HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-04-20, Page 5at, - - • ".• •4•111.11MOW TitfucknOw - - Tat 7,raserr urrsa TO it nava sipmr AbsoanING. TO TR& DEOTATEK of Oolla0t SNOB WE PRIZE,AnotrittALLGTitiSgranSaTISR.,: LItalcuwar. 18e3.; • VOTE ON THE o:RA.NoEfiiLT: The Ottawa correspondent . of -the Mao on Tuesday say s :-The t debate and division on the 'Orange Ihcorpere- • tiOn pill last night are still the prin- cipal- topics 'of diseusSion.„ The ma- jority of the Tory „ Orangemen are - indignant at the .conduct ; of their political friends, the - Quebec •Blues, bit Hon. Mr. Bowel]. and other leid e▪ rs are -endeavoring, t� conciliate theni by asserting that the _defeat -of the bit/ Was due sigely to the Liberals: How this ,conelnsion is arrived• .at not very clear. Sir John Macdonald ,boastit ota majority of seventy:in:the Ltensk an4 there ii no doub$ that had h- wished to press the bill Ins ffiends uld tave stood- by him. The defeat *a. the, bill may therelore be taken as- p_opef`pasitive that Sir Sohn desired defeat. gis is lavr With a -ma---• jez-ity, An analysis'. Of the division 11.t, shows that only two protestant •-03nservativeg front Ontario -Messrs. • Patterson- (Essex) and MeMa,ster- v ,ted-*acrainst the bill Two Ontario Messrs Gium ancl Sutherland, voted- for tha hill Everyt. Catholic member in the Tfouse, excepting Mr. Hawkins., voted against the second reading-. The- number of Reformers voting for the bill was nirie.. The ma- jority was composed of ;1513 Liberals and 53 Conservatives, -while the -minority included I Conservatives :and 9tLib- era& Vire& QuelieC members,: Xessra...• 4*.iibbot, Seriver `and Bryson., Voted forY the bill: Mr. Bergin, of was pxcerodingly, anxious t to avoid - voting, and at last mo:nsiit, wanted to • - iair with -a gentlemen *1-14 intended it, iege and did, vete for the six month' - hoist T.AR/FF orritivakg.- Ag an ilinstratioil of the i'vondit.rful - =fairness displayed hy the Finance utter in his prop?4---1 chfines in the • T• ariff', with vinier-of eqiializing the flvienne and expeilditure, ter to a feWincenerhitids: The cry • . - from the Mtrit;irt:. .?rovinetes for the abolition of the- (Intr oe.-cOrtemeal. and flour; is Met V abolishing all duties On. diamonds, .rubies, pearl,r- saphires. • emeralds, garnets, and-- other precious stones -thus virtually answering their. prayers for bread V _giving them .a stone. -Ile pIacessau-dust end sausage - casings on the free list, and adds a lit- tle 'more taxes on quilts and coin- f• orters just to Comfort the poor and - needy during our Ling and tiresome Winters. Ile rejoices the hearts of the, laborers and:farmers; by admitting tile attar- of roses free of duty and piling . up the taxes on their spades and hoes -: and that they may be enabled to jiidg, more clearly of . his willingness to sup- ply them with luxuries to gratify their - refined tastes, he, _admits -mineral wat- • ers 'freeand adds from 10 to 1.5 per tent to their ploughs and other imple- ments of hus,handry.. Thep the hard . Working toilers are not forgotten- so , far as their clothing is „ Concerned, for 'Sir Lecher:ad proposies lint 4.4z: ditional tax npon pybited cettons,-to . counterbalance which he "intends in the largeness of his. heart to make re- ductions in some medical roots which -which are required as. :medicine by the over fed:monopolists-who have been.en- riehed by the Operations of his grand panacea,. 1.1e will. -also- admit large, blocks of Marble for tombstones -_fin - '" bloated bondholders' free of duty:: -and will tax ordinary people who Want small tonibitooes. for their -dead, ten t-pir cent- Then to display his compre hensiveknowIedue oft--birsiness he is to grant a l?rnius, of $1.50 per ton op.all pig iron:manufactured in the Domin- ion,. while at the -same time . he leaves • that and other:business of a like char . akter handicapped by a tax 4ef 50 and Watt. per ton on coal. -.And to insUre his personalpopularity with therhasses, the Finance -Minister very Considerate-- ly °Wars us cheaper -tobacco so_ that every burdened son of toil -in -ay solace hill:I-self with the pipe of. peace; These are a few of the Absurdities Of the amended -tarift brought down by -Sill- - Leonard' which in some slieht measure • , . . ' go -to -show that.thet (xoverment of Sir John believes most thoroughly hi class legislationi•and in "supporting its sup- porters" whenever an opportunity 'presents itielf. • 4 114: nAxicos AT tilODERtoFla HtRT & CO.'S FLOURING HILL. SWEPT AWAY,: terrible disaster occurred here on Wednesday morning in the- total 'wreck of garVs &tiring -Mill and dam, ' better known. as -the Piper property, by the spring_ freshet Fears had of late, been entertained that considerable dainage.weidd result when the thaw set in, tattoo I-Ine" airiticipated-rinch a destruetterfef'iropertya.s ocurred here- about 5 a. in on. Wednesday.,On Suw day Jest a„. small break was perceived • ize the dam;131..it-no serious 'danger was apprehended by the owrin of the • mill,: and' in all likelihood ,/11O serious: conseTtenceS would have followed had it not happened that tthe ice' jam at- lifanehester,-sonre miles up the Mait- land, broke -on Tuesday and was hurri-,_ ed down the Stream During Tuesday' -night the *canine of.weter at this point i!4•Tel1ed greatly, and by day -break on Wednesday morning- the strain on the dap, at Hart's- Mill- became so -great ' that, the water forced ita- way ,thrthig_11 " st both (lads- of .the dam-a-partimilar Warp- opening being -created on the. • side next to the mill Shortly__after fouro'dock,the attention; of Mr.liart, who was working- m the mill, was drawn to the fact that the-peir- at the head oCthemill-race was lieing,carried away by theflog and soon to hit con- sternation he discovered that the foundations of the.mill Ve-re being un- dermiued by the forge of the Waters. He inimediately give: the alarm, and with the assistance of his Workmen and. neighbors endeavored _ to -caxry out some of the flour that had been ground. They succeeded in: getting' out Some_ thirty-nine hags, When zuddenlY the milt b7egan to sm-ay. under Pressure of - the waters. Every olio then jumped froni the tottering structure, Which: ge.Ve a sudden heate andloppled ova into the -stream, 'oil Was carried -do wn. At noon the. Phtee at which the mill - formerly stood Was a desolate lofting spot - The as well as the mill had been carried' away, and the Waier had, in a number of instancei-undermine(1 the banks of the stream so that a num- ber Of heavy landslides ha,ve resulted The brick dwelling of Mr. Hart 'which is situated about 50 -feet from the-ed,ge of the bank is thought to be in danger, owing to the landalips. The mill Was tilled with grain- and . produce; arida: d - great less is thereby ..entaileupon Messrs -.Hart Co.; in addition to the destruction Of : the mill and -dam, which is estimated be about $15,000.: No Insurance. • • These who happened to be near the Month Of - the ,riVer on Wednesday mornine •cohld see sweeping down, piece by Hide, the wreck -of the ill-fat- ed building. -It was the first intithation they had of the disaster.- Dors, Nein dow sashes" • portions of the roof and pieces ofesqUare timber -the -fOunde- dons -were whirled rapidly downthe lake; Min:I.:led With hoppers bits of wood with bolting cloth attaclhed, and other parts of 0late Milt Out in the lake, perhaps a quarter of amine . from the river's mouth, the bulk of the - wreck of the mill can now be seen, an ugly pile of rubbish, restine against the :ice. Along the river eteintervals ca,n1still be fuid..sonie part of the building or machinery,,,held.-by asnaff, or flung upon a _shoal. - Therapiddal" of the river has helped to complete the work of demelition, for much that fell liole and entire at the ;pill site, was reduced to kindling -ere it was disgOrg- ed into the lake by the greedy stream." _ LUOKNOW A LREA,DY 1i1VE PASSE the Season Of 1$83 is n on- :ne some place to procure her ' ' SPIEZZIL\r. -And wh re?..0 may Buyers are already 1the mei ke a few Raisins -6r a yard of.Faete y • : 1883. And certainly, lif the Bicls • , . E VERN L EQUINOX . AND v.ery Eton ewife is_Iooking out for t -a. d °fibre re1 sre dh ..m "Kig: Al If Irariners and tieii Wives can be•b h . • . . a rag of Cotto they are certaml p buy iior bribe anyolie, ,iieither do I. ask yo Seine nation, or churcht-.- or lodge o -p4A4 . • • . - of Creel, of polities, or even Of frienUshp. centF. - This and noth tng more. - Vow this is the ground on which I e hfi 8 general]1y for theyear! is said -9.4 pound of &gar or Rice, as a. BONUS FOR YOUR TRADE FOR 1- the Cheek of the.`l3idderi would I E FARM . in this "Way. for a meSS of Rice or but still I will neither attempt to r- patronage because you are of the al belief ;fnusiness is not aiatter usincss la a matter o dollars an . f d YOUR PAT ently solicit ' 000s :- - I propose to buy, proance and isel :that I deserve your patronage: To 'mutual:confidence as between tl nierchan honest dealing inside the • connte , • aticl.,ithe .If the farmer wantsmorethan the reallval the Merchant's -goods at less tliaa fitir Mar ipersenaltapplication Of the eighth a d lev' chant does not cheeffnliy pay t" ' nt." io dear, orpawns 'offin1 fe rim% Ware at .46 amenable to the sameaforesaiii unalth'abl• Please do 'hot judge a whole a . Please do not go hearsay • .or by • own judgement, a'nd do business. on March 24,- li83. goo* t -R::1883. rselve - • • • Mad.ut5 re. leads the Dqminion. t . ..., , . . . at such prices as will convince you. wethings are necessary, Viz. Ist, and his customers; 2nd,fair and aine Ori -the outside of the -Counter. e of his produce, aid also demands - et price, then clearly he requires a nth coin andinents,,dr if the Alter - Market p 'pe, or Sells his goods too rice of good ones, then he Also is standards. • -: :-:.:„.. . -- r4 -by a p unit of sugar or a yard of Callao. e.Opiniona of others. Exercise.your our_ON n -hook.. ore .to fallow.. - 1-1.4.1R,3D727. - „. for TEAS • 'TP_ •;%- • G003DS av - ( • opened ut an ent y neW stock of CatIveres flarbolie cerate -Try it- for Chapped ilailds, Cuts, lintng,. Bruises. - • It is a preparation of Vaseline, Gmbh*, Acid and Cerate.' wifi efire any 're Where all Other preParations -fail, Calf at Berry's Ihtti,F Store and get a package.- Twen- t•-y-tife. cents is ellit costs. • , . . TILE MARK1ETS: , Wheat• - 92 t' -SPrilitf Wheat • - 0 92 - 93 50 510. _ . - • :'%fle-y• ... 0 4-3 0 45 035 . .0 36 • .eivri. 07-3 • 075 _ Tetat'oes-parbusi .40 . 0 40 •,• , 00 , do 00_ - Hay -per ton • ' Wool .. 0 1920 . • ....1 10, •' S 15. ...0 13 • • 013 Eggs Butter • ... '0 16. 0 46 ,44 Hides- ... ... ilm . dr 59 6 00 -, . _Apples- ' . ... • 50 - • 060 - Wend.- ... . ... 1 501 Sheepeldas- .': . 75 - 1 00 sammumm0 8 to 8 cts perlb . - . 4191 - • ileGregoet Speedy -Cure. • . From tha many -remarkable curs wrought by using .:McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,. Indigestion, Con- stipation and :Affection of -the Liver, and from the i,meriset sale of it without any advertising, we have -eonclued to place it extensively on.- the 'market, s0. that those suffering May have a per- fect cure. Go to a.w.,perry"gt,,Druk Store_ and get a tnal bottle free, or the iegitlat size at fifty cents and onejolar. FARM 'FOR -8 Ate OIL TO RET. Wliich 1 will -sell at T IE SMALLEST L ,ti are small and I Solt 'for Oash Or -,-Prod -*hire to ‘,11 and lookIthreugla'niystock. - • - B. T Taken.as Cash, for w ich the ligiest -mar ..il•TGt .As. my expenses co Only, '1.-.ean ina,ke it *worth yourt ;ore purchasing elsewhere: et price will be paid. . • a BRICK .STORE, - 366 Bushels Prifne mmeriOein_TirOpth Seev'at IVIaclntyie:8. [.4 :oars ,x1C.limemarims01.14,4.4.7 -frt the Rol P 01'1 it go without,Comfort and olaee, when yon eau gqt •1b81 Extra GQOJ Tea fDr$11OO • - kit 61' .:AC1NTY E S and 150 3u5hels of -A 1 Clover "rf • .441,irkytws:...oLp -.:STANT);. .OPPOOTEMIE WAITYjN•-flOTTS't. M.DAILY.. RECEIVING ADDITIONS TO MY closest prices fer CASH, and Tf_41Cif 1 am (lifeline ul lic generally. , - • FARMERS" REQUISITitS, such as :--Spades, Edge Tools &c. - • BEILDEFS' HARDWRE:-..;Noils,Ings, LS dit'P Vitt.FF TERS' SUPPLIES z ---White LI i.11 Graies, CJ _ LSO A COIVIPLETE_S cuTLERY A tiEADY LARGE STOOK„. p:tutoaiksED AT cerresiSonclingly • low tgui es. to reycustomers and _ Forks,ies 'Olive itte Chains -Saws toveAs,.= t . • .1 firizs:aes (Einleelnint Paints and Varnish) _ LF liAPD ALPE ,ef a ' a SOIALrir. T * . Warranted equal tot-JOwitt aiiy- other make, .. - . EAGENT Fint THE'DOMINIOR 'LI UV ' lifTS .,,i'w., .titt!)-T,211 READY FORIKE 1. am deterniined le de alive lueinesS and sell. at close prii,•; s fOr Cash.' Give me a call. No titouble to show goods • . „ • t, 4.1te no w in stock the lorsolit and best 4111447 of UCHT AND - HEAVY HAM* Jr ever ,ehoive i Imehnow. -$12kentl. iitanee • , Ments in 313714110 11224 GOAT MIS UOTSeBlezkoto, My stock of !Friuli s, Vallee!, HondFatcheisi Fetet4is now copti ]et, and Includst &lithe latest e:yles and Imam As all ,the above aliticlelir were purdhosed from t_tie best make, and SI tbe lowest, -cash met, I am pri pared to sell es -cheap Don't tnny't °At% rtoll:a111.61eaindA tsheet t int 4.; e • etoilc. before Purchasing ' elsewhere. ' Special attention paid to order% -.411work gtfaranteecl tirst-elass. ' , ed liarftes8. J. -'ROBERT PROCTOR, - and give :qi.totations. Lucknew, April -11th, 1883. 1:0 MING- NOIMIT Q1TARTER - LOT .11, ' COO-. 1.2.. To.rushif, fitfy• scree more, or less, about fortv acres cleared and fit- for cultivation,. balance. well. tirabgred- There is about -three acres - under fall wheat, also 'muse, ganil barn, and a - -qrst,class orchard an the premises: The abliVe property will be either .rented or sold. For fttrthet particulars spay to or address, • THOS. TODD, - • March Usk: 1883, -• S. Ifelea'a P. O. .• BULLS FOR SERVICE. 41111111 9IHESUBSCRIBER WISHES To - the faiiners •ancretherstin this seCtipn that he will -keep for service this sea - ion at Maple Grove Farm at 1:44 10, eon.. 12, Eastern Division of Ashfield his two stinerior. Thoroughbred - -Short-Horn " Baron Luk," and" Oakville Duke,'" got by -"Baron Surmise"? dam "Lily," by" Rciyal Brathpt- 'on," both imported by John-Divden,M.P.P., and 'bred:by Atrins era/shanks,. Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Seotland;-' Terms for" Baron Lusk,'.' grade caws, $5; Thorinightired cows, " Oakville Duke," grade Cows, $1.50; Thoroughbred hoWs, $10.• JAMES H, 'GARDNER. Luckno*,-„Mareh=21st; 1883. 4in-479. FARM FoR.04LE. --14E1Ditt LOT 2 IN , THE • 13TH CON-. IJOL Of the.tovr.nshiii of Ashfield, containing 100 acres, 97 acres cleared. There ift a good .framet house, also •a- barn and 4W31ea. on the premises. The 'farm _ is „siinated seven .miIes from the village of Lucknow, and con- vinient to schools -and church.. Terms -Part of the raeiley at time of Salei_balanee in pay:- meats to suit Purchaser. •-.1For further par- ticulars appty On tire premises- or to • - ARCHIBALD' MoDO,NAFD; • - - Lucknow P. O.- Mottoy to •Loan. , .Ort Real Estate, at reasonable rates, otrterms of payment orro*er. .pLuoT TRAV OFFICE-4i-gl.t to Post 0440,0 Lneknow; -March 11 Yram's Wlukd LightnIdg I it the only - instantaneous relief --for Neuralgia. Headache; _Toothache,. Pte. Thibbing- a- few drops briskly is all that is needed No taking nauseous meth - cines for weekS:". but one minute's ap- plication -rerrioNve: all pain and will provethe'great value a 1Cratteli Fluid Lightning. Twenty-five cents:per bot- . -tle at Berry's Drug Store, - •. - ealmI•iMil•Nmeeeoim4s4 t,- HaVing added largely to his .o.lready 'Stock of Hardware-, is now 's prepared to furnish eveith11 g required by Builders, . . .. VARNISHES, AND ALLi (fflDS Of 11J.,RDWARg.!: , Also gutteringinTinl Zinc, of Oakvanized ron, Cistern PumpsyEavetroughing in Tin. or Galvanized Iron,'Water1Linle fo Cisterns, and in fed .every article ;required in. the Blinding Line I furnish t f - • . y store at Bottom Prices. - Parties hitending,t6-bnild this -season twil find- .it -.,,te their -advantage to call aid _see my Stock before purchasi g their u. pphes. . • . • . . . - t 1 1 'I have. as usual a large and ell adsorted oCk which I will sell as Cheap as -, t the Cheapest.- Eaveiroughipg---a ppe'pialt 12- Repairing done -with ,neatness and/ despitch l ' .: - ._ . In Stoves. I have it, hirge. aisortme t of „ I - - - A oyes, Which Will be sold at Law Prices, i Hav -. , -,.. . . ,. . .t.„ .:- - . . had a long experience in this line of busineis,-. I think Ii can :supply the want of - the T public • without fear of ; op - Position.. -Smaliprofits and Auiek. etnrnst s ray motto! While returning my sincere t 0146 tpei publicfor their Liberal. Patronage 'in the past, I hope, for a continnan,Ce.of -ill'iaine-in 'future; ,_. . . , S.'L.Av.y.ftENE .4ejet TovES. D.AVID-• -- Ifas pleasure in informing the ei that .he liett,epened ont in bhe for _Opposite' the Whitely"House STOV'ES WA1.1",M 0- STOVES. JJE -as., Jueknewand surrounding coun.try, etly ocenpied by JOilt.I PitT and is prepared to sel,L, OL .X.Iffi$- WO eds. Also '-;L-7,-t- eea Eavetrepghing and Repairing earlteall,solieitePi - ,t; DAVID StilliERLANDi. And everything :in -is line,..atibeit .‘pomptly alttended to. . • Lueknow„-Septewher 188Z • .- - NOW ' 'e7 IES, Gan ancl. see for obbiest Tweeds Suits intown e AYER'S PILLS. Alarge proportion 0! -the disels. eiWhich cause, . human suffering result from derangtMent or the, = • • stomach, bowels, and Jiver. ATE/1'S OATKA/UM P.u.Ls act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed: to -cure the diseases caused "by their derangement, bmiuding Cmistipatien* . Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, DYsent- ' tery, and a host of 'other ailments, for all a. which thtty.are A Safe, Sure, pronipt, eind pleassat PPM" edy. The extensive use Of _the.ie PILLsby eminent physicians in, regular practice, sheava" j unmistakably the estimation le which they are t held by the medical profession.' These PILLS are compounded of vegetable soh,. standes only, and are absolutely freefrom calomel 3 or any other injurious ingredient, A Suffei•er from Jateatiache tvriteiter. ' fc AYER'S PILLS are invaluable to ne,„ and Are my constant companion. I have been to 'severe- • fluffererfrom Headache, and Our Pim" are ther • Only thing I could look to for relief. -Oiler dose will quickly move my bowels and free ntylead. from pain. 7, 'hey are the most elfe.etive and the easiest Physic I have ever found. It% a pleasure to -me to speak in -their praise, and I always do so when occasion -offers.- - • 0 ' W 1,. PAGE, of W. L. Page Az Bro." .Franklin St.. Iticiunond, Va., June S„ 1ss2. t-.. 't I have used AYES'S PILLS in ithinherIcsis in- stances as recommended byyou, ann d ifave ever', hnown -them to fail to accomplish the desired re:•-,,, salt. We constantly lceep them AL hand at buff ) ) _ ..,.....411,.........: ,skome, and prize them as 11,... • ple jag. ati...43.4:4ayferz,s.a"nd-ii Ati-tuss, CA.ru..virric _Pty.'s cottred; irregularl.'• - Dr. J. C. Aver & Co 1 LoWe-ti MaSsi...., I Atlanta, Ga., says: -fs For some years past i Imre spite of the,use of ine.lieines of various jcintiA, tl?le-leaxrilietill.f.:FxdIAts...a,i.:Icueiu.seAriAsit2rio. been subject to teoiVtipation, front which, in ties of the boieN, stimulate the appetite link reliable faintly medicine. VOR IDY.SPRPS1..4.-. I suffeeed iner.,ssing inconvenienc.,, ttutil solrl•s months ago I began taking 4triat's 11.)/E.I.s. They have -entirely corrected the costive tidbit, and have vastly unproved my general hefilth." ediegoensotmio:, and _:by their proMpt and, thoron4 h action give tone and vigor to the ArhUle .0,Tsical .. tt • . .ruseAutm ttsv we,..wri-ting from • Sole by all Driv•-•ists. . r..r.-- - .1./ 11 1 1 - 411 experiene.e 111; wendeful bettek, e;aleffeets of Alfel°3$ ,Sarsitarilja, snreidldrenlaith Sore Evil', Sore F:atti, • .tme ay raa le healthy and strong by lt$ nee. • Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles -fofS3. D or any scrofulous or onohnitio taint, -- -.13 'so. RAS-, OONEY • In stock and more arriving daily ALL KIND .0F.- ;FRUIT. •And I will all. keep in stock all kinds • - 4•-• • CAXES.1.151:11q, 13I3CITITS: tsters' by the Pint, quart; Can and _ Dish. Hot Meals at- all hotirs, ' Angl everytillii.g 'kept it, first -class - Fruit Store. Give inc a call • MRS.- MOONEY, . Will -L. -CURE OR RELIEVE B/LIOU8NEA • taziNEsg, DYSPEPSIA, 4 DROPSY,' INDIGESTION, ..FLUTTERING JAUNDICE: OF THE HEART, K->ZJI • SAERYSIPELAS,LTRRHEUM THE " THE .A7,D01 OF TBE TOBFE sot DRYNESS .d41 PR:3fr efiCrilyUBREsoiNp age:890fRditt.asoeoapr:sine from. disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STIPMAOPI, kt re, HILBURN g0 Pr*Pr T. • ei 7011.074 :777:1:1 ; 4ijf. !!:°' 1 '' : 7:4i:u8: :::# te: :3:::''' c9t. • sl 04 .0-2.,,- tr..,-..1 4:cc . : 2 I: -1 . . ,:._9::: ,4...,- :lc e 0 . ,- .. :: -90.°tr,i:' . .s.,145'.---•1 ..ja,!61,1:•::„. ......,--, ---.... ,,,4 tr./.:• ,t.,A,.. mc..): ,ts-7u o -0, .7.3 ...5.ti•I ,b4, 1�41 A ce Az 43 titi;. el fol .}P ' - ; ., a :•:_.1:.1,1)4.7:;......'t,riti.1181:,..°4,:,:: ri -4..• Az ca, rs il n CI 11 r• Ma=12110 "yVESTER1sT us opening oo s. ook for • iselmen extiweee • LI. contracted for said finished im n the latest an. ner and with-griat satisfaction. Ws keep ineknew ;aims Oth.1%2. Thesubscraiera hereby 'notify the publa in general that they are pr.eparecl to execute Workin theirlinem a_superiorstyle. BUILDING of ALL IIINDS / • . et e&-• • t4'gg(la t* 0114 , tiFit,Mts ;„ r• 4.: • 4:: 4: 'WS rtlYieiit • 11 :17:1is Er'4.'. gg, 4.. .4o it -.• 4. - 0 I. 0 r. Otsit :46, a , ("tr.- Manuf4torer of ail kiztdattf , IlarneSS :Saddles, Trull -Up. - lEte 1 1417124 Purchased the stock oflormas, belonging t� Mr„, Wm. Uthssieki lot beftm, prepa,redthan ever to supply the waits of Atirt, . customers and tlie publieltentrall*. „limes& -1 ber the place, Grassicles •-cld stand* 4 Tenuant's drug store. .ALEX. it()SS% on hand a iargpsfack of Seasoned Ail isixes . - • DOORS, SAHAtD BLEN.OS on hsod;or made to oreer at shozt notice.. We guarantee good two,* as we keeieneue - but the best of,workmen and trartenal, • - • • t.fas8 J t$2'T_ Tfr4.7k2 tuck/low, March 22M1.1892. :A. • NUE • o .•