HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-09, Page 1•#‘ ,s• . • . ra• . • • • 'elemosimmaimmegmai.---miwa•-mg - •t - - c • LEGAL.. TR.A.ITER; ILi A.tt trney-V-- [44W S )licitor in. Gilatr.: serf, Con veywiedf.- Ate- ()dL3 neX.t If.. to • ltasP..6stb liticknow, Ont. . 31.8- .-• A. Af.kcP•tiRESONr, A.TTOViicr, t qaeett:Street,.Kineartlin P. 1 -ARROW & PRt)1..T1..)P004.tf PisrriSttrS,Iiutors,&c., Goderich, _1,111t. ' • 'J. T.:GAMOW W3f. PAOUD7,0,T._ : '.1[A.MES QM4 S-.1.1 'VILLE:, ---, . - . .. .„ . {.. -CoNv1tANcEa..i-- .-.tti)01.?v iajoin an easy 'feints on Heat Estlite,. _ . _ Valuator for :ProSt and 1.,()an 0o. '.. .. ltf - • . ... _ .. •t. ID -ID 1.ToN, .0,)avyaucer, Onmmis L. Jat-. -ster v B. •etc.. -Money to lean attti 'Pe./ eent,l,ttraight interest. hi Valixa- br for Landed Banking Co • • • • • . KINLOUGH* P 0 1 . -C A 1-11. .• '(OF CAHVJION ,L) ' CAMERON -4 • . B4NKEE mone.y40 Coin at ilet4,e,?,14 tiates e� - - -- - Spittoe Ti.ere. ...:-.1, • Loans -on Mortgages as loNy* 6 per cent.,. NOTES AND MORTCACFS- BOUGHT Drafts and Cheques _Oh ailtants cashed;_ . . Special- and Prompt Attent' at paid to the - Oollection of.Notes, Accoults etrts, • •& c . : . . AFTS PAYABLE A PAR :June& on the principal cities an'c1r,ownsnf Cana -- a. and on the United Stu e., -and - Great Britain,- ..i." - , . . , • - , _ Al 0 T k P .13 L .Uomu-assiater in B. R.. Conyeyabsik. • -fEtc .- -114.1JC11$4)W ; • • - Convevatieing 111 all its Branch s. •Dets,, Xt ,rtghges, greements; Leases", &c.; proa I P tiv aatfca.reful y -prepared,• ami;eorrectness'gnartnteed. • Special and prOntpt attention paidto the . . searghiog- of Titles, and t4- all matters couect: •i"ei 'with, the trausferiof Real 1?,sta,te. A_RGES RE A SONABLE: , PBELL 14 ER BARRISTERS. .rrvt for Bank Coutission.tr for taking tiffidaVits for: Manitoba. • Itaitti; i'ovirana. riroPerty bought st,nd. sbld. - - 111:?Lteitprivate fund') Lik-ned, tin Mortgage -4- 4/4911t-ity .ast 6. and () per eon • 11-)ney invited for private OerAons.-upeu the)hest gortg_uge sectirities witlitut any ex- ponse to lAender._ L olds fn. sale in Manitoba and the N.Oith's.. Vest, - - • 0•1101110.0•00, _ MEDICAL. DR. IVIACritil:),. R.A.ZDUA.TE-.of tIe IrtkiVersityi of Toroll- •' StirKe-)n, OffiTai and residence- nes,rly °pp 'it e the Lueknow. -P.ublie School on II..tvelock S • ". - - • GEN RAL ATONE -k- L,RNI) vn easy:terms- o payment,. ' Apply to JOHN COOK:N., itIt, Dungaanon. iJ XroviGciall.,and Surveyor, Vskafor ne Ltd A.gen.t. Offiee over Eadie'is Drjig. Store, -Witigham, Ont. All orders, by mail will re- solve, prompt a.ttefltiUlL 1- ' •-** .Robert Cznininkhatn, Thsurance gent, Guelph. LAJOKNQW SQl1001-:' A meetingof the Lieekneir 84061 BOarii was held 14 R. Graham's Office On Tuesday eveninglast, when Messrs.. `.'Dr."MacCrieninon,- ,..A. IlacIntyrelA. -McGrory. and X Graham werOpresent. The rainntes Of former. Meeting were then read and motion adopted. The following bills . were presented: Smith, .paper, crayons; etc.:" for :school 'purposes, 41.:30 ; ThapS.- Law- rence, latches.; and • ,.fixings -for'. School rOoins'and outbuilding; - 48.44, " Mov- -ed-V R. Graham and Seconded by A. McGrc_ory,..that the above accounts be paid.: Carried:: 'Aloyed by. Dr. Mac-- OrinimOn an.d seconded lajr• .R. Graham, that a map of the Dominion be .pro; Pyred at _Teacher's request,. for School purposes, and alSo that the Beard crecommencL that the pupil. procure - Gage's 'method of copybooks when the ones:now in possepaipn:- of - such pupils be. exhausted or. finished by those. hav- ing them in their poSsesSion.' :Parried,. Moved by -4: -Mac1.0.#F6 and' seconded : by Dr. MacCriMinon,- that the COmmit-' tee on -school supplies inspect the.wo-Pk • i4 • the- school yard. and. measure the . . .. - " same. Carried. .Moved and Seconded-. that A. AloGrory be. _requested. to See. MurdPch: and have a place fixed for.pating-up a 'stove _in.-theThall forsuch children as convenience of - . _ have to take -their • 'cliwier from home - the ' cellars having- ,no fire • and not• being. for, children, to ocouPY- • . Without • .a fire.. -in the- inclement season. Carried: .Moved and Second-. ed'that 'the. BOA4-ladjOnrn. to meet . . , again on- regular . meeting ,night in April •next. .11'artics- Itenim.tting Willand this the cheapest:. s • convenient mdtho _INTER:ES Five per cent, a11t2Nyed Josits_ in 01 *i•Yings Bank Depart ent. • • _Funds Invited for:PriTall -Parties. ,We a,re.prepared to offer to cf. &touters every- . _ facility' afforded by a, 'Char .ered Bank -- and omequally favora,b igrins - Conveyancing ma al izts. , • Fire and Life J;suance. R,(1M DI, Licentiate tif • - DentaU Surgery, -has re- d .*here be.w.ilk carry en the entristy bukineik ; hitt he would beg to • inform hiwpaErons that he -will visit LuoknOw the first M nday and 'ruesday,and. also on *fie thirdMonday and "..rtiesday of each tit ont4-- Plfice at Whitely's Hotel. • 15; . • est, apd wog * BEST -0-64:;.AztiEs owiFircE'viousts....viton )AMERON &•04M0 F4EN TED. A Tft Lucxwoly. -1•-• ,‘• I. .1 - • -.. _ . 0 - tt - - r:;(.10E.NOW- Lt)D.GE f,0171 ."1-1.E _• ANC,I ent Order of Unitedil ktnen,. meet i2; the 44(ftel.16.w. Hall; on Lie' 4cond and la.. st HOtiday evenings Of .rac'hiriorlifth, at 8 o'clock. -Arisiting Brethren °are. cordially' in vi tcd- tend. JAS. BRY.A.N, . W. A Master Workman. ‘Lucknow,-July 14t1, len, • - •. • . IS TB Recorder • , • :NT:FIRST CLASS:',4013 AGES at 7 to :tfr 74' per- cent ftitertst.0ayaLle. yearly,: .pharges very moderate. - lt, pply to - • . • _ , 1t()1-1ERT AfUE,144Y; St-Mekiirs.„-- Seeretairy of the West Wa FanoSh Mutual fire Insurance COmParyin ,..phi.ng-buts farm prOpertyliisured. ,pai ti ea m i Ung. to insure in thiri i)opular farmers coMPt.-1. in the tOwn- -ship's of Colborne, A.slqfield. . ast and West 1Wawantiih 9 - EiiiI0148".,ariti ..H.it ,ion br sendibg a•: , 'Post Card to Me will be cane oil and every' „inform atifIn kiveu:• • - . ROBERT AlliRRA,y „- t. lie1nsT).'.0.. - . . - • Offilight 1.p(Ig %TO:. 184,- ( 13, .0. .niteto. the Thursday )n or liefore fullmaon f each tnantlr at A, p..ut. Visiting breth- rencoriliallyinvited; 1.- . • -.1-1,;,). A. S1 orp.A.TA,.. LA_WREN tJE.• Secretary, GO N L —FOR ALL KiN WATCH} S, CLOCKS, AND: . J,EATE PAW; Re?alrilig done prinn-ptlyI ." ALEX." VI DI:ATER, • 1. Cattpb Luc iE R S ONEY TO LOAN at • • 2 tol 20 yew* lists Onts.rio as well'as Manit 'irons to sell farms, wills:mill by inspecting theyadyertisii,g scriber. in- Great Britairtand tinent of lands fdi • AN -US • STI• Jana Valu . - per cent ,from f rs.rms for sale la. Parties de - it their.interests fe.ilities of sub - req. rd -end • now 1: Ont.' •LAYoKiki. w 141DONIA, No. 112. 0N -EY 1'0* 1-,0 A NVO (100D FARM Ptinierty at 6 atict er'Oent, ace6r4. in gitti the -security offere4. he above.:will:be loaned on any tt)r-rpti to d the bOrriliver. .norrespondenoe will be •IphorftillY answered withont expense; Jur her . particulars- ,appiY to • • 1 : : •J-01114". 447 !lens; P. 0: . - gt.i.FrosiGAT friendly game f.-CiFling between the. Liicknowl and wlinghain came oft' in , the •Wiiiham • 'rink o*:U. Tuesday last with thefdllowino. result: • • - 0. 1.----Fireets every Friday, evening at, t5 •ii'clotk in Asir 'Rail. Canipbellfst. All bretierii cordi- ally invited. • - - W. It SMITH, Seeretary.) RTI.V. R. q,.11ENDE!Ri, Noble- Grand: tom t)wri - towti..; 3a0:1::elid:Ikolitfit freo..' Address 11. ALL esrr poreimid . ••.„. erwood Court, r4 Nth SO usicKNow, ont , eenrt meets on the first Ana Avery. montle;:-at Ia.. the - voile, RAIL Brethern will *tame at 11.401IFFTREI WALTER TR, As in the pat, still keeps oi • superior stud, -GEN ER A L:G • LUCKNOW.- WIN 411AM°. - No. I, *o.1 . - W. Treleaven. W. J. TilcOntcheon. Wm. Gordon, 3. . Neelatids. • George- Douglas. George McKay.' Dr. Tennant, . John Dinsley„ Skip -16- • Skip -7.-16 Not 2 II.. Somerville., D. Campbell. - R.: -Copeland. Wm; Little, Majority for Wi • In the -.evening: each 'club - played. _pounds of- oatmeal:: - poor of the. town i was Vidorious by teir•shots. $356,6.43, and these- papers never • , • LUCKNOW ' WINGHAM. _ at a loss advertisements.t taf,1 their New or ,a . .is _Nor_ the highest prided 'columns nathki above are Made up by the high Prp, paid for the numeroui transient 0'...:Arertise-. raerits with Which .they are i-II4t`d from day to day:, It is said that gross take c fit- is 'young Tata 1.rald" . nourish —Cleghorn, m: ,Ingles. Skip -41 _gham, 3. picked rink from - for. one .hundred • ' • - V 41 - - 1411iLAGE' • 8.S.149,. 5, ASHFIELDI • The -following is the report . S. Ashfield, for the "MO of February. 1:- It is -based.. on 2 tiller attendance, -perfect recitation et STANJOR JUG. Mur ch; 2nd, Gardner. and -muss= Anderson. Jtadoi Geo. Aiknw ; 2nd, Daniel .Anderson.; 3rd M"' • ret Murdoch. •• 2 • SENIOR Harvey. ter; 2nd, Charles Webster. • Jiim04 3nn.-1st,' Ellen 2nd, Emma. Armstrong; -3rd Fisher. - SECOND C,LASS.--1. St, -.Mail "V and Charles Ritchie; 2nd, A. 3rd,-±v.i.PDonairh . , SENIOR..tuatik-Tson; 2nd, - 3rd,`Jno, ard- ner and:Jas. H. Webster.. : • • • .ster (61.1111 1.101-YROOD-6,itiuuL,-0 : The following -report of • th'ef.D'upils of S. S._ No: 4, 21Iolyrood, is bo gt up- on. their attendance, . condu4 And work -during the month of JanUii and February, 1883: . Fouras kelizie,- 276;. 2nd, Archie "KO 3rd; :Emily- Harper, 270. • .SExioa 3R4 -1st,- Maggie _F- -e.rp, 401'.. - 2nd, Geo. Fletcher, 36C' 3rd, Charles Mellish, 330. • . b Mao - 274; 7 JUNIOR 3RD.—lst,.George ,Ben- jamin. Baker, 322 2nd, Kati • 290 , 3 -rd Ida- Jones 284, ' . Simo . 1 st,-- John :368 • 2nd Robert Fletcher. • ,• 1 Angelina IlarPer, 349„ JuNioR 2/4D. -List, Mary X -2nd, Agnes Corrigan) 495.. -SW 1 Guness, 384. PART 2ND -.—lit, Daisy Bak , 2slid, Mary Stewart, 233; 3rd, 1,1,401/gel ,215. 3rd, audie wart, 3rd, 536 Mary A meeting of the village Co/Moil Was held in the Connell Hall -on Mon- day evening, last. When the Reeve and, Councillors; liryan, Stewart 'iota: - Tennant were present,' the- Minutes of the last -meeting :were on motion. read ane signed.; Moved by 'Cam _ . Stewart aid seconded by Conn Ten- nant, that this Council memOralize the. Lieutenant GovernOi in Council foi perthission to _tg‘ke the censiii of the village of L:acknow.. . Carried. ,Mov- ed: by:0614n. Robertson' and seeonded by_Co' un: Bryan, that Archie McCor- vie be re -:appointed- " constable . - salary of $150 per .annum,_ and one. third of all finesarisingfrom his, (the constable's,) own prosecution. Caririee. •Moved by 0011t1.-, Bryan and seconded ' by Coun.. Robertson, that the Cie* ask for applications • for '‘the office of. -Warden of the Fire -Company for the . ensuing year. = Carried. Moved by,. Coun. Stewart and seconded by Quail, RAertson„ that 41 •dog tat be remit- ted to, A. McGrory. Carried. - Council then adjourned to meet on -the I 12th inst. . 1 • --;--7r--am•*`• Large and Smail eotatoes for Seeds. . . ••••00.000. The past season's experience ought, to solve the questimf as to whether small potatoes are as good . as large ones for planting. The. scarcity of potatoes last spring occasioned the planting of many small, inferior tubers,' and the resulting crops' will convince many that there was little lost from • using :the small seed. At -least this 110s. been the result of.my observations,. in. this section. In iny experience.; j, small sized potatoei Of` the Beauty cf 1368 ; Hebron variety'have- produced' a crop Harris, 227 ;--4thi George Mel/ PART Normana 137; ;2nd, Roger Corrigan, Byron:'Beamish, 131 ; - 4th .jones,- 86. . _ . Duncan Mackenzie 'Was t the monthly spelling -match. • —It is sometimes -questi merchants whether: advertis .The question will -hardly bear.: ion in the light of the follov( rates • for transient ad -ver beingfigured:—TheChicago", it is said, for a column:a' yea/7, $26,000. The New -York "Ito ceivel for its highest pricedii $384,000, -and for the lowest o be given to -the 1, The New York "'tribune • • • . est in (1 by pays ,scuss- acts,- ,rments " lf une, ceives •MO re- :olunnfs r its , which Lucknow lowest, 429,764, and- for the' 4ghest, • D. Cainpliell.- W. Little. Wm.-Ingles. Dr. Tennat.t. George McNay. ._• R.,' Copeland,- V. J. McCutcheon Skip -16 - . 4- 1111-1111110—*".1 BELFAST: - . Fl•om" Our .0uni- correspondent. • .. ... The following4s he standing of the pupils of Belfast S hool for February : -0-0-uRTH CLASS : 1st; John; Mullin ; 2nd, Adeline Loug Alton.;. 4th, Alex, _ THIRD S*NIOR. 2nd, DOugald...Cit Alton 4th, John -Timm 1.s0Villie. Bowles; 2nd, Jeremiah- Alton-; ThOtnas , Irwin : 4th, IloracieMulim AVE IN „Sztoirn SENIORw----10, Susan Alton, 2nd ItObert, Alton • • - 3rd LaNina and a large and - ' - ' of ' LoUgheed ; 4th, tin. MeCrostie:. . eed 3rd, Herbert atapbell. McM an.; phelf ; 3rd,- Albert Andrew. .inclutlingsverything f Ytind good:_housikeeVer. Ile wou public,inore particularlv thc, ICy tuat he has engaged th.e services ot a - - - - : THOROUGH sILLER said will ou'iry en the Milting businelis ivith •'SECOND 9JUN,IOR:.. -1st, Henry Brad- ERCES fotA ; Eclniutd Bradford 3rd, lin ltke rirriorof iHarniltoliIrwin; 4 4,./vIftry:-MoN 1: am. d als!i inform the arming commun. _ . FIRST- SENIOR.--1Sti Melissa Alton ;- :2nd; • Joseph Phillips ; James - Hackett ; 4th, Martha .Clarlce,- paniel Alton, Hutehieson,; 3tcl, Annie- ir,7411e:welcdtvi44:1;)glianida biri rt:::111‘' 41;14 oir41gd.egfrirOsnatil 1-ti.jon';'. 4* Susan nun.glitmli'i 4014 pgblic:' kinds of - The: best spelteti. aiTithe, monthly • spelling match in the senioridiarision. frA 1111 • e;;;istantly nnr wore :,--7•FoOrth. OsSi John: Mullin .4 . . Delivered to :a - Town,. , An& y. Partoft tiprpor Third,:John.Antletvc,* 49nior: TA,ird:\VIliiitni Bo lea. , _ . plainteWitkoal evtra allszem: letta, eoluinns: A. T. Stewart paid York4'llerald". $36,000 a column kept specially, for said; The large sums receive income of the London, Engla Times" is $3,000,000 a•year tertain. that the ;incitToo or "Tribune". isIno,419Fluove e not more. . Adviept% gong - time. If it •dia 0,4 could not ask suclang e 'their space and EN arsqr6> —Mr. Me -had startlin while chanceing 6 days ago -on his The ram falling step S and platfo --slippery, and in the last car Mr. 4. gott_ gritoliite und," sai ppincott " e line, "-Co , snow." T ull, .else it way, strilpfig at, allaPasasWim t�m1) ft car, was thrown directly across the rail. The train w up at the time, and but for aid of two gentlemen close - pulled him out, Mr. Allen ti been cut in two. The sh nervesis still Painfully pre! was not otherwise hurt Of excellent quality and. -size, .but of small yield. . The - same is true - with the Burbank variety planted later, both varieties yielding WI fine tubers as' I ever. saw, the ,yiold, however being small. -1 A circumstance has lately come under 'my obse.'vatiOn which ha:s° had considerable weigi t in my mita in deciding this. question. ,..10.: party Came to me lastspring after I- had , finished planting yetittoeSi and- after I had sold an My surplus seed With tho •. exception of - it bushel or so' of small- , potatoes --the: - culls -from previous - assorting—which averaged. but a little, • larger "than itAliokory mit in _size.... Seed being very - scarce the party, re- - ierred t� decided t� take these: frpeciraens, -aid'although I freely. tx .pressed my -belief . that they were to small for 'seed, they' vielie planted' . i The soil was favorable, .being a clover and timothy sod, and somewhat to my surprise the 'add - and size' of th tubers is large fOr tilts seaso. I'. decided in my own mindthab-the•only . advantages, in large. potatoes ., ove small ones for. seed, . is -in the. extr amount of nourishment which the larg potatoe afford the.16uno. plants durha there earlier stagei oigrowth. T difference ii'mi,ich less on rich than o poor soil, because on rich land til e. plants require much les t, and are better able t eihemselves .-: For, this reason ot in favor of" cutting potatoeil Lsr London.. e. otrahete addaeiflafertlhv,s :It.r.ell-E; I im ey or. some PotaIoe' grevireri: Much bette erich2 tubeis and. thinning sout tb.e stalks • . ' peciali) on light soil, by planting wboi - to a few eyes, as recommended this way results will- be secured believe, es 'leaving but twQ'tiricointb.a.laill: . I laZrge stout tops are produced OQ S 4rought • . f)OnS1 of tops (unless °Cover produce 8 Yell inoeotsrand usually such strong growing ,which -pie better able to resist the e f t f d'e eht or the depredatiqus of oirefe potatoes. and a de•SiTahle 4 of: the uouictry.flentifinavi - .4 and Picking '3%.'11° ofLiver CtfiaaTlialti4ttbfrr eword. sr any Sid; 1 -Te -1 o ominot Aure.witipwat" nt9fmtivsP, w • • "VtAgetoble hen the direction timely wevan Sate REWAIII) iu1S :n t110 • • --V Ski.z.rupslar Ytentl2pit,. , u - - never fail to give iefsbe ILNietalikka. •1014.- 8Bgaspeate . laag_1411 , 434141.1**Atir, 25. cen • (12,1* • -% • t . 111141fill11- 4.1101417441110011J,11, 7* F.or soltivp drugfresiii..„ "imitwor-firmultalie.14. A ularielloui fo't thitatfrka *pea. *Ad inkitttiors. e arunifacturnd..', ske% e.etuatb flood' Ateb4.,. vgiV, t.4, -only by -foliqm.. %rat L.401.1 -,s. The rot ...• botti.theri le en ingenious. naigir '1,:7ettor car `.11.tkgra;.7111 Atsikt Xliwt.T4tronts'', thy_tnonreileceidsti ireatIgmkt ' .! Ont. ;bee IAA to-oviklkt-inall. prepii ipoditpt. iif A tiptoe) . •42,:,`,4614.4410* „„ ' 8414 , • ••• -4; .5 t 21 7 ' •