The Sentinel, 1883-01-12, Page 6F, i T�Iaiigii. 1b, gile, hateful �piide. He didn't -h 9 at bi h-yoaArainte g to --sod hsingefj�m-w 0 me�`66� �sp i -9he i�-s w W I L T �4aito onoulgh -CUM Dew ko T care; b 3n I; W mW=Ucb-, -'With Mi. d Y J&rL Mr. 'He, who is rich enough". DCorning him. at.his mo esty,�makes�hixn skdLIouId,-be g6t,migry, anassidth&t no "andIX-7-1dite fieri*Ay A� SANG03� MM W with the, for"thi fiat gt6 from Ur"lOW-1i f6glish-priae, t �,things con. *aItZ 'a Novi d Tho:ftery 81 arigei 'leave til�Ald ip that 'YjLred btbusiniess, goeli.',out of the firth: by icaerved. He'll be pale ere he-siosin the west, mcdiea� girl *Otald 1now �iostin t. m4D, should not, 'A match will be sve been with .-us some Ii, Mt. E artIngton Mau. agreement. 'L ne r -to Win lie should stgt **d Ztill (iI012 Shaket' iVeLIV that h6 Was not the jig It hecaros d TOO h Pot dort of W -i er said Miss Feath Uiv d tfien I 108t My red St. tilDe know:11be yu. 0 1 har- with. A:U Ic 0 ph Am! a vict'ry be sea. for th� USLj: ng 0. t piano. �au, sprang forward, Mi f k -,Oe I in Nick his ring,'� mi�as � to For i1irr.c"UNIMelve Youbrag ol the brim wha ha7e i You, We havem p. our Some Mugio,.,"Ej ths ely HungailAn oand qUiLti, and seove hi And-st girl energy La the red, raukii o' dange so g tlbv be'dL � - -oftr you a plac 'in M 'beginning'vdtL I - transfoitned with stidden kin4lik. I- ; - . -last, J a. come and sing it- f6e 'Me. d presen gal. air- at no, the- DOM- a Iwhy$- year. se proof sl�p A 00 9 then qtq; Bettyt. Axit tb brume -1, h to Nauge Th 3- brave f6r.the t rOvertb a -the D' I told im 6 1 Vtvm4ushin Ahst!j� a esbips with the best nicket. Wa can -hear ab nee later, . d:� Alt by� heart first tivae -Chbrus—Theni o nny. T�o­ sun hurrah 1 J h - F At t* out. me. Na Ingt n ikrabi �I.Nosves' Nailse (t- Neaves. And Ill know Hard o lossous�su V10 99 wet *144 A-0halib 'lug 11"k- of the. Ing I An' buirah! f eye. Ingram titarteff-ba Or bioLloy&l Moil-" Ift . he'advmoe 461f, a re, then I ak. and d&UoedL his gray suld agor6ign In 106lis 4011 9 we we think.4t, onJ[-LE106ke a Will 10 ill'b we a don't taind,l ok, at Hurrah I for -the - bidnioa se; t W, yo p he so As the wi, the Play an' -the ioarin! gafte jW1 L,. now stood quite mute, and very ted- a ths, back (L 'I F t the -worst lh'O Nanse WA- risen A4d. -taken fid dance wit h Mr. Hartington. of her ap tit t #16, Slip, an ton -11T would like -to. speak -X64,., dea; Mis&, o -rOu -; 0 -th -iathbrfew, because—bocause now -we are -p Aves -ad resiod berfe*, to i 1008b air from: h. wet. to isilofs been -.,up a' e wes4some niell-k'.. g1va t - &06. , - - - om Mr. L The , - - . �":w L. . -4 .. . _ L . "Ohing Feat :2 0 41 , _ net fluihed tal next- -d Will os -himself with 4is ob0aoteriatic. or;zRt r Mau The By M you Atthaeniournin's he cOuldna, let. Stan! some pan.. Ome-6ne intgutdroplai i you ve made in -ihelP L*tir -orn t) a b4 .11t, a braek the j2e sfor T. o cobblethas-sw qmej t. was thou h sooner di his dir 'for I-heo­ :lat a. so*6rojip JOjl y -U kadw.11 f i Winn& cloot - b60 -s is 10 -- 06od morni g Mis's Lukie-4 he hae in-tho law. an.1 -*�;Utea- but an 1 -sald- Ldli6 -,00I swal -h6 spoke sxpry w 4 Th6g:r ke' -g VOU49 dly, y1ro& heie and xiceiftwife na1hatthe rocer'salOOs-1. almds,talwA�0- 4d.for6e,.mVVttbrs-ii little ndly, and begged' me' )roing and ,will tell r2e. suming her,gest -and her. Wbrk *.ith ausir it' is good For it's hmaun sitten&to the shop 0 to forgive him, sad -Comei* how, ean't.-this 'change things -14bitiaotiorl. d. had made himso, jeal6us couldn't eneug- h -to be �.Qlgr 4thei,, In -thaiiks�.to'the frost, for the limb W th -of oWn S 'littl toll me whether - YOA love qU CaF 1p bims'( 11 IS axed to gav,6 046o on a joup.: Or, ek - t5-,In9ram,;"who had 4r Ghorua�Then, hurrah I Ji)hnny I in exp ans long: go, and'you stay. qtL I'WOUI ave d b.1 b t let I a,,. g, he g on My �4111 ag . n �kee dn't let- Mr.'Xarlse?. ping- f 0 -the �his Ore* r whole. atteuddh t " o*,tl*ir -aufd 6 f(A g4ed.�nd o 1�att -s Pro ge gus,"I! 6. 1013, Mci 1 ,er from, 120r, ds d toldim to keep i -ban 1 thatric 101V hard iihe, W1j4 for 1ne," said young Nailed, give he , ard L) thb Ut' do, why be UUh pppyj nd- make-hita W wan W 0 -r�-thevlil -just:.-,no have knawn-some ittle ume-- uro Mrs. NauE;6; that I thought ti' th do tbr Y -beginning.'to. tiemble' like*Ls- girl b". -11arting on -could s4d a ring apPYL,w . an 'bit of com�w -ifiat Mr. Neaves Was ibink-in9l --6f taking III t wait thAtp u0nuh h" 'a l4it' li. t1p, a ininute.14 IR has. ;e�ier s &in, buf -it - -doesul, ofiange 1h ggs at All.. j)Q L mon Sense ill.ao�*u ngfit; you -know VI -- - I ' I enough for baq.. n-I.a. great He's skill:y-Aal a? Pat, as"true bsyQU si'y% believe how.gr4tef L -will int6-partnerahip nrpuld -do w Boo PIS;ys a brair stane. COUIJ YOU -is no knowing how girl Bat,l'bi g&yll i,- oil, 11 11Y Cried Iilss� There jhe would zt or. him; dear bo. jas he is,.bdt: he t'h I 'Anthe p'arso you disi tit' Me, With US-Withga - �a Ing, 0 UntalEitAkc : �4 a p reg�nting this.foi, her: iephaw. but there wag eo ethi g thing be- Cr -1 -iii be- A inay preach aboutiseor�.s vi' the sling Hartington. ooke'd r I mmnIle T Y, so,�dung 10fily - deserves it." . - OU M jari4h has hwiors t6ar &I mdun maini One wbr&,-;!. - broke n Mr��-N-e are �qgrani,: dray�ing -back -P, little' 0 ' rd hay.e.borue big Onset krn inybody'el in hhnsel*s-gau6 to latimie.:c— h w� -her. hand and Robbed in �;tb,simpbA plain, whol: Zdness f it.. 40 -ab stane, thenaid, L* with 011 14 Lulie cau ht. arst bf emdtl on y i . . a 6819 (of and in hisdisi.14 pocio. n NO -have a Waive liked Nase, te;ested.,unco, know h Ai ow mubb.1 If. Ila possibililt�.'�f 1F.Welli I'll-lo6k up-- a m' n and ing, i i4lthat -the trae4 Chorus—th6n, hurrah t Tohnny Vr-66t ia 96 were only in love, selfyou'd t and I am- i6 grieved to: have. t6 tell. you— d Oge �eigns, e tb ou6ff-sS-so..;nas! caij deistmad. ature, 4newared tOlu hi" rey Mr.N4a:vaS- had how' a; girl goald be awfull I Qje a to. d tell"You. op 'I . . y Jov�! h .0 0readytakned td his de&,.:bllt lie-ito, ad 1 F.'eked and b�*good all �',the- nd beaides b Ot- wanoThe weaTef's hwa wha; leads -weel in: a raql�),. t, hinas - 91f. rheart ot;-- 103 Wish.- somebody. would rpentaude-, and Ore with the,fear -.of 1 *V409 might w�nt' use -addres a to tell -MO, �he' laird ah' 'the raiv6 ow6r bacit to r 'bried Wv- the.'idason, wha, drives a. hard gh Le young man In the doorway. ay I Wh -at is'ther' lad ve.'- It he?' -t her lover past -recovery. So,� with much Uza g6d vdioe.-- cha;n her 42d make her bahs d LOS -bluah�ng and -1 or- heady -the th Mis�i, Ingrj�ih, i�Ll �Of h etvvers _y ke6t the� ring in his liand,'6xie instant iad.have Chad it a' ad -girl fatheri out softl An' zueir r6iatq an'their wkauglis forg-pt, once." - . ., ­ I ] ` J Leh Y -knitting. op-ger. o n'mt ad kissed. pro Th host. ol the,Sta& dfoot, wi' the reso, thot one of his lie.' at glwice.a with Luli:6 Feabherfew laid dbwn.4r -he had only. "'Bat he woaldWt n read b2y lett r I 0imple q'u' estion. He has pl�asnre 'Lil business in han',; o pray speak it] artington", a is' SYPR am e or iwa'(A� h ef, �a befor h &ad iti eve alio ld Hfo aye t&k% azs is Des It U ave- 'got -that letter; No a] Y aUnt'S'a"M0jQth1a9o;, SteadyL t have -In &L Sof 6, -1 v�ited a.. w6weno Oh, tit le. 4n'aLr gam d hye keepit We oilldL' eVei know.' dver my v�ibked pride -and. thr4Wn plesvea. He sih n anyti6ing of Will's d Oh�orus�Thm, hurrahl Johnuy Frmt in [go ouf usid that he Id _g.'.L tho 1112m. oingS 'not ive. ny ar,WW ound him, but, oh.1 R4t eame -the letter' -out W1 'look 4t -her' �d bet pooket, ar �.his - e ifyou didn't tell us 8 g&Ve one, . gr y auld age,r0gar '�e id request. per..; an was cl.Mr. Neavesi, who lot at all U a c.)Id as if it hdd know it wquld strange whit de,hame -wil your oor�aL orthe !b�ilier?-s w el's re occus: 6 Wh hei did ndt ast-. ove-awk Now don't youl f ad,. igno d the --obaission' and. 6e afaid, M dear'- I'm v out of. the- d L in; tj�e le s6conds -in Viit- re) if 1 1 it.* An lag. a Ally InG we -reac ou 0 NOVI, t rn'ishe inkW`.to daLe - �i6dlt'he next sixty -in Y� an - truA 0 r6 thedirt a &rhis�', not,, coqntry.,'-' exchd ad il�rtiQ oigg to t YOU hote, *hich *as. dieiivered.*by. the postiman a heie% ice on the I ch, an"as auga it hasy. las ttb a �t, ad he was gone then. 1, we—Ull her'thst 6tty. I'll 6 011 h 'a Wri 11 _6 ­ .. . 1 110 PQ T Yes,' a about Mat," od, thelmilie a t. Me hiaun balth play ioao hat became� of Ine. It got tQ al3salE Y -JnaU 413 16 Q -night at Qtg k4yl6bOrl Halt Care -w I'Lbiaf6re an A jus glance ':d Orwh,%t bilngs you e wl'4our 1mse- si 4 Miss 1bgrim,' With. .:a..'rotorting, ;6i�L iece. prae An 4ld not- hi've Nth of, Vleaf�e, t�ll-,y6n he.6k from t6 get Nause 400ke, Very. tirad as he ii do d 1� 0 A -%orke, *aj4d wo shoa 7 once more td'his deski an ill turn igtbat he'A* y nei� 9tiesi liow:,Oreiched 1 wap, and � the me.,, J - , a*ay OU L have d They. win,sae one m ilie going u'1 61, Lu . F��theifew` b-`-114rtingto� 's k6d' ne *I-Wn augt, he biettv I t, 11 �ou'll better jug,onwi! yagr loz d, - a -be back.,- Y .1,Tesveii off or of or there's; nae sayin' when tney'll Pautteted, under. his brest I hoLp* a* -wif and -has ie ed d4tio' ,aithe doe'r % Vag - not made the'offert" 1 half promised I,would.11*, Lul -!s damfog-ad juo hiuriahl Johnny Frbst,- -ol.tis:fted,.,ivith�yOur.work.!" -Then Miss I Wrechtd -wretolied. -closed op 2dr.' Neveg. - -business, I" Ifis gi;6y 6,uld'age reigns; anterrupted dow. ­'gota,& I timos fau-4 It An bld lia,bit be Jbgervi.� he UO*te Which Ha;rtington.-had i4hed Miss Ing,: Ahl�hurrsh I for'tAis lqiik IkigrAm. 0 a th* 01 intend to'. it till 'the g.we k aii,� n -J - said Kil$$ Ing! Aftel tO uiekl 'I for. the brui3des n desk, he:opeiiied'fi, -read -it twice u cfersta,.yo Aurrah w- e Ydarlff." ny, -.bits, and drawing tow aid him. N in -tfth�e, ot tore- jL*.'in t � : I have -i-1-012 Yes -'he'has -tho, I )q.@L proui I been-. other at chool -Lbapperi to Wil the -,Play �au tho' ro 1k.sheet-of plain butdoe" of tho plac4 J would, 'at least when I. '1 41 WhatLca� he b do with my - as note, wrote W,! , now that' the-;'Maifter 0 :going Ines, inp oi -address -:and Sta I PID I ied, id attnershi have -written -to, letter.2 mu . ..... mpe it, .04 come to�my senses, imur6d Lulie, io-absorbod in Was- propose se this veiy day, ave t ew -it 'WrO i - , is It urnh ette a ne ipaii I bad - nged and acknow. -her own feelings, 'aud-ia 9t and 7,L =., nd -afterward Me. Ne ami hdr soil, at he mul -PM )us -going myself." WhAti- note an Aidlwith it. Oa t Nevves*.. T'll and d'to Nan' coil Lulie, t.herf At Ae office tb�e foue T SOMethigg very wrong;, thses h8 revAbMill'gWhifl QMdo he tenz z Iq ?ad droopi k -the,: or &uRe. man Very -AU4 h so delivered Aed al' otter Uno this. ve perid vd-theiolAce." 'Penea ry ni&ht Ohl.oht young -loo 'A Sto Y- We'.. -ea g4t. ost 99., Mai leb r f.0 Roid 'and the' le will neve :6&re hearted. St Y .If Whitt a as. for Mcalled every wor 30 fii.-th� Morning of ihe,30 h rdpped a .0ourtesyt. 'and, kno. w. d �m purged her lips sad looked - I for ouill as Mr.Xioavef3, ouse-maid, took iheni up to -the draw ng. I�gra�a., 41 1 want "to - Mslain Ill .9 whispered?" dimanded �VOOM-, oor� :th rtington -1. wault to. now. at is your haudwriting 'anded them to Miss B 1881 young William' N 'about it, Mr. '.Us h 'a it iWjnto the' re. -ask yo, etsy After- a. hie. ask inthe 01jiLiating:i0olla bill a long, pause' he plumped into a ex'actli What if, said the yoling6f 'In 0 li�,U4 slightl pearl vf maiden -I with' Well t 8 Lulie, Said I sent is note -t thi letter he b Ne good o.W ub1iiNhinglrmotNeavis,,i4Cville'& ill ulie d here' been -.-deal of talk o L -br6 -blue o�es-and slicate' for: r. Hartington, - And his reply came to-fFestb4rfew. Ivered Wn hair, a n -gray, silk. gh C N si the p @ s - - back.% Nin6,: hafk, b No &N eni 16yee horb d weeks'. aet off I 'by,& dreas Of silvei are I inded, affil now. they gloomy and absent -in an iind ta;nd still' better "tyea"Sirt thatt"S. iny'kaud e hot 13 o th 111 t looa a w -ow. a hi left lookodrou eyoug a ear er OM I rh Ifid is I ' kdy a'a�ted n h at -the -'.`You- InO4 �ad' All at.You have tdId Me. am quite flw intois fac - e� -wag$' sto, t'on,qb� a ink,that-he" ivh f ameL tablboL are he f6v,,eg- you, C xing, at blip sbarlet �i6ofjij tftd things in his own hands 'iu th4 -�o 0 ons.of 0 eat It r unting-, in, ice 'ease maid --gsve a third let .,ter. Artington did fri,,hien �o6ent, 141 But, Bir this wat§ -pos of -.t4e bits �.sect ford 'S tr hild,o' atid though Mr. postmark, a a b; -out r me at them. Would ha�6 looked out bdt -that a OOM. I r -beilibve. that 'Will'.hus "donean this �61IDj I�dy W hing.- save �ok -u - : - - :-. 11 A gasped Wei Ingram -i, ky ce J have,no� as elebedind kall '' -- elzaryt C to; I do hot see here, ;De' mber �0 f6g--hid oa mean Y� by. -reason -T -6f of -- Witchery n going .;an I t at hey -dare. insinuate MY kni hatl d that 0 1dregs for,weeks.11, -'the sbunds of Cof asio it. 'h wrong., -o feel is less write hibhpO49 eith,6t..of ey -hiri'conspleii6n. -boy'. would UU n to—t 'that- 6pe or an a what ib 9 life. It is oontaifta." Mr.. Neaves- ifpoki WO B. And, you­�You; Mt Harti g. lraAely. - .'ealled -to &h a Nzaase 166ked - f r " - th heap"of pi -a ape. ja�e 41agli� 4 1 The is� broke �be om. WAS psi stealwn�that's-'inb plan Iiis troubl ade ii an a ban' be M ou'llis' aesk - blot what you �ht betwe �e.-Tbeo ieliiag out it*illh spoiledhis in Movements of - he. mouth' L indicated ton t WS, is, throwi mallt pride.' And: 'wilfulness softness -iaolosure t WIfleiAl--you b%vd-thro, back to, : his lain'to me th a drow olithe gain IeV aIiUQ,w*,. the m6" ng every hing Wani eat &Vag .001ft their base lies in their teqth 1 for yi6ur so, a; And you eg -tamly short or ity, 'sir,, it 8 , I --Ne., ifi.. y too� tr y W tq Int d leiiarosi 0 play I PP Yeasir 9-comin n wi air -h- been' a tad g rl.11, —Miss Ingram's lettetg.wet46 a,.csitdown, is T short. -LUIi'6­44stled 'closer 'and, So4b6d:L -M INnse iO4� r6und in his chaitand �ro� a -or. as, and remained pensively- silent.. Hugh I said. -the �older mai�t tilh at 0 W uickly. A: mid4le-aged 6nt eman pittly, las. d e"comforted; And o Th4 briefest one rii' thus : 'I ou'aftQr n N6tnin'g' Could b excited asIthe youdge As�ma uouesi ary firmues, -iAn Miss, IxGRAX�—Te -Affected- Miss Ingram ebc p ted forthe night 'if YOU mor6.1han this'idr. of disiintereg�,6d regret tions, 'Oef away'somewh I'D ave bb Lunt ancini -g W -- oh The: Jast. morn n# of the year open.eia, ;Wait OUjb.L Y -O t as s� Inithe a 11�,tWg-rooiu, aIn at `11VOlock: to-iborko*, the She re? -your ad efide not seb ye d called the. notalrom Mi.:� N lWer. tb- atte as he move u -rarely: llp-ghlaove;oo t Adant urs r ly Jth that wintekb �ihtaess -which-so any 4 its In Co promise—thst y�alll not AuSwe-k it, *h f prod iles.on'Lon'a -ATE a have -this isely Xr N Nan,36-Met t. 00 on -and -at.. JJ o'clock pie ever it is asors - bat -could it, pqrW;p' Nit Zeev, me to-nig.lit -8 1 h ih' Ne -ots AVL-r�- Nisv6s'. ca n y0a -give nia- a qw M t� Th r.uot avep W a a. own I Miss 811UP t. 'Me$ Zagiim'Bt and Polo e oAhe a -read: eavy meanin n .-*o:rd -meats, Sir V hea'st d.' asdr�wiug�rocm,, suic her Y6ur-lv�6rd AR U mean m Di Aurtt, ing tp -anybody. 0 fe S 1098 - d' a rustle b d Eillvef-giay silk. V1 �ost'kindly wile, and a ide� n This -morningA dr -SOMe �Mlte- 'this 11grain a a t6 get Wove d ult k' :h --left. her Chair,, &M sank. ant. 7 sit d li 'you now 'Miss*: W a N .,v . be- die conl ind. D on bne'knee:at Hatin an4 ther� gt6jN-­sidb; � ,Tes, 31 "Neave do i. - ­ . S.. iso lat us �� leave - it. Ai soon' Ob-, Nathaniel Vag Can, �, n vo ur ded oat hi9L 81.0 ex6laimed, --taking- as watch a. I yo wran '' hands and sa§e litir 9 -Mr. Neg, My she'spoke, low. biolia." ift`� �is ha�'� qui Ave 1minu as te.-oagerly�betwien her lad to b2e at 11 #o., He Met on'thaat]e�ati �Ing &WE t r - n 'I" bib am ? rrible.. 41 do- ot Care for WhAt i4.e paimi, 31 6Y��to -A silence is te . n� out W, Mr t he thisab 0ifiely and p ou "to his pri p aged rry you mus a­/vexed- b� t b tufZ b�t it -people- MAY .-say -who do -n6t, anartingtofi reilly frightened, use' But. Ing on., My ej 4 ave you t b ,-know It w - - --but his,- old up H N a avoide& ir�ou`ll 'be -thiak-�4to -' I'm su h "has di _riepd, w lifthloommor6batins f not a - loo, Anse ot�ra' d, t hi's desk -tOf course, 4"t a d a . lino, e: seen an ad love, a' no- Ill.: come: and. gee - 016 Old Yekr out ;a �thing wronj �Q#ed. &ad sira-'�i�je thtr6;. Th a wra to': do bve�r SP1 -8 and wiyW,�rd; b6irirua as A ne Yesi-the`ghoa�b a �Wthydu, 4 rit midates dragged,.th6 miauteqJ1 , Y a. w0re beit""' -fleiv, an used: audeigtand,11'sai aa &a-- d aQL rQ I can iememba' Ddiit� think th�t I. ant 'Out. was old. alid-he U r d� 9 a turd gold; andAf h' h' i 1n haim gonxe acci tun %1'eve -fbrget*how-.g6od-Jyo a as 4g yery i these ordw at 11ardilg-ton. mach surprieed �­why Hart flie F wkich perhaps pal d i him 1 With L Un- t liduld'. come in 4ht all. -'you eap -to the-sua Ite'sh Lt on snalne. eithe o'Me' U-ve &'Ways foreseen co-nsequdaces,. ddud ad i6kl�ss resol of '29 Ma4lebone -Ift -b ori) - th, 6nYthing—if, deu j Wit t an� alfiecond mother' td ? no any 'ible fesr n a G,'pd knows. reason or the, hoir p ew. J,. Fes h" W4 must.noit let:him throw icip 13 when1 ome do Wt 11 us obgider6 it. _YOUsva I've Come" About Your. row. iVy-f6D for amornonti -togas sok�j ak Oh 'come, NaliSe, a to.. th out vou-giveme xipleai Ing; a girl, sfiould-, be a aep, imp& Way,' you ka ul.ha& won; IF41 13 -a th II ova don 'hit- w& :tbe matter all Alm* h wi 'balk6t, with- d th Oevi, pleasei '�k t6 her chikir, oose -and it o a^. wdite- Sobssio�'�016 gei Owi . Of Course allol mUttareaL -Y habreptb� a do' red,hqr wWto -6h *qt sigh., 'I -he face 'with heir. hskgd seen w eve shk yo4 -b -7 At.- that. instant 19-11 looked -up tlif&baa -nothing i#ou rtington Id heP S 'I hopetr­(Lulie carefull�,gerstdhed. beenji and.zh*nks oyt, old hoy,7� and k1l -few moihisuts I -shall 4te -I -, I bridge ehind* In [04 miss erfew is a it for him any more. I kelt that What YOU... Mean ?31 aa� with ar:-guailein st 47 myself, Betty`L-�Yoii [10 ew ad X, wauted-" ut, thirty s6donds-of.the I o come around from when'l, g roind. his -old friena. -V 1-.. -Wiss 16gram. slipped the letter'o- -her ad -.,the table and takau on hL t 'I - -1 L . - g- o- w ip M( kaotly'keep "the 6 -k'-t ini -creptinto hi hi d eate!--a woziderfailly sweet smile breakinq. Th p.e a the &at ;18 . J%n In almo at Luli'e Nat a n ght g. ve q powerfully ner*ous herfew 1 * " 4 a er his 1 - * 0 but I pulled through i'Zto nXious, expr Of`h i fice Taking Sh viag.quite Dal' but' so 2: N. never i assion-, a grip. a hervoice was 0. ber.liptomise too. ba-M.1a n. Mt Me V, Well If t&t is true;" OU 0 g al tio e,, she, stad r any con a"d Xanse walts. or keeps.'Wafthig.,11 . a' atsiad in u 110ed -W :dair6nt 4 copy of, the. Gentlentan's mint Of and, like ray I -ng lookbig- &'little 1gl d y sad soft. My rat a �s a, and aspri U the too of at beiSvo ,1 " h e over ome, Xr4 11irtington, %nothbr. of _O uremai ae many (A n 6 ore r. Neaves. 'so qm�itly hAt he taa -go -in 'Ag -she' silah'7 �p p%le,* sa. at6di head wis a littl nod. a bent, but G draw is hot lingers, closing passion.. u _jEn Sallow Young, ma tood..nioinin' it a te -A was ba ur6l king- gut GLUDgle- 'it6ly '!around her old' Aild�.'Int r 6, short Sigh, -went on �jn his usual -.04 'J�iia w boforp Hkirtington, i recovered .99 t in pie AY Harthrgton,".cror*,,,,- 'er appe I- n. ne: d -,rt -Mr. ti Pkel' -I cartadped recast;,,- �suppoia Miss.. L0 bas froMpIlis s�r -prise. 'Neave's pr" -,to. its nstai�l Wilful p, The Wo look- PioBt bro r vate . d &a omptly, -rose again Oleo Now,". said Liu ie4.. in. -a voice that ught-X n p u .w fraotibus� and yousndI,,as thi*tvio nd bg t a-foillow'ed-th' ii t areat friends these" foojiSil 'the JOL a. OWiLn the' -fingers a billes lightly. Shook& little for the fts 4im that even. b A' and -no g ppiatfe d eredl-ta -y ung piac I'I)Eai�BFTT —Nsnso�iud: I- will ..be' -a iple have, . he mail ent h meshes. A 'vivid color. ino, 41� h ought Ur bq ab a to w athasWill done:andho- 'With YOU VOOM. L t th.4; young: cheeks with U the help win' -out of it 21 t !.-them. t6 ki ad inake u ad, ring J-nl to -u . %ht sad laid a' letter o�V) come in o 115S a L ajtin 9 1 elk" h gW . I , . . . I . - . 11 , Y. t whose I -few' niornelits, and the fine whAe- I' t mew e&r merril de Nansela-, desk. ntoil, Ine Festberfe Aoi keep him, and �a§k Miss LulLie imson. muet le, Vr' or' W.the lips- -se d. im- SLY be 14t&Y.- I her room till I sea was ne:jLt beyond that: Of ..Waiset bibseriVi'ad" t Iost,' if 'You'll "just in ki he. outot mesay som lease a d�. for her. ethl Oise lifit. 6 and -f N 9 this ana are:w'indoIentIYL)aa&rG'... tb ad that some fui, lag Lulle -we'll'talk ova 131a a Y.o ower axe ur W r t com 4.8 'have bben Wan& -b t H Aqod-perhaps- aIdIt.min te amalellani- e -,ad. U we -are r On a U resolutely repres fo tably." a I we agree I 'I) , what does he Say 2", said L H hat A to givi-.eabh I'iwistina-�hisloagdEtrk',va.ougtacheind- i: . 0 V -had b6e#, - §hq- li.� cally a or hi)r letter h, I nPi quite.think'th'at would. Fdath6rfew,. in a gr6at Oh - X oni is, this giWug- him -4 isaid­ Klee i Ingar Jett Ten' 'fir 0 it quickly hrtingt lo*ing at'-tha- or, into hei'pocket. -9 r. a, hastilY puttin g out� see it?" as_%aCe sroisnftritdl��ge Litle minx -1 "Imarmured Miss Ingra &.1sir field rUJ3g . she, in ar-jinfred, - put -6r Id lise 1ell -13U Iss.1,64ram thought slAe u tiu' h g-, h hand. he wou, j glow, caT6ful, keen , g the Int Ow M -Y pick6 disoa 4d.to her eyes., can t611 you how matter-ir would not allw th' 'no a-.' d from the wstsW.basket the rded n ar g Msn breath�d fast.- 'and' stand. It's i -dot a loers, qu and at MT. Neav envelope, Nanse hi -Q'd re's' -to M ai;letter wa The .':YOU13 is' sad Ise I and She away as it She hadn't- ar Ilyi i * S.�m! at f but it dear., -And h .7 my niece a as will'be here t9-itight, &Y -into i� the.. letter 4k' heart an sad if I liadn't Any either." Feather andalipping ault oat W Ve f6blgh bring a f riend vAth hipf'o i�fidp, -des a �&116d A41: put- it in his ant. id takd" head- Lulie�-I derilt thipk you need bain he from Le hext insk t emifd announced awdne-�J'zu, *W' of Will Nwiie's' k- a 4- h' W. aitr—hear mi out; �­H.e h H- bromt po&eb.�. He t en'laid wnsuother --artitigt6fi, malam i and'ofix -uft her 'word.. Neaves xljr h -do boutidby-solemn ostli-.no't;"totelf,��h�;rihe.,at Ong ases w1g. .-tbat'yo# should keep but-4ut if -10ter in -place. of the 'ohi§ he ­.had ju , andsome iallow young -m as done -tu: -.4ad abrupt �iii­-*Ith -the ppomise. me wward her, but sheliurri Yog room till: he -ad . sendelLfor re ved, snd',w�nt i6 hii 466L Vhtre- he 2110 that- you 11 be my, Wifqi- 1 ban and on -she.repented and wrote aow very. odill, M as dark, Mu w o'. had taken will n, When 02, it 0 4414 Y very unMud ' to 'it was -i �e se . me 0 CO dig ejy 4to' th- cn' f. *1 , - IM.L. - .1 1... . d t -bb me.� sIniost fintde . At:. a4 a '0 the * : �i � 17, .. - �. i . . - Nathaniel n re ing back her letter dub, Of e .., InAn -Y one rs hat gee 'd it W -me - on I arligs, but a rpe YOU gi a orb d w0k; -ht delivered -:i*' M IA -1 B iver ran through het,.,- an outburst V Nathaniel a ad Lulie., -nd i yet aiiig hi M I Qh Cc e4 the Ilext 0 t an hipiJj� th& h4 t: wouK have Ve. Ali chooked vbrture Must thsVs hi�. a -name, child ',and L.,, a. to-morroW 'ho!B ypu, We, .'�We school -togeth* edhW7agitat1ion. Hartington Was oreceived'thi" filly said-, Come --night 00 from him, Can't baveLalie, w J I his U6 wi ore j" but' pjbasq leay. au vei% si Ing "Ifita th--14iot Courtesy.' swer -19 te office ..Xel slightly a Me too Much R prilva Mi: I I -, -, , ear goo girl wit, 141 �r f tashaded and I wii n thing in th&'tI zhould h r Wy-'­&A no He drew he olo 'Whois Lulle, was h�hl :off hi . a shoilders squared by the, - young lady' witb�in- t ope w iiok 1ron-gi hair pushed baba fro hil d.c 9fte MisgIngrkm are SY In 11, of coidia itly. an overed her -hands wit kisabs. Go- At zont'bs4k bar letter, unopened I outher letter gild looked #t 1 h ti h anee -W Man- We III, foreheid; was 11 worth'lo6k­�J th�ught!- !�ight.. meet X -aid Dneel" she'- ad, widely axerting, her I S12 Uld n t pgaini, with se here,.- s�,e �xpedted- that of him.. blq6as And. Iluiterin.gs een going hilad L, . . , ­- & ­ � like 911Y.7611hg girl. -had b asdribo,, ai replying. Ot'h ose I*rough Mr. Dear Betty it, -01i yes in At. If. you a Ingtaras vague Then. m& a oorhsi bead ldpon:hiM -she H it you- give tters go -w a- three words, y4 .46ulc* 1 ?#iry'if all were --th &rdAgtoa-1s'-tiyi1Jg to at Linto WXlIi$ �.0 -goin whbu! 61 "6 g well 'at the.offic .. YVAY ep ia th6 least,theyWill- ha*e -All Ur Kan'scross-Jile. bomf -him hey Nath e'V Well' -ever ly, aI an YO a ii - was about- - T nd ave ihass, experience -i i dear no,17 exclaimed. His' ei�th. ie ,, i - Said'. t s t,4- ind 'looVid th silo P1 0 an dwreal the usual"Ordef of th' MY. -. 16 -Mr. Nabse- seld' tuthed. and flung.her f At: Miss,Ingramls Si: kht he'-Wa * I I ingS.'i J )a ni a here, And -when at eight�*!,oloclx om comes. qu rkelled", .1 *dl; thi`. head 16 is'166bu .of 0 h&r arms around i grief lea Id �ana 'tv�t it h d I a ad in wh- Q2er he �obsarye -a 0i Y ung ilr wh' k*'-' r, ning to. a 4(#elli Mi bqy*�'sa e nolff, had got into Bomei of the be 6%. straftlin iY9 Andbe told iia.Vill ourse,%aad 40, . Weaves was announcad,: tA m'l� MQtiO. hei likely, we*ar,:to. Ma 6 d. broke out n go *i drd!adful - a isa qesti -quite --4 an out a Your-loks its -trouble, go. let Us. go "in life kte,ihat Jhe woman .,wasfright' Qffico an 0 soon. oned, the minutes', ad -wiss ipgrsni.�- it.:. -I. o as v02d then witlidtawn. the: partner. a that YOU, had -09.,ered Napae oji' is -sodn so May a. tbetind, us as b Qrj 12 Albin SC ng Ou 'oh f do. snythin.gi.. everyt I shi); An he19 co e't 'd13 w d Y uwent up nd aby ned wh Y a y bl th like.to X - is all MY sult aborMely, - -the girl Oh wint' Ow ney-wilful Wn looka 6.61 I'm 90iiig away, sit- ilaiinid Nan dorful �-.h 91 I "" hi d' 'diffi. Than, -afi d1ook. wlrile..' so qui etl�, sli pig along in the ani 1pr wickedest that' a throw up�, big sad. in, work;,.dud n okat, it either W 81 c%D_ and. a idly "I-dititimpl 96ud. we t ain; .-obsirvia -the.�' Ali I of relief -which Oh h t e0e, sad- �to -e Ntl6khsral��:6f m Mr - Hm-iii) awo Y. - if Udl 0 ;:AhdJ y6u-, a d hat-Iff list