulting from torpid LiVer. ONE To SIX BOTTLES, by cleansing the: Blood, improving the general health and fortifying:the system against • taking fresh colds, -will in:all caseg relieve, and in most cases cure that loathsoine and dangerous disease, OATAR,RII. OlkiE TO TRUE BOTTLES Will regulate all derangements of the ICidneys, 11 lb • curing urinary prostka- ' tion, Gravel, Diabetes, etc.. _ On TO Fouit BOTTLES Will reinvigor- *- ate the, entire systein, curing nervou and general debility, reinale -vveak- ness and all its .attendant miseries. PRIIcE ONE DOLLAR. : SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS and 'DEALERS. Well made, and r- - trithm.ed RENCZ one5T to Loam. n 'Real Estate,.at reasonable, tes ot. terms 'of payment, it Boirowers.- ELLIOT TRAVER - WILL ClIRE OR RELrevt. BaioussEss, D,Z%rnEg, 88, ej/DN:RAFLADuy8TioN8P0AIEDERpoPfllrells. 7:5LEliAt. oss FAD Loll ii:DOTT. Pori ir8FrrEyYrk7 isonNE- TF:01 14, E. 8AAKtell H74 ..1:arEs ed yreereBruyd fts1.1; tEl eRs, o fit;RsneY:ys sEs .8a8re4 tirnio,gm. Afrootz_ BOWEL§ Of BLOptk LitiLtuRtvco., -4 • ,