HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-25, Page 5q • 7. .4.41 C+ Y "o.. • ackag�s' DEPOT.: •oiliiilaAss OId -a giltti ¢ z Il al esc&-.4 13,10.3M os"' 0 -•3°� ,demi. • a ra i iiszlora.fti o•s wQ.Q: Vim' �i Q-4.441fE t1 Nam �OH ..'+ate g al • 16 as m.1018204 VA .A -L - SALE v'hile.returnink thanks to his. numerous the ����.cl�� ��ned a �, ftie lds who hitve favored- turn: with their -•p tronage since: Wiug Hardware to his Stgc ks and to his • former patrons, begs to aiinow;e • that' he has received a full' supply of• p p-OODS Foga' IF;ITTES USE ill...every requisite • in the ,'Jars ware line for the season cT di" a an HAY KNIVES, GUNS, -SKATES; &O. --F1 ZULU DING- GUN, marvel i`of Cheapness. 4 f • - . ; "!eJ..!� - lie wouldld LISG cal their- attenti i,' -to his stock of Cutler T, -in Tablri aid Pocket Knives. Plated Ware hi Forks, Spoons. i . ,tc,; well r0 his large and varied stock of • - . • Cook,. Tin, Japan!" d, and Granite ares. . Lamps and Lana Goods in endless variety. Tuh 1ar, : Stable- and • Hand Lanterns in B -.-:ass : an.d'Tin Coal Oil`of the blest brand .always on land:. • It.s. I have bought ' ese goods fbr Cash 'I .a41;—enabled to ;: sell isrofits and cheap as. they Chc�apest�and "rno to in future shell. C��..willtherefore than]: chose who: but to enable. m .to do so I mut have Cash ° are indebted to -.e y either note or book account • for an early sittl1ment, • *--.Emretroug and • Repa ring ' opt A 5 ,Wishing my f i is am ps tr s * ?sIerr* ' Xlners and's, Happy, and Prosperous -.New. Year,;. 1 cit acontinuaof their eir suppo ' ►_ . - - - t arlor -and �ther : Move 9 • A RENQ • a bac/ - -n -. � + s. � Tip Has pleasure in informing the citizens of • Lucknow _and surrounding country,. that he has opened out in the shop formerly occupied by JOHN PEA= r oppos to the Whitely House, pancr is prepared to sell. 5T -Q1,0 .Td# Barg saAA, AND, -V7009, —=Coal Bit and. Lainp Goods.VTAL,P0:n '07 ,T.3Kiwrys, at bottom rice. Eavetroughing and •Repairiu And. everything ' in tus ane,. P promptly attended to . AiL ear y call solicited{ DAVID SUTHERLAND : •- aa. sTOVEs t 73 r. • SPAVIN CURE. a. • .'r .3: • xchnoW S pteratter 29th,;1882. 4 gandsome ke flowers without: p'rfu.— L1tEPitiM D :&TCTIOAIELL• ra tieahaving sales will do we114to siva btU a • gall. fghest. Cash- Price :Paid. ' .dor Butte .'. • Residence ---Willoughby Street, opposite the tittle' espectfally ask us dp.stome s to call an • et4datils , - f. . . . . , ii.,..i.ist successful 'remedy ever discovered se '-'.- it is certain in its effects and does- not KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. . 'New. liaMburg; bee: 28th; 184. - xi% McCallum, dear bottle of. Dr:. Kendall's '•iiitvin Cure bought of -Out and performed ea. -wonderful -pure upen a mare .-ninetetii.years old -belonging td -Which:was; grt- her to. move. bottle ttfilie mire, end she is like • yOung. -KENDALL'S SPAYIN- CURE!' • F • • oblig • .-druggists liAlte it *iron) set address on•receift of-01de 'blithe' pro prieticirs,, Dr, Kendall & Tin- = osburgb 'Falls, Vt. • 7 `8011) ALL D.RupeasT8., WAR ZA 411,, * Vi holesals-A. Oats: Thesubscribent. hereby. notify the .0,0 lce .generil that ihey are pre -tiered ti; execute BUILDING of -ALL KINDS contraited Irk an d, ed in the latest 'man- ner and- Vah great satisfaction.- We kde?- • • guariinfate:gevoii Wnrk• 0:4 We 1(4'4:1) iin3te ;7, 4/0 stitt.;*Afx Luakinew. Mar- all 22114i • - THE Northern Pacific . NliNNESOTk DAKOTA, BIC CROP,-, AGAIN • •