HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-25, Page 7- .1% The itiglisage sit the litsite• • She gave me a rose at the ball to -night, - Arid I --I'm aloof, I suppose, - _ Formz 13es beat high with h vague delight : Had she given me more than the rose? I thought thatshe hat fora little while • '- Till I sawher-fairest a dancers- 't Give-anather roseovith the samdeweet s To another man, in tbe.Lancers. - - , • I Well,rokes are plenty and. smiles not -rare 'It is really rather audacious - To grumble because my lady fair Is to 'other men kind and, gracious. - 'jet who can govern his wayward drama'? AtidAny dream, ,fio precious arid bright; : Ztow foolisk, broken and worthless seen14 As it fades with her rose, to -night. 4 1 gavel:01.11a rose4at the ball to-nignt-:. deep.red rose, with fragrance dim, , Arid ths warm. bloodrushed to my cheeks with 1 could not.; clared riot, look at WM. . fright, 11 •FE* the depths of- ray-sord he seemed to Can ; Hit es,rnest look -I- could. not bear, So I gave a rose to another man- - Any One, ease:-I.did-not care. , - And. yet, spite of all, he has read, I knoW,,, My message -he could not have missed it, -- For roi3e I held to my' bostip,14., se, i An en to my lips, Whilelaseil it —B (handier, 1,71 "The pentz*y" - Br - THE IMAN111 • BITJISHEISEIL ; The Feeling la Ole NeighltorkOod. the Iliarderi-Inddents Crinie. :` • *. A Montreal de -spate -1 says: The- following . - incidents connected with the Little Rideau murder are taken from the Witness' specials of this date After the luneralobsequies were over yeiterday thelaxge concourse -of people formed themselves _into groups, after visiting the different places - where the murders were oommitted,--and diaeussed the murderer's objed in•, -committing such a horrible Crime. -It willhave a bad. effect upon,strangers. seeking employment in the country in future, more particularly Eng7 lash emigrants. There is no more talk of lynching, but if any attempt is made to palliate the orime,.such as was done in the, case of the murderei who Was -reprieved in! L'Orignal last summer, the, people would rise en =SU and metebut the punishment 0118 '11°114- in -human • phape so riehly deserves. All here are of the opinion that it is mistaken generosity to.,gaAround with - petitions seeking to'have the -murderer. reprieved. •• . .. - The Youngest daughter is . progressing favorably, but will not be able. to 'attendat. the court house in L'Orginal to,day, William who is so **fully lacerated, is not •olitof danger ,yet and will, . it. iB supposed, be confined to his bed for several- nionthwif he isspared tolive so -long. The night before last he 'coughed considerably and expectorated .clotted blood, but :it is U5 it was caused by the murdeterhaving svr.Pta,Nris 1.11r; csisimor. A New Invention tor Making Sewed !Shoes'. There is no branch of industry Where - pounced with his knees upon the young greater strides havebeen made than in the man's chest in the swill° when the brave - manufacture of shoes.. All kinds of young women were -wresting the axe from • inachinery have been invented, which have • SOW • W A , Marble - . .• ' 0 One of the aOciety in whi poieons. The chemist's blue boudeir is te44 eine oft. disp a medium for ij maids in the months since rather bruite Of 'taking in tions had risel , who plunged y thecapital, thOt the jeWellers .were selling largely a curie and novel kind of personal ornament, viz ' a little phial to hold -mor- phia, with irijctingneedle . attached. In- dagence in Ilia poison, however, entails such .8. epee V , :revenge of nature that, generally sp. , ng,". even those women who live for society are in no great danger of to the infatuation. .. - - herwise with another poison ears has beensteadily rising , ladies, and whose consump- 'brmous. No doubt the doe- iparily responsible ' for this '*e. They preseril3e -arsenic t is unquestionably a very and, when used discreetly, lood-purifier. But no loaner fair patient perceive that it plexion very clear a.nd.white fatal fascination for her, and tion . of the, drug II to be ob-- Ohemist; she is not obliged Doter a confidant of her weak - France, however, where this "iefly in vogue; and we may be Itil our ideal of beauty greatly e worse, the habitual arsenic- . 4takerii will. rain in A very small minority N UWE ARHENIC. • • /Menem and Chensmins ihe Result. angest phenomena of the we live is its taste for ay has passed when the bottle inspired awe. The y assuming the appear - sexy, and the toilet table is struoting inquisititre house-. pience° of toxicology. A few e discovery was made,. or n Paris, that the.praotice his hypodermie injec- t° such favor ...with ladled epl into the exciteMent of .14 7 with ass- Axed. - • A Winnipeg telegram- says: despatch from Rat .Portage to Attarney;General Sutherland teday announces the death 4)f Maloney, who .Was so brutally assaulted with an Axe bet week. The Local- Govern.' xoent have been asked to send out a coroners The request will bet complied with, and - a Coroner goes . out to-irk:vow. The newa has been kept from the prisoner Draws, now in jail, , awls fa very despondent, and threatens suicide. . A'watch has been Oat upon him -to preventsocident. • He said to thejailer today: "If Maloney diee I might as well die nowss at any other time." the hands -a -the murderer. It waS. -then. 'enabled manufacturers to tutn aut these that the bed was civerturned, and after one - goods so rapidly .9.1140 astonish dvilmation, of theni had got pospession. of the axe but out of aft the inventions none)* had She said to her youngest sister, Whom she * the etfeet to give the wearer SO zra.. Com-. saiw bueding go _ prOf1,1Sely, !titWill 1 or shoe. The expense in the mannfaclfinie - - - and then .: it was that. - the one, who kill him 2" The slater replied, "Oh, no ;", , -fort sa the bld-fashioned hand-seWed boot of hand -sewed work has, however, the had escaped unhurt said: - ‘• Oh, Fred,' price above the reach of commod people. what do yert-' mean." - This appeal, it It now looks as if poor mortals would soon expellant, had . m ' ore effect- • _upon the have a °hands to wear „comfortable shoes, r murderer than pliyeical force . might have as.a gentleman in this city has invented a had, for - he looked into her face, and took process, which is.extrenaely simPle in its up the lamp, the chiinney. of which he had. thrown at her sister's head previously, -and work, but which enablei .hand -sewed goods • dashed. if to the floor.' He then went be made Within a few cents Or pair of • i past,-*. Lee 'B. Moor eateen Making a downstibire and armed 'himself with the poker, .to all aPPearanee as -a `'"1"426- c'E atj' 4:43.esp machine *00E. or sit , months . shoe hy.a process whic ; it is calculated, defence. The brave girl seeing the-; poker will revolutionize -the entire business. The Whitt band, after she fallpvied him town- . ticablei as . it is equally lipplicable stairs, • but in a different ' direction, returned again to defend herself. He. no ------l-prooess is very simple,,but decidi!dly:prao- ta - ladies' work as to that of heavy doubt saw her - coming . and -.made his work for med. Heretofore, in the. /129411U- estiape from the house.' -She being in her facture of hand -sewed work, the upper nightdress and barefooted did notproceed leather, - Which rem.ains: after- 86, wing ' the further until she procured a shawkand a - welt to the inner sold,. has either been cut pair of slipPerst . - by the new n3.tlitia the upper;_after iiityln8 - i , . .11, city. tiki-.1rtetime.. 1 - ‘ Off ortacked down spathe spape.filled, but . . • been fastened' to . the b sole, is turned back An Ottawa telegr. amliay; Thefuneral of over the welt, and: in turn is again sewe the murdered Meriabers of the COokelamilY failing viotLm But it is which of la in the favor tion is now tors are fashionable as a tonic. efficaciona o an • excellen does'many makes the o than alas as prepa tained of a to make th ness. It is poison is c sure that, changes for NOTICJE.: Each bottle of Briggs' Electric Oil- will hereafter' be atecon3pamed by a corkeoreirt as is important that the cork .should be preserved and the bottle well corked when not in lige to retain the strength of the n2edioine.- It cures Bheuniatiam, Neural- gia, Liver and Kidney Complaints of. the Urinary.Organs ; owes *oomph:intik arising from Colds, such as Sore Throat,- Bronchi- tis; Diphtheria,Cottgh, Asthma an.d Difficrolt Breathing. : -•• - ' • • A Sin Francisco:doctor has restored: -a lady of that city to perfect health by removing one of her kidneys, This opera-. tion,alled rephreotozny,is so rarely under- taken thatthe world has only 78 miss of. the kind recorded. •° - • - Deserves it Well. Iateltperatier. •- Chalmers arraigned intemperance iztL the - folloWitig .words "Before God and • man, ;before the Church, hefore the world, impeach intemperance. I charge it with the murder of innumerable souls; I charge) it as cause of almost all the poverty, and almost all the crime, and almost all . the ignorance, and almost all the irreligien- thakdisgire and afflict the land. I do- in My conscience. believe that these intoxicat- ing ietimulants -have sunk into perdition more men and women than. found a, grave in the deluge which swept Over the highest hill -tops, engulfing the world, of which but eight were saved. •As compared with other VIOSS, it may be said of Saul hath slain his thousands, but this David his tens . of thousands.' " 0 01 in this. con try. -For the effects of the drug are tt ,.marble w • produces comes •in prevailing Frenchme that the-ra aerobics th is. We at of enibonp tion for t lean. • Th •life know cultivates cunning puffing, th to• produ whiolfthe • en offrande artistic. point i'vhf vrill easil the elixir events, th the dont name of i legion. _ to the outer sole,-, thus making . the boot took place yesterday. The feeling against doubly strong, and making it virtually the murderer ris .not go intense as'it was waterproof. In case: a .poor inner _Bele is now that so many have seen his boyish tnied so that the sewing giveaway, the welt appearance. - The feeling of dread. that : , Still iketit as &lever, and there is no possi- prevails ihroughoutthe country will have a ' 1 " bility of the Upper piping', out. • In the bad.effent, as it already has had in one -case 'manufacture of common work for women, in this neighborhood, where a man- with an where machines are used; there is atough ate on his shoulder rapped at a holies to seam left 4)12 the Inside of the shoe, -which make some . inquiry. A delicate girl, who• , is_ decidedly uncomfortable to the wearer, is related to the CoOke fatnily„, went to the whereas, if: made by the procims allude& door and. received such - a shock that. she to, the inside of, the boot is let perfectly died in ii,,day or two afterwards. People smooth. Then, again, by . the bld method, from the united- countiei of Prescott spa nails are used to -a greater or less extent Russell and thk,bordet counties of Quebeci-. .. 'in lasting, which in due tirril gives -the were present ill large numbers. The chief wearer-unmeasurstble discorufart, but this Mourners were the two young Cookei; who is entirely obviated by_the nerriprocess; as arrived from the west„ and the.membete • no nails are need, as the upper does not of the 1Boss *family,: who - were closely require to 13p fastened - to the inner lated to the. Cookes. The ' service 'was except ' by - the sewing... Thotie w have. conducted by the pastors of the Presbyte- , invettigated•the process are idtid in . rian • - Churehes of Little. Rideau i and praises, - and compliment the inventOr ,Greece's' Point: ' . . highly upon As sruidess - and it is a fact ' • 1 S. * that ms.inttfacturers of• shoe machinery already at work endeavoring to produ machine which will accomplish the work which is done by band, with a good pros- . pea of sueoesEret—Boston Herald:- • ' owl Billings' Guide to Health. Netei run into debt, not if! yu can find anything else to run into. ,Be kind to yrire- mother-in law, and, if necestiary, pay for her board in. some:good hotel. Leff every time yu 'feel tickled, and 12ff once M while ennyhow.: Never borrow; what yu. are able- to buy, and alyrues have some things yu- -won't lend. Never git in a hurry; yu can - Walk a good Ideal furthur in. a day than yu an run. If you -hate dauters, let yUre• wifebring them up; if she has com- mon senseshe can beat all yure -theory& Don't have enny piles for long lifethatyu won't break ;• be prepared to -day to die to -morrow iz the best creed l for -Jong -life I ,kno of. Don't be -a klown i2 yu 'kttn help it people, don't reiTirkt. enbything mutch that they kan only I at. Don't keep but one dog;. there is no mat brit a pauper a,ble tO.keep three. Bytrieing to folio the abuv guidetohealth and, happinim the Billings family 12as bekum what it it. • , Thet. Louiii-Abdizetion. o -fold ; it makes the skin o Unless, but it also . rapidly form of obesity that violent conflict with -6-ur atone of feminine clawing. and -Moors-, agree in tlunking &closely the female form re - of the quail the more divine it d Aloof from the worshippers t, and have as little admire, - fat, kine as we have for the 6 who are familiar with French th what:ardor a Frenchwoman well-rounded form. With angement of padding and dressmaker may. do a great deal the much -desired outline Of • ost salient feature is the bust 'I but the result, after all, is only n the other hand, the emboli - comes of :arsenicis natural, or ittiss as such. . If this ditigis not f perpetusil youth; it is, at all irnstructive elixir of beauty of • Porary French type, and the devotees across -the channel is. Nothing ever introduced for the cure: of any ailment deserves .the high reputation it has so rapidly gained -ad Putnam's Pain- less Com Extraotor,-the great andonlY sure cure for : Corns, Bunions, etc. It acts promptly, it acts painlessly, it .acts. effioiently; it . acts irk the most •radical manner. No pain, no discomfort. Put- nam's Corn Extractor is the acme of4er- feotion as a safe cure and painless remedy for Corns. Beware of imitations and sub- stitutes. A. 0. Polson Cos; props., Kingston, Ont. • -A Liverpool insurance office was. Sur- prised a short time ago by the appearance of an old lady in her 95th year, who said she come to the conolusion that she ought to be insured. Perhaps it was - equally surprising that the conipany, undertook the risk.• - No dou t the habit of arsenie-taking, like other vi originate the cant a word f weenie s Paris, w of the f their -sue age of th burnings. champ f ST.IXIOUEI themsel can hol the age physica SPeakin in Parise sward of of the of the be lear azsenie belled° ever e vanity delight Mons, Fran - AJast.(Sunday) night's St. LouisdesPiiitch says _ Stories are circulating that ,Miss Garrison was not &banded at all, but that she'went voluntarily to the house -with the alledged abductors and accompanied :them twice twice * a day to a restaurant. for Meals, 'some of Which she. paid for herself; and on one occasion she went alone and returned to the house; and that shilad not been in duress, and could have gone home at , any dine.These stories,are Strenuously denied by Mies Garrison. The police know who are -concerned in the affair, but have taken no action, nor have the girl's relatives' shown a disposition to prosemite any one. 'Mrs. Levy,- at whose house. the -girl was, says the girlsOld her she Diet -the men on the road after she got off the earl. flirted with them, and one of them spoke to her; offering her shelter if she. did not want- to go to the convent.• said she would rather go anywhere than to the convent. One 44 the men eonoerned °is said to ,1,3e Mrs. POVY'S brother. _. •; • - : Blibluttion in Hair Pins. . 1 that is poisoning -society, with those in speaking a whom modern politeness has borrowed the Greeks; Iletairs3 " and to have a natural affinity. In re the demi-monde gives to Moat hions. the stamp that insures si„areenio only need the patron - ladies who cause -such heart - o estimable .matrons- Long,. the latter to :become feverishly try the effect of the 'elixir" on s. 'Neither of the. two worlds " • ily octet from the Other, and cy . employed to produce 'those ' emits of .which we have been. as -long ceased to be. a mystery •.Now, whether it be on the green ongchamps, in the gilded roorns e, or or at an afternoon 'reception ncess-11.---., one 4oes not needle' d -medicine to perceive that as taken- the lead. of.. Morphia; a, or any other noxious drug that red into conspiracy with feminine make the genuinewomen of MEWS 1 ideal the filinsieSt of abstrac- 'The favorite poison of the ladies of London World. . • . • THE 'GREAT CURE FAR ' And all complaints of a RIrumatic nature - •JRHEUMATINE is ncit a sovereign remedy for "all th HIS that flesh Is heir to,".jout fOr NEURALGIA, S IATICA, RHEUMATISM, and complaints of R.heuinatic natal e. • " ' • IT IS A SURE, CURE. titan DIN lifiroy reition, the Oidesi . Twonn-roun TUBS' ExpAzrzxgx," sa,ys an eminent physician,: convinces me that the only way to .i3ure nervous exliauption. and weakness of the sexual organs is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve °ode, and of all the remedies compounded Mack's Magnetic Medicine is the best: See advertisement in another colturm. Pittsburg detective observes that -there are few fat men among the criminals. The lean and hungry- Cassius is the bad man. "Our most desperate oriminala„°' the detective remarks to a reporter,, ,`,are mostly small -sized Men with light com-., plexions." • •. Clerk. now • running-. on- the Great Welitern Buitway between falaspainielt Bridge and . Detroit,. About eighteen monlits ago in converes,tion with You I mentioned that iny son Arthur was a great- - -Buffeter from rheumatism, being so.bad that for months hd had not been able.tO put owhis boots or walk. At your suggestion I* purchased from you four bottles of. your Itherunatine. Three bottles, however, I am happy to Say, effected a • permanent cure, as my son- has never suffered. from rheumatism since, although the past winter has been a most trying one. I may add that the .. medicine had thoeffect ainiproving his heal th "in every way. - Make what use you like,of this tistimonial. 'can thoroughly recommend your Rhetimatind .to all suffering fromrheumatic complaints., • - - • I am, yours truly,_ • ° PEROT PERM:6 3. N. SuTIMBLAND, Esq. 1 Agent Great Western. Railway, St. -Catharine& -SOLD BY ALL -DRUGGISTS.. • ' Thotisands. -of women bless- the day on .which Dr. Pierce's ".Favorite Prescription" was , made' known to them. In. all.- those derangements causing backache, dragging - down sensations, nervous and °general debility, it is a sovereign ren2edy. Its soothing and healing properties render it of the utmost -Value t� ladies siiffering-frOM internal fever," congestion, inflammation or ulceration. By druggists. - •• .14 ' # X -v-; ,pover itt; b fully t .unavo mass and 1, foret.h tight, idlenees, -and, worst of all, nese I .A.h, that drunkenness! that •Igittraordlnitry Treninient of Criminids. A flew Orleans despatch 'says f At a Meeting of the ' Prisons and . Asylum --Aid Aseaciation this evening Secretary Cable said:- Of forty-four parish jails- two only havermited rules: In.only_eight are such books kept as will prevent frauds. In eighteen men and women are eoinetirces placed in the same cell. One jail -is a pen of lege, without a door, and the Prisoners are lowered into and lifted out through a , . . hole in thetop:- Many of the pnson too loathsome for description,-andfifteen Of e are reported as placesof boisterous djudecent ribaldry.. f The ken pin afto-day ii-Mo-raore, like its ancestor than is the enlightened Man of tole/ice like the primeval .inonkey, - Hair pins have " evoluted'" out. of the old-fash- ioned straight wire into rkrariotis nhapes,. sizes and designs. Motif of them are enamelled. They are .of ,varying length,' linibscsed. to hold in place puffs .and curls to the long pins required t‘b keep on the big hats whose broad ., brinve present -great teraptatibne to the wind- t They are- made hr machinery!, and are cheap. that the poorest woman = may enjoy the greatest .variety:. What becomes Of the hair pins? They drop on - floors ; they get 'swept lip and lost ;. they become bent and use- • leas; they: disappear Mad are replaced, and great factories are • employed in making them. • In a recent divorce -- Vase in New York Vie'. wife put in her onixiplaint an allegation that she found 'a Strange hair pin on her husband's -pillovr Pasteur, the Frenbla -scientist, is from the gossanier forkS Svith corrugated 4eioribed. as a man of, low stature Ind powerful - frame -spaiie, angular and 'weather-beaten: E4 ratli of few ,wOrds, abrupt bilt (gear in speech, and of. quick, impeturoue gestures. Although his Same rests upou minute mattiriaI research, he is steadfatt believer ii. epiritualism, and takes no interest in eVollition theorise° positivist doctrines. is.. genial- 14 lospitablif, and has both political And Beata f _ • The Rhemnatine lanufaptaring ST. CATHARINES-, O. Ce.1_ • • 1 if. -Winer lb Co., Wholeenle Ages* 3 • - Hamilton. , -One way of „looking at : People now- a-daYs are always expressing their pride aid satisfaction over modern inventions and discoveries. Do. they not frequently exaggerate their importance ? For ' stance, the ancientshad gassenly they didn't light •- • la Sell-Madie Poverty. - (By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.y - d not say harsh woras against • wherever it com.es it is a bitter you will mirk as you notice care- ' at, while a few are poor because of able birouraitances, a imry large the poverty of London the sheer 6ar result of profuseness, want of • 44 -A. DJECLINICir Dn. R. V. Pinion. 'Dear Sir, -Last fan my daughter was -in. a decline and every- body thought she was going into the con- sumption. I.' got her -a bottle of your Favorit.e Prescription," anditcurekher. Mao. MHIN80N, Montrose Kan. - Of all druggists. drun 5 th rid ot very �ret Oleg app let s hous its but not vice Vine to -n The- first appointment of BOMall Catholic ohs loins to the British ern:1y Was made in 1854; under. Lord Aberdern. This was a. temporary. provisionfor the requirements of the troops. in the Crimea, but M 1866, under Lord Palm,_ erston. permanent -pro- vision was made for the appointment of Boman -Catholie- chaplains- to - bothlarmy. and navy.' - • roulette whe-el in a -Cincinnati gam- bling room' was stolen, and the. thieves turned out to be rival gamblers,who desired to have one made Just like it. They testi- fied in court that it.was a new invention; containing a spring by the. means of:which its, victims; could be -robbed at will, the dealer 'being able to make the ball stop on whatever munber he pleased. • •Fweight. - • • andsome woinen Without religion ire lie flowers without petfume.-Heine. Well poited-the telegraph. . . wM band? en WM crouch down- with.fear. upon Baron Albert Grant's great house , at Kensington, in London, is now nearly ,cleared away. Only parts of the .-miter Walls resin to be pulled down, and it hi bellowed, the -proprietors of the laid have 'already 'received O&M' for handing the .grom houses -which, under the name of, _Kensington Couit;are to take its Place aster evil. • If drink could be got, e might be sure of conquering th.q lodevil himself. • The drunkenness & by the _infernal liquor -dens which '-spot the whole of this huge city ii g. No, I do not speak'in haste Or a hasty °word ;, many of the drink- s: are nothing less than infernal On ' meets they are worse, for hell has es as a divine protest against sin, Aii for ' the • Sin -palace there is g to be said.: in its favor. The tf the age MISS three-fourthe of the y. If you could look _ at the homes ht, the wretched homes where women arable at the sound of their bus - foot as he Comes home, where little • -The editor of a Dublin newspaper has framed and bung in his office a unique' memorial of A reporter's forethought. It is a telegrani which he received a few weeki ago; and it reads: ,IPlesse keep Donavan open for daetatdly, outrage t� be conimitted at 11Io'clook to-night.r, • • Weak lungs t spitting of blood, consump- tion:and kindled .affections cured without physician. Address for treatise;lwith two stamps, WORLD'S DISPENSARY lannciora, A,SSO- CILTION, Buffalo, MY. • • . • " chil the hu Willl bee loo bas It �il 11 little teap of straw, . because the n brute who calls himself "a man "4 ,1 `sal horde from the place where he his - dulging' his appetites -,-if you could iii t sucha sight, and rememberit will n ten thousand times . over to -night, k you would say, "'God help us by ems to sive some." . Since the great IDS 16 axe t1ay at 'the root of this deadly upas s the Gospel•of Christ, may God help hold that axe there, and to work antly with it till the huge trunk of ison tree begins to rook to and fro o get it down, and the world is espied the wretchedness • and misery wifich ips from every bough. tre 15 •con the Alan fro now . „ . '30 TM, 41,•.-WIztzyr. OTENR 0k17SYCEI. PmAimooziGu rs,tionotifouas, remand The grandest discovory of the Nineteenth1Centurt. - Benda onoeforMustratedrama4.4 ' Addres$ • 7,01tAIC.SELT 00.,MARSHAL , MICH. $72 Aollre(tfrfedee.1 at tom adigusta,.Maine • When L say cure 1 do no; metin • a time and:then have them ;our - eavettre. !have made the (Use or PALLING SICKNESS a ltfelOfl remedy to cure the worst ode failed.% no reason ter not now .mace for a treatise and. a F remedy. 01Ve Eipress and Address D O. BO nothing for a trit and I will - I , -There is quite a boom in libel suits nOvr. The Globe was mttleboa-in-iaeixon Aurday for libellind. a, Man Who travels a der two or three aliases and the 'Fiamil; t41.3..Timis was let in for '0300 on Winday for saying a man.was drunk, who swcie.in coi,i'rt that he had only. taken twelve glasses. Magna Banner. - : *hen a consciousness comes of rem, tura v .ageing or extreme lassitude! and debilkw , without apparent cause, the questions should- be entertained', and answered -What is the damage? • What are t, i..,Iweak points in-, the , system? Special \iivestigation will show signs of feeblenes8li00rder or lesio*-of the brain, lungs, heart, Wornach, liver;vof kidney's, and immediate atterstion should be given to " elf the 'nervous fiSestem tus'the ube of Calisaya, m .!, *Pair may be restoring the wg° and digestive - appar, Wheeler's Phosphates order that the work accelerated v. Geo: A. Gordon has metwith a p r m. on quite unusual among theological fitdents. _ Ten yetis ago he went to Boston a pi or young man, intending th 'learn a mechanical trade. He isnot 'yet 80 and h eceived a canto the pastorate Ofthe .OicjSouth Ohtnish at a .salary 4,48,000 a with a parsonage. - is sometime pat comfort to be I left alone ith your bestgirl. • s 0 Tumble in Coal Prb 4 A New York despatoh says : though therewould be a 'tumble price -of -coal. Th"e trice is now elect eaegYmede 1ZSFE & ipe,4 rely to stop tnem ior an, I mean a radi- o( FITS, EPILEPSY _ study. warrant -lay Decause others haws lying a cure. Send at ttle of my Infallible Office. It anst,st yon .yon.• _ , ltsFearl St., Newt:cm.' te414--xEfliCiN - < 17, n• , For Old and Toting, POSitiVely cures Islerroutin EsS Weak Memory, Loss of Bran ttation Niglit Sweats, Spe rhozia, : Barrenness, ---Semin General Loss of Power., Tone . and Vigor to the ETU organs. ir'N1Vitli each order to accompanied with live dolykve, Written .13118X8,11038 tO -refund treatment &PS. not effect a Cheapest andMeditto Pamphlet sentiree by manta by druggists at 50e. per bet,. Ell 00, inidle-d free of pos A'RK, 'FOOD) -:;'F.Ten. • iaud•ItretnItie. ALL its stages wer;Sexual Pros- . rrho3a, Leucor- Weakness. and - ores SurpriSing Generative LVE packages W11 send our - 13113ity if the the - II the Narket. ad.dress. A . 4, bale ‘a • 011 recei money • Black's Magnetto 11 %vine '004 - • 'finds° )iit.„ Coutes. - Sold by all drliggiStFi evervw13 et. looks ais the 74. 4 cents -a 'ton less than circular rates, and unless the colliers suspend next lieek !mai will befbought mueli cheaper 'than at any, - 'other time for a year- p 1 'Important.. - 1 - When you visit or leave lIeW tbric cLty, se baggageexpressageand 'carriage hire, and stop at .the GRAND UNION Hor,gra, opposite grand, Central Depot. Elegant rooms, fitted pp at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to El -and. tOverae Per del- SurePeen Plan. Elevator. Reatiturantsoppluad with the best.. Herm camsta$, es and elevated 'railroads td all, depots. FalnhllSBC&fl live, better for le* money at the Grand 'Union Hotel -than at any-other4rstroless hotel in the. city. ,• • Ole - $46 ttrtri1rvel.;1311ralieitirg Portland, Maine., I ha nee tho etitecunghave • • n en In its efficag, that I °,wi 'together With a TALITABL to any sufferer. 'GiveSLExpre OCUM, 1St - . • e'r" ° Iteff18l0•00 MSWR it'f0 luI the shove diseloqiireLS tbrevoss &positive remedy utud and mat% f sal . 80A-16 jindeeAr 14"3" ES r81111* sendr°E.Tre 0411(11008s TIIKATE511414dreee. `F Stitt."' Ir(g3S • 3. • I I -Ma •s5t6$20 Per day at itome. San ' $5 free. Address Ism fortlandl-Midne.- TORII If yen troknt to learn Ilk* WI/ jaasnd 0#.' a tlittation. 'Wiese Valenti. BM% " leVrts,orth N.& Co. etraphy eerie* hearing 1.• 4i , 4. •