HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-25, Page 4411 1 ti t. • • 8. ow, emot e . u COW4::007 /4 tat LtHLBTg TO viii i AND TO .LRG!IE FREELY, IU ` 1ORDING To:TliASL OT$EA IONSCIEBCE WE pZE Asov , I,ualmoyt, 363..25,188 3. .�-ONTARIOLEGI,SLAZ illtEr.._ that the .. It'. -is- .understood - Ontario .prorogued.• ''Assembly � is to be Lely � -about- � - � t- the =first. .or :second. week . ' r which Will : necessitate .coni F`,�brua y, • ,iiderable dilligence on the part of .it ,members The illness of Mr. Crookse .-�wll1; it is conjectured •result int . onsoldat wibandthe- Bilis conment of . - to -the Education zing the Acts relating ]department,- High Schools. and Public Schools.: Inview of :this it is all the more necessary • that _ the Liberals in t nstituencies should be -the v ven�ti I reg speec By will flue Part ISN -AT -'THE; "CON YEN vox. :.. ME..GRIY,-:-1•Tot vithatanding ry full - report of the late Con. - which :appeal "n_ the- Globe,: het to find that the' following teased.. was for', some reason supe ' rg it �,� place in your paper you• a large.and: in }refer _a fav®r. ` on . >'.. al portion of the Great 'Liberal P : Yours, &c•, ' _ ...• 'A. MoKs 'ziA. ,; , js T to t hes. she' real tat par Epi as got ca ne. •cu the different co and tapered: thoroughly organized,_ P- r enier ,� ency. They should par- . for any. $� ticularly. guaard against over. confidence, .ee to. it that everything has been _and se . .of 1organization, and done in the way . i theparty into line for the ap- gettiug -.roaching contest.. - _ 1�. ;' • - . Tier":•name ''ESTER CHAIRMAN,,--- �`iald. McSneesbn. (applause)frac: - sh7in'of ;I3uron.. (Hear, ,. •se.comen f and ) : She'll pe sixty years oolt, nefer guv a•. Tory 'vote once al? Cheers.) What forywhy' toes ail (Cheers.) - (hisses) call. her a ariana t -She can spoke as goof of - ish as ony of to .Tories; arit• twice She ,has adore.: (Great 'laughter) a ome revelations .in . Argyle what focht all to Tory- -Conventions. as lause. She Defer er .was:.. (APP )- 0-03 to Tin -ante, to'll got cheep whees- She':ll -have saw plenty of tat in y, *here= to Tories make. it.00t of sheep wheat. - (Sensation:) How what:toes-'it make to 1Vlail'8:pees- ssof 'she'll- pring:along her porritch fushwith her.,: ('Great applause_): with e_ was pait for it to Archie Ross, a is wan of to best Grits in to toon- of Tonald a�ps. �'iit reefer .forgot, ` election' she'Il' ares to Lort tull •:next tat tit ow ta Mail and 'all tai Tories - •p g;Oon en-. .n'Y. mops of ta: s on was mice -- for keep to ppAerin. L"I E COMI NG %EL CTtONo ti 81, • that they._ w a - e p dying month of-ligarch. -We need: scarcely urge upon the 'friendsof good government and the- upholdersq of Provincial :rights .-the: necessity oft im- mediate .and . vigorous organization. The unparalleled success of the late Liberal Convention, and tho feeling of security felt generally by Reformers throughout the Province is apt to be get -over -confidence, e. dangerous factor - du a •po itical-contest.: We in South Bruce have painful recollections in this =direction, and .we: trust` the charge -of . apathy itna -indifi'erencq. ;wily never. °be laid • at our door.. agar :W_ e trust therefore, . the friends- in the di1 erent polling sub -divisions. will.Iose.lno time to e aF roach izi' : Vicon: �Fre�3Aris. for . th �� • taas�k fad 8 8 • • • •' • • -_-w •'��'-• •i• • • • 41. Trimmings' . cif � e intnc, = and Qua i s.:, T1 im is - ��iades . - _: dew v : , , d �►rrra��nt�, ' Goods in all lm am ,� T.�i, ,LP,aded G- Dress = �rOo - Sati .: Brooded e a he of d as ateed Silks,; �e for • r6ce•ies, - s�ttab � . . . . . rs Fruits and G - ° Teas Sn�� � � .. -;, . � �, yo�� s��ve! •. ' _ ire h pp 3' �al� -ail; ; Shoes at Cost. - Selling � • ut• 01111 � Boots andelan oa • d • • MAITIr .. ___= 8fOrs Boors te :Snows. MOI ` —lsws -FELT Boo 13. LEA'173AN 112sxs OvEiisU0 MEN$ li►vBsEns. ►`vellrrig--}louso > "d 'Lot. D dose:Stint - Luckflow..,- .. ' 1 OUSE. AND PREMISES . 'ITTED. up with every. e.,nveaience conioletei. `his is=ung of the meet desirabie residence n town. Will be sold M a :bargain. ALLAN -McDONALD,: { Proprietor. °O TA,RhO'S F/11 ANOES, 'The. Estimates', for the current year =show the total amount requited for -the public 'service- to be $21559,28.3._63.: Of this amount. $2,194,391:53 is asked for -current exP enditure: $325,309.6' for P '.: on "ca ital account;: and $39,082.43. . other : purposes' =This :shows en in crease of about $170,000` over the est timates tor.: 1$82, which -called for $1.100,169..78. for current. expenditure and $2,389,72-6:32 including the -oche iteins. ; There is,; .of course, a steady _and legitimate increase in the expenses of administration,- - owing to the : in- • -crease. of population and the formation ' of new branches of the public service, suc`-i as that..of. the Bureau. of 4cluit7 ry and Provincial '.Board . of Health. •, , _ex 'enseis • tease o eing t e `item of . x,60, _ the expenses of the - approaching Bei•er aI • election, and the addional ex' ends. tures .on :public :buildings a ,rid :col�oniza 7 -thein roads. In bhe-'eourse' Of hi able tap�ech the:: Fson. `Mr •; `Wood met- the ciiarge so frequently -7 made: by the •Censer. natives that the= Legislature is wasting~ the capital •of th Province b - including receipts : fi om::Grown Bands _ in rrvnrue.. e showed that,during the 11 years=of the Mowat Adinist -r:a<`tion, $7.,-576,829. had.. been received froru-Orown Lands, while $10,877,6`42 had been laid out an 'permanent: and necessary irprovf meats. ill -she Prov . . -z t a.. nc,e. lie.=ca i ' °l h s uo � been'w i � . p to a t est- ei,, but merely -::transferred, ,.from: orae shape e to another . With re�rar4 to the surplus Mr. Wood showed it;to.be 84`825-567-- eertaifil a' ' very !satis factory -exhibit ;after the larg .=expen •diture which has been provided a p e n n• 2 1y in the intertits of the people o - Ontario 0 ode - � u' ever: intewl tri g is the :-rood you -promisedt: The;.woo.: piles ii ,Our ;neigh rhood are basint. ni to 1o6k and :. �8.• _ ltot�'ee, , grey - #lava bioiiatr *a* >r FARC Fe SALL, • �.�1:t fMT IN TILE 1WTli (10' Xi a E . of the townaihig of Ashfield, containing 106 acres, 9-T. acres. cieared • 'Chete 1s a good fraume house,- also °-a, barn • and stables on; the premia„ a.. Tu�,-e faiarmia= situated }*ren ules'fr-ow� tho "tillage of- Lt cknost,- and -con benient. to:sebonls And- church, Torts ---Part of the mnnsv at time of Sale, °balance Tela. pay- ants ay ents -to suit purcbaser. Fors f tither par ticulars appy can the premises or to : . .ARCHIBALD McDONI'»..71- Lucknow P.O. --AND SQ. kHAS In stock and more arriving daily daily ,. :ND O':AFRUIT. And •I- will 'all keep in. stock' all kinds CAZE2, PIES, BI3C trXTS . Dyaters hy; th,e Pint, Quart, Can and- • Dish. Hot 'Meals at all hours. A d everything kept in = a first-cless Y D*u Cain bell at: Lucknow.: ealt}� M RV jai Aft TR ETM L.UOKO Has now in stock tiio1argcetsndbeat dies la y. DBA: =E'.:C.::WEST's NERVE: AND • BRAV Tiea1rn nt,a-guaranteed specific -fear Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions;; Fits, -Nervm . • eu- • ralezia,, Heada►che.NNTerv',us Pr.,aatr etir,n cansbd by the nee of aleObi,l. or tobacco, Wakefulrip,s, Mental:1)e[ire*siren-,Snfteuiii;c ci. -the- Brain, _r.;tulting_in ins • nity and leading to : mierv)- , ceCa and -death- Preuature.o1d-age,B rre -hog's; Itiiitenf P. ar.teither s x,Invaluntar Losers and Sper,natorrbcea, caused: by over-- exnrtio•u of the br:airi.arlf-abtille or o".'r'indul• '?" ence .; Or:c_ box_ai31 cure "recent cssea -- Each Ox : contains - one Tit'lnth'av treatment One. Lollar slue rix byes for:fi've dnllara sent. fnv mail prepaid on receipt of prle a %ye-guar- �rtteP aix-tinraas Z u: Detre! ant caeca, ♦ rth each. .rtoter r.,'cel ved: by ns •fa r six bo x es, swc•n pen - - d with-fve.il.11ars';we will thcaitahas= o n riatoA 'i* baii" e rsinndthe masey if °eb. tr.atua.nt,does ao$ ..ffcet a mai.- -,C. ,a.'. • Tstfipa*i,.R:..wt" :Airept /for 1, eknew: Joist 4 f. ors: F Oro :ia : Pro ► T ►*N: p: • EAYY - I#' RITE$$. S�-� :,. netLIGHT-f now.: S e: al -induce eyes s$bwn in ]i.iic� P � +••• - +• �' menta 11i 3IT ALO ani, -GOAT RO3 Z0f38: lt6t8s:atO: s . i My stock of Trunks, Valises, Hand Satebels,�• eto.,is now complete; and includsa. all the% • latest styles and makes. A s nil the above. articles :were pnrchaasedifroili the beat makers, and at the lowest ;seas rice 1 am : repared to Bell -�►ai cheap . , 1 F :`as�any other house an the trade. Don't fail to call and see my .stock before purchasing _ elsewhere.- ration;paid to 'order- Specialatte ed iiarneaS; • uaranteed first-class.' • Allworkg � RQBERT PRA.G •TO deb3Azr KIP } ABI' BUFF, GOT. MANTLES, BONNETS, $AT1 ETC, SUES! ESTRAY. AMR TO THE t'REI#1.1SES OF THE suliscribeir,.- Lot 70,- cnn.1, Township-:: of Sinloass, onor about'the middle of Novern- pb. r, -four white sheep. The owner is -req test- ed to prove, property, pay expenses and take them away. DAVID BEN1)ERSON. -3im-467._ Lucknow P. 0. .. - TH.E UNDERSIGNED WISHES. TO 1. 'infanta the farmers! and :ethers ,n`, this section that. he Will keel, for service -at Lot 10 12th con. }Lip,: of the -Township of Ashrield,. his. fine tho rougb'bred Sitffb k Ener, tection." Terine 31.00.. to bs paid': at time. of ieryice. JAMES -GARDNER., a • 3i F--466. - • Boz 102, Lucknow, P.O or' ' R:L HE . tTN]YERSIGNFfr. OFFERS 1'04 sale his two thoroughbred.Short i $sills, "Duke of- Wellington" and "Nero." Pedigrees -registerelVin bath. •thal tianadian and 7}`ritiach -American Herd Boake: For 'further, particulars .:a,,,ply op the `prenn'aes, at Lot 10, co Eastern rn It�taic of ei Alli ci tr or by letter toJA M E E - :14ARD NEB, 3in-466, Box 102 Luck P W nit;8. • -141111kEr +AME .TO ill k:_ PREMISES OF THE ;t,rfiaicriber L 3 tang*, S. 1) • .� ai 6 NR., 'ibwbyal p 1.18ii.lo,a. 1''iv. , -sheep. The, owner is row:es d-. to prate property, .pay' exp.ruiai and tike ta.m away.. '• Y or ;BinLe gh swim R C I-Tt 114B •: •• . fu�•l.:d r+en'$� aD ., LADIES RtBBElisK, LADIES FELT, ovERsDC • LADIES BI/BB-.I1 OVERSII O# : .shoes great varie t ,CALF,NI„, nnAT, KID. •, O fI, a� � _ 0 k Haying- recexv�d : -�a4n e-te st4• • .0 ' RIBBONS,• JEATITERS LAC4FS, =� FLOWERS,• • `�3. GOODS, .WOOLS, D AND CHILIIB!rl[_ * FELfi xis ' ExDLJss VARIET 4, • D'REss t. 11Qit •A . I cordis y�invite the ins : eetia_ t .-of the adi s Qf Lucknow a ntl t n count ' , > stuff , g rya, Ever. :Line coma lei et in ul..-•the Ind S Ins -nd . Shades. n_ u Z sssd : in the ;Pro Mystook ; oWoollen * '•-E�c�: *: =�s u . s a . -. - Pro, C � me and see r ,ouraebies} '- d ! . ._. ... :� CLIFFE. Lnchnow, next. to the Post Office. •- 0 . • Burdock BLOOD BITTERS. :WILL.'CURE OR RELIEVE 5? . ,BIL'IO.IISNE38, C . DIZZINESS. ' DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY,- In.. M : ,hvINDIGESTION; FLUTTERING • fD 1 • JAUNDICE DE SHF HEART, .ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF.. . H 8ALT RHEUM THE'STOMA -HEARTBURN, DRYNESS -HEADACHE, ` :: . OF THE -.BKIX, And every specie of dtseas sarlsin frown disordered LIVER ` KIDNEYS, :S_ T_ 0Q ;:BGWELb OR BLOOD. TMILBUR= & Q }mea i- - . :_ Tot 4. Pa t , hiioh'S Li'farrh Remed r �' • A marvellous cure for Catarrh, DiptharFs, t•ankavr iur.uth. and Ileac Acbe, With each h•,ttle there has un in etas=:ns ai a -ai injector oor tbe Imre :,snceesdni treatment of theese • cc�na. plaiLta'. itboul extrat+ul'ge. Prise 110 cents,. Sold by C. A..SfrgraIin, Lucknow. Answer ibis 4 iicstIon. , ity 17u RR lntity: pre21:a1.P4. Sed- itri, till' n+s pints.. 'i re ii• t f to MiifEr,r � .aril be lhe►uR tea tai►-'_ e t1 pp ti able Ii, Cf` 7 chili +ititJlr. (.o�iltat�ut ILinatir>a�, Loss of Appetite, Coining Up f the food, ., %- . • Yellow Skin, w.hen for 76 ctg• we will , thsaa Phill b •s Vitalizer, guaranteed ;few: - Seidl*? Co 4, gnat , i+i sw, - • • • s • i Opl • 1f r T o •I` 1