HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-07-06, Page 6Pansy.r_ THRLIESA?TTOIITTERSNDTOalum's FREBLT.. £CCOZbfltC To THaDteraa*it Orcei sciaa oz WI rllZf`3ovz dLL OTHER Llaintria I zadeztow Salt, ,, 2C23.- _ LUOKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL.. • The half yearly- promotion examrn• - ...stiesof the Lucknow PublicSchool was held_ on the 28th aird 29th of June. . On the whole- it • was well _ attended by the pupils -of the different rooms, al=- though it -is to be regretted thata few failed to put in an appearance. .The r iiu tubers. given heron:: refer only. to . those who= wrote on -- the exannination. ` by Mr. 'Archibald; in which the- real! A .004l 111211113'0r were successful as: will dealt ininutel , with the variousChan Bre seen by the following report = ' hickAd u . fo y, undergoes its' pas ` ruesmo IOJT TOINTER3ITDIATE CLAS. through the.. -humaxi system, lyi _• No.. of mark obtainable, T50 ,-- Ko: particular emphasis on they- worse required to pass, 375; No. who wrote, stoinach-wlrenever he; arose to a climax - Passed A. I;aircl, 579 , - Jennie Cara Il, 550 ; Maggie . Martin, al T ; Susie' Walker,. 509. auvva.,,- understood that we do not- hold ourselves responsible for -the- views expressed by' correspondents. ---Ed, is=tire l'diarn- of ag Sentinel.' I: Sta, - Aocordingto public :announc meirt from the three pulpits n Luck, now a. united meeting in the interests of . -temperance was held in = Puix Church on,the 26th -of June atteight o'clock in the evening. -The .audience from the united congregatio iu Icer . ed from tweri ve r . ty-fi to thi ty p ns , 'corrsistirig: of a few- wise fathers, gree single young. Hien,. a .few -. of thecair .'sex and some.. children, the -Clair; being -occupied by the pastor of `,. Ute Church. The first _ item on. the go t rainme was a very voIuminohs cxr-_) glorneratioti of di#%rent subjects red . PROMOTION TO ENTRANCE CLASSS.:. No of. marks obtainable,. 750 ; fid. ,required to pass, 375 ; No. who. wrote, 20. -P sed`: Jas.: (. Forbes, 583 ; Emma Mullin; 571 ; harry Meeh, tyre,: 571'; Wilmer Robertson;: 560 ; • Beverly Murray, 515.; - Wesley Tre. Ieaven,.526 ; Edward Lawrence, 515 ; David Crahai , 512 ; `Well. - J. Mar tin, 511-. Louisa. Treleaven 508: Ida Patterson, 5€ T ; DaV id La wrencet 505; J. A.. McDonald, -4993 -Maggie Murray, 483; Alfa: Ross„ 461 Maty Campbell, 460;""J Ira. Miller, 435. PROMOTION rO 4TH CLASS.. -_ No of marks obtainable,: 650 ; rewired, to pass, 32.5 ; No. 'who wrote, 16. Passed :—Ut orge Burgess, 431 ; • Ethel Mullin, 393. PI OtiiOTION; TO SEN. 3iw .CLASS. NO. of marks. o ,t aiarable,' 650-.? No. required•to pass, .325 ;. o who wrote;: I2: Passed :—;I zzw McMillan, 442; Lizzie Hornell, 398 ; Jennie Boland, 387 ; Jennie Fitidlatc r; -35e ; -Aceto McD.onajd. 352; Emciaa Peart, 348; .Mi- is ie Dower, 343 ; Bertie i hOorvie, 340 ; John Fraser,. ISP. • PROMOTION TO .317N7. 3RD CL SS. No; of narks obta:hable,.550; No. required to pass,, 2c a -;' N o.: who wret: , 29< • Passed ; Jessie Lees, 415 ; Jae Irvine, 410 ; Sarah Mei/begat, 381 ; Jas. Grundy,. 382 glohnr - tlamert gin, 382: ; Mary. Graham, 375,; Win.: Clow, .375; Harry Whitely ` .S ; Wm. Law, rence, 366 \ li}. - J. Dougla.Ss, 362 Alex. hiaclntyre, 358 ; Tena Bennett, 350; John Denocik 337--; Lizzie Ten- nesoii, 3201 -Florence Graham,: 316 Elena Ilam-bly, 308 ;. J.ol.n Edgsw•, . 291; Willie -Stuart, . 284 ; ui. 11.4... tin, 283. :. 1 •which was not seldom He discourse to some -len h on mastication, thyme; chyle, last i' , etc., to all of which the attentive a dieirce, listened, with de- light.: The next -item- was a selo4 TIT "The Drunkard's Doom," . rendered in• AJ` in excellent style.by Miss Cameron, of. Liickatow, after which the .Chairman referr.lchin a very- melancholy runner to the- dangers from .drink and :the p� e,erit condition oUthe young Men -of the'village, stating :ghathe' hacl been. informed by;, a reliable .person that at -least severity' -five per. cent of -the .male population ' cif ..Luckno w . were either c:onfir wed drunkarcls or tipplers; and s iroirgly iirgect , the - young ladies. preser►t. to. use theii` influence in. draw- ing oat:the-young ni r, . s }ie knew a not13-ing-1norti likely to 1 1p the -cause sof_ ti'=rtperanee than 's proposed (;H EVERY liaraaels, 331a kind i 'Mite Slack and Czeara Spa Silk .tries,liaadksrFk; k K AND COLORED DA From the large and -exceeding'y 441 which comprise all the new and ':make a Pg leantifu : ':mPleasing choice. - A l 1 k large_ - and !fill the very pretty -and novel designs l of he sO Gerais .f.iirnisliing The newest make in soft and stitr and collar.attachedShirtslinen Dollars action -ort the part of th(t gies; Y'IsITQIt, WILL SELL - pLANTS g Filif8 Blatat hss. . . k. • _In order to Clear out my •Greenli preparatory to fall planting which is tEss THAN vtiotEsAtE .PRI ra-First C.Oloe first served. • • • a,.Paimmouterie Trim MANES A OEM1 orted--s tock of: Ladies Dress Goods,. ades and styles, you cannot -fail to "range.`. to select: from; of Prints' in on. 4mpletu . •�e --f��r� ::fty ats,' k and colored. � . kid gloves, seperate and almost°endless variety of silkti, .. The latest p&tp lb is ih. NADIAN, 8CTC A per, ct A fTOI At, this moment' have'undonbtm ocks ever ekhibitec) in this.or the sui :ed to one and sed for yourselves..:: �. <7tI1� GS' .TIDE EASON TH.A i4 lJ ' beautifies nature,_ir-ings the blrr sof s aiidalds, to cheer and cl'eliaht us Pring toe, has a . renovating effec of has cered to the wants and 'necessiti s Cil TIFIEEDS. 1. oun, towns: You are.co.rdially'int STERN POUNDS- OF WOOL TED AT MACINTYRE%.; • Ken's Dress Shirts at lia.cIntyre's, Men's Fancy :Shirts at MacIntyre's: • - • his- store is ;bitter EVELENT VAL6E AND Siffnit. These stereotype a*ertions by all, aid yiptE: Alum Ball Blue titton 131m thbrick robins dcgaida enitS ting \; Powiter • Cinnamon -- in et Cloltes, Corks on Cas of 9i1 - ILam Clot es 'Pins . °Chc}rieet 2ercal . ' 'II 1/41T..All'III: ilm:1:111 Drie'cl Apple( - Oatmeal' Epsom Salts . pails, 1343 s Peels ATE.% REFRESHES. -AND and' bemity back to our '1;i:beds old Pioneer, :and. although he Many friends and Patrons fpr kESS' OF NOS aro-the cheapest, -amt.:best. ey neither knew the amount, 1 Resin, Rope Sugars, Sulphyr, Sago, Starch alt Petre .ses Stilt -in 13ags Syrups, Spices Soda Bi -Cart; Tapioca, Tobaccos' Velencias, vinegar Tomatoes Wash Boards Washing ,Crystal Whittling- • i Hams 'Yeast Cakes Or Hinges, T. Hinges? POCKET TE o eck NO. Of marks • obtainable, 300 ; No. requires:I,W pass, 150 ;-No.t who wrote; 18- Passed ,:-.—James Clialtairi, 262 ; Kitty Murdock, 237; Frank- johisison, of shickivikbe found at ows, Spades Skov- e;s t prices. AT VARIOUS. PR/OgS. . OUT .eYeS biz 17 ''-i-- c--4.---t.r.:1..,-"ic.- 117 wr. t g re D - t'°' ...' ". " 1 ' 1 :: ..Lf . s' e )c IC c. --g : ;1 4 64 :711 2%8 4 4: ' 7. ' 'W -2 ; 69$ ° "65. c-97: fbacrHz G'46-4:° 1: 9:- '44gt?: s°11:4::::::,,... . -"Ai ::;:„ .31 tO R E. . . wili pay if 1;0. - ''' - r ' ' ,1-4 ,...tr 7, 6 ' • a' 171' ° '1 5:'"21* -P g'''11:57' -°:1- ia' eT-4 4 1 . e° aL"' la.- 7-.115):3a:t4GtweedS as law as TEAM „GRIST MILL -, 't. 1 - • 31e.01/bNEY--In Kinloss, Iast, the. wife of John at, daughter. , CAmiszyr.—IticKwsztn.----At the resi- dence of Mr.. McKenzie, Lueknow -1-on July 2nct, by the Rev. --D. _ Miss Atary d. McKenzie, all of • ricefer woO1 in -cash o* -- SaixtiCtOr C+OODS IN t re's stand opposi Men's Ties -an _Collars, Men's Summer derelothing, At MacIntyre's The Little Fav te Corset, The newest Vie of Parasol, The new t style of IlsOsiery, VAR • the Whitely Ho se I 111 - ASSORTMENT YEST .11111PLfrdENTS o-rks; 13.01e iiirsi- a oF,;5_03elat and:stra.ig70 handles,) , aradles,_:047.thies,:(wAriantld,)-S.naths, (ail kin s, L,LiC KNOW eceivip new Goods eVer and is selling them at TOMLINSON BROS. teg to .• flounce- to their•nuraerons custom- Prs and the 'public 'generally that- they. have had their mill thoroughly rephir-, ed and remodelred on the -most improv- ed system for the manufacturing of a • FIRST 4;1455 Glt.t.IDE . :. We also keep on hand:a ebOice lot —The potato bugs are numer-Ous season and present a very healthy appearance. We _are informed that ' the fence.s-surrounding potato patches - are lined with the pests, patiently' waiting for a. chance to get, in tliee • COT d astpnish the ace uyers for value. T EED VITS FOR of n rimmed a Every housekeeper should iry it. Eyery -bag • guaranteed quantity - and quality. lands Of _ • CHOP FEED -AND, CRAIN c6nstantly on hand. goods delivered to all_partsi of thelown.:- Lucknow, ,Iun 7th, 1883. -Hwang added .largely of Flardwarei nal-. ttikieti VARNISHES AlsO guttering in Tin, Zinc in Tin- or Galvanized Iron refi-mred in the Buildifig Parties intending.to build and see my:Stock before pure Has piEmsure in inforining.the citizens of tucknow and surrounding country) that Tie has opened Out in the shop. formerly occupied by JOHN TEAM(' opposite the Whitely House, and is prepared to sell. - Coal Oil and Lamp Good& Alsoi•-- • mar„,erytiig in hrs line, at bottoni prices. Eavetroughing and Repairing prepoptly attended to. An early- call -solicited. DIS AND DAIRY PAILS A SPECI.JILTY, I have as .uSual a -large and We and despatch ! In Stoves :I.have-a large assortni every artiole nei -with neatness Which will be sold at Low Prices Of loudness,: I think I can supply t While. returning my isincere than the'past, 'lope for ‘4.i* cong-inanc'e. rime& in this line 'thout fear of op - bend Patro- nage °DS A, Ihave pened out an entirely new stoek of • • -Which I will sell at -THE SMALLEST LIVING PROFIT. As my.expenseS are small and I Sell for Cash. ?r 1,'rocluce Only, I can make. it -WOrth -your cid and -look th ugh my stock before -purchasing elsewhere._ Taken as Cash, tor which the highest market price will be paid. • • 110,111' ARO HEAVY HARNESS BOTOOLlailk4.3, ;eta. 147 the best inakets, and at, the, kgwest eash irtec,1 a -m prepared to sell ps cheap Don't fail to call and see my *tuck before purchasirg eles here. • •g1.24#4.4- Co114.4, EX "gaunt. -aturer of all kiralk of reparedtlistn ever to supply the waats.of : untOmers and the public generally: Remem: ALEX. ROSS RIVE FOR SAL Coil. 12, „Township of Kinlose;.00n-- t.., nling Mb.' aeres more. or less, about forty _,.i. dres oleared and fit for giuItiVation, balance Tell timbered. _There is , about three acres •'• ticler fall wheat, 'also hoilse, good barn, and a 1 t-elass 'orchard on the pretnisea.' The I. bal: Estate .at reasonable -- TRAifzit all'work in their line in a superioratyle. •contracted ff.', and finished in the :latent man- ner .and wall great satisfaction. We keep, ,ELnineer.- All sizes DOORS SASH AND BLINDS rOn baud, dr sal.de to tgrer at short notice. Wo guarantee good work tis'vre keep time but the best of workmen 4nd material; • bunnies, Boils, and :Eruptions of the 'Skin, -., are the' direct :result of an impuro .state- of the blTo°do Cure these diseases:the blood 'must be pnri. lied, and re,stored to a healthy and natural condf, tion. AYBATS#BOARABILLA. has for over forty' years been redognised by •emineitt medical au, thorities as the moat powerful bloocl puffier in existence. It frees -the system from all fotil Ign-• an trades of mereutial treatment, and oVnee ,self complete master of all screfulOns diseases. • A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. - "Somt; Monthlg ago was troubled with ieroftg- Ione sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores dis- • charged large quantities of offensive matter. Every remedy I tried failed, until I lased AYER' SAIMAPARILLA, of which khave now taken three 17ottles, with the result that the sores are healed, and my general health- greatly improved. I feel ,yerygrateful for the good your medicine has dotes me. Yours respectfully, Mits. Aim 0"Bateri.” 148 Sullim St., New York, June 241882. CR"' All person's interested are •Sravited call on /firs. O'Brian; also upon the Rev.z. P. Wilds of 78 East 54th Street, New York. City, who -will take pleasure In testifying to' the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparit. la, not onlyln the cure of this Indy, but In his ..own cnie and many others within his knowledge. • Tho well-known writeroa the- iforfoii Herald, R. La, of Rochester, itr./Lorrlies, ;Tune 7,1882: • "Ila g mitered severely for some years With Eczema, and havingfailed to find relf ef from other' remedies, I have made nse, during the past three, ' months, of AYER'S SARsApAurr.r...A„ -Odell has • Cent remedy for all *blood d:seases." Stimulates and regulates the action of the di- gestive and assimilatIve organs, renews ana strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cure* Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gent, Catarrh, General Debility, and all _disease* arising from an impoverished or corrupted.condl-• titm ot the blood, and a weakened vitality. It is Incomparably the elteapest hloogi medicine, account of its dincentratedstrongth,audgreat power over disease. • Dr. .1. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mese. • Oft Ggma,ei.o-rzu !---After ter trial, with to Sold . AMOUNT REQUIRKD TO CUM blood, eradicating 4humentrs, fro% the common pimple blotch, Lok to the most um.,iipant- form 14 icrofulou4 ulcer. 'from Sallowness, smooth out •tb. , wrinkles resulting from i/Av.*;•tqc4 nour-ishment of -the body, sweeteik foul bre:ath, and renovate the entitie. ONE TO Two BOTTLES 'Will cure orclin-.. ary constipation or costiveness,thene-, • by removing Ileadaehe, Biliousness and Jaundice, and al4 - -diseases restaing from torpid Liver, ONE TO 1513: BOTTLES, by cleansing the. , Blood, improving thegeneral health, and fortifying the -system againatt. taking fresh colds, will in all cases. corinnon• loathsome and dangerelia itisease k/STE TO THREE BOTTLES Will regulate. all derangements 4 the kidneyk - tion; Gravel, Diabetes, eta. „ and general debility, Female wee*, ness and all its attendant miseries.. PRICE ONE DOLLAR - BOLD BY ALL DliUGGISTS and PE-41BM.. • . WILL 'CURE OR -.RELIEVE OF THEREARn- OALT RHEUM TUE 00112,104 iffAmpiEt. .OF And every species Of tlitergee arising fie* $11430R1 ga 11:7144.1141 4 • •