The Sentinel, 1883-02-09, Page 5• The mtlPrsigned, while returning _thanks
wholave favored- :£ hiln with 'their.
ld.dil r; to his .Stocki- and to. his.
annonce that he has recei Qct -a full
k n
patronage since
former. patronA,
supplyi of .
nil .ever! kequisii.e im the J ..jr(Iware lint 'for the':seasoi
}g nurehssed the attic* of harness; eta.,
lAto girgg:to ..1Mr,-1i m. Graesith, I: am. better
prepared.thq,n Icer to supply the wants of imy
customers and the p•iblic getterally. Remem
her the place, Uraa:~ick's. old stand, .nett tt
Trunaat's• drug store.
On Real Estate, cit : reason able
rates. on terms of payment td:
suit Borroweis,.
. Iie Walt..% a mit their 4ttelitiOii stock of Cutlery,
ii Table -441d. Pocket:Knives. Plated, Ware in Fork§; Spool's
W011 as to his large :and varied stoci of
ook = Parlbr -nOthet- toveS,
in, Ja arined, end Granite Wares. Lamps tiled Lainp`Goods
endless variety. `1`i l�iila , Stq,hle-and -;Hund I-: sterns in
g rass rind Tin.f Folie Oil -of the- best brand aiwa:.ys' on .hand.
ivs I have bought ese goods for Cash I am • enabled: to sell as cheap as the
t hr tpe t, and my re tto A future 41ia11 be "_Small Profits ana Quick Returns,"
'ut to enable -me to l'Io sort must have Cash. I. will therefore thank those Who'
ado indebted to, ;me $��- either nese or;book account for an early settlement.
a 3 -
. .f c
B vetra1gb:iiiand Re in n .Pro n- tl.- Atten*led
Wishing my friends and patrons td Merry Xmas and a Tappyana Prosperous
w Year. I solicit a continuance o their support.
< Has pleascirein informin the citizens Of - Lzcknoiv and surrounclirig couutr
that he has: opened' out. in the shop formerly oecupiecl by J0UN:
opposite osite the Whitel J3ouse . and is pre pared to sell;
firs H2 FOR BO • C':-AZtD
And. everything -in, his line, at bottoni prices; EaveirOughingAnd Repairin
Pa raptly atfended th. An early: call. sol citeh. ,
Thesnhscribe;re. hetet y re till- the.: t11'' c it
g+'neral.that they : re prepared to
allwed: their rbre iu ,pi: peri, : tyle.
sotitrarte'di f' r attel firisbe(l iis' the l;:iest:rie:11=
noe'-and tiv.ti.t:reit s.ttisfv&Lit'u. We Lep
e>u haul►,,. her. a .tett. i.f Seasoned
• .1.uuai•r. A 11: glee,
•t,•'„`�. ;t .:Y.�• a ,rr -1: *1,,11.t .floe
- We .gvxrantee good wank aF ire keit, ant.e
but the beat ttf werkmen and 'metrt•rit:1.
Partiewkaiiag as will: do well. to sive him a
1 esidetee -Willough Stree t,opposfte- the
. MethedltkOhhurcb ::
. 4
k`. ► .•