The Sentinel, 1883-03-09, Page 3: 1111.111111.1.111.111......"-7—sw"sw—'., :.• - ' - ••••••!:27,17 "771.1..11..91RIMM•ra,missinr-•'," — •"" . • - s". DOMpTION j•PARLIAMENT. - THIRD Wzilt---In .the House of Cate- irtiona to-day;:before the :regular thisinesi had CoMmenoed, Mr. Cameron,. of -Huron, • caned attention to . the double return for Eng& Coupty, Princ' . Edward Island.. He e4. . said that blth membe -. hid helm" sworn in, and both had taken tb ir seals; although only one was entitled to sit and. vote. He _nic.7.red that ,the Clerk of the °Crown in 'Chancery be directedlo attend to morrow I with reports ei, ibp', Deputy .-Retrirning, Officers ' and. other documents relating to - that eleCtian- The Speaker presented the deOiSiou'of Chief Justice Palmer, of PrinCe - .gdwardi,- Island,. declaring P. A: McIntyre eleated for:King'SoCounty in -that Province. '• Among the Bilis introduCed were one BY 'lltTr.Beaty ta incorporate the Centred Bank of Canada, and 'One:. by:Mr: Williams- to pravide'lthat perinea. (nit building •societies may inVest in!debenthreS of other -Corpora, tions as well as of narmiciPalities. - In reply ' Mr. BOurbeaii;.SirLebnard Tilley stated that chanties in the In/and Revenue. laws - regarding Canadian tobacco in leaf Would - - - ; he announced - when the Budget . was . bironglat down- On the -question -.relating - to *he oase- of ,the woman Julie Boisvert, 'convicted of the Murder of a child. in Mon- treal, being put, Sir john`Macdonald stated: that the - Governmenthad order& an invebtigation, and that a report had been . rciadeoillich was now Under consideration. • Areal* the papers Moved for *ere- several by Mr. Blake,.covering the Northwest coal - . land leases, Intercolonia1 Claims Comrnitg•- - - sion, report's relating to the ,alloviethoes_ proposed to be paid: to Manufacturers of: . certain goods required by the Canada Pacific ' Railway ;.- returns of _ Customs; . _seiSureafor the liscalyear 1882, and for the lastsix, months, showing the fines collected and the manner in which. the -fines were divosed. of, the . expensesof the 'C. P, A. CAninistion..; pap_ersIrelating to the frauds ag-inst Gastonia-- by evasion of the Clause withreaped' to grinding in bond, papers relating to- the suspesion of the Imperial ft-. Extradition Act within Canada.- : The subject of ,the prOpiased new . loan • came up bn Sit Leonard, TilleY's nibticin to go: i inta,--Coramittile.. In .Committee Sir Leonard Tilley;explaified 'that the loan was inade-in 1860 a Z6,446;637 to consolidata- a p-Ortion,orthe debt existing.. This -was a fileper cent. loan, and Was payable et will of Government in twenty-five years. The. - .teim would pipire on 1st. January, 1,885„.. and the Government desiredauthority-to issue_ our per centdebentures for the • balancenot covered. by the :Sinking' Fund acaumttletted„ which amounted to 't1,081,7 n6:- sterling, leaving' a net -balance . of '`"'-' 20:165,81Q. - • Canadian esectuicies -: are no eso - much ' sought ' for ., that he - thought . many holders.,,, would , be willing to re invest = eveh at 1 . per _ _scent. less, and the London'agentsjsad un der:7 . - • taken to exchange five per eentii. for fours 0:4f -half , per -cent. , Commission on. the exOhanges made: 'up tothe time .slf the, expiry of the loan. As this operation Won take, some time he thotioiat it -desirable to, I. , • - t, get outqaew debentures as soon as possible, . and .yir.liat, coula not be exchanged .could be put on -the mails.et so as to take up the loan - wben it came duo. The amount to be issued was 46,446,000-. He held out the hope that -. . it *light be pOsnble to issue it at even a loWer rate than 4 per gent. In reply to Mr. Blake, Sir Leonard Tilley said that the exeliange would not be -effected by. private. , ariangenaent with the hOldersb of the - present_ debentures but: by _ advertise. - • mint . and - tender. : Mr. Bleille inquired Whether - Sir Leonard. Tilley ” had. con-. ---- sidered the qnestion:Of reducing the Sink- ing fund as suggested by -Sir Bieber& -Cart', _ wrightin fanner seseians:;. He {Mr. Mike). presuined that the bonds in which the sinking hind hid been invested had9.13.6en ..boilgiat at a premium. This -Sir. Leonard' . Tilley admitted. to be a fact, and Mr]flake went on to point ont that in that •case ' the -,--sitialler the bin --,:_ng :fund Was the better.- o,t "He a4ed.a.ls whether the subject of hon. 1114 consols h4 been .considered: by the - Finance • Ministe :. ' Sir Lecthard,eTilley ' auSwered, that provision Wasmade; for an • heue of that kind ES129111d it ;he deemed .advisable by the Gckerninent, The reso- intioh s -passed, and al Bill based'. upon it , introduced and read'first time.- In moving for information: relating: to -the navigeition of Hudion Bay, Mr Dawson . • spoke at .soma length, pointing, out that . ° this great inland_ Sea was now a centre of . _ . g*Ait inteEeSt, forrailways to it Were pro- Jected which . it Was - hived .would afford ier '6:ad- quicker communication with opejhan any other rqUte. rle pointed - out that for many- years fishing - vessels had° gone- into - the . Bay .-; When the Straits , were open, proseenting ..the seal and .c6d.- fishery, dining the' season when the Straitawerecloe3ed,',and returning. 4S. a * ending June 3Oth, 1882, • also for the sit' months ending Dedembet.`31.sti 182, with all particulars, (2) For 'a statement of the revenue and working expenses Of the Inter , - colonial Railway accrued for stX, months of each • year '.ending December :,31st, 1880, 1881, .1882, wider the -several divisions similar to the annual statements" B" (L _C. Railway) in the Public Accounts, (g) For a return showing the quantity et roil- ing stock purchased fete the • Intercoloniat tibilway during the year ending DeceMber &let, 1882, giving each kind of rolling stock, 4tud stating ,wnether under, contract ,.or otherwise and ' other details • (7) 'Per 10.1 return shoevingtbe _quantity. oetons Of coal exported from each port in ,NovaScotiafor the year ending - June 30th' 1.882, also for Six months ending December _Met,: 1882, and the Countries to which. exported, to A statement of . expenses under the Cen- sus -Act for -1882 was laid- _before_ Perna, ment to -day. The third volume . Of the -census report is now in the hands of. the printers, and: will he. distributed ineadvance of the• second.-- _It will contain returns of immovable property and "shipping owned by residents of . each -district ; occupiers- of landand area: of land e occupied e animals and aniMal products; products of forest, field and fisheries; raw mineral products, and industries. Some progress has been, made in the compilation of the second .-VOlume. There. are now forty-five persona engaged- in the :work compilation, and the expenditure during the .yea-ron census' account was as follows : • . . Remuneration and.travelling'e*penses of . chief officqs ... .. . .... .. . .... ;$3,464 Commissioners said enumerators 8,960 Offfcers and employees . 39,878 1,!iinting 5,513 575 Stationery Miscellaneous 1,581 7 . Total . • _ $57-971 Mr. Blake Will,miive for copies of corres- pondence between any .neernbers of the Government and • any Licensed Victualler Or any one on. hehalf of any otganizatien of Licensed Victuallers, and of all petitions, _memorials or rescilutitnis presented- by any - - such parse]) On the subject of legislation affecting the sale of liquors: '-- Mr. Poster will move .for a -,statement showing 1: The quantities of distilled and . . • •- fermented liquors,. under the different names givehin the trade. returne-, irciported- into and taken for consumption in' Canada from 1868 to 1882, both years incleded.; the value the. same - and .•the diity. paid thereon. 2: Quintitiei of distilled -fer- mented liquors under different namesgiven ih „the Inland Revenue returns,, 'manufac- tured in Canada „mid, taken for Conk:trap; tion therein by Pyovinees ; the value of the setae apd duty paid thereon for the sable years.. 3. The amount Of material used in brewing and distilling. alcohol* liquors in the several Provinces of Canada during the - _ . same years. Mr. Robertson (Shelburne) will move for rettin • -showing:the "sanount Paid Out of the appropriation. of 6,1-502Q00 made last Fiessint to aid in the deVelopment. of eea. fisheries, ainOmits paid to each. person ' or gel, and t),ieir names, the names Of per ons appointed to distribute the earlier and their compensiktion, copiefr of .instrue- tiOna given to such persons as to distribut- ing of fund and all correspondence connected, therewith.•' - On motion of Mr. Beaty,Chaitneen of the Standing Orders Committee,the tinsie,for presenting Private Bills was .extended to I2th March. ,Hon. A.- B. Caron, Minister or introcIticsa- a Bill to consolidate an&stmend the Acts relating the militia... ' -Mt.Robertson introduced a Billto declare it 'a _misdebaeanor - to - leave Unprotected. . . . i apertures -made in the ice of any navigable . .. - • „- water. -'- . . , . . . ,-.. Mr. Curran,when- moving -for a return of Certain persons -in the -employ. Of the Cue - topes Departmentin the city of Montreal, spoke.of the hardship' of ' compelling em- ployees who had been tri. the Service some -time to Undergo- at examination, and hoped that the Governmentwouldmake the pod, " times of .auch persans permanent without being•examined. . • Sir Heetor. LangeVii said that the Civil Service Aet Made proviiidn for. employees in this position, and that the examinatio : they Were resq 'red to Suhmit to was ver easy. _ , Mr. Shakespeare cerapi d that British :COlumbiafteceived.no Share. of the appro. vriation for emigration. : ' - --. ,' - Mr.- _Cochrane lhOught iia: she* : 'be extended - td_ a - pp:Me; 018.813 of Men ..to emigrate to the shores of the Pacific,. The. industries of British Columbia could abscirb- ;a, considerable number , of immigrants of the working claps. - One • immigrant from the Eastern Provinces was, in his *time - don, worth more to the :Praline° than a thousand Chinese. - " , . • - e ,- , 'Mr. Foster.saidethat he had looked over the literature .of /he Emigration Depart- ment. - It was in different _forms and in, several - language, " but the impression south wh:en the .break-up occurred. - This -made u on. himbyits perusal Vies that the -shbwed that it was in the Straiteand net in'the Bay itself that; difficulties to navi- gation were found. Be. dilated at length uPon the vast Wealth lociied up in Hudson .- Bay, and the district surrounding it'. Cod, seal, salmon and whales abound in the Bay .itSeIf. Valuable _minerals _especially. mica. and plumbaga, were found on its shores, and fine avicultural lands .were situated near itsshoresand on the. jivers fie wing Ante it. • The value of this vast spa -and dis surrounding it _as fields for enter-- talw prise eareferred to in gloviing terms by Mr. Dae 8011, who NN as loudly' epplaudecton . . .. . - tOsuming,his seat. • - - . Mr. Royal, merobfo : Provencher, in a - speech . 61 some length. N dwelt - upon ,the saving e -dist„... 10 Europe by - way of Hudson-- Bay, and in a prophetic flight anticipated the time When Canada would have other Maritime Provinces.. with° their , ports on the vast sea of the north., He hoped soon to see the tinae when iminigrants would wine by this route, saving time and money to themselves anti roaliingit certain Oat they would come to -Canada, which was- ': not thi:case When they came - throngh. the States, rainY being 'induced to remain in that- country. . . Sir John Macdonald; - speaking: On the same subject, - said men of wealth and position hadvundertaken the enterprise of building.. the railways to Hudson Bay. Unofficial! correspondence. was now going on between Sir -Alexander °. GaIt and the • British Admiralty, with a view to securing the- cc -operation of the Imperial :G6-yern- meat inenaking a anrvey Of the beiyi ,with , good, Prospects- of mimosa. - Mr. Aurpee will move -7-(1) Per a returnall claims . preseeted Thr dtawbacifieein Dominion of Canada was mated of yam- toba, the .Northwest, and the Eastern -Townships. - The old 'Provinces were almost entizeleeignoredley those who were endeavoring to induce immigrants to come to the Dominion. Alarge exodus had been going on trona the emit to•the west, and if some rcieasurefewere not taken to make up the loss, the Dominion' would Stiffer from the depletkm. . , - • Sir John Macdonald regretted the -absence of the 'tilmister ' of ..Agrioultute, but . the whole question of • emigration would be brought before the House during- the ses- .810n, and he would have an opportunity of enunciating the policy of the Government regarding <it. The -emigration fund, had hitherto been expended „in aiding persons -from the older countries to emigrate to Canada. -If any PrOvince. -wished to attract emigrants to it, it was the -- duty of hi Gov- ernment -to - take measures to make . its resources and advantages, known. He was not aware that the Government of British Columbia had done anything to promote emigration to their Province. The Domin2 ion Government had granted 25,000,000 acres. of land land $25,000,000 - to make British- Coluretaia available as a. field of energration, and he did lint think thatmuch more could be done in that. direction until the Catada Racine .Railloray was , cora- piked. .k • - . 'Mr. Kinney, of Yarmouth, -deplored the exodus from Nava Scotia and _New'Brens- . wick. He hoped that the bounty given te fishermen would keep, some of the', young men at It'ome who were in the habit of, . going abroad for employment. The exodus Was so greet that :in one part- of Nova Apotia. there were one hundred and fifty Merit& used for shipbuilding for -the year larraff for sale. A society had 'lately ,.been formed in Nova &cake the ebjeot of whiCh *as • to. eneourafee .emigration to • 'Nova Scotia. and be-hOped that the Government would contribute o its funds. ; - -: Mr: Blake dire ted the attention of the Government to t ie fact that there were no maps showing -th-lE, location of the Pacific Railway, . --dr rth animation of Abe- lands granted to the', . suede, Pacific . Railway Company. ..1 .. ' - ,_ . - , . Sir CharleS, T pPer produced a map on - which which wattithawn the location of the rail-, way, and he -said hat another showing the allocations 6f the railway lands Was being epartment. - .: -. I move for (lstya. state - e 'number of. immigrants in the Dominion during Decerabet, 1882; tvettle owing the number that n, Province -respectively. asking for:a drawback:eh anada when exported to ty ; the Parties applying; prepared in the R :Mr. ..Burpele w ment showing t that have arrived the year ending in Canada, 94140. have -settled e (2nd). Vitti paper (sugar refined:in any. foreign Cann their statement o drawback proposed, and any answers of also a copy of the eilawbackse- (3rdt tiona relating to e Government thereto; egtilationemade for auCh dr memorials and.peti-• e abolition of the duty on grain, flour and a1 during ,the yeet1882 and subsequently. e - .. - ' " • -• s". :-, - : r A' petite:al! fr Messrs: pelican No: Intyre; Presfden ; and Henry Cuff; Secre- tary, of ' the ' A lantic, .:4 - Northwestern Railway Coinpani; was presented: to•dair, stating that the Ompaziy had eammeneed- operations nude' 'their charter,' and, are • constructing i a approach to :the over the St.: La tteal, and prayie upon such reilw . 'eA pin .iptrod ing the Ontario pany's Act, Pro shall have - Powe Credit Valley : R point on the l Ii railway within t ailway and forming an propoeed railway bridge reniie River near Mon- ier power to issue :bonds er. ed by M.r..Welle, amend. Quebete Railway Com, des that such -company to amalgamate with the ilway, Company at any of the last . mentioned e County of York. The Ontario - & 1Qu bee Company are also empoweted to ke running arrangements on the Canada uthern, Toronto, Grey et Bruce and Alla itic kt Northwestern Rail- way Companies. KFay . . V . Crownisa 41 t ' '.ot tlie ,!.3 If the:royalg Kalakaua was welch Islands at, imposing ...kern made by Paris j Wf1,13 9rdeied for tions for acivic Were made On a court. . The l ne Haweiian,eand race. He. is A muScular., ills olive • hue, -and good humor: .Ik goodeducation, and years of experience and travel-11aq) given him. a diplomatic polish: He 7speOks ,Epglish with.acetracy and withcohrteOue grace of gesture. His fondness for jeye llety-, fast horses and regal ( display. is On:lest a passion.* The little army of 60 i-tieIwhich guaeds- the royal palace know - We, to their cost, for many an irksome -dr 11 have they been .com- pelled to perfor ' at the wish of theitreyal master. Kale etut is now 46 "and may for ,years. to COMO. , The in the Sandwich . Islands their dispevery by Captain. inhabitants were given up aye not been yerytranquil. of the present. nionaroli 841 for the idle caprice he in of - poisoning his wife. decessor of Kalakaua, was email, 'Whiskey, . liberally • by passing -ships, and ed' to its attacks... At the 'f his reign Kalakaua found ded by trouble on all Sides. ✓ a .suacessor to Lunalilo ive assembly, , which' was refeeence between Queen low of ski former monarch, It king. , The latter was' , but party spirit ran e were !Merges that the been bribed in the interest mente The adherents- of egan a- riot in Honolulu, the capitol; 'where the Ireland. _ • - ______ . Mr: Arthur O'Connor, ¥.1!., has been Celled to the Bar at Middle Temple; London., i . - - Onlantiary 128tb, Dr. Henry: Langstaff, 'after- a lengthlened illness, • awed at . bis residence; Coneaught street, A.thlone, - " . 1 _ --1- _ - The .ceremeny of unveiling the Celtic Cross erected,1 in . the eeld churchyard • ot _Donoie over he grave' of -Wm. Reynolds took plece on January 21st.. • . - On January 14th, the remains of the Wife of Mr. . George Harley Kirk, ex-M.P.,- for Louth, were laid tO.:rest in theiamily burial ground t ,Clo.gher Head. - -,,,:" • ' . . ., The Irish Order Of St. Patria was insti- tuted by. George III.e 1783. - Twenty-two knights besides the Sovereign and the Lord_ Lieutenant of ittelaed complete its 'Amber. : On january!29the William John :-Vitzpate riok, J. P., 49 Fitzwilhiam 'square, Dublin, and ortanure, Lanesboraugh, was -swore in as High .Sheriff for the County of Long- ford. - . n.A.LAIEAVA.;' • . weIflshIy Inclined Sing ndwieh Islands. - ogranime was carried out rowned King:of the Sand- onolulu oil Monday with les. A brand-new crown; wellers regardless of cost, he occasion, and prepare., n:d military demonstration cede befitting a European king is. a- thoroughbred a -s; 'fine specimen of his 11, letoad eheeldered and - complexion has a warm, he featuresexpress great his youth he -received- a Wear his crown reigns ef_ miler since the days o Cook, when the to cannibalism, The grandfath was hanged :in on day indiilge Luindilo, the p too 'fond. -of Al supplied to hi finally succiim irery beginning himself minion The - election f fell to the na divided in its theevi and the prese deolared elect high, and the legislators had Of the foreign e Queen Enenea andset fire. t • The - Teipiert k County *Mint had .jtist left Ballingraite statienfor the covers, when it was • found that the ground was thickly strewn with 1, olhoe, and . that •six of the. houeds were dying. The pack were instantly) recalled: • • •- - • . A number . Of -Belfast merchants have taken steps to raise • capital for - the"esta,b; .lishment of n direct lined powerful steam - ere to the :United States having - their neadqnattersin Belfast:- States, steamers of abOut .4,000 tons burthen are to be at -once acquired.- . -, • - . , • The attendance at the Lord Lieutenant's levee at Thibt Clottle, On January • 30th, 'Wild the la et for Many Years .back, persons from all parts of -- the , country apparently taking • advantegee.of the ocoae 81011 t testif their loyalty and adhesion -to law and order. Mr. . O'Sullivan, the ex -Mayor of Cork, was.knighted. • assembly -heldt lots meetings. A. party of American and :Paglisle marines- from men' of -war in the h bier landed, extinguished the flames and restored order. The elec- tion: took plate oFebtuary i2th, 1874. . candaIIzg Preiiidnt Arthur., , , . President A.thur weighs 250 pounds. He looks the pioture-of health and has neg.& failed' to o through.athitteen-ceiirse dinner as expo itioualY and with as good an agpetiteea c. anybody:" Yet the *cor- respondents sar that he is ldw' spirited; that he.doesn'tbxpect to live out. his terra, that he he seems like a man - preoccupied with distressing the hts. e Some of these enter- prising letter- riters account for this by making out -the President to. be morbidly" superstitio4 . The death of : Minister Allen, together with othetbmen.sethey Say, has shaken his nerves. Oneriorrespondent, however, darkl. . hints at another reason. Essays:' "The birds that carty,:meseages about their necks,: written by Mine. Runner, are darkening e air and - whispering evil things shout h (the President) in the ear f the listener. There is a - tremendous toiandal about 4 bidevelOped, Which would not .prohably . have happened had Arthur married eithe of the women Who -jilted. hini- last . season." What on earth„doee this mean? i • e. ( - t Perry H. Swih, a Chicago' millionaire; has been ..lettal y adjudged eta •dietraeted. persint,”. anti- s conservator of hitt property 'apPointed; I" is -. memory of --- all events spreeiOus to e y? at or teto age -` is -perfeCtly I 'clear, but (Atte ent ocourreecesele cannot reiriember en thing:- that has happened, even within am hour. " .. . .- , 7 . . . , - The real , g ove fight occurs when . . _... n a , . pat .a No. 6 glove on.a No. e The , The 140040 * • io• English Royalty. a World has'' the. :following: The Duke mid Duchess of. Albany appear to be the victims of :superstitious fancies. Their wedding was inconveniently hurried on, in order that it Might take place. in April, astliegueen entertained a prejudice against the ceremony being celebrated in May. • It is a fitting sequel to this fact that Her Majesty., remembering the tragedy of Princess Charlotte, is • understood to he averse . to -the Duchess , being laid .up Claxemon; so 13. R. H. is coming up to Buckingham Palace for few weeks. If the -Duke and Duchess e to,be bleseed with a Iarge-fainily they rued it very in. convenient ,a d expe be forced to move away fr in ho e for each . accoliche- ment. Bef re long - Parliament will have to be asked for fee grant for Prince Albert Victor. According to the prededent of. •the Princcss Charlotte and - her present Majesty • the . allowance should- 'have been . demanded " before this. - Except in the , case of . Princess . Beatrice :the only; members.- of the royalfamily who, have now a claim on the country are the i -children of ,the 'Prince . of W es. ' With regard to titles the only primednt for the young prince! is that of Frederick, -Prince of Wales. When George -L- ascended the throne in 1714 he oreeted his son Prince of Wales and Duke and Marquis of Cam- -bridge., In 1710 the Prince's eldest son, Frederick, then 10 years - Old,- was created Duke of Glciticester, and, eine years later, •Duke,of Edinburgh, Marquis ot Ely, Earl of Ethan, Viseaunt Launceston and Baron Snowdon. At his death ell theeiipeerages descended to hi's eldest son George; then a boy' -of 18; Who was .direetly',,afterward created by George II. -Prince of Vales and Earl of Chester, and who, nine yeate-later, _succeeded to the_ throne, The,. -ostensible cause of the Duke 'of Edinburgh's -early .arriVal it Berlin was the necessity oe hie attendance id the . chapter of the•Black Eagle last Thursday, but I understand that the)real reason was a elesire to conclude the negetiaticies Which 'have recently been _going on for the sale to the German- Gov- ernment of .His _Royal Highness' rever- sionary interest In the succession to,the Grand Duchy of, Saxe -Coburg _ and -Gotha. The transaction was on • the point Of (sem- pletion when the Queen- Baden- Baden in 1876 but it collapsed on a dispute ebouta geometer, detail. , .. - . .1- 3 3 •A NEW•lralaK. .FSATION 7 - Clandetthie Martin 4. 43 High; A New York despatch, e night says: The society'mensetion of the day is one involving therPfietore, Lorillards, and other faini1ies.quit4 t Widely knows thrciughout the country or wealth and . social 'standing., It is: he elopement of Miss•Kittie.Kernoehan,',A§leglitor of James • P. Kernoohan, _384. Fif :•1.4 - avenue, with " Herbert C. Pell, brokerkiOing business.at 67 .Exchange place. difference has existed between the fel:Wets-for years, and .- the young .people bad en forbidden ito meet. Mies Ktttie left hnelee after-N=1160R yesterday; and did not i:pear during the afternoon, an occurreniee ef Which littlo notice was taken, aishe-1-48 a: young .16,dy . of very independent 114.4 's- On leaving home she* once repair:c °hutch, where they ve: presence of two 'witnep Pastor, Rev. E. ' perform the ceremony._ district telegraph niek • father's Fifth. avenue rtee from Mriell'ell announoirkthe time and place of her Marriage, but ndi,eseg more. • It wits the first inforinatien Voqfamily .had re.; . delved. °Meanwhile thOthad appeared iu. the evening newspaper ee fetid and formai marriage . notice. . Th A was forthwith hubbub 'Union Club4,4d.the Turf Club, of which Pell was a reetee•er. ,Pierre lard is the special parteeit Of Peters & Pell, the firm of -which gr. is member, and is an uncle of the new-iiia,de Mrs. Pell, who - has been much in mip; ;t0rillad '18 COM- panyVand Commonly e--iivelled .with him in -stimmere Mr. Jose -11 P. Kernochan father of the bride, T2.2..tried Mr. Loril- lard's sister. Mr.- .Pe.: 'w1.)!IFf one of the founders of "Meadowteetilt Hunt, and_ his "pink" dinners were eelebrated- in hie... circle: The marriage entirely:a aur- . prise to the bridelifamPte; A friend Of the family said last even.;:., Its & terrible blow- tothem; and " .f.ktliolly unexpected. . Miss Astor, who is an: entimati friend of Miss Kernochan, couldeiefabably tell some- thing about it-e-thatrter if she -chose to, apeak."It is said the '""seepeily believe she, was a•witness at the ItStirriage ceremony. The consternation of „f4e family at the. news was quite dreadgik. Mr. Iliernoehaa is said to have becoraeC;#te prostrated. It . is believed the coupletere either at Mr. ty-second street, or se, the Hotel ed bet (Friday) woman tries hand- BUBB Ment ILO, the alleged Prize beauty, has been ewer ed: 1500 = (lei:este] :for being thrown by Vo patigh's .unruly elephant. In Poland t ere are four plabes w,hdre the r-theatresA e well supported, and Witiaie -theta rice a Governiztehte subh#tiet4 for the sugp et of the theatres; but it is used principal y in eupportef the opera. The soul is i.ot poisoned by Mere erre-1.‘, of the. head,jbtt by evils ef the hearty' I • Junalbo'10 First fear in America. . . , Jutehat P. T. Barnuni's colossal elephant, has now been he this countrY a year. After travelling .:_over a great: Parted the States he was safely housed in November in win- ter quartets at Bridgeport, Cann., -and he has remained there ever since. f His keepers -say that at„no time since bis arrival here has Jumbo Amen, anything but the most doeile and kind ': (*position. He his grown in *Size more ptOpottionahly than any other elephant eve . received, having nicreasedin Weight thre -qtiatters of a toe andlained in height a fraction over seven ipehea. :He has now become _quite aoolimated, and evinces a remarkable affection.fer the baby elephant. ” When -.seen Jumbo was sur- rounded by a herd --of twenty-nine other elephants, above whm he towered several feet Me, 'Barnum says that . he is con, stantly in reempt of letters from persons in England making the -meet tender enquiries about "dear Old jtufibo," andthat packages _•him.jumb Jumbo's daily arrive cantaiing bonbons, cakes and sweet - Meats tobe to ifood consists Of two bales of hay, half a bar - tel each of • pOtatoot, carrots, bran and roots and ',sixty- gtllops of water: ".We some times give him arlittle whiskey when Mr Barnum 18 not around," said his ieeeper. eo St, Aignstinee's married in the - although the as not asked te the evening the ger took to -her ence &brief note . -44t7 Pell's residence, on Tt where his mother Brunswick:- • • s•.• • ' • . .Chtireh ct1ngM. Membere of the ge„`.,odist Church at, 'Shelton, Vt.,' found fatitere•vith the Rei.. Mi. . :Wild.ey. for peeking 4."! black clay pir,e. The wrangle oausedhin1 resign and accept charge elsewhere. f3e <. • e 'Idaho is relatively Bit iTtger in Norman- - ism 'than is Utah, th4<efeeingten Mormon representatives in itsriogialature, One of whom is a Bishop in vgi phurob, and fully one-third of the 65gtw inhabitants are adherents of the MortneVfaith. . Rev. Y. P. Morgan, fp Vlevelande under- takes to state the posit , of the Protestant. , Episcopal Church on ' .eilelical inspiration. It has never adopted tee, ;theory,. he sere but it simply deol'arefee-qi,,t the Holy Scrip- tures are thenWecOetsdiwze'eod, and contain all that is r, to salvation. Mr. Morgan' would' ventutety° a Newton is still loyalty;Nteordination that Mr. nation vow. The methodEl of " ,C4411, -."Booth, Of the Salvation Army, • ate.tiltistiated by the fol-• lowing • performance,.: wehich took glace recently at Plymouthilelgland: 46 A rough - looking, bulky Mall Eltk'l:ped •forward in a• .thlapidated jersey au3 trousers. to corres- pond, atict, related th,.'.bleshinge he .had experienced as a ref* tef his conversion..., Suddenly, before 'th;e• ' Udience, the man loosed two or three stzletgs, kicked off tha jersey and trousers, si(stood bonfessedis the smart 'uniform I) the Army—trim„ -orderly and'respecta . The transform., don- had a wonder- effect upon till, audience. There WEI4 .fikat a murmur of surprise, and then a o ,C-018 of 'HaIleIuj ahs' from all parts of the15,011dings." - . Results of A righteous judgmeiee; which is the thorn satisfactory from tkei ?iaot , that it is Sue - prising, was rendereq,,* few days ago, in- - Virginia. • Just bah* Z;,hristrnas it young: man named James v* etprocured several gallons of whiskey:104 town of Covington for the avowed purpegeNef Celebrating th* coming holiday wittl regal _debauch.: When the day came Isfjproosedetl to carry ant the•programme WOO -letter. While he and several compatiieete.ivere. guzzling the whiskey; a boy of 12 te, eers fell into their" clutches, affording tlee-3e the Means of •hav-- . ing Some "fun."- Zept, bribed him tie • . drink Lucas admin -ring the . whiskey and bolding him up eafkle he gulped. dews the list of three puitk! T‘Thebote then sank' fici the floor, and no f,kOlcian being within call soon expired: Oegas ',has just bee* ' convicted of niurder be second degree and sentenied to nineeeeers at hard labor • in the State Penitent?' A "poet in "Lippincott " - gives -readers the shivers with the line," Cold swims the moon -light on, the snow." -The moon- inns have been: very -full, elsit 'would have taken a elide listead Of a swim. `-' "Ob, put..him tip a tombstone . Vaal -about 4300 and send around the bill. I'M really -: too. y to lose any time"— Gialikt* widow. • ., - r .. - ,MKDennia, the British antiquarian, has bought the sitta of the temple of Cybele,. at Sardis, As Minor, and great hopes are entertained ' the discoveries -among the r-uinhfie. T•01140ti 'ith' skittle.- of - the Duke 0! 'of. Wellington iii. Hyde Park -Corner t Louden; w'imc°ea13ftifWerd a°4ijla. 24tbi'bYresni0f • 1YiiOrams, from. the arch on whit* it has stoodeince 1846. . : aneftr: :a° ctiCarea0.4V1 ettehn:th Asstaniltisalt w- thirty-one There is nothing •straightforw the right lir taecending , a rise OA!" -Business enemies'. _ - The Xollowingext. t from a letter received by.a in.this city from it friend no* i Manito' it ay be relied on au true: "I find that en Manitoba people complain of this wilattr, as being a stormy - and terribly °Old one:P:blar ; and here i* Emerson they -pray foze little snow, dread- ing another flood. 13,,, ess for some time has been dead here, quitea nurnber ot failures have °court ,but they are ne worse off than their ¶nzipeg neighbors. One of thelargestet*T in Winnipeg took in on an average 18,817.0* 640 per day, and :one of the largest fur uses took 35 cents This they expeot Onie to an •en and the dullness is - iributed in a is measure to the cold. People hopeful and are loo for the oomi the emigrants:". MissIthinie Ha on Monday night at standing on it.ohair liesas*lie sprainin hetes "'" .sCss• te- - , 1 ti•