HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-25, Page 2•iimpilrIETV,os elee weeitt The following petitionswere Presented : • Mr.•MoCrediey-Froin.the lent County Council andrthe- town of ...Dresden;prayang for the extension of the charter, for one - ear, of the Brie & „tint= Railway dem, ny.;. also from Thomas, -Brown and ere: praying for in amendment of the elaws also from the town of Dres- -Jsraying for an 'amendment to the oipal Institutions Act.• - Bose -From the county of Hastings, wer- to be given to County 'Councils plate Ithe width 'of tires up= all • les conveying 'heavy loads 'upon the vel roads of their respeotive counties. • Robertsoo-From the Cininty.Conn- f Halton, respecting power of. ineor- ted villages of reuniting with adjoining 'oipalitieii. .• • •- -- - Mr. Freeman7-From the Munioipal Connell of Waterford, in favor of manhood suffrage. . • • • I • Mi.FreeMan -Froth A. Woodley' an. others, prayin_g for manhood suffrage. Bir..RobertsonFrom the County Coun-i• Of Halton, praying that, division lines y be exempt frem the operations of the Property Limitation- Act. • . Near --From John Soholfield and no -praying that the Act to 'extend the • its of Port (Jolborne may not pass; also the County -Council �t Welland, praying • r amendments'. to the Aet respecting arket fees. •. I Mr. Hardy -From' the County Counoi of • rant for certain amendments to the oters! Lists Act respecting appeals.. • The following Bills Were in-troduced •iind • the first time:. •- '• Mr. 'Robinson -For amendment :to .the airing further provisions for drainage askerville,---.4.mendnaent to ; the Aist • . I ishe-An .Act respeothig the, Nem bee Railway- Company. - S' An ,;; Lot to amalgamate. the • Insuranee Co. and the Alli- - Co' as the Standard Link - t '• • *sholm-.-An Act to. incorperate • Mereial Travellerie:- Asseeiation- of a. : • • - • . - Meredith -An -Aot respecting' the a' Company of of Louden, mul the (itasliglit Company:, - • den -An Act to.change the name anadian. .Literary -.institute. :to • College, . _ Act to ametid-theLiquor Ari,Act. to amend the Act to 'Orate the Roman Catholic Bishops of t• o and Kiegston,:in Canada, in eiroll - - • • el session; They worked- On -Saturday Lat tilitaidnight; ands started again item- ately after midnight on'SundaV•11..., . The Provincial Secretary 'preseitted..tne port of the Commissioner of Public Works r 1882. • • • . • • armear. - t _ . Mr. Wood on rising to inakelis annual a.n.cial statement was "received with•loOd• cIieers. He • _ dr -receipts for the peat year (1882) were •follows : minion -subsidy C?rbwfl. Lands • A1goma taxes Educatiiin.Departmen Lw stamps - • ' Licences )3 'nage debentures - ainage assessments blic Institution!!: • brontoLunatig AsYltp1.430535 531 on:on • . I .. 811195 49 - after. Mies Challis deed. by a Window of the fourth floor in her night clothes, her face pale as death. All round her were • tongues of fire, darting in circles from great sheets which waved skyorard, and ebe seemed like a ghost IOoking out 'upon the snow on the adjoining house -tops. Hun- dreds or men and womeirioolied up through the gyrating 'sparks.horroi-dtrioken at the awful sacrifiee about to be offered. It was not long before the Jiro leaped upon her and shrouded her from view in a wind- ing sheet of red, devouring . her senseless form. Reason had doubtless fled before , the fire reached her." One 'Vertex' ,ter Land moat Fund on account. Of land sold, *we .31 64 ' $561,04262 Collections.= sales • .1 made since- 6th March, 188L..........393,685 91 7.1esa 6 per cent., cost; - • of management.... 2362115 va . 370,064 76' in ston „" • • ,. .4,083 13, ainilton "11- .. -4,208 37 rillia " -•11 .. 1,480 63 formatory--boys • 683 90 formatory--females 3,996 25 entral Prison • 24,403 61 Deaf and Dumb Institute 490 00 °boa Practical Science 585 00 - Zara Improvement 'Fun& Balance due municipalities for - of June, 1853, and 6th day.of Plarch, R,evenue;: ines; etc.. • . . . . . .. $4,420 88 ounty Cora:Rees -• ' - • 757 42. ivision Court fees • - 2,882 76 1nsurancefees *- ' - _ 425 00 provincial Secretary's De- - ,__ - . artment • - --- 70au 2 . 'vats Bills. •. 4'842 00 • 9198 51 • I Gazette tatutes_ '387 4() . . . .... I terest .•• 111&Alp, Huntsville, lire insurance.... • imico farm........„ . ... . ..;..,. . . . . ...... .. . ... . *Attorney -General presented a MOS - OM His Honor the Lieutenant-- ortransmitting. the Est mates for 414 on of Mr. Wood the Zstiniatett • 'fled to Committee of Supply. ill authorizing the cities, towns rovide gas and other means eating'intis passed through out amendment. _ ent into committee on the authorize the construction a returnlespect= • • • neit-In chap. 't7-7 !:"Nomuni -•-w Radian:lent or Period longer 4 tuitil here- , _ fthis Legi'slat tion of the Govern= 11 to enable minuet- • if, Or make stile of arket fees? • .1 ot- to ineerporate the *lotion ItaititaY: • • iton •-rAik --Act to - iii- •' ivil Government $ 187,1.01.23 egishition - • 165,016 04 dministration Of Justice .262,731 08 ducation. • ... • 510,384 69 ublic -.Institutions' maintenance... 610,199 64 30 084 67 . . 131,166 83 78,095 79 .71,827 27 128,491-84 .20,340 26 •110,650 00 - . • 83,447 26 • 41;348 93 $8#430.886 63 • 1,342-19. 57,458 67 • 37,519 47 254,445 82 .i11,1587 25,000 00 1,323 34 migration culture and Arts - ospitals and -Charities • soellaneous . • blic Buildings •- iiblicWorks °ionization roads. harges on -Crown Iiands e -funds. ew Public BUildings unicipal Loam:Fund rainage debentures. •• to tailways and Improvement Fund ommon School Fund tationery. and Office expenaelf. . • $2,919;133 UTIMATED 'RECEIPTS TOR 18.83i • I will now refer very briefly to the esti,- mated receipts for the present year, Nghich are as follows: . • Subsidy, $1,116,878 80 Specific grant - 80,000 00 . Intereston special fund t 136,696 62 • - -•-=-$1#333#069 42 81 „have had,. Mr. . Speaker, several ver-expenditores in ' the, preeent - year, roe of them pretty large, especially that n connection with, our Public institutions ainienance. '. It was owing to the large =ease among that portion of our people who are becoming _insane that that 4n - teased expenditure, . was -incurred. - We were obligedlo lease a building in the, town. f Orillia., and we were obliged to remove: -idiots sfrOrd-IlioniItOn Asylum to the Umber of 70 in order to inerease theroom or .insane patients at Hamilton. . This was something over which the Government [had no control, and the result has been that not only at Hamilton, but at Orilla, there has been increased expenditure:- • -Crcn „Lands Revolitis. „ Crown lande .;.$ 100,000 00 - Clergy lands - 004000 00 Common School lands.. 251000-40 Grammar School lands,. 5,00000 Woodeand Forests - 600,000 00 `$ 750,000 do -• . •Pubis° Inststuttons Revenue.. - . DRA..MATIO IMO/TAT-4S," A late Milwaukee telegram says The - body supposed to be Miss Chaim was found in the puma Of the Newhall House :this lorenoon. charred beyond recognition. The news of the 'finding of the body attraeted thousands to the 'scene. Afterwards two more bodies, &erred berind identification, and part of a human trunk were found: It is now settled that the lossof life will net be below seventy.- The action of the Council caused such general condemnation that another meeting is called for this afternoon to employ a large ler= and get electrical empliances for working at night. W A. Hell died this morning.. He jumped from the fifth storey. Six bodies .8 were buried this nioniing, therebeing a large attendance. • , - • • 'Of two coats •found in the ruins of the hotel, one belonged to *a guest who escaped. There is nothing left to . tell to whom the other -coat belooged. The • photograph ef -a young man - WaS found. On its back was written Mr. E. Leland.. The - photograph was taken in °New York. A memorandum book, a large number of bundlesand businees papers werealso unearthed. The workmen have nowdug in about sixteen feet from the• sidewalk. • ' • • • Up to this evening five additional bodies have been found in the ruins of the New- hall House. As the Men worked -into and opened Up the -ruins odors 'of burned flesh became nitre apparent, and there is scarcely room to doubt that by to -morrow _night a scene wilibe presentedbefge which the most.stout heart will quail. A.--human- foot • hai. beets found - partially' burned, -with no trams of .timi *body. Two little heaps of reineins found near -personal effects. recognized as belonging to Itobert Howie and David Martel; Wisconsin,- Cen- tral- conductors, leave little doubt • that both perished. . The body is:identified in the morgue is *not Miss Ch.ellis, but Mrs.,. L. W. Brawn, of Alleghney, Pa. The last' body . found was recognized. as Erna Hager, a. domestic. -James H. Barneit, whose name appears among themissing, was a prominent Democratic politician of Southwestern Wisconsin. ••• . • ' A THRILLING RECITAL! • Lunatic Asylum, Toronto $ 32,000 00 " London .... 9,00000 .- • -Kingston 5,000 00 • • - " . • Hamilton. 5,000-00 , • Orillia 2,000 00. PenetanguisheneReforma- tory • - 1,00000: - Mercer Reformatoiy .. ..... 6)000 00: • Deaf andDumb Institute... 50000p Blind Institute • Central Prison •• : ne,s00 00 Education • ' '4.31,000 09 • Interest on Investments. :110,000 00 Casual revenue 35,000 00.. License Fund - . • 92,000 00 Algoma taxes...„ • • 3,000 66 Law staxiipsi; 60,000 OW - ,Drainage Assessment Fund 30,000 00 .. Municipal Loan Fund 10,000 00 Toronto .Mechanics' Insti- tute '••- .7,70000 - From., insUrance c o in- patriestodefre.y expenses, . • of inspection by Pro- • ••• __ vincial Inspector 3,000 -00 • From counties to defray _ expenses of taking lune- • • . ' • tics to asylums, boys to • - • Reformatory, etc. • ., 6,000 00 '• - •#. - $ 387,700 00 - -Making a total estimate ..... $0,586,762- 42 £SBETS or THE PROfiNCIA. I propose to pass, Mr. Speaker, to a stale, ment. of our - assets on the 81st December last year. They are as follows. - • - L Investments :, • .' - Dominion 6 p.d. bends $500,000 oo Market value •- • • • 4)000 536,000 00 c. debentures invested 31st Dec.,1881 $271214 44 . Tile drainage - 5 p. c.- debeni - tures invest- • ea 31st Dec., 1881 27 028 00 Overdue inter- • - •• refintof Aat totfi. eosftsamonaeccount 0.6 . - i; antliorize the ehoOrkSgefs 2°0,000 and issue rted 327 374 00 r P e , • g ceittsin giii4 to: the ay Compel:1Y. lit down a copy of Hi • nant-Governor's Commie ions. since iseued to him ought down returns confined in -each Of t4 Oats ;-olso returnsof numbii, ancelty: - 4 • • rAn.Acit to -incorporate- th notion. R,ailwaY. CO: • Act to moctPcrttte tn • Olio Bishop:ofOttawa.* : ters-An Act to incorporate t aterleo treet 'Railway Corn. • ; An Act r 'epectingilie Wateri 4 ila 'an Bay Railway Com • Yr. tho.-_,...rogszent.-7 his Act wieftiot ret; -Aot4.,_nAPP=Let4 Itgirrfison (Hallto:tvc tatidot showing ... the inimtaint:,Cd. for • itted to the* jails in. each ooiftak 1882. . - - - Provincse during the years 1880; 18 Hs. Ferris moved for ._a- return sho 0 style and nature of Oates in which j" ices Were-,istruok out for: the years_18 d 1882, and by what judge, and for w if riots= ,assigned. He desired w if there :Was any we11•underatod the judges in certain claiseiri whether. siitiorr- was taken -in- is a, manner, according to the pa • notions of the presiding judge. T as carried. •1- 411 Moved for return of :oorres therecloconients connectedwiti dation of Parliamentary auI •:buildings. to present Vogel -ith'ibrapliiined that, • ernment BWa on the not Ark., te& r repliea. that tha.p*igrg meN 40044 night end day preparing matter , • . • $ 1156.7 2. Special or Trust . Fund within Doniinion , of "Upper Canada Grammar School Fund, 2, Vic , • cap. 10, _and 250,000 ' acres • of land allotted - to. it. (This fund Is ' bearing. interest at 5 per cent) - • $312,769'04 - Upper Canada Building -• Fund (underothe 18th _ sec., Act 1854.) Seign oriel tenure set apart - • for local purposes in . Upper Canada. (A • large portion of this ' ,fund should bear in- terest at 6 per cent., but we ,have received . only 5.per, cent.). - 1;472,391 41 Land Improvement . • .Plzu•srip.:a:7.5 2 0. evbeeturetsem9:cillo;_lf:11:rauccun.ct -aoolti!...°Ipimutztr tha noon. Common ..abrCrn oengina fa-Purilirtil9igri-s P ars (1 • gring, interest at 5 .,_ . 8. Value orti-no.t.• ... • ... •••••.• • 80E201 74; Ontario as per,,,.. -----........„ 2. i,n47 27 4. Balance -due on accotitnrto ed - -6- cipal Loan Fund debts, ,., - cap. 47 .. 1.05541 00 The Housethen divided. on the &Mend- ment moved by Mr. Meredith iontli the following result: • • . - .YEAs.-Messrs. Baker., Baskerville, Boni- . ter, Broder, Creighton, French, Jelly; •Kerr, Lauder, Lees, Long, :Madill, Meredith; Merrick, Metcalfe, Monk, Morgan, Morris, Neat, Parkhill, Richardson,.Rose, Tooley -25. 1 NAYS Appleby, Away, 13adgerow Balfour, -Ballantyne, Baxter, Bettis; Blezazd, onfield, Caldwell, Cascaden,Chiftholra, Crooks,- Deroche, Drury, Dryden, Ferris, Field, Fraser, Freeman, Gibson (Huron), Graham, Hagar, Har- court, Hardy, " Hawley,- Hay,' Hunter,- Laidlaw Lyon, McCrailey, McMahon, - Mack, Master, Mowat, Neelon, O'Connor,Pardee Peck„ Bayside, liobinscin (Oaldwell),- Robinson (Kent), Robertson, Ross, Sinclair, Snider, 8triker,Waters, Watterworth, Widdiiield, Wood,..Y0ung-53. Nicholaii Moran, Of Beloit, Wis., 00011pled - • room No. 211 on the Seconctfloori and was _..: awakened by the cry of "Murder!" He sprang to his feet,. went to the door of his • • - room, •opened it, and was thrown on his book by a violent con.oussion, saused by the nigh of: wind and flame. ..11e grabbed his clothing - and started . for the lower 'floor ; a man went rushing through the hall, shouting, "411 those who want tole sowed _follow me•til Heitarted • toward the end of the hall and meeral ir Woment rushing wildly about, ono( others lying on the floor crying-, alp essly •for their husbands. One of &elm shouted out many times, "Oh, God -i save my ; ohild 1" She rushed frantically into the fia,rees with her child and .Wite )lever seen again: Moran made.his way out upon the balcony', and, after throwing hie clothes to the ground, jumped upon them himselfaud escaped unhurt. THE WORTH °TEACH -LADDER ?WEND.• . Gen'. Tom Thumb aid Wife,: are at the ' 21ankinton House,_feeling grateful for their • edoppe. • "I never had such s filmy in all mV Ate," -fetid the little General to a re- • porter. "t was awakened by my wife, who said sOMS One WES knOOking at the door of. our room. I was dazedfora men:sent, then , got up and admitted a 'police officer, who yelled fire at me. - The lien was full cif smoke and I was alcdoet suffocated. The. :aBtctheto gietitiodu.wt'a's• tb. 1"4-.),7•°1-inafor v ' : "Did you find it? " • - "Well," smiling and rubbing his •by, hands, "1 Came very ;nese • not dein if; f but I did. 'The policeman opened the i nearest -window, and I found a ladder "IseRaLher welcome, Wasn't it'Z" asked the t'he reporter. .• -• - . "My dear boy, at that Moment half a . million in money.wouldn't comeanywhere pear buying a single round of that ladder. I descended the ladder, followed WiPolice- Men O'Brien with iziy.,;7ife in his arnitir." - .., - • • INCIDENTO. . A realization forced itself upon thei& that thehetel was not sufficiezitly watched, there being but one man to act as night watchman, elevator man, bell 'boy and general utility man. One man man swung hiinself down .on the window -sills from the fifth story. His - - perilous deviant was cheered and cheered again. As. his feet, touched the second - story window he lest his belatce, and with a terrible shriek, of despair he fell, a quivering heap, "in the .very Paidst of the wild crowd that was still cheering. . t Allan Johnson, the millionaire, who was Oarried with his wife into the office of the American Express Co., where the two ' were laid side by. side, turned over and. ' imprinted a kiss on the lips of his wife. A moment later he died. Mrs.- Johnson also -idled within a quarter of all hour • , S. A. Dixon; of Chicago, who o00910,d a room in Michigan street front, gives a thrilling amount. o the - fire. He, was awakened by the or • g of some glass, and opened the door to ain the •cause. The haw was filled with .animpenetrebli volumief smoke, which immediately filled his room, forcing him 'to oiose the door. He then gathered up his clothed and went into the hall, gropfng about radii he found. theimay leading to the bank building. Con- tinuing, be said:- • - "I tasked brick upon the 'Newhall, 'a .dark-leoking MSS of smoke *enveloping with:now and then lurid gleams lighting up the opaque cloud. The scene was a fright- ful one,- After a* moment's hesitation .deoided to re-enter the Winding, in the hope of saving some poor , 'creature. The few clothes I had recovered_ I° hastily put on and. crawled back. - I met a girl, one. of the help, with a bundle of clothes in her arms. The. raiment I saw her she fell' back exhausted, and I carried her out intb the bank building. The rear portion of the hotel where was ' was not then in. TIM 'mucus CATAOROPliE.' flares, but from the other Side great sheets. • of fire leaped up whirling and lashing. Terrible Scenes 01 Mu�erlflg and Death: , . • The loss of life by the burning of tthe went backs second timeandmet another girl. T do not know her name, but she was drone- in Ber4iteehteff, itnesoin peiendi ou dining -room girl, - and welted on the Saturday, was not so great as was reported.. table at which 1 sat. She recognized :Mee )31.1t it AS believed that over 150 persons but 1 did' not know her. She .wan perished. The fire broke out toward the burned very badly: Her hands were end of the performance and was caused -by higilghYher-sd:cit'bPenbfiI2dt::caleEasndlingPrrksIn' the thfihianginglZot.npoo. them.Her aags.lhS:ourtsin.becategnit:d alianaheriaoet,wereBeranatfanslokiyspreltotlewsand •- bjuttihtokotjiwiughthtefiroOet; and ar scruasnhintygo.lointhtoinognlemedi thweffirs. Thviectim'emuts.heTrathiefanthdrentech, nuldnirab:reirg the rooms•I seized a sheet m 'Which I 800 persons, ruished4o- the, front door..bit was placed forward it was•rendered neelees. A rush it Opened invierds and as he crowd pressed. enveloped her and carried her through the abnandktaureanteihghertipon-which she sister at the Axtellllonee• was then made to the two side doors, both By that time .the *hotel was a mass of of which were nailed up, thus oempelling 'fide4maresT•aAmulweAnttt:- 00 to would have been• .C.RE 'D -WITH. DEAD BODIES. their clothes m it sheet. of 'flame. The fire • • which many ,stirang into the street with the people to take to the windows, from was in the-nerth. brigade arrived within half an- hour, but it The serrants1 staarwity. was*. impossible to extinguish the flames, asthe water in the tanks was -frozen. The fire lasted two -hairs. Bye witnesses state :that when the doors were mass .of burning persons warey laloePwientehaa in• The horses and properties o ' the oircus were all destroyed. , ' The ice broke while the Vienna fire bri- gade was crossing the river to Berditscheff, thus preventLig them from reaching the fire more promptly. Ono -amount estimates that 90 men, 1206vremen and 60•children lost their lives. The Viotims include the Camel of the police:, and Nice -President of the Bourse. • The indierice were •mainlyJewe• One version is that thefire was caused by - it groom throwing iliglitedisigarette =the etre* in thsstable_si'setting it on fire. A strong draught fanned the flames Pad caused them to spread'. The -author °Utile fire perished; and also two clowns. Tey are believed to be Englishmen. •The man Whose wife and three o en perished !Ilan abaed • rohants GU a KIDNAPPING A 1113641.11-. Queer Case of Carrying aira Pretty Girls - A St. Louis telegram' says: ,There is greet excitement here over she disappear- ance of Zerelde Garrison, aged.17, one of the belles of the city: Last Saturday she left the residence of her uncle, accompanied by her sister, and took a street -car for Wild'Hunterlo the terminus of the oar line in the extreme -southern part- 1 of the city. The conductor remarked her getting • off the car . at Wild Hunter's, when she asked to be directed to the Consent of the Sacred Heart, half a dozen blocks -away. Since then she has not been heard of. The conductor 'noticed on the oar platform four, ,rotikli Alen, who, commented bn Miss ,Garriison.'s handsome appearance; and it* is supposed they had something to do with her disappearance. Laza-Oliver Garrison states that Miss Garrison is ,nowin the licease Of her uncle. He doesn't think she suffered any violence , • . at the hands of her abductor's, other than being chloroformed on Saturday, When the ruffians obtained possession .of _her person. The young lady was returned this -evening b one of the ruffians, who probably became alarnied at- the groat excitement of -west corner of the .•building. .- It was a narrow; spiral, wood staircase, and of course, very inflammable. Before the filmes. reaohed this part of the hotel there n. to believe that this min* stair - stopped on 'Change. Resolnicons were° is ress6 •way. was* hterally glutted with the bodies of the dead servants. g,The story told by a guest, Mr. • Samuel Martin, of - Denver - bears out. this theory. had a room the fourtk ficior. When he realized that the hotel wad. on fire . he sprang into the hall, which was blick.with sraoke, and, running wildly about, found himself at a narrow stairway. Nor knowing vrhere it led, he plunged down': , At the bottom of he itli but lie ttk of- bt 'teihwn iaCtdrtaa f6b1:. nrkena!:it, 01 1' Ste: Vol trWetilesideibindoo:finnatailanding::11311 se:eihturt.(lis'id°11.ku reb.th'h eev4te:°'hwateir.rii.ev71:7i*neofulttlitill:ati°1°11-nlinfaealifIsinlisru:icwtsetarrapahati ell:trsEidaea:::::adnia:rcrdgclbe:Iwand smut mithe ratvi.e -• anoth na-01* 'tnkban;;rwepraseistaogrieewa in that ViraY. :17 kr;71ine hhe°t:h:r Y11:118;1371:111f1'151011::::iat tOi haVe people now ask •tviiln any een on the fifth_ treinfiemirett as eau. be wee -aau sixth the public and the • probability of punish- ment. - When, Miss Garrison abduotion was annciunced yesterday 'all burliness was adopted. denouncing the-. crime. In ten mintiteri_020,000 was subscribed as a reward 'for the girl dead or alive, and efery _mem- ber on 'Change shouted •his wjilingneee to drop business and turn detective. . • Balance due from Arldphanics! In- stitute; Toronto - 6.; 'Balance •due on aceount Of sale, of ._ lots atkihnico k Balance ii2 banks, current accounts . - Special deposits • . ; 000 1 . $5252023 06 # rairsinrrors pnovmozi. . . Our:;lia.bilities areas follows : : - • 7. Canada Canada Atlajlt4e itailLif 5.72 at ,_$2:0001 ion An waY rik*73.,000j•re-tetuu-ri . . , . . • , ilrrAcs' c eB'i°v eih. set se' cromti inlite:go oars- seal 31°it t ri Murderer.1)i 6°t''illiu sri i tie ne . F 7- : Tint. man nnihWeeg 4 nahrv°eta p.i 3 Ireasonsr ae rt a, bofull j°1 l'ritrciodtt making :Cinvrofe tut:- ohde‘ersatmhiBk. Inand1 If PeSfil it le BrMr. bti 11 n ihan• e' OEtb,-80146 ef whom resernbled O'Donnell in ..no means of determining the truth 'Or fale'ity of -the -sta,tements a ()Donnell, and thought he Would 710t be lilt do under the oircomstances. Qii .onday night he &aid. lie7 should send • a copy: of the confeseion - "titikitisli consul at priee. ' • 1D88ail2rya.nSdelalooll.b-Llof twat Soine.tyshow tho 'with .-. large. quantities : Of : kblirt.,a d manures were aritIOng the:first Affecte tthe disease„, while those grown. with phos• .Phatee were wh-olly tmaffeeted, though in prolimiti' ill either Ode *Ohl clisofieed oldictre.ts tcrefflodt •htillseerrataileecat:Ithie'!34'*. il-fredeariel A. Jacobite Sinclair& , A.•corresporident of the Brief:tin Aelvertiser writes Xr. T. IlfoGrail, South Hirrierouir, • has in his,possession a 44e•yonng blackbird that he has tanglat to whistle the .popoia'r Jecobite air "O'er the Water to Charlie." This is a feat seldom accomplished hy -the most .skilful ornithologist, .the 'bird in most-• oases retains a “ quiver of .its -"44atilt`mood notes_ "wild ' in whistling a taught tune Not eo with the - Quebec's Slum of Common Moog putammde up' of rent. oi paradad„ eo because rible incineration. emir the five girlsleatirr. follows : SUU52XStbut to g 0:h1wi Waken coignozatatii07.47441.44 iwilatAlit4heigceeneroility reterntug ;Percentages Itriitood by then and' Watplied Alib....1.„, French, flagidette, and as perfeet -futon:- Atiititailatittetf' ' ,..f.xdrilififtrof' these English landholaerO th_ 41: 40:1'n°tes 'with' •thi -dieunet ,-erearnettier:f 18 :innetatftst.htt 4fp„.)Itin713.dq:ns:e.ovnic):141. 110 en 4igretuildithifth: Collections on account of . theii farms. - • their tenants- would otherwase throw uP. to their death down. in the alley, but the g • 4 - , •