The Sentinel, 1883-01-19, Page 2F., J i7 'Ile t r )po. mokle -onel I our lihe is tw1avty n in. -,the - 01 Liti formed of le j -some verj� -lucky, so*s-bf thingivamovig chij -Ve 9 - , I , -yourssiucerely, flowera". Why -do -seeing him -by- GiAl Ispe of �a Ieg father agrad tol BIT 01Y ��aud- gold, �which in nervou look.' You -tt the es 419-711,� 16 fip- With a -�n Y yy ebioA .,G1 dflijYmi'Dolvign, . ..; y Ul i -ditwhed'frOm ter' IDELVIGNZO Vol r ?an re?z the At' Mes 3591vigag The lQst all ful. rapidity, Ukt M6A� NNS D]MVIGNMil—We Gars. f 1' -of ad' 0ii thta ith oogple be eye and 11 - , , - i -. - ey ot dib, -or a biie-r& Pay'. D 9 016to. evere traceei,of paled, wl air r6tufted'this Y for -She hildtout her ban diiya—but th b 4.11610 d- anni' man, have been so,'rude add a M havehi y -adfathe- bliapaimt. dbroww� And ipY pod i, an .-'s'Poir a t4o W. low.. gm -give me this as n fi, whble.tbing-w her upolom- YOU1 ,lo.m -eleven, burn A f i16 be Ij to. end." ardo . ; It 'a- to, Pe -�w B keit-Mr. Fdaii1i'vab r*t on jAust uge 91=111 r at6neinent." I to fortstily -ot thisgrouping of the party. Odgil began .66 - clkerdl2ief wat' :"y *611, at ra I ­. - , . 6 are Most �40 d . OU P2 orle me of, *jug laggar vice Image. Delvi j rowl. abould be glad of -aVord of ad fiionl her ii: -Ruds t6 You?" ShO' -Do -not adottis ely" W � - ­ -inten are- that -can, Might, I. .:venture Jto dia nopti4-ww­I ".Bo#er 4ed-L"-yolv� en, I sl�to-- cting h every motive to urge Ll out jitilgineuti Ah I Sir Frederic,' giv aVe v. y j(p6d 8 blood b4c upo.-Ru 4M . A'silebeed actnate Inin , , rview -8 it 40 a among nem-loarwiihos 109#6* Of ask for a p i* ger­UO; -;' ­. . " ( . � . hfullyl her, rliate.. into as jompton. i .r all p6ten are a- brotbar: to- ss� Certainly,- Mr. Foste's -theveld p t MO. t Yours—.1 to .onl' Y Neville, i, wolf -.&no PBEI)XIB, ic7col�pToi� n th -r-f keep it A., h a . ime., Lot me grand. itnd - experienced 'Miss Coleru&[ ps clai 2 askei On MY.S Dell -If you generally occupiad:,till ab.0 - a eville Were Valt.Mg a, rXedenc.. 0 Is, now 2 Clult Wis. , Vigall all cold, 11amijui is ic N for - bris e w t a Ime 1I the Mar s ioa -for nearly'half -an 8 She k6e - how 'miserabji1foolabc is biisi.. Bir Froder -an fting; uam air gings ur gold, ter and er h n4s -of Nville"g, and—and something athe.lat he: roaplii ono1w .0 is 0rumb-of befor6 Mr. R-im, mad dr`d-h :is fre. Sri . she roft, t a his.0pearaude. 116 Ail 0. Oval coon to- -ipiracy to intrap must see -you Y, �sipuy little es 0 Say s an e e "And whr my littl ''d Would not.fiefuse me wapa, con torod the room with a loss placid forflip n Noville. Dlite -.old jihtlemon to MISS Dol- o�pered Mr. Poster' said the Isual bearing 4 sliglItli -,mOr7 - P 'kind a vignewas silent for ap mome iei 1 -beive spoken to your - D li Iny de,64',lead-beart, )tob,6ts' but he i - a ihrewd vignilop-'! af tly usked�' tified and peavisli expresoW asorl I bushiess abilities—a MOP hostess. I must -He dragied about -'s iiqgiao�ee abrup after hin:14140 yDen U, rab ral How is Captain Neville ma nary ith his reet life, with perfect ArL for you.' Italian t go.back to Miss Radoubt"i -�40adizptie. 4.0b. 1 he is-reallir-to Idmeill-t6ld lies; of*the-higheit: r even'that the. Wo Aid p if it-donot,lik6l" -iea, howas-in" r orld'hasiespect be pit W...7for no ohe a �dhl 'hilli wife, hs1l d( aw�aint0awhimapicallOOkopt4es si t-: -it 3�ivilf or . . I I ould ektrapat'nothing: -fage 8 n she is di)W'. 6 the. I. 6qrtanly shrill �.hott. -returnea - his. spear when we c aufferig.endinjua innocence.-. �Ahiq, wonia 'lot he 11 go t t6. t. f� �m the -boy ihat he ifisigtea thelouly wa ch- wprd,- with sudaqu, thovigh, gal), as you passed o;ong, bad,. lewi-waa hrough her Fren I &nt,to Behold amurderer,'�- No ove knew': W Miss Delvigniii! low -tone.' a bme SMaly Y. 0d, ov 'the cruet wrong-*' a'' b the -,Hey. I -My fait wav-d. ii� d6takininedi is re, Sions ij carefully c ered 7h for you.�,- dilpresse y ide this w r-beheiressl Ohook beir6ad. 0 ThiLtthev6r1da not. 998 OUI, She?' Well vell; 611 see" jB 9 P ergo. vou Lay nev.: �af I er.. h 13 and Clear 06 0 th 0 had*dsdom CIA eS tie abdo- &Avii� replied Sir Froderial, t :0i hand t gtave Pro ytrlwa cried'her par- .'yoii like wi -You isn! bb %6 world W611, ati, f. Ou .4he. Id guard . -expression o d �1`18hpeplsp in L ndoi3V--J1,',.fee1 Sal a;tiou bad g' Lr. o Opinion. U.0 she is. Y ill -escort- .% gar. oDelvigr1e. it be delight44 I Ttere is, however, suoid2el! vc -indul Lj I - io Sao you, i e4yp now. I am d6ad; butoh, �Sot�-t,6 oft1oy nd li -TAW.ft dovii ik iten. mamm bleeds e I iixt .. - .1 So do'l Promahovi." aliat or aon'tL I Mig Coleman, re-enter? ad with the Thank Mr. F. 4pt i F.6ste � �S. . .. . I the m9dersit and- Mr a rather fusily, "spread b. by' which I a Use. ve Y a or Own Here Mr. Fostarze-ent'redp tified j of Ajiguish r Boo. III rbOM--,.-1 - . I S I -equently I - be llpi- - it ing�`.Il She I I iritoxioants i 9-1 et Witlj ibnavy mmunrd d soul. Mae. R Q id .0 -bu t: to. 9c I ! diDgp in arsi" Coleman.' .06s &to Oct in., and - ..Ev-sline, yl to Ad ittin that these substm ou ar -be 9 tto-da n6w, my dear ward. Hope Must -fo Mamm copy this r, rive, 146 Middy, and [a one natritivel may theyj hot- ,12ever to find the peace I c' reyesInJI.,6. h&ndkerchieU­'.: -gra any true 0 - a a ugi6n has done his best tc; %tone for h' w. o 46k out a jisper.--: 0 better to bD as I have been-. th -r-do Or .My .46arr.- Mrs. Coleman- 4iidireotty aid � nutrition 7 pave w, t 44COM6 Is n Hui, ba* ba, ifeeting lea w , 11 .-, ; . -peace of the rsIbF.0 I .Y at once,, o it Ar Nance'? The 'y6ung 'lady' rO019. ijw�rtby'evidepoe 'that they fhollitOO -ruity-n6wtaploveyouin, dofi ;at kindly - and 'considerately :-azid'h 1ru� h' by'?i d0o.r.-at a furthe elid'ot , f I ­QgpI I bri sud.assirai ere -month' now to feel the bldw off d big aim, andldd or. and lef t ly has inv he-procoaWs-of digosti sk %ndivv ...Sir 14!re t iiied you. to Paso thelop9-agO-.'- th - a rooms '--L' In ';1 think- Nwj freely grant that they me. itownst, YOU'. ag! -ear, der her agreeable roo �Zj MuotL. see mil 2t dear-han gavein I ere�d, �UnCist, gestionadmal saimilation. By b ifil-Ilp be-whisp Don. ;­ I I - �; in good 'r let leave You:130%.", YLP ftVo Ou- Y." her hand -he for-. me. Fred., my. b0 .1 our sensibilities -they conceal; for time ten erl d. bi grandson'; Ing d btatie rrors. Mr. -7dater-16 brbugham—.. oompanyo.ehL?"$,� up �thp 'numerous placed bar 'I Delvigne,is terribly One* They -LEA AS the door oloseA Miss eke it, p6a'sible Vo eat what wb. shoul"Opt I Will dine De vigue rose M 44,yve�ll rj and Y' I aindL alliro of o'ur attempts to extract y trace Cou an approso In Coor Iq "a Wifa,frj) -big "wife * _eept, at Improper ti res., without oevi wri. 'you,-Wor p tboir,owa. from a hi g 'the 'that boy.. She Me Lnd iditj afid Coing f in _ajo;t43L Wihow, of embsripass- arob i bf,opiniCon--that she could gettlietruth I me ro d how. B w A ald Or unp evis lit 0 Lto -1 antue4s. B 7thin)c.of'You &a Ment, a . oir;t its -aw advantage, 'r get om. him -is anxious regairp-ding by O� lit et; eudt-.' *a CID. we and with yourpr !---Whapt' news have you. for.me 2 W inea to regard it" rather `*s exaniLer.- Ing UpiL our prosenc Mrs.' Al chair -did you-jiClt write,agaIR ntdj- t 8 rious le, toexamine "no, :to and id- back I Senfiftiven Sri look. flsshi Oh I Wh�6 stant 0orreo Op grat. at y as. leads to- an. koung Baron eyes :h aand 146musel'uafortunitelyt, I bad no, good. Mar no'd of mi lid- 6mmunicate - then I ainted' Do, dear akeis i rpir u t of her Av011 AnOe,,? news' alo6idness towaid 8 Sin ce on medo her arm ;.-how good you are Self; and,44311 y -;�b�t w rgatic-sateguaid. To is* r g%tardio by ty; "do 0' "o -you, my xie .10 APTV� XIV, T, 6a n k extierne -.an u esogibed fiek- boy;. h bout -securing o4roelves against a backt�.Udmlt 1115 �been AoWgv. The bo' ' - '- 4 ' e will v Y. a sea thla poor -ignorant 0 And M 1" licy. nd but that jo all. it took 0, Mail! reshaaev grandfathd been fou 9 Pi-up,-tb9vindow soover "d -ai�ale reason forpsup B present - 'And 914 -der 8 uld 'not trust you, mjAear young not lin9w one F.Coster Are, great j Of troubl t6di I�,-sWho* -dresSed, ell -Washed Y, hem.' nothing c d extiact a syllabl6i of a nc rveau., Other �urpose. 7� with au. irr ..chuckle. -0. cul man. We I idy 211, Said the polite -old gentle a --a-we ozlfotln�jion, ft0bi"him.. It -*US iMpolao well, wi'll No. dodbt 'it is apsagrted that thej� are (it r -ei of green. about it do, about Vey the Morning at Suitbogs L go, to convince 'hat =ay* pro ingredients in these dri h ..the police co#ld uka t to t. Pr it was .6 fO321: M goviliko, I Z. . I 'JUL serving'pro- albSe ar, g 'Without vent a Or Meap. woll Mrs. of b benefictal. to express amen, SSAM g nseeming is ome thre fter the to, �Mrs. Cal ein va a,. I may be. ch 0r's-that'is- the.hCouseabell-hoid opinion �Ls to their the leistL y.one,..-.A dotdotive p the'Sentient'julcos r.to an j�djdumb, end blind during the pzpope�- 0 topic 'vibrate under seem sygopyinous"tel MS,in.tbe-ap b allowed.to stapoe that these other i not ceastd. i --ths SOY r , - . . - L- I OjtjCoIj of w. -Improper ugrep� iv 6. they soften, 9�ud ellow m4a 0 _jnter�ogting 'r td whia -be - easily jobtained siCI ot.thar_ L.Mary and Sir. Frederic z nted, can applicatiot,of. ibutcherso. bikers- sudIreen n sh he, Agah ified -the dients, if, w, ezhausixon. deopY. in an, 610110; 'a 16 Mr. Poster whbo' with'44 nods pure t' e 'Cblain m6ruirog b iily bimea 6 1 d uritoombined. sed nbot o groTra.. izid �'he boo fe, Y bre, Shol all rapoticato jhetav6;nfortonj I have no desiro t6, in account- The 1tr and w athed .-amil rol . I Site.tobim. dre (ft rind -bills in &ordinary amount Of- --u ro,a 0 rot 0 and beaks ra a 9 group 0 auaMif aid Miss Cole an -ceseary lies -and.�iab�lods..QllCdMbtOi2,ti ward epeat, hide the fact that some medical writers, of taking the her Co .8 C -Puly� Pi6t 1i Is cheakpp. and: r ir Freda- ZeVl 6700 after _tbd usual fspoh I jUpply Vii -a t. a -.told. woub I A [an kisaing er ;,an van g righti ion Of ones h i tb deserved rep4taption,,are luclizied -to favor Mee 1ploved in ati kinks he M)aS fijow, took suelaboiato I a , # fopilies, were way libiary The defi ve the employment' of vine rind: beer.. and, AUs on t to., geeav Of Mro V., 11 'be I iiaMlybribe to-confuee every either of which a mally eveli spirits -of coinge, withln:' av a aaI th man and left the room.. fd.iu. alk,probibility., -throw. us 0 _ e..rigbt-Wont but 1bellove as ',Sir ]Frederic held Mary's 11' t narro*'limitl—in certain scoomplipublents' wou bud for, klndb� is 321it a ino OZIG 'in. regard to. -this I nt Of., their after-lifei *bilb it ipst. t' to bam* focoupy-&-moln's very im tent , it nuecessary. moment, with a lirgerIn . g digestion 'hatever ther Potou , t influ"ness neuto� tiieir u t I Js. that 'w !ch hopq, lead id t -he -frOlinallbousefiold manager 66 u-, the'Pol F s0rpe,'-az�d whispered -1 will jno�j . , . , way be in Y ial and t a buSiueso,the Y -isj"know.* ypuvould -never manage hi*" us I will manage -i I mer f rdZ r t. I.Arguments Blght-heppyelv yet been, tell Y;Od, of any.* -th old -9dritle- -abst 9di, as th6ughtf ully. ad av 6 . . :p out Amper, CH&PT]@.4'.XVpp ro uce a po -h eze.t atirred'thb our ains wouldL trus -the most recent writers it� in Ing unei I -One-1 Vt I d " 'd o t i.ug - L be.L einploy tM,, glowd Darning, Sii Fi�dsri Vill bver.g6t. -h' if of muslin t. _out 61. hi 0020 If -He7 One -of ain nothing and bi everythinj. tub bre in but -myse ilcohol. me exed, mottiftedl, yet atilli vef -h par ume c gow 'd above all Ot finvortain cases proves helpfulladi f of- mignonette i ? affleo.; fev u,die". while.maintainiagthat s;6tiMu1snt,' Netille, was: war me., Cau. 1: -not saw Dnight you 11. Lubeead; i1rill' her feelings abibilield'111"! 01 e: Ids Ian fr' on the police office,. or'beiter. ai. #I -if -he. was,., G OM -tbo'-'b0xQS our hotel or the if e�d "'poozet had- hea"jipickeld and Y lit' search f6r Marie, - Wevil ard not - U 6111 in a it healthy Mau al su 'in. r , . 4 b&I%L anyffeOt a base, very n and the to poor. Denui ow .Ome . . ! lb thief,. Ciaricligo i h the hope -of 'fidig. her. Ao oud6h--a7viz.: Orin only weaken nerve while at the­ uis -BOM no ageme -:lowers, eti�iei 801 % t 0 ou-L��gentiel Z 11 oineVith. me*" chrince or him -to -4e.ep h A a ds o ke only 0 Ward, erman d D Yin i b#.dJYL for you are exclaimed Compt d1l: Sam br. �-Well, rqy d ar g not, se. 'o a time it ly 4�mpera;L -9 vein Of COMMOZI� rind$ eq -,of WOOW169i 'nee is and ftpra brain fever besides, like, Up true muiliz to -the OU do han. elegA ich contributes yourself t. strep)V a ture"wh th. more -froin. itinerant florista. ing. here,� by on, there v. Be as str6n a*,Saba -fell I. believe You are right. I 'will ppi . in his chapra, a that city for Musoutar exertion.' ou n -me avq 906 � 11 --- r esense oter, sh& he argue ba. -T en,,l 6nd'ovor to find reasons in opportT axe a nid run not - L C u run 8 we -baf' -or espd% L But you must ISUL1141jingli Adest'Xiss roster aboift"it. I - daressil bringt t said I M'Ight' he lo f -the dietetic uao of a h detective r0 rare sh taker a alfac it cousbut, he -boy belie to0011 lin'theWritiDgEl' nd' M6i- :Eviline --Mary- P61 of its advbcatest.1 am fairly e It o T alberg's p no 'not ores" OH64 d' isellipp passage aThe.tbought;of the U, 4,�a �,!�ne 00 orin They lau h, at -me, Wh nbt pr re may ndt, -lot you Wan- a- . a- Corbp basn ja 'of a time- epared to say that, -the dear* WE poor, a pray orror gree Y Was Slipping -The ide6pof tdi di�estiou 'in some. "exceptional sti ad on it � .�; 1 - by'admetime's madq his brain;' --:, - . : �espis bt� d 6rie ;,they US a j�r jj� au-sid be valid te on exhibitiorr lkway, auy�jongor it ji .0 8:18 --not A to be spoken of �1 ith 'images L of' 12 hit oi&: iii that xqq 8-y h -4dr Marie, �bright and- gentle,. so 'pure a d so! Oi- Young dbi� you- - thi '.Sir Frederic?" jDo n y- W-ep jir Wb.'o trust j)Ufone season -�: hezp� a 0-- 1 haveio youtooneve thatfal bout - wand, or pro- Ioie ionsidilred by SOWS nk -of: that; Icef, ad - �Mis 0610inen, but I do .-venture to. my, thkt sea. 1 have sought 13 t ijidxyerienced, uffe04, by the r6ughu such reasb and - bith6rt t b;en( ifiihl�as esp lly �c(ieptable to 1847 i7ho h mmon wit a go experience;. er' -as . ap. �iu Q t "IN( red 'able to find thdm. Ple a to noi�, that I ife -dwn true'16v )Vi1l60PFCd' ;;SuptL deceive a a nd -till.. count this hin x 4cb, o46 iebtor wit without money ored hef-'in aitherl or. m not questioning the relief it affe d o -�o be—and nre is - ad ':Neviilfjls* expdriencelive.oLt Six.-pouad­ so, j6iji in its well4nown naproofi6l- pio-pertlei, Tuth�. d- riduaed 11ior �tp hi _t ad pot copuldnotbea;r that Sir'FrOderic r� diAtres as f dyspepsia, but, ­ as sear -re6ervej-fro& loh only 00 What a and dissibiliti iiblw illed bi -witb to -prof nd d grace and -beauty would. Ott kent­. Certainly not)'; d .­ h. t#i;i�orld, thi I be,4e yet to . learn.. that it. -real)y vuzpes�., Oug- excl Im 7 d a on Then"her- ten er d' d OW I IS WhSt''ol di wgb . ralse gestive weakness, or that, t.-cofidiees in' 'm ril 6our ge 'of *6iofi person, as-'sh)- oapmOl aprd.� an judge -11 i People W1 fise up. before -him., iad6ubled %.Wao- any true -nutrition. And,,-,, o- a appordes, -do h oth in agony at sense to healthy or tatJ sharb,' Rild t the 1%64 �ojie ana is to! ih impirn4onf, and -wrong, tion, till -he giisehild adin 20. - &W itig400n3li thb'other houd� thrro are e ar draw eold ever- Cour thing, 109K�, also In-ok,that- -if I facits -brobeto oility thaV OtIbers, aide himse OU li. ". lit fe6l a in ite.poWer as Why. pa�ihg: up- , and dO, WU 1. �.e . I loved "w6uld'-so far! do' a full�- establinUed than this that th&- p on YOU.L. ­ ­ I hope a wo sin enly.,- W d-- sait U�4t ii ekbau t, *oureelf, rOfQU repeated.'employment * of.� tmall- doses or. L n hdiest i4verence wr9irgfor. at. tlii 4i 'Aud. tl 1; ---bijb. it e common befusep Y dear The-youbg B�rd- tiffi-ded cz"ture,,i�hosd native nobilityo like -on m :add tenderfieso,aiia:- alcohol is of the most he a lls-. It was the.' Own.IL pel. imp9ireddig'eatiom! c aires,,who fiom.her. 0 C t at likens t hesitated .-and idol 64 at- his 11i ;w1b, nCof- the- thorough bred, courser 8, to r'eWvb differences' d;h, Mis -9 Redoubt on the.iub- omy tuosit &�.Vro er al &icilived you. --by its.- tiustiug docility. into 0 ry,- jeOtL of aid -nev her, tiend!i'deljhquerfoyo� found,- he- r etter r tier umeu I a. 0, fault -air I' Inatioil to PrOVS� My greptitudep,ll,, la,tent. Power, he had est f6rg6tf of. ite ht6t-.lsdyls;reuoW0ed` iblibb- ts6j-6urn in, As [Froln the Edmonton fX. V. T.) bulle. In.1 while. she Welij I belide you have- goo toitured, cri6ib6d, and flubg away, because" itientnot.- . littie­ Dilifortablb, and- w. 16.00 had" only youth and Mt. -;Foiter a, a pidbitiolpaglidly 0 - - - - - saw me iceeptedMi -hept at -on 0 firmoa no - 04 s-fialhalld apffa6ii6u. afid beight'intelli nee, Able time owing up 0:� M4 1i 1p. ORIJOlam tiou to eiguil t d jg- but how" 66 -Still; if 4ver ing - ad* an e was :eighteen ,days on the tt ad. t Bahl' :how -f 1, All lilf tBattleford',with a b a few Voolu �.i is' is not -hi d tellL pan., sp he loathed libbsel .. t.; - uck at, , as he d mo ri grea re -at Oh, ijal Voul - 008ida* - pened, L asay - to bim -ciould'be bat P act YOU we re. sWgs-would be- a ground was bare, but the ist or`�a�c*oud -M Fostir' Sir or rind she - 'iuow began deal ifie t( quiet vhon' - eel 110" er --the � 7 --: " -t -himself in -b tom of the -i its' good night aft to f --k very d itirie veiriett can- L tines4y."! r �t the ht, once. said CbmPtoni soon crust r 7rot'p',Ble;ekfoot rig ed divi ewas fo med a an-; d'ffLed t 1*ob Aidly, tkowo with what good i. ore to a -the ory- entiMi" k to o"to, ta a, Ood.k clamp her in� his' arias,.aud pro. Coulee to B aver itiver -or at intereWng book to r teiv, -practice, ilad tious and- to.& i1sim, ill, the face of tbApw9rld. that shi wak up to..tho ail ighl. certain degrie success as of the WAIi a would d your- min anervOug, 19 deflotbut for,lRojille, -whatever -he-maybave a In 'h hard. crust, but which was ubt hard. P Of is own 'ifflei'showed ate lor tho. �Jlor rillIj that ror. jigt No very )[Atfe of -all thii to bear. 111 sees the -snow was think I could r OW P! Mee Up at and -be uly the- krd fa6o and ev I eye, the the, t en.' that ..papused remezuberibg sudde .7 -his haggs arac box of p0dr; 4884�, foolish I ­ I - .. contefited 'gon re �are explam. avei big horse es -of the Subject. ations 'foroadfrom,him by the qjj thing is. in- greatest trouble, jp�rhaps I ently he hqpd le us, g r u-ne to'lier Think of. that ri sa� M -aid the1ei: Y:.Of Us -inwar Fgs a one., want, xii - o Shio.hadn't any oh0y, i- Intenift (T jiuffe I ad -a mile.; r sa .,break# but al her own track �Dxp. one"horse US - he went -an 44 W6119 W di L know leting his -sentence-,, Go bqopqke them wandvrell 'R th 0, out o 6 for the other -as he Came ,back:. In thit v I ery -her'to peau'liarciroum- It shooldingr of - ..run id the-. lie had maintidnedainee he managed to Well m1ii6tever he'.'.M iron adifferende or aV anae of oily at, 300a - f er� a presi ran WhLake, TO ha(if- the diss�poinmeut, " Nevi ere* ning, 4rprog of'his sinrdibg relativ6p' mj;ke wors he -wi 90., a WaS J� A- . a W s�jt re took his again lesvi m when she'washis fe. matter4 0 his provisions rn 611 I Neville UP spsy at -your latel� in.16ve­41i lovo,- I eyleve', ad ion ind though- 1 n- CTU"Y's" n.the 116v -that'he opmaj B 3 quitio unei most papsSIO11 euth day and after sym] a re was. on jo�* 91111- forsuppor presen pathy With MiS �Of And b '-state 61 humiliation- the with MrXims". lie said to. Sir, a �ireyou,h .00 for -W first UM 111 -his a...- t to depend t, 'At a Pat one or elin%t -00 sly'.. OW What to Call. the amp a Be' ' r Lake the now became pbal ower�' therg rwar k'of Sin- . ress, and th a probibly th - ance a b ave d..4i'my Mripp Nevil 6 'ble interview, CT Me ate v think'he C t herj and'. d.s iudt': -teerp. subje6tto be !M empire, -1 do no it With no - diust,'- bat his hors" -were -sQ- ee, he- was not..' or oneY Of Played out. theit'he b i- h Is' al- 'a W, economy$. -d d- Dur friend- is scarcely. :gotighk her- if. inded. in inati -a double. 916viance - 111 1 are mentioned .4 to,-. -him 'is - more or I*mbitt -into the ad- t* abandon the f it f ur"� (if � importance. rejOlice mind.i Jot wsiggoni' and. -,.fix up 0 t re 4ttarters. at. Or- is- to every On an M.Not ffi (r gave. od- a led : to!' Ulk. about 1! 4 ' ' . . . ' h.'- . . , WiM - -willows He 6goth'eit big bull lad diminu e Mi Dell' I the' inai nfort tobla k-uifb- dth g ojuantupoa And again th a Baronet felt but ev short, sketch. of 'it to being all axe* Ali. a man&geL through 14,10 her -Sir Fraderie# ;ijjL One of eaUL leac with tio' get; arie.11ho kin4ost the, !Via friend -this b tliq. 'St-raAde' . ­ . .. . - - , - ire youtd c reoxyy WY.od G[ad air to' he s44.to the latter*.:,, he toalit sask a*t h' I fail truest I oawaptio the snow g@ttiug. MWe iD, gue.; : , . . . jj� OUngL-. '#oughtf ith In Novi dd :.the Y -heiress, ys thinks hb- cau 'trample - honor and- feeling, Joe if have ri�u.,o �Capt Ile youtielf 88 Bar Stia shallower as he varne w 2 66 Money is-vory. necessary- to some—to- a -a-gentleman.-undeip ware complaining about-thel'IR 11- and'evqry A#ribute of if he- ad.., 'a youl� - I. L ... � . . . . , -,- L le lip? -his, pockets ara well lined: M W it sudc�edppl.l -u A. - . ... # I � 11 dir esp Cost heartily 'his feet,,becausi dk laudliela the, yungiadY, eciapfly'; and behind tim%Aud blam ug-* elvidne- ith .1% h a cool'otolleoted, distracting 1k you give -all mine to-. Marie -end CaPt le- e spoke in'thapt hAdhevurier no an P 0 -Apeat 9 -an aWhile. she i. adiknation os9ogoed of oro 04. left th eaw. th. ii y, boWLL' as- th -Have much, Sir Fie aria, ough- he had dilibi than ordinary plackand intelligence u'alith yet ku.OW all &bout it.!, eartthe'.� cent -looking are ery ex6i, 1 0,� LUY I rktily�welghecl every yll4bl' A mail wouldave reached-Aftov.. 60, .Comjpfob�mr. Oji. he nor the Ve. Sir, F' Ai ir roilerial 'looking noubc to- -.God Y -makes, its �g fdotm -- and- k beforehilid,which ood de ou of -forlowoll"o' dS' F n, sup: the ge ston i a grist deal too at r th lWd- Youlvi much, [ti,ng. I will not attempt t6 more n ntered th in -h! Ipivand his. lip - re h —London Vnity Fafr thinks that at his waidi, but, t ey were of et'ahar' ugh Unej- continuedo And sit-Frede'rio isood, from his'i ioa;tt oter tb*sr' d zue dearer -to me- then life Who. t I -much', do - -so id imes rave for -.heath j sh nor d vyn 11zbveality�, 6jonisin'bei an'Xisi D61i' . T be ind6ioribabii tlib is, �poor I Cow. pir eased 90a we Igue -the other whom -and Could bc I -,;b- d itsellf, for tho uiet, it w p th! I ei i lor Step shil* heal 'and -her. g a� sort of Aim don'solious-1 nd qptly roprietois d her in of h6tols to p no If -he ..o . Over at tidisadi theooin,. jlmorejesloug,� cause ut up in their ages in tbe, -ied a or him so, eqmvo a Im t thdrouoly Bass on- -he eing eal­ )-sitidA; bo� - 6 1 .1ad three -con nti�uajdeoep- ntage- RsAsuel'she.`fel Ome, .-The heiress loo, MUC tinerital languips request naIt 'do we 001C and conipod- -b %ve people apt to ARM their obrg an the aud�-aohsmed,df -hersel iied -vividly, smiled, -not fe4her"i son, should h f rise oen i. ng- 1,aV@ it lite. -inch of his hours of 10 ight i he .861f, latij) andslzib� molpin 'thin tjjst�t 26& Outrigh`L orsewhipped him ',,vn st & "you wT4ftjrd;kjj& 69 Than .3 eanga- I be doubt it we If rot She il my "Out] 188 10. U drop of t.- W* yo the same blood in our viins It, fauia 9 SiKay EVI Mar . '- I. US wall- t 'to sly N .0 Is. op: lqowi� YO104 OW that - 1111111MDERXG,�. ziotseemr a, -so d ova 219 ..4 . -very A ka' t a toBono In"nio __4111 t( VaLr`g er c don't lik C I zilta-whav,41 dt4 -Y. groo 1 L�!;� jr� for.' W7- -d NTO nd -weep aa .4m, (0 W y a -b 1P E C` ala msi� B, 7 ry y Mid,4440i tr Fzpagg­ " dear N Ilia j2 , t lit lie IM 'Wei Cow �aSkad Si do zip. -,!Pw 08 -to It ago and. biibi and a. F, - .100idlig up 4 amial dfi i�ty t b Wd TS and' 0 t n t iur