HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-12, Page 46 • .1 e 'faxi.re Marl T() OTTER. D *piiU .+' oit•)izio ro THm41 iniz ei " ,4 E FIYLPEL! • rural, astrvs NE crertel; wr �11.L(iTREli 4 BEKTIER oltuo D',.. tTat.: i1 180k, • THE A944 _.t1V 2 E EAST,: • : In nearly 841 parts of the question of -establishing;„ � depeiide'at° of the 4.4 rin " the f � h - mindsof farmers:, x 0yince the t wells in I a itatin __ er the o .. al society iH the Temperance Hall h ° re f n Thutribs: day afternoon a meetin will--. be held. �, for they purpose of •:task"na b into consideration the advisab,lit . "of sink- .sag . :. a well in this village. an ;E e trust tij he : inners ' and `others: erest,ed . . salt was imported free 1 `e' venient bcie Galladin _.prodtucers of... 1t were --felled 'to sell.;the prociuo of the calf • w.. - . rate. Farnirlluron .count �' a -fair ' a,s manure, and. ire salt s Useful- ._ buy it by` the carload to'' m Used to their land. 'Theprotectionvay, spin acro5`s the -country, and salt 1, tatkets -from, the free.list -and. prot'ot to thy'- extent of 12 • cents a -barrel.. - , en the producers formed ,s- ring , isit the hs} ; . °" The as,It manufacturers of Onta id hiving price. They advertised for ed• -an_ ori tie,n and- s a central. o ae froiri which a.1 s6l m 'de except_ table an dad • .Z evr`11e. find. this `out ah •. • had got hold of. the wrong .. did You bear ?„ ong party r titdyt l • Why, you see, tlie.` • ` -' � i . terday,.and thou-they-were Y -were nmarrjedf,.e$a h the - thought the- . w Continent';. when o,. �' ere ng" r to hotej after. Lad'"< returning" to_' he. Y e NevitleptC1n u redith s ball,•� #o;IId lie had' diet a ede011.-e"4 I lid e a m ' , , , s �d n.. ,.-.44v......." Ta• �'iustle i ,- aoid by proprietors,',,,'A' 1 �. �;!Inoujice - to the,- =trace' +,Ratti • much a .-' as the f , yaa.sl tradtlgrta O c�'coaL - � + pall g =co _ _.gas, 'thecorer of the -alr+eservojrhavingbeen left_o den.- PLEMI •...•. : 7 . ng n Luck, s on Tuesda •January. 2nd the Wife'of.: y�; iemina . blr:.Albe b, of a. ion.:. -. - , .': AI* cI UED )SHIT$ l oa.ca.--By the`R,evl :well, _ of .Dnga oP . , ,- 3rd - 1883,. at the . - on�• Jan, 3rd, residence: of -the br father, - M -r, Wrii, cie's father, , Smith to-1,1is;R n cca Rom, alll of =W West Wawa. ineelino' of the -AND 1n stock and nioxe arriv g daii- r ITS Oysters by the Pint, Quart, � �$n an Iotjk.eals=at all hours: everything kept' in a lira -cam it Store. Give::ixie a cull: ; 1883• $ 1Qth MLA Wished les will a I41vA DA'S r ov sal G't�S a �, .. _ ; ar. e, girls ru bin . . t he auYwhere, from the Sense of g away to. the man who being a-b'clen u— take. But had. married her by na let us ' tr to y think h n !i bc es t al tom 1. be w do Y. h done.' t It ' the. o r • • is a-frightful.idea—� p q girl wandering about, with - bly little 0:r.na csash,'and -.-=-s, Probe: ._Good God l" innterr . . his hand t•pori` . the r.4: uteri Neville, dpi i...;:: We!" ,..- --- sate fi7'es l sg,�' �9 11. enquir ( �; C�now, ies as:to prices and. _Order j :-ddressed.. :t') the . Secretary will recei prompt tixattention." The price `wen 1' up from gents a: barrel to .$1.2k at the latter fikikt the fanciers hive t • of found 'tie use of salty for manure roi table ' 2: he farmers may learn from "iris illust ration hotiv protection cat° es them, a:id: the cannot' be decec; G :by the: ort -repeated fallacy -that the1': . ositiou q Alt a duty .,causes no -additio , to price (;1.e11:tlie . coluniodity . is :pro. :iced. at home.. 1 • R .. i1 • 11 ul Al'i.: `u: gL , n;= this we . Earwnex- . p)ry:r • ot- live stock, writes to ie Globe • a: letter,. WiIi n-is'perhaps*, i's"tre yl Py that- has been aveii to th -' slaiidrE1.i. e e.�sattack-u�ontlie Ne�.,.;�. Upon. .egates to the. ; form• tt ,form Convention. , e sa s: - •.with theSia. -I db `::not :know . - . . p sonally . ar Xi.. Blake -or Mr.. -Mo‘ F 11 t tQuaaudS of rate 1 � li n e r . .mer: g � E s ch u1ica:that have passed hrbu-h re ee.. market Yester s - 4-4,. sometning abou' a d .A.nd ,. hat s to o.g as -- Mr. bfowe,t carries On his . Jav nuient. ,-with -the sax,: a intelli cuee . ads die • has dude hitherto - there will -be O.). lanae..'. A d 1 trust,.. that - Sir John v -1- have sense to ••see �that.:Ontario will s F . nd no - _ n )nseu•3e, abut have' her3j use Illi+ iiclaiy. rights : You: can , have no idea ; ; .. the sinipi ession the thousands of ':d legates iiit f-iipro every part of Qntari • ! ad on. 'Noir. citizens E ; Theycandle wit i their loins Iirded1prepared: told() Vs, le fore nes •41 .ei " sir, , t _ and. fit;- Le; ..• . • • res.4i`aro04s - . in Water. Silks,::Br. Fresh: supply- of :T S ejli n . (Alp 3 I. .• Dr.OR ooT,� d LATAN Root&f. Ei1T$ *,U,BBERS. , general appearance," ACP40.1114 some professional o n a ' 1 0 r m ,H T d The scene;was the oft mere: Morley's. Neville and- Prede mentioned ton were sitting sir ;Frederic C strewn g at. a table; on which an.. writing-matergh; a .a. •:�esget' az . ens, ems, ,.A e intainir g in each, woe the crei nti'of cur- rent -urI ivalehurirzn • by peels au l: pencil WO is. , as rvt-li: known f),crtn .encs to end rff 'the Dontir+iein,as the..Webs Or :w .kjs,- au-infliience) secrlIILi to neither.:,. `-• Gx is t,artoons are .farne,1 'got ' ons 1; tht{►nghuutlint ili_.Au.eIl:.a: 1.1141, aa,cls in the: opinion of•g,od:j,idtee, they are u3,if,,rn,1}- equal i,, point, (if sa'itaiiei'i,t-we:r to th1,14 of airy comic imps+r;i1i the weiriti I.rircl Du f - in (Who is still a regu lar reader•. ) fT tl P - " -Vlti•hd1jsCIl)�itn lald up in -ail Vaduz tettliies Ili- wag i rr, .a ppre�iiit vii cif the ability diau,lfiyed.; iitzt the:paper from week'; avo s: it a ivatter of astonts1):- inettt. t,). ,•1 31. ':Phis -opinion -of En =lours'. leading dips_ oruat ts.eildorsed by Sir _John A; M edonal-4 h;dwa,r.'d•_r;lake, and other representative i>`deii. of Canada.•_ �p�,� A p� • ("Rip has ' no'3 politics .b-' o t• B N iii' - .6r�7 i r�rI.1 �1t beyond the nuullr - Q. fairly aid fz2 •uF►11 .. . 6 - -1 = ' • M. • 1. :... and Qualities. : Tfhn:mfrtgs of 1 amis. I1C `tfit(I. , and Oru er es ..suit:able f'o h0. Ji' l _ L. OOS:and lles �'I' - t .Cost.:: ', Call -• 4 ,o . e�r,�cl• �e�. for �PE�s��. e:� yr • y1{r lit Iroairearrirglil" .` Ouse in at' mn andl AOL __._:a...� _ ii�iiiii . Lattr7 11. T�"sq ' GOAT • ) - LADIES 1{IP;' O4Li4;':J3 p • Y RUB /014W 0 'iy'< Chil 1 ' ,, vq. •�-- ..� F._... _: � : �_ ,;, _ . ,` c J. '8 shy ` ;� (T174 •: .. - • liertpER G9ir'i '�i5. Il.tll` sevt!em 311 gre t ''�'ari try41 again 9". g 1 n • i3 r ' "• be ";Then advertise - � i _ 3r+ra - i, , r: pim noddota o 4' 'or fias-now-.in st,-cc. the rge nd b s 1is,,lay_? .t LICDT AND:• -ever shown : iu °Ilticknoii• €oia1 indt(ee. ©rs3131 •My tstiick 't of:Trunks, 'Bunks, Va1is net. s - new• v.,ui ;epee- = to bels, i' and in luda's' 11t1te l:�test ±styles atld IT1 -i As all the above nrfieleg �vereg;irchas .a frorii the best.ii akera a,Itd at. the lowest •cash. • rye, 'I ani prepared to i 7 as any other sal _zs'oli .tLp. Y :' � In the tr�:•le� . :1 good ' -ft seelog'to .'.deal fair _!" _ y > with bnth:parties, and is-hever afraid toput the plain truth Jig. black -and white, We' are { to 'all times happy tr1•l eopiv'e.- sug; estit,ns for • a.rtc uns 011 all •political,, ubjects ; and pruvid- ell ;high sltg' "e 1 1 �>, .t c 11s are :�oundecl.'oia .TerCt Alia :►f u, suitable n:itu a we -shall ute themregrrd ,ess_o which party th•e _affect. •Gi_ P is pnre.in tone and . se- ntliripnt and is in ev yrespect, .►f:tinilyjournal. tfuiuireds; of Barents through -tint the • Duuuiiio a - cedar , d that the weekly•Visit of• GRIP is' 1 ketd-'f,ir w .'d to: by their children.. iuos,t. j' yfuf ;:. .d' its power as• an edli1„ itdr is ---heartily acsk on v •ledged..• - (-it1P is` now: in its tenti1ear ' andIts Y is cin-_ ctila.uti, is large thou-434ot s' great: As:- it - should enjoy as..recognized National Institu-' tion.: This grand -young-_Dounininn • should earnestly surpnrt its only': illustrated C 11-10 :Journal;:etipeeially-as : that .journal is in' ail, r.-spectaaciedit to Canada.a idits •2 i.bscri ti_OI 'Pric9 . o '$2 .1f`you are n t already a."subscribt r semi in you name and _aubricriptioii at •nce to -;the' ?ubli•sher&, . . . - - .. - GRIP PRINT•IRG tL PI'iBLISHiNG, 33 3 o TORowTO. the N 10., ..An • d, -sir, the next section : `4'4 a have a s t edi a11;d Pe y tlrRitives 1,Cni•A i�nr:_ w111' be der ,Mowat and his trio o: ; min:.' Cat.irrh, . Dipt eria, (' u ken ti, crnth :.a1d . .lia ch -e in ` Silil OH'S TAR#I Fi 1sters I felt To da`y;that it wo -have R. WAtEDY.; 4A_naslil, injector free with .each. been a graind•-sight. if my frim, ; the 'trlatlte...l se itif y, desire -heal'th aud- -sweei- t !IPrice o ' �euts. Sold '.b C. A.. Hoii. George .B o3yn, could ha, seen ryy SiIEY'aRD, .i 'no . A ':• the crowds thatnhe was. the ine ins: of banding together=cletermiiied t carry out .tht, principles he labored �a� -Bard .. Iieaj.th I to inc:ulcate.:houali dei , his, emory;still_ speaks,_ Yours sincerely . G 1RAiz Toronto, Jana • as base burner stove;-witliee E feed- -`ins: attach'nent,. has been. 40 - orally :adopted a, th_; coal stove ofthise i-uitry, It is• certe:i v p-) e- 1 f• . , O lnarriy &acid qualities; being, �f not `e�trelnel-ilea,u SIAN: Isa! 8AAur: won't fail.tucall;ard'see 'iuy stook 1, fore per ba -sing: es ewlle�e:. pee1tt ;ntion.to o - Ali •work , ��d #rretclastii.. • do u'-► , do e� voles and 1Vlil Atr• - n . e baJa E mother fQo -_, ♦ -y• 47 a' f.... .477 Silk .....4. ..,--.-:' ..".......'"'-, ?y av illi, rece-1Yec • cc_ -.fete eta . . _1►!•NTLBS, BQ .: NBTS . a TIATS, FTS; i�E3• ?at1sS. - VINTER jILU • , • • {f - •PvIBBO?� S - ES .w004% h N iIIFDL ' ass Ya�t$IT Sp = '`�>i$l'iTI.. � t ►..z . invite thge jpspectioli of nrro :. - _ es o Ll��ea T. PROCTOR Pearl- &Corrigan will tn In exchange . for lloO,ts and. L3okno-iki next.to'.the. Post -Office,- GS 4 Partieft wishing elope -ideals will o• rEthliT Coltlivid . bit. ' i. v; ry 101.1:-.S• �v'l.r. ; :AN • Trea,triment,a. guaranteed specific far Hysteria, DIzYii,ess; .C6,ur rliaion s, Fit4, .1 t•; vi)+era i, 1alria, ifea:1401 e,Ntervuu4 Pr•,atrat�i=gin (AU it h�'- the lice of. alcitbnli,r.'tob cco, W i e;fuinNess' A'leiit�cl.D press,nn, S �ftet, n T,�r the •1iraiir re;,niting, in.ins anity- end Ieading to rni•grry •dewy •.a:Irddeath I'rertlzt,rre c+id Hgdi-11 iron of ul;, far more cheerful the, p any' ►`' i - � 1. Bess X:oss .of�Pr1 Misrsn,'irher wee nvol • nine; v `.other ,pixel of: stove, and rel icing -La_ n,ii 1 T rmntnrrhtee , cauRed•gbv over-: • . exrtti�in rf tiles h . (it ealti ;,12 r'r-ov.-r i•neiui- enty :la .be attended • -to once ver y rnc� Uu�::b,r� will cute recrilLcaseA 'F;tich Fore him wheirtlir �•m :$Q . looped •r •riY4¢c�px be con- J • `� the b�•z e•Arrtat•n, oils, iu'�nth'. treatment... One Ir Tile time `i 13 �ox .of six lro:tea • for rtv:e dollaht ; ten!, *nitur- ; � slimed y :t, , o:►rin }v admission eeu�me?t __ �.:. - -- -,, fad°Tengib e; ` length the' a tasted ` e t a _ settee of l ere uitrodncsed into they` , edotibt, awful } and ' bre o 11 Porte ra .0000 itt WAND Pills. when the directiond'ari..etrieily compil- le'. hull terfeits egl, with. hey are purely. Vegeta nevgsr fail to give HatisfsctiGn. Sugar Large 1-14-x.11, essnitaini41p, 40 Pills, an:whits., 1344/risre of win - CD, rrQ 441.4, • BITTERS. WILL ':CURE OR MEtTsifE i 7,08/4/0EdpU8,5748:4 . • -0Deizozpify?" , • 4,.1, iiiiiDUR. it & 0; ProPrie . Ang9E ARf .T:RP eHE E: spedesifis ' .." or' ti4f. .1:-. . a ‘1.` DA:Ea I.Y. .„ 784°11P:0g:if' , rA77: j 1 i.:.411;'llie- .1.74;:aittl;rptintio•Reteliet/11Agi 'fel rb:011 fIrririgOrInt '. $:11;:::::::::::::2::::::::::: i\F"Ylleiet01211.2”14%Peri't47. Yo Oleo rthitilea NI -Nigger. stiallsoteak,".* .. • 04