HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-09, Page 4o' • eI ear ¢i'i4 c r •..:• . • lit : l rkilo ° ' txir see their :son;• . rising by his -own exer- tions, and:taking his position among the, leading 'thoughts in _ the State •in. which lie lives. login you will give tliiS space' in your columns, • e1 9 Y remain, yours, &c., •TAMES CRAIG, formerly.of• Huron .Towns Stephen, Minnesota, --Feb 27. fir. Ltngarr: Tit UTTER AND t i► A(t.J'JRfelYE1TO'PIIiD11L-.ATF:?: it 3 I3,'.r8 r '•: _ ABOVE ALL r:Tri K �4tl ItTli i ltol=lip'w', ". j%zosAi i'OLLED 277* -AVIST _ OP YQ.TEB SII IN THIS TIiRSE RII)IriGE: • DIED..: •In .,.Oaklake, Manitoba, on Tuesday, Feb. 27th, 1883, Duncan McDonald;: Son . of Johin ` McDonald, Esal.;: •; _of Kinloss,' aged 36 years. -j • 'J };E "The -.following . is a complete the votes- -"polled-.in the three:. Riding of Huron:let the elections .last week WEST HURON.• - GODERICH TOWN. .Ward. = Johnston's maj._ Ross' mt 3.4 6 19 10 00 :St. Andrew's St: David' s : St George' -s St :Patrick's ..63 - 4' by do so many people: we see around es germ to prefer to suffer and be made miters - able by Inaig' ,tion, Constipation, Lf izzinese :Loss of APPetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for,_ 75 as., we will sill them Shilr h's Vitalizer;' guaranteed them• S Ad by C. A.SS•SPAItD, L.ueknow, • Total i njority .for Johnston; "44. • 41 r. TOWN "OF. CLINTON'. ; l Johnston, 40 X56 Ward... St. A=ndi-ew's- St. George's :. St John s_ it•.J•nies 52. 40 43 37 sicians in regular practice, -Shows t : _eminent phy ` g . unmistakably. the `estimation in .which `they are D�I held by, the medical 'profession. :;: These PILLS are coiuipounded of vegetable sub- stances only, and are absolutely free from calomel of any other injurious ingredient:: -- A. Sufferer from Headache writes : '"ATEIt's. Priam are i"nvaluable to me, anti. -are , my. constant -companion. I have.' been a severe - suiferer from .Headache; and your PILLS are tile_ only thing .I could looki to -for relief.. One dose will quickly.iuove • my bowel9 and free my head :from -pain. , They are the ,most effective and the - easiest physic 1 have ever found.'. It is a: pleostire. to Me to" speak' in their praise, and -1 always.do so • when:occasion offers.• - ' „-:' • W. 1.. PAGE..f W.•L. Pag1 Bro Franklin St:; Richmond., �'a_; June'3, $$$ ."1 have used Airlines PILLS 'lir irurnberless in- stances- as recornniended by you -and nave never liniowrn theiii to fail to. accotnplish. the desired 're= salt. �� a constantly keep. them on hand at our home,. and prize them as a 'pleasant,. safe. a •nil reliable family medicine. - FOR DY SPIS:PSi.S_ . they are invaluable. - J.T. HAE6 "' Mexia,,Tesas, June 17, 1852 t The REV.-FRANCISVB. IIAItr.oWI,•writhig from A"tlt5e4a, Ga.. says: • For some years :pastU have been subject to coil, tipatiori, from- wvIreit in spite of'the. use ..ori edicines of various kinds, 1 snifered-increasllig incol)venienc(,until• sonic Months ago 1 began taking AY t it' 1'i', La, 'Trice. -have entirely corrected the costive hitb t, and have Vastly improved lily general health.' • AYEIt's LATI-AItTI.0 Plias correct ir"riaulari ties of the .bowels, stimulate . the appetite and A large proportion' of the diseases which. Cause 'human`sitiiering result:froni deraugennent of:the- stomach, bowels, and liver. . AYER's CATiiARTIC MMLLs. act'' directly Upon these :organs, autl 'are: especially :designed to cure the diseases. caused, by their derangement, including. constipation, -Indigesttott, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen tery, and a host of other ailments, for all of; :which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy.' The extensive ilsa of these PILLS- by.: • 175 195 T �nie,�ority_for Ross, -20. Ross' maj.. Johnston's nlaj. 00 00 . '.. '. 00' 00 00 00 44 89 Ashfield ' - 110 . f�limon . 20 .' Colborne 28 W.. Wawanosh ,5 2 E. Wawanosh 57 Hullett r 53 Goderich 'own " 00 - (4;l'ch towiashap00 r 00 Wingham 00 'tarul)erry. + 00, 4. New Pkints,:Shtrti$as-band.11eae t. •• New Dress Goode, Cash New Sn lotions, - es and Brocades, � s. Silks and Ottoman Silks.` . New Button Gloves and Hosil`erY Pew ` Musiiu:: Linen and 'Dr per? n New Goods of ,E.iery .Desai ipt#on and:41 . : in an : GEINT-ERAL STORE, I ON TAItIO. Complete a Stoc .:._s can be found3' . tom And as P 320,.. I ;'ot,al lnajority for Ross, 168 EAS T HURON Gibson.: -144 -111- 22 66 00 00 00 : cru sell axrey- Huilett roister Turnberry : Mc Klllop Morris Blyta Kowi€ k _ B ays. -00 -00 00. digestion, and by their l;rompt_ and. thorough action give tone and vigor to. the -whole:7,448i . economy • BV 6d: •Dr. J. 0. A .erg -& Co., Lowell, f Bass. solei • by au Druggists. 147.: 31 - ce the w.nderfu -bereft; 35 I YOUNG,_ All experience effects of 84 _`OLO, AND • MIDDLE- Ryes, gore Fars MIDDLE - Children with 338 Total majority for T.' Gibson, SOUTH`Hl7RON: Jackson: • 83 62 27. . Exeter S.eaforth Bayfield • - :. Ooderieh Township _100: Step -hen:: 00 T.uckersmitliµ 00 - Stanley. 00. E Hay' • Usborne-. 00 -00 Ay�er's Sarsaparilla. Sore ye. - 297 = AGED. ; Or anv'scrofpious or syphih is taint, May : be made healthy_aud-strong by its Se. Sold by all Druggists; $1, sixbottlesor $5• -DEBTORS AND s CltEtiITOI{S' • NOTICE, AR,TIES ` INDEBTED TO �I.Lp ° the' late firm of Thomas Law ranee & Oo..either by not ior account Peishor. Oat 00 00. 00, 70 156' 17. 202 6 300 Bushel P'rrne Ame acl nt re's.. Seed at� p►. M Y ALEX. MACINTY'R arid: 150 a �n Timothy Seed,Bushels of AI Clover . - FARM. FOR SALE - Iv( SOT 2 IN -'THE. 13TH COL ''of the township .of Ashfield, containing_ 100 acres, 9T . acres cleared. • There is a •good frame: house, alsci - a barn ; and stables on the Premises: The' farm is s1tuate aev%a miles frc re the villaa'e of Lucks_ ow, and con- venient to schools and church: Terms -----part '- of the:moaey, at-tinie of Sale, balance's pay- • stents to snit' purchaser.' .For further par- titulars apply on the premises or to • AR HIBAI.D Mot ONA:FD, • • ..„....,,,e.wwwomumourossit.wsiviawarsatiwukrifiroVIR LUGKNoN DEPQT NES' A. i,*ickntk P. O. 4. TEN -CENTS .A BOX :Mt; 272- ,Majority" for *Bishop,, 179. 451 are requested tocall and settle the lam with Thos. Lawrence at :once; as the affairs of -the• 'j artriership 'must be wound up. - All parties having claims against the late firm., will, please present same for payment whichwill be -settl- ed by Thomas Lawrence. - Lucknow,-March -lst, 18E3 Shiloh's Consumption .Cure. This is beyond -question the nicest successfu Cough Medicine we have ever .sold, a few doses invariably clirn the Worst cases of Cough Croup and Bronchitis.' While its wonderful success inthe"cure of C'onsunzption. _is wit best, and at the Iciest cash out a a para ilel in gthe history of medicine. C }the makers, • Since its firit.discoveryit-has been sold oz: a n trice, I am prepared to in l trade. guarantee; �► test which no otdicine cal `, r as any otherh . we e`rnestl ask, Don't fail to call;andSee my stand, . If you have a cough a y - vouto try it. Price 10 cts, C0 cts, and :$1.09 #1 x" ' stock before purchasing ' elsewhere. If your 1ungs are'soaee; Chest,:orBacsk, Lame ri„� C • R POrons Plaster.. Selck b7 C. A. Lal attention paid to .ord. r use ahiloh '�CC Saar Ro; Luck.nr w. Qri Pct;0 : b now. -in stock~ the Iargestand.bext 4/14sdlay of CRT AND ' HEAVY HARNESS gr 'shown: in Lucknow. Specia-;induce- 9 - menta in • r;TALC! itudi GOAT Boss, Io o 31a tots, ate. stock of Trunks, Valises, Band Satchels 1etc ,is now complete, and includes all the 11 latest styles and makes. • all the above artiew rePurchasedfrozi W LL.` CURE OR RELI V4 B/L10. SNESS, • DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIG' STI011f, ' FLU TER!N JAUNDICE, • OF TUE fe l ERYRI.PELAS, : . AL'I.DITY OF SALT HE IM THE 8Toi:-MOI HEAR .BURN, :DRYNESS ;HEADACHE, - OF ' THE . Mit And e a r:Y ecies of disease arising fromY�P dit�ordered .EW R, KIDNEYS, STDiMAQI BOWELS -OR BLOD®r Proprieto .mi tc g0 . i's- , h... i -CA W x We have a#speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, :Diptheria, Canker' Mouth - and k tleaid Ache, in-:SHIT.,0H'S- CATARRR 4 BE IEJ)Y, .A nasal injector free. with mach ;: bottle. :Use it if you desire beaith: anti swee . brerth. Price 50 cents. Sold by C, A. •SHE1'ARD. Lncknow. ed Harness.. - work guaranteed first-class. • _ - R,OBERT PROCTOR,.. ealth is Ith • CD i ICATION4 N0TE --We` wish it to be distinctly underatogd that we do not ` hold ourselves responsible for the views eXpressed by correspondents. —Ed. :.'d. the. Editor of the Sentinel I-4 -- -I sin pleased, to- . e able DEAR � -,. P . - �r to-nriai1 you a copy-ot-our pa here - , containingthe card of John a- Lennan--- .of. the township ofw Iiuroo,_ �vho has •-.o ened_ ' a _ law office in th•s. t ,,: -This. shows :.what energ " a J d rsevierence will do. He left _ arca •• w'- ears ago :in his teens Wit out :=a e orP. rofession. Hi le€arn'ed the of bricklaying andAlas ring. e:• followed in..suinzner -i .d -by and - studying.: in winter soon: an extensive. knowle l ge :.:of been- �cnom tiro `ct e o stric• t y��.:-. JD- devote his exclusio'. time der: the: supervision sof '...time practise..and great., legal,:abili iiia recently been:admi ;ted_to -the.bar.... He is - •a ly.Oling ore than ordinary alai y,.and his • ` rofessional career' ,with r-ospects• ; ; die :.is aready r: _ end : p ; esses b:. i •ness your) • maw Versa .suer arse t<, STRAC' Township of Wept 188 . U-D:I-1-O-B;S'- REPO Total . -amount of Receipts 4 . • . i. .. •. =ICPENDITUR lI: Schools. • . • • • • • • * 7 s + • • . • • . + e • •• s •. Bridges :.,Y.• .r•!,.•. ra •••, .: .. Roads and t •= •. Salaries.:: , •..:. ,'; : ; _. •.. ▪ : • . . Printin n and,5tationery :• �;: •.. ....... • . �.. :. • $12777.8 .i 0 1-1 -0 $.0174 79_: 1468; 05 616. -50` 53 80 .t , 140.00 140. 09'. 3116. ir --$10709 4 206i: 44 •• $12777..8 aL -Da. E. C. WEST'S NERVE ARV BBAI ' reatment,a .guarantee.d specific fer.Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous+ eu- . 'algia Headache,Nervetus Prostration caused 'y thttuse of 'alcohol or tobacco, Wakef ulu se,� Cental•li pression,`Softening of - the Brain, sainting' :insanity .and leading to. mt.+ezy;, ecay anddeath; Premature old age,. Barren- ess, Loss of. Power in either sexInvoluntary .owses and:l:3permatorrhaea, caused' -try over - x -rtion of the brain,self-abuse :or over indul-. once.-. One box will cure reeentcases. Each ,ox contains ane- month's treatment. -One ollar ti berx or six boxes for.five dollars.; sent ma, prepaid re. sial on receipt of ..Prine. We guar p �. �ntee sig boxer:} to :cure any, cage. With each rder received by us formbales, .accnmpan- ' , ed with;fiv-e dollars,we will send the :purchae- . fr our written guarantee to refund the honey. f the treatment does not effect; a cure,' C. A. BEPexn Sole Agent for Lucknew,- :roux L. • was2 e$. Cn•., Sale Proprietrs, TDrent,• Collate Rates: , . . :. • • . : • • . ,..l • • e: Total :Amount ofExP enditures ... Balance on Hand • • ... • • 115•••.•••,• 11,•• 41'• • • • •• :.. , AsssTS To' Cash _ in Treasurer's Hands... • ......:. • .... . 3 .... Balance on Collectors . Roll; Jan. 1 188 :Total: Assets..., ° LIABILITI S. ire County. Treasurer, -Jan.; 1st, 1883.`... - •.. . • $: 833- 16 : 2068 44 Y585 4Q $ *3653 Due on. Schools.. ':. , :.. _ 1539 12 i)u u. a on. Debentures.. .. ; ..:.:.: ....... ....... 324 94 .. $ .2697 22 ',Total.Liabilities..,. • .•• • •• .�..� • i ..:• • •- • . • • :.:� • . • ., • 'i .'. • Total . 5: 966. favor . Of Township. :. . , .. ; .. ; • :: •. , Balancer. is p THE ITI_DERSI(I ine-the Books and,' :above ° Statement d Expenditures,- 3tst, 180 ,$' 3653.8. AUDITORS, APPOINiTED TO:EXAM l} (Suchen-:of this Municipalith beg leave to repolr: tr= °Coll Dna. l Va., T-rOAto., anufacturers and WholesaleDealers in Oils. Our celebrated -L.ARDi Brand is utsuruaeeed by any_otherit in .the it Maltket. In recognition of its super- ocp a 4--_-- _. iroP. BELFA presents -a -• true '►nd correct Abstract of Cast wets and Liabilities of theTownship for the yea; Buait , :. she iuri�ts�� i h:VDITO*L, eJossa T.!i'9 - ior merit we have :received the RIGH Sr V1%IZ1''S.where- ever exhibited since 1878 • Aiuetiig other awards *' i large u:unaber �f LD, SILVER AtiO:SROHZEMEDAL Diplomas. win. ..Will Besides nuineroua Uue trial w couviac''v.eu of its. auperiarit7. W. aaonu-. h�i►► stock :of Lubricttiaif oils of all sscrip$lOnl a : facture' 'sad have OR ad o natiintly s full' Far sale at tkt C, A,-`StNipasl'r "fancier lotelkirffs eent is OY whiff oft1 purC chair • .4 EsHOTTSE IS FRAME, ABOT7 r 20X30, • and is ,situated in the re of the 'village of Banat. 'There ie acre of land, more or less, on li is erectile frame Agile. Part 1 ie.mone `bo `b0' paid it time of 'ilea i --vis to suit; nr- he,i� biii�,, a ter er.: For full potion/arc apply t MRS. • aX 4 5 -