HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-02, Page 7W -V Nw W- 7
I sQb oui her sqrrow there
was she, not daiugGuy 9, WRECKED, BY.- -
j it rev
- I . MORPHIN b1ty Beimed ag'If blyicon-
bus ecincealing b:ar and quer6d- the fiend - H he had i*
six Tim
after I -month
Zove�-Covul Xot law
d He
ng which eveiy dtiy a0cu- A hii1tizibr; d* Mrekoae' QUE
I ohb was
wa%-113h4 to extri4ato: hei�olf r C
at6.-' 4NY �077 her poof
ly-furnished -r6omlal A1146st- ASUNk
�uence. Qf her own. selfish, V
P -
'Unconscious -from ihi effpe in The Am6
tB of, Op
�ot Af th
a. t evertil large ,Pieces, of the
I artiol
-0 jd n's Arodyne lanimen6
angI� ot -thoughtone' A- Iseautifill Baltimore 'were � 46uin'd upon
Jabl J
the Udehek'l (for. terW ard FhAernai Use) WM
rer and more. Urg�.iit rVt093
ther Victim ef.,the When-thii bed reliev6
wn AMO
It. was ae-degire, for Seductive Drug jM*er Sme 0 .6-7 nd nstantaneously
qte& A diseases, 04( these ter
friends t- ey 3Ation A - I W -M positiV01
-ace, Her ek - - 119 11 'thout I OVINCr,L- AIGA S- a nine ten. savelinan: it
*1io wdrd li ure
Lvied elbi or A
d assist& D- lug USTAMD
tinhiesi in' "it once. delay 6HXeentf6eo-_bynW4 Don
ser to than, If
�a--her confideti- F.6rae rink, exception, de �4 d1n a vention is, tte CO.. OMN. MAO&
ce or,,
few'days.-sheptbod upon iha ri hold 6f -Ali Ott says Gi,.'J.,
nwledga and high principle TO Yaars'.agp no me ' A 7
re. beautiful womia Hadlaten, Q. C h - - 1.Uow
extreme pe U k. w 0-18� W
infinitely during their late the faW nul!Y�. ri n. frori,
pon the*b actual,
a promenades of �gl
Bal-- starvation. At this -parti �,�j- - One end.of the Dominion -to'
cular A
She L3ndW,,y;t drea-d'ed tim9re than Miss Nanilid G. Lynn I n her. theothorasth' Aniswer
a ming in' A a cue of-Aussell,ve. tb6
youn r
'This er Canad To- wig
ot th�i& she so- mudliffeared ive, of fhaA fasdi at. more-heardof h Queen argued in favor of ill
6 was a. true reijre�antat Sh life Wwoalthy counsel *1201' th � - : Not a
ingstyle of feiiala- erpitUble con-Iti m., Made to-6ur -adveirtisexpent.0
4, but that. he Ejou d pas., I � . .6 ffo
nee eouemnmg h beauty that -is- so fre'. lady- had been. &--.Ao 'f th toward fora: cue: in *h tjo use. of
pervincii Act in
bewifibbin t&lll- Of
d er to, quently -seen- -in Inorphine-e hen, . I r bung... the Pail,- spondent to-dayt said nam 6811- -Corn E
-Maryland. Blonde � -1.-.09 -0 . . . with whibli
ater" when, . 'a he,fav6ked- your-corie -raini
-9 - in' ' - I . . IF .1 Y xtraotor.
9 age,! at St.`Xar a Han . nt attend
:bandshehadlef and,seek ra h. t .. 4
a - orl t er--- cbmylaiidin "'Nonable, me of. 'the -'D ad with hilure. This is proof
dO, her,,duty,- albeit coldly appeaYapee, . with.. f y the4fa .01312inion- has the
agree xicating a0ter that P t
01 1 8-88 Anto Most convincing 6hir
td . prohibit th
n "developed - to. just boardhig school for'y Bur.'
the r�ght ang.- ladies �' 610 of
-d Of maidenly perfabti6n J� 4 nalp
ato respectj an
"She: of ght to legiol
Ing bxtric
hngt011, T 'iad'"".1- i solutely-certain iemli4
!6ceived I I - drinnIs
her fi tok is ab
t a a wgv..
-;viait, &nil erpr6sened, Hot persofi when. �- Sh America. Ao -is given by theBritish Ndrtg- f coriii of a er� d p on.- -
-gure lonewag'S 'to bring her.- for, a I've liquor'licenfies V, escri ta Iti
d rather a long- -.Many slaves to h ka b
'foullil her uttejlk d6stitute. - -elusively to the Fr6viIj9is& s9de, efisin-and-
-to lb� apipearaffe t 61 0 so.' It no,
'that L ada consequezitly
00, weary attertwara e 8 was Such- Shia c pain ver lea
ould. un- and 682 ature.
in 'Igl q -the Doiiain.. sore spots nor causes annoyance
a not, 004stituti Beware of - danjerou -flesh
-t* appy hourk 1, t oliall
crown a, Icing or mako a at- :oad .. pj ja - - I .
erse, f.,nd ther f ollowipg day she d i
AS In bow At'WIII. membered, 11* h Ion r1i ment.: can' :Use.
pied- with Mr. wak be, safely our . Stoic' iby'had Y, eat'-:,
r ikubstitfit a
US andteager suitors by tlze a "hilhood- e, two- 46yor y Some d alera for tt,
I I a miAed, she numbdred spent t - thei in thediys'of '" medd a it. jD- '
But th& secol her ie Oge th6l R - with qrl g th ;as oftered b
- a In7 th la;tter. core. ikud ook the - suffor - I afgament bafor.a �thijudiejal C.Ommittei of great Patuam!s Painless Q
�appearan er W ht. Uzurl- orn Extrae
'u. Poison at bneet . f -.0-
ce, 6f z. Fiteyel --part of-- the znonth� of ous4binished.ho the Privy Council -their Lordships advoral 1% Co., -Xingston to" UMATIN''
1874 proprie
iw- her dairij
wonderfully. bet M V. me where
ter, haa.
a -a correspondent. from''6118 was. sarrbunded -by. t�mes expr
Balrimr& as ad their approval of Canadian
ecisions,� i
thi most han
'us 8111129'-t lTH
'As-, quits anxious. ta tal to a: Philadelplij%. paper4 "forts d' - ' - ic ORFAT-VURE -FOR
this imaginable ' I . I - t h Stringent prow a
�ind., no 1 9 �Ahe --de0tec 0 ? abbit, to be. amused ill, Priceless aem �ijr the in w U ar dsome h -
along. in t a-Proincisil llBMPIMOnial. -depart. denied h 9 a-
-ent, her except' Qne fatalat' -T kentlem to one
00. -,his of t a
m - of life wa led td tde hyMer-real altar.. ind III
advantage of this Uvor. the license lawa'.oli ihe
kind-hearted wealthy at -the auth' it I iia Bay as for y
-�e nursie.Mk `pt� 4e grant licenses
line,. p, n to orl y to .00i on,
thi ad at that ti rominent you
y V
a' h d' 'rQOM.. in her d '-ower to 6#�ervi -and say" you, F tru
one Ina osso'gave t:
nga t ng mer, victim- of 6013111 last d --'evroeu r revenue puro he* licensing plied -the lad�.. You could, m'
erEfialf for. a, couple chant. of Baltimore, Col. X.. G. at
Of Pilsen. H. d� - furni _andibp2ely id'
`64 -three sis,regWi6te. al as. -little regard to
eetin* icense -..all of a Rheuniadic
9 6 age
cu, a w an- one laded. PNEUMATINE is not fig
'in, thact rency of th'realm tosupport. hei ill"blejZ
-possessed - `iumcieut � am t� WbO conditions" rhi duld be. b ave'
charg� in Xiss Thibaut* a oun I
of the cut�t 11donthoi ind had strong -.11opes +,of On IlAnd all
mucli confidence
r h -W.-While h c of Russell
bhf�lness and capability. Style, and, after the-grande'rem ony vs. T he
under widOww-ai -found young. Q11ben-li" before the -a �oTtign rem d
the floral bell, helplesig `;i dition - -Privy Council, X case ]POVE. Itty. AND DZIOT-is a s1@49 "all the ills that -fiesh h- heirto, 'but foIrlewlizu.
id. the
re -the. C the� That hants of the- Pot h tandi ourt of - Appes 0 of
�e� containued.) -and, am came.befo
sondrods clergyra' on the ff Of ths'sPartinetit. V I I -
an-'anid lou -4 y overty -which produdis he grd
'of - the Prov
;hYsi6finpronoune6d thecause,:o ince,of Quebec, as to whoWer.the Pro.'
elpensivi organ. in an f t, a M'Ys.. t distie0g, not of. the p
ul Adeq b-f6wn fish Out Ill ure u urge. butof t4
donable teki vinoial-Legislat 'co Id ujh,
htp 4esS'tO 1e 'How orize the city blood. -Deprived of its richess it b
I . - -
of' Throe. -,"RiV di.t.
era to.. limit tave
&I will. rn -licenses... S08at;aidVatery,: con ion termed trip tO'Eurone,,. and- ney r be known- as sheo: After .,the Cdunoil' lwauxey*, 4vustomexpr
Episcopal Church, .'the loving and py he sued6eded in obtai W
it with hike,4 Mother i7a the
couple took a weddih
then began ouek 91 udgment of the Privy -]From Rdward
Bt 1, but
h eepin' mia in medical,writi6gs. iven thi g, In one of. the most ariat -Tentlye. ffier
a very kind.
ve era ility, loss of CALCUMA, lanjaxy.16
ion- -bad li�ed, would-, a grand Atyle On It- t cour iiani- tion " - . he Madison avenae, Is SuPposed.oqme4 th color antg t of Appeals 11 alfd scrofulous swellings - 4
ocra- to. whom she, u -1Y decided' f
moved COM-- of lidity- gazi
I ratired I rrm the' stage" wa avor. of, &6.. S - the 'and baSed their a an - appetite' weak lungs, throat -d CAPTAIN H. Summ
tic sections of Baltimor, a... - Hero or a time- PABBiOli byher" Provincial Act, a4d nervous dehi
Pit asked the ��tit�:er. eemf earnest entr6ati, , 9, -
Dd to -reign, supreme and happi.. proc r - 'Won h RIAND:
on t at. Of t a' Pri`
0 Um M one otli it. which spittin
peace a' i dretly VY d .
,ver marjrfed,'in�'all neas to have f6und hei, thr ad th"': op.� -many 9 Of blood ---and- -comiumpti DEAn Sm
OUI(3:- But b6fdre f0me for her.. &M0nLg t My yrtfe his*bsen juireringwith.4
a they h6ld'in' with' the- ho common -results. if Yo sm in: her'rightknee
;ly.,uot retirod- from thEr year.ha b" no Way ek of rhebmat!
-d n evePro lu are
ith the innumi. Aftersove-ral exh the vincled Legial is to, sufferer' -from 'lill" poor bloods am�loy ince
right' of
atire hole months sho *a
-h had: 001tet and gone, many broken refor pass. restrictivef liadnS6 laws.' ku r. iterally-bedriddon. w
anongh her huab erable thrOD
ibiti6ns #Xuly last. Fortwo,
v6rce L inaried ag4ln a ttied.sever&I remediell
C . u 1 di mgAtion Orb lees
zc - - + the,h abanc _&jt_of th' - * - I . P. , . ler-ce's - -4� Golden -.-m6dical 261. - - a Beer( A Wbich'would Only give bdr,P&rtial- relief.
900vi6red a terrib�` "wretched wo aii, ib h ' at babauiehe'C-rdoks 'which enrich' koeommen
n the Uacdoi'ald illogai- Sir' o
rie, her death- --Oh, it's dai Y the'Most a now th Y
as tile bloo nd Ution she tried a bottle f your
jYabtresBLtO. Marry at, alli d evi- -band of Bad w cure
u6doubte -Actis �unconstit a thea.�
the kindIv-dispo 0 am! 6arned utional theta. is. no check -gr afte fniedicinei,which,j am hs, gi
c1e n c th t his beautiful Wife,.hd angelic ave ctiong.. Is more nut PPY to say, has
ritive th
a live QjIL-
a,ize llfa,. or the other -'beautiful blon U AN, t- Per a thorough burd. Tlid pain and -bad
the once at this mio ant i ths P-ovinea -to t 00 IYL
do. belle ut 0 the. n arlo.. lesdiii. any r arm
ih he -grasped against the tinlihilted, on. of. th, t eve
01. t '%h
ake and ia,h' to nand she feelsas well
hid. so house,. and'she had- howli -era t6, a ti Sys bm, . Yfit-'PoVrekful Ir 'M
frdm old
Many oqtstret0had ifias oek�- abolte uhregtr� lie4.. sale of a -is very �rateful to 'you for mocicinye
on was; a� e1cept the culine h intaii, ati4liqu6is. In
io'suoh would y druggists- 0 uffering.
many adm rers, of the. -depra 6dl f h u
resorts I Ontir vhihhas.re1ttjv6dber Mao.
terrible opfim-habit'
la4e. to: the er 6
ev'sha had-* bat little I in otffi6i. sex.. T o -one o! the not bi the- ponsequbn a. th V YOU Will' introduce you
oh. and -If a -Crooks Act r'med e in. ndia It
Was a .Or e.plaoes she h
af Ouse Ivill. prove k great. Boou to h
nd4 a far- when Ae ca -in to' ..sojouin -there, Foote 'on
Mbbi-significant words she i� ultra -bo
inter brief 012 ccdV of vires uld bot. rep"! the old
phinaL maniac,
the stage of
-I halve taitar and brimsto
heir ldgaiof bei&y ihd attraotiv n -ps h ph would" in that 6c I ;naip, yours
any eems� that -alih -t tim �t 9 being im by a lady, sai thanks,
or fatio lioenii lawj *hi
mzioned a Oil I before hermarriag* �!.t 74, heard of re
S Yary fail ali
All was case Still remain in- forcel a n -d as' nio'pers EDWARD
Again turned into the ��j hing on -y
6u are ecream of -'one -slid the flower
ask- me @.She w gaMeted w
rith, very bainful bra
her0ild now.rei3dailled fo'the man 1 f L tead. a et,
vic th oth-
,come h 'her physibian,'6110 asken 0 0 every person h a a 'I n - GQI
T6L quiet.- I hold iind6r t4'st old laws !no
e soothe her suff or- ing's - I repftre bu -a- charitable �h kigh SOLD BY ALL
the oor 4mb would. t' to
Of the leading medical lights of Ma yland.,* d toxteat DRU STS&
r after bdiffig &I Ing liquors, -the result -would be -that �d, �but sind% her death Most starved` for. li&M lo6d
ja Y
hAd given. her moiphi A". Skin: no. Dne has i ri qo Js- a. Foreve,� �.q,Th6 -Ike
whez -'.she and ith 61t Welter UD98
VW all she . did :.:i - R .1
craving see -with
Laorad -t grduiid in 8,few.meeks, the DR. -T." F
4z - - "L Maolaren'lia;yIng the.. *00tirfof LIX 001TIfA
latterg from diffeieilt o9t frozen by b6in'' ght.to g6li such ii
-be Slid !,recovered her ugutil'beilth hi on. the -25th - daybf -'�Deoe Appeals'. of
the. course med as: if �1-1 the Q11086 a a the aeclarstions.� 6f , tije Main. ORIENTAL GREW OR. M )TIFIE! OATH R
Qua, in particular, at SSL world, wa;s GICAL -BEA(
millionaire, in 'hig a f udicial Comioditteeof the Privy-, Purmes"'Us well nil 1fteauifies jKe
f . W.Inejr
for the ffrug Aill continue j6y, and ir - held - biirs:�o the
ften the, oliday
ha* writte th -case kid she. b6cimeJ niva 'd
3 ii the babit 6f buy - &L, 'Council 0'
it. even- in the riinotest corn
10 BI a, is, quite. a Idea R OM 0 VLe ol�sale -A
ores. he Tan,. imp e
all cision in
a 'as be of -this. liin& !the ftC h 0 R 88811 Queen i . a th . a Pro oki eF,
b eh once lotely, - 8 now f - vs. h
0 s6-dhangecL. that i -hake.. waa not and or vez $i,
aterrupte th
ever since EW baul had fi' t tion:
al C1 the do'
ince. md sent me. beauti' ing at 'Vhrious drug at T his intokoretation% of
In- is lagt latter'that a4 she �was adbilitted, to
appetite rapidly grew, and,
aid bef6reL, -the' h L appy "a
abe emis
. . 1 9. IS3.
0 h ot
�'Visitors. of whom -pricel
t Wag i d'by, '.'had what he,"suppoed b6- al
das. shaddw f, -re two
asUre a.
a semblance no"w
tre -year. b fore he discovezed the idedua�' beah or sixteeg: ditottilonk end. -contrae and 90kWitG, Onbj Dec.. 14',' 1881.
&W.ful' trkth. -he defies dete&,f,
call from a variety. otl n C.6mmenebo, On. his the.. �il�- and -roses commiigled the tion. it he6
oTICABIMARY and- you will find
Of fruitlegs efYbrt
hthiijr d be-
-d pa� Serles .440L be'sming blue -eyes- w'hic have.. eali-ailing fory. us' stood the i'� YourTeet
-y' curi fre' earg with Bilio
'of thirti
151.1 ana- 10 il
-Phe a '.holders fid - y4opslaj. and "Twill fragrant make th Br t
ei� e h Jwcolnbs as pearls
bi the t rribre fact from
little- Souvenir 61 :th on Y,.ten brii3f was redu ad a as h Of &Us
eYeat of the' Mere
world and to wean het from her i shke
harmlesig omen, men and --girls.
leaf L�om th tatelys graiceful, figure, -0 atbia'. Laist fall I weighed only I .
a[ nee so a VA to Boys,
P6-*brful and perverted ap Es Or t
IntoL tso expostulatio -10
019 Y781x Pounds; I was- induced to. try
were ht -
a windowa., L whio every wom 0 saw itj -had I no*'O wunk
petito.,i L rjest an wh we tasteit
Va SA by., lffr.� Thoinson. f th bq. sure th
res n - 1 .111 a
Lkeix'frora theactil vmg- miserable burlesque upofi Pir 0
pture nin at In of,.,o :7-preparat olz properly
-were AIl,'41 in -vain.. on ehad--bedti,, -A f -,Co.,. aruggisti,, of this' place)
.t ma;rka - t1he reati 0 Qw d9eys Rg6
la thgj 11][1011160
She Would'promi 1 fiformation and
uilife'wao br9fi-ght" to a -,man now_ an eAcqep�
but ..;WOUI.& owfutand evettf' thanim, to., him, -1 ni.
wei� no c6unter; 11
dve of the' -king 6 ffm an
n Igh 124-pounass, -of similar name. The- distinguished Dr.' NL,'
-take the temporarily e)a.trancin close by birely -new wozn
soon again
OY9h us. is ne
drug. t Then the husV d '-sent! her to, 4 A fe befrb hei
�thPfi e0flhl iid. A. Sayre -said to a- lady of
-use the&, leaWnm -Gour; the poets birth the' r Xug-7 Cnomim F01MIES,
ah- A6!46ebly yatiqntl
w rs r qe W. Comppu
Wine& inatitutf -in- wrote the following
pro' oil. -no thern citk - Sort.# Ue, 1*hiohl di Vou Zadies wil ena
where they prof
0 -Mr
Wif a. of R. G. Iforbes.L pniiarations " one-botlle will last
ia Georga Square, Glas- - ago to cui8' this awful. ais!. -showS-thSt she i as nly -tbb glad! i audls Ciea?w as the least harmfulof -all t7w s
lase.. He kept h �rfy � year and 66m. six onth"I
e thereLnee
decorat7ed with flowers.. woes' -,Of her-lifeazid Coo using it ev6r -w
BPI % -
.1 'in hij eff.6rts in tln-81 4ir ctio - remov
Bnt money guis y day. -Also rotidre Subtile
a n of her existe u )brfluous hair withiVit it
bewi-started. in Gree4o -Aknaw�'pjofe'asion�-that of accompany, 4 P jury to the skin.
K=. X. GOUR e
ith'lavish �aand �he 'returned home- at
ave not only ruine my im
d ut- girls -tOL and: -2 AVD,801 prop.- 46 13OU9,
on- of at memorial' to the" - - i: 8;ve. Ing youhl
L 06 expiratio of. that.' -from ball St X Y.'
ted.- to. hav b'- sale by all 30ruggists an
n tim'e' apparently ruined that of my loi-ing-huaband, slid. a
It is, proposed, inaddi FO hi nd -truly raper
cureLd- r a fiD* Months happid d ag'much so as if - I- h bert recent d Pancy gq0q
'1! U.L
ess once s Mur. erer; p9r y started. Dealers throughout the Canada.
monumeat aver. thq. sonally dealt him aeath-blol y ess Europe. Also found in N-. Y. - Cjty� at -R� .3%
more -reigned suprende n - that- household had 411: nun Bet at the �wlll- dr
3brs.adveiti h
_I Sm goiL
y tb[e.;" nr,. Ur d V(Pry MAW-% terfi%- Ehill6lils,�Ridley!s., Dnd otbe
-testibule oftha- - - -,ihie. f2 ruddenly'oni th hair of. ladies., 961 than. jg6or
h husband L- W&ff feW-houjS, and th& 0 God that t�! end their-placs,o Fancy Goods. Malers. M Beware
with ln�jown hand.. t. them.to
-bur am
6* at tiond.- $1,000.11eward foi arrest
orrified- at finding a bottle of- morphine in Pf:mywrotbhod, weary existence.hat, doo -deatinal ion.
tO ounsary f of base imii
deepasE one of th6L PriVStj, a- Last. Xy ohly.31ope. now s-:thit I Wil,.m b.
�d. ra and proof Of ult
and all diseases.
T image at' :his wife's - r oom. .:Fo fok - me. �- Opiu
114 one soUing the samer,
of the bureau a�n of - the dear husband in: +jbj) next. Worl(r, whCtl 2
ay- isr mv�y- be' m ruined -m a. fr cretiong "are'
Comm prior tbj Om yolithfu indis
ced. One hq thought destroying. =6 killed, him. ter eq
as be -ad-, and 'ahe'. ao a
en bt fatal appetite for.* g 4a, radically rdmoved by, -that
ted that damnable dft ould'
found Strangely, it :'attributed
adidine, an advertisemefit-6f which--
eimporary nervouaness.� When how Ihaive suffered,;�hQWJ zhave- od' AN"
-Uk for. -to t -nevO resist -its -terrible seductions. 'G.Jea JG 10fiderfUlL jemedy'known: as Xaek0s X
140n to be, im
charged- -:with. -ag Nil y Light$ n.0t D ''ro EXCHANCWE'
Sin -1daing t116 dru& but:an.-'-- — i3,+ I., ion al
In vaini—al njain. see,w at!
co, umn,
she weepinglybonfesiedthat 14;vks soj and how I die. -mud what -I !
)sigeldfq is to, bar IoVi�g A
In the ght'be afi4m lQar
loving husband -might be, too,; Uid
ir not
:�with is expected to be� pur- ms- bntwined arbund-his neck END YOR ST. DATED
bezutiful f Y been for that awful appetite. I do'�Aof fe ofessionall- career bliabed ob4ffe back of the -Post.
b A her Still,- ace. pressed,clos the No Mali ka-rtali� S. Feb.- lot, pil
..'a 0i Ral-
a a with a to heli Ministers talk about in this nbxt 066 this
a rong, And thoroughly fitted.. for his and Tribunelk new railro' ap UiChig
'iW* begged -his'&rgivenoais, -p very soon -shalL-be-. in-- for wgo ad m
romi6ing him world I
Many Sink- 1 to an 'early by
Worst aspect it cannot be. ori. �Ox for free -distribution n
r�hb L - . I - - ex0eri. - Ot
h�t it - would never, -Occur -,again, and &.More. to , , , I Le lldusilai�: wisdow'.by
vIng immediate stpenti
ion to a' ought
light whi
ieeting of thaMpat-Of, a, than have suffered here for :ave y a, ast. nois -an'
man. lik� uu*d- is strength by exer' a tness-b
or- the. existing 61rouhnstaneess 011,4f this ismade public, if it.p y
.,896. ation-Lieut.-Col-. :
A 4buld. 4MP1X to 40teratid. 'ineffectual 10 Griswold Stftet. D ch be Stopped'
sh But,' as jfi be iM. got into the and-atiliat often etroi� in tim,
a- wished.-
, own o. a use Of
Who presided; poilutecl papers, -girls, women, you
n deavor. Dr. WistaeS PUl on
4�giped,..-ghe dia-not keel her earnest. pto. sel Who -read ft, I beseech L you eyer U�h ic Syrup.
any seductil, e rMs.
er *hat bur, family octor 11 Dr. Pie ce
101RU establishes
tioll to her &pulatiotL- - She still continud taking opium in
goo. tbe drug. No matt .agy--one of its in At ondon 1%
a say, r ;-,:.Pleasant Purga
lit-frombad-toWokse.- ..Itbeg`a'n -never i&d Pe nneyer, re iugdr.co AQNETICII
and .0mcoja Newyork
Maw� about among air numerous ere he sme to ah abrupt as M4�
oised 1. a
t note c tt, or bottl %br-th-e Cure of
oted by the no mort
i mpaired 'for any
One nightj
es,: -th'it virtues mbeiug - thbrib 'ELPILEPTIC PIT. Mutual friends that� she did a'S' she!� did. ltioni'-'. Thigm-retched sufforer's- stre. 9t "had qervea�uni y pre
whdn she was but; -Oli her evidentlk failed t this - moment and, TR
she could wri a in any climate; -so ill the are -(late
street, shd bdeam so much affe t Her p _LW4YF ))r. Ab. Xes6rolo 6f London), vvbo inkes a spe-
of Epllepsy,bas without'doubt trea d and cured
nd W
ad forever �b`y h -reliable to
-led in till t S.- -emb larger dosei Of MorLp ine- which: She s qden or
--v6raons aag
over 2o wars, standing sucreesfully cured bK b1m. He
1 -as publi
shed a work on this disease, whic he sends with alarge, bottle otbis wonderfulenfe feee-to any stir edi
debilitat id Younp; 31ale 'and' Female.
ste b average- alstut one' beautiful .1;1'
icY toadh '6f- ddith. pis'. o a... uggists.. more cases thaq anyQther living, 'ave.4pard pf -cases 61
teboar0 i6 Bydr- ysician. Ris success
arre 'day, th&tL she Wag ell, been astnishing, we t'RAIN the ri� and the,' NER in
a n th a Amen She w4squietly. buried -by the'authbr i �f thw Adelphi- t ke asslinply
lie 'L 8 onde jogitlyore aftouic and nervine,forL'.
In conne5tion Old nit
�-�6an municip, Officer -under I Mistaken. - belle,- 'of ' I '. te n6w fererho may send their expresiand.p. 0. Address IV
ony 11 years.*Ag n
Suppositio wome - nothing', surpagi6s D 011reg Nervousness id
ling, n that all - a was-reall int6xicaj.ted.. beyond all. the. :cti& and. sorrovv. ALL its'st
of] r br� As. MEBEHOLM No. 96 John -St. 'I -',j9ak BI,6mqrv, Loss 6f Brain Powerisexuai woo.
r.- Pierad a. Advise'any one,whibing a cure to address _ages
angUl5 0121 . . New 7rork
ji Y- ]gig
in. a zi U eF 0
;Night Sweatt,, Speriiiat6j�jQaaj Le.ior-
a rese ti B dr to.
She spbnt hat ght. within the dirty and- bUtdriffe-of, sin'eless b -,a -"Itivorit P Ug
Y pYOmIneA local
'gloomy confines of the statio, house celL -:!B
Pin seers arrenness, Seminal Weakness and,
ted by grave.
Loss -it restores B
-69yor of Power.
ant French isv n win and" Vidoi 'to t
av-1, ppe 6 next morn
=diug� bf 500- H '
ing YT is he Exhawted enerative
police - mag -All) FOR TIM --imium convinced that dreams ..throw.. -much light 7jans.10&,with. eaqi� order for rw tvi kages
The New
3t pin w%a hiddeli. while, before thi ,vias such ille. at 8: �Mok&l UPOUL character - ana- espoinsi-
I in the hbtel th lhq she attract entlaii of the ive dollas,
We Will send our
with f
.io&tment _d6e 4t
They aMAL It 1R. -the,
tribus: city reporters an 0
At I Welock thd. detail elm Glizrantee%to r6fund h'
)rgYman. Vf -
Meir: to, ct -lastrue C of the d Q. money it the -
8 ot effeict a -cure
from the, htai at th6 whole: sad e )iead in glowm Burns Cfitij Biteo jk revelation of the consdiencie"C' )f the moral
ase -mere sl 18the 06aPat and Wit$ and Rent Medicine in. the m4rkbL
'Ing Engfi Pi,
r and -chaito Bi 'fie chiricter, and, A, boy sixf - years.did
_$,60ti. jhar 10 ..1 - e�', he -is fat fr having &ST mail tpanv
challenger with him, _a ..sh rhko 10 ant ow een -iftiphlet-s6nt-fiee by
in -A gteat.'man a are. a to addre B. Sold
CM taw loPfast andewy, 7 Uggists at AOc, or . ox,
69 q -6 boxes for
r skid. of them. b
sqns 6n seat s. �ai. ReQ 50, mailed fr e- of
e Mpg an
H&ving tr&ver' "1 -ow almost broke th Ii ' ' - huab 1. d's they. Will study p POSW i!Dz I n tftt1W011-
�Stweea them, jj�ing W a� pap a. This sad. "ih- t
y POOP, dr
sad-, --know how to act saoV4610gue eonts Posfagd� -on receipt 'of
4 ney
Idt h
as- gild full �heakt. A YL list US,
111321sor auto
a given.' annettip Ned el
. I - - -1
ftei theirlarriage' .&.,,re ant lee visit, -dr le ��E--Fold by all dru eve
L Mr.- Bishop etttered year after.,t1fis s&4- 06u%and "16h. !L
-vier _01
nd digeovere five year4 a &.Wore: terp
�,-ed on you Ydri bitys iW76 athey will" ave NOW' ggiotO xy where,
oxpTeqsage -8
Aa oil an rible. caWmity ocourreaj -.,..-*hich- *as he the' baggage vnd carriage hire, and. stop week in yo
w�en badsMitY" vi ir frienqA ur own town. terms and
oor.fellow's cup free. Adftaa-. 3EL HALr,&,TT 00�
a. at the _.GRAND.
61 drop ihat.filfed -the P UmbN -HoT36:l,. Opposite!. Grand outfit
person receives a e've're -scajp. wohln or- Central D6 anSa;Mples w0j it
0 WO d-
f a to Overflowing- Their' Pot. -Elegan�t j roonis, fitted. up - at Fortlan to $ home
only- child 5 wotind
cost Of -0i .16 Million dollar educed to $1 �4nd 10.
i -ah "I it.
a upwax s per day.
%'wont ta -4614s6fe- brightlittle i arg,L ;riff with'the fingim �V ove- a d E uropean -plan. Ele tot. Maine.
is ab' thi�,.Injoted-- 'Restaurant su
go- badly pplied - with the - best. I ft %pply'bi nd tages, And. elevated- irailroads(4 to all
that. dlie In a. -fewilobrS6, orse 6
n,- pk;i -and. 'i
ges; The, f6llo* n
-Af erthissadeV6 andfindingthatItWela qjjestions� were- ani wered- b� , 'the -lectu r ne at t e'
t 9 sotsi
the folrowingrzefl,
Familipican live better for' less mo-
tterly impossi a his.wife fiow the Qrana Vigon Japtel thanit
d - ble- to frek How wou-11you tmat a peroon-taken-o any other -61ass
'terrible, malad wh ane. of her the' ho'fl nthe,ciy.
cor thing 118"d a ich WaBL the b
the h 6,11 16be- i and: -46 th mOuth.&ucj-stomachL
*an ly drowned 2 01'
water appai Ut
2-t it8elf, to- death..wh oa hich
loosen' 0. al h. —LondO11.X2Vih'fi a
n atha&pdkei w'
Would have been quench ]4ia oinigh sought the ingra d caiis6 arWibial rigpiiation p
a.- is the-, latest tion�.19 MtU
a -American inatitu my STRA.M CATALOM FOR 1883
is� that ng' Alcohol. The'uAual'- results- ing' -a'
tintervars Coll 1ptiquandpricesof the-choicestkindsof,
on"the bieltz If -a naturaliz d in. Engljnds� emands- goo _ngdesei, d
- of K e taint
ZD 'owed w.kth 'and- de trUctiVbL.. --e d
tree days. were - taken out' of a thin qr- ore it.play Yj,thL Me% ftrae�o V Plower Beeft
at any Bowe won, eal in 11,
ftps. He sobn 1690 -his wealth, find his SU iemmin withiadoors MMUMIrSOZORILInzen g pUr4ZMer$ UpOn application., gas -insensible bonditLioll in Canada, -md.
4ass. be -came so involved that heL made. would you do for him? Loosenthe MON. 'LOSS IsInveluableto allwbo, wish to buy PuRz Fitzss Sxxm
heavy mercantile failure. � This - Onto 4 nd caupe-..artificjjl� Special attention given to preparing XrxzD GP.&itszs for
& power Ot misusing the'stoplAch,-the FASWIUR111
0sterd mang 'blesaed,&nid,�- hi sanklower.
appy. - cople An CL You tr case of, S_ to triefs: IR whiahz s�verjl -of, degradation.' 'D vartleulprs vill be found In Cataloga%
-keep t46'�pjeraonqUiet'- -vert*eno REM ftedsmum, TORONTO
'head and " 8 IGE19TIVE- APPARATUS fAil
lowerin. the scale PlPxy
-jnSepteihber,,1881,theLpoor low- one .0 , blo , Mai ain-the'
Were arreed, subge,,- Ugh kood int' Od to ' at
08 of supply and -
would you treat, �upszroke ?.,,.Use Wly
diy bf �v. loo a
e his braiii out with 6, hea& cold. water at. the extraiiii' more �hysiolqgiojj j
ur - food th&GL. dontai
OWIDg pathet a note How a nr�hBernhardtlastory behind hin-4-ihe foll tre&t'.&*'b 0 furnish iho o'elements
would.yo * a rn App'17 it . the potential
Culatiou, through a. of, lime- water and
lina6ed oll W - t energy of the no
�opoaed salw.of` her To theiffrarld Opium ha�g dii�ctly ruioed7my r*6118 system nd -Material-
you do person were bitiia
-everything -that- par 11, for -riapairs as so a PG81
*lfe. I �ave done Viou, in 'WHE
er metho ovo ease ts
nt andi - 'Worst kind and
d save her, but 6,11 in vain� Opium has-: -rabbid dog? Tio-9; cord tightly he PgAUS; AND CALISAY& to . d 0 e Ab
could do -to., 10
10h6rself.�- Iftdir6etly ruined me. Had it not- been the woun ingbave been cured. -Indeed, so stron IBM fat Af
d ap-ply.-Var'I". water' t
o enpour -secure..: more work� in its efficacy, that I wiu send:
a rivin, g tl�e TWO -BOT LES RE
fatalappettte- I could have saved -her. I Woul by ovat- d' AF
never biie t cL bleeding, suck the : together with a VA LUABLB TREATISO on this dise C �Appllancet are'sent on, 30 9.
asted whiskey," and' had- �L never -wound and 'a -;-a. oiga;nicr functions 'With 0timulantis` and' to any- and X 0. address. Yj
pply! da
of the d?i., dXallk .1 Oni v indah-1
aDaMOlessi-suicide's grav
would not 'be whoreL a, tic .-These in ex -di antfi.* 6110T. 11110210wret Ist rearr-st., x . MEN 011L
Torontoi b&Ij levout- -be used pendfilg Val �04 a ;U
e., Iloveher�et,( jj 0 . 'are
rgo edlYand pasionately. May -God fix His infinite; on.
a PzRsoN
ere are 'the new'la6e aHouse ws b love bless her,.and mV we meet, where th physi6i work covers
Dtiring.. the Wffpz.N�itbout skirig-jithick and is amtioiderdd and re resui
f a -goldi. The -1a;d 'is c ee Albert V1, embroid
ture., - - - - AV
me h2to *bjeh in .0 ailed
otears, wheretheie;is no 21r,
her there woula be'ja- beaveii A aho
lffumptyDumpty what-
. , a"' - Prizi evening baforo� -.the ever will -come i -in that life I :.,E
e grande ove
46,k- minutes I shall usher pay soul.. - Boo in f -..his: Jae, ISO work.
�SUC., w, lids Peis8ines. Spread upon t I a -wad Was? used a
Many next summer, polopon -bigas dahil
Thd young Afidth severer forms of 1XVIGBS
�a doubt it 1,64ge widowmAde inothe'r0e
the Girl.
d td' otal'the-terrible appetite atter th - wtra& Eliott Ba nes. j small pamphlet on the'above most' stink
Qr4d till Morning., j-, us maladies wid.the Vote cures
de aj ir com post free,;5
I Postmaster General Fawcati,,of the U. cohis -in. st,
ath.ot hez husband. Kind friendszal�ied LOve. company, filling 'the APs. R. KING, - RaQ., STA"
d was attended. duriag a Adi!L NAVY, UNGtAND. A WERY
everaill hess
a assist fo a tjMeL'-.VY'W H� F - . - ;' &. � - I SURGEON, plads
-axound �iar an _itZg b -XP. yto r
h lativd, 1; her, and r aral z. - ; - !. 01,CKAUD
d a P1
0 . f , . , Y.
a Ox 12,416
.4 Y. 00tor, w 0, was a: IN G B