HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-02, Page 47. 7— _7777 7 4. 7, P., J 4 7 7 V i. 0 MOM PA 0 -R&R, Al Eve, McBxtrp L-D.-�—1 - n Soatfiwd, on' at We&694ay, ar -M Yebru ., y 21., 4 Qiswel -W - t1fe ames 7 McBri& of Lu6kn- 0 Alke -Maud Old.. of SaItford. 'Wediii6s­ .OWN&. N T -ALL GTRZR LM lam Oro 4-1 F - ' of Ezst: 'Wentworth -.pZjzz.A.B0VR b y k�; oun '0 to Miss. I Cla, m er t -d Were, -R sabella. "3M ? day,, 0 Olga Rev K TY TO UTTIkit AWF� T61111G Feb� 2.1sti -18$3,:.by .-the "k r Q4 Rl 0 TIVIDICUTES'07co scillo6z Mr. Le. Mi. A-16iandIb McK O�F, -Mr., A e).: I'x K X&TOIL 2i to only, daughtejr--'df:.. 'Cabieron- of' -Test Wawbmogh. -7. A,,o LE 0IbE 10T TIRRIB XcK]FNifE—St, T. 4b.'residein0ft .............. -erioii-the.221id' f -Of e's fath ing last, S le hursday."m * Feb.� '1883- bythb i1ey a 7' tlie tii'A' 0 Oti T -.1tobt. Le sk� 61) LM arr e -Ash' e, of e -mn )y d at .1 n —y7 1jap6rterlames C -ohn 1%6Kenzi i6lens J -n y pc about' au ancis lieu b A Ze : . field,: �to- Helen, .4 ighter df pli�nin Eva 9. -:Scott Esq. ac A� qi -d-t of Ashfield.: ji-jit foi-e-wrm bt6ken'.&P-djit*'st Mit. McD-6 AL OTT.'—At�th e- h Le r;esi'dene th� - . T 6.. � " ` V e 3 ofthe B I.Q.119 , . . Ave% S 'Very. Sinip ns joh n AICT shaft.. co, Uele Rini Febw 1 83,'b�-- the e,. Leask tr' 4ppeati h e ionalcu. la 'Ou erribl -in its r;A­ �s happ: Ir ride's father,. 6n.*t6122,n& of � t y n fo �tilley A ­ ono. ks- d;e u e CIZZ -H the grin .6i� to 3fry Ann,'. -da ght'r of I)v belt with -while the', d.� '' I ' tA VER.. On th6 X00RE­LEXAX el 0� 'pail e + -y- s were n6t -placed exactly ad. ib t 'I, cott Es -As Feb. 18$3, by -the-Reiv.- J. -Smith' t rovemeilts were, beink, inadd in . -1 -decided to.. ha 1, 1 - - -�i 0hodist Parso"nafre Jaines.1 - 0 D bjec '-t rit6d. witli thils Inatter. rig .311046 -ofChfniac6q1Syi 0 Isa461 n New* Pr nts Sh 1 B1 he �V. lel%v Ret:of plittin!4 le' er, of Xi oss he -w A jmiiO Alutt "d, o ctij betw c tile The I;elt.. and gtifid -G I and Brocailes S one. 00( gy t grindstoile, off'. NOTICE W Mlks and Gittoinim -Silks Ca ew Sal b's ou4d. rr6ll 1.') 10 L ..wro ppers ew-Zutton Gloveszkft- sfery. N, a o o HeWerg and Tie nd t � I I tf.( .1110 him. r on an- arm off -New .11151ill'. Linen and V alperyt the rew i xe 6 ods� of ry Ve ach shorter space o The. HT6-HEST"PR1(;F:,Wi11be paid to.yar iajj�s narrate'the affidi. ,w G c t tie 4eli axi. -Ar"Ara at wid man snd. liemlock. -b found 'Martyn o in any GENERAL STOU�. IN ONTAI juret Aj&&* is' Completqa-Sto k Q pid :Drg. ee rn keh 41) re j14- of the arm as �brot TYPE Whi ate - the e$o7w tieceisit MA N W the shoul. &7 .. . -AL der tj `f?wther -up near oe "anned e Can r es nned Pedch s C .-T,,gngu fial fo ;eet Corn Canndd Corig 0anned Tomato Ca bwder, -Cloaco, n � 1. 1 - - . . I " . MOU'L 71'A I orkin OR' so Led xii-patl'Y- is roCc r G e ies' Dried V AIL o L Vste Coaco Caff6, Celer, P 'Au s - Bakiii,� wder Salt 6 lie Cant wag a h VTHERNW al Cannea.]. Cuiry P AlkcINTY a. of 'his jr4 lit. Th" RE waii.' * e co I AYT- EN SP -OIRTNIC TLY 01bre I TS.T the --the logs. of fiAther rti6ulars Ap0ly.tn.- pa A' LUCKNOW Winn(' 16r his W.1 fe �nd famiil Yi G1�0. tm!-E, -F sul:;Sekiption- jist of 11MI. F -476 -H �mil - 4 ON t: I to stdte ei. U . that th gen ofrarhe, house barn . aud -e pre.ni se, e ari -n. I frn is situa AN -E 100 tcr'e's 91 -acres 616ared. Th er-r is a g -,)o befieft. Of the. &11147 L(-) T' 2 'I -N THE 13TH 10 E S tie B f Lhe Ashfivid, enntainj �pl orf or r. d -AR S DEPOT I 'd obly to this' izolis rl�spon( e T' DE th Th village rm-the- Li f icknow, JXG� A venitint to moviev at tinie:. of Sile, b;danee'ht jjAy- ridiye over I For ftirtherpar-. T --B ��n' M le of he EDERS.-YOR BUILD sch olsxid phnmh. 'rarm Ties VVanted Inents-to-suit-, purA.&S"er tile 9d 6r the T nships,of Huron ti ul ra spIlit-on t e h:' -p 'd t e .4i -Y beweel or to e ou" r6a. era to *ieii in our i u an .011. cDOYATD, f his� is e d Ashfield A:RHIBATD 'M t, columns know P. -O. or ties.� ..a:- A the, line o Fr 9th of MAre. Ill 18-8-3 ay OR VF, WILL OURE ttel 4 -out - i : i- . . . nd A R41,%ray.and S li E:, rtu SILIOUSAT8,91 DIZZINE8.01 nity Ong 7 -P IA, DROPS Y, can- be s e Ps hisis. an.-- ,excelleiit 'o. po cati e 1 ith C'. C vin -D8 6ither I P. M.. ecifl riners . '0 u, -U. M! .1) A N m,.'L E' e P. or s SQ 1ND1dE$T10Nj Fkk1TTE1?ING quan 1 6. ma e a. t*tie� of.-, ties, t k 'Re �qf- Hur, eNle I OF THE H on To�inship jA,UAfDjVE )lay now in -. I - ACIDITY OF ERYSPELAS e Ten 0 th A &Oo stand bept Ais ppce�� so tb be, 6p` (tp r en�d 'an of te. SuPperA,.L Sa &Tj ei r ie ing t nd' must Iurnish 'two ALT RHUk THE 8T I H, y% Xcl Paid s e er --he n -�cipula t kL ch 7g6oq� _81 My)JINT AND H lu & now the chu: T or an EAVT NAR re Em HEADACM�, 6Wy.)&9j A, FAS IT L OF THE SKIg in Luck -no Ancuevery,speeles of-d1sease arising; from 0 Tend6r not necessa shown w. Rpjci�l induce - N one"is 616 w*ed o sp ak rily ac,66�ted.' na t disorAemd LIWER, KIONEYS,' 8TOMA41% le.�fider a pe -Qj . RV e ments in At the -tab f V T11HE H -TRAME) ABO T iw;.Reevr W. Vuwaliosl�. OUSE IS R- -BOVYEL'S OR BLOOD, -D.� H eeve H 30, and . IjS - -.situat6d in he 883. centre, of e village f Be f�st. Ther -e RK & 0,11. -To -�r ter ch -N) ur -ALO ifig twenty4five �,cent' f on. 26, call.16r th _-o c -%Aiat th6y Fibb,-.-28-t not -L;e ITLE, t iters of co .0. ursp, an more S, on w, is. one- acre di or les w Y., St. -is re time f f Trunks Valises, Uaind&wbefs, On lor I I Intl hat, 'wante ader b which is erected �jrame stable.' -Part ery amits h"e �s�eedj aDd pogit e zompllete,�and inchi&as all the of bal it pur- Head'- A -111 Ight .,,:ATA]Rr,,:H -�urcha§e Anc6. in terms to su e 'the ff I - ta be stock o w. lil ch. makes a Mr., v . I L f the' one -erL In iid at 0 10�tarrh-,.. -Dij)theria '(3ank , -Mouth azM: .0 p� c.,is no and-,bfings in -lots h che lat at styles an'd ma�keo. �4.014 IS i with eiitch: to 9 Fb u particli ar-8 ap.p 7 er. U.�e it if"you deitire ase )oun: e a -from cents breath;' Price 50 aver half u 1. 1.; e- bottlie. lipalt an. swee he-A�ove aiticies w A p,661! tgwman s nd6 wb ld.I� n I EAE, ID V 'A nasal..inject6r free h d " d it- his -better 0, A. MRS.' �&,NN PHILLIPS lax V t bLM Sold. -makers. b lowest cash ictim o. th ania.; 'Hi ]ie besv and at tb, PARi), rice 'I am piepared to seR *s cheap .1fast. Be 0n.4 T - ijuse, in the y other h D It failto call -'and stio in T SPAVIN 0 G.0 R F. stock before purchasitl.g where.. 0' d 7Ujae tlon�' I -ptibli�her. e ecial atten '1 0 H '-� 1 � R.ewart else v. Fa paid -to. ard. ir e -PERIEN Es' valuable -R&w C. EX C c an -ee r W-jildsi *ell-known:clty Z. P hn- r (D -J V 1!1.% fllc 1141gov of the X.a. ssac'hu- 4i to 111:�chl aniol� T PROCTOR -D 01 Ing �-and brotlier of th-d he t RO]37,,R D.A 00 in We will g a i*e 2.0 CU9 suprenle"Court,writes, -ws f6I1074P t ;,trouw&l with a- most uncom�- son tel iq u fi WM4 in the b� rip .9t 7R 54th CU Ale'by: e -in the Bi orta 4b i tel 11 ig lin inor-alrecting -niorc alit, . my iv iieli;itelied.si#-iiitolerably.at ni 7� gins ale el ill �t' T - S DO VV -4981th �L . 0 holild 6ro or more 'C ith (D 14K V '0 wers be T-eceived, the', re1kr cpultbqtaiwf�, bear was rer W, t money will b! 'he div-idi�d. e djothing 6ve, also a Th6 and othrthal eough; jity -10 -joor,-au( nivsystenu warded. to the -winner a g9od deal ran 0, iiig '-.for't 0 re -umvin -.t-.,iio%,.-ijigtlie-VL]Ue.ofAYElt'BSARS"A--: 1883.1' Pers nstry rd CD' by observation of-iiiany other- chi�es, had o[:.p L -cents in'silver al Use in-fQriner years, J+ bekan takbig �'th' ab 0 -D it foi e Bly appetite. age stamp� t e m -oin - wipeovevi 11nost fi P dose. After r rith- fhe2i, a avIn f) vv-hichthc� i Ked S e P XL - short hia; tkik, fe n TR ATMgRTj-- e th 49 -name -and' lad- - silso.cured.bytlie-san!e i4.-jv.h:kcl1. the, The imos s uccessf ul emidy, ev:eriiscovered a , C+ lie winn of the rewar -i tile -11#18 andi'my-gene eavy improvi 9 WEST's NzavB AW�T SRAIN ,.dress Oft tcert-aifitin its-effe.-etstaid does UO; "' - dt d rl health tr witil it is I felat a hundredper r HysttTia, rr w ent,s guarant�ed- i;,peCiffe f6 ill -be '-publis cent rtrougor, and I attribute tliege resnItsto the -blister... Fits, Read-pr6of bolbw, Nervoi eu n Convul iofis, -1 re m iiend -of.th�,4kA1t.4A111Jk1t1T,LA which co n -whi I ach�,NerVOUSL'I!rostration caused -test blood. niedicine'- Rea ch.! ral. more �ce as the" took it -in saialf.doses three.. 'KENDALLPS-.1PATIN CURE.- -Yythe jjqp CD 0- -ul ever f aloboltirtoliaecii,Wlkef offbted..'-. wession, Softening of the rain, and used hi allj less tl -B 9' mn two witles Del WITLE4 --bur d d a -to aniisery, Sit oping t ir - rg'.Oi .-,Dei .286.1 81. ting In inami y -an 0 dress he A ear-si -ttle" ar d death,, Pren tion:nifty-tip 'd d ri -The bo 3ature old age, B MPANYj Ilum 9 Easton inric -srespectfully,:-- .-LP-L-WiLrts�.' Mr,. F.'H. is Jos of -60 of -Dr. Ken&lrs Spi6n'Ctire b6tigbt f you Power -in either sex,ifivoluntar .,Yqur nie "$Bps aw a 4.1ustance is but one -of the� Tnany oon6. op ca last sum"r.irave zi4t e -utmost- sati f cti' 4. Ter- Spei:matorrhma'. U.qeA by,,o h -w it -64 1waiii,self-Abuso kiT over vdTij- inantly-conaii to our Uotie,,which tirovej e. iiero and peifiinned -a waiiaerful curit Up)n a mare t:74hrtit CL A.P. tP.%RXLLA to'- bilitv of .-Ay-rn' -% Ho- - -casep Vah 49. :,feet f P V nineteeii.iliears(�ld..�'elb'nging -juie,whichwais --0im box. en D TORS Fr41sx0i � will oiir mc * t . . ;. - thddure of all disease ar orim- nim tii4nth'r treatifi On. -0 eut dvlt.�Jitv 'to move. The &x oiLyc boxes :sent linvori4hed blood. at could": hardl�, Lt-et,'b n akene th 1 er f gU ft, jng -1, f a paion rece" t ar ren ire a i p o pnee. -C -E . VICE Isilig fio�-k in, iedforjeny�ars.ghewass lanie t" 0 ameness -a P 9k bottle f ihit eiii ajhd she is S1 urenv.e.ase. Withe-Why bc xes tot or s rS yox"Eug e X 'f -T like. t h�o 16,-te i n�: of' - hot�aw U1 a Yotirs truli, J. F.Ri or received bv us fnr L41, Turcle 31ountaft LL� PARTIES 1J.EBTED t* 32 -fl,' E cleanffies� enriches, 'an streng heiiis, the'bloM t 'a hors* ag .4 Aikd Mou%e Wye with five dollars, we will Bencl-thie r0llop eith note te R -CUR ..e leRt doSaiot effect..& ours.. (1, jk. _!, tr�4atjj &IPM 1-� Ld ietd� eN KENDAW 4rt* est�d" to at enables th system to r6slat and ov qu bereby afid t . � . . - �1'1 - L NOR7 D,4 KO 7 flijous Di8eases,-Brup- ajt4j3ks of a] I Sc e S eorA6 the -80111 with- Tho& taivrenc(i at oijeftL. -0irculir whic-h- 11VARI .14* ile Agent f -Pr 1iuCkUVW.,',#ToRx C. ad addTiss for Illust d -h, Gimer, TributAry to the Tj nite� States La�d Oftest m, ralari rated ­ or or ...t �Aff -k kth all disorde Po- 48. �ositive - priiof 6f 'it 8, DAKOTA* �he . aira.of t a pa ership m o think g1v rs result i ound- u -p...' :4.111 pirti ha -viii cy- i's .virties.- No rimr4dyhas eve RAND FOR -w es r met CoMipted-blood ai�ld a low state it the osteme 1, w1i Coss, i. - th such Unqiiialified4ne MAP Is U U, &rtJ iftl I stainst th -lat fi will �lease- p: -e t 0 r -In , - - t- o any -44ddrss by I'AUED- r kii6wiedge mailed JORLA9 a oul fur lmait- a W. JNL e will pay the abov6 ard foro 'A L L 6fit '-which wiR be i ou ame or pay D J Q ker'�,& -Co., L rew e .-Thomas La-wrdnQe.,:.. d by,. gold by ad Telling Ax4on Pric641p6r bottle 1pation o�_Co, prieeLSj'#ikb0 for iv6r Coinplaint, I)y% Hi lonst stiVe estion ne" CIA L uckno�yj 11srelt '184 _I 88 3 (ir -six bntt1es'fnrV 11 WIth Wekt,S Ve ji. r.-.. , .... . . zu r n In ruggis a av* wor can get t wb -pit. for -vnxt, or it will be fient, tu 4 re "ER'S Ta arc- pit .1y, vegafiN address,6ti ireceipt.oi i'pro' 41reir fpfl-to givo sati8fvc-titn. 'Suga t r Coatid. I t CATHAR -Dyspepl fter colis Wt.- -the jimall Prid TIC prie 0", Dr. Kendall & Co.$ titsiuitw W Pills -2:)..ce ta. A opib wir oto P1 LLS liurO.FaIllf, Vt. *w:,trge ynUiself 6f ievIbry ov *Im V11b, dis -xis i J. e 'ge dung cNal aWtured t idistro plaints'Af iou think P Th tl,r A-4 bo miaei V3 Purgiftivi, Me -d 0. WESTk 00. TImiTIUL iblf b di� -tk Qnst jolne ard pief a bgtslfj of Sa oh's. Wit I!- OLD ALIP toro Y, ]IT -6keirs, an d 8$ -85,0 irtite, 101D Of ne co"tipitioil. jadlie qs, atiod jusi�su if. to 1.0 f t A _of 3C 'S Vjt$jj*r. CU&rag #Dt evos7w" -Always -Ciil b..*% or -up on di a- trial d'� when for 75,et�-, I cost -you DU sgo $og,. A- 8w Y -40114:W 'lot Lu4now, Ire I Agaft q.", ;k r -ti N T