The Sentinel, 1883-01-19, Page 6%
a pigs$
12 rodaw,fro,I)i Daylif hoi0m h waxe.ana
ized I
E,4- told. a that �ihs �shot
broths Rot* .1, - � I - - . . . - " Iro* th! vdr�rm Xelvi
ir Rober Francis,
of: RD?, OIL .old but leading th
.& espying the :man., - -
sic 1M. I withasuaden impulse lie Be
LLE ecipmenced a fiendish Work of which ]is A'
We *ere ir -to Aeath on the
stand - -Two seni:riea -ozen,
A Mo
ojb4 Day.t.andintend6d to kill him, L! -the 011
Weu�r a tol sm, Oya: - It is stated 11th- ults. in rraigh MilltarY Camp
P r. le k Laity
that. tin was
t idful'.7 ra Poidon dootoes family. In Of 61fastOliow was 0 A h thul 'to
ulled &-revolve 'oO othis Willi Account. of the' ore at'"160--muraerer of the Cookes, -In a-numbet a districts in 1hovio
Robert W a COOK61
Trial df Eva Woodt*for Atti ml 6bg f6. I Pocket and.rem the
'that she had given in wo - re go p attempted. to lyj g o 't 10 t.;
Her Lover.: wow great d, th*
s t
,this c
dty' , where he ad as. servAh He ap
there -werar,three others for. the-. d
9 at
CSrI -ou d gdon
6 oii ''the ooffee'Vot whichWis used. The'w'
himil - the- or In -PAKK1E-.000KV81 REMARKABLEliEROISM- put�, 1�
prm'n s4i the statement -
had a quarrel dow of Major Henley, livia
itale Place, Dublin, 03 a
ACQUXTTED AMID, 0! 3�]Rs voluntslayto-moo
d. H& disdb�sx ad,
'was -to by the househol rg the llth.-Ulk - bed -room a bugs
18816ab Willees evidence, tho effect in her
va *ound
that-he'had -ijit Wentwdith Day and Z -J�Attixcki sw -Esisma zFe. iiiibeleft breast
The Murd, news no
W hocould
dodjitbg�ithar, but itwassodatk
A I . I . . . . �i . .. At Wicklow Assizes on.the 13th,,,To4n
cat Veinso, ito SU-Pravor lore rj gift nere
'Experlearen ot those NVko Have OwiterrO.- Cj)rj9U was sentenced to 420 W.perat
saarcely,reciogniie them. y6o
Dart oirroll
-testimony. I abrvi
vis.-�Ia hoor. Mr. (sun -Rome.) tuda,,aud b a brother Patrick
B ell tiown A�ttor�e:j, an�d Mr.
Win. . ishop'd'
bar 6hafte.ter wi n
d 9 "ot E - Joblison Coun. 1 Oriciat at L'Ori�ual, 1a;ughter- of Jb�=,
This. -shall t SMite 4269 by day to 10 yedis', -for the mans
sun no
trial 6 �Ev ood -Chas. -Pitcher,
The OW a -f6r 0 has ju it visited thb sick -chamber, and
-hight." Th beautiful Hickey t
* Tvimp. emore.
4th of ..Nova f6uud Will eVooke- -the belief, common in fast iss �bout 2iO 000 inhabitants
weuum6i D&yst- r on I
I the, moon by s6f tentw6i Jer Us mber -to - attend to, although. weak from Apr
Wentworth Day voran expresses, Bel
able anoi dayrs, that - t asing in _giie. bout
4 last - o4ember li. -at,, sl6fferig losa'of'bloo&ana)�.ervous'em-baus.�i6ii, exermoss a
found' him
_C ho moon n is incre
aiis way the par, oand the tow,
wound 'in. -the -abdomen 00
Fxidsy��, aii Agiclei"le from a gunshot �elear'�aid k thosi eiposea to hot t
th give, in baleful influence por. a swer6 forified -there last year.
.'even fbu d the bullit, ticulsrs of the 1--erni,.
terki&6 tragedy So far, as he ixty stre
an ; Tuesday foRowt In modelm times the ide,"which direct isys. jUi" -is the ta& tr
-Frora in, ihe ita oo until. dire 4048 P see of entr&ncs-� MeW. His evidence is substantiallp as
Olt cions infinencoof the moon hasbeendoubted
-w 8 ' d even: donied. But . hstever the infin-
-tho'close of thii -trial rodm:- *4i (bull6t* produco 0'. do lows.: morning about
d); %a we 613iiiously, to) about,8000 ivOiker
The- Irish Condbabulary Up enlisted ter
1111ad, i�ith -the- bill or, -of ded and or five week
spectators, was aid up f 0 clock lie *ss awakened by the cries 6f -his'
W110va wore, Country -Mr. Bi�wlbyasia �- that under ills 6ircum. ends of the moonin tdmpe ate zones, withim Peof YeAr&. like, soMers. They �are
piopllo-, wbaooc�pied a bed in the --�qame,- the tropic - it is very iijurioue; -to sleep �rhev -Vassed sad
other, 8
-as recruit$
'to be i rested. ii, t6 e would Call. no-. evidencii4or-the bimablf.' -118 0 distelY Bat up expol to ite: i&ys,es&oislly when at hp, -1�
leiply into Uf6rtunste stances' rdomaa- me trainet
soner W, 4to
nten pr6ieede address tb h 4(arvedly Ma;Un its antiodesi w-heri appointoas constables receive X72,s yeai.
-young girl's fate. Wh as defence. - He t1i in the bed Vben'be ob ouni p to
*Qry:-On behalf OfIlis Client g them to �g -ith lof1pg,'.1lre,aud clothing.:
1 -0. her- arm$ an axe In sailor vile
h�94 - "r hiln)with hand full. 'On a Voy
brOught. in from J;Lij Sh gin approaching
he line'. a altese, was ar
lit �gieat._._deal -6f cautiol0ne n wi hait h The fans James SI.
Aiidiin (6; k -little receive with a asked Mah qMesnt,,When the heart aliji -for"
one Ste the bri -.1bg ral. of son bar -4
-9 ifiow 0 'k
mostconlical fe some , urs
.'repo] lgtt8r _raln'ttO L�ds an flat E Y
ho, ',beibl to ba',YA� unsupported teatiMony of Ali6e �!ftooire.. He, era, '-too
girl)I-W. him--.' d, raishig-the cighland
oil the b�ooin with his face toward the full master',
t her, made, suaffeative Speech# workin, on. tke welspon� aimed ej b1dw* at his head. ' He- rrag , i�- P th m'
and the 6thiir' (s'flue y6iauk 1' as a'. moon, v On -waking in -the. mornin& the a ,
t the Ch W! -
8 jUry, i6ting a dreep
SYMpi6thies of th a o esope the, blow,� 0 asultf."
Thoy appe'ex6d td b. attached do in!- IIw right aide of -his face Th .death. W'a V 6
j06� .1; . the*,_j ged muscles on th were 0
- I A .. Judge Chat ury a I:dgh, .1af, dbetween the �-thumb
th. - their mothei, -yrh(i rolue 6 tly enough '.. The War ' � gad - 1 receive -fitteii ned when a another in the tl gash the left h
- - contracted o that .9*ery 2pt'to ape
� , I -to 0000 a
tho,� -8 lehgth., impr6saing upon tb fra4ured, UiA - Aeft, -leg. Finding- atteniPtiug
sufrendered them to: a OrAiX some am the *hicht was -attended with"the- m(:�tudiorous,iVn2.xnd forelifiger Whil.
iMportanc6 of coniiderin wellthe -option that: I 03o means -of. th hunting kni2e.
sister and sthir. near the i4t keral. nd se&m kVi � 11 .9. 1 . . grkLPP ug t6rii6na. keeliug oure that Somoth-ing was tin. -of do 0A
clock whilei.tho' trial 10i ease of 'the prisoner. ithL 7the jitirder6us villain ad, se'lle tQjMnj lately An.,L
1109 0 ally arm officer of
seriously ftong, he� spoke Whenabpt
-on, abs _Waapo - he got garris
-soiler had plebdeiill not 'gdlt�; tC the.. indict . _ Th' y retired sud after embe of was: wit),, 6u6h 6. . dea n,, -he' ' 8 ' jur, . I - sailor, .,who supposing t1ast"'as usue the Cohilej,.* Tiop
returned. into court th a. -uk4&r the bed He* experienced a diffl.
ment,, which con*ued two duutj_�_ons' 90 - minutes SOM
6ving- dei WI, was at his _. old tricks, burst lo� utinto laugh.: oo the iop-A.
)iaps _ot intrvsl
he -had.. shot- iiiiion of verdict of not &BY0 Ltsiously.. a ter., 0 silother. with :iaetI a weie-driveli off in
oulty'.111 9 UZ I
0 he -went t6 T The oPe -to P36-
eman Vu poor nt a U44ho'bread's provvd
is- lo" t be know that he had to. the Sam resul.4. Ther fell6w,now ot ve theli ti
Murdering her- *e ihe, other -'VVb6n the for spoke tle wrdi hearty fr"turea
with th ii crowd .1. bol ititi e for... life, and- accom.
that she had committed the a cheers - burst from th in the sudi- � make K. bol f6 into a rage, thereby s0aiw- not a little to to be poisoneall
harm. tdrium� wb 4
�rlew 9 d -the ludicrousness of -'the 6cn-6. ay* passed
f infiloting-i g eVout" b dily doh fligh Constable and lished as Mann -had. raise � 11 - -o rttin
n After
19r.Row1biof�B itford,8111 eil fok the h.ip,aam#tanbs,bi4.some.-fdilhoulty in aup- tho axe Ito. -him &*third blow. � ust d The Dubliu.,'orpo-
'bed -out of bed while the truth upou tho �asptsin commitL
Miss W walked -, orm - 0 hovieved resolution *
-piessing. as hew." di PPIP OUthe vessel. . The doctor ave
nd of 66toving d ears. tOAArry out the 08blutfous of -the Mansion'
.-Mr.-Crararopened the imseift ithe Cro the dock another rou the muAle0us.-wespon. was, again embed. him some medicine, the 'Musplea -gradually. tiUg eferanco to the Jp2o-
..1h a succinct Speech to. thb ibry b4iex-�' iatig thr6ugh the c6urt-rOOM She t 112 in the. calf. 0 Mee
j is loft 1 thiO time
as a aed I �g� -
d buted, e crawled under the Maltes friend wo wall again..,some five 60 ef
relax,ed, the course of a *aek our . ii�
d by her -friends, and, over. h - plaiiied the eirclumstai4ces in hected'with once. surrounde othing a;
*h' . m6 0, .0 IS sl stated that who %he new stre -is ma -de
by Prisoner, el d.with o6ngratul boa blood ut h, nful
-the Shooting of Da isilig Valli'l
or six years ago, *ban
,frobx -to ob " t Chu
from.Cork Hill ris troh, pla�e, reminding' them'. to in-Auty wounda". ely-se wat6r from a.fountain. 9' in
little boy, of erfect - impu to x4ugsla, a
f �LOW_0. -on lei, -pFo0osition Will: be Mad
STIBLANGE-BIRDF016 )- hb seiked'the
bound td'put aside afiy foolift pity"for Agitifig e to. hov
health$ thoughtlealily by big thit'locality-fOr '&,public librs��
tfie. see wholl villidi �*hd *is- then Standing close to the y -beams of
aCouSed, and dousldei� Volosso* BeH Slept wnk. aserpents. nurse in his berth, the slaUting
ones which wb& iddabe 8, in. the hope The Jjori
upon the evid, e -b the paut bottom�
4tity the moon. U g n
1 �4 r, �t a r
d. NKOW JF bed by the f 11in h* face. NeXt morn. ocent meetingi of
liwifted 6bout Ibis 1"dy. 0J sh the Dab in zorppra
Waa -viiaict of powing him. to the,. floor find- dis tion it
oiniea ut tVI
to retq.? pos-
lug .8 w§8 faver anA ill� and. itas two
guilty- it thay thought she sor'Bellt the Smithson-. sesing hin fthaL axe. therg was -
Ian 1.0 This be -Ioi anici t
Tiofeei -Inititu a I& a a r t roe- days, before -h was =a 'It'
aken Gad in. 1 oing., , 'a -at the do;x tion of th
ho clieStiOn ofinercy considered Uouls t, shipped his last j5ifie6tion of SUC6 d b h gradually got. up 8,61 t w. and t1;
a and Of Ai ut&4 astive Oman 1Iad biientiestly,eaxagg
-by the proper-antho#tO.' a. orth. iw.-.-woi go, and. to the, -brute's n k and seized him by arsted.
was watching n it, after night for the ainWentworth 1isb -his museum 6, the thrbat 1L. it- "wa's at this juncture that the'loland. of thing to are arm, -&Ad the
Day'was thii nat *itnes already 1. n of her.huaCa from
i teps sbefallL recent- rit . how rapidly, -they. come - t, I . and, a's -he, -walked d to - this. Burp _16 the two girls �,.osn:4 rushing -into thexo6wi� which all
p rikig, ighJ
#jAtnjon,. VUrr 6vin c the COMM;- asJou
Mile doing" :So one u
zer - ou3. and a v the moans f the. cale
itneas-stand 16 appearqd- domesticated undor g"beeil sttri�ctea
,asleep,.the oon's.-rays uring tapon her
-testified -id effee I as follow -8: Ing theyec6nt cold snap som and the noise.conse- that t ore were parcely Vwq
at -ease. He xdyOriM
a of thetix that their, brother Geqrjej ado-
ei.,;-On awakening felt Ill, mud her
On th W&
t nighl raterptrug
a 41h of - November I W" going along Is turns loose in -his rooma limbed- quint. up6n'thia. dipape'l gle -DubliU-, these b in of - an- ordinary
eyes were -drsw4 on wie side. ConsiderablQ,
going n.
a themiOlvek UO in Vinuib.withell rot to trivial chsrsater. If a olioembu,**i
the Mohawk road, -when r Mei Evi- Woods. posts guilcolle fi advance, hit6reat was eh b 'the islan4eVsJu. her
in I? on I
prisonek) aiid"her olister`:, a. He felt them hunting f6r with's nerve murdered 4d 'w Birmingham, th5re
va said.slid Vogy i would'do, credit -to the
y,,how:oVer,'ber eyes were.
&vest �`af t a kerne in i1c.* Thb trade d
W 1hat h6 -an. comme:
turn shed 'te Jury w,ss i10 Pam
accompapy me,, an& his about * big Iegs,. br
.1 1 1 - These f t I ustrs he in*
ba �get up f be sha' (1(
N - '4 depre.ase-d fike tbfit!�' Of
with f y wery on y
8.1 wag ir6t4de the withl into' the� valley 46 )**ofl-diiath. done to'hdinan beripag lepin in thoUto cit
ouia let opt and kne h -r sex. 'Sh iiouud. stid. walked m
oge ose Sr4w, ._u ougb� o
ther. some id baek. 6i Other
hii 10i the ca;ttle;L we r0nzi man in- a 11 bi '.-�ou t she ted .16- of 'Iliasnitv -or Irgetown
tropics. -Yet I never ard
over 0 theln resulting fxomth At sus r Morning two-,
d y,
to the inded", i0fiev. Itoim warm bed of -a'cold night. 16 jiou' furisfed 4illaid and his eves flashed It irell the other
barn', shi'diminded,
d�y . . adath is daus rly. b
it w6urd t...gtvo. her Int almost made her Sao. th
1. replied -thi and -th.6 profe-fisoi-ir SUO3(,e with-sferodm- sot known, however, in tropical, at woment iasmed
7 and Smitbi, w3re
�Mou wi I Id. have w.Y. jai Tho- --reptiles 11 n1b. N6i irig beroe up� A owe"I*for -death in a lime
a his cus;tbim
sy, and -she.. said she o r. id d000m kiln about
the. moo rsys ocossion, the . found burnipd t�
C4aeut. ot6r, tariiilled, fought &-fittle -th ut r Both -wore -
I ife - ih&.hsd threatenia me,v aubse(f one. upon an he, R not stand back, b Ion f fiesh and A juattir of a mile from Boyle.
did -ni had st'h't vith at d Mi
d 1seedi' but the ptotemor rusl beiin caught was at the
I il not 6t. budgpm ewr - wition io do'
along. so a 3b Unitas having! eve'nip found i�side of �.he kila,which
le only -n _w. of in -with boot offGau
thiinhewould wake-oligfitly or di&. TI a she fairly- leaped at him, a friend of in non -W
_tOLher;-F ao get-lili
ihe showed po a ir6v Iver'; wni. near the line by d Spoil burbing,,
able to
'we were' can' as--
-th oftly.- Whiwb.. boys be -easy - mild as she 'came: yvit in range. was
4�-d t be, Mow "saim
I -!ape . or bova M r mversing.1 a a; and cry' a , - 1 11
as hung up in'the,rigng -of theship.and
cat shot stru -the Go
flight of, a soul NeXt
exposed t ot e -moon- during
aver dreStiDg Oil
h I wali thus h rigbto han
fl bk.ine,:biA n I ed at bib head'. and
-uud by q e greatly b�
�hen`gbe 71 anake. fa ilfeken'.- ,
raise.the weapen -v t a blig 5ahivhip tefiaed.t th nigfit.� t -V's cooked
Morning lL for foot. , Bth re iiiined. rais tbe'-raVd 140M &'.ten Clay. Following this, -01
6�erjiiog -near the fid ee of the blankets ng.. were, women, who w,6te of -the unfortul
lvqr -the u re&kfast. SYLUj toj?* CkI'S.
or bal a.. missed me,� 1 tiheu'.* r4-fi 6�vordR. the aind slowly. glided' in.. There, *os gent a however, "th 'Whi6h took eNot in Soon eX 'ibited! by sll-whV, par
took of it- had sligd jail,.v ero they I ad
-up'a4d dbWn of the.. bed6lothes 49 the back U a* . -shoulder. Her sister thidil hbads aiihing' to a Size, -ata., put ns term of'.! OU
Be, an, An Orme e ing
4`41 d th f b aww�ing
tb* meandme had -'brsvely PP1j6%tiOpS I
ai iiloitecl about. get- Magi were prdb4tly saministered,and,
on the 04 bi claybauk serpit,
h tin her ps or outd�or
the tly 'at 'Tall' oreU
fono room- hen'. ting, -himself e6mf6itib w on ddeDlY rushed. -in 6oizing,t i Amor
he �Lolifted
%Y. In. my be
wing gul e.. happily, no ofia.,died. The'*'Ustives, of AM
rom rdlisil -made reden
the haUd. but
MY Ov Bovith P*040 rd c"eful never to expose at,eoj4not o make -a -lasting
was "0 th -e 't
liangth against te warm I tbii d not, before -anoth r:gmah had been ma4e..iu
b ng� t&k':L but, did.-.* " �p6d . about his frigid --wrenchedit f vili
ide6ce..,was . ei 0, not he two-thirds of
of OZlng Oli a1LVVh'0- ra&4 its bla6ory; The
thou speak- 4 her. fiell -1&' --couBtsat, artibl" oil die mapyt
Cross-examined by Bc 1by--n-Have proprietor. hex iisWrs'. Mann then fled..
he -02oon's viya by'Any abspoe.
istandb) to t jud&),-`UOw an Old Isayvi
The propribto wAAS a, io i y,611ten sleep. -by the
known -the* prisoner seviiii. Gi years.' )ut kemakk - .'Your oorrsalponden't to -day met hft'� Kir�yo
The seashore af ter fwh� isoaceudled frobithe best blood of V-1flott..
t F-- itho w" just r6turnmig
I Used to goaiid, Kee hei hid vlos'et rela He -Bat up In, bid gotbdred'.0. #*ud of Of ottaws soun
IP9, NA never,'*ith'the face pooyre -b
raintiry. thevountry could it,,ons time 0a"t, L md,
,tiodg:with her. th Z. 0 auxury; Du
r - -dijoSitil)ig tbdin'care- from tra
snaked� in etch band. -thra'sciblie6f the gedy. Xr. Xirby
an hat -of givis: The sborigins*ef A 'Ali&; do the
Id u1b)4 uently had fully'm--theli r..Ltbefl��hrowin-g:ba�ktbe..Itj:relate'dtoi -ke family, .114 ldier; she ha 41chi .9.6fies air well as thdybsp -with 'their ing usts, Util recently, aps a ore 66irri3et doisil Of the revolt; bar U
-suobhe -611d - -not at . sill DOE ve:- th* I bea;loth6p, admini8terbil si� ient. perh -' 'the some purpose.
ate. A fte aswers p1s6e Was,
as, 3 one affluence,:*ud she held,
am th i &ther if the child;4; ey are IR dark- hi hi et,� spipe4redi.: Mri'
0 14K. _Qrlzpe an iaixxiious ipAxieuob of the
-the -room, --encounter- Kirby's *BY not the
She M@t Me oult d., Said to the fit is- i'h M con addi
ouri`;* hta� io, r end f the it 6-t Em' a Goole got up gopa Position inthe i3ociety Of he !KiiiA
0 in tii6t� to her beauty and utility last-remaid-di
Tue d, as was ounty, 9
d iving ing the lamp in -Ito sprialftfgfit�aud k6iook At 6. Ole 0 y morning,
would, go,. 'with me; I' secount--for the., almost. universal' worship el&tie :46 with him expireal,an
Sttl ;!,dolift -b . ing from to bracket her 12
on thewalt ifie fragile parr,-�6t sily".4uty, irisfied the gr4pary 0
Tomem r all 3_ converea -that orb thro worl;
f annuity of xi,000. upol) which they b�th
betwben i bild' spoke ak;-ft, of shAncient Florid& mound-builder. immediatel in risr of ''the.. kitchen fo,.get,
;IFr a 0 -he fowle-i -While *there
th' t occurred.
about me mollrrymg. er, 41; sa.,id a id siid- b the, f Hied. shq wad,,,tbau left Ilestituto. q ins a oaed I 7 e, exMt a su hIqL ence,. miss a
you a an"t drive me out.". Ze. jibe; e resistea. audhe Nineveh "� t
d k *'
bed with 109ACA time she Vranted some money; she 1 must sup". rate. profesor, I -share my e tind tkiLad to take . himptoper W14 -f . hii1ii long, 8:milea wide k.0 gad, uya r Jle
h.6 ahildren.;.- I said Nit ildiiot. sup.-, but. you r he'r. Sh
port -.t A f
-them -'I don't. think I d, `,�.Tske drew the blankets OVer1im. ew mo- resorted to,:.. es - f and 46 mile's rotind, -with ls:;�Ait 100 feet indeed. us best She eduld,butrive- C,
port a. proc 3 o strangulaition. to
thick, enough for thries chariots bk . dire ne'ce a ty Rnd p ty, she n
6 Uhinthe fore '.or outdo6r Telid.
do* i eyea enable bi mplish big, purposes. I� over
ittle red: M 6- a6c.o
the chilarixi and' Mi= 1 theift 111 m(ints Is er seirei&,IP�iis of* 14 high and.
.. I . 6 . . -abreast. Babylon was 50. Mile in. ad, to:sjpj
reMe -in order to, CA
baoved-.up the bedposts on'elther'. side,' and, -oht the id a succeisf ally- he at thi6ksud 100
Imber asyxug that w. seie. er y
are Walla `whioh w-4re, 15
pec 10, rope
I ght soon on . a- .1
bell before I� would-'. help sk `herder and: snakbo in '.O'hii: held a. piep und, the giil' neek,
n ntil ohs fOet'-'high, with�. 100 razen gstes; The
to. couc war drew ,I -tig to and tighter u.
Icy InOld Age
:w4s.c came 4116
tod nd could 'offer no '420 feet
have * isid so abe[ 6 loot in peaceful aleep_ a. drew ,I h Temple of Dlsi4a At Bp4isus W40 -
MArrY sbe e
-ii to thie support .,'6f'. 'the- roof -was I A 8 sio ho -is �,84 years. iold)-
er re tauoe.-'- T, hlande�
her -h -son st-us-th6foll6wing.: th Elie. %medi uring4 the oPeration, 'years in .1 .'building. The largest -of 04 and 'haa beau -a Oroloisor"I Bowdoin COV--:
Yh.,t6,. her then; the revol-vot.was ih "lit 1A the * Wr- larth he probibililty ker w,
IOWA & , L the
i aid not attem]6t �.0 take hold
Uad ahip; noise that - - p�kamids Was 481 -feet in- heighi na 953 6n -logo ever, since i4e )kes!:�Longfisllo
h or --1 9 ated and-itmali W - -gtadu-
to it. the weapon any thrilling inbld ps h&,O.e -been rel of her re
..-had nothing to do: conn�otedmith.the bat_ ifie -Rann then",
the. sidbs th base covers 11 res -the S,tji.d, had 4 j)i;tbajy1 C
Up Af Tei-el-Ribir other o7 -4ry, spin stones are.about 60 feet- in length, o6nd the day which- was 4%, aixy detected
kr b tteo4ea by
,the*wdM'SU,'16;R- irequeItly ad.. ills to -but one - I heard he he;d
the otlier -d4,. which fiss aare it,employed 320, -men in, tim Jn, regpti her and f to mother is pe4red ifitype, is rather' amuming 'eived the i, e to their covif
a.1hiaterribli0rigae, cone as of f., PfL d.:
or moi! not,yet sp
ire household. a.
. e match. aUd' firce".
lDppose to *ii it' -blonaing trage y S11 thd�eut
d of -building.
inar Mr the c( "Tbir- Labyrinth, iw. Egypt Pro 0 "The tran6ition fV5 n
ooke bea on e is U06 viololi"Ma 6
1, and bers, au& 12 -halls. iage t6
d:,'? of jhq- contained chim udden. L itgfoid
-Alice Aoore..,sworn— Ive Twald 11: ',a;ud "I-Tougaf ;'Blaek' rd a ma'rk- her, foreheac
eo,-in Egy esentoiiins, .127 mile pt.,: pr t
r -probal I yiol - at M 7
111t ib snii. �itunne
a her. Theb on. we b ible me j�.as
know, Evo, -W&tdhi in a an. that *biohever the -ry
agreement t instument, roun wehiiaxho w- r,6 I diii
odi pme 12 the'day� wmgslt
&Un and, 100 ws. Carthage, was ht n
-wentworth.-Dayt was A va; in t e 1 f 'thpni w. )on,Ue h --fiket. disabled his edinrade with, a. Wow'; f
a -t* m Y. ouson, oor,
h'M Shortly
Is age e% a up
bionslot -
-the fl- - ile% d. Athens was' 25 Mi a round,
morm carry.''.
ng after breAfaitt 6 shoiild* tothe. ;,.�r and, and contat -�,56i heu be
ot .1 - . ni?d 600 citiians 400-000, y�l�nd
aftdr 1 4'. charg6i; had.commenced Temoved the rope rO14 the'lifedeas form of The celebrated Dr. Chalmers v.
U g
to his When so rich 60 Said lit of tiifi -felt 11W a boy.
bes-rod'.'16 sy that she. Slaves.- Th -6 Tpoiple -of Delphose A. r�Ja,_
UtwQrtL &I h tL ight'; and 3L on ZWAS
sto a
-Would shoot We ill b he was Amms er moth
'a ha:i a f6Und thi rope was in donationo that it. was plundered, of -live of Mine a told We but when ,ikX 0 t t
other told.'he'r. sh aid bettbit not n e the and 'Nero carried aw f t 'fel Ay Is
-m -whereupon - 'IT
my .91
- ,ay � rom. i Is into6iidid,: t6.. tuld was seiiied his c6mpsui -a ro a . er Use ana. the and Vero �13
she said she li on nd carried 'him eft utianishea -a letter to' Si
an myse Saf -WAY of a table which stood'i 9 -
in Df( 'tightly. drawn 110"OK000, Voting As
-6r �ols p see o 1.6 the I�gl -the 0 stMue'. eL'W i en Lc
my moth If t.0 I 4ty., :Oii the. how.- -led
6g t6 do -ii;
miles w
In -0 ..were in'thei hl�illie at evex,.-s Adst the the: in
ht -0 written * earlier .1fe
'centre of t4e. grsjfi�ry. -'From 'hero ho ap. fello' in 46-Rteidy hand, f -lie
-B lby 1 tinknown.-to. tb6 I
a . pears Cross.-examined.,bi kr. as bearer, a burZalin,9 hell to. hooe. -�ois -to a shad adjoining the .,in thou
g my
Written a fo* Lai,71 'is a
g. 10 , "re
mv -w the 7 s befo
Way �hs h -of the ou I
6 ead Inded b&rn,, where
Iiam�:'. is Martin blevv' 11K. Cooke was febding eth, ati I
"t M Sxrie4, then I . I - ;,
'At a. dinner. -,party.. the little ion rof the' age 6f '07. On 'My SOPV �'pirhdsy il,
i He imhat b%ve come on the old gen mad'd` to a. farmer- a Lubgford Tougald." . Soon Afterwardi a passing Ow- no --
e down
ai7t, tisman, bys isd, and book -he at sudh6steas wasillowed to com hinted that I iw.ght ave callers. 01
or came to rily thelr�i Ouse soiAe- ofbet cri4 out, �, What. is . that you - are.. ad his d to he t
'o ? e had -,w ISI m* bes array' d aa I st'"d
as. r t sy-bick to- diserL Ha�.xbg aihei.. iugly donned.
4, L i'& 66� 'day inj q1i Tonald" epliid that. he was plee h ke�bemade'bisw ,hat IIJ
esi e�t )n I was. in . arrying_ r
e to,
luid went Up _t 6 alone of fruit, be wa�, to r ei�e- I.,will say, f ruok-ly Qa I let) u -S
es is I went into a next room caxr�ing a- rear.. 66 hou Wahan Cfit
W" kitlobdug.'.. uided friend to
more, d Myfrieudis'-7 a
0 .- an
ai-Lay hi -dowa! and.
a -look at, b '-said Stairs td' t 16 joO isd, by'the,boys -told hib'must n6tr have wben th-1 f4vas. sotiug*s�fsxo
iheaA rd her -'a In ocoqp Ilk i,,U,, ye
a over y Went. excialmea:, if d Me amp a
Vill the suipriss 'of �every gu arrying
ed"by ot"14 h to" , quietly'kid them eStd, he ilema6d to join-lu c
C one Of th
e. to" a -Day the 'A:s-sdvhdd,4rTonaId?' care. inte6ding
es for the an. pretense
I" hpitamy -mother to How . -
'd down hN -burden - and of ter
di[isimild fully'- IM 90p -
'Te Serse r, Oi L cor� _k And leaving; -tho �young ai last on t
ag, Well
b se,Jnte ions re y0A.'frehh supply waa-at h looking.'st the: body. i6r sotiie ti in Is _nt we hwaite4 -more I'll telll" So it W&B
years him, and as soofi
her; "ye known't a prisoner a verA
ubt will-ex0lain. lJotis 'the WOW[&
of W1 ercharsoter -ii�iui -ol med':' tfi6 brave �6f.the giiis 6neg" given
-st -,never-.4n6w-,`Auythin mout., ex of intere g &gains
Is. scQ.ujm4r! -A gentle -Little" Ridesu'gi 1
inishe he repeated big threat; where
n4his:Mattir 6f'We- voith-Day el ..he told Mi in the leg be" aar.fro.m vei In
r in
D I ' ' I h
1-4 1 1h to. -t 6 motives for on he was suddenlysud.swiftlye 'oved When tho. A*iiericsu Rejublid And tle
Dd, at' -the iLp
is was, wounded —a Pe but be. had just titne to ommim. Ing 00 !ek
Gi4nore, Swor id he sc&m red* back to some PILitic 'room re both
'th' from the getr
e. cor I reniarm 'the- post of Auty. crime. 04'. be 6viiiiing.:proceding- the mure
-house on'the 4th of 'Nove Be
On -t 'f�milj, - wake iniifed to's OOnVUl the "'CQUIP
that 'it iblei as %4 by, excla In
-thd .0. Is PPVS
_b -entwoith g. F dor
My ew'trousers �are:made out -of Mali. duable; to a r 4rAve,
r ii0in Ot bat
Eder. t
W ug� - partylllst Is -ad, to be
.% . rid
in .,the -M adighbrls. 7 Well
day -was 1, and heir& Supposed-. Ma
im. oom, ot%rt&ins r
iih the I$Lniily who isguedhe o 1-�-Bost= )YoWald. yet never'lack socie y there ill still two Aevolvarabota;-'. this,. Id, . boa
r d- totdfii olapelt'Ofthe Cooke tempergteA�itillis, v
*6rk -aut, onek, daylw '(Wednee;64) Aills �ughprsc
Frtgbtfully filan do -a broad belt surri lihiling vhst.
5 and 6 oclock trwo M Ut I I Of terwsrgs. bfujTay"Qn: boyS th�t'
'was ale tic
a�tch hp.presume
f I t6leiramisys;: Cheirl . a and. is a desert, is albelt
U "I saw Wentworth Dayvo ouph the 11 - included in
womain or a. Ong line P114 _.uI& like t go. - Young
11; al* *0 ABufralo
&I le baivii yard 'g'ata,o, u.-Ans*er tc my c1geNtiou..
t Soo himif"and amid he
this wasKund.yesterdsy;
-a bt went.: �ssiden p1sce, t s horrible death -in Eie Co Papi. which will. itipport 40,"OW,00 and
Thi- I he sald. Ev.& Wdodg, h, 111, lie Cooke:': me
t 6 ocl, 1201100-�� .-,we t a owe
uld no
into the hOuse Yd to go,thit he"wao g.
a, % convict imip6n" sipaniies wbicb,tbroughout irth
evening 16 mornin oick dead i -tentiart1i _a Was
I-wint for.- oh6r. �of Only a sery -id fthb family, and, as si4oh mp! IOMUP14
tlie - or miedes ' *he had alledtiD *01' � AJUe a t' )d bufare
byed hi th�, hanIe-departmOnt; About: ri A, are not nly ho
.,ng the She; In
xera(33�e saw. a wow -thooar4scd down- 6 Id )loops.. Mau' 10 its
he md atw is prop not in reality explored. - There -is r6%4
tyer. as, I�iug on o!dlooki while oiling themadhiuery, b
gate'w fiaie keqp. ir 1
-rope while -18.9,il %VjfAUI thing ul1EU
n return. Mh elir�. owher. fae� ':sb6ut it and rum-. -a raz
id: Witu some, cuts a1adbi`o was very- In put.out lothing W46 - asug t b�� %.'revoiving'shaft, 9 in A stato fk
6be is, aud I d g f a
09 bled rathdr
-ro.hsd hibril abresmi H 'to t h eas a. wi u
Solneof herneighboL dibly. a was Id o , arn knd'h ."blaidib oorpseln, little ieegarded-as Peru, a kingdom
ow the 1V 7
412 4be-horse"S ich he'* did - fter -,Whidh hei 'a 1ew a.
Vn boestiblishd on laUds L_ h
was,whirled men epuld - 0. Wle
ron mprulngt_ again' aske f '1 -could, socoxn0iin the arduu, gen IM29119
the ga -apidit�, and _l3y1*su*sDay, swo f er' secinds The bod
h I Vot het"'hoilde din. d' with, frightful. 'r intelli
utwofth'-D�y s-
at We, japa ]Of a, 'kin T1 1, lox
u us i retired toduted- a Ver a.—Lo,
asn Qlooting 046� Mr JC-ooke -Machinery *as �Stc and. otbd1:-_ qiroiamet6i Pioib He ick6ifing sreotscl6 when' the on 'them a iors elea who '- the ad as
h Ipped. is I*' and sp ton,
nature V"npg 4ranaptiod. into Wild a
M at
house; h a 0 Ime -no. to
e to. tfie
Is of eon!
ad 'dro -many p aces, ouesiag of thef
that. sh -her.'death by"viblence i2e aiia 08- young. olks ve off, kere broken in
the comer of,144e ho iUL orn-
'UC An inquest was if them 'head -torn away blotbing d, IT. of
ti.7` i-Ree-Ve r : twiifed an
11P 084f this" tArnOOU They retdrn he alfif -a
piiefter, -Common ad Abotit.6 e&ok his
ling tbere4jhe
lug, ..tsp - awke torn,
by, Di Y
-the to bar about We. 13t� I ime r.- �orks doill -of 'the boy and big features bruise $Oyoud�eocg a
9ver to Chitrob, at New Have took firi
f an I�fto iub . - . . . L. . - � 1 0-
; 1
P:Y�1114 'Mann and- t'pld b in -the horses, ition. from, �asudls -an sundayol, mom
to -morrow t'7 People
a& bo. f; Iroti-abot h V Vr-�W Yea f evidence o unil on*
.0 or� a. -
'those YOU
b go 'Yet!
"I fi�-Ish -before 1 a -to-the or.,
red 'IM to have - a fewt'h6uia! our hoitbir -vi 'impossible to Move 4ne way,,
_W qa I - * I
r' look -and the - bbys -sort 8 are
shot sdigurned -until evenin b6 sound 6tths' Arrival awoke, th6 old t
Jongm'g. the OP prisons f ssy,-Mokv w Fifteen bundia-d
9 6
0 10 I ' h rose oin bed, f 1poUtoe The aisles *a a soon packed so thait 4"
ilU hi 4 POOP a,
Utiue" RrjW Oneato to
the r
a Eva ixildn't 'be Ainking or the �otqT'
-the yardoto*put he suiesed,tile -o
Ma" weAt out into The PoAtor flab
usi and that *h1oh nSY culdpIgint boiled. ongregs,70n.
0 cals The 11raalt*&ii extinguished siidot�dy
ta wlist be w
. iny What m be ih the -h again grumblinglIA
4 Ii I
d Is- -termed rai1%;eafi
I placed th is%jMiCeSKtyto.lAmtthstat igglis-islitt I6W& man VM -Aited-0 16 f4or squeezing
and sit into thi - the. USES � n not b
more thafm 6 choicid . Pao . t fore
0 it the i6411art: to go to h,3 Ilight be rafeIf
fifiD, an
to him that is -w-1 a WOMWs thumb,.' 4VAt tliai
did bot�gio.'Put 9&k .9
Thebest -�goverj 6t that wh1oh mutte
it &.Mi t
;ome inaudible thre Od
ille Wilmington News, -nobody An Illinois p�ydcifin i �bosn oompC1,1
-iller, sworn ati. While bbserves :1
imsit is' ]i
it 16% 0 a �_-1 8.�- -.8 able h put* by's jury ps
-h' biesbobutibit
h' mail thw which. putting d �,�;T;Twantvrorth D MaL
his slings a-ZM iqg a. boner.
me, v
on my way
fe into,. -Pas fully setting a.
W0.0 rendirs.1he greatest uinbr happy.' ;Worked. pas
th x the
691til Y%ul got