HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-30, Page 6."0 ; - • . - 1 very slightly, and.fine se should be &lettered and pressed into'' with the han sewee ta,c the b • e: -.'t -404,14q. likt Putout .140isti• e• ••, • .ilsillflyrr'so TITTIlit A Fin To .Ancina rititALY Olga TO TARDIOTATagor coxamrarnr- Was ABOYSALLOTlisatIBINTISe • , • Olop. • tenelieurre,Zro tifiC NE G ACE - passed hy the Do - By an A. ment lerivate bankers minion e allowed the prOlege of "are ny r,tanie in. conneoion with ,frinetinetion which world lead the /publictobeleeve that 'in/eaiing with theft. tleY were dealing eeth.chartm ed. -ba.pka 'J clause in -Ile new. 13114k. MEMORtAM.• ug litanies snoretaineier essee..a- e MRS.IM'ICINNON.- e petunia of the sell gentle • patting er•the seeds are ee Of flannel on top of theet 'sprinkle withivartir •set in a- warm place by a w It wili. require a sligitt eprink- .g every day" until the seeds hie's started ; then remove i the flannel avd. set. thebox near the windowwhereit will -receive thehght,and transplant tothe yard. or garden as seen as the weather will permit It net generally known that dahlias can be raised- from Seed, and many who do know it suppose It requires two or three year's cultiv ation to get them into „blooming,. but it is neteo ; dahlia seed -sown the first of .April will produce plants that will bloom mJuly- • . - - • ,..1.et„probititing iheuie of mislead-• _ • tion,»." banking 'CoiipanY," etc., w. the "object of consi zable discuseion and opposition in was eventiially'c theilighte..st dot and eoavenie „ iitutions buaine.se noch firing und ce , ye - House, but it led.... There .is no that the importance of private banking great, especially to the In places. Whore there is eecl. bank, thesefinancial uid -make their: th.ef illness felt. eorreet deeignation. The ifino- ublic in the majority of cases et business with these private kingcompanies,uMleratehnpression, hat full security is given for the funds - entrusted to their_keeingIt is righi. ivere„ however„ that the publid are, un- deceived, for tee eecurity 'is given by these "Banking.,Comniaiies,” as is done _in. regular charzered banks, In intro- ducing this alaise in the Banking At against the Use of deceptive Haines fo Private eatereiress; we have Bo. dou'ot the government- enly had in- view . heteresfeof the'people. •-•_The new la' does not interfere in the least wit.. the'bankieg bueiass ef Messrs. Cam- . even itr Campbell je. th-is-village.. - * JOHN Gieeet-EsM P P fi. /Cort▪ h &nee, has -written to ii.f.-0/01 defining hie- position as a n-2 f;Pc-rter the Mowat Government- Those eh:. knew 31r coeldhaveno doule. that he iv-0:dd be -found on the 64 - side, butthe torie.s he.Ve been assigning- - . him to the ,or Independent . benches,: in the!'r desperate enorts to reduce the Kinisteri.a majer- e on - - paper Mr. Galles says he would not - • support Mie Mowat ,as Sir John 1a „dOnald-demailde to be supeer " is, the farther the :leader • gees -wroi . • the enore faithfif.ly does he- require hie • friendi to folio'. Mice .That is lea ith. nor the _Lieeral idea of allegi- ance, but be haT.noies,rtliat--fr..1.fovyal, -will take any positit n thata conseien, ca.nnot - ne-10K-4.6 t piAxis pubkshed to.the report that the cattle on the Canadian North- west ranches have,died in lerge num- bers during the past winter'. . It in . •lIaimed that .the loss to _the . Cochrane Ranch topipany is large, be-. eause. the herd arrived. from Montana. too late in the Season and were almost starved ley the Way, same -9,000 or • .. 000 ranee eattle animals • that have g., stiminered over on the range, and their • calves; are fat and hearty,*having win- • tered splendidly. Mr. 4. 0.hmg of Fort Calgary,. N.Wereinew in Ontario, , makes this--eseertion, and adds,after an experience of many year- in the Northwest, thatth.2re is no risk at aL . • e. in wintering cattle and horses in, the grazing regions of our -N• rthirest Ter- ritory, provided . ordinary contmon e Genie is used m bringing in t le cattle - in the p -roper season. •-- . mt.O• THE PenniYIVania Tees'. at- ;-rs) =while • • believing in the. punishment of wife • beaters, declineito endorse the whip • ping -poet -cure. -1-..The Bill establishin„:, a post was defeated in -Committee, mi., - the mover --voting for it. There_ is soine reason, says the Hamilton l'imeA,. in the action of this Legislature. T -se send a wife. beater to the whieein, lost, for an assault upon -Ilia wife, i ; • 'iee. inflict Tess punishment upon him ,his Wife. Tao man who has scars inilictffr upon his bac* by a public executioner, on the testimony. of hilwife,,can -.never_ he eipeeted '-etive in peace and, harmony ancenore, - Ueorever rialilw.hedeserves the punilgh • 'Free-C.:carsie t, * man is Whipped: hand -against ht justiis well be .•:in feeling the • be. It is a hard , tie an 1 the best re - to he the educatiOn of tsii!a. standard .of -t1a4Will prevent an • f twiipkr on. the• 1'art-.6f ner intthe hon-,i,.-chAd,. for it eedenied that, i ieonecroaeee, it. "is the wife wna-doei asking. • FL• OWERS. * kind. Father has given. us the eautiful flowers with -Which -"to-cheer Our lives and brighten,....oeir•hotnes. The rich esea,enjoy their rare exotics, - b -fit the poor .ean•Alie fenjof their beautiful flowers by it. little time andlabor given - -. to their ealtiiration and -a few cents • 'Mveited m seed. :, Manypeople-who world like to.have irowers. do- not 'be-, • cause :they d6 nf5t. 'understand their cu1tif;44On. Oner of the eaPsei'Pf fail Ureisii thasowing•of the seeds. Small - "seeds ere elven toe deep, large ones too sleallow;- Seeds that Should be -soirrr .; • • , - in fieteeqs.or boxes in the house, are sown iretlie opin ground e and the two early sowing of seeits:befere the soil is warm, is a genera fault. : %Tat .****Ateltetl' ante as asters, be:Isainse Pansies; pottirtiverbepas and zinnias in. bloeent iarty, ttle seedganust be suivu• the ISA of -gareh or the first of April in a hot hed or box rn. the house. If started in the house get a box lour inches deep, make a few holes in the __-bottom, and ce-ier there with pieces of : brick, theh fill the box with .fine' rich and stlittle the asters should b • - thof Rnare her in mercy f great God hear our ple,a(ling ie - The, 1?; ayer rose _likeincense to hign throne„ . • And -kind angers pitied the : hearti3 that were • -bleeding, Yet yearned they to AveIc rue the struggling .•soul home. _ •• •• Oh, sp re her in inerby -great God hear our - Bid the angel of -leatit-sheathe the sword thatisdrawe.* - To cut off from earth the lifethat is failing, 'Arid leave ns in sorrow ere the niorrow Insy • . • dawn,. . . - - - _ - Oh, look tp on high, fond hearts -through your. e the throne. iind the, -crown sill glorious • ao.' bright •- - • - Oh, upon high,s.nd think that the morrdw Will n d your loved gee.. in. mansions nf height. •• ' vileep. calmly, thy form 'Death the iarth new rep+see, • Where un -no y will cherish, thee, deli , sister, for &y. • . e c.ild narrow tomb all that's nn-irtalencicises, :Biatt hum:real -reigns with the -blessed . • - • 'TUE TIA KETS. F-11 Wheat , 92. 93 Spring Wheat .., 9'92 92 t • .4r:.,ey • ts !At;:toes1--PXUS - Wo.4 kOrk-per cwt. Egga _ r„ -:'•11 V -••••••-d--- • 'be •••• a*. •a•• ••••. 50 • •s si 045 048 • 035 -- 036 . ..073_ O75 -35 O4( 900 10 00 15. ••. _ - 0.14 _ . • 18, .0 18 4 50 -6:00 AO' 0 60. 1 flo 75.100 • 8 to Sets per; lb • ae. - • 'MEAT, HERB t:hpp/ BLOOD .. 4E: URIFYING VOI•R, SAM. BELFA -- • . rpHE IIOUSE IS FRAME, ABOUT L- 29X30,.- and is situated in the, ..:eatre of the Vilhige of Belfast; There - is one acre, of land, more or less, on ehich is erected a frame stable.. Part ,f the money to be paid . at ;time of perehase, balance in terms to suit ptire Amer.. For full particulars apply. to • .MRS.. ANN PHILLIPS;. - -441-474. - Belfast. suii:FoR _SERVICE . - 11FrE ITNDERSIpliED:VISFIBS TO inform the:Lam...1.s and jthers in ,this. section .that he %till keen .16k.- simvicc this it ots 74 and 73, C 1, Tn-wnship of Kiitioss..ihat fine thorouglihreeMhott-Ilorn pnrshased front Mr. -;3:- It -Gardner, of Mat*. _Grove Farm. Micfurn.; Rodent-I:Whit..- waved 1880.- :•red bv AleAsr:F.-.J. !t. Mcqueen, Salem.Co. f Wellington ; got by Karl of .13.0thes15178], dim Joanna (Vol 4„ v. 220), -by R(*er [21571 10g92, d„ Princes.. BeAtrice, by Mictorcl- Prince [1924 by. John 07Ga.list d f;l'75] WI 89) -Red-Lily 2nd by 8 ehastr. pot IS [6.5], Red Lily, FIam- bori' PC}, i .R.Ose 3rd: by Prince - [1451 6 er). Ree, by Kerry on t:3•.44).•=ri-k.lerella,l3(; Cicero ,(3384),Yonng .ra, by 'celebs, ilia, brad. by Mr. gosoo, Of Chilton., Duriutra; . - : ' WES 'ENVERSON, narch 1st, 1883. 11,cktiow P. O. • . _ . •11f)118 -,.F011 SERVIM7-: HE..! SiTi3SORIBER WISHES TO .ififorto the fanners and ,4hers in this secti3rt that he will keep for Service' this sea; son at Maple Gre.veleartti at -Lot 10; 'on. 12. kastern Division -of Asiifield his two superior Th..)r aighbred Short:414n Bunts- " Baron Lar4k, anti " Oakville Duke," trot. laY-"liaron. :bivouac- ; tiani" by Royal Brampt - ;.n,” both- iron -If -tett by.J6lin yden.M.P..P.,. and bred by Amos -Gruikshanks, Sittyton, Abirdeenshirei Sentla•ml ; "Terms for" Siren husk," grade cows, 8); Thlt,;lughbred cows, ". Oakville cows, .roughbred cows $10. • - - JAMES ff. QARDISTER. ' but -know.. March 21st, 1883. If 4in;479. FARM VORSALE OR TO RENT. • . J3E1NG NORTH 4'41 l:ARTER - LOT- 11, Con. 1,2,.• Township of Kinless, con- taining fifty acres more or less, aboutforty acres cleared and fit for cultivation', balance we.11 timbered. There is -about thee acres tinder WI wheat, also house, good barn, and 'a first-class tirchard on the premises. The above property -will be either rented or sold... _For forthet particulars apply to or address, • - -Taos. TODD -:• March 2Ist 1883.- St. Relenic P 0 • r.c,k-Al.E.S SORE \ Ax`, in_ 1,0.Ltint:r.ODR,...E 5, ... r' '4‘t. St sAl_Vii-A/4". t<'1 N- • 7. le 15E,A54. ;,..„-4-1, • WeltasEver. -.1;h1,*(1414*eyttelevrmard` boliritari:liorgreinr°747"ed41411Ritlitedir' ••••••00.1, LREADY -WE HAV .Lt- • -the Season Of 188 some place to *gyre her PA SED. THE VERNAL. EQUINOX AND is u4 us. Every Housewife is lookingput for s And where she may do 1 er trading generally fbr the year. : Buyers are already in the mar 4t, and it is said a poundof Sugar or Rico, a few Raisins orl a yard of ..eacto y is offered as a BONUSFOR 'NOSS TSADE FO 1883: And certainly,if the Bids are small the Cheek' of the .Bidders eveaufd A PRAIRIE :FARM.: .MAKE. If Farmers aid their w11 ea can e. bought .in.this.wayj.fOr a mese of Rice • or • . _ L a rag of Cotton, hey are certainly:cheap:;,-, but still Twill neither attempt to bay . nor bribe aliyone, neit\ier dc ask your patronage because yOu-are of the same -nation, or church; or ledge Ior political belief; business is not a matter. Of creed; of politlies„or even Offtedshuj. , Business is -a, matter of dollars and tents. - This -and • nothing in�71 re. , Now this is ti e ground on wheell 1 .confidently solicit I. I • YOUR .PATRONAGE FOR 1883. .I. propose to b y, :produe and. e I goods ar such -prices aswillcOnyinco you 1- . : that-I•deierve y are r #79nake. Todo this two things are necessary, viz. : -.1ste .1 . . MutualConfideric as between:the nerchant and hie customers; .2nd, fair and r 'honest dealing inaide the. -conter, z ncl . the same On the outside of the counter. If the fernier walits more then th real value of his produce, and .aiso demands . - •c :the in-4rebant's good_at less than air -market price,- then clearly he :requires a personal applicatfee . of the. ig t a , eleventh commandments, or, if. the,nier- :chant does netcheerfelly pay th eurrent Market price, or sells his goods .too dear, -or,pawna at inferior Wares- et the price of .good Ones;.. then .he also is , .amenable to the seine _afereiaid' Jaltertible standards. ,. ' : . - e • • - .. A -. 4. _ .... Please do not not jpflge a *h. ole by:a pound of sugar or a Yard of ealiete. . . Please do net .0 -by hearsay, or.„ iy the opnions of others. rExercise your judgement, and da - .9 • ' g • Own : business on. your own hook... • More to fella*: - . I; • .. .. .. .. . -March 284,488 .. . - • I 3SEPI:=LAe13.1)727"... l• ' The Imam -4011611 hi1e eturning thinks trp-his numerous fii6nds , who have - favored War with their Ntron age since, addiuwiUrdware to big Sock, and to his . former patron -0 begs to anno l'ce- that he hs 'received:a fall supply, of GOO INTZL USIO And every requisije .in te Hardware line for the season including * ross- zoi n HAY KNIVES, UNS, b -KA E ZULU !ME CH I. ADING-- C. of .Cheapness, e IllarV ... ... . tosimmeitik -..-4 !fit '- - - - .-- • . He would also also '04 tlieir.htiention to% his stock of Cutlery,- 1. . . . . in -Table- and Pocket Knive , Plated. Ware in Forks, Spoons '&c,, - as weil.:ab to -Alia Iargel. and varied stock of • - ::- :L.,: . I 60ki arlOr and iOther ' toNies.„ -'''-c4s-'-- ' - .Lamp . . .. ...i Tin; .Javinneci ;in --dramtetWares.. - "Amps and Goods in endlessviriety. ..-Tnbulat, StfOle:. and '.Hand ..Lahterns. in .Bripl a-nd. Tin.- -..,COral--. Oil- 0 r the:best:brand -always , on hand, ._ As I have bought -these goods foil -Cash I aut .enabled to se• ll as Cheap as the Cheapest, .andmyi�tto „in future Alan •be " Small -Profits and Quick Returns," but but -tie enable.me to• de. Se I must have Cash.- I will therefore thank those Who are indebted•to in.e. by either .note ot bac* account for. an early settlement. 1-- .. . . .• :- : ' • ' ' 1. - - . • '• - • • - - : •Eayetroughing, and, Repairing- Promptly -Attende4..To, 1 , THOS.:LAWRENCE; _ - 11 tgivES •"4- t'e-t ••4 .1C• STOVES. llas.pleasure in informing, the citizens Of Inckrici* and surrounding ..country; that he has Opened in the ! pp formerly ocotipied -.Toiler Pirearr • -oppleite the Whitelyi cruse, and is prepared to AL.-. - • -::-COAL tND Coal Oil an. Goods, • Also . , -.T.17•1N.W 41,-4 ICIW-X3.$ And everything - ..at -b toxrk.:prices.: --Eaverirolighing-and- Repsiring. Iloniptly attended o. An -early call solicited.- - September .29tk 1882. WOOD, DAVID StItHEIt1-4ND. v Tathoppersiljewqrs ancti • Iliftws. The III411EST PR UE will bi.paid to ties delivering Cedar! ;Tamarac,- Rock and Henilook.•1 HP I oue to Lan,. e ChiReil.Estate,At re, 011able rates. On tcjinis. ofpa ent • suit borrower . s.: OR SOUTHER. EXtENSIOrt . PAYNErriii XOIITNIGIIT'LY; Fur-futtheriiirficii es apply_ to- . GEO. BIRLE,1 . - . 1-i amilt 476 4in • wee de en many, °N.. *elme in...un seem to prefer to guff- ad be made Misr able by Indigo.74.7 ' Vonotpatioii, Elfging- ,of Ap itii. 7-fi-F,Kt , -t . n 1' . ,.. ' re -101 -EL.LIQT . , . ciFFICE7--Nefrzt-to pat 0 .1; 1 ..ue...nalre'Marikk 1 . . • • FO. jj' ALE. EiigG LOT '2 E13T11.. 00 • . of the township 0 1164dr-contain 100 acresi, 97 .aeree clea - Theft e is it a filmy 4ionse.,olso- a , and. eta I thepreraiiec, The - f 111 situate _ Miles freM the ' _ and -,,yenient e.ofh.-re ' 011 OP ea rt; New Prints, Shirtings•an4 Bloaehed Cottons. - .• • , Sew Dress Goods, Cashmeres and Brocades, New Satins, Silks and Ottoinati-_Sil New 'Button Glove* and Osiery, - ▪ New Muslin, inch and Drapery,- - - Goods Of Every Discriptioydind SfYlat STORE IN .0IsTTAB/0.. '40 1 rselv MAGI NTYR " And as Complete a Steck as can be found in any GENE • . 2 .". A EX.. ivrvoINTyRE ppo„potioli .pritrq'AmOriogn Thttothy. Seed, (ind 150Busiie.lp of A i Clover §e0:0- atA.•MaCintyrev.s. ' - sisswillsopem._ pow RDWA DWARE ARE ! .AVING PURCHASED THE' Melt OF D. D. XeLeINTYRi, THE DERSIGNED IS PREPARED to -Offer Bargains in all kinds of , • ee, Chopping e xgs, Broad Axes, Hand A.le Grease • shes Bench Screws - Buckshot. :Bucksaws "'Tiding- Chains ferriage bolts Chandeliers- - CrossSaws Cartridges • -Cable Chains Carpenters' Tools Coal Oil . Chains _ Door Locks Door Latches • Enanielled Ware• . Fly Traps Files ' - raniteIron-Ware .1 1 . Read the ,follevring• List'''. Hinges Logging aalir HandSaws ' Mouse *8 Hammers- , ' Match "1:"Ta • Hanging Lamps -Lamps - Mop I Lantern!. • .. Nail Lath ,Lamp Chimneys NaJ' Shingle- - Looking Glasses N re Cut Lamp Bv,rners yells Wrought Lamp Wicks Oils Latches . Pad Ledo; . Linseed Oil Pocket' Knives 0 • . - At 40 per cent less limn _Regular -Wholesale Price • Mach? °11 ndlee IMOPOATIOPATE: A:large Steck Of New Goo4 is ordered and will be offered for Sale in In the best Market in Canada for CASH, and Intending Puichiesorawillfin it to their Advantage to can end eiamine for thw.lves e • - • - - • • , -.1W11"0*-•-',11-4=; the place, next door to 'Alex; Maelfit- Yre. Campbell Eireet, AND SELL 'FOR -.CASfI, • Putty Paint Brushes Paints : Picks • Pick Handles - Powder Revo ers Itop Sho 'Brushes St 'e Brushes s nd wilihe • a Shot Sp" s Spades,Shovelss. aws Sand •Paper Table Cutlery Turpentine e Measures 117aniish whitewash brush's .wasitwrtn g machines .win . „ . E 3'011 CAS ew days. •These Goods' lueVe been bought encknoW Mareh 14th 1883... I• • iLt 117 RIICEIVINC+ T and, see or ourseitoo. o iest Tweeds for Suits -in _town: EL Ot) BusyoPeiimageprin dods. 0 se ant nex weee -4 I An YOU HAV _AND so 114.§.._ . • 4 .S,WOONEY stock'and more.arriving daily A , KI will all -keep in stockall kinds I.‘11)OF FRUIT. . of : OA S, ±13143..- 331-!.!OITITS, by the Pint, Quart, -Can. and Hot Meals at all hours. And rything kept in a firse-4/ess • • • it Store.- Give me a call - MR:S.:MOONEY, " Ofs urclock ILOOD JIITTE RS. 8/1 DV 4N .'ER BA HE NE 'An Mar Navin beim* pre e p LL CURE OR RELIEVE. 'NEM, DIZZINESS, - VA, DROPSY, • STION, nurrEava 10E. OF THE HEART,. .ELA8, ACJDITY OF liEOM THE STOMACH,' BURN, . - MilaVE8.9: OHE, OF THE piag y species of disease arising from I LIVER, KIDNEYS, EITOMF.01,4 Witt & /04 Por°Prilt: sownL8glit.13‘0011, • „•_ 0 • s • o4th. C011efrr ROS af.,..eter-er. of kludge; ddlesi littuakst • based the ate& of hamar eteee• Mr.; \Vex, Graesicle I anrIllter n ever to supply the weals nzer d tberiblio Boat*. ,Otaels, dck'old ,stende k -store. • LIJOKNow NESS D 114 loo silo* in stook Ihe largestanA beit play it of - ti -: • 4 LICHT AND HEAVY MAiNfill aver sEown ii Lucknow. • ideate in . 311174110 & 00i1.2 2•0310 17.91110 B1ttilkOt0,6 140. My stock °Unmake, 'Valises, Eandfiatteleik. • etc.„is now complete, and iraelude all file latest styles and makes. bantaamatice,....# As ell • the above articles•were intrchaved • Four the best makers, and at tbe iovvest c Ar - jrici, 1 ain prepared to sell- as chea/1 as any other house in the tribdt. Don't failto call and see my stock before purchasing • • elsewhere. . •it • Special attention paid to_ ork, Ti • ed ilarhesOd -4 •.A.il workguoranteed first-class. 1- • ROBERT' PR0CT331.„ ca.1 E :41 cr;tt keg° 1Z-4;• -C 4-1„r = 0C-E,a 01111,A 1.1 • r 11 11 • HoPE' TEM CENTS A BOX (514t1:7 :4 )4/.. :'-1151a6:4; Cherry Pe.c.t9ri:il _[-: so trifled with by the majority efahtferers. pa: No othe.raomplaints are vo2nadiens,to thei„ at-- tea asthma) affecting the throat bud ionesilI „One. ordinary cough or cold, resultingpOrhapsfrcl7altr. , trifling or uncoeseinfis exposure, is often butitheo beginning of a fatal skinless. AVER'S CRIRI:ILY, PECTORAL MS Well proven its Cagan), in ieffttyi, years' fleet with throat And lung diseases.,:402(14 should be taken in all oases withOnt delay. :4 .il, Terrible Cougl?'Ctured. I "" In 18571 took a severe cold, which-affectec liny . lungs. 1 had a terrible edtitgli, and passed 1. Lt -afterLnight without sleep. Thedoctors gav6ime; By the continue use of the Pneroltax. a pe+a-- i up. I tried AvEres CERRRY PEMORAL, *licit relieved my lun.s, inducedaleep, andaffordeq roe the rest neeessai-i for the recovery of znystrent,th. - nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years: hale Sud hearty, and am satisfied your CRJ/d,RE' PnoTORAL saved Inc. .11 mule): lemittutorsizfl.!°' Rockingham Vt July is ISF-2. 1 ' -Croup,-A. *other's 'Tribute., Pi "While in the comitry last witter my It5tle.. boy, three years old, was token ill 1.vith croun; 'S- teepled as if he would die from straligulati-On... One of the family suggested. the ufe of AVE Pa's. Clinitiflt PacTonAL, a bottle .of Uhiel. %halal- ways kept in the house. This was tried in ;stall * • and frequent doses,and to our delight in kr. 1;;:a c . half -an bourthe little patient was breathing{`,as--. our gratitude? Sincerely yours, had saved my darling's life. Can you Ivondell at. ily. The doctor-mkt/ha: tlittise.ei:mo:ruAlvorlir.1::::::„":1-.. ,./A9 West428th St.? New York, May 16, ltflyi • ', !have used Ayma's amain- Pttmortax. ial:;12y- • fainily for seferal years, „pod do rot behinds -Pio, pronounce it the .1....st vitt- tt:al remely for eouillos.. and colds u e have ever tried, A.-.1.-eu*Ii 1 • . Bybalia, Ifiss., .Aitril 5, 142. . i Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, lbti2., [ • ''1 snffered for eight yenta from Bronchitis, ' aftertrying many reinedies,-iith no SuceNtei I v,:act: -MIMI- by the use of .A.1-nif's.itizrillinNI:ITIP, ABIDCTOzslijila., ' "I cannot say -enough in prals,a of AYE) ?t's.. - Ctinnnv PacTonAn, believing as I do that, 1 %W.,' 7 , for its use I -should long since bare died film - lung trOubies. , . , r. Enalanoit.eli • Palestine, Text 4-nrir22, iesee J No Case of an Affection of the threat oli• luil,lge.„ exists uldelf etumot be greatly relieved by the . , .. of AYER'S cfiRRRY PEcTORAL, and ft will ottrii. cuiv when the disease it not already 'beyond t 'al, ' 4 f. • eohtrol 'medicine. •° ritErAitutt VT Dr. J. 0. Ayr & Co.,, Lowell ma$1,-.„ all Druggisai • o - e =1 .11 zga.....00 0.1 toad WA EfIc2g,,sr: z-a7eZz fr. `61,-.4gri cir8 .4' o•=t Sege.° of r41:1:48 .7e1; "11: 141: eobtge (-,3§ 1;-64411, 0:1 Se se 4.8 4. 1.4 cj 1'5 :15 tr.:41::::e Seee k gattd-4 . 0 ci -ere .S gg t43 t ,V4 e Ms.) cria- t:0 rit astiviS 411/ ,q •"Fica Ali 4.20 EaSE44:PZ iz,ba QV 0 41ta 04, e sox) AT 130 erot.z-r: 0 0°4 al lb. craii724.4 001,57g., ata yV;04.1 a 4 o, EE44"cp j......sol,..., d•-• 1124,11 „Tee -Tee Ita gcc-lcqtafl 4.4 '04 SwZglIlt. 2t4 .8.:41/41.i. „gra4. .14 „cc), -; • 1,* WESTERN 000 Thesubseribers hereby notify tbepub s general that. theTiire kreparedio azimut', all workin their linens vuperioretyle. J3 �ILDIN'G of • , ALL KINDS on, hand a large stock fiessoned net and wIth eteat Katisfaction; We keep eentraet,ed forand finished in the leteet maw .DooeSt.:sAssijoio.SNOS tealand. or -wade to order at abort Nadas gnaranteelood work at ws - hit the bestofwerlonensademitermi. ib STETIPAdit IsTarkeh 244. leeto , . • . • z jO •••" .* • •