HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-02, Page 8• f • -NOTICE. • - i,wish to intimate the People of. *noir and sarroandlnk country, ths!-I aa now ready to del all •kindp Of_work in my _ ins_itt lowest prices, consistent with good work., . and Enlarging a. . _ 6130Cialty, Frames and Stereo. , . - _ - • -seepes-always on fiend... 1 E.L. JOHNSON: Lucknow, Sept ¶th. TIME -TAEILE. 'GOING NOR141.. •No..1 71 p. Ns. 2 -2:2i) m.. No.3-10,23 p. m • GOING SOTTTII No. 4-5.14, a.th No. 5--11:22a.m No.:6 5.80 p:m. • Vittag and Vitinjtg ftwo. - •!- _ ; VILLAPE .00UPIpIL. , 0, , —More sno °abide on' the l's7;• —A couple df third -rite -blizzards this week - „ . t --For cheap Canned fruits go to K. J. McLeod'a• .• —Mrs. Thos Fleteher, of Pt -rug -eels, is visiting her . friends in this village. ..----The Refor. i majority. fir' the Ontario House ill ' be about twenty- two.• ' - H. - 1 ' - - - —Mr. 'W. 'Me is received lastweek by exp; ss -a ,ma nificent Pair- of `New-, foundla d uppi g.. —it . cLet d extends an invita- tion ' to the nubl" toCall and see. his. cheap stock Of c tined fruits. , X ----The mails were carried by sleighs o-- -and: from Whigham during- the. sno1s1ockad th A we6k. • -- - _ - A meeting. of 1 the' village, -Council. ,- was...held - at the call of the Reeve in the Clerk's office on Saturday evening last, When the Reeve and .COuncillors. Tennant, Robinson,Steisrart.and Bryan were 'present. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion, confirmed: An account of $20. from. - M• Corrigan as ;alary for Collector for 1882, was rendeecl, witen it was Moir -- ed- ky.Ceun....Tennant and seconded by Co`un. Stewart, that it be paid. Carried._ The Clerk submitted a. By-leawregu- la,ting the Licenses for Lucknow,which was read thefirst time. Moved .Coun... Tennant; seconded. by Coun.- -Bryan, that the, License - By -Law fQr 1882, be repealed. . Gerrie& Moved Alelt.' Rose, harnese maker, Weinte all paties indebted to: lain for harness, etc., to q11 and settle for the once. - —It is i sivpr amount Of stiOw on the railw Lucknow.- . . --Mr. •Geo.1 o „las was a represent- ative fi'omLticktow. Lodge A.O. U. W.. to the -Gran( Lodge 'meeting . in Lonclon•last Wee __Parties.who 1 itend having auction sales .should get t eir bills; printed •at the SENTiNEL bffib, a free advertise-. nient giveii toeVe y auction.sale. ing what a little -11 stop the traffic e, running through —Messrs. Whi ely, -West; McCar- roll arid Jewitt e h :contributed $20 to the -village tre ury last week for • b Colin. Bryan -and seconded by Coma. selling liquor eon ary to by. -law..- t.eNlart, that this " Council go into a- ---We'had' bet gO: the with Conn. C.ominittee to consider the By -Lw, ad days Of " it,ii the railway .* Tennant in the chair.' • ,• onips • Carried: Moved -by Reeve CaMpbell "conti.nu to cancel the c 's •• . ft • - trains for.everr.littie snow storm, aud siteonded by Omni.. Stewart, that; tlie By -Law be read a second and third —The Rev.': J. tlgacuabb . preached in, the Methodist .-Ohurch on Stindav Carried. Moved by Coun. Bryan And seconded' by.. Courti Stew"'ening 'last;tIle'11:ev-- 'L. T. Smith a.rt,•that- the By -Law. be .adopted as °P41-1)Yi.-nga similhr'. position - read. .Carried.- : Moved by .0oun. Presbytriaiichurch.-• • . . Anson, Past Taster -incial Grange,. will "Agriculture" in Stewart and seconded liy•Coun•Robert- Mr. Ja-b61! Rd son, that ,the Reeve and espuncillors -tof .the Ontario ;Pr Bryan and Tennanj. be the lin: inCes deliver a lecture o cbmnaittee:1 Carried; ,The Committee •appointed to examine.' the ,Fire Hall reported that they found it insatisfact- . ory, and "eonsider• that if the'engine- Were placed ina proper building, it -would(be found in a perfeCtly-satis- factory • _condition.; The report - .was section. . Wedding adopted, :after -which the -Coun.cit id- but Weddings- : , jeurned,.. - appears ibe at a: • • . , t -,Spring assize Walkerton before. _ the ,1 -6th ;at -Chancery s TUB 4-10.440w. .in.g..i:s.,a,eopy,'ofs telegram rain wheat • eceived from Col. A. M. Boas, e 4=9 WWilt Member elect for West Huron "My • .• :best thanks to the friends inand around - -Lucktiow for their good - work in West awadosh and Aahfield. kit,ur • • t • 45 0-33-- -30 • - A. M. Rms. Goderich, Feb, 28th,. 1883. V/ tr. _ to Mrs. Smith's for Polka, Dot and Cream Frillings• Wedding party, consisting %Of' two couples, created considerable amusement for the boys, and girls too,: on Wednesday last, by Marchring-ip .and down the main' street, locked in- . eachothers arms and having on White gloves and all the other parphanalia required to set -out" a -blushing bride. . . . _ --Metrepolitan March -Numbers, 3 Cents each, or Jan. Feb. and: March' _Numbers for 5 -Cents, - at Mrs. Smith's --The limesint Of milk receiVed at the Silver Lake. cheese factory, Kinloss; - - - during. the season of 18823 was 538,150 lbs, 50,905 lbs of .Cheese • were- made. ,The average Price received per lb. for the cheese was 11.15 cents. A. Total receipts from All sources,- were ?6,217. $4,210,20 were paid to patrons during the season. T. J. 61;tewart, -President; John Kaake, Secretary-Treae; - --As a general rule our subseribers have reaps:aided to. the request for ad-, _Vance payment with gratifying prompt- itude but they are .still'a great many on our list who are in arrears. We should once more urge them to pay up old scores anct favor ; Ili with 'a year;s- subScription in advance as well. We do not like toresorttoektrememeasures to collect Our justdues,and have so far refrained from 'doing so,but the amount owing us for subscription and Other claiins are growing go large that We Will . be cOMpelled to enforceits collection if it is not speedily; reduced: . rotatoes.•;--perints. • Hay--Tper ton. .„ Wool .•• ; Pork -Per .9wt. Eggs Butter- ... • Apples,- Wood•.-- -• • eheipskins- ...• . •11! • tt66 -0t9 -035 . 9 00 • 10,00 .-. 019 . 1.0 13 1-5 • / „ 021 023 • ... 020 0 21 700 goo SO 6 to' • fi Overeteatil Shirts' an a a • 75 1 00. .•• . . .6 to 7 as .per. lb MI -1E .IINDERSIGN,T;0 WTglIES. TO inf;irin the .farmerSznud ethers in 'this" se,Ctirin that- lie will. .for service this sepson. at -Lots 74:and 714 fi in 1, Township of 1(in-1(4s:that .fine thin*t irli,rdedfSrohlztm-Trl.• jrn., Bull; " N•iro," 11. Gardner, of Mal* -0 Film: • Pnroms4 Red -and White„calVeit prit lOth. 1880, Bred bw111.essrs. J. & .R. ,Quttin, 'Salem:Pm: of Wellington ; got 1.93, NW:A: Pothes [51781 dam Ji. -)11,11113 (Vol- 4, p• 22,1 by -Roger [2157], 10892 g .d Princess- 1' trice, by Oxtord . • 4 t Prince • [192a] gr. g. r4.1, oris. by Joh O'Gaunt 2nd Pro]; • (1308p) it -Berl Tab, 2nd, by Sebsatapool N571,-;:13-01 Lily, by Irlarrw .6215.- I.W1 3rd, by P.rince Albert [545j, 5085. -Rod Z. -11e, by Berry [58], (.1(41);--Cifiderdra,by (3•184);-Ysfing Florit, by ecebs, 34:9, bri by Mr. .1!„Iason,-of Durfg England. 1. ." • I• SLEY, IIENt )1JRSON - March 14, 1883? ucktiOW"P.• 0. Settle your Accounts. . - Mr. Alex. .:Fincliater, jeweller; re- quests :all parties owing him" small accounts to tall and settle the ianie as Bean ai possible.- ••- the • Grey Ox ol house, to-nieht - N- • A - - ttt- I OSt MTV Ce ews paper ge nee... .(Thursday,).11arci„. 1st,. -at 7_ -o'cloek. All -the leading Canadian and Amer-. jean tiewepapere can be obtained at All are _iiivitecl;' adilnission free: • I „ =The sever -0.... id weather of club.:.i.at6 applyino• th ijj present 'winter- ha:..proved a .boon to, Melli,3-at the LucknoW Post'OttiCc. -7 ent °Men of .this - ; ' - • weddings, nething. :Short -Mor, 11 other busine's Mr Wesley Ilencletsbn,-of .the-prst. andKinlOse,'''.purChased. last Weekwill7,. _ r be held . .at from- Mt. Jame* 11. Gardner, of Maple. r; Justice Galt be Grove, Ashfieid; the well known Short. - .. • . cnieribh on the .,W.1 7 4011/ B!.111, "Nero,' for the handsome _ ting at Walkerton. -son, Of $1.60.-. :iFor.furthet partiettlats • as to pedigree, etc., reaka,dvertistnent in another 'cOlunni. • ; • • .. ' Co'm Olin, enter* it; a Lucknowite. Speaking of a_inceting held in TiVer:- ten on Mcnidayi. evening, of last eek on the 16th March- At Gocletich ..20th , - - in'the interests of Mr. IL -P9 O'Connor March..., ? It P.:. R., the lOttch Mao Op t ------he fel., • .4-TheKinloss C • . mpa tributeto fr. 1 E1 Camereli, Of thra village*:,— • - "Mr. Jii0..-141vgilven was -elected -to _ny. have - pur- . . . _ - -chased another young Short4forn Bull $ . - , .to replace the#10 b q.1-"Sentinek"whielf was sold this winter 11 . We beleive the CompAny paid in tli neighborhood of ' the...chair, and in a few_ pithy remarks' $200 for the young I till. ' He is a per- Etroduced the speaker of the .eiretii14; fect'beatity. i ' . Mr D E.:Cameron, :of Lucknow, WI); exprected regret .at •Mr. OVonnor's being able to- be present The riding fate, and it was impossible-f6r- cindidate to .visit the Whole of it in _ person,. Therefore hewas reernmisciotied - to express- kir: O'Connor's s•polOgiea. to* the niceting.-- That .gentleman- was known to most of those*.present,_ And a1thou4h he was but a young member, Yet we -had; proof that .he was to be no .tigurehead -or..-11.ummey- in the Prov- incial Parliament. ,, Mr. Can:retort-then went. o:ver the principal of the:, legisla- tive acts of the Alewat• Adininistration frthe past few years; alicfcintiPletelY -v:rndicated,the action taken in every - 'Alter about aithourEanci a halfa ableaddress, the speaker. sat down . amid a hearty ibehd of applause,. • - . . After a tea, -reinarke_ by Mr. Pollard Cie folio -wing rfisolutiou put -arid rried eoarthimusjy, .ovhm ;•this uteeting - _haying"' heard. With. ,-pleaSute , the eible speech of Mr. D. R Canieron -far .Mr. O'Contio-t-,,;pledgeS itself to .11arii1y support the.- Mowat .. traion.-. by_continuing their support to color, and stimulate R the follicles to ' tftlie present member, Mr. H p.produce ' a new-a'a4 I liriant growth. (Connor." -• . It else cleanses the .calp, eradicates • Qu. inotien of.Jno. Pollard seconded ' dandriiir"and is 14 111° ,,. - .1 harmless dressing; i ,b.i, Don. .Caw:Ton, a unalimous - vote- - is spring.: resurrection of Iature's latent foto • is ,taking place. -Like the World atoll d you, renew your .complexion, in.v40 te your powers, (deal* the channels of ,Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the 'ens to use for this purpose.- ' addition . to., - Paisley- Adviwate c, another -for paper fr the wail. of the mood here- is - the „Enteipisel' "A freight train,: ha; not Arrived. 'in- -Chesley. for abo t .thr*.e- weeks ; we have a'lot :of printing' pOr • oft' the road, ock arrives, have. t week's issue." and unless- the.neW not paper to:print noil *---Mr. D. G. ROCS, Ssotland, J 8..1-lamiltbn a tford,- their age mag ifieent silver: cu for byithe Curlers o -particulars' of the Co made public, . your - hair t gradually failincr newer will restore! it f the ten ViTyvis s sent to Messrs., Company, of - .5 in Canada, a to be -competed - • Ontario. The *test Akre not- yet' • ning gray and Hall's Hair" Re - to • • to Its original , of thanks Wai given to 'Mr: -Canieron, fw hii able address.' . —On night shortly. before JOIeven„o'cloelc, flames were obseree;d eking through the roof., near she, eltininey„ of Mitchell Beni, grocery,. �rner of -Harbor and (been . Streete. .Xincirdine. • ' the ctfurs• ;of 4vro •ksarinoesiithstanding the exertions at then and citizens, this bu4ding 4wd one actioipi..ty iikr111.4. - nura - That t15,000 Prize. "The Look -nevi, SKitlitsizi,.man didn't draw- the $15,000,- as he :expected to 'do; but has become resigned to his fate; We are. pleased to'See, ..however, that' his fellow-townsinati, Berry, was more , lucky, he being entitled to catch .on. to $25• of the. $150, that.. Went to. Luekno:w: he isn't at all satieAed, either; as . he: was crack certain of the big prize, and not being a newspaper inan he will not be able to wear a look of .calm re -pose; -like Brother- Bryan, for some: tithe to come. , Never mind, 'Yank,' better luck next Zits4 Time . . • .. . • • • Percherori 1-1.erses.. lumber merchant of Car - aid a vi it DISSOLUTION o ERSHIP. VOTICE IS IIE Y. * GIVEN .. the partn‘t. tip liertefore existing between T as Lawrence • and, James Findlater, he village of • Lucknpw,- Plow Maker -I -and General Blacksmiths, under th'01-tyle and firm of Thos. Lawrence Jr. (yA., has this .day been dissolved- by Af ittial. Consent. 'The business- will in -J,iiiPure• -be cap,' .ried.en by James Firtd_14 - All claims- against t, Thonias Lawtence senteci to Thoinis La -settle the same, and the said firm must be Lawrence at once. "PIUS: Vaioii,.?- ' Witness Pated this 22nd day ate'l.Firtni- of mii-stbe pre - "at, 'Who will plats.' dile . to' Thomas LAW/IMO!. INTiLATICIL Feb. 188s; J GRENA Wishes io infOrmthe public t lathe trito constii1)tli7 on -hand-a- FIRST-CLASS 8TK CF Mcn'ts; Women's, ..Uisties' and Children's Boots‘ Go And exainine' JR sucos,99 Rtock iti each claris, esinc3a4ly e -, BuffPebbie & Whole -Steck 11,044s . Before pureitssIng' :sinewlh ie. e ' i 4 Manufacturing a Speciaity. toist .year's. stock 8fill at, 8 R. 1111,104 r ' COs . . • VrEsgs and 'Butter taken is for goods. etioe - • PrOpose RRIG selling a• portion o Etiock of ir • 8 • • Mr: Henry Cargill, the well known restores,' With: the glOss and ffti-thness of youth, ftidedor graylair to:4 natiiratl:.-01. brown color, --or deep blitel,ns may desirctli 4 its use light or red hafir.may be darkened, tiiKliair-thiehened, and baldness often, though aciA ki4rayS, teltecks falling of the haii41.0 stimulates a weak and Sickly growth to vigofr.k4 prevents and cures Scurf and dandruff, and'A4Is nearly -every disease peculiar to the scalp. Bair oressint; the tiCtorg. is•uncoitaf4d ; it contain* g , p s n later oil. nor dye renders r soft. glossy-, :zee silken fit anpet:rance,and ist1;n: .Orts a delicate, !' 'agreeable, and lasting Perftiniel ;to the farm of W...Diinhani, Wayne -Illinois and. Made a pUrchase.theIe three 'Percheron horsek. and ;tie •-thorough-bred mire. One .of the two: years." Old, and "Vial's; a inare is twelve years old: A young mare and "Viale,"doet The thorotigh-bred-'mare-Ltive -ears* $25Q. Mr..-Cergilrs intention is to raise -first -class steck.-for'which he has 'made 'a-gbOd befinning.- ' Feathered Visitors. Several o our exchanges ,are re . - marking otkthe appearance this winter in Various parts of the Province, of t 'agteeable and: birds supposed to be *new ;to Ontario; -Exeter -htia- alsO been.: visited sby the feathered. strangers. One of put.; doien of -them hopping about spruce tree in. the , garden; .• whence they .fiew. to a mountain' ash; breakfait:., ing, on the .frozen *berries. They arera - large brownish grey bird, seine of -them witlt.beautitul red breasts. ; they are - - _ not, however, altogether strange to this part of the country, 'baking. been seen variotia times, Over in *suehlaiigi -numbers as. this wintei.- Their English name is the Pine Grosbeak, slid. being , an ArotiC.bird aire not often Seen to fart -47-he ' following. ,.composition on tha- ow,. wai .44 ed: to :us ,:hy a - pupil -of the-*Walketti Public Schisol",: Tlio• cow. .is,anintle. *..i 4-": legs and : 1 - tail - and '2. ears - aind I-. nine-- and ' 2 nestrale, •a,,nd so fourth... Milkisxtraet:. , , : . ., . . . . 'ed from her bra- SOur us .mOshuu of v, , - - the hands i not .thefco is -.hands but a , persons. hands, , Her. ...esti- is good :to- ; but at and her. hOrnis: . 4.re,,-keod_Tto prick: holes in - is' boy: 'mini)! hr ,.hind, legs _ i';0 - aft eAvy oirer the fee or..shoyo- Iiiiiii p in at, $!iilk _ _ .. ied by. ik through the wall or I pail, tie., tlre: zenr the Ot eiinorning.ebserved about - P. BaionEit writes frein-igiriv, O., July • 3, 1882 : "Last, fall my hair cd#16nceil fulling . out; and in a short Mae becani.I early bald: used 'part of -a :bottle of ii,klopStHaiit Vtooa,. whickstopped the of IMO and started a.new growth.. I hiti-e now a mail of liair growing vigorously, andamcdn Owed that but for the use of your preparation have been - entirely bald." - - - j. W. flowas, proprietor oft1,01.i7.4rtnur (Ohio) uquirer, says : HAIR. •.gm ,kiott is &ost . excellent preparation fer the. Ii21,3-11.j 1 speak of it ,froni-natown exiterience. its 141 promotes the , growth- of new hair, and makes' FttlgIssy and soft. The VIGOR is also a sure cure fohlfindrutf. within niy knowledge, has the **aration eller . failed to give entire satisfactlopaill •. ANo les .-rmitnitiRlt leak'llof -the !Cele- "- Pairbairn Pandly "of k„ex4isli Vocalists, -. writes from Boston; Mass., Pee FP144$0 : " Eve); since my !Air began to gi ve ail ver.`4.11•gidenee (4 the . change which tleethigtiniaproctili,4, liave ased . AYER's I -I A la Vionic, and -so able to :maintain an appearance of youtl'ifi:iness --a ntat- ter Of considerable -consequenilt•Ao ininisteek -omtora, aetors,-.and in fact everyi who livOia " the eyes of the public.". -11 PRF orr,wrftLig tiu 18 Rita $f., . trlildown, --.4fass.; April 14; :„pays "Two • years ,ago two -thirds -of hi 1afr came tir. t t•iinned, very rapidly. and. 1- waq fast growiil „ bald. On Using_ A rocn's Hain rq,:n? the falrtg Stopped and new growth eon,....v.encied, and 'a libollt'a'„itionth my headwapdolt:41:40Y COTtirt4 irle4.1fIiort eontinne;;P. grow, and le now as .gond as before it fell. I reiii.414.irly wird hut one bottle•Of the l'toott but noni-1-4p it or esesiey - -ally as a dressing." A g - ' 2 ; • - We.have hundreds Of similar te44t4pniala it,. 64 "M103' Of Ari'sJ11 VIGOR.' it needs haide trial so ocuivisse the most iikepikt.;1 141116110. • .• — 411111PAIIMID IBT Dr. J.C. Ayer & -Co;; -:644. 0714 k Si) as oar latitude. COST Before .receiying their spring Mena, Womans, Misses and •drene Boots included in this Sal • We. -purpose -extending this s 'Big . weeks, so do not miss the ehallit• of a. great bargain by not eallinklearry„ • This is no humbug which you Noll our see by Calling arid . pricing- o . . Peart Oorri I wirb i111441.6 Ile citizens of Lucke eenvandiag--tovittry, tlakt I IM , evened. Up „• s In R. G. iarelevill'a Oici Stead. 1 ' on hand, a1:1 Ulnas AILL *!NDS OF FRIESfri 1111. Meat :Delivered te aB Pane A; Village; ee 13herteet.it011011, *Iva so a 'all. 4 AMES, LIND Oa. - - • : - _ . •